
Published on Aug 18, 2000


Alcazar 6

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

I had thought that the activity would start when all the guests arrived, but Ram's monster cock distracted me. After an nice friendly sucking, I let him go and looked around the dimly illuminated room. I wasn't the only one to have been distracted. There was an awful lot of feeling up and licking going on. Our new friends from the prison fit in well.

Ellis had discovered Wally and seemed to find the organist's tree trunk cock a challenge and a pleasure. Butch and Randy were with the twins. Will had slipped into the room and was sucking Butch as Butch talked to Clyde. Frank had discovered Bill, and looked happy.

I couldn't see whom Will had brought with him, but after a few minutes I saw Magnus with Larry and Templeton. There was another man I couldn't quite see on the other side of the pool. He might have been Will's other guest.

I was worried that the night would be over too soon with frothy cum floating like white caps on the shimmering surface of the pool. But once everyone got to meet each other we settled down. This was greatly aided by the wine served by the very hairy and very naked Chucky.

There was food off to the side, which struck me as odd. Who caters an orgy? But Chucky knew his stuff. There was enough wine for everyone to be happy, but enough food to keep anyone from getting too happy. There was unobtrusive music and then noise level was low enough to hear the conversation of the men next to you, but loud nought to obscure the voices of the other men in the room.

I sat on the edge of the pool with Ellis on one side of me and Frank on the other.

"I'm in love!" Frank said as he put his arm around me.

"With me?" I said, startled. It seemed that there was considerable distance between a blow job and love, no mater how much you like sucking.

"No. No!" He said, laughing. "With every thing. This is great, I never was anywhere like this, or done anything that approaches this night."

"Unbelievable!" Ellis added. "It's as if every fantasy I have ever had came true. I can die a happy man!" He slipped into a deep south side Virginia accent as he said that, and I guessed he had worked for years to get rid of his country boy accent. "I've never seen so much prime, grade A beef in one room."

"Didn't you guys know Randy?" I said. "I though you were old friends."

"We are, but it was always one on one and sneaking away at conventions or seminars." Ellis said. "The last time we all got together was at our old sergeant's hunting cabin when we got out of the Academy. It was a good night, but nothing like this. Nothing."

"If it hadn't been for the cock it would have been a steamy night of fighting off the mosquitoes." Frank added. "Scared to death that someone would discover us. Too horny to not do it!"

"I thought I was the only fag in the academy!" Ellis said. "Everyone was so macho. I figured that the sarge picked me out as a gay boy and was going to beat the shit out of me."

"Same here. When I got to the cabin and found you and Butch there, I was sure I was finished." Frank said. "That was the first night I ever ate cum." We were sipping wine and I toyed with Frank's cock with my free hand.

"It's hard to believe what we thought back then." I said. "Fags were prancing effeminate pansies. Or transvestites. I'm not sure I even knew that there were the whips and chains guys out there back then. I didn't guess that ordinary, plain, old guys could be gay."

"I don't mind effeminate men, but they turn me off sexually." Ellis said. "I don't like pretty boys, or moody models from Esquire. I like men." He paused. "I was terrified that I was gay and afraid I might turn into one of them."

"As a 200-pound red hairball, you'd have a hard time making yourself pretty!" Frank laughed. "At 300 pounds I can lumber, but not prance!" We all laughed. "Actually I felt the same way. I tried drinking and that didn't work. Then I tried religion. That made it worse, at least for a while."

"You found God?" I asked.

"Jesus. I found Jesus." He said. This conversation was taking a turn in the wrong direction I thought. "If being gay was so awful, why didn't he say anything about it. He just didn't seem to be much interested in forbidding sex, or drinking or smoking. None of the great Bible thumper evils. Do unto others."

"There is really good chance that in this room, any thing you might want to do, someone will be more than willing to do to you!" I said.

"Damn right!" Both Ellis and Frank said, and we all laughed.

