Alencar Freire

By cnishim

Published on Jul 4, 2024



My story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. I also claim all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Attention: This story is unsuitable for minors and contains some scenes of violence and crime. If such activity offends you, DO NOT read any further. I do not condone with violence or any illegal activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. If you wish to contact me for a feedback, please feel free to email to Akira Nishimura at I look forward to hearing from you.

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Alencar Freire

As I binge watch another of his videos, I make up my mind. I type in his name once more on Google. I'm feeling lucky! This is what I've found so far: Paralympics, Brazilian silver medal winner, Paraná State, forty-four years old, 104 kg.

Let me see. His last video is dated 2012. So, it was in October last year. We're already in December. I wonder if I still can find him in that address.

During my flight I admire the lovely agricultural landscape below. Luckily the weather is clear, so I can get a nice view. I close my eyes and think of him. Maybe I should go back a little and explain about this mysterious man.

Well, it turned out that after searching for muscular hairy daddies' and bears' on the net, particularly on Youtube, I ended up finding him.

Gosh, he had just the perfect muscular hairy chest, strong bulgy broad shoulders, huge biceps, and a nice belly too. He was a handsome bald daddy of my dreams! He also used a crutch for his left leg had an atrophy. It was supported by a discreet metal frame. I also saw his feisty chubby wife and him eating cashew fruit slices at a tropical beach. Each one feeding the other in the mouth followed by kisses. I wonder what his cashew-kiss tasted like.

I also saw his annoying granddaughter in the back. Geez, he was already a grandpa at forty-four! I saw other videos and noticed the same kid. She was just this happy chubby girl of eight shouting for all to hear, "Granpa, Granpa, Granpa!" In on of the videos, he was at the beach in his black Speedos.

My best friend Shinji could hardly believe his eyes when I showed him the videos.

"But he's a god!" He almost chocked on a pop-corn.

"Yeah, I know. And did you see his family too?" We both stare at each other.

"Forget them! Look at his huge pecs and biceps! Geez, and look at his Speedos! Sister, what I wouldn't do with a hung man like that! Too bad he only wears those baggy shorts in most of his videos! But take a look at his chest! I could suck on them all day long."

"I guess you're right." I eat some pop-corn.

"Hey, is that fat kid his grandkid?" I nod. "Gosh, he doesn't look like a grandpa to me. My own grandpa looks like a real grandpa, not like this Roman gladiator god." I nod.

"I'm planning to meet him."

"What? How the fuck do you mean meet him?"

"I've got to try, dear! I'm tired of just jerking off to his videos. You know, I can't take him out of my mind. This is why I've got to do it."


"Possibly before Christmas."

"Shit! Today is already December ninth!"

"I know."

"And, where does he live?"

"In Paraná State."

"But that's where you're going on your vacation, to see your folks on the farm, right?"


That's how my crush for this man started. Anyway, fast forward twelve days later, and here I am, on this plane on my way to see my folks.

The landing to the Cascavel Airport is a hard one. I hate turbulences! I go down the stairs and step on solid ground, still shaking like a green leaf. The airport is too small, hot, and dusty! I even spot a pigeon in the luggage claiming area. Then I see Dad and his driver waiting for me. I wave.

Two days later, on December twenty-first, I finally decide to meet him. I know his city is called Toledo, which is about one hour away from Cafelândia do Oeste, where my folks live.

The trip is cool and I admire the endless plantations of soybean, forests, rivers, and the tiny dusty Toledo Bus Terminal. I take the crumpled piece of paper with his address.

The night before, he finally disclosed to me where he lived and how to get there. Also, he said he could not believe I was coming to meet him in person. The taxi driver is chewing something and it's not gum. He spits it out. Geez, it was tobacco. He's a daddy type too. Maybe Shinji would like to make out with him, provided I omitted the part of him chewing `gum.' Does tobacco chewing affect the taste of your cum?

He takes about twenty minutes to get to my destination. As we move away from the city I find it odd. Where are the other houses, his quiet street, neighbors that I've seen on his videos? I am about to protest, but I remain quiet. Is this driver trying to kidnap me, for his sick sexual purposes? I don't think so. Wait until I tell Shinji about this experience!

We then move to a dirt road covered in pebbles. Now I'm certain this dirty old man is trying to rape, rob, and kill me. It would be so easy to simply dump my body in the middle of one of these green plantations.

I spot many trees and a river. Hey, look at this place! He stops at the gate and smiles. He wipes his sweaty forehead and licks his fingers and counts the money I paid him. No, he's not going to rape me.

"You can keep the change, sir. Thank you!" I'm relieved to be still alive!

