
Published on Sep 16, 2000


Alcazar 8

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at or

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

A few weeks later Charlie called me. His old wrestling coach was going to visit next month and Charlie hoped that we could have a session at the Alcazar. I talked to Jeff and he said he would make note and post it on the bulletin board. The next time I was there I looked at the sign up sheet. I had never been interested in wrestling, but I was clearly in the minority. There must have been thirty-five names. Sarge was the first on the list.

Sarge turned out to be a regular participant in the sessions at the Alcazar. He was about as macho as a man cold be but he also defined versatile. Thee was nothing that could be done with a cock and ass hole that he didn't like. He topped, he bottomed, he middled, he sucked, rimmed, and finger fucked. He had the ideal recreational cock. Big enough to know it was there, but not so large that it come close to ripping you in half.

He wasn't shy and attracted other men. He became the unofficial leader of the games. He liked contests and races, and helped break down the inhibitions that separated the closeted gay men from the more liberated men of the club. He and Charlie were old friends and soon arranged for a night of Greco Roman wrestling at the club. The date was set for a Wednesday night three weeks ahead, so most of the men who were interested had a chance to work up good excuses for not getting home.

The excuses were simplified by some additional renovations to the Alcazar. The upper floors of the building were originally designed as a bachelor hotel. The rooms had their own toilets and wash basins, but shared a common shower room. It was one step up from the old YMCA rooms. We renovated a few of them and found they were popular, so we soon had one entire floor renovated.

Sex in the club was public and the rooms provided a place for those who were more up tight to get away and have a more intimate experience. It was also easy to stretch a business trip by a day and spend it at the Alcazar.

Several weeks later, I was out of town working on a project in Georgia. I pulled an all nighter, got the project done early and got back to Richmond unexpectedly early and decided to take the afternoon off. Bill was away at his sister's again, so I took a room at the Alcazar and took a mid-day nap, a really unusual thing for me. I woke at two and went to the showers and found the room bustling. Catfish was there with Clyde and Bubba.

"Rassling night!" Bubba said. "And they brought in a ringer!"

"Mandelbaum and Ali Baba!" Clyde said. "Hot Damn!" I had no idea what they were talking about. I had forgotten about wresting night, and wresting never interested me and I didn't follow it. Bill was a hunter fisher type, but wasn't into vicarious entertainment. I must have looked puzzled. Clyde filled me in.

"They are up and coming stars." He said. "They are Herb's former team members, and have hit the big time. Almost big time." The guys were so excited they didn't seem to be interested in sex, at least not with me. I showered, dressed and went to the dining room. Chucky was there and had some sandwiches available. Usually you had to order a day in advance. I asked him what was up, and he told me that the wrestling night had attracted a big crowd, and they had extra food.

I sat down and an older stocky man came in with Charlie. I waved them over to my table and they joined me. "Max, this is Herb, my old fried and coach." Charlie said. He shook hands and sat down. He turned out to be pleasant and affable. Charlie was excited by the Mandelbaum and Ali Baba.

"The are nice boys and having lots of fun." Herb said. "But I have dreaded this day for years. I've been trying to get the team out of college and into good jobs for years, and keep them away from the professional world. It will be hard doing it now."

"You've been successful as a coach and a teacher, I wouldn't expect that to change. Most do what you tell them." Charlie said. "The wrestling team alumni association looks like the Who's Who of over achieving men." At this point two huge men entered the room, followed by Catfish, Bubba and Clyde. I think that Catfish was drooling.

"Coach!" one of the men bellowed. The rushed over and there was exchange of loud and enthusiastic greetings. They pulled over additional tables and we all sat together. Mandelbaum was 270, 6-3 and with a broad chest and thin waist. He had brown hair and matching beard and was almost bursting his knit shirt. Ali Baba had curly black hair with long curly beard. His chest was as broad as Mandelbaum's but his waist was the same size. He had an 19th century boxer's physique, but with greater definition.

"Guys , let's quiet it down some!" Herb said. "You aren't in the ring!" The two huge men did what their former coach asked. Ali looked at Catfish.

"I take it you're fans?" He asked.

"We sure are!" Clyde answered. "Big time!"

"Manson and I would like to have a nice conversation with old friends, with no wrestling bull shit. We'd like to keep it private. Can you keep your mouths shut?" Ali asked. "Some times we aren't in the ring. Do you understand?"

"No problem at all." Catfish said. "We don't tell tales. Charlie can vouch for that."

"These boys have seen a lot, done a lot and never said a word." Charlie said. "Don't worry!"

"And I can vouch for Clyde." Herb said. "We've been playing together since before I went to State to coach."

