Alex and Zach

By ten.etg@nsrednag

Published on Apr 23, 2006



The usual disclaimers apply -- i.e. The story describes sexual relationships, sometimes explicit, between consenting male adults. If this offends you, you are not interested in such material, or if you are not of legal age to access such material you are advised to direct your web browser to another page. The situations described are based upon my own experiences and the characters are based on people in my life; however the story should be considered a work of fiction since I have changed names, etc. Blah, Blah, Blah! You've all heard this stuff before!

Before I forget, I want to give a great big thanks to Tyler Peel of "The Road Home" and his gentle and humorous reminder to support Nifty. I also want to add my thanks to his for everyone who made a donation to Nifty. I would also like to add my appeal to all of you to keep your donations flowing. I think we all forget that it takes good old fashion money to keep this great site up and running. Your continued support is both needed and appreciated!

Now that I have that out of the way, let me thank all of you for sticking around for this, the twelfth and final planned installment of the saga. The ride to get here has been a roller coaster for me, but I have met a lot of great people along the way. The fact that you have stuck with this story, putting up with my slow posting schedule, patiently waiting for me to get off my lazy ass, the support, the comments, it all means the world to me. I want to thank all of you for your support and kind words. I welcome, actually I love feedback, both positive and negative as long as constructive, and comments, suggestions or questions can be directed to me at the yahoo group at or to my email at You'll note that I have a new email address. I will still be monitoring the old one for the next few weeks, but it will eventually go away. Now, onto the story...

Zach woke with a slight start, shaking himself awake before the nightmare had barely even started. He glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed and noted there were still several hours before he would need to wake up for the day. Then Zach glanced at Alex, smiling slightly as he gazed at the sleeping figure next to him. Zach gently disentangled himself from Alex's sleeping embrace and quietly crawled out of bed, trying not to disturb Alex's sleep.

As he felt Zach rise, Alex woke and sleepily stared at Zach trying to get out of bed without waking him. "Hey," Alex mumbled to Zach, trying to wake himself. "Are you ok? Did you have another bad dream?"

Zach turned with a smile. "I'm sorry Alex," Zach whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep."

"It's ok," Alex replied, a little more alert. "You don't have to leave. We can just talk for a while if you had another bad dream."

Zach grinned slightly and leaned down to kiss Alex. "I woke myself up before it got bad. And you don't have to worry. I wasn't planning on running away to hide in the living room. I'm just getting a drink or water. I'll be right back. I promise."

"Ok," Alex answered smiling back at Zach. "But the offer to talk about your dream is still open." Alex watched as Zach smiled at him again before turning to walk towards the kitchen. He listened as Zach navigated through the dark house and couldn't help smiling as Zach stumbled over some obstacle, cursing quietly.

Alex pushed himself up into a sitting position, determined to stay awake until Zach made his way back. The last several weeks had been very hard for Zach. Alex was a little surprised that Zach hadn't retreated back into his shell after the confrontation with his family, but after a day or two, he appeared to return to normal. Not that he fooled any of his friends. Zach couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes. Alex knew that Zach had been hurt horribly by the reaction of his family even if Zach did try and hide it. And even there Alex was surprised by Zach's reaction. Zach had talked about his feelings a few times since that terrible weekend. Zach had actually shared what he was thinking and feeling without being coaxed.

Alex could only shake his head in wonder at Zach's strength. He couldn't imagine the pain Zach must be feeling. And even more incredibly, Zach was ready to re-establish contact with his family. Alex knew that Zach had tried to call his father and sister a couple of times. And Alex was astonished that Zach had even tried to call Mike. Not that any of them had taken his calls, but Alex just couldn't believe that Zach was even trying.

Alex sat musing over Zach for several minutes and then he began to wonder where Zach had gone. Alex couldn't help but wonder if Zach had decided to retreat again after all. Sure, he had said he was just going for a drink, but how long did it really take to get a drink? It would be totally in character for Zach to begin crawling back into his shell now. Alex had just about decided to get up and find Zach when he heard Zach stumbling back towards the bedroom.

"Hey," Alex said. "I was starting to get a little worried over you Zach. I mean it's pretty hard to get lost between here and the kitchen." Alex's voice was teasing, but he was also a little serious at the same time.

Zach laughed slightly as he finally stumbled through the bedroom door. "Well, I got my drink and then the Oreo's on the table started calling my name. Who was I to ignore an Oreo?"

Alex started laughing. "How many times do I have to tell you not to pay attention when inanimate objects start talking to you?" Alex said in a bantering tone.

Zach started laughing even as he cautiously made his way towards the bed, stubbing his toe on the way. "And here I was gonna be nice and offer to share my Oreo's with you," Zach said. "But now I just might have to rethink that whole thing!"

Alex could barely see in the dark, but he could just make out that Zach was holding a package of cookies in his hands and a glass. "Hey!" Alex protested as he reached out for the cookies. "Gimme!"

"I don't know," Zach laughed, teasing Alex. "You aren't being very nice to me."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Alex pleaded even as he grinned at Zach. "Have I told you that you are the best boyfriend ever? Now Gimme!"

Zach, still laughing, handed over the cookies to Alex. As Alex reached for them, Zach stole a kiss from him before relinquishing his hold on the package and sitting down on the bed. "Cookie breath!" Alex teased even as he greedily grabbed a cookie and started munching happily. "Course now I'm gonna have to get up and get a glass of milk," Alex mused.

"Nope," Zach replied handing over the glass. "You can share mine. Just try not to slobber all over it. I don't want any of your cooties or anything!" Zach was grinning from ear to ear as he said that.

Alex crinkled his nose at Zach in protest. Then grinning mischievously, he leaned over and licked Zach from his chin to his ear. "There," Alex laughed. "Now you have my cooties!" Zach was laughing so hard he was nearly shaking. The two ate a few more cookies and drained the glass to finish them off.

Alex had been staring at Zach while eating his Oreo's and Zach was beginning to get uncomfortable under the continual scrutiny. "What?" Zach finally asked in exasperation.

Alex was quiet for a few more seconds, still staring at Zach. "I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about your dream Zach," Alex finally said quietly. "You have never really told me what they are about. It might help if you talked about it."

Zach grinned a little sheepishly. "Oh," he finally replied. "I guess I never realized I haven't ever told you about them. I never really thought about it before. After I finally wake up, well, they seem a little stupid." Zach ducked his head. After a few seconds he looked back up into Alex's eyes. "They scare me when I'm having them, but they really are pretty stupid." Zach paused for a few moments. "Maybe scare isn't the right word. Upset might be better, although they do scare me a little."

Alex cocked his head slightly smiling gently at Zach. "You don't have to talk about them if you don't want to Zach," Alex said quietly. "I just wanted you to know I'll listen if you do. I'll try to help if I can."

Zach smiled at Alex. "I know Alex," he answered. "And I don't mind telling you about them. I probably wouldn't want to tell anyone else, but I don't mind telling you. I never meant to keep them a secret from you. I just never really thought about it. That I had never told you about them. Once I wake up and realize it was just a dream, well, I try real hard not to think about them again."

Zach paused for a few seconds and his face took on a wry expression. "I have had the nightmares ever since I was in fourth grade," Zach began. "Or I guess I should say nightmare. It's always the same, or nearly so. Just the people change slightly. But it's always the same basic dream."

Zach looked down at his lap and sighed. "It always starts with me in a room full of people I know," Zach continued. "Family, friends, all the people who are important to me. Everyone is talking, but no one will talk to me. They all ignore me. I can't get anyone to even acknowledge that I'm there."

Zach glanced up at Alex briefly before dropping his gaze again to his lap. "Eventually someone will either come into the room, or someone will finally notice me," Zach said quietly. "They basically tell me that no one is paying attention to me because no one ever really loved me anyway. Lately that person has been either Dad or Lisa. Once a few days ago it was Scottie."

Zach paused for several minutes. He looked up into Alex's eyes for the briefest of moments and then turned his head away, unwilling to meet Alex's gaze. "Right after the car accident, that person was you Alex," Zach said so quietly Alex could barely hear him. "I think dreaming that you or Scottie saying those words to me hurt me more than anything else in my life." Zach became very quiet just staring off at the wall after saying that final piece.

Alex hesitated for several seconds, trying to organize what he wanted to say to Zach. He was surprised by what Zach had revealed. But he was even more surprised that Zach admitted it instead of keeping it bottled up. "Zach," Alex began quietly, reaching out to hold his hands. "You know I would never say something like that to you. And neither would Scottie. We love you. Period. It's obvious that you are Scottie's favorite person ever. And I would sooner die than hurt you. I love you Zach. You have to know that."

Zach turned and smiled at Alex. "I know you do Alex," Zach answered. "You would have to love me to put up with me." Zach blushed a little at that. "I really do know you love me. It took me a while to accept it. And I still haven't figured out why. But I know it."

Alex reached over and pulled Zach over to him turning him so that Zach was leaning with his back resting against Alex's chest. Alex then wrapped his arms around Zach holding him closely. "You can't figure out why I love you?" Alex asked. "Then let me tell you. I love the way you smile. I love your sense of humor. I love the way you are always looking out for everyone around you. I love how generous you are. I love how smart you are. And I love the way you never rub that in anyone's face. I love the way your hair falls into your eyes. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you blush, and that you are so self conscious and unsure of yourself. I love the way you try to sing and never quite hit the right notes. I love watching how happy you are just eating your chocolate Pop Tarts. And I love the way you get excited watching that Scooby Doo cartoon."

Zach was laughing even as he started to try and protest. He was blushing bright crimson at all the praise and the bantering teasing. Zach opened his mouth to object but was cut off by Alex. "Hush Zach," Alex said. "I'm not done yet. I love you for all of that and more. But even more, I love you for the way you make me feel. You always treat me like I'm the most special person in the world. I love the way you make me want to make you proud of me. I simply love you Zach. You really are the best boyfriend ever. I love you, so just accept it."

Zach was genuinely touched. Even though Alex had been teasing, he knew that Alex had meant every word. Zach's emotions were a jumbled mess as Alex finished. Happiness, love, embarrassment, contentment, acceptance, they all washed over him leaving him speechless. Zach had never felt so much like crying and laughing at the same time before.

Alex squeezed Zach tightly for several seconds, cuddling him closer. Then grinning his most evil, mischievous grin ever Alex continued. "Of course I left out the reason I love you the most." Alex quickly reached down and cupped Zach's dick and balls, holding them closely. "The real reason I love you so much is cause I want your body! This is the real reason I love you so much!" Alex stroked Zach's dick a few times to emphasize his point.

Zach started laughing really hard. "You are such a perv!" Zach giggled.

Alex started laughing and his grin was positively evil as he leered at Zach. "You are gonna have to pay for that one Zach!" Alex said in his most sadistic voice. "It's tickle torture time for you!" Alex quickly wrapped his legs around Zach's trapping him and started tickling him fiendishly.

"No!" Zach shouted. "No Alex, don't! Please!" Zach was squirming wildly trying to escape from Alex's tickling fingers even as he was laughing uncontrollably. Zach was desperately trying to escape but he couldn't quite manage it. "Alex! No! Please! Shit! No!" Zach was nearly whimpering as he tried to keep Alex's hands away from his ticklish spots. Unfortunately, Zach was ticklish in several places and Alex knew them all. Zach would no sooner push Alex's hands off his stomach than Alex would switch to tickling his ribs or his under arms. And the longer Alex tickled, the more sensitive Zach got till anyplace Alex touched at all sent him into gales of laughter.

"Alex!" Zach pleaded vainly between gasps for air. "Please!... Oh God!... Noooo!... Don't!" Alex fiendishly ignored Zach's pleas and continued his tickling torture. As Zach continued to squirm, the sensations running through his body began to have an effect on him and Zach felt his dick begin to stiffen. Alex noticed too and redoubled his efforts causing Zach to squirm and whimper all the more.

Zach started to get a little frantic as the feelings coursed through his body and he tried pleading one last time. "Alex! Please...please...please stop!" Zach gasped between gales of laughter wiggling even more. "Oh God!... Alex!... Alexxxxxx!... Oh Fuck!... Al... Al... ALEX!" Zach gasped as he was finally pushed over the edge of climax. Zach's dick began shooting long streams of white fluid and because he was still squirming, droplets splattered literally everywhere making a huge mess.

Alex took Zach's throbbing dick firmly in his hand and stroked him slowly causing Zach to gasp loudly once again. Zach's body was covered with sweat and his various muscles were twitching from the aftermath. Zach had clenched his eyes closed tightly and he lay against Alex's chest, gasping for breath, trying to recover. Alex continued to lightly stroke Zach's dick and balls making Zach shudder periodically.

After several minutes, Zach finally got his breathing back under control. His muscles still twitched every so often though. Zach slowly opened his eyes to see Alex grinning at him from the corner of his eye. "You made a mess!" Alex teased as he nuzzled his nose against Zach's cheek.

Zach chuckled softly. "It wasn't exactly my idea," Zach replied. "And I think I had a little help. God! I feel like an over cooked noodle now. A very limp, sticky noodle!"

Alex laughed as Zach turned a little red at his admission. Alex scooted over to the side of the bed, keeping in constant contact with Zach, and reached down and grabbed Zach's boxers off the floor. He then used them to wipe up the droplets off of Zach's chest and stomach. Zach groaned slightly at the contact. After cleaning the more obvious puddles up, Alex dropped the boxer back to the floor and then wrapped his arms back around Zach, rubbing his stomach and chest lightly in lazy circles with his fingers.

Zach lay still for several minutes and then he started to push himself up and turn towards Alex. Alex however simply pulled him back down against his chest. "Hey!" Alex protested. "Where are you going?"

Zach turned his head slightly to look more directly into Alex's eyes. "I thought I would return the favor and make you feel as good as you just did me," Zach replied.

Alex smiled slightly at Zach. "You don't have to do that," Alex said.

Zach cocked his head slightly, a small frown crossing his face. "Don't you want to, uh... well, uh... get off too?" Zach asked, blushing as he asked.

Alex grinned at Zach's embarrassment. "Nahh," Alex replied. "It can be my turn later. Right now you look exhausted. Just lay back against me and rest." Alex pulled Zach in tighter, circling his arms around him lovingly. "Think you might be able to go back to sleep now?" Alex asked after a few seconds. "Your eyes are really drooping."

Zach smiled tiredly at Alex. "Yeah, I think I might be able to," Zach answered softly in a tired little voice. "Especially since you are holding me. I always feel safe when I'm in your arms." Zach had a contented smile on his face and his eyes slid closed involuntarily. With a small sigh, Zach burrowed deeper into Alex's embrace.

Alex continued to nuzzle softly at Zach's cheek while his fingers continued making lazy little circles against Zach's chest and stomach. Alex heard Zach sigh again and his breathing deepened into a steady pattern of sleep. Alex smiled to himself, realizing that it was the first time he had ever seen Zach fall back asleep after having one of his dreams. Alex nuzzled softly one more time at Zach's cheek. "I love you Zach," Alex whispered softly into his ear.

Zach smiled slightly in his sleep. "I love you too Alex," Zach murmured even though he was more asleep than awake. Alex hugged Zach a little tighter for a few seconds in response.

Several hours later Zach began to stir slightly, trying to come awake. Zach's mind began the slow ascent into consciousness and he could still feel Alex holding him in his embrace. Zach smiled sleepily and his eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly for a few seconds trying to clear the sleep from them.

Alex nuzzled softly at Zach's cheek as he realized that Zach was waking up. "Hey sleepy," Alex whispered quietly. "How's my sleeping beauty?"

Zach yawned and stretched as much as possible while in Alex's arms. "Good," Zach answered at last. "I can't believe I fell back asleep last night." Zach turned his head slightly and kissed Alex good morning.

Alex rubbed his nose against Zach's cheek for a few seconds after the kiss and then started laughing. "You need to shave!" Alex exclaimed. "I think I just got stubble burn on my nose!"

Zach grinned at him for a second and then kissed the tip of Alex's nose. "Does that make it feel all better?" Zach teased lightly. Then Zach kissed Alex on the lips again, lingering lovingly. Zach rolled slightly in Alex's arms to face him better as he continued to kiss Alex with growing passion.

Zach had just started to run his hands over Alex's chest and was beginning to kiss his way down his neck when the alarm clock went off. "Damn!" Zach exclaimed. "How late is it? How long did I sleep?"

Alex chuckled softly as he reached over to turn off the alarm. "You're cute when you're pouting, you know that don't you?" Alex teased. "It's 6:45. No time to play now! Cause I definitely think you need a shower! And if you want to get to class on time, you gotta get your ass in gear!"

Zach crinkled his nose in disappointment and stuck his tongue out at Alex. "We have a little bit of time don't we?" Zach pleaded. "We're not that late yet."

Alex kissed Zach's forehead lightly. "Not enough time to really enjoy it you hound dog!" Alex answered grinning. "Think of the fun you'll have anticipating!"

"Dick head!" Zach grinned back. Then his expression became a little serious. "Besides, we're not gonna get a chance to do anything for a couple of days. Not with Jason coming over for the weekend. He is still planning on showing up isn't he? It won't be a proper birthday party for you without him. I just wish Mark could make it too."

