Alex and Zach

By ten.etg@nsrednag

Published on Nov 8, 2005



The usual disclaimers apply - ie. The story describes sexual relationships, sometimes explicit, between two consenting male adults. If this offends you, you are not interested in such material, or if you are not of legal age to access such material you are advised to direct your web browser to another page. Although the situations described are based upon my own experiences, the story is a work of fiction. Blah, Blah, Blah...

This is the third of several planned installments. I hope/plan to add more installments as time permits. I welcome (read that as love!!!) feedback, both positive or negative as long as constructive, and comments or suggestions can be directed to me at Now, onto the story...

Once the costume contest was over, Alex figured that Zach would be making a beeline for home to get out of the pirate get up. He knew how modest his friend was and how uncomfortable being on display had made him. Privately, he thought Zach had never looked better, not to mention sexy as hell! Alex knew that many shared that opinion, but Zach would never believe it. The fact that Zach didn't know how good looking he was only added to his appeal.

Surprisingly, Zach didn't show any intention of leaving anytime soon. He seemed totally relaxed and was generally having a good time. It seemed that Zach figured since he had already made a fool of himself, he might as well stick around and enjoy himself. That was fine as far as Alex was concerned. It gave him a chance to enjoy watching his friend and appreciate the view.

The party itself was pretty typical for any gathering of college students. Lots of loud music, plenty of alcohol and heaps of junk food. People were mingling, dancing or just standing together having fun and generally celebrating their happiness at being alive.

Alex, Cindy and James had made claim to one of several small tables and chairs that had been scattered about for everyone's use and were talking and joking together. Zach had started over to join them, but was stopped along the way and dragged out onto the dance floor by one of a group of very determined young ladies waiting to catch him alone. Zach didn't really resist too much, and laughing allowed himself to be pulled into the center of the dance floor. Alex was amazed by his friend, and a little amused by Zach's attempt at dancing.

Cindy was grinning as she watched Zach flailing around on the dance floor. "God! He's really bad! He can't dance at all!"

James was also laughing at Zach's antics on the dance floor. "Oh, I don't know. He seems to be having fun and that's all that matters isn't it?"

The trio watched Zach and the steady stream of his many dance partners for several minutes, joking and laughing about Zach's performance. Eventually, James' current girlfriend found them and pulled him out onto the dance floor too. Cindy and Alex continued to watch and make small talk.

"I imagine Zach's going to get a few offers tonight. I've had at least a half dozen girls ask me if I could set them up with him. You might not have to share your apartment tonight Alex. Unless you find somebody to take home yourself that is."

Alex laughed at Cindy's little joke, but was secretly a little annoyed at her suggestion. He knew it was wildly inappropriate but he couldn't help feel a little jealous of all those ladies dancing and throwing themselves at his friend. It was unfair, but he wanted to keep Zach all to himself.

"Knowing Zach, he won't figure out that they are trying to give him signals. He can be impossibly dense sometimes." He continued smiling as he watched his friend for a few seconds. "Did you really get asked to set him up? Which of these ladies were that desperate?"

"Oh yes. That costume has definitely made him a big hit. He's very popular right now. And it's not just the ladies lusting after him right now. James said a couple guys asked him if he knew if Zach was straight or not. I guess they were getting their hopes up."

"Oh God! He's going to shit bricks when you tell him that! Make sure I'm around when you guys let him know he's being lusted after by a bunch of horny guys. I want to see the expression on his face, it will be priceless."

Cindy just laughed as she nodded her agreement. Then the music changed to a slow song. "Oh, they're playing Bryan Adams `Heaven'! That's one of my favorite songs. You have to dance with me Alex!"

Alex hesitated for a second, but Cindy just grabbed his hand a led him out onto the floor, encircling his neck with her arms as she held him close. Alex was a little surprised by Cindy's sudden aggressiveness, but he folded his arms around her waist and started slowly swaying to the music.

"You're really good dancer Alex. I wish I had known sooner. I would have danced with you at other parties we have been at. I love to dance."

"Thanks. I'm a little surprised that you would be willing to dance with me though. I never knew you thought of me that way."

