Alex and Sebastian

By 2012guerra .

Published on Jan 5, 2017


Alex and Sebastian 42

Hello again guys, this is the final season for Alex and Sebastian. I hope you guys enjoy!

Anyways, please continue to email me so I know someone is reading and liking what I'm writing. I also have a playlist of songs that I listen to while writing the chapters if y'all are interested.

The email you can reach me at is for questions, comments, concerns or donations ha-ha, just kidding!

A fellow reader made a playlist with most of the songs I've either used or will use in the series. If y'all want to listen to it while reading the chapters the link for it is this:

One new song will be added on to the playlist.

If You Had Called Yesterday – Julie Roberts

In all seriousness, please don't forget to donate to nifty here, without which we wouldn't have this collection of great stories!

Every story is free on here, so please let's keep it that way and donate, guys.


9 weeks before the wedding

Finally getting ready, I asked for Matt's opinion.

"You look great, Lex," he said as he put cologne on and headed to the door. I looked at myself one more time and sighed.

"Alright. Let's go."

As we parked outside a fancy Italian restaurant where we had decided to have dinner, I thought about how the evening was going to progress. It had been a long while since I had seen Ralf and Lea. Then there was Sebastian. The last time I had seen him was only about a month ago and we hadn't exactly left on the best of terms. I had tried my best to keep up with Lea and Ralf over the years, but time, distance, and circumstance had taken their toll. Still, here I was, invited to Lea's wedding. Obviously, we hadn't drifted apart as much as I had thought.

I thanked Matt as he held the door open for me and I looked around the room to see if I could spot our group. I found Lea, Brandon, and Ralf on a corner booth. Before we were finished being led to them, Lea jumped out of her seat and hugged me.

"Alex! God it's been forever!"

I smiled and hugged her back. "It has! Ugh, I missed you!"

She pulled away and lightly swatted my arm. "Well you should have come sooner, jerk!"

I laughed and held her hands. "I'm here now, no?"

Ralf stood up then and gave me a tight hug as well. "Nice seeing you again, stranger," he smiled.

"Likewise, man. I like the beard by the way," I said, referring to the nicely groomed growth Ralf was sporting. I pulled a few of his hairs and laughed as he swatted my hand away.

"Thanks," he laughed, fixing his beard. "I got tired of looking like a baby. Everyone I've been with loves it, too."

"Still a slut, I see," I laughed.

Brandon stood up and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, Brandon," I said.

"Nice to meet you too, Alex. Lea's told me so much about you."

"Has she?" I jokingly glared at her. "Good stuff, I hope?"

"Yes," Brandon laughed, "Good stuff."

After I introduced everyone to Matt, we were offered a glass of wine from the bottles on the table. I thanked Lea and served myself and Matt a glass.

Before I could say anything else, Lea turned to Ralf. "Is he coming?" She asked.

"Yeah, he said they were, like, five minutes away."

"Ok, we can wait for them, then. So, Matt, how have you been liking the city so far?"

Just like that, Matt, Lea and Ralf delved into a conversation about the best places in town leaving Brandon and me to talk.

In the ten minutes before the last of Lea's guests arrived, Brandon and I talked about his job as a Radiologist and details about the wedding I was curious on.

"Sorry I'm late, guys. I ran into a little trouble with a tire of mine at the last minute."

I turned to see where the familiar voice was coming from and was greeted by Sebastian standing with another familiar looking person next to him.

"Hey, I know you!"

"I – I know you, too," I said, recognizing her as the girl I talked to at El Vaso the other night – the one that had kissed Sebastian.

"Great to properly meet you this time," she smiled.

Sebastian looked at both of us before addressing the group. "Everyone, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is everyone."

"Nice to meet you, everyone."

After Sebastian said hello to everyone he pulled out the chair next to me for Melissa and sat next to her.

"Wait, aren't you the guy that was playing at El Vaso the other night?" Matt asked.

"Yes, how'd you know?" Sebastian looked at Matt and I felt an odd sense of dread despite it stemming from nothing, really.

"Alex and I went there the other night. We sat outside but we could see you through the window. You were great, man."

"Thanks," Sebastian smiled at Matt. "I appreciate that."

In all the commotion of Melissa and Sebastian getting here, I didn't even notice Lea and Ralf staring at me. When I did, I coughed and took a sip (read: gulp) of my wine.

"So, how do you know, Alex, Sebastian?" Matt asked after a minute.

"Oh," Sebastian said. I could notice a small hint of hurt in his face realizing that this meant I had never spoken of him with Matt.