"Yeah, Jason is still planning on being here," Alex answered smiling. "I don't think anything could keep him away. He'll probably skip some of his later classes to get here even earlier. I know Mark is about sick he can't make it down." Alex paused and then started leering at Zach. "And why can't we do anything just cause Jason is here? He'll just watch and offer pointers."

Zach's eyes went a little wide and he started blushing. Then he started laughing. "Yeah, I am sure Jason would soooo enjoy that! Probably grab a bowl of popcorn to munch as a snack too."

Alex started laughing pretty hard. "What else is a big brother for if not to give advice?" Alex agreed. "Who knows, he might even decide to join in! You'd enjoy that wouldn't you?"

Zach turned crimson but he was still laughing at being teased. Zach laid his head down against Alex's chest, still chuckling slightly. "What time is Jason gonna get here anyway?" Zach finally asked. "I was planning on meeting up with Cindy after class so if he gets here too early he wont be able to get in. I can always tell Cindy I have to meet her later if we need to."

"No, don't do that," Alex replied. "Go help Cindy with her homework and get it over with. Jason said he wouldn't be here till after my last class so I should be able to meet him. If he gets here a little early, he can always just drive around the campus for a while."

Zach nodded his head, and just lay for a few moments resting against Alex's chest. Then he raised his head and looked at Alex grinning slightly, his eyes sparkling. "Are you absolutely sure we can't play for a while?" Zach asked as he started to run his fingers up and down Alex's sides. Zach leaned over to kiss Alex in the hollow of his throat and started nibbling down his collarbones.

Alex couldn't help groaning lightly as Zach kissed and nibbled along one of his most sensitive spots. "Stop that!" Alex answered. "No time! You need a shower. We didn't get you that cleaned up last night."

Zach laughed as he turned a little red. He reluctantly let Alex push him away and pull him out of the bed. Alex started pushing Zach towards the bathroom and the waiting shower. "You big bully!" Zach teased as Alex gave him a final shove towards the shower.

Alex grinned and lightly slapped Zach's butt causing Zach to yelp a little in mock pain. "Get going slow poke," Alex replied. "I want to take a shower too."

Zach stuck his tongue out at Alex one final time before jumping into the shower. He couldn't help noticing that Alex's dick was definitely growing a little thicker. Zach grinned as he started scrubbing himself, noting that his own dick was more than at half-mast.

Zach had almost finished when Alex pulled back the shower curtain. "Brrr!" Zach yelled as the cold air hit him. "It's cold out there! Close the curtain before I freeze!"

Alex stepped into the shower behind Zach, closing the curtain along the way. "You're such a wimp," Alex teased as he started running his fingers over Zach's freshly scrubbed skin. Zach shivered more from the touch then any lingering chill and noted his dick started to swell once more. Alex also noticed and reached down to tug on it a few times making Zach shiver once again.

Zach turned to face Alex, grinning in anticipation as he leaned in to kiss him. Zach ran his hands over Alex's body as he gently explored Alex's mouth with his tongue. As the kiss became even more passionate, Zach could feel his dick begin to throb against Alex's thigh and he could feel Alex's inching it's way up to point towards the sky.

Alex continued to kiss Zach for a few more seconds and then pushed him away, grinning evilly. "Time for you to get out and go shave," Alex said as he ran his fingers over the stubble on Zach's chin. "You're giving me stubble burn again! And you still need to hurry up or you are gonna be late."

Zach groaned in defeat as Alex pushed him out of the shower. Alex grinned at him again at hearing the groan and Zach crinkled his nose at him. "You are such a tease!" Zach said, laughing but still a little frustrated.

Zach went over to the bathroom sink and started to shave and comb his hair trying to make himself look presentable for the day. His dick stubbornly refused to go back down and he kept bumping it against the counter every time he shifted. "Jesus," Zach muttered in irritation as he glanced down at himself. "Down boy!" Zach said to his dick. "Alex ain't gonna take you for a walk!"

Alex had finished his own shower and was walking up behind Zach as he muttered to himself. Alex busted out laughing as he overheard what Zach said to himself. "You're talking to your dick now?" Alex asked teasing. "You're not right!"

Zach grinned at Alex in the mirror as he ran the comb through his hair a few final times. Alex rested his chin against Zach's shoulder watching as Zach finished grooming himself. Alex grinned as Zach finished and started rubbing his crotch into Zach's butt making Zach groan again. Alex reached down and tugged on Zach's balls and dick again a few more times before shoving him out towards the bedroom. "Time to go get dressed!" Alex teased.

"Shit!" Zach answered. "You are killing me here! And how do you expect me to fit into my boxers after that? There's gonna be a six man tent in them now!"

Alex laughed as he propelled Zach towards the closet and his clothes. "You could always go commando!" Alex taunted laughing as Zach turned bright red. "I think I like the idea of you without your boxers on all day."

Zach turned brighter red as he pulled on his boxers shoving himself into them. He glanced at himself in the mirror and shook his head at the very obvious bulge in the front. "Damn," Zach muttered. "That's not obvious or anything." His dick gave another twitch and he could clearly see the movement even through the boxers. Zach shook his head again and pulled on his jeans and sweatshirt.

Alex had finished his grooming ritual in the bathroom and came walking into the bedroom. He stopped and grinned as he stared right at Zach's crotch. "Happy to see me sailor?" Alex taunted.

"No," Zach teased back. "That's a roll of quarters so I can do laundry later! The sight of you made me shrivel back down to nothing."

Alex laughed as he walked over to the closet to pull on his own clothes. As he passed Zach, he reached over and squeezed Zach's basket a few times in passing. "Seems a bit bigger than a roll of quarters, but I guess I'll take your word for it. You'll let me borrow a few won't you?"

Zach shuddered involuntarily and he felt the front of his pants get even tighter. "God Damn Alex!" Zach groaned. "You trying to drive me crazy or are you just wanting me to cream my jeans?"

"Why does it have to be one or the other?" Alex replied grinning as he pulled a sweatshirt on over his head. "Come on, I got your breakfast ready," Alex said as he pushed Zach towards the kitchen.

"Oh God!" Zach said in mock terror. "Is the house on fire? I've never known anyone who couldn't even warm up a Pop Tart before."

Alex blushed a little as he started laughing. "No," he answered. "I learned my lesson the last time when I set off the smoke detectors. Besides, you like them cold too."

Zach smiled as he remembered how upset Alex had been over that. Not upset at setting off the smoke detectors, but rather at ruining the surprise. Alex had been trying to make Zach breakfast in bed as a surprise and instead had to ask for help clearing out all the smoke from the apartment. Zach had been touched at the thought, but still he couldn't help teasing Alex about it every once in a while.

Alex pushed Zach into his chair at the table and then set a Pop Tart and glass of milk in front of him. Alex then sat down across from Zach and smiled as he watched Zach happily munching on his favorite breakfast. Alex was still amused at how much Zach loved the silly things. He hadn't been kidding at all when he said he loved watching Zach eat them.

Zach looked up as he realized Alex wasn't eating and was instead scrutinizing him. "What?" Zach asked. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Later," Alex answered simply. "I just want to watch you eat. I love watching you eat those Pop Tarts. I love the little smile on your face as you chomp on them. I'll eat after you leave for class."

Zach smiled and blushed a little under the scrutiny. He shoved the last bite of the pastry into his mouth and washed it down with the milk. Zach couldn't help grinning at Alex as he finished his breakfast and Alex grinned right back at him.

"Go brush your teeth and I'll rinse out your glass," Alex ordered as he got up and took Zach's glass to the sink. "You have like two minutes to get out the door before you are gonna be late."

"Yes mom," Zach teased as he kissed Alex before heading towards the bathroom.

"Chocolate Breath!" Alex teased as he kissed Zach back. "I always feel like I've eaten a pound of chocolate after kissing you." Alex nibbled along Zach's chin toward his ear lobe and again rubbed his crotch against Zach's, noting that Zach still hadn't lost his woody. Alex grinned again as he felt Zach's dick throb through the material. Alex broke off the play and pushed lightly against Zach's chest towards the bathroom. "Go brush your teeth!"

Zach groaned again and his eyes were a little anguished as Alex once again stopped the sexual play. "You're simply evil!" Zach said. "You know that don't you?"

"Yep!" Alex replied as he started pushing Zach towards the bathroom. Zach half resisted moving towards the bathroom making Alex push him the entire way. Alex pulled out Zach's toothbrush, put toothpaste on it and brought it up to Zach's mouth to brush his teeth for him. "Open up." Alex said smiling at him. Alex was standing behind him and watched Zach in the mirror as he brushed his teeth for him. The entire time, Alex was rubbing his groin into Zach's butt. Zach pushed his butt back against Alex trying to intensify and prolong the experience, but Alex relentlessly continued to brush his teeth for him. "Spit." Alex ordered finishing up and Zach leaned over slightly to spit into the sink. The movement thrust his butt even more into Alex and Zach groaned again as he felt Alex's hard dick rubbing against him. Alex filled a cup with water and brought it up to Zach's mouth. "Rinse." He commanded. Zach obeyed, leaning over again to spit the water out more for the sake of feeling Alex again then out of a need to get rid of the water.

Alex was grinning as he turned Zach around to kiss him again. "Minty!" Alex teased as he tasted Zach's tongue. Zach started thrusting his groin into Alex's as Alex ran his hands over his chest. Alex once again broke off the contact after only a few minutes and started pushing Zach towards the front door. "You're gonna be late Babe," Alex said, a hint of disappointment finally showing up in his voice around the teasing banter.

Zach groaned again, but smiled at Alex, cocking his head slightly. Zach turned a little red and his eyes were sparkling. "You've never called me that before," Zach said.

"What?" Alex asked as he continued pushing Zach towards the door. "I've never called you what before?" Alex asked a little confused.

"Babe," Zach answered simply.

Alex pulled up short at Zach's reply. "Oh." Alex said, his eyes going a little wide. "It just slipped out. I wasn't even thinking."

Zach smiled from ear to ear. "Don't apologize," Zach answered. "I liked it. I like that you called me Babe. I didn't think I'd ever like those little pet names. They usually make me nauseous when I hear other people call each other by them, but I loved it when you called me that."

Alex smiled and kissed Zach again. "Good!" Alex finally said as he started pushing Zach towards the door again. "Cause I'll probably slip again." Alex paused for a few seconds for effect. "BABE!"

Zach laughed as he finally allowed himself to be pushed to the door. Alex opened the door part way and then leaned in to give Zach a final goodbye kiss. Alex lingered with the kiss, thoroughly exploring Zach's mouth with his tongue and running his hands across his chest lightly. Alex once again ground his groin into Zach's, thrusting slightly for several minutes before pulling away. As Alex drew back, Zach whimpered a little making Alex smile. "Now get going college boy!" Alex said as he pushed lightly against Zach's chest again.

Zach drew in a deep breath, and then slowly let it out shaking his head. "I'm gonna be stiff all day now!" Zach half complained as he grinned at Alex. Zach leaned in one final time and gave Alex a quick light kiss goodbye. Then turning, he started walking towards the campus. Alex smiled as he noticed Zach was walking a little stiff legged and with a tale tell gait.

Zach shook his head at himself as he started towards the campus wondering how he was going to keep from hurting himself in his aroused state. Zach smiled a little as hurried along. Alex was definitely feeling and acting more than a little playful today. If only he had had time to really enjoy it!

Zach had walked about halfway to the campus when he saw Cindy walking a little in front of him. "Hey Cindy!" Zach yelled. "Wait up and I'll walk with you to class."

Cindy stopped and let Zach catch up to her. "You are running late Zach," Cindy said when Zach reached her side. "I figured you were already at class by now. Why are you so late?"

Zach blushed a little at Cindy's question. "Uh..." Zach stuttered. "Alex was, uh...well he was making it, uh, hard for me to get going." Zach turned a little redder.

Cindy stopped, turned and grinned at Zach. She carefully and slowly let her gaze wander up and down Zach's body suggestively. "I thought I noticed a bit more of a bulge in your pants today," Cindy said, laughing as Zach turned even redder. "I'm a little surprised the two of you didn't take care of it though."

Zach's face was burning crimson, but he was still grinning although a little sheepishly. "Well, I uh, tried to talk him into it, but he was pretty intent on, uh, just playing with me instead," Zach answered. "He kept,, doing, uh...well, stuff all morning long."

Cindy laughed even harder at Zach. She simply shook her head in amusement at Zach. "You two kill me," she finally said, still chuckling. The two resumed walking toward their class.

The two of them were nearly at their class when Zach reached out and grabbed Cindy's hand to stop her. "Cindy," Zach asked. "Do you mind if I come over today to your apartment after classes? I need your help with something."

Cindy cocked her head slightly to one side as she stared at Zach. "You know you don't have to ask Zach," Cindy replied. "I will always help you if I can. What did you need?"

Zach smiled gratefully at her. "It's nothing serious," Zach answered. "I'll explain this afternoon when I come over."

Cindy hesitated for a few seconds, staring at Zach suspiciously. "You sure it's not serious Zach?" Cindy asked. "You look pretty intense."

"No, it's nothing major," Zach replied. "It's important to me, but nothing serious. You don't have to worry. Honest."

Cindy stared at Zach for a few more seconds. "Ok Zach," she finally replied. "But you better not be trying to hide something from me. Come on over after classes. I'll try and give you a hand with whatever it is you need help with."

"Thanks Cindy," Zach replied, smiling as he headed towards a seat. "I'll explain this afternoon." Cindy smiled as she took her own seat and the professor began the morning discussion.

The day flew by for Zach. The anticipation of celebrating Alex's birthday had its effect and Zach could barely sit still during his classes. The end of those classes never seemed to take so long as it did that day.

Finally the last class ended and Zach was able to make his way to Cindy's apartment. Zach felt a momentary twinge of guilt over that. He knew Alex assumed he was going over to help Cindy with her homework. Alex had even mentioned it earlier, but Zach hadn't bothered to correct him. It wasn't exactly a lie since Zach had never said that was what he was doing, but it was pretty close. Zach didn't like keeping secrets from Alex. It made him feel dirty.

Cindy's apartment wasn't really that far away, but Zach drove anyway. It was only a few minutes later that Zach was knocking on Cindy's door. Zach smiled slightly as he realized he had only been over to Cindy's a handful of times. Normally everyone gathered at his and Alex's apartment. Lately it wasn't even discussed, everyone just showed up.

Cindy opened the door almost immediately. "Hey Zach," she greeted him. "So what is the big mystery? What did you need my help with."

Zach walked into Cindy's apartment and took a seat on the couch. "I need help figuring out what to get Alex for his birthday tomorrow," Zach replied, frowning a little. "I've been wracking my brains trying to think up something for days now and I don't have a clue what to get him. I want it to be special, really special, and I need help."

"So why didn't you want to talk about this earlier?" Cindy asked curiously.

Zach blushed a little, hesitating before answering. "Cause I feel funny asking you what I should get for my boyfriend," Zach finally answered. Zach looked down at his lap not wanting to meet Cindy's eyes. "It's bad enough having to ask for help shopping for my boyfriend. I'm still getting use to the whole having a boyfriend thing you know. But, I uh... well Cindy, I know how you feel about me. I know you think I'm clueless when it comes to relationships. And I guess I probably am. But even an idiot would be able to figure it out, as long as we have been together."

Cindy smiled at Zach. "I wondered if you'd ever figure that out," Cindy said. "And it's ok Zach. I accepted a long time ago that you were gay. That nothing was gonna happen between us. I'd rather have you as a friend, than not have you at all."

Zach looked back up at Cindy, smiling a grateful half smile. "Thanks Cindy," Zach said.

Cindy leaned over and lightly kissed Zach's cheek. "Now," she said as she leaned back, "what do you have in mind for Alex? Do you have any ideas at all?"

Zach's cheeks colored a little. "Well," Zach answered. "I did have something in mind, but I don't know. It's uh, it might be a little...I don't know, a little too mushy. And I, uh really don't know if I can... uh... give it to him."

Cindy smiled as she realized what Zach was trying to say. "You want to give yourself to him don't you?" Cindy asked with a grin. "You want to have full blown sex with him? To go all the way. Is that what you are trying to say?"

Zach's cheeks burned crimson as he shook his head yes. "Is that too corny?" Zach asked timidly.

"No, I don't think so," Cindy answered. "I think it's very romantic. But are you ready for that Zach? Just wanting to give Alex something special for his birthday isn't a good enough reason if you aren't ready yet."

"No," Zach replied quickly. "I'm ready. More than ready!" Zach blushed at the eagerness in his voice. "I uh... I mean, I want to. I really do. I have for a while now, but I didn't know how to bring it up. And then I thought of Alex's birthday and figured it would be perfect. But now, I've built it up so much in my mind, I don't know if I can go through with it. And it, uh... it scares me a little."

Cindy smiled reassuringly at Zach. "That's really sweet Zach," she said. "But why does it scare you?"

Zach hesitated, blushing even more. "Because, I uh... I don't know what to do," he finally answered. "I don't want to disappoint Alex by not doing it right or something." Zach looked away from Cindy, his blush spreading to his ears and down his chest. "And, I uh, I... I think it's probably going to... um... hurt... me when he does... uh, you know."

Cindy couldn't help but chuckle softly at Zach's admission. "Well, probably a little at first," Cindy agreed. "But if you take it slow and Alex remembers to be gentle, the pain will probably be minimal. Just make sure you, uh, prepare first."