"He doesn't look like a wrestler." Mandelbaum said looking over Clyde' tall, gangly body.

"Great throat and cock, even better ass!" Herb said, laughing. "He got more muscles in his throat then most men have in their arms."

"Save a dance for me!" Mandelbaum said. Everyone relaxed and I found out more about our new companions. Ali Baba was originally Albert Bababian, the son of an Armenian restaurant owner. He had been a star on the State team, but in his professional wresting life had been cast as the heavy. He had been the Gorilla, The Sultan, Savage Saadam, and the Turk at one time or another in his career. Ali Baba had been the best ring name.

Mandebaum had been Manson Bowman, another member of the same team. He was cast as the gentlemanly and lovable wrestler who trusted too much in human goodness and was continually beat on by the bad guys. They had been roommates in college, but while they had their own places now, they shared a summer cottage on the beach.

"What's the plan for tonight?" Mandelbaum asked. "Exhibition wrestling? Amateur night?"

"I'd been hoping for Nekid Follies!" Charlie said. "We'd like to make this a memorable night for Herb. This is an open minded club, really open minded."

"I wouldn't mind this being a memorable night for me too!" Clyde said.

"How many guys are going to be here?" Ali asked.

"About twenty-five." Charlie said.

"I don't know if I want to be nude in front of a big group." Mandelbaum said. "Bad odds. Our nude wrestling sessions are usually private. I'm not sure I want to be surrounded by a bunch of suits and ties drooling over our bodies."

"The plan is for everyone to be naked."Charlie said. "Towels only at the beginning." The two wrestlers perked up. They were clearly interested.

"Oh. You mean we aren't the only players?" Mandelbaum said. "This isn't for show only?"

"This club is for play, not display." I said. "No one watches without participating."

"Well, that's different." Ali said. "What's out of bounds?"

"You're still an aggressive top?" Herb asked smiling. Ali nodded.

"As Charlie said, open minded, open mouthed and with wide open asses." Clyde said. "I've never gone knocking at anyone's back door not been asked in!"

"I'm game!" Mandelbaum responded. "Are you alright with it coach?"

"Have I ever had a problem with our little group get togethers?" Herb said. "As long as everyone is with the program."

"You don't get into the Alcazar without being with the program. Big time!" Catfish said. Everyone laughed. "As long as you don't mind crazed sex pigs, you'll be fine."

"I must admit, crazed sex pig has a certain appealing air to it!" Herb laughed. "As the grand daddy of the group, I may only be watching, but it sounds like fun."

"I hate to sound superficial." I said. "But if you are willing and have a cock, chances are you won't be watching. We have a wide range of ages in the club. A hard cock is a terrible thing to waste!"

"You mean it's not my sparkling personality that you are interested in?"Ali quipped. "I am shocked and appalled!" Mandelbaum was having a hard time keeping in his chair he was laughing so much.

"It's your fucking mind they like!" Herb said. "It's just that, in your case, it's located in your cock head!" By this time it was clear that the two wrestlers were more than ready for the night's festivities. I decided to go for a swim and the wrestlers talked shop with their admirers.

I was alone in the pool and swam laps. I realized that I was beginning to exercise more regularly at the club, and wondered if it was another sign of middle age. I had been swimming for a half hour when Ali came in the pool.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Not at all." I said. "We seem to have be in a lull in the activity here." He jumped in and began swimming laps. He looked as if he would have been muscle bound, but he was a good swimmer. He reminded me of a sea lion. He had been nude was impressive, looking like a classical statue of Hercules. His cock looked classically small but was compact and attractive. I was on the side of the pool and he swam up.

"I try to swim as much as possible, it keeps me limber." He said. "Are you a wrestling fan?"

"Never got into it much." I said. "I seem to be a workaholic and don't follow any sports regularly."

"You don't know who I am?"

"Not any more than I have heard today." I admitted.

"Thank God!" Ali said. "You don't mind if I don't do my Ali Baba act?" I laughed.

"I don't have any idea what an Ali Baba act is!" I said. "Are you tired of being Ali Baba?"

"Maybe 80% of the time Ali is just fine. Lots of fun, lots of attention." Ali said. "And did I mention, lots of money? But you can get trapped in it, and it's nice to be Al, the Armenian guy from Wheeling."

"Do some guys get trapped in their ring personalities?" I asked.

"Some do. You need to be careful about whackos. The wrestlers are usually well controlled. There is too much money in the profession to have a guy who likes to hurt other guys." Ali said. "But the fans can be a problem. Some don't differentiate between real and pretend. I just want to get enough cash out of this to do what I want."

"What is that?