Cindy started to laugh a little. "It's just a dance Alex, not a lifelong commitment. Besides, I guess I never really thought of you as more than Zach's roommate. And of course when I was dating James you really annoyed the hell out of me. I guess it just took some time for you to grow on me."

"Gee, you really know how build up a guy don't you?"

"Oh stop it. We're good friends now." Cindy grinned impishly at Alex. "Who knows? Maybe if we keep hanging out I'll build up enough tolerance for you that I might actually consider dating you."

Alex laughed. "Thanks Cindy. I feel all warm and tingly now."

Cindy laughed too and then pulled Alex's head down to kiss him. Alex was shocked to say the least. He was totally caught off guard by Cindy's sudden move and couldn't help flinching a little and tensing up. It was just so unexpected. After a few awkward seconds, he tried to allow himself to relax into the kiss, hoping Cindy wasn't trying to start something romantic, that she was just kissing him.

Eventually, after what seemed like hours to Alex, Cindy ended the kiss. She stared into Alex's eyes for a few seconds, her expression thoughtful. Alex could almost see the wheels turning behind her eyes as she pondered the situation.

Alex stammered for a few seconds then fell back on jokes to cover his reaction. "Sorry. You totally caught me off guard. You really should warn a guy you know. I mean, first you tell me you can barely tolerate me and then you kiss me. Talk about confusing a guy!"

Cindy smiled, but her look was still thoughtful. "Oh, I don't know. I think I timed that pretty well. You're not suppose to know what a girls going to do next. It's part of our mystery. Once you finally relaxed it wasn't half bad."

Alex just shook his head, more confused than ever. He knew Cindy well enough to know she was thinking something. He just didn't know what. They continued to dance for a few more songs and then headed back towards their table. When they got there, they found James and his girlfriend Susan already there, and surprisingly, so was Zach. Zach, however, seemed practically to be trying to hide in the corner.

"Hey Zach! You finally get tired of dancing? Or at least your version of dancing that is."

Cindy, however, noticed that Zach was trying to keep a very low profile even if Alex didn't. "Who are you trying to hide from?"

Zach was all but trying to hide under the table. "Donna, that's who! She's cornered me out on the dance floor and made me dance with her. She keeps hitting on me and trying to get me to go home with her. She even felt me up out there, right in front of everyone! Oh Shit! Here she comes!"

Alex and James were openly laughing at Zach's predicament and even Susan and Cindy were smiling a little. Then Cindy took pity on her old friend. "Zach, come dance with me. When Donna sees us dancing together she will leave you alone. I can practically guarantee it!" Cindy grabbed Zach's hand and led him out onto the floor.

Alex was still laughing when Donna came up to the table. "I thought I saw Zach over here. Do you know where he went?"

James, trying not to laugh in Donna's face, just pointed to the dance floor where Cindy and Zach were holding each other closely. "He and Cindy have been wanting to dance all night and they finally got a chance."

Donna's face took on a look of annoyance as she saw the two dancing together. Then, even as she watched, Cindy pulled Zach's face down to hers and gave him a long, deep passionate kiss. Cindy held the kiss for quite some time, long enough anyway for a crowd of people to notice and start to whistle and yell. Without another word, Donna turned and stalked away.

After the song ended, Cindy led Zach back to the table by the hand. Cindy's expression was slightly smug; Zach's was pretty foolish and his face and even his ears were flaming with a deep blush. Cindy started laughing. "There, do you think you can keep yourself out of trouble now? By the way, you owe me BIG time for that Zach."

Alex joined the rest of them as they all laughed at Zach. Privately, however, he admitted, at least to himself, that watching Cindy kiss Zach that way had really pissed him off. For one brief moment he really hated Cindy. Alex found himself more mixed up than ever and he spent the rest of the evening trying to sort out his confused emotions.

Alex lay next to Zach, watching his friend sleep. Unconsciously, Alex reached over and stroked his friend's hair, brushing it out of eyes once again. Then he allowed his hand to brush across Zach's face, feeling the couple day's worth of stubble growing there. His hand continued across Zach's chin and neck and came to rest on his chest. Alex's touch, practically a caress, was so gentle that it didn't even disturbed Zach's slumber.

