Alex and Sebastian

By 2012guerra .

Published on Jan 15, 2017


Alex and Sebastian 43

Hello again guys, this is the final season for Alex and Sebastian. I hope you guys enjoy!

Anyways, please continue to email me so I know someone is reading and liking what I'm writing. I also have a playlist of songs that I listen to while writing the chapters if y'all are interested.

The email you can reach me at is for questions, comments, concerns or donations ha-ha, just kidding!

A fellow reader made a playlist with most of the songs I've either used or will use in the series. If y'all want to listen to it while reading the chapters the link for it is this:

One new song will be added on to the playlist.

Million Reasons – Lady Gaga

In all seriousness, please don't forget to donate to nifty here, without which we wouldn't have this collection of great stories!

Every story is free on here, so please let's keep it that way and donate, guys.


2 months before the wedding

"I really don't want to go, though."

I smiled up at Matt as I laid my head on his chest in our bed. "It's your job, Matt. Go, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? I can call them and let them know that I can't go."

I traced my hand over Matt's naked chest. "Matt, it's fine. I'll be fine. Lea wanted to hang this weekend, anyways."

"Ok. Ok. Fine." Matt wiggled down the bed to be face level with me. "But I don't want to leave without a little something," he smiled.

A smile spread on my face. "A little something? What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Oh," he smiled, "I don't know."

Matt's face moved closer to mine and I closed my eyes as he began to kiss my lips and moved to my neck. I wrapped my arms around his back as he came close to that spot on my neck I always loved but, before he reached it, he moved down to my chest. I was slightly disappointed but that feeling went away as soon as he began kissing and nibbling on my naval.

A small shudder coursed through my body as I felt his warm mouth tracing the outline of my dick through my shorts. I played with Matt's hair as he began to tug on the hem of my shorts. Raising my hips, he pulled my shorts off and freed my dick. Slowly, he began licking it up and down and I shut my eyes trying to intensify the pleasure. Before long, he had my entire length inside his mouth as I was thrusting into it going deeper and deeper with every thrust.

After some time, I turned around and laid on my belly as Matt positioned himself on top of me. Gradually, I felt his thick dick enter me and I grabbed onto my sheets for comfort. Matt placed his right hand on my neck as he began thrusting into me faster and harder. It wasn't long before we were both grunting and moaning - our dicks getting closer and closer to that point of no return.

With one last thrust, I felt Matt's cock thicken even more and a series of throbs indicated he was cumming. Not a second later, I joined his orgasm and felt myself cum on the sheets below me. Pulling himself off, Matt gave me one last kiss on my lips as he began getting ready for his trip to Austin.


It had only been a day since Matt had left but, even then, the apartment felt empty without him. It almost made me think back to when I had my own apartment so many years back. I smiled, thinking about all the fun times I had there on my own.

I had talked to Matt early this morning and assured him I was fine. He let me know that he'd be back Sunday night or early Monday morning at the latest. I told him that was fine since I'd be hanging with Lea and Ralf for the weekend anyways.

An hour before we were supposed to get together, Lea texted me saying that she and Brandon where not going to be able to make it since some wedding details had came up. I told her it was fine and that I'd just hang with Ralf. I got to the mall's food court where I was supposed to meet Ralf and sat down on a booth near the entrance to wait.

Not five minutes later, I saw Sebastian walk into the mall, see me, and begin walking in my direction.

"Hey, Alex," he said as he stopped in front of me and offered me his hand. "Hope you don't mind, Ralf invited me to hang out with you and Lea tonight."

I shook my head and gave him a small smile. "Not at all. It's fine, man. Sit," I said, gesturing to the empty seat in front of me. "I'm just waiting for Ralf. Something came up and Lea and Brandon won't be able to make it."

Sebastian nodded and took a seat in front of me. As we waited for Ralf, a small feeling of anxiety grew in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed it down and, before I was able to strike up a conversation with Sebastian, he looked up at me from his phone.

"So, Ralf just texted me and said he won't be able to make it. Something about his car."

"Oh, that sucks."