Zach frowned a little, obviously confused. "Prepare?" Zach finally asked. "How do you prepare for something like that?"

Cindy rolled her eyes shaking her head in amusement. "Make sure Alex uses a lot of lube," Cindy said directly making Zach blush again with her bluntness. "And make sure he uses his fingers to stretch you before he tries to enter you."

Zach's face was flaming, his ears were hot and he felt the blush spread down his neck and chest. "Oh," Zach finally muttered. "Uh, ok."

Cindy laughed again and leaned in to kiss Zach on the cheek. "Are you really sure you are ready for this Zach?" Cindy asked.

"I think so," Zach answered sincerely. "I hope so anyway. But just in case, I want to get Alex something special as a back up. Besides, I want something for him to open at the party."

"Hmm," Cindy said as she thought about it. "Why don't you get him a nice shirt and maybe a tape. Not exactly original, but you can get a tape that he really likes to show you pay attention to what he likes. And you can get him a really nice shirt that will make him look good. Or maybe a nice sweatshirt, like the one with the college logo he was looking at the other day."

"See," Zach said smiling. "This is why I bring my problems to you! Want to go shopping with me?"

"Sure!" Cindy answered smiling. "Let's go."

The two of them walked out to Zach's car and quickly drove across town to the shopping district. "Let's look for the tape first," Cindy said as she headed towards the electronics department. Zach nodded his head and walked along side her. "What kind of tape should we get? What does he already have?"

Zach started browsing through some of the music, searching intently for something appropriate. "Oh, he likes Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Extreme, Bon Jovi -- you know," Zach answered without even looking up. "Music along that type."

Cindy started chuckling. "I didn't think you even knew the names of those types of groups!" Cindy said, smiling at Zach.

Zach looked up smiling. "Well, before Alex I didn't," he answered. "But I either had to learn to listen to them or go crazy if I was gonna live in the same apartment with him. I've gotten to like some of the music now." Zach held up a tape by Poison. "I love this tap."

Cindy was grinning from ear to ear. "Somehow I never pictured you as listening to that music," she said in a teasing voice. "How on earth did he get you to ever listen long enough to learn the names?"

Zach smiled at Cindy. "Well," he started to explain. "Once when we just hanging out a song came on that I seemed really nice and mellow. I listened to it, really paid attention to the words and I really liked it. I made the mistake of saying that to Alex and he told me it was by Extreme -- one of his favorite groups. I wouldn't believe him until he went and got the tape to show me. The song was `More Than Words' and I couldn't believe they sang it."

"Oh, I really like that song too!" Cindy interjected. "It's a little sappy, but I really like it."

"Yeah," Zach continued. "But you got to love the name of the album -- Pornograffitti!" Zach said grinning. Cindy grinned right back at him. "Anyway," Zach continued, "after that, I started paying more attention to the music and the words of some of his music and I started liking some of it."

"That's too funny Zach," Cindy said smiling. "I still can't picture you actually listening to it though."

"Well I could start singing some of it for you to prove it," Zach replied grinning. "You could sing back up for me."

"NO!" Cindy yelled in mock terror. "Don't do that! I don't want to have to go to the hospital with my ears bleeding. And think of all the innocent children in here."

"Hey!" Zach protested. "I'm not that bad of a singer!"

"I imagine the store would have to close after you got done singing," Cindy continued relentlessly. "All the structural damage from you voice. Not to mention the stampede of everyone trying to escape."

Zach started laughing but flipped Cindy the bird anyway. "Just for that, when I get my first recording gig I am not letting you be one of my groupies," Zach answered.

"Thank God!" Cindy replied grinning. "Which tape are you looking at? Have you got one picked out already?"

"Yeah, I think I do," Zach said handing the tape over to Cindy so she could examine it. "Alex ruined his Whitesnake tape by listening to it too much. It's really warped now. I think he'd really like it if I replaced it for him."

"Hmmm," Cindy answered looking at the tape. "And the title `Slip of the Tongue' fits in real nice with your other plans too!" Cindy looked up, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Zach grinned at her, blushing slightly. "I hadn't even thought of that!" he said. "But now that you mention it..." Zach trailed off grinning.

Cindy started laughing, shaking her head. "Come on!" Cindy said. "Let's go find your lover boy a shirt." Cindy led the still grinning Zach towards the clothing department, stopping only briefly to pick up some wrapping paper. "I'll wrap them for you. You can leave your gifts over at my place and I'll bring them. That way it can be an even bigger surprise for Alex."

"Cool!" Zach replied gratefully. "I hadn't even thought of that." Zach was looking at a red sweatshirt with the college logo on the chest. "What do you think of this one? I think Alex would look really good in this."

Cindy looked at the garment critically for a few seconds. "No," she finally answered. "I don't think Alex would look good in that color. Do they have one in gray? He looks better in gray."

Zach looked Cindy in the eye grinning. "Hey!" he protested jokingly. "You aren't suppose to be looking at my boyfriend! He's all mine!"

"Geeze!" Cindy laughed back at Zach. "You two are enough to make normal people sick!"

Zach was grinning but he still serious as he replied. "Do we take it too far?" he asked a little concerned.

Cindy pulled Zach's face down towards hers and kissed him on the cheek. "No," she answered. "I don't think so. I think it's sweet that you two love each other that much. Now grab that gray sweatshirt and lets go pay for this stuff so you can get back to your den of love. I wouldn't want you to go into withdrawal!"

Zach laughed as he headed towards the cashiers in the front of the store. "Thanks for helping me Cindy," he said to her. "Even if you were a pain in my ass today!"

"I won't go there," Cindy replied grinning at him. Zach started blushing furiously as he realized what Cindy was referring to. He was still blushing when they finally made it out to the car and Cindy was laughing at him the entire time.

Cindy continued to giggle all the way back to her apartment. Every time she would get it under control, she would glance at Zach and start all over again. Zach started to get annoyed, but then he looked at Cindy nearly doubling over and he couldn't help laughing too.

Finally he pulled up in front oh Cindy's apartment. "All right," Zach said. "Time for you to get out! Go on inside and get it all out of your system."

Cindy, giggling all the more, leaned over and kissed Zach's cheek one final time in parting. "I'm sorry Zach," she said. "But you have to admit it was pretty funny. I'll see ya tomorrow."

"Bye Cindy," Zach said, smiling at her. "Thanks for your help today."

"Anytime Zach!" Cindy said warmly as she exited the car. "Now go have fun with Alex!"

Zach quickly drove back to his apartment and noticed that Jason's car was out front. Zach couldn't help smiling at that. He couldn't wait to spend some time with Jason. Zach wished again that Mark had been able to make it down too. He didn't know Mark as well as he did Jason and Zach really wanted to fix that. But it was going to be fun spending Alex's birthday with Jason.

Zach walked up to the front door and let himself in. Upon entering he was immediately greeted to the sight of Alex and Jason on the floor. It was obvious the brothers had been wrestling since the cushions were off the chair and couch. Jason was sitting on top of Alex's chest digging at his underarms making Alex howl with laughter. Alex was kicking his feet trying to dislodge his older brother but to no avail.

"Tell me I'm the most wonderful person in the world and you are my slave!" Jason said to Alex as he continued to tickle Alex fiendishly. "Say it Little Brother!"

"You are the most wonderful person in the world and I am your slave!" Alex yelled between gales of laughter and gasps for air. "Let me up!"

Jason laughed at Alex as he stood up and extended his hand to help his brother up. "Come on slave," Jason teased. "Help me get this room put back together."

"Do I even want to know what prompted this?" Zach asked laughing from the doorway.

"Just Jason being an asshole is all," Alex answered promptly grinning at his brother. "You know, his usual charming self!"

Jason promptly threw a cushion at Alex smacking him right in the head and knocking him over. The two started laughing again as they started to straighten the furniture, taking twice as long since they were still intent on picking on each other. Zach just shook his head laughing at the two of them and their antics as he headed towards the bedroom.

"What did you two want to have for supper tonight?" Zach yelled as he started to change his clothes. "Anything at all sound good?"

"You sound good," Alex said from the bedroom door startling Zach who had his back turned towards the doorway. "Can I eat you?" Alex asked as he came into the room and slipped his hand down into the front of Zach's pants. Alex started slowly and lightly squeezing Zach's dick giving him a near instantaneous hard on.

"Alex!" Zach protested. "Jason is right in the other room!"

"No I'm not," Jason said from the doorway grinning at them. Zach turned bright red and Alex started laughing at Zach's obvious embarrassment. "Something wrong Zach?" Jason asked with feigned innocence.

"Yeah," Zach replied still blushing. "Your brother has been a big pervert all day! And he better stop before I get a big old wet spot and make him do the laundry!"

Alex and Jason both started laughing and Alex pulled his hand out of Zach's pants, but not before giving him one final tug. Alex then kissed Zach lightly. "Aww, you enjoy it and you know it," Alex said grinning at Zach.

Zach grinned back and then shoved Alex towards the living room. "Have you done your homework yet?" Zach asked Alex as they entered the living room. "You don't want that hanging over you all weekend, ruining your birthday."

Alex crinkled his nose in irritation. "No, I haven't done it yet," Alex answered. "Jason and I just got here a little before you got home. I haven't had time yet."

Zach smiled at Alex. "And you don't feel like it either do you?" Zach asked knowingly. "You'll use any excuse to get out of doing your homework."

"But Jason is here now!" Alex protested, sounding a little whiney. "I can do it later."

"Hey little brother, don't go using me as an excuse!" Jason said laughing at Alex. "Now be a good boy and do your homework before Zach decides to spank you."

Alex leered at Zach. "Ohhh. That might be fun!" he said grinning mischievously.

"Perv!" Zach laughed. "You'd enjoy it too much!"

"Yep!" Alex answered promptly. Then Alex sighed as he looked at his textbooks with distaste. "Alright! I'll do my homework." Alex then grinned at Zach, his eyes twinkling. "You still gonna check my homework after I'm done? Remember our deal?"

"Oh God!" Zach answered rolling his eyes. "Yes I'll check your homework for you. I think I'm still safe."

Alex grinned and grabbed his books diving into the work with a passion. Zach just shook his head smiling at him. Jason looked back and forth between the two, a confused expression on his face.

"I've never seen him so eager to do his homework before!" Jason said. "So what's the deal? What is going on that I don't know about?"

Alex's cheeks colored a little with a light blush as he looked up at his brother. "Zach has promised that if I ever get all my homework done without any mistakes, he'll give me a blowjob. And I get to choose the time and place!"

Jason started howling with laughter as Zach turned red again. "That explains it!" Jason said. "I think you have found the perfect motivator there Zach. Hell, how do I get in on this incentive plan?"

Zach started laughing at Jason. "Well, I suppose you can give Alex a blowjob too if he gets it all right," Zach said tauntingly. "But I don't think that is the side of the incentive plan you were wanting in on for some reason!"

Alex busted out laughing. "Ohhh!" Alex teased Jason. "Zach got you good!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jason replied grinning. "You two are SOOOO going to get it!"

"Well," Alex drawled. "I am at least!"

"In your wildest fantasies!" Zach answered grinning. "You haven't even come close since I agreed to this. I think I'm safe! Now, what do you two want me to make for supper?"

"Anything!" Alex and Jason both replied in unison. Zach smiled and headed towards the kitchen to start supper. Jason sat down on the couch and quickly got interested in a show and Alex dived back into his homework with an eagerness that made Jason start laughing again.

Later, after Zach had finished making a simple but hearty meal of spaghetti and salad that the brothers attacked with gusto, the three of them retired to the living room. Alex was practically bouncing in his seat and he kept looking over at his books, but he refused to say anything. Jason and Zach sat and watched him for several minutes, grinning at him.

"Oh for Pete's sake, take pity on the poor boy Zach and go check his homework," Jason finally said laughing. "Before he shoots his load right there!" Alex flipped Jason the bird but he was grinning from ear to ear.

Zach laughed as he sat down to check over Alex's math homework. Alex came up behind him staring intently at the page as Zach started skimming the problems one by one. As Zach passed each problem, Alex got more and more excited. By the time Zach was down to the final few problems Alex was literally bouncing and Jason was laughing his ass off at him.

Then, with only three problems to go Zach looked up at Alex, an expression of regret on his face. "I'm sorry Alex, this one is wrong," Zach said as he pointed to the problem. "You only missed one, you are doing much better," Zach said in a consoling voice.

"Damn it!" Alex yelled. "Damn, Damn, Damn! So fucking close this time! You just wait! I'm gonna win that bet yet!"

Zach leaned over and kissed the still fuming Alex lightly. "It's not like I don't do it anyway Alex!" Zach said laughing. Jason started laughing at that comment too and Zach blushed a little realizing he had been overheard.

Alex grinned at Zach. "I know," he replied. "But I like the idea of being able to get you to blow me when and where I want. I'm thinking it will need to be in a public place. Just so I can see you blush!"

Jason was laughing really hard now as Zach turned bright crimson. "You better not!" Zach mumbled. Then Zach started laughing himself. "Course as excited as you get you prolly wont be able to hold out and will want it right then and there!"

Alex grinned at Zach and kissed him. "Probably," Alex agreed as he walked over to sit down on the couch. "Let's watch TV for a while. Since we are going out tomorrow night anyway. Is that ok with both of you?"

Jason nodded his agreement as he sat down in the chair opposite the couch. Alex held out his arms to get Zach to lay down against him. As soon as Zach lay down, Alex wrapped his arms around Zach hugging him tightly for a few seconds. Zach snuggled into Alex's chest and Alex, as usual, began running his fingers in lazy circles over Zach's chest.

The three of them quickly became engrossed in the show and they conversed only during the commercial breaks. About half way into the show, Alex began to worm one of his hands up under Zach's shirt to rub his chest directly. Zach didn't really mind until Alex started to worm his other hand down the front of his pants and into his boxers. Alex began slowly stroking Zach's growing member causing Zach to nearly panic. Zach glanced over at Jason and was relieved to see that Jason wasn't paying any attention to them.

"Alex," Zach whispered, turning his head to stare at Alex. "Stop it! Jason is right there!"

Alex grinned at Zach mischievously, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "So?" Alex whispered back. "Let Jason go get his own boyfriend!"

"Alex please!" Zach whispered a little more urgently.

"Oh let him play Zach," Jason said, finally turning to look over at them. Jason started grinning from ear to ear. "He'll just start pouting if you don't let him have his own way. And you know he is gonna get what he wants one way or the other anyway."

Zach was mortified and his blush spread from his cheeks to his ears and down his chest very quickly. "Shit!" Zach muttered still trying to get Alex's hand out of his pants.

Alex was grinning at Zach and was openly laughing at him now. "See!" Alex said teasingly. "I told you Jason wouldn't care. He probably wants to watch!"

Jason started laughing too. "Sure I do!" Jason said grinning. Then Jason saw how embarrassed Zach was getting. "Really Zach," Jason said trying to relieve Zach's obvious discomfort. "I really don't care. I'll go to bed, though, so you two can play if you want."

Zach closed his eyes in embarrassment and Alex laughed again. "No, you don't have to go to bed already Jason," Zach said to him finally. "We can finish watching the show." Zach turned his head back to Alex to look him in the eye. "Just stop being so blatant about it ok?"

Alex looked a little guilty as he returned Zach's gaze. "I'm sorry," he said to Zach. "I'll be good, I promise." Alex put on his most sad puppy dog eyes as he stared at Zach. "But can I leave my hands where they are if I don't take it too far?"

Jason started laughing again and Zach just closed his eyes and shook his head in defeat. "Oh God!" Zach muttered. "I give up! Go ahead."

Alex grinned at Zach and kissed his cheek. He did, however, stop the more obvious stroking, content to just merely hold Zach in his hands with just the occasional soft stroke. The three of them went back to watching the show, but Zach didn't really pay too much attention to it from that point forward. He was much to intent on trying to keep from losing control in front of Jason.

Finally the show ended and the late news came on. Jason stood up and stretched. "I think it's time for me to hit the sack guys," Jason said yawning. "It's been a long day. I hate to disturb you, but can you get up so I can sleep on the couch?"

"You don't have to sleep on the couch," Alex said. "You can sleep in Zach's bed if you want. Zach and I always sleep in mine anyway so you're not displacing us."

Jason raised one of his eyebrows at the two of them. "I figured you might want some privacy tonight," Jason said grinning at them. "The way you have been acting all night, I figured you must be pretty wound up Alex."

Alex grinned at his brother. "I'm always that way!" Alex replied promptly. "I was born horny, you know that!" Jason busted out laughing at Alex's comment and Zach rolled his eyes.

"Seriously Jason," Zach said. "You can have my bed. Alex may be horny, but he isn't getting any tonight. We've already had that conversation."

Jason stopped laughing and his expression became slightly serious. "I don't want to interfere guys," Jason said. "It's not gonna bother me to sleep out here on the couch. Go have some fun!"

Alex grinned at his brother. "No really Jason, it's ok," Alex said earnestly. "We weren't going to do anything tonight anyway. You aren't interfering. Zach and I don't have to play every night."

"Well... if you're sure," Jason said hesitantly. Alex and Zach both nodded their heads as they got up to head towards the bedroom. "All right, you talk me into it," Jason said smiling at them. "I really wasn't looking forward to sleeping on the couch anyway!"