Alex was alone with Zach now, Jason having gone to bed some time ago. Alex had finished telling Jason about the Halloween party and they both shared a good laugh. He had certainly not told his brother everything though. He had kept quiet about his own feelings for Zach, knowing that Jason would infer them anyway. Besides, he wasn't really sure how Jason would react to being told the intimate details of his desires. Jason was being great, and he was certainly going out of his way to be understanding and to support his brother, but still, there were limits. Not that Alex thought his brother would be repulsed or hate him or anything, that fear had finally been laid to rest earlier in the evening. Alex just thought his brother might prefer not to hear exactly what he wanted to do to and with Zach. If the situations were reversed, he knew that he certainly didn't want to hear about what Jason wanted to do with any of his girlfriends!

And that brought his attention back to his own problem. Alex could now admit to himself that he wanted, even needed Zach. He knew he loved his friend with an intensity that was shocking. He longed to tell Zach exactly how he felt, how badly he wanted him, but at the same time the thought of that conversation terrified him. If Zach didn't feel the same way, Alex knew his heart would be crushed. Worse, if Zach reacted badly to his revelation and he lost him as a friend he would be devastated. But how could he not tell Zach how he felt? Would it be right to continue to lie to his friend about his feelings and desires? The conflicting thoughts and his struggle with them made him feel like someone was punching him repeatedly in the stomach. Why did this have to be so hard?

Alex continued debating with himself even as he continued watching his friend sleep, the rise and fall of Zach's chest steady with the deep rhythm of sleep. Slowly, almost unnoticed, the room started to lighten as the sun started to brighten a new day. Zach tossed a little in his sleep and then snuggled right into Alex's chest, a little contented smile crossing his sleeping face. Zach's intimate closeness only served to set off a whole new flood of emotions and desires in Alex's struggling mind as he held his friend close to him, relishing the touch even as he felt guilty about holding Zach without his waking consent. He longed to hold Zach even closer, to feel his body and explore every part of him, but he would never betray his friend in that way. He couldn't.

Alex continued to hold his friend for several minutes, and then Zach started to stir as he began the slow climb to consciousness. He rolled slightly away from Alex, tossing a little as his body and mind tried to awaken. As much as Alex hated giving up the close contact with Zach when he had snuggled into him, he was also a little relieved that Zach wasn't going to awaken in a possibly embarrassing embrace.

Zach continued to toss a little and then his eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly as he slowly regained consciousness. His eyes, although a little sleepy, stared calmly into Alex's. Alex smiled at his sleepy friend, thinking once again how distracting those blues eyes really were. "Hey. You awake yet?"

Zach smiled a little tired smile at his friend. "Sorta. Where are we? What's going on?"

"We're at my home. You spent the night here in my room. We were in an accident. Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

"Not really. I'm not really thinking too clearly. It feels like I'm all in a fog. I sorta remember being out on the road and seeing a deer in front of us. The next thing I remember is being upside down and you asking if I was ok. I remember feeling like someone had kicked me hard and repeatedly in the family jewels and feeling like I was going to throw up. I've got some pictures in my mind, little scenes of people talking to me but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I was really scared `cause no one would tell me where you were. Did you get hurt? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just a few small cuts and bruises. You got banged up pretty bad though. You really had me scared there."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I should be apologizing to you. I was the one driving and you're the one that got hurt. That's pretty messed up!"

"I don't feel banged up. Maybe a little sore and stiff in a few places. How bad am I?"

"You are on enough pain medicine that I doubt if you'd notice someone taking a sledge hammer to you right now."

"That must be why I can't think too clearly right now. So, how banged up am I?"

"Well, you hit your head and cut your forehead, you've got a couple of black eyes by the way. You've got several cuts on your arm and shoulder from where the window broke. You've got a lot of bruises across your chest from the shoulder strap on the seat belt and you might have cracked a few ribs, but dad doesn't think so."

"Your dad?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry, you wouldn't remember that. My dad was one of the doctors who helped treat you when we got to the hospital. Anyway, you also got hit in the groin by the door mirror when it broke off. That's why you felt like someone had kicked you in the nuts. You weren't kicked, but you might as well have been. You've got some cuts from that too. You also managed to break your leg in two places. You've got a cast on your calf so you're not going to be entering in any marathons for awhile."

