
Published on Aug 27, 2000


Alcazar 7

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

I enjoyed watching the scene before me and almost forgot that Larry was still sucking my cock. My cock reminded me as I suddenly unloaded in Larry's mouth. It was more of a slow oozing than an explosion, but Larry seemed to like it. Magnus continued his slow screwing and Larry let go of my cock, so I could get up. He was still purring and I wondered if he was the man for Magnus. There was a lot of open enjoyment.

I went to the showers to cool off. I though I was the only guy in the room to shoot, but I ran into, Bob, Paul and Will there. Will still had cum dripping from his cock. We were a relaxed group.

"This has been a great night!" Will said. "Surprisingly compatible group of men. I wouldn't have guessed it would work out so well." Skeeter joined us and immediately took care of the cum dripping from Will. The showers were brightly lighted and it almost seemed shocking to see Skeeter openly sucking. The dim light of the pool added to the romance, but dimmed the sexual character of the night. Will twitched, Skeeter moaned, and I realized that Will had ejaculated some more.

"I can't believe there was more cum in there!" Will said.

"Well, if anyone can find cum, it's Skeeter." Bob said. "It's a skill."

"And a very attractive skill!" Will said. "Are you guys done for the night?"

"Regrouping and recharging here." Paul said.

"I don't think I can do that." Will said. "I'm wasted. Happy but wasted."

"I'd just wait another twenty minutes before I gave up on tonight." I said.

"Yep, the second and third climaxes are slow coming but worth the wait." Bob said. "You can have a lot of erect play time with less chance of shooting."

"That sounds like you've done a scientific study." Will laughed. "Do you have a minutes of erection to seconds of climax ratio?"

"Not yet, But I'm willing to do the lab work." Bob said. Paul and Skeeter did a chorus of me toos, offering to help with the research. "You know, I've read several of the "secrets of gay sex" books, and they don't seem to know shit about what's going on. Hardly mentioned the prostate. I don't know if anyone has done real research on it."

"And for his research in the prostate and it's effect on homosexual love making, we award the Nobel Prize in Biology!" Skeeter said, as he stood up. "I don't know if my interest is in cum or cock. Lucky for me they seem to be closely related!"

"Unless my eyes are deceiving me, your interest is picking up, Will." I noted. His cock had risen well beyond half staff. We all returned to the pool.

Sarge and the twins had uncoupled but were still intertwined. I saw Frank on the other side of the room. He motioned to me to come over. He sat with Bill, Templeton and Greg.

"Greg here doesn't think that anyone could take a cock the size of Frank's." Bill said. The four men were feeling no pain, and each was feeling the other's cock.

"That's not right." Greg protested. "I said they couldn't enjoy a cock that big. I know he could force it in."

"Let's not quibble about details." Templeton said. "I made a bet someone could, and Max, Bill and I think that someone is you."

"What's the bet?" I asked. "Winner fucks the looser?"

"You got it!"

"What do I get out of it?"

"Well, you get to suck Frank until he is hard and Greg has offered to rim you." Bill said. I was thinking about it when I discovered Frank's cock in my mouth. There must be a second brain in my dick. Frank's precum must have had a direct chemical reaction with my cock. I was awash in lust. I felt a tongue in my ass. Greg wasn't a timid rim man. He went after my ass with gusto. He loved it. It was not his first time.

I was slobbering over Frank's meat when he moved and positioned his cock at my hole. Templeton had to pull Greg off. He had an unusually long tongue and was deeper in the chute than I expected. Frank slowly nosed in. Templeton held a bottle of poppers to my nose and then to Frank's.

Frank must have felt me react as the poppers hit. When they hit, I relaxed and he went deep. The amyl and the cock head hit my prostate simultaneously. I lost control. Wave after wave of feeling washed over me. I cold hardly breathe. There were so many feelings at the same time I felt disoriented floating on a sea of cum. I was trying to get the cock deeper and grab it so he couldn't pull out. He could pull out, but the battle felt great.

Frank was as big as Fire Hose but the anatomy of his cock and my ass was perfectly matched. Vince, the possessor of the fire hose was a good friend and considerate top, but he always fucked me. Frank had a love pole, not a fuck tool. It was wonderful. When I was fully impaled on it I couldn't think, I could only feel.