Alex headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth while Jason and Zach went into the bedroom. Jason rummaged through his overnight bag for his own toothbrush while Zach unburied his bed from all the laundry Alex had piled on it instead of putting it away. After Zach cleaned off the bed, he headed towards the bathroom himself to brush his teeth and passed Alex on the way.

Zach quickly finished with his teeth and headed back to the bedroom. Alex had already stripped down to his boxers and was crawling into bed as Zach entered. Jason finally found his own toothbrush and went into the bathroom.

Zach pulled off his shirt and pants and started to crawl into bed besides Alex. Alex frowned at him as Zach pulled the covers back. Alex stared pointedly at Zach's boxers with a look of disapproval. Alex made a little noise of protest and reached over to tug at the waistband of Zach's boxers.

"Alex!" Zach protested. "Stop it!"

"Why aren't you sleeping naked like you usually do?" Alex asked still frowning. "I like being able to feel you skin while we sleep."

"Because Jason is sleeping in here with us," Zach explained rolling his eyes.

"Oh just take `em off already and make him happy Zach," Jason said from behind him startling Zach and making him jump. "Here! I'll help!" Jason said as he quickly jerked Zach's boxers down to his ankles.

"Jesus!" Zach exclaimed. "One of you is bad enough! Now I have to deal with two of you?"

Alex and Jason were both grinning at Zach. "Well... since they're off anyway, you might as well go ahead and sleep naked," Alex said trying to look innocent and failing miserably. "I like you better this way anyway."

Zach sighed and shook his head but went ahead and crawled naked into the bed next to Alex. Alex kissed him before Zach turned into a spooning position, facing the other bed. As soon as Zach settled into position, Alex wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"See," Alex asked. "Isn't this better than sleeping in your boxers?"

"If you had your way, I'd be nude all the time," Zach muttered. "Why do I always end up naked around your brother?"

Jason had been pulling off his own clothes during the exchange and he busted out laughing at Zach's question. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I sleep nude too," Jason said as he pulled off his boxers. "Looks like Alex is the odd man out."

"Your brother has always been odd," Zach grinned at Jason. "You should know that by now!"

Jason started laughing as he crawled into bed and rolled over to face Zach and Alex. Alex was laughing too, but he lightly thumped Zach's dick in protest. "Hey!" Alex protested. "When did it become pick on Alex day? I'm the birthday boy. You're suppose to be nice to me."

"It's not your birthday for another hour or so Alex," Jason answered chuckling. "And it's always pick on Alex day in my book!" Jason and Zach laughed at Alex who tried to pout but ended up laughing too.

"Did you set the alarm?" Zach asked Alex turning his head slightly to see Alex. "I want to try and get my run done in the morning. That way we can have all day to celebrate your day."

"I set it," Alex said nuzzling at Zach's cheek. "Don't worry."

"Do you run Zach?" Jason asked. "Do you want some company tomorrow?"

"Well, I shouldn't really call it a run," Zach said with a slight sound of disgust in his voice. "It's been more like a jog ever since I got the cast off. I've been trying to build my speed and distance back up, but it's slow going."

"And you better remember to keep it slow going too!" Alex interjected, a stern note in his voice. "You remember what Dad said about taking it in slow stages."

"Yes dad," Zach said grinning. Alex promptly thumped Zach on his dick again in retribution making Zach jump slightly. "I'll be good! No more thumping my dick! Ok?"

Jason was laughing at the two of them once again. "So do you want some company then?" Jason asked again. "I'd probably do better at a jog anyway."

"Sure!" Zach replied eagerly. "I'd love some company. Alex runs too fast and too far to really be company for me. And he doesn't run on Saturdays anyway."

"Yeah," Jason agreed. "Ever since he was in cross country in school he has pretty much kept the same running schedule. I use to try and go with him too, but he'd always leave my ass in the dust."

"That's cause you're sloooow big brother!" Alex laughed. Jason and Zach started laughing too. After a few more minutes of soft laughter, the room quieted.

Alex had been slowly running his hand over Zach's chest and stomach during the conversation. Slowly, but surely his hand had been inching its way down to Zach's groin. When Alex's fingers started slowly stroking along his shaft Zach couldn't keep from shuddering slightly. Alex noticed the slight movement and grinning nuzzled his nose against Zach's cheek again before starting to nibble on his ear.

Jason started chuckling after a few more moments of silence. "Are you two sure you don't want some privacy?" Jason asked, the laughter evident in his voice. "It might be dark in here, but it's pretty obvious you're stroking Zach, Alex. I can still go sleep out on the couch."

"Nahh, it's ok," Alex replied laughing. "Besides, it's no worse than all those times I'd catch you with your hands down Beth what's her face's pants. At least Zach isn't moaning or anything."

"You only caught us once!" Jason protested, laughing.

"Once that you know of!" Alex taunted. "I remember the time you had her over when you thought Dad was working an all nighter. I remember walking into the living room and seeing your bare hairy ass sticking up in the air and Beth was only in her panties. Seems to me she was licking your dick like it was her favorite lollipop!"

All three of them were laughing pretty hard now. "I didn't know you saw that!" Jason finally got out around the laughter. "That was a VERY good night! I think I only came about 5 times that night. A very good nigh, at least until Dad got home!"

"Yeah, I know," Alex said laughing. "I never saw two people get dressed so fast as you two that night. I'm not sure which was funnier. Watching you two try and scramble into your clothes or the expression on your face when she went down on you for the second time!"

"You fucking perv!" Jason laughed. "Watching your brother get a blowjob isn't exactly a Norman Rockwell memory you know." Jason chuckled for a few more minutes. "I always did wonder if Dad knew what we were doing though."

"Oh he knew," Alex said in a teasing voice. "After you left to take Beth home, Dad said it was a shame Beth had her shirt on inside out all night. And then he smiled and winked at me before heading off to bed."

"Shiiiit!" Jason said to Alex and Zach's laughter. "I should have known!"

The three of them continued to chuckle off and on for several minutes, but eventually the room quieted again. After a few more minutes, Zach could hear Jason's breathing slow into the deep rhythm of sleep and he could feel Alex's body relaxing into slumber too. Alex's hand continued to slowly stroke Zach's dick even as he drifted into sleep. Zach smiled and closed his eyes. After only a few more moments, Zach drifted off too.

The next morning Zach was slowly coming awake, drifting happily half way between sleep and consciousness. Zach could feel the warmth radiating from Alex's body into his and he sighed dreamily. Without opening his eyes, Zach snuggled closer to Alex. He could feel Alex's fingers running lightly over his body. The feel of Alex's lips brushing over his skin with feather light kisses sent tingling waves through his body.

Zach half opened his eyes, smiling dreamily at Alex and then closed them again, letting his body respond for him without thought. Zach shivered slightly as Alex's fingers lined up both of their dicks and wrapped his hands around them, holding them next to each other. Zach started to thrust slightly into Alex's fist and he felt Alex's dick sliding over and next to his. Zach pressed his lips against Alex's and began to kiss him passionately, his tongue exploring Alex's mouth eagerly. Zach could feel Alex's body shiver in response as he ground his groin into Alex's and ran his fingers over Alex's body. Zach felt more than heard Alex's low growl of pleasure and he felt Alex begin to thrust his own groin in response.

Zach moaned quietly in pleasure as the waves of pleasure begin to build in his body. He increased the tempo of his thrusting and he tried to push his body even closer into Alex's. Zach could feel Alex's skin next to his own and the friction caused by their two bodies moving over each other sent electric thrills running through him. Zach's breathing was becoming ragged and he felt his body beginning to tense as it prepared for release.

Alex groaned his own response to the sensations, but then he pulled back slightly, disengaging his mouth from Zach's mouth. "Zach," Alex whispered urgently, his breathing labored. "As much as I want to finish this I think I better make sure your fully awake."

"Hmmm," Zach replied, growling more than speaking. Zach opened his eyes coming more awake. Zach smiled at Alex dreamily and made a little happy noise in his throat as he continued to thrust with his pelvis.

"Oh God!" Alex whispered softly. "Zach, you remember Jason is right there don't you? I don't want you getting mad at me later."

Zach rolled his head, coming fully awake at last. Zach could see Jason's body stretched out on the other bed, still slumbering. Zach whimpered slightly in protest and turned back to face Alex. "Damn," he muttered quietly at last.

Alex grinned slightly at Zach, a look of frustration crossing his own face. "We could still finish if you want," Alex said in a quiet whisper. "Jason's still asleep and he wouldn't care anyway."

Zach frowned slightly, turning his head to regard Jason again for a few seconds. Finally, Zach sighed in disappointment as he pulled his body slightly away from Alex's. "We better not," Zach said, regret in his voice. "Jason might wake up. I know he wouldn't care, but I just don't think I can do that."

Alex nuzzled softly at Zach's cheek grinning ruefully at him. "I kinda figured that," Alex said quietly. "That's why I wanted to make sure you were totally awake." Alex kissed Zach again, nibbling along his jaw line.

Zach softly groaned again. The two continued to cuddle for several minutes, enjoying the warmth of each other's body. Zach kissed Alex again smiling at him. "Happy Birthday Alex," he said softly. Zach kissed Alex again, a lingering kiss fully tasting Alex's mouth. When he finally pulled away from the kiss, Alex made a little involuntary noise of protest making Zach smile even bigger.

Zach continued to snuggle with Alex, attempting to meld his body even tighter into Alex's. Although the urgency of their passion had begun to subside, Zach noted that neither of them lost their erections. As they continued to cuddle their dicks would occasionally slide against each other and Zach would feel his body tremble in response.

After several more minutes had passed, Jason began to stir. Jason slowly stretched and yawned and then rubbed his eyes trying to clear the sleep away. Jason looked over at Alex and Zach and grinned at them in greeting. "Good morning guys," Jason mumbled sleepily, yawning again. "And happy birthday little brother. Is Zach giving you an early present?" Jason asked teasingly.

"Good morning Jason," both Alex and Zach said in unison. Zach pulled away slightly from Alex's embrace, rolling slightly so he would be facing Jason.

"Looks like you two are trying to create pup tents over there," Jason continued to tease. "Hope you got those poles of yours anchored firmly!"

Zach grinned at Jason and Alex chuckled. "Looks like you've got a bit of case of morning wood yourself there big brother," Alex laughed. "You gonna have to take an extra couple minutes in the bathroom this morning?"

Jason laughed as he stretched again. "Maybe I'll take care of it when I take a shower," Jason answered. "You know, like you usually do!"

"Hey!" Alex protested laughing. "I am only following the example I learned from you!"

Jason grinned and then looked at Zach. "So are we gonna run right away or do you usually wait a bit before going?"

"We can go now if you want," Zach answered stretching. "Why don't you shut off the alarm Alex? It's going to go off in a few minutes anyway."

Alex rolled slightly and shut off the alarm and then promptly rolled back, snuggling into his pillow. "I think I'll catch a few more z's while you two are off working up a sweat," Alex said dreamily. "Nothing like sleeping in on your birthday!"

Jason stood up and raised his arms up over his head holding the stretch for several seconds working out the kinks. Zach and Alex both smiled and laughed as Jason's nearly erect dick swayed back and forth. "Are you even going to be able to stuff that thing into your jock?" Alex teased.

Jason laughed again and flipped Alex the bird. "I've got to take a piss before we go, that should make it go down a little bit," Jason answered. Jason walked towards the bathroom, his erect dick leading the way.

Zach had been staring openly at Jason the entire time and Alex nudged him. Zach turned his head and looked into Alex's eyes. Alex started laughing at him and Zach blushed guiltily. "Sorry," Zach muttered, blushing even more.

"It's ok Zach," Alex grinned. "It doesn't bother me."

Zach grinned ruefully as he got up to get dressed for his morning run. Zach had a little trouble stuffing himself into his own jock and the leer that Alex threw his way wasn't helping at all. Zach pulled on a pair of cut off sweats and a T-shirt and then started hunting for a pair of sock and his shoes.

Jason came walking out of the bathroom, still yawning and scratching at his stomach. His dick had deflated significantly, but was still a little plump. Jason walked over to his overnight bag and began rummaging for something to wear for the run. "Do you think I can borrow a jock Little Brother?" Jason asked over his shoulder. "I didn't think to bring one with me."

"Yeah, I'll just burn it after you get done with it," Alex teased grinning. Jason flipped Alex off again and then pulled out a pair of sweat shorts and a T-shirt. Zach had grabbed one of Alex's jocks and tossed it over to Jason who caught it and quickly slipped it on. Zach had to privately admit that Jason looked pretty damn good standing there in it. Jason pulled on his shorts and shirt and then slipped on his shoes.

"We'll be back in about an hour or so," Zach said to Alex as he leaned over and kissed him. "Enjoy your snooze while we are gone."

"Oh he's gonna start beating off before we even get out the door Zach," Jason teased. "Don't let him fool you. I'm surprised he hasn't started humping the bed already."

Alex flipped Jason off, but then started grinning as he started thrusting his pelvis into the mattress. "Why don't you go run and leave Zach here Jason?" Alex laughed. "The mattress really isn't all that satisfying."

Jason and Zach laughed as they started to leave. Jason reached over and tousled Alex's hair in parting eliciting another grin from Alex. "See ya in a bit," Alex said as he snuggled back into his pillow.

Jason and Zach walked out of the apartment and towards the campus. "I usually jog around the track on campus," Alex explained as they walked. "At least I do now since I have to be careful on how far I go. Before the accident I would just jog along the streets."

"How far do you usually go?" Jason asked as they headed towards the track.

"Oh, I'm back up to five miles," Zach answered slightly disgusted. "And it only takes me about an hour to do it. Alex gets feisty if I go much faster or farther. I never have figured out how he can tell."

Jason chuckled and tousled Zach's hair getting a grin in response. "Five miles is good," Jason said. "It'll be a nice easy routine for me."

"Yeah, sorry it's not more," Zach answered. "But I'm slowly getting back up to par." The two had reached the track by then and Zach proceeded to climb over the fence. "The gate is on the other side, but most people just climb over wherever they want. No one cares."

Jason climbed over the fence too and the two walked out onto the track doing a few stretches to loosen up their muscles. After a few minutes Zach looked over at Jason to see if he was ready and receiving an affirmative nod, they proceeded to start their jog.

The two of them were silent for a couple of minutes, just getting into the rhythm of the jog. They completed the first circle of the track and started in on the second. No one else was using the track yet so they had complete freedom and didn't have to worry about other runners.

They completed a several more circles of the track when Jason finally spoke. "After we finish up here, why don't you let me shower up first when we get back," Jason said seriously. "Then I can go out and get us all breakfast. I can get lost on the way or something and give you and Alex a little privacy for a while." Jason turned his head to look at Zach grinning at him. "I kinda figure you both need it after your little adventures this morning."

Zach turned bright red making Jason chuckle. "Shit!" Zach exclaimed. "You were awake? Oh shit!"

Jason laughed again still grinning. "Don't sweat it Zach," Jason replied. "Really. It doesn't bother me at all. Hell, I wouldn't have cared if the two of you had screwed right there in front of me. It's no big deal to me."

Zach's ears started burning with his blush. "Uh... well, Alex and I haven't actually, uh... done anything like that yet," Zach stammered.

Jason smiled at him. "That's cool," he said reassuringly to Zach. "Take your time and make sure you're ready before you do. Don't let him rush you Zach. Make sure you're ready."

"Oh I'm ready!" Zach answered quickly and then started blushing even brighter. "Uh, I mean... oh hell!"

Jason was nearly doubled over with laughter. "It's ok Zach," Jason said again. "If you are ready why haven't you done anything yet? I know Alex is ready. I think he has been ready since the day he met you."

Zach grinned, still blushing a little. "Truthfully, I didn't know how to bring it up," Zach admitted. I still get tongue-tied talking about, uh... stuff with him. With anyone actually."

"Hmmm," Jason answered thoughtfully. "Are you really sure you are ready Zach? You aren't letting Alex rush you are you? I don't want to see you get hurt Zach. You are like another little brother to me."

"Yeah, I think I'm ready," Zach replied. "I have been thinking about it for a while now. And I really want to, uh, sleep with Alex. It's been about the only thing on my mind for a while now."

Jason grinned again. "That just means you're horny!" Jason quipped laughing. Then Jason became serious again. "Seriously Zach, don't let Alex push you. Don't be afraid to tell him no. You can't let him get away with doing what ever he wants with you."

"Oh I know," Zach answered. "And really, Alex has been very patient. He has let me set the pace in the relationship and he is very gentle. Alex has really been letting things go slowly for me. He has tried very hard not to pressure me into going too fast." Zach smiled slightly. "He usually lets me do new things first to make sure I'm ok with what is happening. I know he can be aggressive, like last night, but he is still very gentle. He tries very hard not to go too far."

"Well that's good," Jason replied. "I know he loves you very much and he would never intentionally hurt you. But Alex is use to being with aggressive partners so he might not think about you not being ready for sex. All the girls he dated were pretty out going. They were usually the ones who initiated things with him. Which isn't really surprising when I think about it. Having sex with them probably wouldn't have entered his mind unless they started it."

"Well, actually I was thinking of uh... maybe... sleeping with Alex, uh... tonight," Zach said glancing at Jason, blushing again. "I thought it would be perfect. To give myself to him for his birthday."

