Alex and Zach

By ten.etg@nsrednag

Published on Nov 18, 2005



The usual disclaimers apply -- ie. The story describes sexual relationships, sometimes explicit, between two consenting male adults. If this offends you, you are not interested in such material, or if you are not of legal age to access such material you are advised to direct your web browser to another page. Although the situations described are based upon my own experiences, the story is a work of fiction. Blah, Blah, Blah! You've all heard this stuff before!

This is the fifth of several planned installments. I hope/plan to add more installments as time permits. I welcome (read that as love, crave, need!!!) feedback, both positive or negative as long as constructive, and comments or suggestions can be directed to me at Now, onto the story...

It was late evening by the time Zach woke back up. He was a little surprised to feel Alex's arms still holding him, he had figured Alex would have eventually gotten bored watching him sleep and gotten up. He looked over only to see Alex had fallen asleep himself. Even in his sleep, Alex was continuing to hold him close and snuggle with him.

Zach was struck once again by just how beautiful Alex was. His blond hair, cut short on top but long in back, neatly framed his handsome face. His eyes were closed now, but Zach could easily picture those sparkling blue eyes that revealed every emotion Alex was feeling. Zach's eyes ran across his smooth, clean cut cheeks and down his strong jaw. It had been a couple of days since he had last shaved, but still his face was fairly stubble free as Alex had little facial hair to speak of. Zach snuggled even closer to Alex's smooth, muscular chest, smiling a little remembering how Alex had always wished he had chest hair. Zach thought he was perfect the way he was and relished the touch of that sleek muscular chest. He ran his hand across Alex's chest, over his shoulder and down his arm, marveling in the feel of Alex's body. His exploring hands continued to Alex's tight belly, pausing slightly as he lightly ran his fingers around his belly button, before continuing on to Alex's waist. Zach's fingers lightly ran around the waistband of Alex's boxers, just barely touching skin and fabric together.

Zach's light touch was beginning to have an effect on Alex's still slumbering body and even in his sleep he reached to pull Zach even closer to him. Zach could feel Alex begin to harden under the boxers and couldn't help grinning a little. He continued running his fingers around Alex's waist and stomach even as Alex developed a very noticeable tent in his boxers announcing louder than words he was enjoying the feeling of Zach's touch.

Alex groaned a little even as he started to waken. Zach kissed him tenderly on the lips and then nibbled across his cheeks, his jaw and then down his neck, his fingers still lightly caressing Alex's skin. Alex groaned a little louder and opened his eyes with a big dreamy smile spreading across his face. Then he realized exactly what was going on and he pulled back a little from Zach laughing.

"Hey you perv!" Alex laughed "No fair feeling me up when I'm sleeping! Now you've gone and got me all hot and horny!"

Zach grinned mischievously even as he reached down and grabbed Alex's dick through his boxers. "You know, I noticed that right off!" Still grinning dangerously, Zach started to slowly jack Alex right through his boxers.

Alex was a little shocked that Zach was being so bold and his body was definitely responding to the very intimate touch. Another little involuntary groan escaped him even as the beginnings of a wet spot started to appear on the front of his boxers. "Uhh, Zach! You better stop! I'm not going to be able to hold on much longer if you don't! Oh God that feels so good! Ohhhhh..."

Zach didn't reply. Instead he leaned over and covered Alex's groaning lips with his own, kissing him deeply and passionately even as he continued stroking Alex through his boxers with a little more speed and urgency. He gently probed at Alex's mouth with his tongue, exploring and tasting at each and every place he could reach even as Alex continued to lightly moan.

Zach could feel Alex's chest heaving and his breath was coming in sharp gasps as he continued to struggle to hold back. Finally, unable to stop the rising pressure and intense pleasure, with a deep groan Alex thrust his hips forward sharply and started shooting, drenching the front of his boxers. Zach continued to lightly stroke and squeeze Alex's throbbing dick, coaxing and milking every last drop out of him. Finally, unable to stand the almost painful pleasure of having his super sensitive dick touched, Alex reluctantly grabbed Zach's hands to stop him from delivering any more sweet torture.

Zach continued lightly kissing and nibbling him as he slowly regained a little composure and got his tortured breathing slightly back under control. Alex opened his eyes and looked right into Zach's grinning eyes. Shuddering a little, he grinned back.

"I could stand to wake up that way all the time! Better than any freaking alarm clock!" Alex's grin became even bigger. "That was intense. Man these boxers are pretty much trashed now." Alex started to pull them off, cringing a little when he grabbed them where they were wet.

