Alex and Sebastian

By 2012guerra .

Published on Feb 8, 2017


Alex and Sebastian 47

Hello again guys, this is the final season for Alex and Sebastian. I hope you guys enjoy!

These will be the last few chapters of this story so please let me know what you guys think about the chapters and any predictions or thoughts you have before the conclusion!

Anyways, please continue to email me so I know someone is reading and liking what I'm writing. I also have a playlist of songs that I listen to while writing the chapters if y'all are interested.

The email you can reach me at is for questions, comments, concerns or donations ha-ha, just kidding!

A fellow reader made a playlist with most of the songs I've either used or will use in the series. If y'all want to listen to it while reading the chapters the link for it is this:

One new song will be added on to the playlist.

Over You – Miranda Lambert

In all seriousness, please don't forget to donate to nifty here, without which we wouldn't have this collection of great stories!

Every story is free on here, so please let's keep it that way and donate, guys.


Flashback December 2022

I sat with Michael, Patrick and Janet, three friends Jay and I made in our time here in Austin.

"Are they almost here?" Janet asked, referring to Michele and Jay.

"Yeah, I hope so. They called me an hour ago letting me know traffic was crazy." I looked at my phone. "Should I call them again?"

Patrick took a sip from his drink. "Nah, I think you should give them a few more minutes – traffic does get pretty bad around this time."

So we sat there waiting for Michele or Jay to call any of us to let us know they were nearby. Considering we agreed to meet at Denny's at 8:30 PM for Jay's birthday, I found it funny the man of the hour was running late.

Getting ready this morning, I knew it would be a mistake to let Jay and I take our separate cars. I couldn't help it though, I needed to be alone to pick up his gift: a brand new acoustic guitar. She was beautiful. I had her wrapped in the back of my car ready for her to be opened and played.

At 9:24 PM, my phone rang.

"Hey, Michele! Where are you guys?"

Michele's voice was off from the start. "Alex – Alex, you need to come to St. David's North. We – we were in an accident."

"What?" I could feel Patrick, Janet, and Michael's eyes on me. "Michele, are you okay?"

I heard Michele sniffle from her end of the line. "Yes, just – just get here fast, okay?"

"Yes, of course. I'm on my way."

I don't remember much.

I remember parts of the drive there, running a few red lights, and getting honked at by other drivers. I remember dialing and redialing Jay praying – begging – for him to answer.

I remember running into the emergency room and calling for Michele and Jay. I took out my phone again and dialed Jay.

"Jay, pick up," I said as I paced back and forth. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Patrick, Janet and Michael join me. They had followed me here when I told them there had been an accident.

"Michele!" I spun to face the direction Janet was pointing at. When I saw her, I immediately noticed a bandage on the right side of her head and some scrapes and bruises. I ran to her and gave her a small, soft hug. I pulled back and looked around for Jay.

When I couldn't find him, I looked back at Michele. "Where's Jay," I asked.  She stood in front of me unable to speak. "Michele?" I whispered, fearing I already knew what I didn't know yet. "What is it?" I asked again.

"It's Jay," she whispered.

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I faced the ceiling and shut my eyes, unable to process what Michele was telling me. A small shaky breath escaped my throat. Around me, I could feel Janet turning to hug Michael and Patrick sitting down on a nearby chair.

"Where is he?" I looked around the room one more time as if he was about to walk through one of the many doors here. Even then, I couldn't let that possibility enter my mind.

Michele looked at me, tears pooling in her eyes, and shook her head.

"Where is he?" I repeated, quieter now. Michele leaned forward and gave me a hug. I felt her begin to weep in my arms. A small, "No," escaped my lips.

Just like that, I had lost the only person capable of helping me get through this.


1 month before the wedding

"Thanks for coming with me while Matt is at Austin again, Seb."

"Not a problem, Alex."

Sebastian and I stood in front of a gray tomb stone.

Jay Cook.

Born November 15, 1996.

Died November 18, 2022.