Now, let's get to business! I look at the coarse wooden gate and wonder if I should ring a bell or something. Instead, I open it and walk towards his property. Just now I remembered that farmers usually keep dogs. In the video I had seen none. Well, this place is entirly different too. Far in the back, I see an old large beaten house. I also see weeds growing all over the place. Surely there is no sign of a swimming pool here. I can hear the insects buzzing around. I guess they are cicadas. I kill a bug in the air. I shade my eyes and try to find a human being in this desolated place. Could the driver have made a mistake? My heart sinks as I think of this terrible possibility!

What am I to do now? The windows and doors are shut. By the look of this place, there hasn't been people living here for, decades. There is no laundry hanging from the line outside. I look around and finally call out to whoever lives here.

"Hello! Is there anybody here? Hello, Alencar?" Nobody. As I approach his front verandah, I see some beer bottles scattered on the overgrown grass. Some are broken, so I must walk with care. "Hellooo!" I approach the door and notice it to be partly open. "Hello! Alencar, are you home?" I push the door and see the messy house, broken furniture, pieces of clothing scattered all over the place, and more empty bottles on the floor. Well, someone still lives here, to my relief. Then I hear a cough outside.

"Ken, are you Ken?" I turn around and see him for the first time.

"Alencar? Is that you?" He is carrying a fishing rod and a pail with some small fish. He looks aged to me. He also looks dirty, dishevelled, wearing rags, and apparently, a bit tipsy.

"Ken! I honestly didn't think you'd actually," he licks his lips.

"I told you," I notice his fly open. He smiles and we hug. Boy, what huge arms and big chest he has! Well, I feel a great relief, for this man didn't lie to me about his identity. Wait until I tell you about some of Shinji's blind date misadventures!

"Well, I sold my used computer yesterday. My cell phone is gone too, but it's nice to see you, my friend." He asks me to follow him to his messy house. "Sorry about the mess. Things are rought here."

"It's ok. I mean, don't worry about, well, I'm happy I've come." I follow him to his filthy kitchen. He removes some dry moldy stuff from plates that have been abandoned on the table I don't know for how long. He dumps some rotten stuff from a fruit bowl into the overflowing garbage can.

"I've got some water. Would you like that?"

"Sure." He pours some water in a cracked glass, which is also stained at the bottom.

"Alencar, what happened here? I mean, where is that house I saw on the videos?" Wrong question!

"All gone, my friend, just like my fake marriage."

"How do you mean all gone? What happened?" I sit on a dirty chair, not minding the stains and food crumbs. He opens the large kitchen window and I feel the fresh wind coming, which is a relief in this stuffy oppressing kitchen. At least I don't have to continue fanning myself with my cap.

"To make a long story short, I lost everything to my ex-wife. Gone are my trophies, used car, house, little money saved in the bank, dignity. All gone!" He leans against his sink.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Well, my wife saw some of my videos, you know. Me showing off my muscles and all that. Then, there were comments from fans. My family later found out, well, there were those more curious guys interested in meeting me personally. You know, my wife and I sort of weren't sleeping together anymore. I was basically residing in a shack by the pool." He finally sits on a chair, leaving his old crutch leaning against the old rusty fridge. I believe it was once white but now the paint is totally stained.

"I see."

"It was a bad business. She had kids from a former marriage. They were having money problems, drugs, violence. We were not sleeping anymore for there were constant threats to our family. I spoke my mind to her and she told me they were not my kids and I shouldn't be meddling in her family business. Well, it got worse and she even hit me."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Alencar." I look down and notice the dirty floor. "I had no idea you went through all that."

"Well, I also have my share of responsibility in this matter. I've also made my mistakes. I've betrayed my loved ones, and on several occasions too."

"I'm sorry to hear that, dear."

"Well, I'll be honest with you, Ken. I'm sterile and, the kid with mental disability that you saw on the video, Matheus, well, of course my wife didn't know about my health issues. But, I still consider him a good kid, even though we don't know who the father is."

"And what happened to them?"

"Miriam went back to that jerk of a drug dealer again from the ouskirts of Curitiba City. The kids, I know they go to school and seem happy in the capital city. They had to leave this town for, they were in a lot of debts, and there were these constant threats against us."

"I see. And what about this place?"

"Well, I was born here." He stands up and fills my glass once more. He begins to clean the fish, cutting their white bellies with his rusty knife. He removes the guts and wipes his hands on his filthy threadbare stained shorts. "I hope you're staying for lunch. There's not much, but, we can share the little I have." He looks down, as if ready for my refusal.

"I'd love that," I take a deep breath, "in one condition."


"If you let me help you cook." We both smile.

"Sure. Why not?" I help him wash the dishes first.

He unclogs the sink for me. As he bends over, I salivate as I see his plumber's crack and the red lining of his old stained underwear. I sigh and have to fan myself. I also notice the shape of his still round solid muscular buttocks.

What a sight to behold!

Next, I help him clean his kitchen and set the table. He becomes more talkative and tells me about his numerous trips abroad. We laugh and I tell him about my teaching job in São Paulo City (I teach the English language), my hobbies, etc.

"Oh, yeah! You told me you're into photography as well, right, Ken?"