Sebastian and I looked at each other for a second, both of us trying to figure out what to do next.

"Listen," he said. "If it's ... awkward for you and me to hang out, we can just leave." He gave me a small smile trying to make it less uncomfortable.

I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I had no plans tonight anyways. Matt left to run some errands at Austin so we can chill for a bit."

Sebastian gave me another smile, "Do you want to get something to eat then? I mean, we're already here."

I nodded again and stood up as we walked towards the different restaurants in our food court. For whatever reason, we both decided on the Chinese food restaurant located in the far corner of the food court. As we waited in line, Sebastian turned back to look at me.

"Hold on. Didn't Chinese food make you breakout before?"

My face flushed at the memory. "Not anymore," I said.

Sebastian laughed. "Yeah. Okay," he teased.

As Sebastian's turn to order food came up, he walked up and looked at the menu on the wall above us. It was taking him a while to decide what he wanted so I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "You know, other people want to order food, too," I teased.

I saw Sebastian's shoulders move as a small chuckle escaped him. After he placed his order, I went up and placed mine. Walking back to our booth with our food in hand, I realized how much taller Sebastian had actually gotten. I pushed the thought away as I sat in front of him.

As we ate, Sebastian and I had a small conversation about our jobs and what we liked or disliked about them.

"And don't get me started about my 6th period," he laughed. "Sometimes I just want to shake them until they understand what I'm teaching them." I laughed, relating to the stress and hardships of teaching. "What about you," he asked. "How's UNIV treating you?"

"It's fine, I guess. A lot of paper work day in and day out. It gets the bills paid, though." Sebastian nodded. "Don't get me wrong, though. I love being a professor. It feels ... right. I don't know how to explain it but I love it."

We continued to share different stories from our job, some funny, some stressful. "Hey, Alex. Would you – would you be interested in going down to El Vaso tonight?"

I looked up at Sebastian from my nearly empty plate. The last time I had been there was with Matt but we had stayed outside and I could sense he didn't like it as much as I had hoped. "Uh, actually, yeah, that'd be great. I've been meaning to visit again but I feel like Matt didn't like it as much."

Sebastian nodded but, before he had a chance to talk, his phone began to vibrate. He looked at the caller ID and excused himself. I finished the last of my noodles looking at Sebastian pacing with his phone in his hand. A few minutes later, he came back looking a little annoyed.

"Sorry about this, Alex. Something came up and I have to go pick up Lily from Emma's. It's going to be a night in for me instead," he said with what I thought to be a sad smile.

"Hey, no problem," I said. "I'll head home then, too."

"You don't have other plans tonight?"

I looked back at Sebastian as I gathered my trash on top of my plate. "No, I don't. Matt's not going to be back until Monday morning, probably. Why?"

"Well," he said. "Maybe you can come over to my place. I have some beers in the fridge. You can watch a movie with Lily and me. You know, if you want."

I thought the offer over. I mean, there was nothing wrong with drinking some beers with an old friend. His daughter was going to be there with us, too. "If that's cool with you, Sebastian, I'm down."

"Aright," he smiled. "Give me twenty minutes to pick Lily up and then head to my place."

I nodded and said goodbye to Sebastian. For the next half hour, I walked around the mall looking at different stores trying to kill some time. A few stores that I remembered had closed down but there were still quite a few that were still open. When time was up, I headed back to my car and drove to Sebastian's.

A small vibration caught my attention and I took my phone out. "Hey, Matt. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Lex. A little bored up here without you," I heard him say.

A small smile broke out of my face. "I'm a little bored down here without you, too."

I could hear Matt's laugh through the line. We continued to talk as I stopped at a gas station to buy some extra beers. "So, what are you doing right now?"

"I just finished having dinner with a friend at the food court. Now I'm headed to go watch a movie with them." A part of me felt like I was lying to him by describing Sebastian as just a friend but that's all that he was to me now, though.

"Really? Should I be worried?" He laughed.

"What?" I laughed, too. "No, Matty. It's not like that."