"Sebastian and I are friends from back in UNIV, Matt." I had to be blind to not notice the way even Brandon was looking at me. Lea must have told him things about me other than just "good stuff". "We haven't spoken in a while, though."

"Well, in my experience, if you're still close to someone after so long apart, you'll be friends for the long run," Melissa added with a smile.

Before either of us could stop ourselves, Sebastian and I met each other's eyes. Nothing was said and it lasted for only a second as Lea (bless her heart) decided to stop this from getting any worse by offering to get us some appetizers.

As the night progressed and we moved away from topics like who knew who and for how long, all of us were involved in our own mini conversations. Ralf, Matt and I were in one group; Lea and Melissa were in another; and finally, Sebastian and Brandon were in the last one.

 We stayed at the restaurant eating and talking for a good time before Lea suggested we take the party to a new club a few blocks away. Being that this was Lea's party, we reluctantly agreed and headed out.

The club wasn't overly packed as I thought it'd be so, I guess, that made it a little more bearable. After a few more drinks, even Matt and I were dancing and having a good time.

Matt and I danced for a few more songs before Lea came over and stole him from me. I laughed and nodded as Matt looked at me questioningly.

I walked to where Ralf was standing by the bar drinking a beer.

"How you've been, Lex?"

"Eh," I said, ordering a beer for me, too. I turned to face the same direction Ralf was facing and took a sip from my beer.

"You know," Ralf leaned next to my ear. "Sebastian told me about the time you came down a few weeks ago."

I raised an eyebrow at Ralf. "What did he say?" I asked.

Ralf turned his face to the right and I followed. I could see Sebastian and Melissa laughing and flirting as they danced. "The same things he told you, I guess."

I nodded taking another sip of my beer. Ralf and I drank in silence as we watched the world around us dance.

"Listen, I need a little smoke break." I placed my now empty beer bottle on the bar top. "I'll be outside." Ralf nodded at me as I turned and headed outside.

I'll admit it got to me

Hearing your voice on my machine.

It took all I had to just let you talk

And not pick up where we left off.

I leaned on the wall behind me as I lit my cigarette and took a long drag.

"Since when do you smoke?"

I turned around to see Sebastian walking towards me. I turned away from him and blew out my smoke. "For a while now."

Sebastian extended his hand at me and, for a second, I was confused and looked at him. "Can I have a cigarette," he said.

"Oh." Dumbass, of course he wants a cigarette. "Yes, here you go." I handed him my case and he pulled one out. I offered him my lighter.

Sebastian and I stood there, leaning on the wall in silence, for a minute or so.

This victory runs bitter sweet

Through the heart and soul of me.

But I sip my coffee and watch the sun rise.

Makin' its way to a bluer sky.

"You haven't told him, huh?" Sebastian said, halfway through his cigarette.

Knowing exactly what he meant, I shook my head. "I don't need to rehash things that happened when I was young."

"No," Sebastian said. "Guess not."

"You're girlfriend's nice," I said, trying to dissipate the tension.

"She's not my girlfriend," he said.


"No. I met her that same day you saw me at El Vaso. She gave me her number and, well, I wasn't going to show up to this alone, right? Ha-ha."

Sebastian threw his cigarette bud on the ground and stepped on it. As I pulled out another one for me, I offered again. Taking it in his hand, he lit it and took a long drag.

"She's great, actually. Funny, cute – she even likes to sing along with the radio. We kept jamming to a random song on the way here."

I smiled, picturing that scene. Thinking on it, it had been a while since I had done that – at least, with Matt. He preferred driving with the music on low – it helped him concentrate and think.

Every night since your goodbye,

I hit my knees and closed my eyes.

And I pray that you'd come back.

Too many tears washed out that bridge.

You wanna cross, but baby, it's too late for that.

"You're guy seems nice, too," he said, referring to Matt.

"Yes, he is." I tried to think about any one experience worth sharing with him but nothing came to mind. Not that nothing exciting or noteworthy had happened, I just couldn't think of one off the top of my head.

"Do you remember what I asked you when you came down a few weeks ago? Are you happy?" He asked, turning to me. "Are you happy with him?"

I remained silent and blew out my smoke. "Yes," I said after a second. At least, I was very certain I was.

"Good," I heard him breathe out.

"Are you? Happy, I mean." I asked.

After another second or two, he replied. "Yes," I heard him say after blowing out another cloud of smoke.

"Good," I breathed out.

Last night would've been another story

But the morning sun must've done something for me

`Cause I bet I'd gone the other way.

If you'd called yesterday.

If you'd called yesterday.

Next: Chapter 43

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