"Maybe later I can show you a few places around here that are nice. There are some waterfalls, and a nice river to swim and fish. There's also a large pond hidden in the forest. It all belonged to my grandpa, and now, well, unless I pay for the loans, to the bank."

After our frugal meal of deep-fried fish and some rice, I help him do the dishes. Then he offers to show me the river and falls. We reach the forest with tall trees and I gasp. I can already hear the water. Needless to say, the sun is scorching and I really need a nice cool swim to refresh. We walk down the hill to a more isolated area. Then there is a clearing and the waterfall! Wow, the large pool is surrounded by trees. I'd surely love to sit on those large rocks by the edge.

"What do you think, Ken?"

"It's lovely!" I turn to him just to realize he is already stripping. He's only got his red briefs on as he plunges in the water.

"What are you waiting for? Get in the water!"

"But I haven't got my swimming suit," I hesitate and remove my tennis shoes, socks, and T-shirt next to his clothes. Then I remove my shorts and plunge in the water. I am wearing white briefs. "The water is cold Alencar!"

"Sure" We meet near the fall. He manages to crawl under the water. I notice his briefs sliding to the side, disclosing his hairy bum. I guess he's noticed me staring.

"What's the matter? Haven't you seen a man in drenched briefs before?" He smiles.

"I-I guess so."

"And how do you like it?"

"I love it!" We sit on a rock with the water falling onto our backs. The feeling is just great. And his briefs glue tightly, revealing his sizeable cock. Shinji, honey, eat your heart! My cousin, that bitch was right! This man is quite hung!

Then, I feel his hand stroking my arm. I turn to him and kiss on the mouth. Boy, this man is fast!

I stroke his fat cheek and bald head. He strokes my head and pulls me to himself.

"Oh, boy, how I really needed that!" He groans as we kiss. His other hand is stroking his massive erection under his underwear. "Ken, do you want to play with it?" He smiles.

"Of course!" I reach down and place my hand inside his underwear. I feel his monster cock and stroke it. He groans loudly and kisses me. Next we remove our underwear and kiss again. I get on my knees and begin to suck his cock. He moans loudly.

"Oh, Christ! Don't stop now! I-I'm coming! YESSS!" He moans loudly, while I swallow his cum. Next, he spreads his butt and leans forward. "Take it easy, boy. Go for your daddy! I want you to fuck my ass, son!" I use a lot of spit and enter him slowly. Then I begin the thrust back and forth. He moans loudly as I enter him deeper and deeper. "Ahhh Ken ohhhh! This feels great, Ken! Go for your old man! Fuck me hard, son! Oh, it's been a long time since I've had a cock inside my ass!" In no time, I come too, then pull out.

We lean on some rocks and rest. His once monster cock becomes soft, but it still looks respectable!

We just listen to the sound of water. Then we swim back to the rocky bank to dry. He twists his briefs and hangs them on a tree branch along with mine. As he limps, his huge cock and large low-hangin balls swing. Oh, I'm already in love with this daddy!

"My Christmas gift has come earlier this year," he smiles and rubs his good muscular and hairy leg.

"Do you mind if I," our eyes meet. He squints his eyes and bites his lower lip.

"I'm a creep, I know."

"I didn't mean it that way."

"I'd cut it off if I had the money to," he snaps.

"I'm sorry, Alencar." I touch his muscular hairy arm. He grabs my hand and rubs it against his malformed leg.

"Are you satisfied, now? Feel how disgusting and imperfect my leg is!" I hug him. I feel his arms around me.

"It doesn't need to be this way, dear."

"But it is, Ken! I'm a crippled man! I'm a queer! And people here point at me as I walk on the street! My own family around here are avoiding me! My friends have just disappeared, one by one. I don't even have a dog to keep me company!"

"Dear, shall we go back to the house. The sun is quite strong now." He nods and I hand him his old briefs full of holes.

"I can get dressed by myself! I'm a crippled man, but I'm not that useless!" He puts on his briefs and collects his clothes. He walks back to the house holding them in one hand while walking in his briefs. He walks hurriedly, which amazes me. I have to run to catch up with him. "Please, Ken, I wish to be alone now."

"All right, dear." I approach him slowly. He looks down. I kiss his cheek and he drops his clothes and takes my hand, then releases it.

"You can call a taxi. Tell them you're on the the cripple's farm by the exit to Cafelândia do Oeste." I nod and dial on my cell phone.

Christmas is cool. Mom, Dad, and I go to church for New Year's eve Mass. Lunch at Grandma's house is pleasant. Everybody is talking about the two lucky lottery winners. Each ends up pocketing $15 million! One winner is from Rio de Janeiro. The other one is from Toledo City!

What a coincidence, for I've just been to Toledo to meet Alencar. I feel a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach as I notice the broom stick and the mop stick against the wall. I also notice Grandpa's old abandoned wheel chair and rusty metallic cane collecting dust.