Jason turned his head again smiling at Zach. "I can't think of anything Alex would want more," Jason said sincerely. "So you're really ready then?"

"Yeah," Zach said grinning. "I admit, I'm a little scared. I really don't, uh... know exactly what to do. And I think it's probably going to, um, hurt a little bit when Alex, uh... well, uh... enters... me." Zach's ears were turning crimson again. "But I really want to do this. Probably at least as much as Alex."

The two of them had finished the last lap and Zach pointed over towards the bleachers. Nodding, Jason followed Zach over and took a seat beside him. Almost as an after thought, Jason put his arm around Zach's shoulders in a brotherly embrace. The two of them just sat for a few minutes and Zach couldn't have been happier.

"I don't think you have to worry too much on not knowing what to do," Jason said taking up the conversation again. "I imagine it will come to you. And Alex probably knows what to do, at least in a general sort of way." Jason paused and glanced at Zach before continuing. "And as far as the pain, well, uh, use a lot of lube. Maybe it will help, at least a little."

Zach started laughing and Jason glanced curiously at him. "Cindy said pretty much the same thing -- about the lube I mean," Zach explained smiling. Jason grinned back at him. "I guess I'm going to have to figure out some way to get away from Alex for a few minutes today so I can go pick some up. I didn't have time yesterday."

Jason grinned at him. "Why don't you let me take care of that," Jason said. "I can pick some up for you when I go grab breakfast and Alex will never know the difference. That way it will keep it a surprise. Or maybe this friend of yours, Cindy, can go with me to show me where to get it at."

"Thanks Jason," Zach answered. "And thanks for talking to me too. It still amazes me at how open you and your family are about, uh, sex and stuff."

Jason tousled Zach's hair again smiling at him. "Well, I'm sure there are some people who would probably think we are a little too casual," Jason said turning a little serious. "I suppose it all comes from not having and females in the house. We didn't have any sisters and our Mom passed away at such an early age for us. Alex, Mark and I never had to worry about being polite or modest or anything since it was just us guys."

Jason half smiled for a second before continuing. "Dad always did call us savages!" Jason laughed. "I don't know how many times he would come home after working an all nighter to find us guys in the living room munching on whatever crap we happened to concoct for breakfast and we would be wearing nothing but what God gave us when we were born. Dad would always roll his eyes at us and mutter something about wild heathens in his house. I don't think he really cared though, since he never told us to go get dressed. We were all always pretty casual about nudity. Not that Dad ever ran around undressed, he just didn't seem to mind that we were naked."

Zach was quiet for a couple of minutes smiling wistfully. "I really can't imagine being like that," he finally said. "My family was always pretty uptight about being undressed. It just wasn't done in our house. And we never, ever talked about sex." Zach laughed. "Not even my brother and I ever discussed it. Mike would brag to his friends about sex, but he never talked to me about it."

"Oh, Mark, Alex and I are pretty open there too," Jason said laughing. "Hell, we've all seen each other naked so many times it's not even funny. So I guess it was only natural that we would see each other hard too. And of course that would lead to discussions of sex." Jason shook his head, laughing pretty hard. "Hell, Mark even taught me how to jack off. And it wasn't really long after learning myself that I taught Alex how. So we've all seen each other do it before. It was really no big deal."

Jason paused for a few minutes and started laughing pretty hard. "I remember that after I taught Alex how to jack off he pretty much did it non-stop." Jason smirked. "We didn't think he was ever gonna let go of his dick again!"

Zach started laughing really hard. "Well, some things never change!" Zach finally managed to get out between laughs.

Jason tousled Zach's hair again laughing with him. "I didn't imagine it had!" Jason agreed. The two of them looked at each other for a few more seconds and then doubled over laughing.

Finally, after several minutes, the two of them regained control of their mirth although they were still grinning from ear to ear. "I suppose we better get back," Zach said finally. "Thanks for jogging with me Jason. And the pep talk too. But thanks more for treating me like a little brother. That really means a lot to me."

Jason stood up and offered his hand to Zach to help him stand up. "No problem Zach," Jason said sincerely. "I really enjoyed our talk too. And at least in my mind, you are my little brother Zach. I'm always there for you."

Zach smiled as he took Jason's hand and let himself be pulled up. Zach was surprised when Jason didn't let go of his hand after he was standing. Instead, Jason pulled him into a fierce bear hug, holding him in a brotherly embrace for several minutes. When Jason finally let him go Zach could see a huge smile on Jason's face. Zach knew it couldn't have been any bigger than the one on his own face.

Zach and Jason started walking towards the apartment, proceeding at a slow and leisurely pace. Zach was enjoying the camaraderie and was smiling the entire way back. Jason noticed Zach's huge smile and started bumping his shoulder against him affectionately. By the time the two of them made it back to the apartment they were both laughing pretty hard.

Jason and Zach walked in the front door of the apartment still laughing. Alex immediately came waling out of the bathroom wearing just a towel. Alex was still dripping and he had a scowl plastered on his face.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" Alex demanded, his voice irritated. "You've been gone for nearly two hours! I was just getting cleaned up so I could come look for you."

Zach and Jason exchanged rueful glances. "We're sorry Alex," Zach said. "It just took us a little longer than we thought. After our jog we sat down on the bleachers and just talked for a while. I didn't realize how much time had gone by."

Alex glared at the two of them for a few seconds. "You weren't jogging the whole time?" Alex asked accusingly. "Tell me the truth."

"Honest!" Zach replied. "We just went my usual distance. I promise I didn't over extend."

"Zach is telling you the truth Alex," Jason jumped in quickly trying to come to Zach's defense. "Don't be mad at him. It's my fault we are so late. I was telling Zach stories and the time got away from us. I'm really sorry."

Alex shifted his glare back and forth between the two of them obviously still annoyed. "All right," Alex finally relented, his glare softening. "I'm just mad cause you ruined my surprise. After you two left, I got up and went and got us breakfast. I wanted to surprise you. I was trying to be nice."

"Oh Alex!" Zach said sadly. "I'm sorry! That was really sweet of you and I ruined it. Now I feel really bad." Jason nodded his head in agreement.

Alex gave them a half grin. "Well, you two are the ones who are gonna suffer over it," Alex replied. "You two are the ones who have to eat your breakfast cold now!" Alex's eyes started twinkling with mischief. "But Zach, I think you should give me a kiss to really make up for it. To show me how sorry you really are."

Zach grinned at Alex and leaned in to kiss him. Alex tenderly brushed his lips against Zach's and then unexpectedly grabbed Zach and pulled him into a tight embrace. Alex was grinning evilly as he rubbed his still dripping body against Zach, thoroughly soaking the front of Zach's clothes.

Zach finally managed to pull to push Alex away and looked down at his wet front. Jason was doubled over with laughter and Alex was grinning his best shit-eating grin. Zach shook his head in defeat and started laughing too.

"Ok, I guess were even now," Alex said still grinning. "Go eat your breakfast and I'll finish my shower. You two can fight over who gets it next -- you both reek!" Alex started back towards the bathroom but not before stopping in front of Jason and vigorously shaking his head splattering Jason with water droplets from his wet hair. Howling with laughter, Alex took off running towards the bathroom.

Jason started out after Alex, grabbing at him and pulling off his towel instead. Throwing the towel aside in disgust, Jason made another grab at Alex and tackled him dragging him down to the floor. Alex was laughing hard, vainly trying to squirm out of Jason's grip, but Jason grabbed a hold tightly refusing to let go. Slowly, Jason pinned Alex to the ground and then flipped him over onto his stomach leaving his bare butt sticking up in the air. Grinning evilly, Jason proceeded to spank Alex, counting out the swats over Alex's shouts of protest. By the time Jason reached twenty-one, Alex's butt was beginning to turn bright red.

Jason finally let Alex up. Alex was trying hard to glare at Jason as he rubbed his tender butt, but he couldn't help laughing and ruined the effect. "You ass!" Alex yelled at Jason, still laughing. "That hurt!"

Jason grinned at his brother. "Just got your birthday spanking out of the way is all Little Brother," Jason said teasingly. Then Jason snapped his fingers. "Damn! I forgot to give you one to grow on! Come here!" Jason made another grab for Alex, but Alex ran off towards the bathroom flipping the bird to Jason as he left.

Zach was roaring with laughter during this exchange. Zach walked over to Jason and extended his hand to help him up. "That was good!" Zach said between laughs. "I don't think anyone has ever got the better of Alex before!" Jason laughed his agreement and the two of them headed towards the kitchen to eat their cold breakfast.

After a few minutes Alex came walking into the kitchen pulling on a sweatshirt and jeans. "Cindy called while you guys were MIA," Alex said to Zach. "She wants to know when she should come over. I told her I would have you call her, so call her!"

Zach got up and walked over to the phone. "I'm surprised she isn't here already," Zach said as he started dialing the phone. "Hey Cindy!" Zach said as the other end was picked up. "Alex said you called."

"Hey Zach!" Cindy said. "Yeah, I wanted to know when I should come over."

"You can come over now if you want," Zach answered. "We can just hang out till this evening."

"Ok!" Cindy readily agreed. "I'll be over in a few then."

"See ya!" Zach said and hung up the phone. "Cindy will be over in a bit. I know -- big surprise!" Zach said laughing. Alex joined in and even Jason grinned.

"If you don't mind, I'm gonna grab the shower first," Jason said. "You two can make out for a while!" Jason said leering at them. Alex laughed and immediately started kissing Zach deeply. Zach grinned but quickly got more interested in the kiss than in what Jason was doing.

Alex had started the kiss teasingly, but slowly the kisses turned passionate. Zach opened his mouth and Alex immediately started to explore his mouth with his tongue. Alex's hands were stroking at Zach's chest and Zach began to breathe more rapidly as his body started to respond to Alex's touch. Alex slowly ran his hand up under the fabric of Zach's shirt, rubbing Zach's skin directly and playing softly with Zach's chest hair. Zach made a little whimpering noise as Alex's hand began to stroke his dick through the material of his sweat shorts.

Zach grabbed Alex and pulled him to him tightly, plastering his lips to Alex's. Zach let his own fingers begin to explore Alex's skin, running his hands up under Alex's shirt and kneading the flesh he found there. Alex's kissing became even more passionate and his breathing became ragged. Alex started nibbling along Zach's jaw line nearly driving Zach crazy.

Zach was about to pull off Alex's shirt when there was a knock at the door and Cindy came walking in. "I'm here!" Cindy called out as she entered. "Where are you... oh, sorry!" Cindy said as she finally saw Alex and Zach in the kitchen. "You two should really learn to lock your door!"

Alex and Zach started laughing as they regretfully separated. "You should learn to wait to come in till your invited," Zach said grinning. "Otherwise one of these days you're gonna get an eye full!"

Cindy leered at them. "That's what I keep hoping for!" Cindy said laughing. "Course I've seen everything you've got before Zach!"

Zach turned bright red and Alex started laughing. "You're kidding right?" Alex asked incredulously. "You've seen Zach naked?"

"Yep!" Cindy replied. "Oh, was I not suppose to mention that Zach?" Cindy grinned at Zach as his ears turned crimson.

"Oh this I gotta hear!" Alex said grinning. "Spill it Cindy! I want details!"

"It was nothing!" Zach said still blushing. "Cindy and I were just hanging out once while we were in Junior High. She mentioned that she had never seen a guy naked before except in pictures. I told her I had never seen a girl naked either. She said she would let me see her naked if I would let her see me. She made me go first." Zach glared at Cindy for a second. "Then her Dad came home and we almost got caught. She never did keep her end of the bargain!"

Alex was howling with laughter and Cindy was grinning openly. "I didn't have to," she said sweetly. "I had already got what I wanted!" Cindy batted her eyes a couple of times at Zach and Alex nearly doubled over with laughter.

Zach continued to glare at the two of them for several more seconds, but then slowly he started to laugh too. "Oh well," Zach finally said grinning. "It's not like I REALLY wanted to see you naked anyway!" Cindy flipped Zach off, but she was still laughing.

Jason came walking around the corner about that time wearing a towel around his waist. "So what's so funny in here?" Jason asked. "I could hear you guys laughing even over the shower."

"Oh my!" Cindy said as she stared openly at Jason's nearly naked body. "You really need to come over here more often! I'm Cindy by the way."

"Hey Cindy," Jason said smiling at her without the least trace of modesty. "I'm Jason, Alex's middle brother. I'll be back in a second. I'm gonna go put some clothes on."

Cindy smiled back at Jason. "No need to get dressed on my account!" Cindy laughed. Jason smiled again and walked back towards the bedroom.

"Don't make me use the hose on you Cindy," Zach teased. "Close your mouth and stop drooling."

Cindy stuck her tongue out at Zach and flipped him the bird. Then she started laughing. Alex and Zach joined in and then the three of them got up to head towards the living room. After a few seconds Jason joined them, properly dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.

"So what's the plan for today?" Cindy asked as Jason sat down. "Are we doing anything in particular before we all go out to celebrate Alex's birthday this evening?"

"We don't really have any plans yet," Alex answered. "Except to make Zach take a shower! You still reek bud!" Zach shoved playfully at Alex in protest.

"Well, I need to run to Wallie World sometime," Cindy said. "Anyone want to go with me?"

"I'll go," Jason said grinning and winking slyly at Zach behind Alex's back. "I need to pick up a few things myself. And it will give these two a chance to be alone for a bit. I think I've cramped their style since I've been here!"

Cindy laughed and winked at Jason. "Well from the way they were acting when I got here, I'd say you're right about their needing some time alone," Cindy answered. "Why don't you two meet Jason and I for lunch at McDonalds. We should all get a layer of grease going for tonight's festivities!"

Alex smiled in appreciation at Cindy and Jason as they got up to leave. "Thanks guys," Alex said warmly. "We'll meet you around noon or so." Cindy and Jason grinned knowingly at Alex and Zach as they started to walk out. Cindy stopped before she got all the way out, and making sure everyone saw what she was doing, firmly locked the door before pulling it close.

Alex grinned as he turned to face Zach. "Guess that is our permission to carry on where were interrupted." Zach grinned back at him and then tenderly started to kiss along his neck and up to his lips. Zach began tugging at Alex's shirt, trying to pull it off without breaking contact with Alex's lips. Alex was pawing at Zach's clothes also, trying to pull them off as quickly as he could.

The two of them were so intent on getting each other's clothes off that at one point they got their arms tangled together in each other's shirts. They both broke off their kiss and started laughing as they extracted themselves. As soon as Zach got Alex's shirt off, he started kissing and nibbling down his throat and across his collarbones. Alex shuddered and moaned softly as he started to tug at the waistband of Zach's shorts. Alex managed to pull Zach's sweat shorts down to his knees where gravity was able to take over and they dropped to the ground.

Alex started stroking Zach's dick and balls through his jock making Zach start to tremble. Zach pulled away slightly and continued to kiss and nibble down Alex's chest and stomach, stopping to swirl his tongue around Alex's belly button. Alex moaned again and grabbed a hold of Zach's shoulders to steady himself. Zach continued to nibble at Alex's sensitive skin pausing as he reached the waistband of Alex's jeans. Zach started to unbutton Alex's jeans smiling as he noticed that Alex's dick was already straining at the confining material.

Slowly, Zach pulled each button loose and he continued to nibble at Alex's waist. Alex was gripping Zach's shoulders tightly and he squeezed his eyes closed as his breathing became ragged. A sheen of sweat started to appear across Alex's chest and forehead as his body continued to react to Zach's touch. Finally Zach pulled the last button loose and inched Alex's jeans down over his thighs and down to his ankles.

Zach slowly began to tongue Alex's throbbing dick through the material of Alex's boxers and Alex moaned a low animal growl as he clenched at Zach's shoulders once again. Zach continued licking and kissing Alex's shaft through the material until the front of Alex's boxers were soaked.

Zach grinned up at Alex as he started to pull his boxers down inch by inch. Slowly, Zach revealed Alex's shaft and began to lick along it causing Alex to gasp. All at once, Zach pulled Alex's boxers the rest of the way down and Alex's dick sprang back up sharply slapping him soundly in the belly. Alex gasped again and Zach grinned as he started to lick from the tip to base.

Zach continued licking and kissing Alex's shaft until Alex was practically squirming and standing on his tiptoes. The entire time he was softly massaging Alex's balls. Alex was beginning to whimper and Zach knew it wouldn't be long before Alex climaxed. Zach began to concentrate his licks and nibbling to just the head of Alex's dick and Alex began gasping, trying to catch his breath. Then, just as Alex was almost ready to shoot, Zach slowly took the tip of Alex's dick into his mouth and started sucking on it. Zach sucked for a few seconds and then started to slowly work Alex's dick further into his mouth. Alex gasped out something that sounded like Zach's name and clenched at Zach's shoulders again. Slowly Zach worked Alex's entire shaft into his mouth and held him there for a few seconds. Alex gasped one final time and then began thrusting with his hips as he started to shoot. Zach continued to suck on Alex's dick, allowing Alex to finish cumming in his mouth before he slowly pulled off Alex's spent dick.

Alex's body was trembling from the aftermath and he would have fallen if he hadn't been supporting himself on Zach's shoulders. Alex shuddered once again as Zach licked a few more times over the sensitive tip of his dick. Alex opened his eyes to see Zach grinning up at him and he grinned back in response.