Much to my surprise, Sarge and the twins had been perfectly coordinated in their group screw. We weren't. Bill and Frank were out of synch and I was the beneficiary. Frank was regular in his thrusting, but this regularity was interrupted when Bill's cock rammed something good in his ass. Frank would plunge in three or four times then twitch when Bill hit the bull's eye. The surprise irregularities made it impossible to take the next sensation for granted. I was entirely concentrated on the cock in my ass.

At the time I thought we were coupled for thirty to forty minutes. In reality it was a full fifteen minutes of pure enjoyment. Frank finally shot off, I followed. We just lay on the side of the pool. Winded.

Greg had been watching our session with Templeton and Catfish had joined the group. Catfish, who wasn't very shy casually sucked the former governor. Greg appeared uninterested in Catfish, and was laid back and looked relaxed. Catfish looked at me, winked, then shoved two fingers in Greg's ass and rammed his prostate. Greg looked like he was struck by lightening.

Had he been able to talk, I think Greg would have complained, but Catfish knew the anatomy of a guy's ass real well and Greg was lucky he could breathe. Sarge watched the scene and was clearly amused.

"Don't waste much time with the fingers, boy!" Sarge instructed. "Ram your cock in! I'm the biggest he's ever had, broaden his outlook!" Sarge had a thin long dong, Catfish was more cock than man and needed no further encouragement to fuck Greg. Catfish rolled Greg's ass in the air and shoved his meat in. Catfish did a red neck special. He just pounded as fast and as hard as he could until he filled the governor's ass with his seed.

Catfish pulled out. I was going to see how Greg was doing when Sarge brought Ram, the Indian doctor up.

"Greg. It's time we made a man of you!" Sarge said. Greg glanced at Ram's monster and looked frightened. If he was scared, it didn't effect his erection. "You're going to play bitch-in-heat until all these men are happy."

"I don't know about that. Sarge." Greg whined. "I think I've had enough." Greg hadn't been a good politician, and I understood why. He was saying he didn't want to be fucked, but sported a first rate erection and kept his legs spread so his hole was fully exposed. He was twitching his hole in invitation.

"Don't be a baby!" Sarge said. "Ram. You don't mind him a bit. He's been talking about this for a week. I'll hold him open and let's see how deep you can go." Sarge sat down and held Greg in his arms and held his legs wide apart. Ram positioned his cock head at the rim. Paul had lubricated him well and the huge dark cock glistened in the light. The head was lighter than the shaft and I could see precum dripping from the oozing cum slit.

The head vanished in the chute, with every vein of the shaft visible. He slowly forced it in. Greg moaned, but Sarge told him to take it like a man. Greg did. His balls were soon cushioned on Ram's thick pubic bush. After letting Greg get used to the horse cock in his ass, Ram began to pump, slowly at first, them picking up the pace. Greg wad held in place by Sarge, but he was trying to undulate his butt. Greg was not a passive bottom. He wanted more cock and was trying to Ram's meat into the places it felt best.

He was happy and Sarge seemed to have a glow, vicariously enjoying Greg's pleasure. Looking around the room I realized that Sarge and Greg had a different relationship from the rest of us. We were all equals. We were different ages, and social statuses from laborer to bank presidents, but we were equals. Sarge and Greg had a bear-cub or daddy-son relationship. The retired state trooper ran the show. Greg wanted to please. Greg obeyed. This disturbed me, but Greg was being fucked into heaven, in the arms of his daddy. They were happy.

Ram shot off and Sarge arranged for Vince to replace him. Greg didn't mind at all. I knew how difficult Vince was to take, but it was clear that Greg was a natural bottom, and a bit of a slut.

"Your next!" Sarge said to Frank. "He lost the bet fair and square. Collect your winnings."

Frank laughed. "I'm afraid I have shot my winnings in Max's ass! I'll surrender my place to some other worthy gentleman. Will, can you step up to the plate?" Will had been on the side lines watching the action. Will was willing.

Vince had a nice long fuck, and shot half his load on Greg's chest. It was a big load and Vince's dong shoots long volleys. Some hit Sarge's mouth. Greg shot too, but he wasn't done. Will was next. He rolled Greg over and screwed him doggy style. That left Greg's face in Sarge's crotch, and Greg was soon milking his daddy.