Zach couldn't help laughing at him. "Hey Alex. You know what? Now I get to see YOU naked! I get to see you n..a..k..e..d!" Zach was laughing even as he threw Alex's earlier words back at him. Just to make it even better, he was exaggerating ogling at him.

Alex was shaking his head in mock disgust even as he continued laughing. "You are such a perv!" Alex finished stripping off his boxers, wadded them up and threw them into the corner of his room, which already held a pile of his clothes. He settled back into bed and pulled the covers back up around his chest. Turning slightly to face him, he pulled Zach closer to him, kissing him lightly, tenderly.

"I thought we were going to wait for awhile," Alex said softly, nuzzling Zach's cheek. "You know I can't return the favor, even as much as I want to - God knows I want to! -- but there's no way I'm gonna risk hurting you."

"I know," Zach replied just as softly. "I just wanted to do that. I've wanted to do something like that since I first met you." Zach blushed a little at his own admission. "I wanted to make you feel as good as you make me feel. It doesn't matter that I have to wait. I just wanted to make you feel good."

Alex had continued nuzzling and kissing Zach the entire time. "Well, you certainly accomplished that! But I already feel good just being around you. If you have to wait, I should wait too."

Zach looked straight into Alex's eyes, a look of the most profound love on his eyes as he replied, "But I don't want you to have to wait. I want to make you feel as wonderful as I possibly can. I want to give this to you."

Alex could only stare back into those deep blue eyes, speechless at the love he saw there. Wordlessly he simply rested his forehead against Zach's, holding him close, pressing his entire body against him and wanting to be even closer.

A few minutes later, Jason came bouncing into the room. "Hey! You guys are finally awake. I thought you were gonna sleep till New Years." Jason was grinning as he taunted them. Still grinning, he jumped onto the bed right into the middle of them. "I'm not interrupting am I?"

Zach and Alex busted out laughing at Jason's antics. All three were still laughing when a few moments later Dr. Edwards poked his head around the corner. "Oh I thought I heard you all in here. I was thinking of ordering Luigi's for supper. Zach, I'm assuming you like pizza -- I've never met a college guy yet that hasn't. What do you like on yours?"

Alex exchanged a hungry look with Jason. "Ooohhh! I haven't had Luigi's forever!" He turned to Zach, "You're gonna love their pizza Zach! Man, now I'm starving!"

Jason, laughing, gave Alex a little shove. "What's new with that? You're always hungry!" The two of them quickly engaged in a laughing, shoving match.

Zach was busy trying to dodge the two wrestling brothers, even as he grinned at them. "Oh, I'll pretty much eat anything on pizza Dr. Edwards. Except anchovies."

Dr. Edwards just shook his head at his two sons. "All right. I'll go place the order. Alex. Jason. Try not to kill Zach." Chuckling, Dr. Edwards left the room.

Alex and Jason continued to wrestle, getting a little rougher in the process. Eventually, inevitably, the two of them fell off the bed, rolling on the floor a little. "Hey! You're naked!" Jason laughed at his brother.

Zach started laughing even harder as Alex turned bright red and started stammering. "Uh...yeah, well, you know...uh..." Alex quickly went to his dresser, grabbed a pair of boxers and practically jumped into them. Jason was laughing even harder at his brother. "Oh shut up Jason!" Alex said, his face flaming.

Zach and Jason were practically crying they were laughing so hard. At first Alex started to get a little pissed, then gradually he too started laughing. Jason and Alex climbed back into the bed, still laughing as the three of them settled down for a night of pizza, movies and lots of laughing and joking.

Zach groaned a little, tossing his head and stretching as he slowly tried to wake up. Sleep was very sweet right then and his body protested vigorously as his mind began the slow ascent to consciousness. Finally, yawning and his eyes fluttering a little he came fully awake to find Alex watching him, smiling at him.

"Hey, Good morning sleepy!" Alex leaned down and kissed Zach's lips, nibbling a little at his chin before pulling away. "You're getting pretty shaggy."

Zach turned a little pink at that, still not use to having someone kiss him, especially so intimately. He reached up and scratched at his cheek briefly, "Yeah I know. It's getting pretty itchy too."

Alex ran a finger across Zach's chin. "Not to mention scratchy! I'm gonna get razor burn kissing you!" Alex grinned at him. "You look pretty sexy with stubble, but I think I like you better clean shaven."