Back to São Paulo, I teach for another semester. Then after the final tests in the end of June, I travel back to see my folks for my ten-day July vacation trip.

"What? Are you serious, Mom?"

"He's in ICU, the poor man. Money has only brought him troubles." I nod.

"Everybody is talking about his young boyfriend. He is a hairdresser, I think." Dad says.

"Well, the shooter was a former officer who was secretly going out with this young man."

"And what about his family?"

"His ex-wife Miriam was trying to get money from him. His brothers, however, were fighting against her for the same reason. She was suing for child support and God-know's-what. They were in court claiming the rights to dispose of his money. To add to this family drama, one of his brother got mysteriously killed in an ambush. The other survived, but was also in ICU. Both sister-in-laws are also fighting for the money as well."

"I just feel sorry for him."

On December twenty-first, as I am visiting my folks again, I finally summon enough courage to pay him a visit.

"That's the place, son. But you've got to watch. He's got guns! No one is allowed to come near his property. Sometimes I take journalists here, but they all run for their lives. People try at all costs to get a good photo of him to sell it to the media, you know. He's a celebrity in this region."

The place remains the same, which surprises me. I walk up to the gate and mean to open it. I notice bullet marks on the wooden fence. I guess the driver wasn't kidding me.

"Hello? Is anybody home?"

"Ken?" He appears at the door, holding a rifle. He comes out wearing navy blue silk boxers. To my surprise, I notice that both his legs are equally muscular and hairy. He seems to be walking normally, and without the aid of his crutch.

"Alencar, please, drop that gun. I'm scared of guns." He smiles.

"I see that you too have come for my money! Or for this!" He grabs his cock under his boxers.

"Alencar, I'm glad to see that you're doing well. Do you mind calling me a taxi, please?"

"Oh, sure!" He slams the door. I walk down the road feeling much relieved. To my surprise, the taxi driver hasn't left yet.

"Are you going already?"

On my last day on the farm, as we're having lunch, we hear our dogs barking. A taxi stops by our house. Dad checks who the visitor is, then he comes to me.

"There's a man who wishes to speak with you, son."

"Who is he?" I leave the table and find Alencar in the taxi.

"Ken, I'm sorry if I've interrupted your lunch. I-I just came to see you, and, apologize." The driver clears his throat.

"You can come in if you want. Have you eaten lunch yet?" He shakes his head. He exits the taxi and stands up without the aid of his crutch. Like I said, he's walking normally now.

"Why are you being so kind to me? The last time I saw you, I sent you away like, a dog."

"That's because you're my friend, Alencar."

"Do you mean it, Ken? I mean, inviting me to have lunch with your folks?"

"Sure. Come in before the food gets cold." He smiles and pays the driver. I offer him my hand. He takes it and kisses it. "Are we friends again. Alencar?" He smiles and nods.

"Yes, Ken, of course." I introduce him to my folks. He then sits across from me. He helps himself to the rice, beans, salad, and chicken stew. "Homemade food is my favorite."

"We're simple folks." Mom says.

"We've heard lots of stories about you, Mr. Freire." Dad drinks his coke with lots of ice.

"I'm afraid they're mostly false, Mr. Nakamura. People like to invent tales about me. Well, they used to, when I was an athlete. After, well, becoming wealthy, such stories took incredible proportions."

"By the way, life in the country is still lovely! Don't you think so, Alencar?" I smile.

After our pleasant lunch, I do the dishes and tell Alencar and my folks to sit in the verandah. I clear the table, do the dishes, feed the dogs, and prepare some coffee.

"Thanks, Ken."

"You're welcomed, dear."

"Ken just loves our freshly harvested coffee."

"This farm is quite beautiful, Mr. Nakamura."

"That's quite different from the big city, for sure." I say.

"Do you still work as a language teacher, Ken?"

"Oh, yes. And I enjoy my job very much. This way I get to meet a lot of interesting people."

Mom and Dad excuse themselves for they wish to take their afternoon nap.

"I usually like to take my nap too, Ken." He smiles and plays with his large hands. I notice his large gold rings and his gold watch.

"Me too. But it's nicer to talk to a friend instead." We both smile.

"Ken, do you forgive me for, the last time?" I touch his hand.

"Of course, dear. I suppose you were upset by, well, a lot of things." He nods.

"Look," he gulps. "I buried my second brother yesterday, Ken."

"Oh, dear! I'm sorry to hear that, Alencar!" I give him a big hug.

"I also think my ex-wife is still after my fortune."

"I don't know what to say, dear. Do you mean, you're in danger?" He nods.

"I'm scared of going back to my city. Now I have a lot of people coming to me and inviting me to their houses. All my friends are contacting me back. I'm so scared, Ken! I don't know or recognize people anymore. I even got involved with a kid, a minor! He lied about his age and sued me for my money. I paid him a lot of money to drop the charges. And now, I'm afraid my time has come too."