"I wondered why my leg felt so heavy. I've never had a broken bone before. Are you going to sign my cast? Do I even have the kind of cast people can sign?" Zach lifted the blankets to take a look at the cast and just as quickly dropped them, his face flaming. "Hey! I'm naked! And what happened to my....uh....well.....uh."

Alex busted out laughing at Zach's embarrassment. "I told dad and Jason you'd be more upset over being naked and shaved than about the accident."

Zach turned even more crimson, the blush spreading to his ears and even down across his chest. "Your dad and brother saw me naked? Oh shit! Where are my clothes?"

"Chill out Zach. It's nothing that they haven't seen before. They've got the same equipment as you so you didn't shock anybody."

Zach started to stammer. " know....I mean." Finally, giving up he smiled a little sheepishly. "Ok, I'm being stupid. But it's still pretty embarrassing. So why am I naked?"

Alex was still laughing a little at his friend's reaction. "Well, your clothes were pretty much trashed form the accident. They were kinda bloody from all the cuts and they also had to cut you out of them once you got to the hospital. I'm afraid there wasn't much left of them."

"Well you didn't just bring me home naked did you?"

"No, we put you in some hospital scrubs to get you home. We didn't parade your bare butt in front of anybody or anything."

"So why couldn't I have slept in the scrubs?"

It was now Alex's turn to blush a little. "Uh....Well you had a little accident when we got you home. You needed to go to the bathroom and you kinda wet yourself."

"Oh God! I wet myself? Shit!"

"Well, it wasn't exactly your fault. Oh hell!" Alex was really embarrassed now. "Look, when I took you into the bathroom, you were having a lot of trouble getting your bottoms untied. I had to step in and help you. Well after I got your pants pulled down in front so you could pee, I turned away to give you a little privacy and your pants slipped back up. You didn't know what was happening so it wasn't your fault."

Zach was staring thoughtfully into Alex's eyes as he explained what happened. "I think I sorta remember that. A little anyway. You guys put me to bed after that didn't you."

"Yeah. You were so out of it, you didn't even struggle when we undressed you. I don't think you were really even awake at that point."

Zach was quiet for a couple of moments, with a thoughtful, almost concerned expression across his face. "Did I say anything when you put me to bed? I kinda remember talking a little bit, but not really what I said."

"Oh, you just asked if you could go to sleep. You were so tired it was pretty much all you could think of right then. You also wanted to know if I was going to stay there with you."

Zach expression became almost frightened and he had become very still. "Did I say anything else?" Zach's voice had become very quiet and intense and beads of sweat were beginning to form on his brow.

Alex stared for a few seconds at his friend, frightened by Zach's reactions. Alex was scared himself. He figured Zach was remembering what had been said and what had happened. He knew he had to tell his friend the truth, but he was still terrified of what would happen next.

Alex's voice was barely audible as he finally replied. "Um......Well, you kinda said you loved me."

It almost seemed that those words physically slapped Zach hard across his face. His expression became anguished and he almost seemed to be trembling. He squeezed his eyes closed and his breathing became harsh, ragged and shallow. After a few moments, he finally opened his eyes and his expression was so lost and hopeless it struck Alex to the core. Tears were beginning to run unchecked down from Zach's eyes.

"I'm sorry Alex," Zach nearly wailed. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. I never meant for you to know that. Please, please don't hate me. I couldn't take that. I love you but I would never have done anything about it. I swear I wouldn't have. I wouldn't have even told you if I had known what I was saying. Please don't hate me! We can just be friends. We can still be friends can't we? This doesn't need to change anything. It's my problem and you shouldn't have to deal with it. I promise you won't. Please just don't hate me! Please, please, please! I....I.....I....." Zach's voice finally broke as he started sobbing uncontrollably, his entire body shaking and trembling.

Alex was stunned, not only by Zach's reaction, but also by the intensity of it. To find out that Zach felt the same way he did shook him to his very foundation. The words coming out of his friend's mouth could just as easily have been his own. He felt such a huge weight being lifted from his shoulders he felt he could have flown. All the wrestling with his feeling, all his torn and tattered emotions were shared just as equally by Zach. He wanted to leap with joy, to shout, to cry, to sing, to laugh and he wanted to share it all with Zach.