"Oh God, that was good," Alex said smiling at Zach. "I needed that in a BIG way!"

"See, you should have let me play yesterday morning like I wanted to!" Zach said laughing. "But no, you just had to keep teasing me all day long."

Alex laughed and pulled Zach up to kiss him on the lips. "Why don't we go take a shower?" Alex said grinning at Zach. "I can get you all squeaky clean before I get you all messy again!"

Zach grinned as Alex grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. Alex turned on the shower and then turned back towards Zach smiling. "Hmmm, guess you don't need to wear a jock in the shower," Alex said playfully. "At least not for what I have planned!"

Zach's cheeks turned a little pink as Alex slipped his fingers under the elastic waistband and pulled down exposing Zach's erect dick and balls. Alex reached down and tugged on Zach's dick a few times before he pushed Zach into the shower.

Alex grabbed the soap and began running it over Zach's chest and stomach, lathering him up thoroughly. Zach shuddered as Alex's fingers grazed his nipples. Alex grinned when he saw Zach's reaction and leaned over to kiss Zach tenderly.

Alex then squatted down to lather up Zach's legs, scrupulously avoiding touching Zach's dick or balls making Zach groan in anticipation. Alex grinned up at Zach as he heard the low moan escape his lips. Alex leaned in slightly and licked just the tip of Zach's dick once making Zach moan once again and causing Zach's dick to dance.

Alex then stood up and turned Zach around so that he was facing the spray. Alex began to lather up Zach's back. As he ran his hands over Zach's shoulders and back, he slowly began to thrust his groin against Zach's butt. Zach shuddered again and squeezed his eyes tightly close. Alex grinned as he noticed Zach's reaction. Then Alex slowly ran the bar of soap down Zach's spine till he reached Zach's butt. Alex began to slowly lather up the mounds of flesh, kneading them thoroughly and running the bar of soap up and down Zach's crack.

Zach's breathing was becoming labored and his body was almost constantly trembling now. Zach moaned again as Alex continued to run his fingers and the bar of soap up and down Zach's butt crack. Then Alex's fingers began to circle over his hole and Zach gasped loudly and he involuntarily thrust back into Alex's hands. Alex grinned and started to suck, kiss and nibble along the chords of Zach's neck. Alex reach around and finally grasped Zach's dick and began to stroke him slowly. Zach gasped and his body shuddered again.

Alex continued to slowly stroke Zach's dick, running his hand from the tip to the base in a long, leisurely stroke. His other hand had not left teasing Zach's hole, never entering, but circling and putting a slight pressure against it. Alex continued to slowly push his own groin against Zach's butt and his lips and mouth never left Zach's neck. Finally, after a few more strokes, Zach gasped again crying out Alex's name and began to shoot white ribbons of cum through the air to land against his chest and stomach. Alex continued to stroke his dick, milking every last drop from Zach's trembling body.

Zach continued to gasp for air for several minutes. Alex had finally left off teasing his pucker and he now simply held his dick in his warm hand, no longer rubbing him with those agonizingly sweet strokes. Alex nuzzled softly at Zach's cheek, kissing him occasionally as he allowed Zach to regain control over his body. After several more minutes Zach finally opened his eyes and smiled dreamily at Alex.

"Hey," Alex said softly, huskily. Alex continued to nuzzle softly at Zach's cheek, just allowing the shower spray to wash over them.

"Hey," Zach replied back softly. "Oh God! I think I'm still seeing stars! That was intense!"

Alex grinned and kissed Zach's cheek. "You bout ready to get out?" Alex asked after a couple more minutes. "The water is starting to cool down. I think we've used up all the hot water."

Zach laughed. "Yeah, let's get out," he answered. "I think I'm squeaky clean again!"

Alex laughed as he reached down and turned off the water. The two of them got out of the shower and proceeded to dry each other off. "We've still got about an hour or so before we have to go meet Cindy and Jason," Alex said smiling. "Do you want to go lay down and cuddle for a while?"

Zach smiled. "You know I do," he answered promptly. "But after that shower, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do much more than cuddle for a while."

Alex laughed again. "Well, I really did mean just cuddle," he said grinning. "I don't think I'm gonna be ready to go again for a little bit myself. Besides, I love cuddling with you."

Zach turned a little pink but he grinned at Alex. The two of them walked out to the bedroom and crawled into the still unmade bed. Alex promptly pulled Zach into a tight embrace and Zach snuggled into Alex's chest sighing happily. Alex started to run his fingers lazily through Zach's chest hair smiling at him. The two of them snuggled even closer together enjoying each other's warmth. The two of them stayed tangled in each other's embrace until shortly before noon.

Alex and Zach reluctantly got up and quickly scrambled into some clothes. Zach paused while dressing to watch as Alex pulled on his clothes. Alex turned and noticed Zach staring at him intently. Blushing slightly, Alex grinned and walked over to kiss Zach. Alex broke the kiss after a few moments and then finished buttoning up Zach's shirt. Zach didn't speak, he just stared into Alex's eyes smiling the entire time.

After the two of them had dressed, they jumped into Zach's car and drove to McDonald's to meet Cindy and Jason. "I wonder what those two have been doing all this time," Alex said. "I don't see Jason really enjoying shopping with someone he just met. He hates shopping period."

"Oh, I imagine Cindy has kept him entertained," Zach said smiling. "I get the feeling those two are attracted to each other. I've never seen Cindy stare so openly at someone like that before. And Jason was being awfully polite to her. He didn't tease her like he normally does everyone else."

Alex turned and grinned at Zach. "You noticed it too?" he asked. "Wouldn't it be something if they started dating?"

"Let's not put any pressure on them or try to rush them," Zach replied laughing. "After all, they did just meet. But it would be really cool if Cindy did like Jason that way. Considering some of the jerks she has dated, I think it would be great if she dated someone nice like Jason."

"You calling my jerk brother nice?" Alex teasingly asked. "Them there's fighting words Mister!"

Zach laughed along with Alex and pulled into a parking spot next to Cindy's car. "Looks like they are already here," Zach said getting out of the car. "We aren't that late are we?"

"No, it's only a few minutes after noon," Alex answered looking at his watch. "Maybe they got tired of shopping and came here early."

Alex and Zach walked into the restaurant and looking around for a second quickly spotted Cindy and Jason in a booth talking animatedly with each other. The two of them didn't even seem to notice Alex and Zach enter the building. Alex shrugged his shoulders and pointed towards the cashiers indicating they might as well place their orders.

A few minutes later the two of them carried their trays back to the booth where Cindy and Jason were seated still engrossed in their conversation. Cindy looked up as she noticed the two of them standing next to them and smiled in greeting. "Hey!" Cindy said. "Is it noon already?"

"Yep," Alex answered taking a seat next to Jason. Zach sat down next to Cindy and proceeded to eat. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Oh probably an hour or so I guess," Jason answered. "Long enough to already eat anyway. We finished shopping early and came here to wait on you guys."

"Cool," Zach said not looking up from his food and concealing his smile. "We'll scarf this down fast and then we can get out of here."

"Take your time," Cindy answered. "It's nice to just hang out and talk." Cindy smiled warmly at Jason.

Alex glanced back and forth between Jason and Cindy and then took a huge bite of his sandwich to conceal his smirk. Alex and Zach quickly finished eating and the four of them lingered over their drinks chatting. Alex and Zach both exchanged frequent knowing smiles as Jason and Cindy seemed to be concentrating the bulk of their attention on each other.

Eventually, they decided they had exhausted the entertainment value out of sitting in the restaurant and decided to leave. Cindy suggested they drive out to the lake and nearby park since it was such a nice day and they all piled into Zach's car leaving Cindy's car in the parking lot.

The drive to the lake park took about fifteen minutes and they all happily chatted and exchanged frequent jokes. When they arrived, there were already several people there who had the same idea, but the area wasn't too crowded especially since the park was so large. The four of them got out of the car and proceeded to walk towards the lake and along the shore. Picking a sunny spot overlooking the water, they sat down on the grass just enjoying the sun and each other's company.

They spent a couple of pleasant hours at the lake before deciding to head back to the apartment and get ready to go out to celebrate Alex's birthday. The drive back was much quieter, but everyone was still intensely happy and smiling. Zach glanced in the rear view mirror and noticed that Cindy was sitting pretty close to Jason in the back seat and she was resting her hand on his thigh. Jason's smile was constant and enough to brighten the day.

Zach dropped Cindy off at McDonald's to pick up her car. "Go get ready and be back at the apartment in about an hour or so," Zach said as Cindy was getting out. "We can watch Alex open up his Birthday Gift from me and then we can go eat.""

"You didn't have to get me a gift!" Alex protested cutting Cindy off. "You shouldn't have done that Zach."

"Oh shut up Alex," Cindy said. "Of course Zach got you a gift. I got you one too."

Alex started to protest again and Jason started laughing. "Before you say anything, you might as well know I brought you something too," Jason said grinning at Alex. "Now shut up and be good or we won't let you have them!"

Alex promptly shut his mouth and grinned broadly at them. Cindy laughed at him, waved in parting and then got into her car to drive home. Zach pulled out of the parking lot and drove the short distance to the apartment. The entire way Alex kept looking back and forth between Jason and Zach obviously dying to ask what gifts he was getting. By the time they got back to the apartment Zach and Jason were openly laughing at him.

"All right already!" Alex finally burst out as they entered their apartment. "I'm dying here! What did you guys get me?"

"Sorry Little Brother," Jason said as he tousled Alex's hair. "You're gonna have to wait a little bit longer."

Alex groaned and stuck out his lower lip in a fake pout. "You both are so mean to me!" Alex said laughing as he plopped down onto the couch. He held his arms wanting Zach to sit in front of him and Zach smiled as he obliged. Alex promptly wrapped his arms around Zach and then rested his chin on Zach's shoulder. Jason smiled at them as he took a seat in the chair opposite the couch.

"Where are we going anyway?" Jason asked. "Do I need to dress up or anything?"

"No not really," Alex answered. "You can just wear jeans and T-shirt or something. We are just going to a local bar. It's a bit of a dive, but they make great pizza. They have a couple of pool tables and dartboards and Dave's band will be playing tonight. Dave is one of the guys who lives next door. James is the other guy who lives next door and he will be coming with us."

"Sounds like fun," Jason agreed. "And you'll finally be able to drink a beer since you are legal now!" Jason teased. "I know you have never tasted one before. With you being all pure and innocent like!"

"Yeah, and he's a virgin too!" Zach quipped. Alex laughed and playfully tapped the side of Zach's head in protest. "I suppose we better start getting ready. Knowing Cindy, she's prolly already on her way back."

The three of them got up and headed towards the bedroom to change clothes. Jason put on some fresh jeans and borrowed a striped button down shirt from Alex. "You're getting awfully dressed up," Alex said as he watched Jason putting on some borrowed Fahrenheit cologne. "And since when do you wear cologne?"

"I just want to look nice for your birthday," Jason answered his cheeks flushing slightly. Alex and Zach exchanged knowing glances and then busted out laughing. Jason turned to look at them smiling sheepishly, and then he too started laughing. "All right," Jason admitted. "I'm trying to look and smell nice for Cindy. I really like her."

Still smiling Alex pulled on a pair of faded jeans that Zach thought made him look especially hot and a faded denim shirt that Zach loved. Alex grinned as he noticed Zach smiling at his choice of clothing but he refrained from saying anything. Zach pulled on a pair of jeans that he knew Alex liked on him. He paused for a few moments trying to decide on what shirt to wear and Alex handed him a white shirt with gray vertical stripes. Zach smiled at Alex knowing that Alex had always liked this shirt.

The three of them had barely finished dressing when Cindy arrived walking right in without even bothering to knock. Cindy was carrying a couple of bags and James who was carrying a couple of wrapped packages followed her. Alex's eyes started sparkling as he saw the gifts in James hands and his expression resembled an excited little boy on Christmas morning.

"Happy Birthday Alex!" James said as he handed the gifts over to Alex. Alex grabbed the gifts eagerly and just sat down right on the floor to open them. His enthusiasm was so cute that everyone started laughing at him.

The first gift Alex opened was from James. When Alex tore the wrapping paper off the small box and opened it he revealed a nice leather wallet. "I thought it was time for you to replace that Velcro thing you currently use," James said smiling. "Now that you are an adult and all anyway!"

"Thanks James!" Alex replied grinning. "This is really great." Alex carefully set the wallet aside and picked up the next package which was from Jason. Alex quickly tore through the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a black dress watch with gold trim. Alex's eyes went wide as he saw the gift. "Oh wow!" Alex exclaimed. "You shouldn't have Jason. This is too much!"

"Hey, you only turn twenty one once Little brother!" Jason replied warmly. "I'm glad you like it."

"I love it Jason!" Alex said still staring at the watch. He looked up at his brother and smiled his gratitude. "Thanks Jason," Alex said simply.

Alex stared at the watch for a few more seconds before setting it aside and grabbed the next package which was from Cindy. Alex ripped the paper off the gift enthusiastically revealing a beautiful wood frame with a black and white picture in it. The picture was of Alex and Zach sitting together on the couch. Zach was sitting in front of Alex leaning against his chest and Alex had his arms wrapped around him in a warm embrace. They both were smiling and Zach's face was half turned up and around looking into Alex's eyes. Zach's eyes were sparkling and Alex's appeared to be laughing as he stared back into Zach's eyes. The picture was crystal clear and the moment that was caught seemed almost magical.

Alex stared at the picture for several minutes without saying a word. Finally he looked up at Cindy, his expression full of emotion. "Cindy," Alex whispered. "This is beautiful. Thank you so much."

Cindy leaned down and lightly kissed Alex's cheek. "You're welcome," Cindy answered as she straightened back up. "Happy Birthday Alex."

Alex smiled and then went back to staring at the picture for several more minutes. Finally, almost reluctantly, Alex set the picture aside and picked up the last package, the one from Zach. Alex pulled the wrapping paper off and opened the box smiling hugely as he saw the contents.

"Ooohhh!" Alex said as he picked up the sweat shirt and holding it up. "I've wanted one of these for a while now. Thanks!" Alex looked at the sweatshirt for a couple more seconds and then started to set it aside. As he did, he noticed the smaller package that was hidden underneath. Smiling in pleasure, he picked it up and pulled the wrapping paper off it too. As soon as he pulled the paper off, Alex gave a loud whoop of happiness.

"You replaced my Whitesnake tape!" Alex shouted. "You remembered!" Alex turned the tape over reading the song titles, needlessly since he knew everyone by heart. "Can we listen to it now?" Alex asked eagerly.

"Not if you want to go eat!" Jason said laughing. "Come on, put your treasures aside and let's go eat. I'm hungry!"

Alex pouted for a few seconds, but then laughed as he picked up his gifts. "Thanks everybody!" Alex said smiling at all of them. "Every thing was great. I love them all." Alex carried his gifts into the bedroom and came back a few seconds later. James had picked up the torn wrapping paper off the floor and carried it to the trashcan in the kitchen. Cindy motioned Zach over while Alex was in the bedroom.

"The other stuff you were needing is in the other bag," Cindy whispered to Zach pointing toward the bag she had carried in and set over next to the couch half hidden. Zach blushed slightly as he realized what other stuff Cindy was referring to. "Good luck tonight Zach. Just remember, you don't have to do it if you change your mind. Make sure you are ready."

"Thanks Cindy," Zach said smiling. "I'll remember. But I really am ready. I really want this." Cindy grinned knowingly at Zach but didn't say anything else to embarrasses him.

Alex came walking back into the living room and they prepared to leave. They decided to take two cars and not try to cram everyone into just the one. Alex and Zach got into Zach's car and Cindy, Jason and James got into James' car. Alex and Zach exchanged grins as Jason chose to ride with Cindy and not them. Jason grinned back at them and flipped them off behind Cindy's back.

They arrived at the bar, which was only sparsely full for a Saturday, and chose a table towards the back and near the pull tables. Dave's band was setting up and they waved as they passed him. A waitress followed them to their table and asked what she could get them. Alex and James both ordered beers, Cindy hesitated for a second and then decided to get a beer herself. Jason ordered a Rum and Coke and Zach just ordered a Sprite. The waitress left to get their drinks and they discussed what kind of pizza to get and how many. The waitress placed their drinks in front of them and Alex placed the order for the table, getting a large Supreme and a large Pepperoni Pizza.

After a few minutes, Dave's band started to play. They started with a song from Whitesnake, "Here I Go Again," making Alex extremely happy. "They aren't bad," Jason said approvingly. "How often do they play?"

"Usually just every other Saturday," James answered. "I don't think any of them are really very serious about it. They just all like to play a little on the side. I think they are more interested in the possible dates from women who want to go out with members from a band then anything."

Jason laughed and the others all started chuckling. They listened to a few more songs and then their pizzas arrived and they settled into the serious business of stuffing their faces. Jason and Alex seemed to be racing each other to see who could inhale the most the fastest. After they finished eating, they sat and listened to Dave's band for a few more minutes.

After a few more minutes Cindy turned to Zach. "Play a game of pool with me Zach," Cindy half asked, half ordered. "Let's see if you still know how to play!"