"I heard about the incident with this officer who was this young man's lover. He shot you on the leg." He looks at me quite surprised.

"Is that what they've been saying about me?" I nod. "Well, my young lover was a minor but didn't have an officer lover. I wasn't shot on the leg, Ken. I was just doing a very advanced and expensive experimental treatment to my leg. There was a lot of grafting, incisions, and a lot of risk involved. That's how come I'm walking and leading a normal life. I took a huge risk, my friend. And now I'm this new man. I'm back at doing sports. I'm even taking my driver's license soon."

"That's lovely, Alencar!" He looks into my eyes.

"Ken, I feel there's something you're not telling me. You're holding something from me." He takes my hand.

"Yes, dear. I have something to confess to you. And I'm glad you came today, for tomorrow I'm heading back to São Paulo." He nods.

"And what is it?"

"I hope you won't get disappointed with me, dear." He looks down.

"Does it have to do with my money?" I shake my head.

"It was before our first meeting, dear." He nods. "I saw your profile on Youtube and ended up falling in love with you."

"You mean, being attracted to me in spite of?" I nod. "Then I chose to look for you. And I felt so happy when I finally got to meet you. The first time we had sex was so magical. I've never forgotten that day, dear."

"Neither have I." He smiles. I think he should smile more, the poor man.

"And when you told me to leave on that first day," I look into his eyes, "I felt I had failed you, for I had wounded you deeply with my selfish and immature attitude. I was too eager and too willing to tell you how much I was attracted to you."

"You mean, you planned to see me because you felt attracted to me, in spite of my physical disability? Then you felt sad for the way I abruptly ended our friendship?" I nod.

"Yes, dear. This is what I wanted you to know." He smiles and takes my hand. He kneels down before me.

"Ken, it's not too late for either of us yet." Can I ask you a big favor?"

"Yes, dear. What is it?"

"Can you postpone your trip for a few more days?"

"Well, I suppose I can. But why do you want me to do that?"

"Because, I want you to stay over at my place, to know me a little better. This way you can make up your mind. Please, give me another chance to prove that I'm a decent man!"

"You really want me to stay with you in your country house?" He nods. "But aren't you suspicious of me? I could be just interested in your fortune, just like the others." He shakes his head.

"Ken, I'm on my knees. Please, grant this wish to a desperate man. I've never felt true love in my life. And now I feel that, at last I've found someone willing to try to make this relationship work. And I'm so willing to try to find the right man for me. And now I'm positive I've found him, and it's you!"

"All right, dear. Tell you what. Let's wait for my parents to wake up from their nap. Then I'll tell them about our plans. We can pack my stuff and go to your place then. And after a couple of days, I'll go back to São Paulo." I take him in my arms. "You don't need to kneel down, dear."

We speak to my folks and they accept my decision. We want to call for a driver, but Dad says he can drive us to Toledo.

"Bye, Dad! And thanks for the ride!"

"Bye, Mr. Nakamura! I really appreciated your kind help." He takes some money and hands it to Dad, who promptly refuses. "I insist, Mr. Nakamura, for you've spent gas money driving us here." Dad finally takes the money. We then approach the main door and Alencar looks around.

"Someone has been here, Ken." The door is unlocked. "Fuck, they've stollen all my things!" We look around and the place is a big mess. "The new TV, sofa, furniture, fridge, stove, and microwave are all gone!" I follow him to his bedroom. "All my new clothes, the new mattress, bed, even the bed rug!" He punches the wall. I touch his shoulder and we hug.

"We'll be fine, dear." He nods.

"I didn't want this to happen, my love. I wanted to give you a good time, and not this ficking nightmare."

"Well, dear, how about putting order in this house first? Then we can figure out what to do next." He smiles.

"If you'll help me, everything is possible." We tackle the kitchen first. We sweep, clean the counters, and check the food he's still gotten left. Then we clean the living room, putting all the scattered furniture in place. We move to the master bedroom and pick up, fold, and put away his clothes. We improvise a matress with some blankets and sheets on the floor.

"Tomorrow we'll have to do some shopping, my love."

"Yes, dear." For dinner we have two cans of sardines and sliced bred with some mustard and ketchup. For dessert, a dented can of peaches.

"I'm sorry for just offering you this frugal dinner, Ken. This is what a millionaire can offer you." He chuckles.

"Geez, what's this world coming to when criminals are even stealing basic food items! But that's fine, dear. It was really enjoyable to have this meal with you." I turn to the window and see a couple of cars passing by slowly. Some people shoot pictures of the house and leave.

"Those fuckers!" He slams his fists on the the table. I take both his hands.

"Dear, do you think we're safe here?" He looks away.

"Yes. They took my rifle that was under the bed. But I've still got a gun hidden under the sink." I gulp, but say nothing about guns.

"Look, dear! How beautiful the sky is! It's reddish and pinkish!" I wish to go outside, but he holds my hand.

