
Published on Sep 23, 2000


Alcazar 9

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at or

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

I didn't know if he the event would be an athletic event or a sexual romp. When I went to the locker room to change. There was a large beach towel for each person. It had a small pocket sewn into it, containing container or lubricant and bottle of poppers. I didn't know anything about wrestling, but I certainly knew what to do with the lubricant, so I felt more at ease.

There were several guys changing there already. I saw Syd, the Assyrian looking lawyer, Roger, the investor who looked a bit like Kenny Rodgers and a thick set man I didn't recognize. He said hello to me and I realized it was Eduardo, the fat man who had accompanied Magnus several months ago.

"I'm sorry, Eduardo, for not recognizing you." I said. "Looks like you've been dieting. You look wonderful." Eduardo wasn't thin, but he must have been seventy pounds lighter, and he looked solid rather than fleshy. As his body shrank, his cock grew. It was an oak tree cock, like Wally's. It was thick but had a small head. Freed of the overhanging fat, it looked downright respectable.

"Thank you." Eduardo said. "It's been a hard four months."

"It's been worth it!" I said. "How did you do it?"

"Working out rather than eating out!" He quipped. He dropped his voice. "Catfish told me I needed to lose some weight so he could get to my cock easier. I hate to recommend homosexual lust as a weight reduction technique, but it works."

"I started with on of those funny fad diets, but I almost passed out while exercising here." He continued. "Do you know Ed Elias?" I nodded. He was a well-known physician. "He was here exercising and saw me almost pass out. He got me on the right track. Kenny, the caterer, was also helped revive me and got me a personal trainer."

"Well it worked!" I said. "It must have been a hard three months."

"You don't turn a small software company into a three hundred million-dollar corporation without some drive!" He said. Roger came over to talk with us. Roger was a big man, solid, and it seemed that he was as big as he had been the last time I saw him, but firmer looking. He also seemed better hung. I wondered if there was something in the locker room that enhance the appearance of cocks.

"Have you met the guests of honor yet?" He asked. Like the men in the dining room earlier that day, he was all but drooling.

"I had lunch with them." I said

"What are they like?"

"I've never seen them on the television, but they are spectacular in real life." I said. "I don't think you'll be disappointed!"

We all went up to the exercise room. The large towels gave the impression that this was a toga party. Bubba and Mike, the electricians had just finished rearranging the lights so that they focused on mats in the middle of the room. The edges of the room were dimly illuminated. Mats and benches lined the space forming a continuous seating area. Skeeter was arranging the mats.

Clyde and Wilbur were there with Jeff, Wally, the organist and Templeton. Herb was with them, apparently reminiscing about old times. I saw that the prison and law enforcement were well represented by Catfish, Ram and several men I didn't know. Catfish came over with the new men and introduced them as Chuck, his room mate, Johnnie, who was a nurse at the institution and Ed.

"Welcome to the Alcazar." I said. "You work at the prison?"

"We sure do." Ed said. He had a droopy handlebar mustache, three days of beard and a hang dog look. "Catfish said this was a neat place. It's beautiful. You don't mind a couple of red necks joining in?" I laughed.

"As a matter of fact, a few more red necks are just what we need!" I said. Ed looked relieved.

"I feel a bit like a gate crasher." Ed said. "This place is a step up from the shower room at the prison." Sarge and Greg arrived with Charlie, the warden and two other men I didn't recognize. Ed had seen the former governor and was uncomfortable.

"We have quite a variety of members here." I said. "But we all share one common interest. I assume you share it too?"

"Don't worry!" Ed said, laughing. "Big time! The warden said I lack range and breadth of experience, whatever that means. Catfish said this might broaden my horizons!"

At this point, Jack, the interior decorator walked in and came over. Henry, his lover, glanced at Catfish, and the two men separated and were soon in an intense conversation.

"I wouldn't have guessed you were interested in wrestling!" I said to Jack.

"It takes me back to being a teenager." Jack said. "Wrestling mags were the only way you could respectably look at undressed men!"