"Open a restaurant." Ali said. "Mom and Dad ran a greasy spoon at home, basic red neck cuisine, all fat with some salt added for flavor. But they knew who to cook real food. I know all their recipes and want to make them proud."

"You need to talk to Chucky, the guy serving lunch, and his boss Ken. They are very successful at the catering business." I said.

"I noticed they did a good job on the sandwiches." Ali said. "Distinctive but not a shock. A good way to build up clientele. Chucky is a member of the fraternity? I have a warm spot of red otters."

"He's a member in good standing. Ken is his lover and is all oral. Chuck had broader interests." I said. Al looked interested. "Do you usually get to pick your playmates?"

"Manson and I are regulars. We've been friends since college. But there a lot of cash in nude wresting and even more if there is some cock-ass play." Ali said. "Mason and I could screw twenty times a day and still want more, so we figured, why not turn a hobby into an income source."

"Does the audience participate?"

"The nude sessions are usually with only a few guys watching, never more that six." Ali said. "There was one guy who wanted to suck my cock as soon as I pulled it out of Manson. He loved the ass gravy. His lover watched and Manson ending up in the lover's ass, and I screwed the hell out of my sucking friend."

"That was unexpected?"

"The first time it was!" Ali smiled. "Not unexpected later. Manson and I are plain vanilla when we are togther, but I don't mind things a little rough or kinky. I don't care for water sports myself, but I don't mind helping a guy out."

"Its hard for me to understand the thrill." I said.

"Same here, but it's a thrill for some guys." Ali said. "The first time I did it, the guy begged for it. He drank it straight from the cock and he shot off. He actually coated my ass with the cum. You know a guy enjoys it when he shoots two feet into the air." He laughed. Al was also feeling me out. I felt him and realized he was better hung than I had thought.

"That Catfish guy said you were a good bottom?" Ali said. He had worked a finger in my ass and had my prostate pinned. He knew his way around a man's ass. He squeezed it and I couldn't talk. He massaged my prostate with medical precision. Mandelbaum entered the pool and came over.

"Damn you're a fast worker Ali." He said. "Leave Max alone until tonight, Don't shoot your wad to early!" Ali released the pressure on my prostate but kept his finger in.

"He likes it!" Ali protested.

"I like it too! That doesn't mean I want your hand in my ass all the time." Mandelbaum said. "Let him go!" Ali released his finger and I could talk again. I looked at Mandlebaum. He was spectacular, muscular, big and horse hung. I stared at his uncut cock. "Do you like what you see?" He asked.

"I sure do, but what kind of a Jew are you?" I asked. "Ultra reformed."

"Technically I am a Methodist, but Goldburg was so popular I had a publicity agent inspired conversion!" He laughed. "My cock's big enough that no one has complained." We talked for awhile. The two men looked like hairy gorillas, but very affable and relaxed. They wanted to know about the interest of the men in the club so I filled them in.

"I can't believe you guys carried this off. I sounds like a great club to me." Ali said. "Everyone plays and no one talks?"

"So far. Knock on wood." I said. "Did Herb introduce you to the joys of man sex?"

"Nope. Not at all." Mandelbaum said. "He never played with is team, or students. Nothing but trouble he said. I always thought he liked older guys."

"We did the, "I got drunk and can't remember anything", introduction to cock sucking." Ali said. "We were room mates. Looking back it's hard to believe we were so uptight. It happened once, and then the next weekend and then every night. Herb noticed we were getting to practice hung over. He had a talk with me."

"He straightened you out?" I asked.

"I confessed what was going on and expected to kicked off the team. I didn't tell him about Manson, but he knew somehow. He told me a man is a man, strait or gay. It made no difference to him or to anyone with an ounce of common since. He told me he understood and knew what I was thinking, and that it was a lot better to be a cock sucker than a drunk. He told me to try sex sober. By that time I guessed he shared the same interests but he made no move to get close." Ali said.

"I was blubbering about how dirty it was. He stopped me and said that we don't have any control over what excites us or turns us on. It might be breasts or a round ass or a cunt. Or it might be a cock dripping with cum or an ass hole. You can't help it if a cock hits your prostate just the right way and you love it."

"The sex had been exciting up to that time." Manson said. "When Al got back that night it just got better and better." I noticed that the wrestlers had reverted to their real names.

"I confessed about my interests, It wasn't just because I was drunk." Al said. "I was scared shitless. I was sure Manson would leave. We ended up in bed and we fucked for the first time. It was great."

"I found out what coach meant about a cock hitting the right place. I went to the moon." Manson said. "It hurt at first then I went to the moon and back. How can something that good be bad?"

By then it was late afternoon and Herb came in the room and suggested that we all get some dinner before the hoards of men descended on the place.

Next: Chapter 9

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