"I always beat you Cindy," Zach teased as he rolled his eyes. "You suck at pool. Always have."

"Brave talk little boy!" Cindy taunted back. "Come on, we haven't played for a long time. Or are you afraid I'll beat you this time and you'll lose our standing bet?"

"Afraid of you?" Zach grinned. "Not too likely. I just want to spare you the embarrassment of having to do something humiliating when you lose our bet. I'm trying to be a nice guy."

"Suuuure you are," Cindy said as she grabbed Zach's hand and pulled him towards the pool table. "You just don't want to lose in front of everybody."

Alex, Jason and James were grinning at the two of them as they followed Zach and Cindy over to the pool table to watch the game. "So what exactly is this bet you two are talking about?" Jason asked as Zach racked up the balls.

"The winner gets to make the loser do one thing, no matter how humiliating," Cindy answered as she chalked up her stick. "Zach and I always try to come up with something really bad for the other to have to do. Makes winning all the sweeter!"

"Yeah, except you never win," Zach taunted. "I'm beginning to run out of things to make you do."

"Shut up and get your hands out of the way so I can break," Cindy answered, all business. Cindy carefully lined up the shot. She slowly drew back the pool stick, sighted one last time, and then hit the cue ball forcefully sending it rolling into the other balls. The break was a solid hit and the balls scattered across the table. Cindy managed to drop the 3 ball into the corner pocket, but unfortunately did not leave herself another shot after. Cindy studied the table for a few minutes, then shot her best defensive shot.

"Good break Cindy," Jason said to her as she stepped back from the table. "Doesn't look like you really left Zach a shot either."

"Oh no," Cindy answered. "He's gonna clear the table now. My only chance is if he scratches on the eight ball. He wasn't kidding. I never win. Zach is just too damn good at this game."

"He's really that good?" Alex asked as he watched Zach carefully studying the table for several moments. "I don't think I've ever seen him play before."

"Oh he is that good," Cindy replied ruefully. "Just watch. Growing up Zach's family had a pool table. He spent a lot of time playing when he was grounded and couldn't go out and be with his friends. That's probably why he doesn't play too much now. Brings back to many memories for him."

Alex stared at Cindy for a few moments. "Then why the hell did you make him play now?" Alex asked a little irritated at her.

Cindy smiled a little. "Cause he needs to learn to let go of the past and the pain," she replied. "Zach can best learn that when he is surrounded by those who love him."

Alex stared at Cindy for a few more minutes. "I will never understand you Cindy," Alex finally said shaking his head. "Do you ever not look out for him?"

"Never," Cindy answered promptly, smiling broadly. The two of them went back to watching Zach.

Zach stared at the table for a few more seconds and then bent over the table carefully lining up his shot. Zach hit the cue ball and didn't even watch as he walked around the table. The cue ball the nine ball solidly sending it into the side pocket and then came to rest next to the ten ball. Zach immediately took his next shot, again not even watching the table as he walked around the table. As if on cue, the ten ball went into the corner pocket and cue ball came to rest next to where Zach was standing.

Alex's eyes were getting a little wide as he watched Zach take shot after shot making each one with an almost studied indifference. Once Alex thought Zach had left himself without a shot, but amazingly Zach hit the cue ball making it curve around one of Cindy's balls to finish up his shot. It was the only time during the game that Alex actually saw a small grin break out on Zach's face, one he quickly hid.

Very shortly the only ball Zach had left on the table was the eight ball. Zach chalked up his stick again and walked around the table. Without even really looking, Zach lined up his shot and sent the cue ball spinning into the eight ball. The black ball went rolling into the side pocket and Zach finally looked up at everyone. Then he glanced back down at the table and his eyes went wide. Zach stared as the cue ball slowly rolled towards the side pocket, hovered for what seemed an eternity, then followed the eight ball into the hole.

"Fuck!" Zach yelled making everyone around the table bust out in laughter. Zach looked up blushing as he realized he had said that out loud and pretty forcibly too. Cindy came walking around the table, a shit- eating grin on her face. She slowly walked up to Zach and then kissed him on the cheek.

"You know your ass is mine now don't you?" Cindy asked, grinning at Zach.

"Yeah, I know," Zach said disgustedly. "So what the hell are you gonna make me do? Let's get the humiliation over with already."

"Oh, I don't know," Cindy replied grinning. "I think I should make you sweat a little bit." Everyone was laughing at the still fuming Zach.

"Come on Cindy," Zach said irritated. "I can tell you already know what you are gonna make me do. Out with it."

"I thought you should have to sing me a song," Cindy said, smiling sweetly at Zach. "Tonight and on stage in front of everyone. I'm pretty sure I can get Dave to let you sing with the band."

Zach's eyes went wide with horror. "You can't make me do that!" Zach said in horror making everyone laugh even harder. "Come on Cindy, please don't make me sing in front of everyone," Zach pleaded.

"Nope, I just don't think I can pass up this opportunity," Cindy replied merciless. "I'm thinking it's the perfect payoff for all the times you have humiliated me after these stupid games."

"SHIT!" Zach said loudly walking off towards the bathroom fuming.

"That's pretty evil of you Cindy," Alex said seriously. "You know Zach doesn't do well in front of groups. You know how self-conscious he gets. Why are you doing this to him?"

Cindy turned and looked at Alex, her expression becoming slightly serious around her grin. "Two reasons really Alex," Cindy answered. "I'm hoping to help him get over his fear of being in front of people, at least a little. The bar is practically empty anyway, so really Zach is just getting up in front of us. It's not like there is a huge crowd in here tonight."

Cindy grinned even bigger as she paused. "And of course the second reason is revenge for all the shit he has made me do all the times I lost one of these games!" Cindy laughed. "Payback is hell!"

Alex laughed, but his expression was still a little concerned. "He's gonna be nervous as hell Cindy," Alex said glancing towards the bathroom. "Zach is probably in there now feeling like he has to throw up."

"So go to him," Cindy replied. "Help him get over and through this. Let him know that no one cares what he sounds like. That we are just here to have fun." Cindy paused and looked over at the bathroom door herself. "Alex, Zach has to learn how to start asserting himself. He has to get over his fear of being in front of people. It's better if he starts now when it's only people who care about him that he's in front of than later when he is out in the real world."

Alex nodded his head and headed towards the bathroom to try and reassure Zach. As Alex opened the door the first thing he saw was Zach splashing cold water on his face. Zach's face was white and he was practically trembling.

"I don't know if I can do this," Zach said when he saw it was Alex who had entered. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick." Zach closed his eyes and clenched the sides of the sink so hard his knuckles started turning white.

"Zach, it's gonna be all right," Alex said reassuringly. Alex walked up behind Zach and started rubbing his back trying to calm him down. "It's only us and just a few other people out there. It's no big deal. Just get up there, belt out a tune and come back down. It's five minutes tops. You can do it."

Zach finally opened his eyes and stared at Alex's reflection in the mirror. "I don't know if I can Alex," Zach said in a quiet voice Alex could barely hear. "I'm gonna get up there and I'm gonna get all tongue tied and I'm not gonna be able to get anything out. I'm gonna see all those people staring at me and I'm gonna freeze."

"So don't look at them," Alex said smiling. "Stare at me instead. You don't have any trouble singing in front of me." Alex grinned. "Sometimes I wish you did, but you don't!" Alex teased trying to calm Zach. "So just stare at me and sing to me. Ignore everyone else."

Zach gave Alex a half smile at the teasing and finally shook his head in agreement. "All right," Zach finally said. "I'll try it."

Alex smiled in encouragement as he led Zach out of the bathroom. Cindy was waiting for them but she didn't say a word as they emerged. Instead she led them up towards the stage and the band. When they got up to the stage, Cindy finally broke her silence.

"I've already talked to Dave and the rest of the Band about it," Cindy said. "They are going on break now and Dave said you can sing when they get back. I'll let you and Dave figure out what song you are gonna sing. Dave says he has some sheet music with the words that you can look over and choose from." Cindy grinned at Zach and kissed him on the cheek before departing.

Dave stepped over to Zach with a handful of sheet music in his hands. "Do you have any idea on what you want to sing Zach?" Dave asked as he took a seat at a nearby table. "We know all of these, but we also know quite a few that I don't have the music for."

"I don't know," Zach answered. "I don't want to do this at all. So lets make it something simple. I don't want to get all tongue tied up there."

Dave laughed and started sorting through some of the songs. "Don't sweat it Zach," Dave said. "You'll do just fine. Maybe you should have a beer though to calm you down a bit."

Zach nodded his head as he started looking over the music. "I'll take anything right now if it will calm me down," Zach replied. "I just hope I don't throw up while I'm up there."

"You'll be fine Zach," Alex reassured again. "I'll go get you a beer and then I guess I better get a pitcher for our table. I probably ought to check on Jason too. He's been hitting the Rum and Coke pretty heavy tonight. I'm gonna kill him if he passes out on me!"

Zach looked up and grinned at Alex. "Thanks Alex," Zach said warmly. "You should probably go spend some time with Jason anyway. He doesn't really know anybody here and you're not gonna be able to help me memorize whatever I pick out anyway."

Alex smiled and Zach could see he had to hold back from giving him a kiss. Zach grinned back at him. Then Zach bent his head back over the music shuffling through it trying to pick a song.

About fifteen minutes later, Zach had finally picked out a song and had quickly memorized the words. It was a song he had heard many times before since it was one of Alex's favorites, and that made memorizing it that much easier. Zach indicated to Dave that he was ready, or at least as ready as he would ever be, and the band took their places on the stage. Dave walked to the front of the stage and turned the microphone back on.

"We normally wouldn't do this," Dave said into the microphone, "but we have a pretty lady asking us if we will let someone sing to her. From what I understand, he lost a bet. So since we have someone's honor at stake, we have decided to let him sing. Everyone, I give you the song styling of Zach!"

Zach stepped up onto the stage and took the microphone Dave handed him. Zach looked out over the room and he felt like he was going to have a panic attack. His mouth felt dry and his stomach started grumbling in protest. Zach's hands were trembling and he was very tempted to bolt.

The band started the song he picked out and before he was ready Zach missed his cue to begin the song. Without missing a beat, Dave and the rest of the band went back to the beginning, blending it in so well it was almost unnoticeable. Zach's cue came up again. Zach took a deep breath and in a very soft, quiet voice Zach began to sing.

"When I look back over everything I've done I know you must have cried a river of tears Cause you were there when I was feeling low to walk me through my darkest fears"

In the audience Alex's eyes went very wide as he recognized the song Zach was singing. Alex turned to Cindy. "That's Whitesnake," Alex whispered in astonishment. "He's singing `The Deeper the Love.' That's one of my favorite songs!" Cindy smiled at him and Alex turned back to stare at Zach in wonder.

Zach looked out over the crowd and focused in on just one person. As Zach continued to sing, he concentrated all of his attention on only Alex to the point where the rest of the room faded from sight. Slowly Zach's voice grew stronger and louder as he continued.

"So when the sun goes down and those nights are growing colder I will be there looking over your shoulder

And the deeper the love, the stronger the emotion And the stronger the love, the deeper the devotion"

Zach was singing solely for Alex now. He knew he should be paying more attention to the rest of audience, but he no longer cared. The words of the song reverberated through Zach's soul and he truly meant every single one. Zach was amazed at how closely the song matched he felt about Alex.

"There were times I'd almost let you go when I thought I needed to break free But you were there to whisper in my ear why don't you share your dreams with me So when the sun goes down and those nights are growing colder I will be there looking over your shoulder

And the deeper the love, the stronger the emotion And the stronger the love, the deeper the devotion

I don't mind what you're doing to me I don't mind cause your all I can see I don't mind baby you mean the world to me When the sun goes down and those nights are growing colder I will be there looking over your shoulder Baby, baby, baby

So when the sun goes down and those nights are growing colder I will be there looking over your shoulder

Cause the deeper the love, the stronger the emotion And the stronger the love, the deeper the devotion

Tell it to me baby The deeper the love, the stronger the emotion And the stronger the love, the deeper, the deeper, the deeper the devotion

Never gonna let you go, in my heart I know I really love ya, I love ya, oh babe I really love you"

Zach finished the song, blushing slightly but still smiling as he stepped down from the stage. Everyone in the bar was clapping or calling his name, but Zach only had eyes for one person. Zach grinned as he noticed Alex beaming with pride at him.

Cindy and James made their way up to the front of the bar to congratulate Zach. Alex stood up to follow but was stopped on the way by Jason who pulled him back and whispered in his ear. Zach noticed Alex glance at Jason, then turn and look at the various other groups of people in the bar and a slow flush spread over his cheeks. Alex nodded at Jason and stayed in place back at their table.

Cindy walked up to Zach and gave him a fierce hug and a brief kiss on the cheek. "I'm so proud of you!" Cindy whispered as she pulled away. "See! It wasn't that bad was it?"

"You mean besides nearly throwing up?" Zach asked grinning at Cindy. "Don't you ever make me do something like that again!" Zach looked back towards their table and specifically at Alex. "How come Alex didn't come up? Didn't he like the song?"

"He loved the song Zach!" Cindy said. "It was all he could do to keep from coming up here and grabbing you when you started singing. I imagine Jason is keeping him back there to keep him from embarrassing the both of you by his reaction."

Zach grinned and started walking back towards the table. "I'm going to him," Zach said simply.

James started laughing. "I think someone is gonna get lucky tonight!" James said to Cindy. Cindy smiled her agreement.

Zach paused and looked back at both of them. "Probably," Zach replied grinning. "That's the plan anyway." Zach grinned again and continued walking towards their table.

When Zach walked up to the table, Jason gave him a quick grin. "Good job Zach," Jason said simply. "I think you got your message across."

Alex's eyes were brimming with emotion and he couldn't speak as he stared at Zach. The look he gave Zach was full of love and he was grinning broadly. Alex started to try to speak several different times but all he could manage was a brief stutter before he would fall silent again and continue staring adoringly at Zach.

"Did you like the song Alex?" Zach asked timidly. "At least a little bit?"

Alex half sobbed around his huge smile. "I LOVED it Zach!" Alex finally managed to spit out. "You have to know that!"

Zach smiled at Alex. "Good," Zach replied staring straight into Alex's eyes. "Cause I meant every word."

Alex choked back another sob as he stared straight into Zach's eyes. Jason smiled and briefly tousled Alex's hair before putting his arm around his shoulder in a brotherly embrace. Jason briefly squeezed Alex's neck with his arm and then let his arm fall to rest on Alex's shoulders.

James and Cindy walked up to the table them and took their seats. They both grinned at Alex and Zach but didn't say a word. Zach took his seat between Cindy and James but he continued to stare into Alex's eyes. James and Cindy exchanged a look and then started laughing.

"I think you are gonna be staying over at my apartment tonight Jason," James finally said between laughs. "You can have Dave's bed. He usually stays over at his girlfriend's anyway."

Cindy and Jason exchanged a glance and then Cindy turned to face James. "Do you mind if I stay over too?" Cindy asked. "I really don't feel like driving back to my apartment tonight."

James quirked one eyebrow at Jason and Cindy and the obvious excuse. Cindy started to blush and Jason grinned sheepishly. "I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch then," James laughed. "You two owe me big time!"

"Can we leave now?" Zach asked getting a knowing laugh as a response from everyone at the table. Zach blushed but he laughed along with everyone else. They all stood up and headed towards the door and the parking lot. Alex, Zach, Jason and Cindy all got into Zach's car.

James rolled his eyes at them smiling. "Geeze!" James said laughing. "You guys are even making me DRIVE alone. Be that way!"

Everyone laughed and James walked over and got into his car. Zach pulled out of the parking lot with James following close behind him. Five minutes later and they were pulling up in front of the apartments. They all exited the vehicles and walked towards the front doors.

"Happy Birthday Alex," James said. "Have fun tonight. Grab your stuff and come on over Jason. I'll leave the front door open. Just let yourself in."

"Ok, thanks," Jason said grinning. "I'll be over in just a few."

"Happy Birthday Alex," Cindy said as she walked over to Alex and kissed him on the cheek. "Be gentle," she whispered in his ear. Alex gave Cindy a confused look as she pulled away and turned towards Zach. "You did good tonight Zach," Cindy said to him smiling. "I really am proud of you." Cindy kissed Zach on the lips getting a blush in response from him. Cindy pulled away and grinned one final time at them and then walked with James into his apartment.

Zach and Alex walked into their apartment followed by Jason. Jason quickly headed back towards the bedroom and grabbed his overnight bag. He came walking back in to the living room grinning broadly. "Happy Birthday Alex," Jason said as he grabbed his brother in a big bear hug. "You two enjoy your selves. I'll see you in the morning."

"Night Jason," Alex said warmly to his brother. "And thanks!"

"You be nice to Cindy," Zach said, grinning but still serious. "Or I will have to hurt you big time."

"Relax Zach," Jason protested grinning. "We're not gonna do anything. We're just gonna cuddle and stuff. We barely know each other yet!"

Zach stared at Jason for a few seconds. Then he smiled. "All right," Zach said. "I suppose Cindy can take care of herself, at least better than I can. And I should know you better than to think you would ever just use her or take advantage of her. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Zach," Jason replied forgiving him. "Cindy means a lot to you. I know that. And I think it's great that you want to protect her. Now you two have fun and I'll see ya in the morning."