"No, please, Ken! They could be watching us from the distance!" I turn to him.

"Whom are you referring to, dear?"

"Strangers interested in taking a photo of me at all costs. Or even criminals who wish to kidnap me, or you for that matter."

"Geez, you're right, dear! I never thought being rich could be so dangerous." He looks down. "I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean it." We kiss. "Well, how about clearing the table, dear?"

We clear the table, do the dishes, and move to the bathroom.

"Ken, I must be quite frank with you. I'm afraid we're not safe here." He goes on telling me of incidents every night with people driving in front of his house at night. "Some even hurl empty beer bottles, stones, cans, in order to make me come out. In a few occasions, there were shots fired. So, every single night I lay awake and worry if I'm going to make it alive on the next day." I nod. "There are times I can see glow of lights in the forest near the river. I know some people there might be spying on me from there too."

"Let me guess, they're all after your money?" He nods. We hear a car outside. As we turn to the front door, it speeds away.

"See what I mean?" I take his big hairy hand. I feel the calluses.

"Let's take a shower, dear. This way we can relax." He smiles.

"Are you going to wash me?" He kisses me.

"Yes, dear. I think you need to relax and, be pampered a little."

"I'd love that, Ken."

We move to the bathroom and turn on the light. He removes his big black T-shirt, unbuckles his belt, unbuttons his black jeans, and lowers his zipper. He's wearing some white briefs. He steps out of his jeans and briefs. I also strip and put my clothes on the counter. He touches my body and kisses me. "Geez, my love! It feels so good to feel someone this close to me again." I feel his muscular fleshy body and feel his black thick fur.

As we tongue-kiss, I move my hand to his fully erect cock and play with his low hanging big balls. He also takes my hard cock in hand. Just then, we hear a loud car honking his horn by the road. He curses, but I don't let go of his cock. He smiles and kisses me again. More car noises outside. Then, we hear a stone hitting the house. His cock becomes limp.

"I'm sorry, Ken. But I can't play with you right now." He puts his clothes back on and rushes to the front door and fires his gun several times. I get dressed in a flash, and rush after him. He shouts at the top of his lungs for them to get lost and leave him alone. I see a few cars in front of the house at the distance.

"Dear, who are these people?"

"I don't know, Ken. They always come here at night to spy on me."

Alencar shouts to them saying he's calling the cops. Then they leave right away. He says he's tired of calling the cops, and at times, they don't even come for their rounds. We sit in the sofa and an officer's car arrive. I beg the officer to keep watch for us during the night. He agrees and says he's going to stay put until one A.M. This is the most he can do for us.

Alencar then tells me to shower first as he keeps an eye on the door and windows. After my shower, I tell him to shower too and in he goes.

"You go to bed, Ken. I shall join you later." He kisses me on the mouth and I go to our improvised bed. Then he enters the bedroom, strips, and joins me. I feel his muscular warm body near me.

"Are you all right, Alencar?"

"Yeah. Soon the officer will go away. Then I'll leave our bed and keep watch."

"You can't go on like that, dear." I kiss him.

"I would never forgive myself if anything bad happened to you, Ken." He strokes my hair and kisses me. I close my eyes and fall asleep right away.

At six A.M. or so, I see the faint light entering through the long white curtains. I stretch and realize I'm alone in his bedroom. I get up, wash up, put on my clothes and find him in his underwear by the window. He's holding a gun. He hears me and turns.

"Good morning, Ken."

"Good morning, dear. Did you get any sleep?" He shakes his head.

"I stood here from one A.M. until now, just like every night."

"Your body is cold, dear." I bring him a blanket. Then I go to his kitchen. I look around and find a small jar of instant coffee. Shit, they've taken his stove and microwave away. Just then I see his wood-burning stove and wood to burn. I smile and get busy.

Years ago, Mom also used a wood-burning stove. In no time I have a good fire running. I boil some water. I take a frying pan and toast some slices of bread. I look around and find a jar of strawberry jam. I prepare our coffee in a mug and put the slices of toast and jam and bring it to him. He turns around and smiles.

"Hey, you've prepared us some breafast! Thank you, Ken!" We drink and eat in silence. I offer to prepare some more coffee for him. "Thanks, Ken." He drinks and smiles. "Today is going to be a long day for us." We finish and I take everything back to the kitchen.

"Alencar, now I want you to take some rest too, dear. You need to sleep." He nods and I take his hand and guide this big man to his improvised bed. I cover him and he smiles.

"With you here with me, I don't feel scared anymore, my angel." I kiss him and close the door gently behind me.

In the kitchen, I do the dishes and decide to take a walk around the property. I notice a lot of stones, beer cans, and bottles in his front lawn. I walk up to the road and find no cars around. I sigh in relief. At least he's going to rest now. I walk back to the house and notice the garage door open. I didn't know he had a car. By the mess in the garage, I can tell people were stealing whatever valuables they could take. I walk behind the large house and notice a lot of footsteps. I even find some cigarette butts laying around. The few flower pots he had were smashed and all his plants and flowers have been trampled on. The flowerbeds are destroyed. I wonder why so much anger against this poor man.