I shut my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I could remember that Friday night like it was yesterday. "Can you give me a second, Seb?"

Sebastian turned to look at me. "Of course, A." Before he walked off, he gave my shoulder a small squeeze.

I turned back to look at the gray tombstone in front of me and I sat down next to it. "Hey, Jay." I said as my warm fingers touched the cold stone. "I've missed you these past few years." A small tear rolled down my cheek before I noticed it and wiped it away. For the next few minutes, I filled Jay in on what had been going on in my life since I had last visited him. I also apologized for not coming around more often.

"I've been," I wiped away some more tears that had been pooling in my eyes. "I've been working on a little something for you." From behind me, I took out a rarely used guitar. She was just as beautiful now as she was four years ago.

I cleared my throat and strummed the guitar.

"Weatherman says it's going to snow.

By now I should be used to the cold.

Mid-February shouldn't be so scary.

It was only December.

I still remember the presents, the tree, you and me."

I could feel a wetness in my eyes and a rawness in my throat.

What where your last words, Jay?

I had been told it had all happened so fast. But how fast is fast? Those few seconds in between must have felt like forever to him. He must have been so frightened and I wanted nothing more than to go back and be with him. I wanted to hug him and tell him it would be okay.

I couldn't help wondering what he could have done with his life if he just had the chance to have grown up, to get married and have a family.

"Living alone here in this place.

I think of you and I'm not afraid.

Your favorite records make me feel better.

`Cause you sing along with every song.

I know you didn't mean to give them to me."

Jay, you had so many songs left to sing with me.

God, you had so many stories that I'll never get to hear – so much we didn't get to do.

It's been four years but I still couldn't believe he was gone. Every second after the accident had felt like a painful and empty eternity.

How could you leave me this way, Jay?

It had been only a few hours before that we had said we loved each other. He had said, "I love you, Alex." I had said, "I love you more, Jay." He had laughed and said, "If you say so." Then he had kissed me goodbye as he went to pick Michele up from her place. I had thought we'd grow old together but, only a few hours later, he was gone from my life forever.

How could you leave me this way?

"But you went away.

How dare you?

I miss you.

They say I'll be okay,

But I'm not going to ever get over you."

My fingers got stuck in between the strings of the guitar as my eyes became clouded by tears. I exhaled my frustration and shut my eyes. I couldn't do it – I couldn't finish the song.

I sat there next to Jay, tears streaming down my face, for another minute, feeling angry and hurt that I couldn't do this one thing for him.

I was startled when I heard footsteps behind me and Sebastian sat crossed-legged next to me - our knees touching. Slowly, he extended his hands and took the guitar from me. I looked at him as he got comfortable and started playing the same chords I had been. He looked at me, teary-eyed as well, and sang.

"It really sets in, you know,

When I see it in stone."

I continued to look at him as he played and I gave him a small smile.

I was transfixed by the softness and warmth that Sebastian sang and played with. I turned to look at Jay's grave and could vividly picture him smiling and singing along with him.

"Cause you went away.

How dare you?

I miss you.

They say I'll be okay,

But I'm not going to ever get over you."

Softly, Sebastian played the outro of the song. In those few final seconds, I felt a small smile spread across my lips.

"Thank you," I said as he finished.

Sebastian gave me a small smile and a nod as he handed the guitar back to me. As I grabbed the guitar, our fingers touched and I felt a warmth inside me I hadn't felt in so long. Our eyes met and we smiled.

In the few seconds it took for our eyes to meet, I saw in them all the laughs and smiles and jokes and conversations we had shared throughout the years.

Slowly, I felt myself lean into him and kiss his lips. I closed my eyes as the familiar taste and feel of his lips filled my head.

After a few seconds, I pulled back. "Sorry," I whispered.

Sebastian looked at me but I couldn't read the look on his eyes. "It's okay," he whispered. "We should – we should probably go, though," he cleared his throat.

I nodded. Slowly, we stood up and headed back to his car so he could drop me off back at home.

Next: Chapter 48

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