"I wouldn't mind if two or three guys were interested in doing unto me!" Frank said. I dropped into the water and began sucking Frank's cock. He moaned a little and Ellis got closer to him and they hugged. Someone else joined us. It was Bob. I had Frank's cock in my mouth, and Ellis' balls cupped in my left hand and Bob's in my right hand. Ellis thought there was a lot of meat in the room, but there also was no shortage of impressive potatoes. I always assumed that big balls made a lot of cum. This would be the night to find out.

Frank was a big boy. He was up there with Vince and Ram in the size category. I couldn't tell about the length but the head was a mouthful. I have a warm spot for beer can cocks, thick and meaty, but Frank's dick was more of a spray can of paint. I was admiring the size and realized he was still getting harder. I was going to choke when his piss slit began oozing gobs of cock honey and I forgot about the size.

I've joked about the "special sauce" before, but Frank's prostate and balls produced the champagne of pre cum. It was rich, creamy and unbelievably stimulating. I have always sucked cock, but now I was eating it.

"Whoa baby!" Frank said. "Slow up or I'll pop!" I had no intention of slowing down. After a minute, he forced me off his cock and directed me to Ellis. "I need a cooling off period, baby." Frank said. Ellis directed me to his balls and I licked them. He was definitely a one ball at a time man. Skeeter swam over and replaced me on Frank's cock.

"What in hell is the recipe for that cock honey?" Skeeter asked after sucking Frank for a shot while. "Shit it's good." It wasn't my imagination. Frank had something special in his precum. After a few minutes of this play I got out of the water and went to get another glass of wine.

Chucky was at the table, serving. "Everyone seems comfortable and relaxed." He said. We were joined by a tall distinguished looking man.

"Welcome to the Alcazar." I said. "I'm Max MacAffee."

"The architect?" the man said. "I'm Tom, Charley's brother." I could see Charley a yard or two away. He was a bit paunchy although he had some nice equipment hanging below his gut. Tom had the same equipment, without the gut. I suddenly recognized Tom as a much talked about potential candidate for governor. "You did a beautiful job here." Randy came up. He was at half staff, but clearly was a friend of Tom. I discovered later that he was the Senator's bodyguard.

"I hate to sound crude, but almost everyone here is new to me. Can you give some recommendations?" Tom said.

I smiled. "I don't think there are any problems here. The guys I know are versatile and willing. What's your poison?"

"The senator is a bit plain vanilla, He likes oral giving and taking, and he doesn't mind the bottom. We've been playmates for a several years." Randy said. "I've worn a grove!" He paused. "Tom would like to step it up a notch."

"I wouldn't mind trying something bigger, stretch it some more." Tom said sort of sheepishly. Ram and Vince came up together. We all burst out laughing. It was like an overly contrived play. Ram looked puzzled, and I explained the situation. Ram and Vince looked like the yin and yang of men. Ram was dark with thick, silky, black hair covering his body. He had removed his turban and his hair hung to his waist.

Vince was the same size, but all white. With a close-cropped hair and a mustache, he looked almost hair less until you saw the inch or two of white hair that coated him. Both men's balls and cocks hung low, and were good six or seven soft inches.

"I don't know if I am ready for those!" Tom said, smiling. He popped up to half staff, and was a good six inches semi erect. I guessed that he would find a way to try out one of the men before the night was done. Willy, the other warden, joined us. He had overheard the conversation.

"If you need some pointers, I can give you some help. Ram has a nice training routine that I enjoyed." Willy said.

"If you need a coach, Max is the guy!" Vince said. "We've been playing once and a while for years. He's worked it out." We were standing in a tight ring with Tom flanked by Vince and Ram and Randy, Willy and me closing the circle. Chucky appeared in the middle of the ring, sucking Tom. Chucky is small so he was at cock height. He sucked everyone in the group.

"It's the cock carousel!" Willy said. We were excited before Chuck began to work. He was a pro, and we all got into the swing. "Damn, this boy is good!" From my limited experience with Willy's prison staff, I guessed that this was high praise indeed. Willy knew his stuff.