Zach turned a little deeper red at the compliment. "Yeah, well I'm feeling a little grimy and gross right now. I'd kill for a shower and a shave."

Alex's expression became a little serious although he was still smiling. "Hmm. I don't think you could stand long enough to take a shower. You were still pretty wobbly last night just going to the bathroom and that was with me helping to hold you up." Alex frowned a little, thinking.

"I know," Zach said, his expression a little disgusted. "I'm just griping." He started laughing. "You may want to spray me down with Right Guard though!"

Alex laughed along with Zach but his expression was still thoughtful. He hesitated for a few seconds, looking at Zach speculatively. "I think I have a solution, but you're not going to like it much. I could give you a sponge bath."

Zach's face, ears and chest immediately turned crimson with embarrassment. "What! Uhhh...I uh, gee um..., gosh, ahhh..." Zach stammered, his eyes looking a little wild.

Alex busted out laughing at Zach's uncomfortable reaction. "Chill Zach! It's no big deal. I mean, well, I HAVE already seen it you know." Alex reached over automatically to brush the hair out of his eyes and Zach nearly flinched at his touch, blushing even more. Alex laughed even harder. "Oh come on Zach! Let me see you n...a...k...e...d!"

Zach grinned weakly at Alex, still a little wild around the eyes. "I, uh, I know I'm being stupid. I...I'm sorry." Zach was fidgeting a little, squirming even. "I...I'm not use, uh, use to somebody seeing, uh... Oh Hell! I'm just digging myself in deeper!"

"It's ok," Alex said, still smiling and chuckling a little. "I shouldn't tease you. I know it makes you uncomfortable. But you look so cute when you blush! Now do you want that sponge bath or not?"

Zach squirmed a little more, trying to bury himself in the mattress. Eventually, he managed to nod his head yes, blushing even more. "Yeah, I...uh, guess."

Alex, still chuckling, walked into the bathroom. Zach could hear running water and some splashing which only made him that much more nervous. Maybe if he tried real hard, he could just pass out! He knew he was being silly, Alex HAD seen him already. Alex loved him so why should it bother him so much? Why should being naked be this difficult for him? And then Alex came back into the bedroom, carrying a shallow bucket of slightly steaming sudsy water and Zach almost started to tremble.

As Alex walked back into the room, he could see just how nervous Zach was. Inwardly, he couldn't help being amused. Zach's embarrassment and nervousness was just so cute! He tried to keep his expression neutral, he didn't want to make it any worse for Zach. But God! That timid little boy quality was just so damn cute!

Zach tried breathing deeply to calm himself down. Why was he being so stupid? It's just Alex, no big deal. Nothing to be nervous about. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, taking big deep breaths. Then he felt Zach sit down next to him and his breathing became rapid and shallow once again.

Zach kept his eyes closed, almost squeezing them shut in his nervousness. Then he felt Alex gently brush the warm soapy wash cloth across his face. His touch was so soft, so gentle. Slowly as Alex continued to wash his face, neck and chest Zach calmed down, opening his eyes. Alex was staring right into his eyes with a small, tender smile and a look of such love and understanding on his face.

Alex finished washing Zach's chest and stomach, and then he hesitated. He looked more closely at Zach and saw only a calm, accepting smile there. Smiling back, he pulled back the covers completely exposing him and gently started to wash his thighs. Zach's only response was a very slight shiver but he actually seemed to calm even further. Alex finished his thighs and the calve without the cast and again paused. He looked once more into Zach's eyes, making sure he was still calm and ok. Zach simply smiled a little bigger and nodded his head. Reassured, Alex then gently washed Zach's dick and balls, causing Zach's dick to harden at the gentle touch.

Alex continued to smile as he continued washing Zach's genitals. "Well, I guess somebody's decided to wake up," he said playfully as he finished up. Zach ducked his head for a second, but quickly looked back up, grinning back at Alex. Alex finished up and pulled the covers back up to Zach's chest.

Zach assumed Alex was finished so he was a little surprised when Alex started wetting his face again and even more surprised when Alex picked up a can of shaving cream and started shaking it. Alex had not been kidding when he said he preferred Zach clean shaven, and Zach realized he was going to do something about it. Oddly, he didn't resist in the slightest as Alex started spreading the foam across his face and started shaving him. In fact he was grinning pretty broadly by the time Alex finished up.