At the distance I see the forest and the lovely river. The water is clear and I admire the house from the distance. I'd better go back, in case he is awake and looking for me. But instead of going straight back from the path, I go by the river and find my way up to the road. As I've expected, I find a car in front of the house. Someone is using binoculars and spying the house. Very quickly, I come out of the woods and take the men by surprise.


"Oh, hi there!"

"Did you come to pay a visit to Alencar?" The men, who seem to be in their early twenties, look at each other.

"Yes. Is he around?"

"He's sleeping right now."

"In this case we can come some other time."

"Ok. My name's Ken, and I'm his boyfriend by the way."

"Oh, I'm Júlio and he's Marcelo. We've just come to check if Uncle needs something."

"Would you like to come inside?" They hesitate.

"Sure. We haven't seen him in a long time." We enter the house and they look around.

"I got here yesterday. The house was broken into and they took most of the stuff away."

"We heard about the attention Uncle has had lately, especially after he, became rich."

"He says he spends all day keeping people off his property. And at night, he cannot sleep, for people are constantly looking or spying on him. I've seen a couple of cars taking some photos of the house."

"Those people only want to sell the photos, Ken."

"We told Uncle this city is not a safe place for him to live anymore. The problem is that he loves this house, for it belonged to Grandpa. Geez, Uncle could buy whatever he wants with his fortune!"

We have some coffee and they give me their number, just in case we need help or even a ride to the city. I thank them and they leave. Then I decide to check if Alencar is awake. His bedroom door is open. I see the bathroom door closed.

"Dear, are you in there?"

"Yes, Ken. I'll be out in a minute." I go back to the living room. I hear the noise of flushing.

"Oh, hi dear! Did you have a good rest?" He is in his briefs and sits on the sofa.

"I did. Then I heard you talking. I rushed to the bathroom to hear what you were talking about."

"And why didn't you come out and see your nephews, dear?" He shakes his head.

"They, just like everybody else, are just after my money, Ken."

"I see. Well, I'm glad you've had some sleep." I invite him to lie on my lap. I stroke his hair and he closes his eyes. In no time, he's fast alseep again. I stroke his cheek, hair, and he moans.

"I could spend all day here, on your lap, Ken. It feels so good here." He takes my hand and kisses it.

"Yeah, babe. It does feel better in here, just the two of us."

The taxi ride to town is a short one. We go to a large household appliance store and purchase a new stove, a microwave, a fridge, and a new TV. He insists delivery to be done today as he is paying in cash. He wishes to have them delivered at the latest before dinner. We also visit a furniture store specialized in bedroom furniture. We purchase a king-sized bed, a mattress, pillows, pillow cases, regular and fitted sheets. He also insists delivery to be done today. Finally we do some grocery shopping. We take our bags to the taxi and return home. We put away our groceries and he puts the meat and perishable items in a large icebox with a thick layer of ice at the bottom.

"Let's just hope they'll deliver everything today, Ken."

"I'm sure they will, dear." I light the fire again and prepare us some coffee. He sets the table with some ham, cheese, fresh buns, and butter.

"You just make the best coffee in the world, Ken!" We drink and eat.

"It's great being here with you, dear."

"Things are beginning to go back to normal, Ken."

After our lovely meal, the phone rings. It's from the shop. They're delivering everything in half hour. The furniture shop also calls and says delivery is going to be in one hour.

Things are surely improving here, I think to myself, as I enjoy this handsome man's company.

"Hey, I like my new bed, Ken!"

"It surely feels comfortable, dear!"

"They were nice to give us two wooden chairs as gifts, weren't they?"

"Oh, yes! And your kitchen is looking good too with your new appliances, dear. See, things are already turning up, Alencar!"

Just before midnight, an officer's car stops in front of our house to maintain order on the road. I convince Alencar to join me in our new bed. He accepts and I welcome him in my arms. He falls asleep right away.

On the following day, I tiptoe to the toilet, wash up, get dressed, and leave the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Alencar continues sleeping soundly. I check the front door and everything is quiet. I prepare breakfast and set the table. When everything is ready, I walk to our bedroom.

"Good morning, Ken." He yawns.

"Good morning, dear. Do you want to stay longer in bed, dear?"

"No, I'm fine, babe." He leaves our bed in his briefs and empties his bladder. Then, washes up, and gets dressed. I make our bed and move to the kitchen. "Wow, it's been a long time since I've had a decent sleep, babe."

Five days later, I wave as my plane takes off. It hurts to leave him, his house, and the sweet moments we've spent together. He promised he'd find the time to visit me in São Paulo. The moment we kissed and separated, I somehow knew he would not be mine anymore.