"Those were the days." Ed said. "Sneaking peaks at the magazine rack at the drug store!"

"Looking for the shadow on the trunks to show how big they were?" Jack said.

"Damn! I thought I was the only guy in the world who did that!" Ed said laughing. The two men could hardly have been more different. Jack was elegantly draped in the towel and looked like he was ready for a soiree in Ancient Rome. Ed's towel drooped showing off all of his pubic hair. It seemed they had hit it off.

"I know. Looking back, those magazines were awfully dog eared for us to be the only guys!" Jack said. Sarge came over and introduced me to his friends, Bobby and BJ. Bobby was muscular, middle height and had a flat top and small neat mustache. His neck and face were shaved emphasizing the thick pelt on his chest. I was sure he was another alumnus of the police academy. BJ was about thirty, very nervous and clearly uncomfortable.

Bobby saw Charlie and went off to speak with him. "BJ here is one of Greg's friends, Max." Sarge said. "He's a really nice boy. Once he gets going, he's nice and playful."

"Well if you like to play, this is the place for you." I said.

"I'd appreciate it if you would introduce him to some of the boys." Sarge said. "He's a bit shy." BJ had thinning straight blond hair, he was a bit short and would have a weight problem if he wasn't careful as he got older. We shook hands.

"We are a very affable group of men here." I said. "No one bites." Roger, Eduardo, Will and Herb entered the room.

"BJ, good to see you here!" Roger said. BJ looked downright shocked. They obviously knew each other in different circumstances. Roger didn't seem to mind. "I didn't know you were a member of the fraternity. Come over and sit with us." The room was filling up. There was a good combination of men. I knew 60 to 75 per cent of the men.

"It's nice to have some new meat in the room." Skeeter said. He must have been reading my mind.

"Everyone seems to know enough guys to be comfortable. Are you a wrestling fan?" I asked. There was a strong sense of tension and anticipation in the room. Everyone knew there would be some wrestling and some sex, but no one knew how much of what. Nor did they know how they would transition between each, nor who would be involved.

"Stock car racing here." Skeeter said. "You never see those guys naked though. I caught a glimpse of the wrestlers. They're huge!" Charlie got up and got everyone seated. I was with Ed, Skeeter and Jack.

"It's good to see you all here. This is a new event for us here, so we are playing it by ear." Charlie said. "I want to introduce my old wrestling coach, Herb. This event is in his honor." Herb got up. He looked dumpy at lunch, but was better looking wrapped in his towel. He was in much better shape than I had thought.

"We have several events planned for this evening." Herb said. "Most involve former team members of mine and old friends. But the purpose of tonight is to have fun, not display athletic prowess, so feel free to join in the games. Now I have one warning. I have heard about this club and know this may be a problem. If you don't like nudity, you had better leave! There is no dress code tonight!" The audience roared with laughter. "If you thought this is a bible study group you are in the wrong room."

When the guys quieted down, Charlie introduced the first match. "We'll start with a senior match up. Herb and Roger will do a wrestling exhibition." Herb and Roger took of their towels and did an exhibition of Olympic style wresting. Roger had toned up too, and they were remarkably limber. The match was very fast and Herb had little trouble pinning his opponent. Roger was more than respectable, and I wondered if many of his business associates could have visualized him nude wrestling.

"And for the second match of the night, let me introduce more special guests of the Alcazar, straight from the professional ring, Ali Baba and Mandelbaum!" Charlie's voice was drowned out by the applause.

The two giant men entered. The room appeared smaller with them in it. They were spectacular. The towels they wore looked like they would rip apart if they flexed a muscle. Ali raised his hand to quiet the crowd. "Thank you guys. We always appreciate our fans. If you calm down, we can get down to wrestling!"

"We aren't going to do the television stuff here tonight. We're afraid we might break your nice building here." The men laughed. "You might think that this is going to be boring, so to add some interest, Manny and I have decided to provide some medals for the best wrestling of the evening!" Ali paused. "Gold and silver!" There was polite applause. "Actually, they aren't metals. They are rings." With this, they whipped off their towels and stood nude in front of the men, each wearing only a cock ring, one silver and one gold.

