Alex and Sebastian

By 2012guerra .

Published on Dec 17, 2015


Alex and Sebastian 11

Hello again guys, please continue to email me so I know someone is reading and liking what I'm writing. I also have a playlist of songs that I listen to while writing the chapters if ya'll are interested. I apologize for the delay in chapters but UNIV has me pretty busy this semester.

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In all seriousness, please don't forget to donate to nifty here, without which we wouldn't have this collection of great stories!

Every story is free on here, so please let's keep it that way and donate, guys.


The day after Emma's party, I had showed up at Sebastian's house to pick up my car. Emma had welcomed me in, told me Sebastian was at work, and offered me something to drink. I had told her no thank you and driven straight back to my apartment. Since then, three weeks had passed and neither Sebastian nor I had addressed what had happened the night of the party. I had seen Sebastian in class but neither his behavior nor words gave the impression that he wanted to talk or that he even remember what had happened- he might have been too drunk. I guess that was for the best.

The only thing of importance that had happened within those weeks were that I had finally broken up with Kass. This had happened wo days after the party, actually. I had decided that it wasn't fair for me to string her along if I wasn't going to be 100% committed to the relationship. She asked me if she had done something wrong but I assured her that this was on me. She said she understood but the following day El Vaso was hiring for a new barista. In fact, last I heard, she had gone back to her dad out of the city. That could be related to our breakup or to the passing of her a few weeks ago, either way, I was glad that chapter was over.

Ralph and I had begun to `hang out' more (read: fuck) during the two weeks after the party. The fuck sessions were good- Ralph had a hot ass- but every once in a while, he would do something that reminded me of Sebastian and the memory of our drunken kiss came flooding back. I had to try my best to forget that and move on- what had happened that night was a one-time thing. Still, whenever I jerked off, I would catch myself saying Sebastian's name as I orgasmed.

Lea, Ralph's friend, and I had actually become pretty close. She had gotten my number from Ralph and texted the day after the party to ask me how it had gone. I shared with her what happened over a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Since then, I felt comfortable hanging out and talking with her about my life. I even told her about my decision of moving to Austin once the semester was over. She advised me to take a break and really think about it. She agreed that, although Sebastian had kissed me and told me to stay, that didn't mean we were going to be together but it did mean that it was worth seeing what happened. I hadn't come to a decision yet, thinking that I may prefer to start with everyone else the following fall. I would get the benefit of the full year that way. I still turned in all my documents on October 1st in case I decided to leave, but I was going to think about it while I heard back from UT Austin.

On this Wednesday morning, I was sitting in a table outside of my classroom and eating a breakfast taco. Our professor was running late so the rest of my Calculus class and I were waiting for our room to be unlocked. I was chewing my taco when I was joined by Carol.

"Hey, Alex. He isn't here yet?"

I waved to Carol, wiped my mouth and said, "Nah, professor isn't here yet." I motioned to the rest of the class waiting with me, "We've been waiting for ten minutes. Five more minutes and class is canceled, I guess."

Carol and I began talking about an exam coming up when we were further joined by Sebastian. Carol looked up, "Hey Sebastian."

"Hey, Carol. Hey, A." Sebastian sat in a chair between Carol and me. He saw me take a bite of my taco, reached over for it and took a bite. "Q taco?"

"Uh, yeah. I got a Q taco, Seb."

He nodded and continued to chew, "Tastes like shit."

"Well, fuck you!" I laughed and grabbed my taco back. "This was for me not you, man."

"Ha-ha." He laughed and wiped his hands on his jeans. "So, Carol. What's going on this Saturday?" Carol had been talking all last week about how her birthday was coming up and how she wanted a costume party because it was so close to Halloween.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm throwing a small party at my house Saturday. It'll be a costume party, so bring your best costume. We'll have a costume contest and other games with cash prizes- it'll be fun!"

"Well, Alex already has his costume, right A?"

"Uh, no. I don't, Sebastian. What are you-"

"Oh, shit. I thought that's why you were dressed like that. I thought you were taking it out on a test run."

"Ha-ha. Fuck you, Sebastian."

Our calculus professor showed up at that point. I finished eating my taco and followed the class inside. Carol, Sebastian, and I sat on the third row of seats. I sat in the seat next to Sebastian, opened my notebook and prepared to write notes. Ten minutes into a lecture on derivatives, Sebastian grabbed my notebook and began writing something down. When he finished writing, I took my notebook back and read what it said.

Hey, drinks tonight at your place or what?

I was tempted, so tempted, to write down yes but I remembered that I couldn't have him over today. Ralph was coming over tonight. I grabbed my pen and began writing something back.

Sorry, Seb. Having someone over tonight. Some other time?

I passed the notebook back to Sebastian, watched him write down something and pass the notebook back.

Yeah, no problem. How about Friday night then? I can spend the night and we drive to Carol's in your car Saturday.

I re-read what Sebastian wrote three times. During the weeks after Emma's party, Sebastian and I had behaved no different than before- there was no sign that what happened that night had even happened. To be quite honest, if it wasn't for the empty bottle of whiskey I had taken home, I would have thought I made it up. Now he was asking to spend the night at my apartment and drive to Carol's together. What the hell, why not? I scribbled something down in my notebook and passed it over to Sebastian.