In São Paulo I carry on with my life. All his social media pages have been terminated. He

doesn't answer my e-mails nor my phone calls.

In December, we celebrate Christmas and New Year's on Dad's farm. On my last day on the farm, I finally decide to check on him.

The sleepy taxi driver stops and says he'll wait for me on the road. I see the shut windows, closed door. No one is around. I then turn to the taxi driver for help.

"I thought you knew that Mr. Freire was in comma in the hospital. His nephews found him unconscious. Apparently it was a house robbery. If you want, I can drive you there. It's already eight-thirty A.M. Visitors are allowed in now.

The hospital hall is long and dark. They still use the old red wax polish on the shiny cement floor. The nurse says he's been in comma for over a week. She knocks the door and I meet Júlio and Marcelo. The room is dark and stuffy. They greet me shyly. I open a smile and touch Alencar's white hairy strong hand. His skin is waxy and unusually pale. He looks peaceful in his sleep. Now I know he can sleep without concerns, for there's only good people surrounding him. I notice a few scars on his neck area, shoulder, chest, and on the other arm.

"Alencar, dear, that's Ken. I'm so happy to see you, my friend. I'm sorry I haven't come sooner to see you. I-I thought, well, it doesn't matter now. I see that you're looking good. I'm so glad to see that you're so peaceful and relaxed." I take his warm hand and kiss it. I give him a gentle squeeze and smile. "I'd better be going, my friend. I don't want to disturb your rest, for you need a good night's sleep." As I pull my hand, I feel his hand gripping mine. His nephews turn to me. Just then, his lips move and he opens his eyes.

"Don't go, my love. Don't leave me again, please." I smile and kiss his cheek. The nephews call the nurse and the doctor.

"Do you want me to postpone my trip again, dear?"

"Yes, babe. If you don't, I swear, I'll get out of this bed and kidnap you!" I kiss him and our faces touch.

"I need you around me, Ken."

"All right, dear. I'll stay then." The nurses and the doctor come and check on him.

"Ken, you've made this miracle possible!" Júlio and Marcelo smile. I never let go of his big warm hand.

"Can you raise your hand, Mr. Freire?" The doctor asks. Alencar raises both his strong arms. Then his legs.

"I'm feeling fine, doctor!" He smiles. "And I'm also feeling thirsty and hungry too doctor!" The doctor brings a glass of water for him. He takes a swig and swallows the whole thing in one sitting. "Whow! Take it easy, Mr. Freire. You've been out for seven days. We're going to give you food and drink, and you're having them gradually, so you won't get sick to your stomach."

The nurses bring him some orange juice, which he drinks right away. He also has some yogurt. Then some soup. He doesn't throw up nor feels nausea. Then he wishes to sit on bed. The nurse helps him and he smiles.

"Hell, it's good to be sitting again." He does not wait for them and steps on the floor and begins to walk to and fro. The nurses and doctor clap their hands. He turns to me and gives me a big hug. I stroke his hair and face.

"We're going to run some tests on you, Mr. Freire, just to see if you've got any further health issue."

"All right, doctor. And when do you think I could go home?"

"Let's say in four days."

"How about making it three?" We all laugh.

Dad is kind to bring my stuff to the hospital. He is surprised to see Alencar sitting with me on the sofa instead of lying sick in a bed. Alencar is making jokes and teasing Dad, saying that now he's got a father too.

On the third day, he insists in buying me a car, for I have a driver's license. Though he knows how to drive, his driver's license hasn't arrived yet.

"Ken, I'll only let you go again, because I know you're coming back to me and take your place in this house in less than two weeks. Go back to São Paulo, and remember what we've discussed earlier. Just donate everything you own and I'll get you new things. You just keep what you consider dear to you and hire a van to ship your stuff here. Don't spare any expenses, my love! And don't worry about your job. I'm a rich man and can take care of you. Actually, we're going to take care of each other as you come back."

"They're already calling my name, dear!" We kiss and he wipes his tears.

"I'll be waiting for you, my love!"

The plane trip is pleasant and I can't wait to land in the Cascavel Airport again.

Oh, boy! Two weeks have never taken so long to pass! I look out and admire the green corn fields down below. Then the plane flies lower and thud! We've landed and I feel closer to him again!

As I retrieve my luggage, I keep turning towards the exit door. I push my luggage cart and search for him. In the midst of the crowd, I don't find his dear face. I push my cart and mingle with the crowd. No one familiar. Could he have confused the dates? I push my cart outside and see the familiar white car approaching. It him! Geez! It's him all right!

"Ken, my love! I'm here to pick you up!" He parks the car in the middle of the road. Other cars honk. We hug and kiss.

"Alencar! I can't believe it's you!" More drivers honk their horns.

"Let's get out of here, my love!" He helps me put my luggage in the trunk and drive off back to Toledo, to start our new life together. This time I've come here to stay.

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