Alex reached over and gently covered Zach's lips with his own. He couldn't help himself. He had waited so long for this, had wanted it so badly that he nearly ached with his need. And most of all he wanted to comfort his friend, to let him know he wasn't feeling this alone, that he loved him too. Alex continued to softly kiss Zach, moving from his lips, to his cheeks, to his crying eyes, and finally back to his lips again. The entire time he had been stroking Zach's hair with one hand and gently rubbing his chest and shoulders with the other.

Slowly, Zach quieted although the tears continued to roll down from his eyes. Finally, his breathing still ragged from the aftereffects of his sobbing, he looked into Alex's eyes. "You don't have to do that. I love you Alex, but I can deal with it." He smiled a little wistfully and his body still trembling. "I love you and it might drive me nuts not being able to share that with you, but I'll get over it. I just don't want to lose you as a friend. You don't have to kiss me. I understand that you probably would rather not."

Alex smiled tenderly at his friend and just shook his head a little. "You can be incredibly dense sometimes Zach. I didn't kiss you to get you to calm down. I kissed you because I love you too. I think I've been in love with you since we first met. I've wanted to kiss you for the longest time. Sometimes, I've wanted you so bad it hurt. I'd actually ache just being in the same room with you and not able to touch you. I tried to fight it. I tried to deny it. I didn't think you could possibly feel the same way, and that probably hurt more than anything else."

"You love me too?" Zach's voice was incredulous and almost squeaky. He couldn't believe that Alex could feel the same way as he did. His breathing became ragged again as he fought back another wave of sobbing.

"Yes, you great big dolt. I love you too. When you told me you loved me last night, I nearly passed out. I probably would have if dad and Jason hadn't been there. I couldn't believe that you could possibly love me the same as I love you. I wanted it too bad for it to be true."

Zach was sobbing again, but this time in relief and happiness, and he just held onto Alex for a few minutes until he regained a little control. Then, something Alex had just said registered on his brain and he pulled away a little. "Wait a minute! Did you say that your dad and brother were there when I told you I loved you?"

"Yeah. They were standing right there."

"Oh God Alex! I'm sorry! I never meant to cause problems between you and your family. I'm such an idiot!"

"Zach, it's ok. Granted, it wasn't actually the way I had pictured coming out to my family, but it's ok." Alex smiled at Zach, his voice taking on a bantering tone as he tried to ease his friend's distress. "I never thought I would be telling my dad and brother that I was gay while we stripped my boyfriend and put him naked into my bed, but it's all good!"

"Alex! Be serious. I didn't mean to do this, I swear!"

"I know. Really, it's ok. Dad and Jason both told me that they already knew I was gay, that they were just waiting for me to tell them. They were both very supportive." Alex gave Zach a cocky grin. "Dad didn't even object to my sleeping with my naked boyfriend." Alex had to throw that in since he knew it would make Zach squirm a little. "Jason was really cool about it too. He gave me a big bear hug and he hasn't done that since we were kids. He spent most of the night in here talking with me, trying to make sure I was ok. I told him stories about you and he didn't roll his eyes at my mushiness even once!"

Zach laughed a little at his friend's attempt to humor him and relaxed back into Alex's embrace. He continued to tremble a little from the after shock of so much pent up emotion finally breaking free. He closed his eyes, sighed and snuggled into Alex trying to press his entire body him. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked full into Alex's. When he finally broke the silence he spoke very quietly, almost timidly and in a very little boy voice. "Alex, would you...uh....would you kiss me again?"

Alex didn't speak. He didn't have too. Gently, and ever so slowly he pressed his lips against Zach's, his touch almost feather soft. Gently and with infinite patience he explored Zach's mouth with his tongue even as his hands once again began to stroke his friend's hair and chest with a touch as light as a snowflake. Alex began to lightly kiss, nip and nibble his way across Zach's face and neck, tasting every inch his lips could reach even as his hand continued to explore the muscles in Zach's chest, arms and stomach, his touch gentle, caressing and inflaming Zach to even greater levels of desire.

