Alex and Sebastian

By 2012guerra .

Published on Sep 9, 2015


Of course I'm running late.

Junior year in univ and I still haven't learned to be ready on time. I rush to put in a blank notebook in my messenger bag, my environmental science lab book, a few pens and pencils, and gum. I never went anywhere without my orbit winter mint gum.

Driving to school is actually my favorite part of the day. I get to just turn up the radio and start my day off singing. Today, James Blunt's You're Beautiful was playing as I drove to univ.

"I saw your face In a crowded place, And I don't know what to do. 'Cause I'll never be with you."

Call me a hopeless romantic, but I loved jamming out to slow sad songs about unattainable love. I'm no physiatrist, but I assume my love for these types of songs stemmed from my being a closeted bi guy in my 20s. Don't get me wrong, I am confident in myself and where my life was headed, but being raised in a Christian household and being responsible for part of my youth's leadership, I knew I had to keep this quiet.

After a few years, I grew comfortable with shutting down an entire part of me, I guess. This didn't stop me from hooking up on Craigslist every now and again, though.

Finding a parking space in my univ was hard enough on any other day because of the low availability of spaces, my being late was certainly not helping me today. My first class - Environmental Science - started at 10:50 a.m. It was now 11:10 and I barely found a parking space. My phone vibrated, it was my friend Christian. "Ey where you at?" "Parking." "Ok, proff hasn't started yet. Hurrrry."

I managed to find a spot not too far away from my class' building. I looked myself in my car's mirror and made final touches. I wasn't the best looking guy out there, but I did know I wasn't the ugliest either. At 20, I had lost most of the fat I held on to during high school by going to the gym and jogging as much as I could. Now I was proud of my "structured", more muscular body. I fixed (unfixed) my hair to give me a more "shabby" look, checked to make sure my teeth held no traces of the Special K I ate this morning, and gave my pits a sniff to make sure I was good. I was.

Walking up stairs to where my lab was held, I popped a piece of gum into my mouth and looked for the room - LHSB 2.802. I walked in as the professor got to my name on roll call - apparently I wasn't the only one running late. I saw Christian sitting on the second to last room of the classroom, but unfortunately, her lab table was full.

I waved hi to her and found a seat on the lab table behind her occupied only by a sandy-haired guy texting on his phone and a girl wearing a cap sitting in the corner of the four person table. "Hey, may I sit here?" The baseball capped girl looked at me, "Sure, here let me move my stuff." At least she seemed nice so far. "Sebastian, move your shit so the guy can sit," she elbowed Sebastian in the arm to pay attention. Sebastian - the sandy-haired guy - looked up, "Fuck, Carol calm down."

Their casual way of cursing threw me off only a little, being raised in such a conservative Christian home would made me quite innocent on most parts, but 12 years of public school made sure it wasn't by too much.

"Thanks, name's Alex."

"Hey, mine's Carol, and this guy over here is Sebastian."

"Hey." It took only a few seconds for Sebastian to say that one word, but I managed to make eye contact with him. Those few seconds were enough for me to think of only one thing - fuck, this guy's hazel eyes are beautiful. Thankfully I didn't say that and instead, replied with the casual, straight guy salute: a "hey" and a nod.

"So what's going on or what?" I asked Carol.

"Professor is breaking us up into groups in a bit for us to go outside and look for seeds and leaves. Except we don't have our lab manual with us."

"No problem," I said, "I brought mine- we can share."

20 minutes later we were outside in the South Texas sun. I immediately regretted wearing jeans today. Sebastian had the right idea, he was wearing loose basketball shorts and I could faintly see the outline of his dick under them. I looked up fast before either of them saw me looking at his crotch. Christian's group went to one side of campus, and my group, composed of two people I've never met, headed to the other. "So, where you guys from?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. "Oh, Carol is from Mexico, she came over a year ago, doesn't speak much English." Sebastian said this with such ease, I looked to Carol to confirm this. "Fuck you Sebastian, I'm from Dallas. He's such a little liar." I had to admit, I fell for this guy's lie and couldn't help but laugh at gullibility and his joke.

"I'm from Dallas," Carol resumed, "And this little shit is from here, but we've known each other because we both work at the same place."

"Ah, okay. Where do ya'll work?" I asked.

"This restaurant by the mall. Carol is the manager there because she sucks off the owner."

"Oh my God, Sebastian shut the fuck up, no I don't."

I couldn't help but laugh along with Sebastian, his dark sense of humor and Carol's annoyance were pretty hilarious. "What about you, Alex, what do you usually do?" Carol asked.

"Oh, well I mean I work with high school seniors as a mentor and I give them resources and information over financial aid and the college application process. I'm also a singer in this cover band and we have weekend gigs."

"Really? You can sing?" Carol's disbelief made me feel – I admit it – pretty good about myself. "What do you guys sing or what?"

"Well, we usually do covers of mainstream popular songs – it is what most people want and makes the most money. But I usually perform solo at this little coffee place downtown and it's more country music."

"That pretty cool, man. We should go see you sometime." "Damn, Sebastian," I thought, "you can go whenever you want."

"Yeah, that'd be pretty cool, I'll be performing this upcoming Friday. Right now though, we need to find this one seed-pod . . . thing," I pointed at my lab manual, "And I'm guessing that's what it is." I pointed to a tree to the side of the sidewalk. It had long, brown seed pods in the ends of its branches.

We approached the tree and attempted to grab one of the pods by jumping.

"Ok, this isn't going to work. Sebastian or Alex, you're going to have to climb the tree or carry one another because I can't get this shirt dirty."

Sebastian and I looked at each other. I was taller than him so it was decided I would have to carry him. I kneeled on the ground and looked down to allow Sebastian to get on my shoulders.

I felt Sebastian's right foot go over my head. He grabbed the back of my head for support as I began to stand up with him sitting on my shoulders. It took me only a few seconds to begin to feel the heat coming out of his crotch on the back of my head.

"Shit," I thought, "Don't you dare get hard." I didn't know if I was thinking this more for me or for him.

"Ok, just walk forward Alex, and Sebastian try to get that pod that's closer down." "No shit Carol, I was planning on getting the one that's at the top of this tree."

I walked closer to the pod that Carol was talking about, all the while making sure no to think out my head being between Sebastian's thighs. Sebastian grabbed the back of my head with one hand and leaned forward. There it was. I could feel a soft lump resting on the back of my head as Sebastian reached for the pod. As Sebastian leaned forward, I was forced to push my head further back into his crotch to keep my balance. Sebastian tore of the plants seedpod and tapped the top of my head to signal he was done. I slowly lowered myself back onto my knees to allow him to get off.

"Awesome," Carol commented, "really thought Sebastian was going to fuck it up."

We walked back to the classroom talking about what other classes we had together and they asked me about where I was from, and what I was studying for. They seemed like great and fun people to talk to actually, but all the while I couldn't stop thinking about how hot the back of my neck still was from Sebastian's crotch and the feeling of his dick pressed up against my the top of my head.

Next: Chapter 2

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