The men went crazy. Both men were partly erect, and their cocks glistened in the light. Ali's cock was still hooded in his thick skin, but you could see his head peaking out. A bead of pre cum dripped from it connected to the piss slit by a thin filament that shimmered in the light. Mandelbaum had the skin pulled back to fully expose his head. It looked like it was the size of an apricot.

Mandelbaum raised his arms and quieted the crowd. "Now boys!" He said. "As coach said, Tonight is for fun, and Ali and I want to have as much fun as you do!" Someone in the group yelled, "I've died and gone to heaven!" There was more laughter.

"Now you will note that we have the prizes with us, but we need to be very, and I do mean very, relaxed to give them to the winners." Manny said. "Can you help us out?"

They say that a good performance requires a good audience, and no one has ever had a more receptive audience than the men in this room. Manny raised his arms again to quiet the men. "Ali is going to be in the first match." Ali stepped forward. "Now Ali, who do you want to wrestle with?" Ali walked around the room looking at the men like a housewife selecting vegetables in an open air market. He also made sure that each man got a good view of his nude body and exposed cock.

He picked Catfish, the smallest man in the room. "Miss match" someone yelled and there was general pandemonium. Catfish was doing physique style posing and performing to be up for the match. "Remember. I'm small but nimble!" He yelled.

Ali defended himself. "That boy may be small but part of him is full grown." He pulled off Catfish's towel and everyone could see the donkey dong. It was a hit with the audience.

Ali and Manny had a conference, and Ali announced that he would select a second man, and would wrestle two against one. This seemed to satisfy everyone until he selected Chucky to be the partner. The red-haired caterer was the second smallest man in the room. Ali still out weighed the two men together.

The match proceeded and Ali pinned the two me in about thirty seconds. The crowd groaned in disappointment.

"Rematch!" Catfish yelled. "We'll add a third!" Ali agreed and Catfish did the housewife routine to select a third partner. He picked Johnny, the male nurse form the prison and next smallest man in the room. The three men huddled in the middle of the ring while Ali prowled the edges of the mats. The three men had big cocks that appeared larger in comparison with their diminutive bodies. Catfish had brown hair; Johnnie, blond; and Chucky, red. All were hairy, thin and wiry and contrasted with Ali's glossy black hair and chunky body.

Mandelbaum emerged from the locker room with a large bottle of lubricant. He squirted some on Catfish, then coated the other men.

"Is this going to be a catch the greased pig contest?" Ali roared.

"More like catch the greased squirrels!" Someone yelled from the crowd. The oiled up men looked more impressive and it seemed as if the trio might be better matched against the Giant. Manny made sure the cocks were well oiled too. The match resumed.

It was the Three Stooges meet Goliath. Ali couldn't get a grip on them, and they couldn't get him. Chucky jumped on Ali's hairy back and slid off. The view of the small red man slithering down Ali's back was a turn on for me. I looked at the men and realized it was more of a turn on for them. Having his cock slip down Ali's body had an effect on Chucky. Soon, all were fully erect.

Up to this time, you had a sense that the event had been staged. It was not staged anymore. Ali had told me that he liked red otters, and here he was with Chucky. Catfish and Johnnie's attraction to Ali bordered on worship. Sexual excitement is contagious. Most of the men in the audience were naked now and most were erect. Ed and Jack were making out next to me. Skeeter was at my cock, licking me erect.

In the ring Ali got on top of Johnny and his cock slipped deep into Johnnie's ass. I wasn't sure that he had planned to fuck him. It looked more as if the hard cock might accidentally have impaled the blond. The sexual excitement in the room bumped up a notch as Ali and Johnnie got hotter and hotter. After a second or two, there was no question that Johnny was a bottom.

Ali was preoccupied by Johnnie and was spreading his legs open to increase the pressure on Johnnie's prostate when Catfish saw an opportunity. He jumped Ali and sank his horse cock deep into Ali's ass. Ali looked surprised but didn't alter his screwing of Johnnie. "You fucking read my mind!" Ali yelled.