"There, you look much better now." Alex leaned forward and kissed him for a few seconds before gathering his grooming gear. "That's much better, no more scratching!"

Zach busted out laughing. "Thanks Alex." Zach started blushing again. "We might have to do the whole sponge bath thing again sometime."

Alex grinned back at him, and then arched his eyebrows suggestively. "That could be fun! Let me throw this in the bathroom, then I'll go get us some breakfast."

Zach crinkled his nose a little in disapproval. "Nothing big ok? You know I don't really eat breakfast." Alex just nodded as he headed towards the kitchen.

Zach settled a little more comfortably into the pillows, sighing in contentment. He was still amazed at how much Alex loved him. That he loved Alex was a foregone conclusion. He was honest enough with himself to admit that he had felt an instant attraction to Alex from the very first moment they had met, but that was just a physical attraction. From that initial contact he had felt himself drawn closer and closer to Alex. He had known he was in love with Alex when they had first moved into the apartment with each other. It had been so hard trying to keep that a secret, to keep his desire to have Alex as more than a best friend hidden. And now, finally, he could share those feeling with Alex, let him know just how he felt, tell him just how much he loved him. It was incredible! Frightening, but still incredible!

Alex returned carrying a small plate and a glass of milk, interrupting Zach's inner musings. "Here ya go. Don't worry, I didn't toast it. Dad did! So the house isn't on fire or anything." Alex put the plate on Zach's lap.

Zach's eyes lit up like a little boy's opening presents at Christmas and the smile on his face was absolutely glowing. "Chocolate Pop Tarts! You got me chocolate Pop Tarts!" He eagerly grabbed the pastry from the plate, took a big bite and started chewing happily, truly overjoyed and touched by the little gesture.

Alex laughed at Zach's exuberance. "Do you know how cute you are when you are eating those?" Zach just grinned even bigger, still happily munching on his breakfast. "Man, it don't take much to make you happy!" Alex said. "I guess it was a good idea to have dad get those for you."

Zach's only reply was a vigorous nodding of his head yes as he continued to wolf down his breakfast. He was so happy he didn't even object once to having to take another pain pill when Alex gave it to him.

A little later, the plate empty of all but the tiniest crumbs and the glass of milk mostly empty, Alex pulled the still happily grinning Zach to him as they settled into the pillows. Zach was so happy and content he could nearly have started purring. Alex was holding him close, his head was resting against Alex's chest, and the blankets covering them were warm and comforting. The world was nearly perfect. That though was drifting through Zach's mind as he slowly drifted off into a pleasant, peace filled sleep.

It was a little later in the morning when Jason poked his head into Alex's bedroom. "Hey, you guys awake yet? Want some company?"

Alex looked up, smiling at his brother. "Well, I'm awake," he said. "Zach drifted off again after I fed him his Pop Tart."

"Oh, ok," Jason said quietly. "I'll leave ya alone then. I don't want to wake him."

"Nah, don't worry about that," Alex replied. "He's out for awhile. He didn't even stir when I got up and got dressed. Dad said he would probably sleep quite a bit for the next few days."

Jason walked the rest of the way into the room and sat down at Alex's desk, flipping on the TV as an afterthought. Alex and Jason talked for most of the rest of the morning, catching back up with each other and barely paying attention to the TV. The two had always been very close, even for brothers, and the reminiscing sometimes got very loud with their laughter. But through it all, Zach barely stirred, out to the world.

Noon arrived and Dr. Edwards walked into Alex's room. "How's our patient? Oh! He's sleeping," Dr. Edwards said a little surprised. "You boys were being so loud I figured Zachary would be awake too."

Hearing his name, even in his sleep, Zach shook his a head a little coming awake. "Huh?" he said sleepily. He rubbed his eyes a little, blinking a few times to clear them.

"I didn't mean to wake you Zachary," Dr. Edwards apologized. "I'm sorry. I thought you were awake and thought I would check to see how you were feeling."

Zach yawned a little, still half asleep. "It's ok. I can't seem to stay awake for very long anymore."

Dr. Edwards walked over to the bed. "That's just the pain pills. Nothing to worry about," he reassured. He then turned to Jason. "Jason, why don't you go make some sandwiches for lunch for everybody. There's some ham and cheese in the fridge." Jason just nodded and walked out towards the kitchen to make lunch. He knew his dad was just clearing him out to give Zach some privacy while he examined him.