The evening was beginning to wind down. Most had reached that mellow, post orgasm phase when everyone is happy and satisfied.

"I'm ready to go home." Bill said. "Let's leave before it turns stale." The group began to break up. I jumped into the water again and then went to the showers with Bill and Frank. The twins, Clyde and Wilbur were there as were Charley and Tom, with Willy, the other warden.

"Is this a family only shower?" Bill asked.

"Shit no." Clyde said. "This is the happy campers shower of deeply and fundamentally satisfied fucker's shower."

"I take it you've had a good time." Frank said, laughing. "Is it safe to drop the soap here?"

"I wouldn't want to bet the farm on it." Wilbur said. "That is, if my erecto-meter is any indicator." I looked around the shower and saw that there was still life in the cocks. "It looks to me that when you get eight men and six feet of cock in a small room everyone gets hot and bothered."

Tom looked at Frank. Their eyes met. "Damn it! I dropped the soap!" Tom said. He bent over and presented his open ass hole to Frank. He was perhaps 80% erect, more than enough to fill Tom's ass. Charley came over and gave Frank advice on where Tom's most sensitive areas were. Bill went to hold Tom steady so he wouldn't slip, and Tom began sucking his cock.

"Charlie, do you and Tom know all about brotherly love?" Clyde asked. "I sure made the nights interesting for Wilbur and me when we were sixteen!"

"Fourteen here!" Charlie said. "And Tom started it. He was younger but more interested. Tom loved my cock as soon as I matured."

"Well, Wilbur and I were self-reliant boys!" Clyde said. "Our Uncle gave us some hints on how to fill in the missing parts in our play. It's been great ever since." Frank began to spasm as he unloaded in Tom's ass.

"My wresting coach gave me some pointers." Charlie said. "Herb was a great coach." Frank pulled out slowly. Charley replaced him, slow fucking his brother. "Feeling good Tom?" He asked. Tom mumbled something as he continued to suck Bill. I guess it was a yes.

"Shit! Did you go to school in West Virginia?" Clyde asked. "We know a wrestling coach named Herb there!" Wilbur came over, bent over and Clyde immediately went into the hilt. The two sets of brothers were fucking away as Frank, Willie and I finished our showers and got dried off.

"I can't tell you how much I'd like to do this again, Max!" Frank said. I gave him my address and told hm that Bill and I didn't mind company. The love fest in the shower room broke up. It turned out that both sets of brothers knew the same man. We went home. Frank called several days later and said he couldn't get by, but would like to visit the next time he was in town.

Work resumed the next morning with a vengeance, and I didn't have time to think about the party at the Alcazar for the rest of the week. I followed the reports of the conference in the paper and saw that Greg had given a talk that conceded that some of his policies had been ill considered. That Friday, Bill flew off to see his sister and I went to the Alcazar again.

Jeff was at the door and told me that the place was almost empty. I changed and went to the pool. After a few laps I began to relax. I did something rare. I exercised, swimming lap after lap. I though of the place as a playground, but felt good after the exercise. When I finished my swimming there was someone else in the pool, Sarge.

"This is a great pool!" He said. "It's so small you can swim lots of laps without much effort. At least it will sound good."

I laughed. "I did a hundred laps has a different meaning here. Is Greg with you tonight?"

"Nope. He's with his loving family tonight." Sarge said. "His current wife could get a job as a shark repellant. I hate letting him out of my sight for long. He might get into trouble."

"He was the governor. He should be able to spend an evening at home without a problem." I said.

"The boy's a puppet." Sarge said. "He's never had an original thought in his life. Pure marketing. He had no personality and no character so his handlers were able to manufacture a governor. They did polls, and molded him to fit."

"He certainly didn't seem very governor like here!" I said. "Are you molding him now? He seemed obedient."

"He can obey and has a great memory. He can memorize anything. He can't tell you what he said, but he can repeat it word for word." Sarge said. "He's not my kind of guy, but you can get accustomed to having a guy who is willing to be fucked, any time, anywhere."

"I thought that was that your normal operating procedure at the academy?" I said.

"I don't use men. I teach them." Sarge said. "Just helped men to know themselves." He paused. "You know, in twenty-five years at the academy I never guessed wrong. Not a single man complained, when they got my cock in their mouth for the first time it was as if they had discovered their long lost roots. They all knew they were meant to suck cock."