"Night Jason," Zach said hugging him. "You have fun too. And thanks for everything." Jason grinned and walked out the front door, but not before tousling Alex's hair one last time.

Alex walked over to Zach and grabbed him in a fierce embrace. "Finally!" Alex laughed. "I didn't think we'd ever get to be alone!"

Zach grinned and kissed Alex tenderly on the lips as he ran his fingers over Alex's back. "Patience Alex!" Zach said smiling. "Waiting will just make it that much sweeter!"

Alex nuzzled at Zach's cheek with his nose for a few seconds. "I loved the song by the way," Alex said softly. "I couldn't get that out earlier, I couldn't even speak from everything I was feeling. That was probably the sweetest, most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me."

"I was singing to Cindy!" Zach teased. "That song was for her!" Alex grinned and smacked Zach's butt in retribution. Zach yelped in mock pain as he continued to grin at Alex.

"Cindy's not here right now," Alex said as he started to nibble along Zach's jaw line. "Will you settle for me instead?"

Zach moaned softly as Alex started nibbling and sucking down his neck. "Oh God Yes!" Zach answered. "I'll take you anytime I can get you!"

Alex grinned up at him then went back to chewing on Zach's neck. Alex began to pull at Zach's shirt working the hem up and out of Zach's pants. Alex began to slowly unbutton Zach's shirts but never broke contact with Zach's skin with his lips. As soon as he had Zach's shirt open, Alex began running his fingers lightly across Zach's chest and stomach, barely grazing the skin and sending shivers through Zach's body.

Zach had worked his own hands into Alex's shirt and was stroking Alex's chest and shoulders. Zach worked his hands around Alex's body and began to lightly run his fingers up and down Alex's spine making Alex shudder from the tingling sensations running up his spine. Zach pulled one hand back in front and began to fumble with Alex's belt, working to loosen and remove Alex's pants.

Finally Zach unbuckled Alex's belt and opened the front of Alex's jeans. Alex's dick was already straining at the confining material covering it and Zach slowly began to stroke Alex through his boxers. Alex gasped when Zach worked his hand down inside his underwear and began to massage his balls directly. Alex's dick throbbed and Zach smiled as a large wet spot began to appear on the front of Alex's boxers.

Alex reached down and grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and off over his head. As soon as he was free from the shirt, Alex immediately replaced his hands on Zach's skin, stroking and massaging the muscles in Zach's chest. Alex's eyes were smoldering with desire as he stared at Zach.

Zach shrugged the rest of the way out of his shirt and then began to kiss and nibble along Alex's neck and down to his collarbone. Zach concentrated his attention there, knowing full well just how sensitive Alex was in that spot and how much he enjoyed it. Zach's fingers never stopped their constant massaging of Alex's balls the entire time and Alex was moaning almost constantly.

Zach began to kiss and lick his way down Alex's body, savoring the slightly salty flavor of his flesh. Zach ran his tongue lightly over Alex's belly button, swirling his tongue in tight little circles nearly driving Alex crazy with desire. Alex's dick was pulsing in time with his racing heartbeat and his balls sent a steady stream of precum out the tip of his dick soaking the front of his boxers.

Zach continued swirling his tongue around Alex's belly button and then started to pull Alex's jeans down till gravity took over and they dropped to the floor. Alex shuddered and gripped Zach's shoulders to steady himself as he stepped out of his pants. Alex had squeezed his eyes close and his breathing was becoming harsh and ragged as his chest heaved. Alex's chest began to glisten as a thin layer of sweat broke out over his body.

Zach began to nibble his way down past Alex's belly button till he reached Alex's boxers. Then Zach began to tongue Alex's dick and balls through the now slippery material of Alex's underwear. Alex groaned again and he once again gripped Zach's shoulders as his body shuddered.

Zach began to tug at Alex's boxers, drawing them slowly down and off. As he slowly pulled them down, the waistband caught on Alex's dick drawing it down too. Zach paused once he pulled Alex's boxers down far enough that Alex's dick was pointing towards the floor and the base of his shaft was exposed. Zach began to lick the base and Alex whimpered as his body shuddered once again.

After a few more moments of teasing Alex's shaft, Zach pulled his boxers the rest of the way off and Alex's dick sprang back up slapping his stomach with a wet splat. Alex whimpered again as Zach began to lick just the head of his dick with light feather like licks. Zach grasped the base of Alex's dick and began to pull in very small strokes while he continued licking the now super sensitive head of Alex's dick.

After a few moments Alex groaned and grabbed Zach's shoulders pulling him up. "Oh Fuck!" Alex muttered. "You've got to stop or I'm gonna lose it right now."

Zach grinned and leaned in to kiss Alex passionately, exploring every inch of Alex's mouth with his tongue. After a few moments Alex groaned again and gently pushed Zach away his eyes showing how hard he was fighting to keep from cumming. Alex drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to regain control of his body. Finally, he shook his head and grinned at Zach.

"That was close," Alex said smiling. "And I'm not ready to finish yet. I want this to last." Zach grinned at him and Alex grinned back.

Alex stepped over to Zach and began to nibble along Zach's jaw line again. Alex's hands stroked over Zach's chest lightly but quickly headed south towards his belt. Fumbling for a few seconds, Alex managed to open Zach's belt in record time and proceeded to push Zach's pants down till they hit the floor. Alex grinned as he saw that Zach's dick was straining against the confines of his underwear. Alex quickly pushed Zach's boxers down to the floor and grasped Zach's throbbing dick making Zach gasp.

Alex began to lick his way down Zach's torso, his hand still stroking Zach's dick and it was Zach's turn to begin whimpering. Alex licked his way down to just underneath Zach's belly button then began to concentrate his attentions in that spot. Alex nibbled at the sensitive skin there causing Zach to raise up on his tiptoes in anticipation.

After what seemed like an eternity to Zach, Alex proceeded to lick his way further down till he was kissing and licking Zach's shaft. Alex took just the tip of Zach's dick into his mouth and proceeded to suck and tongue the area till Zach thought he was going to be driven insane by the sensations. Alex began massaging Zach's balls with one hand and began to lightly run the fingers of his other hand up and down the cleft in Zach's butt. Zach groaned loudly and he began to involuntarily thrust with his pelvis pushing his dick in and out of Alex's eager mouth.

Zach could feel the orgasm rising in his body and he struggled to keep it under control. Just like Alex, Zach didn't want this to end and he fought the electric like tingling sensations running through his body. Zach's chest was heaving and his body began to shine as the sweat broke out over his skin. Zach reached down and gently pulled Alex off of his dick. Then he pulled him up to face him and he kissed him passionately.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Zach stared straight into Alex's eyes. "Alex," Zach whispered. "I want you to make love to me."

Alex grinned at him. "Isn't that what we are doing?" Alex teased as he leaned in to nuzzle at Zach's cheek.

"No Alex," Zach answered. "You don't understand. I want you to make love to me. I want you to have me completely. I want you to go all the way with you. To have you inside of me."

Alex's eyes went very big in surprise. "Are you sure Zach?" Alex asked. "Are you sure you are really ready for that?"

"I'm sure Alex," Zach whispered back running his fingers over Alex's chest. "I've been ready for a while now, but I wanted to save it till now. I want you. I need you."

Alex hesitated, torn between desire and uncertainty. "Zach, I don't know," Alex said his voice thick. "I don't want to hurt you. Are you really... ready for that?"

"Yes," Zach answered simply. "I know it will hurt a little at first. But I want you and I want this. I know you will be gentle and you'll take your time. I know if I tell you to stop, you will. I trust you Alex. And I love you."

Alex's eyes were a little wild as he stared into Zach's, trying to read if there was any hesitancy at all on Zach's part. Zach smiled gently up at him, the love and trust pouring out of his eyes. Alex hesitated for a few more seconds, and then a slow, shy smile broke over his face as he nodded his agreement.

Zach grinned and turned towards the bag that Cindy had brought. "Jason and Cindy got us a little gift to help," Zach said grinning as he saw Alex blush. Zach knew that Alex had figured out that Jason and Cindy both knew Zach's plans for the night. "They both suggested that we use a lot of this," Zach said as he tossed the bag to Alex. Alex looked into the bag and couldn't help laughing as he saw the large bottle of lubrication.

Zach walked over and grabbed Alex's hand and gently began to lead him towards the bedroom. Alex allowed himself to be led into the bedroom and then when they were next to the bed, he turned Zach around and pulled him into fierce embrace. Alex began to kiss Zach passionately, probing his mouth with his tongue as his fingers ran over his body. Gently Alex lay Zach down on the bed and lay down on top of him continuing his kiss.

Alex continued exploring Zach's body with his fingers and Zach wrapped his arms around Alex's back and began to massage the muscles there. Alex's fingers reached Zach's dick and was surprised to feel Zach's dick already leaking a steady stream of fluid. Alex lightly stroked Zach's dick a few times then let his fingers wander down further till they were under Zach's balls. Zach spread his legs to give Alex better access and Alex drew one of Zach's legs up and bent it to open him up even further.

Alex broke the kiss for a few minutes and looked into Zach's eyes again checking to see if Zach was still ok. Zach smiled at Alex and nodded his head understanding what Alex was doing. Zach reached up with one hand and pulled Alex back down into their kiss.

Alex's fingers began to circle Zach's hole, lightly stroking the sensitive flesh there and Zach moaned. Alex continued to lightly stroke Zach's quivering hole for several minutes until Zach thought he was going to go crazy. Then Alex drew his hand away for a few moments. Zach glanced down and saw Alex applying some lube to his fingers and then he felt the cool fluid being applied directly to his ass. Zach gasped as the cold fluid hit his hot flesh.

Alex began to slowly circle Zach's hole again, applying a gentle pressure this time. Slowly Alex began to insert his fingertip into Zach and then withdrawing it. Zach moaned again and his body shuddered. Emboldened, Alex began to push more and more of his finger into Zach with each thrust until finally he had worked his finger all the way in.

Alex held his hand in place and again stared into Zach's eyes checking his reaction. Zach smiled at him and Alex began to slowly finger fuck Zach very gently. Alex took his time, slowly stretching Zach's hole with an almost inhuman patience. After a time, Alex pulled his finger out and applied some more lube directly to Zach quivering ass. With an even greater gentleness and patience, Alex slowly worked two fingers into Zach, further stretching him in preparation for later. In time, Alex repeated the process with a third finger making Zach nearly crazy with desire.

After a time, when Alex was able to slip three fingers into Zach with ease, Alex pulled his hand away and again stared into Zach's eyes. "Are you really sure Zach?" Alex asked, his voice quiet and concerned. "Are you really sure you want me to do this?"

Zach stared lovingly into Alex's eyes. "Yes," Zach whispered. "I want you so much Alex. And I'm ready."

"But it's gonna hurt Zach," Alex protested. "Maybe we should wait. I don't want to hurt you."

Zach smiled once again at Alex. "I know it will Alex," Zach answered. "But it will only be for a short time. And it's gonna hurt no matter how long we wait." Zach grinned as his voice took on a teasing manner. "That thing between your legs is a little bigger than average you know. And I don't think it's gonna get any smaller if we wait."

Alex blushed at the teasing banter and he grinned back at Zach, but his eyes were still hesitant. "Zach..." Alex began.

"Alex, I know," Zach interrupted. "There will be a little bit of pain. But you won't deliberately hurt me. The very fact that you are hesitating now proves that to me. I want this Alex. I want you. I need you. I love you."

Alex hesitated for a few more moments and then nodded his head in agreement. Alex applied a very generous amount of lube to his dick and then squirted even more into Zach. Alex then raised both of Zach's legs till they were nearly touching his chest. Zach grabbed a hold of his legs to keep them in the air and Alex placed the tip of his dick against Zach's hole.

Zach groaned as he felt the warm tip of Alex's dick touch him. Zach drew in a deep breath and slowly released it. He felt Alex begin to slowly push with a little more pressure and Zach began to feel the muscles in his ass begin to stretch even further. Alex kept the pressure steady, allowing Zach's body to accept his dick and slowly the resistance to his entry began to fade. Then Zach felt the head of Alex's dick enter him and he almost cried out with the sharp stab of sudden pain.

Alex saw the flash of pain in Zach's eyes and he froze holding his position steady. Slowly, the pain subsided and Zach nodded his head at Alex to continue. Alex stared at Zach for a couple of moments debating whether he should comply with Zach's request. Zach's eyes took on a pleading look and Alex gave up and began to slowly push himself further into Zach.

The sensations running through Zach were overwhelming. The stab of pain when Alex's dick first entered him had almost been enough to make him reconsider the entire thing. But then, Zach had felt Alex freeze and the pain began to subside slowly being replaced by a penetrating warmth. Alex continued to push into him and Zach felt the tingling throughout his body. The pain was still present, but it had faded to almost nothing and was overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure washing over his body.

Alex continued to slowly push his dick into Zach and Zach began to wonder just how much more he had to push in. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Alex was completely in. Alex stayed in that position for several minutes allowing Zach to get use to the sensations and allowing Zach's body time to adjust. After several minutes Zach nodded his head again and Alex began to slowly pull part way out and then push his way back in. Alex gentleness and patience again surprised Zach.

Slowly, Alex began to increase the pace of his thrusts. A thin sheen of sweat had again broken out over Alex's chest and forehead and Alex's breathing was becoming more labored. Zach's body began to respond to Alex's lovemaking and his dick began to throb again. Zach could feel his chest straining to pull in air fast enough and he could feel the seat streaking down his body. The electric waves of pleasure were almost continuous as Alex steadily increased the urgency of his thrusting.

Then, without warning, Zach felt Alex's dick touch something deep inside him. Something that when touched caused his body to spasm and a wave of such pleasure to wash over him he feared he might pass out. Zach cried out and began to toss his head back and forth as the pleasure overwhelmed him. And then he felt Alex's dick brush that spot again and again and the waves of pleasure were, if anything, even more intense. Alex's dick brushed the spot again and Zach nearly screamed as his dick began pumping out what felt like gallons of cum. The streaks of white fluid sprayed through the air and splattered Zach's chest and stomach. Zach felt his dick throb and spasm over and over again and with each spasm more fluid streaked out splattering with great force against his chest.

As Zach's orgasm wracked his body Alex felt the muscles in Zach's bowels begin to clench his dick in an overpowering grip. Alex had been thrusting into Zach with an ever increasing speed as his own orgasm built and the sensations of Zach's ass gripping his dick so tightly was enough to push him over the edge. Alex began to thrust with a frenzy as he felt his dick explode shooting his cum deep into Zach's body. Alex cried out Zach's name as the waves of intense pleasure washed over him and he continued to thrust into Zach, feeling the muscles in Zach's ass milk every last drop out of him.

Finally, spent, Alex collapsed on top of Zach, both of their chest heaving. Alex could feel Zach's body continue to spasm periodically and he could feel his own muscles twitch every so often. Slowly, they got their labored breath under control as they slowly came back down to reality. Alex kissed Zach passionately for several minutes, basking in the intense afterglow of their shared love.

After several more minutes Alex reluctantly broke away from the kiss. "You didn't have to do that Zach," Alex said finally. "I didn't need you to prove your love for me. I was willing to wait."

"I did it because I love you Alex," Zach said simply, smiling slightly. "I never thought I would say that to anyone. And God knows I never thought anyone would love me back. I'm not much of a prize. But all that I am, it's yours Alex. Now and for always."

Alex looked straight into Zach's eyes, his eyes brimming. Alex pulled Zach back into his arms, hugging him intensely. "I love you too Zach," Alex whispered in his ear. "I love you so much, I can't even tell you how much I love you. I want to hold you forever and shout it out to everyone. I want the world to know. But more importantly, I want you to know. I love you Zach!"

Zach smiled at Alex, his heart full. The demons that had always torn at his soul had finally found their match and been defeated. And by the last thing Zach had ever expected to fin in his life. And it was love.


No more to be continueds. This is where I had always intended to end the story. Ever since I first made noises in the group that this was going to be the final chapter, a lot of you have written me privately asking me to continue. I appreciate the fact that you have become so attached to the characters and you want to know what happened next. Actually, it makes me feel pretty damn good since these aren't just characters in a work of fiction. But the story has to end somewhere. And I think now is the time to do it.

And now, to answer the question I get asked the most. No, the real Alex and I are not still together. We were together for eight wonderful years before circumstances moved in to make us part ways. Of all the things I have done in my life, saying goodbye to him was the most difficult. We remained the closest of friends ever since that day, eight years ago, when I had to let him go. The word "friends" doesn't even come close to describing the relationship. Even after all this time, I still love him. At least as intensely as I always did. I think I always will.

I want to give a big thanks to the people at Nifty for making space for my story. I think you do a tremendous job and I'm extremely indebted to you for all your efforts. I hope you know that all your hard work is very much appreciated!

I also want to thank everyone who has written. Your comments and support have been phenomenal. I've said it before, but you guys are the best! If I have missed responding to any of you, I really am sorry. Drop me a line if you feel so inclined and let me know what you think or ask me any questions. I'll try to respond to all of you. You can email me at Or drop by the Yahoo Group set up for the story at and post a message there. I'm pretty good at answering at both places. At least I haven't had any complaints yet!

Greg The Hack

Next: Chapter 13: Was It Worth It

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