As soon as Jason was out of the room, Dr. Edwards proceeded to examine Zach, checking his cuts and bruises on his arm and chest, listening with his stethoscope, and looking into his eyes. Zach was still more asleep than awake and so offered little resistance, still yawning and trying to wake the rest of the way up. Dr. Edwards finished the upper body exam and then hesitated for a few seconds before pulling back the covers exposing Zach's groin.

When Zach felt Dr. Edwards touch his balls his eyes instantly got really big as he came fully awake. Before, he had still been too much asleep to really be aware of what was happening, but Dr. Edwards touch in his most sensitive area was like a splash of cold water on his face. Realizing what was happening, he immediately turned bright red with embarrassment. Then, to his horror, he felt his dick begin to stiffen. A look of absolute mortification spread over his face as his dick continued the trip to full erection.

Dr. Edwards looked sympathetically at his wild eyed patient. "It's ok Zachary," he tried to soothe. "That happens to a lot of guys. It's a normal reaction. Don't worry about it." Dr. Edwards finished his examination, and quickly recovered Zach.

Zach still looked like he was about to bolt or maybe crawl under the bed. His eyes were even bigger than before and he had lost his blush, his face having gone almost totally white. Alex, seeing Zach was on the edge of panic, sat down next to him, rubbing his chest and shoulders to help calm him down. At Alex's initial touch, Zach visibly flinched, then slowly started to calm down as Alex continued his light massage.

Dr. Edwards remained quiet for a few moments, allowing Zach to regain a little composure. Finally, when it seemed Zach was almost back to normal, he cleared his throat. "You seem to be healing pretty well Zachary. Everything seems to be fine. You haven't had any pain or discomfort have you?"

Zach looked at Dr. Edwards for a second or two before trusting himself to speak. "No, not really. Uh, nothing major anyway." He ducked his head a little as he said that, blushing a little.

Dr. Edwards' expression became concerned. "Nothing major? What do you mean Zachary? Are you having any pains?"

Zach tried to avoid his eyes but found himself looking straight into Alex's eyes instead. The look on Alex's eyes was even more concerned than his father's, even a little frightened. Zach blushed even more. "No, it's nothing like that. It's just, uh...well, it's...uh..."

"What is it Zachary?" Dr. Edwards asked.

Zach ducked his head, trying to avoid looking at any of them. "It's, uh, it's starting to itch, uh... where the hair is starting to grow back. It's's driving my crazy!" Zach's face was nearly crimson and he wouldn't look up at either of them.

Dr. Edwards and Alex both started chuckling at Zach's shame faced confession, embarrassing him even more. Then, Jason re-entered the room carrying a plate of sandwiches balanced on top of four precariously held glasses of milk. "What's so funny?" he asked as Dr. Edwards jumped up to help before Jason dropped anything.

Alex grinned evilly at Zach. "Nothing much. Zach's just itching to eat is all." Dr. Edwards nearly snorted with laughter. Zach just closed his eyes, shaking his head a little, turning ever brighter red.

Jason looked at the three of them, obviously not getting the joke, frowning a little. "You guys are weird!" he complained, then started eating his sandwich dismissing the whole thing.

The rest of the day and evening were spent quietly with Zach intermittently dozing for a few hours between periods of thirty minutes or so of wakefulness. Jason kept Alex company, just hanging out with his brother catching up and laughing at old times.

It was getting close to ten at night and Zach had been asleep for a couple of hours and showed every intention of sleeping for the rest of the night. Jason and Alex were watching TV, Jason stretched out on the floor and Alex lying next to Zach, absently rubbing his chest when they heard someone clear their throat in the doorway. Alex and Jason both looked up, their eyes lighting up as they saw who was there.

"Mark!" Alex nearly shouted. "When did you get here? We weren't expecting you till late tomorrow!" The grins on Alex and Jason's face were huge with unexpected happiness.

Mark's face remained very serious as he looked at his brothers and the sleeping Zach. He walked into the room, his expression still serious, almost grave and sat down at Alex's desk chair. His eyes went from Jason to Alex then rested on Zach for a few moments. Finally he looked straight into Alex's eyes. "We need to talk little brother."

To Be Continued.

ARRRGGGHHH! A cliff hanger! Sorry guys -- well a little anyway!

I want to thank everyone who has written. The responses I have received have been phenomenal and I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. If I have missed responding to any of you, I truly apologize! Drop me a line if you feel so inclined and let me know what you think or ask me any questions. I'll try to respond to all of you. You can email me at Greg

Next: Chapter 6

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