"I know, Lex, I'm kidding." I heard a small commotion going on in his end of the line. "Look, I have to go again but have fun, okay? Not too much fun, though," he laughed.

"Okay, Matt. I will ... or won't, ha."

"Ha-ha. I'll see you Sunday night, Alex. Love you."

"Love you, too, Matt."

We both hung up as I parked in front of Sebastian's house. I looked at his place and I realized that, despite the few renovations done to it, it was just like I had last seen it so many years ago. I got out of my car and walked up to his front door. I paused, realizing the last time I had been at his front door was when I had come to say "goodbye" to him. I blinked the thought away and rang his doorbell.


It took me a second or two to open the door after hearing a knock. "Hey, Alex. Come on in."

Alex smiled and walked inside, offering to place the beers he brought in my fridge. As he walked through my living room, I was immediately hit with the memories from when we were young. The furniture and walls night be different, but I could never forget the corner where he had sang to me and Emma, the area where he carried my drunk self after Carol's party – after I first kissed him. I admit, I didn't think the memories would hit me as hard as they were hitting me right now. Taking a deep breath, I focused on Alex's back as he put the beers in the fridge and saw him turn back to look at me.

The first thing I noticed was a strange look on his face and I realized that, maybe, Alex was remembering the same things I was. For a second, we locked eyes and just stared at each other. The silence was broken as Lily walked into the living room with her favorite pillow in her hands.

"What movie are we watching, dad?" She looked at me then noticed Alex in the kitchen. I noticed that Lily looked at Alex with a small sense of recognition.

"Lily, this is one of daddy's friends, Alex."

Lily walked up to Alex and outstretched her hand. Alex took in in his and smiled at Lily. "Hey, Lily. Nice to meet you."

Lily continued to look at Alex before saying, "You look really familiar, sir."

Alex raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well, first of all, you can call me Alex, Lily. Secondly," he smiled, "I did meet you back when you were really little. Didn't think you would remember that, though."

Lily seemed to consider Alex's words before coming back to me. I admit, the fact that Lily remembered Alex – or, at least thought she did – came as a small shock to me. Nevertheless, I pushed that thought out of my mind and popped in an old Disney movie into my DVD player. For an hour and a half, Alex and I drank beer with Lily between us as we watched The Little Mermaid on my couch.

For that hour and a half, I forgot about all the stress and worry that was going on in my life. For that hour and a half, I was genuinely happy.

When the movie was over, I stood up and told Lily that it was time for bed. "But daddy," she started.

"No `but daddy' me. It's time for bed Lily pad." I noticed Alex gave me a small smile as I talked to my daughter and I smiled back at him. "I'll be right back, Alex. She likes it when I tuck her in."

Leaving Alex in my living room, I walked Lily to the restroom to make sure she washed her teeth and followed her into her room. Gently, I tucked her in and smiled as she looked at me.

"I remember where I know him from, dad," she said.

"Oh yeah? Where's that from, honey?"

"When I was little –"

"You're still little, honey," I smiled.

"Dad. When I was smaller, I think I remember seeing him in a grocery store. He waved hello to me."

I was about to tell Lily how she probably made a mistake and confused him with someone. That I knew of, Alex had only been in town twice. Once was December four years ago. The other had been to meet with me a few weeks before Lea told me about the wedding.

Other than that, I didn't think Alex had ever – wait. I thought back to Thanksgiving Day a few years ago. I remembered the strange feeling of someone looking at me in the isle. In fact, I even remember Lily waving bye to someone in the parking lot but, when I turned around, there was nobody there.

Could it be that had been Alex?

"Well, maybe it was him, honey," I said, not wanting to overthink anything right now. "But right now, all you need to focus on is going to sleep. Okay?"

"Okay," Lily smiled. I kissed her forehead and began to walk out when she called me back. "Daddy," she said.

"Yes, hun?"

"Can you sing me that song again?"

My grip on the door tightened. It was like my heart had been stabbed with a metal rod when I realized the real reason Lily recognized Alex. Hell, he might have been one of the earliest memories she had. "Okay, Lily pad," I said. "Just one time."