Zach's breathing was becoming ragged as Alex continued his loving exploration of his body. Every touch was sending electric like currents tingling through his body. Alex's mouth, lips and tongue were working some kind of sweet magic on him and seemed to be everywhere at once. He couldn't believe how intensely pleasurable just a simple touch could be. The feather like touches of Alex's hands roaming across his chest and stomach were having an incredibly erotic effect on his already overloaded senses and he felt his body begin to respond to the intense waves of pleasure Alex was sending through him. Involuntarily, Zach began to moan very lightly as he felt the beginnings of what had to be the makings of a monumental orgasm. Zach's mind was reeling at the intensity of the feelings washing over him, and he was simply amazed that Alex had been able to get him this close to coming without even touching his dick.

And then, without warning, there was a knock on the bedroom door followed immediately by Dr. Edwards walking into the room. "Good morning guys. I thought I'd check to see....oh my! I'm sorry guys! Oh my! I'll come back in....uh... a little....Oh, I'll just be back later!" Dr. Edwards beat a hasty retreat towards the door, exiting and closing the door very quickly.

Zach was mortified. "Oh Shit!"

Alex looked at Zach for a couple of seconds, and then collapsed laughing helplessly. Alex continued laughing for several moments and then looked back up at Zach. "Well, I guess there's no use trying to hide what we were doing." Still laughing Alex shouted, " Dad! Come on back in!"

After a couple of seconds, the door re-opened and Dr. Edwards stuck his head back in. "Sorry guys. I didn't think I guess. I guess it's pretty obvious you've had a chance to talk a bit this morning. I thought I heard you stirring and thought I'd check my patient." Dr. Edwards walked the rest of the way in, smiling and his eyes twinkling. "I'm guessing you feel pretty good."

Alex smirked at his dad. "He feels pretty good to me dad!"

Zach had never been so embarrassed in his life. He could feel the blush flaming across his face and even his ears felt hot. He wished fervently that he could sink right through the mattress and maybe right on into the ground for a couple thousand feet. Then to make matters even worse, Jason came stumbling into the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning.

"Hey. You guys up yet?"

Alex was starting to laugh pretty hard again as he watched Zach trying to cringe into and through the bed. "Well, Zach is!" Alex was laughing so hard now tears were beginning to roll down his cheeks.

"Huh? What's so funny?" Jason was still more asleep than awake and the pun went right over his head. "Why are you so red Zach?"

Dr. Edwards was trying to suppress his own laughter without much success. "Oh it's nothing Jason. Zachary is just a little....uh.....excited about being here right now. Why don't you go eat some breakfast?"

"Yeah, ok." Jason still yawning, turned and started to walk out the door, and then stopped as he finally realized what was going on. He half turned and smiled back at them. "OH! Guess you must be feeling better Zach. Hope Alex didn't get you UP too early! You might want to think about getting a lock for your door little brother." Laughing, he continued on to the kitchen.

Zach was now practically squirming he was so embarrassed. He wanted desperately to just pull the covers over his head and hide for a couple of centuries or so. He wasn't sure if you could actually die from blushing, but everybody sure seemed determined to see if they could make him.

Dr. Edwards, saw the wild look in Zach's eyes. "I'm sorry Zachary. We shouldn't tease you like that. I know you must be feeling more than a little awkward right now, but it's ok. As a parent, I can't say that I'm thrilled to have walked in on you two, but I'd feel the same if I walked in on Jason and his girlfriend. I'm enough of realist to know that my boys are going to have sex. I know it's probably useless to say this, but you don't have to be embarrassed."

"Um....thanks Dr. Edwards. I still feel pretty stupid though."

"Well, that's to be expected I guess. No one wants to have their partner's parents walk in on them. Anyway, I did want to see how you were doing this morning and maybe check your injuries. Do you mind if I take a look?"

"Uh, I guess not. I generally feel ok, maybe a little tender in a few places, but nothing real bad." Zach was still feeling a little awkward, but decided he would get over it. The situation was embarrassing, but he'd live.

Dr. Edwards proceeded to take out his doctor's bag and to check Zach's heart rate and pulse. "Hmm...heart seems to be beating a little fast, but that's probably to be expected, all things considered. It looks like your going to keep those shiners for a week or so. These cuts seem to be doing pretty good. Hmm.....bruises are already fading a little. That's good.."

