Alex and the Giant

By Josh Lab

Published on Dec 23, 2018


Let me preface this by saying I am in no means a writer. There seems to however be very little stories involving bigger guys who aren't obsessed with themselves and are gentle, so I decided to write a short story. g/t stories are a huge turn on for me, so feel free to leave comments or maybe send some stories to

Thanks for taking to time to read! :)

Alex walked into the gym, glancing around as he started his workout routine. "Shit he's here" he thought as he saw one of the gym's occupients. Across the room stood the man that garnered Alex's attention- He stood around 10 feet tall, had dark brown hair, well muscled, and the juiciest bubble butt Alex had seen in person.

The beast of a man was what was known as a "titan", a race of superhumans that could change their size at will. They were not super common in this area thus often attracting a ton of attention, and as a result were often self obsessed attention whores. But this one seemed different to Alex. He didn't attract much attention to himself, and when he was approached by others acted almost shy- not engaging in much conversation but still had an air of politeness and general friendliness about him.

Alex made his way to the treadmills picking one that would give him a good view of the giant across the room. As his workout went on he stole quick glances at him, trying not to be obvious about it. He wasn't successful, during one of his glances the big man made eye contact with him and Alex quickly averted his eyes. When he had the balls to look again his face flushed to find the man still glancing in his direction. They shared a moment of eye contact again and the titan gave him a grin, leaving Alex with such a weak feeling in his knees he had to slow his speed of his run. He kept up his workout for a while longer, until he noticed the huge man making his way towards the showers, staring at his ass the whole time. Right before the man entered the doorway he looked back right into Alex's eyes and gave him a wink and continued into the showers.

"Holy shit, is he coming on to me?" Alex thought. He'd always wondered what it'd be like to even just touch someone that huge, and his dreams had often carried him down similar fantasies. After another minute of debating with himself Alex summoned the courage to follow. "I'll just take a quick shower, maybe get a glance of him, then leave" he said to himself. He entered the locker room, seeing no one he undressed catching a glimpse of himself in a wall mirror.

Alex was 24, 5'11, well built with well defined pecs, less defined abs and had a light coat of hair on his torso. Summoning his courage he headed towards the showers. He peeked in the open room that had several shower heads around its perimeter, seeing the only occupant being the huge man. He was showering, his back to Alex. After a few seconds of gaping at his impressive naked form, he quickly moved to the farthest shower and turned it on, facing away from the other man.

"You coward", he thought to himself, but couldn't bare the thought of getting closer. It was all he could do at the moment to keep his own 8 inch dick from springing to attention. He lathered up feeling his own body, admiring the progress his gym going had done for him lately. He finally found the courage to turn around, but not before another gym member had entered the showers. His eyes went straight for the large man, and what he saw made him swallow. The man was turned toward him, washing his hair, his large body on display. Large round pecs with light hair running down into a chiseled six pack with his happy trail leading down to a trimmed bush that surrounded what must have been at least a foot long soft cock.

Totally lost in the sight, he stared longer than he meant to so when he finally looked back up at the man's face he was horrified to see him staring right back him. What was worse was he was he had a smirk on his face, and Alex realised the giant was staring at his crotch. He glanced down and saw he was rock hard. "Fuck that didn't take long" he thought and turned to face the wall mortified, endlessly scrubbing himself waiting for the other occupants to leave the showers. He finally heard one shower shut off, then another, and turned around to the empty room. "What the hell Alex, get yourself together and just talk to him" he thought. Looking down he saw his dick had deflated somewhat. "Now or never" he thought, and exited the showers.

Entering the the locker room he saw once again it was just the big man in the room. "Of course his locker would be almost right next to mine" he said to himself, summoning his courage and walking towards him. Standing next to the man really was aweing, seeing a hairy thigh the size of a small tree trunk in his peripheral vision.

Alex heard a deep "Hey" come from the giant. He turned, greeted first with the massive manhood of the man just under eye level, quickly averted his gaze and turned it up his still wet perfectly sculpted body to meet the giant's eyes. "God he's gorgeous", Alex thought. He had deep blue eyes and covered by his wet hair, along with a short trimmed beard. He must be in his early twenties Alex thought.

"Uhh hey.." Alex managed to mumble as he started up at the huge man. Pulling himself together he said "Sorry for staring, you're just so... uh...".

"Huge?" Suggested the man-

"Uh yeah that" Alex blurted, "Sorry I don't mean to be rude." he said. The big man smiled warmly saying "Heh no problem man, I sort of stick out like a sore thumb" he chuckled. "I'm Avery by the way" he said, reaching down to offer a handshake.

"Alex" Alex mumbled as he watched his hand enveloped by Avery's huge hand. His grip was surprisingly gentle Alex thought, staring at the fingers, shifting his gaze to the wrist (he had always had a weird fetish for guy's wrists), then up the furry forearm, to the bulging bicep, round shoulder, then finally ended on Avery's grinning face. "Sorry I'm staring again" Alex managed to blurt out, his hand still limp in Avery's hand.

"No worries dude" Avery smiled as he released Alex's hand. "I'm just kinda.. uh, in awe" Alex nervously said, already missing Avery's hand.

The giant made a sound of amusement as he went back to drying himself off, "Yeah sorta noticed" he said glancing down at Alex's crotch. Blood rushed to Alex's cheeks with dread as he realised it wasn't the only place it was rushing to. He turned quickly away trying to hide his rock hard dick, mortified beyond words. Avery gave a gentle chuckle saying "Don't be shy dude, stare all you want". Alex turned his head in disbelief, looking Avery in the eye. He had a sexy smirk on his face as he reached for another towel to dry his huge bulk. "Shit man, feel free to touch too if you want" Avery said softly.

Alex heart was beating in his throat, "Is he for real? Am I dreaming?" he thought. His eyes drifted down Avery's body watching him dry his massive thighs, then glanced back up to his face. He had an inviting grin on his lips as he stopped his drying and dropped the towel and took a small step closer to Alex. His heart fluttering, Alex watched as the giant's abs came within inches of his face, becoming aware of the heat radiating off Avery's huge cock also mere inches from his own chest. He slowly reached up a hand an put it on Avery's hip, feeling his soft warm skin. He ran his hand up and Avery's side, then slid it around to feel a huge globe of muscle bigger than Alex's that was Avery's ass. Sliding his hand back to the front he ran his hand up the chiseled abs, then down slowly following the happy trail till he reached thick dark pubes. Alex swallowed hard, completely inraptured by this experience, and slowly wrapped both his hand around Avery's giant soft cock.

"Holy shit" Alex whispered as he held Avery's massive member. As he started to run his hands over the huge dick Avery let out a sigh pleasure. Alex looked up at the giant and received a wide grin in response. Avery gently put a hand on Alex's shoulder, slowly sliding it down his back. Alex shivered at the contact of the huge hand on him. He shifted his glance back to the now growing cock in his hands, and was just about to open his mouth to taste it, when voices suddenly shocked Alex back to reality.

They both quickly started to dress as the locker room filled with a few gym members. Alex sat on a bench to tie his shoes. Avery sat down next to him, and leaned in close to him and whispered "Want to head to my place?".

With a huge grin, Alex said "Fuck yeah".

Should I keep going?

Next: Chapter 2

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