I leaned down next to her bed and played with her hair as I sang her to sleep, all the time trying to convince myself that it was just a coincidence this was Lily's favorite song.

"Hold me close and hold me fast.

The magic spell you cast.

This is la vie en rose.

When you kiss me heaven sighs.

And though I close my eyes,

I see la vie en rose..."


Walking back to Alex, I made a shushing gesture with my hand and motioned for him to follow me outside. Once we were out in my backyard, I pulled open two fold-up chairs and motioned for him to sit next to me.

"So, how have you been, Alex?"

Alex cracked open a beer he brought from inside and handed me one.

"So far, good, Seb. I didn't realize how much I missed this town until I got here again."

You're giving me a million reasons to let you go.

You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show.

You're giving me a million reasons – about a million reasons.

If I had a highway I would run for the hills.

If you could find a dry way I'd forever be still.

But you're giving me a million reasons – about a million reason.

"Yeah, well you should come down more often," I said taking a drink from my beer. I glanced at him to see what his reaction to my suggestion was and I saw him form a small smile.

"Well, Matt and I have been thinking about staying here. You know, maybe."

Matt and I.

"Yeah, that'd be great," I said. "You guys wouldn't be so far away from everything." I took another sip of my beer and added, "It'd be nice to have you back."

"Yeah," he said. "It'd be nice to be back."

And if you say something that you might even mean.

It's hard to even fathom which parts I should believe.

`Cause you're giving me a million reasons.

About a million reasons.

As we sat outside, I looked up at the stars and couldn't stop myself from thinking back to the night we sat out here, on the wet grass, and kissed. Everything had seemed so right at that moment. There was no Emma or Jay or Matt or anything else other than us two.

I took another drink of my beer and blinked the thought away.

Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare.

It's like that I've stopped breathing but completely aware.

`Cause you're giving me a million reasons.

Give me a million reasons.

"You were really good that night at Vaso, by the way," he said.

"Oh, yeah?" I smirked. "Thanks."

"You've been practicing?"

"Yes," I smiled. "Lily loves to see me play the guitar. She's got a nice voice, too."

"Guess your choir boy genes passed down, huh?"

I blinked and looked at Alex. "How do you know I was in choir?" I smiled.

"Your sister told me a long time back," he laughed as he noticed the look on my face. "I'd love to see you play again sometime, man."

I made a mental note to sermon Michele for sharing that with Alex. As I opened another bottle, I thought back to the night I had almost run into Alex when I went to help Michele move a few years back. Maybe if I had talked to him then, we wouldn't have spent so many years apart. Pointless, really. I didn't talk to him and he didn't talk to me. Nothing could change that now.

"Yeah, well I'd like to see you play, too, A."

"Uff," he laughed as he drank another beer. "I'd need to look for my guitar. Haven't played in a while since Matt and I moved in together."

I looked at Alex as I took another sip. "You can always come over and borrow mine, A."

He smiled and nodded. "I had a good time tonight, man." He was quiet for a second before adding, "What I said that time at the coffee shop? I really did miss you, Seb." He grabbed my shoulder and gave a friendly squeeze.

Can't you give me what I'm needing?

Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith.

But baby, I just need one good one, good one ...

I thought back to the words we exchanged a few weeks ago when he came down to meet me before he and Matt moved down. I smiled at Alex and looked off at the night sky. Although they were true, I could have phrased them better. "I missed you too, A."

I was about to add how I missed him more than I thought I could.

I didn't though.

He was with Matt.

There was no point in me bringing up feelings from so long ago. Especially not when he was clearly happy with Matt. Besides, we were having a good time here – alone – as friends. I didn't want to ruin this moment.

No matter how much it tore me inside not to let him know – I didn't tell him. Instead, we sat in silence and stared at the night sky above us.

When I bow down to pray, I try to make the worst seem better.

Lord, show me the way to cut through all this worn out leather.

I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away.

Tell me that you'll be the good one, good one.

Baby, I just need one good one to stay.

Next: Chapter 44

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