"Most of them had fucked up ideas about what being gay means. I straightened them out. Not one of my boys has become alcoholic. And that's damn good for the police." He said.

"You could tell that Greg was gay?"

"Not at first. You can look in his eyes and see right through. Actually, he made the move." Sarge said. "We had connecting rooms at a convention. He was drunk and climbed into bed with me at three in the morning. The next morning he tried the "I don't remember anything" routine. I didn't let him get away with it. He's a real cock hound."

"Love at first sight?" I asked.

"Not really from my side at least." Sarge said. "But he's a great cock sucker. He can breathe with my cock deep in his throat. He's the only guy who has been able to do that. I love my 12 inches down his gullet. He will do anything to please."

Skeeter and Bubba, the electrician, arrived in the pool and were swimming while we talked. Bubba is a, bearded, brown haired bear, big, but not fat. He worked out and had wash board abs as they say in the personal adds. At 6'-3" and 230 pounds he was massive. Sarge hadn't seen him before and was all but drooling.

Skeeter had a long, salt and pepper beard, and sported what I referred to as a Civil War reinactor look. He looked like he had just steps out of a Matthew Brady photograph. The mention of cock sucking brought Skeeter to our sides like a moth to a flame.

"You met the Alcazar's resident cock sucker?" I asked.

"We said hello the other night." Sarge laughed. "But I think I had to leave before he got around to me. I thought my cock might have been too much for him."

"Well, I can fix that!" Skeeter said. "I've never found a cock I couldn't take."

"It's not the thickness. It's the length." Sarge said. "Guys seem to gag seven or eight inches from the piss slit."

"I think it's the curve it takes when you are hard that's the problem." Skeeter said with the serious air of a collector of fine man meat. "It has that bend that could trip you up."

"You've studied it!" I said.

Bubba was listening. "Max, you've known Skeeter for six years! You know how serious he is about his hobby!" He said. Sarge was on the side of the pool so Skeeter engulfed the cock. It was soft so he had no problem at all. "Do you mind if I watch the master at his trade?" Bubba asked Sarge.

"Not at all!" Sarge said. Sarge continued with his conversation about Greg, seemingly oblivious to Skeeter, although he did pat Skeeter's head and hold it still several times.

"I talked with Greg's mother once." Sarge continued. " She was an old time Baptist lady who hated his father, but stayed with him for the kids. His dad was a real bastard, demanding, overbearing and never satisfied. He was one of those guys who made impossible demands on his son, and when Greg did it, it was never enough."

"That jerk didn't even congratulate him when he was elected Governor. When I told him that he was a good cock sucker and I wanted him to so it again, he cried. He thought I'd be mad at him. Then he thought I was just trying to butter him up and get something out of him. He didn't believe I liked it." Sarge continued. "I told him I had shot my load in his mouth, and a guy can't pretend to do that!" You couldn't tell what was going on in Skeeter's mouth, but Sarge wasn't complaining at all.

"Greg had never thought of that, but it made sense to him." He continued. "Naked guys can't hide their excitement. Greg is no wiz at biology, but he understood that. I told him to blow me again. The night before I had shot deep in his throat. This time I pulled out when I was ready to shoot and let him suck my head as I popped." Sarge pushed Skeeter away so that only Skeeter's tongue was in contact with Sarge's head. Sarge climaxed, squirting his load o Skeeter's tongue.

"Greg has been my boy ever since. I'm afraid I might be the only guy who has ever said thank you to him." Sarge finished.

"Good story, nice show!" Bubba said. "Do you plan all your climaxes so well? I liked the live demonstration."

"I'm sorry Sarge." I said. "Let me introduce you to Bubba. Electrician and old friend. Bubba, this is Sarge."

"I got carried away." Sarge said. "I had kind of hoped to save the load for you." He paused. "Everything they said about this boy is true. He's the Einstein of cock suckers!" Sarge squeezed more blobs of cum out and smeared it around Skeeter's beard and mustache with his cock head. "Do you mind some desert in your beard?"

"Shit no!" Skeeter said.

"I appreciate the thought." Bubba said smiling. "But, I'm sure we can work something out."

Next: Chapter 8

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