Johnnie suddenly screamed and reared up, shooting cum all over the mat. I cold believe that much cum could have been in on man. It looked like gallons of white cream. Ali stood up, let Johnnie go and grabbed Chucky. Ali had not cum yet. Chucky didn't put up much fight and Ali had him on the mat, spread eagled. Ali plunged his cock in the willing hole. Catfish had been shaken off when Ali stood, but he resumed his fucking as soon as Ali had changed partners.

I looked over at Ken to see if he had a problem watching his lover being fucked on the mat. Ken watched while BJ sucked him. BJ had lost his shyness. Ali made a strong thrust into Chucky's ass, Chucky moaned and Ken popped. "Take it baby! Take it!" He cried. BJ apparently was a cum hound, and took the whole load.

I looked back at Ali. He and Chucky were kissing. I was sure the wrestler was giving Chucky's prostate a cum bath. Catfish was still in Ali's ass but looked very satisfied and relaxed. The almost violet sexual passion of the match was replaced calm as the men drained their respective members. Herb sat next to me and Skeeter had transferred his attentions to him.

"I leak a lot." Herb whispered. "I hope you don't mind." Skeeter was a cum house and I knew I had lost him to the coach's dripping cock for a while at least. I must have looked lost in the sea of men. Kenny came over to me with BJ.

"BJ wants a nice fuck!" He whispered. "Virgin!"

"Sarge said he was playful. I can't believe he skipped that part of his education." I said.

"I have the bottom part down solid." BJ said sheepishly. "I've never topped. Ken told me you might be able to help me out?" He was nervous and uneasy again. His cock was rock hard and curved up and almost touched his navel.

"Lie down." I told him. I had the bottle of lubricant in my pocket so I put some on his cock, straddled him and then slid backwards. I could watch the wrestling match and the action in the room this way. I looked down at BJ as his cock slid into my chute. He seemed very young. He had the look you get when you've been unable to take a piss all day and you finally get a chance to relieve yourself. Immense relief, both physically and sexually.

It turned out to be enjoyable for me too. His cock head missed my prostate, it just nudged it, so that every time I moved I felt a burst of excitement. I watched the wrestlers ease their way down for their high. They didn't break apart immediately, but stayed in contact while the last drops of cum were squeezed into their partner's ass. It was a mass of men, muscle, hair and sperm in the middle of the room.

Everyone in the room seemed relaxed. Some had shot off, but most had just calmed down. Most of the men there would have been satisfied just to see Ali and Mandelbaum naked. They had seen them naked, erect and now realized that the giants were sexual athletes. They liked man sex, a lot. There was no shyness, no equivocation, no sign of being uncomfortably in participating in raw and open sex. It was a wrestling fan's wet dream.

I was relishing the moment when I felt BJ twitch. I looked at him and he looked scared. Bending over I kissed him. It was intended to be a brotherly kiss, to let him know I didn't mind having him shoot a load in my ass. It turned out to be more than that. I remembered Sarge's story about Greg being starved for affection. BJ must have been in an emotional dessert and he had just discovered an oasis. Kissing and cuddling is not normally my thing, but I could feel BJ tense up with each ejaculation. The feelings were intense and enjoyable.

"Thank you." He whispered. "I thought it would be dirty. It was beautiful!" I almost said that it was a nice ride, but I realized it was much more important to him than to me.

"It was wonderful! " I said. "Just Great. And I just bet, it may be one of those things you might try again!" He looked at me and smiled. He had made the transition form man in heat to man in the locker room with the guys.

"I sure do, but not tonight." He said. I got off him. "I'm drained."

"Don't bet the farm on that!" I said. "Never short change your balls' ability to make seed, and your cock's ability to rise to the occasion!"

"Refreshment time!" Ken yelled. "Break time. The night is young and we need to keep our strength up."

Wine, beer, fruit, sandwiches and some small cakes appeared and were eagerly eaten. The food was refreshing and reinvigorating. It provided a much needed recovery time, so we could get ready for the next event.

Next: Chapter 10

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