Alex looked at Zach, smiling and shaking his head. "You gotta forgive him. He can't think unless he talks to himself. He does it all the time."

Dr. Edwards frowned a little at his son. "Oh hush Alex. I'm trying to work here. Your lungs sound good, no trouble breathing? No pain in your chest when you take a deep breath?"

"No sir."

Alex snorted. "Sir! Who are you trying to impress? That's just dad!"

"I told you to hush son. You could learn something from Zachary's good manners. Everything looks pretty good so far. Do you mind if I pull back the covers? I should really check to see how those cuts in your groin are doing and see if there's still swelling."

Zach started getting red again and he started stammering. "Uh....could we uh.....maybe uh....wait on that. I feel fine, really."

Alex looked quickly at his friend and started laughing again as he realized why Zach wanted to wait. "Dad, I think Zach might have a different swelling in that general area right now." Zach shot a quick glare at Alex and blushed even more.

Dr. Edward's eyes were really twinkling now. "It's ok Zachary. I've seen that particular reaction before. Actually, it's kind of advantageous, I'll be able to check to make sure everything is working ok. That was a pretty nasty trauma you had. I really should examine you, is that ok?

Zach was more than a little reluctant, but nodded his head yes anyway. He knew he was being silly, even a little juvenile, still there was something about being out on display like that. He didn't care that Dr. Edwards had seen it all before, he hadn't seen his! Ok, well maybe he had, but he didn't have a boner the last time Dr. Edwards looked at him. It was more than a little humiliating.

As his dad pulled back the covers, Alex couldn't help but steal a little peak. He tried to make it casual, but he wasn't really fooling anyone and he knew it. Zach was still very hard from their earlier playing. The total lack of hair was actually kind of kinky now that he got to take a nice, long, good look but he couldn't help wonder what it would normally look like. Zach looked to be about 6.5 inches long, decent thickness and ramrod straight. His balls seemed pretty decent sized and nearly glistened since they too had been bereft of hair. Zach was still obviously fairly aroused and his dick pulsed in time with his heartbeat. Alex was almost mesmerized and he seriously considered asking his dad to leave.

Dr. Edwards reached out to examine Zach's testicles and at his touch, Zach visibly flinched. "I'm sorry Zachary. Did that hurt?"

Zach grinned a little sheepishly. "No. Your hands are just cold."

Alex couldn't help but laugh again at his friend and even Dr. Edwards chuckled a little. "Well, I'm sorry about that too." He quickly finished his examination and recovered Zach much to Zach's relief.

"Everything looks like it's healing well. It doesn't appear there was any permanent damage done, but I still want to check you periodically just to make sure. I'll try to make sure my hands are warmer next time. I need to talk to you seriously for a minute guys. This is going to sound like a parent talking, but it's not. I'm talking to you as Zachary's doctor. I know you both are probably pretty eager to experiment and explore each other, but you should probably try and wait for a day or so. I wasn't kidding when I said that it was a pretty nasty trauma to your groin. As much as you both may want to, you should give the area time to heal and recover. And even after you start, you should definitely go slow and easy. No acrobatics."


"Alex, I'm serious. You are an adult now. You want to be treated like an adult, so you should be able to handle an adult conversation. Take it nice and easy. Go slow. And at least at the beginning, Zachary should be fairly passive. And if something hurts, stop immediately and get a hold of me and let me know what happened. And Alex, you better damn well stop if Zachary tells you to. You could very easily hurt him until he heals completely. Alright?"

Both Alex and Zach just nodded their heads a little cowed by the conversation. Dr. Edwards looked them both in the eye for a couple of seconds to make sure they understood and then he smiled at them. "Alright. I'm going to go get some breakfast. I'll bring you two some scrambled eggs in a few minutes." He briefly rubbed both Alex and Zach's heads affectionately, deliberately messing up their hair and then went out to the kitchen.

Alex and Zach both looked at each other, smiling wryly. Then Alex sighed. "It's going to be a long couple of days.

To Be Continued.

I want to thank everyone who has written. The responses I have received have been phenomenal and I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. If I have missed responding to any of you, I truly apologize! Drop me a line if you feel so inclined and let me know what you think or ask me any questions. I'll try to respond to all of you. You can email me at Greg

Next: Chapter 4

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