Yeah, sounds good man. Bring your costume. 7:00PM.


I spent the rest of my Wednesday in class and at the library working on a paper. When 5:00PM rolled around, I headed to the gym to work out for a bit. I spent an hour and a half there and went back to my apartment to shower. Ralph had agreed to head to my apartment at 7:00PM, so I had a few minutes to get ready. When I finished showering, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of my restroom towards my room.

"Hey, stranger. You left the door open."

I didn't have to turn around to know who was talking to me. "Hey, Ralph. You're early."

I turned around as Ralph looked at his watch, "6:50. Early bird catches the worm and all."

I grabbed the towel's knot around my waist tightly, turned around, and smiled. "And I assume you're the bird here and my dick is the worm, right?"

Ralph put his hands inside his pockets and shrugged, "I don't know. Guess we'll see."

I kept holding on to my towel as I walked closer to Ralph feeling the blood begin to rush into my dick and form a bulge until I got close enough for him to touch it. I grabbed his hand and looked at him. "Not yet. Me first, buddy." I had gotten used to calling Ralph buddy whenever we were "together." I thought it was hot because it was the word he had used one me when we first met in the showers.

I looked into his eyes as I walked around Ralph, pulled him in closer to me, and sat on my sofa. We kept eye fucking each other as I unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. Breaking eye contact, I looked down at his blue Diesel underwear and the bulge that was forming inside them. I looked back up at him as I buried my face in his crotch, licking his dick through his boxer briefs. As I was getting into it, Ralph pushed me back. I looked up questioningly at him.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back, A." He smiled as he began to pick up the bottom of his shirt. He pulled it all the way up to his chest then brought it down again. I understood now. I laid back on my arms and got comfortable as I let Ralph strip for me. My dick was straining against the towel still wrapped around my waist. I liked the feeling of it though, so I left the towel on and rubbed myself through it.

Ralph gyrated his hips as he slowly removed his shirt. He turned away from me and had me look at him as he slowly lowered both his pants and briefs, exposing the top of his ass. Fuck. This guy has a very nice ass. Apparently, Ralph knew his ass drove me crazy so he slowly brought his pants and briefs up and covered his ass. My dick was fighting so hard against the towel as I rubbed myself, Ralph turned to his head to face me and smiled.

"Damn, I see you're liking this huh, A?"

I bit my lip, "Fuck yes, Ralph. Loose the pants."

Ralph complied and took off what remained of his clothes. As he turned around, I saw that he was as hard as I was. "Your turn, A." He slowly got on his knees between my legs. I laid back on my arms again and let Ralph get closer to me and take over. He tugged on the towel's knot and undid it. I was now leaning back naked on my couch, my dick pointing straight up. Ralph brought his head closer and enveloped my dick in his mouth.

"Ah, fuck, Ralph. That's always nice. Stick your ass up so I can see it, too." Ralph complied and raised his ass as he continued to suck on my dick. He had an amazing ass, God bless. I let him continue sucking me off as I caressed his head and pushed it down further on my dick. When I decided it was time for a change, I pushed Ralph off and told him to lie belly up on my couch.

"Sure, A," He threw my towel on the floor and laid back on my couch, "What are you planning?"

"You'll see," I winked.

I got up on my couch with Ralph- his dick was pointing up at my face and mine was pointing down at his. Ralph understood what was happening and took my dick in his mouth at the same time I took his inside mine. We continued sucking each other off with me occasionally deep throating him. Not only did I like showing off, I also really enjoyed the way Ralph's throat would constrict as I took all of him down my throat. We kept this up for another few minutes before we both decided one of us needed to get fucked. I pulled off Ralph's dick first and got off of my couch, my dick making a funny sound as it escaped Ralph's hungry mouth.

"Let's move this to my bed again, Ralph."

Ralph nodded and led the way towards my room. We didn't waste any time getting on my bed and getting the lube from my bedside table. I had Ralph apply some on his ass as I put a condom on and lubed up my dick. Before we knew it, I was pumping away inside Ralph as he moaned face down on my bed. I grabbed on to Ralph's shoulder and continued to thrust inside him. I could feel myself getting close so I made my thrusts longer and harder.

"Fuck, Alex. Give it to me."

I groaned as I reached my orgasm and began to cum inside of Ralph. I grabbed on to his shoulders and felt my dick release shot after shot of hot cum inside Ralph's hot ass. As I was beginning to come down from my high, I felt Ralph's ass contract as he, too, began to cum.

I groaned again, feeling his ass milking my dick until we both fell off each other, drained and sweaty.

"God damn, Ralph. That ass? Wow." I laughed and laid on my back.

"Ha-ha, thanks, A. You were ok, too."

I laughed, "Ha-ha, fuck you."

We laid in bed for a few minutes before Ralph received a text from Lea and told me he had to leave.

"Sure, no problem, Ralph. Feel free to use my restroom to clean up a bit first." He nodded, got off my bed and headed to my restroom. He left a few minutes later and I fell asleep, exhausted and sweaty.

Next: Chapter 12

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