"It's a little early for intense stuff now." Ram said. "Guys need to be really hot to enjoy my cock in their ass. Why don't you go and sample the group and come back when you can't stand it anymore?" We broke up. I wandered off with Willy.

He introduced me to Butch and Paul. Butch was good looking and tall with a crew cut blond hair and a good tan. Paul was a small scale copy of Bob, my old friend. His cock looked small, but Willy fondled him and it came to life.

"Do you bottom?" Willy whispered.

"I sure do." I replied

"Try out Paul. It's a nice way to start a night!" Willy said. He directed Paul to the floor. I straddled him and sat on his cock. Paul's cock was comfortable. It fit easily and hit some good spots. It was mildly simulating and enjoyable. My cock came to life. Butch got down and spread his ass wide over Paul's face. When his hole was directly over Paul's mouth, he lowered himself.

Butch and I faced each other with Paul's cock in my ass and tongue in Butch's ass. Butch became fully erect, as did I. The stimulation of watching Butch so completely enjoy the rimming and the cock in my ass, got me going. I seem to have been the first to break the anal barrier, and the level of excitement in the pool dramatically increased.

Bob came up and first watched, then got down and sucked Butch and my cocks. Paul was short so our erect cocks were close. He couldn't get them both at the same time, but it was a shot trip between the two. After a short while Butch got up.

"I can't do this anymore or I am finished!" He said. "Sorry guys I want to build up a good head of steam before I blow. Thank you guys!" Bob released my cock, looked at Paul and kissed him. I could see they were attracted.

"I need a rest too." I said. "Do you want to replace me on the joystick?" I t was a rhetorical question. Bob took my place. I could see both men as Bob lowered himself on Paul's tube. A look of relief, then a glow. I knew what they were feeling. They were attracted to each other, but had been afraid that the physical sex might not equal the attraction. There was no problem here. It would be a good night for them.

They were very similar, with black beards, and hair-covered bodies. The black fuzz formed a continuous coat from beard to beard. Bob's thick cock and their hands with which they caressed each other were the only parts of their bodies that weren't covered. Bob was fully erect and a bead of clear pre cum glistened on the tip of his bloated purple red cock head. I felt an urge to join in, but realized they wanted to play alone, so I moved on.

"Is that fucker for real?" Someone said. I didn't recognize the voice, but it sounded oddly familiar. The fucker in question was Vince's fire hose like cock. Vince was just mildly excited and his cock looked huge even though it was only slightly enlarged. I looked for the voice and saw Greg Talbot, a perennial political candidate for office and former governor.

He was also a Republican. A naked Republican with an erection. Greg looked 35 but must have been close to 45 by now. He was heath club toned and tanning booth tanned. He was unexpectedly well hung. He had been a popular but incompetent governor, affable and rather forgettable. He had a certain boyish charm, and now looked like a boy in a candy store, or. more correctly, a carnivore at a meat rack.

"It's real all right." Vince said. In the dim light I don't think he recognized the former governor. "It could use some attention, too. Are you up for it?"

"Shit yes!" Greg said and he dropped to his knees and started sucking. He had no hesitation and the huge dong presented no trouble to him. He didn't get the whole thing but he came damn close. It wasn't his first time nursing a cock.

"Sarge! What in hell are you doing here?" Frank said. "I though you had retired!" I turned to see whom he was talking to. The man was big, with wavy hair cut, and sported a flamboyant handlebar mustached man and beard and was standing to the rear of the governor. He must have been in his sixties, but was well built and heavily muscled. His upper body had been shaved to his tangled pubic bush. His ass and legs hadn't been shaved, so it almost looked like he was wearing chaps.

"Goat Man!" Randy yelled as he came over. Sarge looked like a Greek satyr, half man have goat. His cock and balls did nothing to dampen the goat similarities. A muscular goat, with large balls hanging free from his body and his long cock sheltered in an hair covered foreskin.

All of the former troopers and police, Frank, Ellis, Randy and Butch came over and they all hugged. Catfish and Templeton stood next to me and were watched the reunion. The governor seemed oblivious to the commotion, focusing on Vince's meat and sucking it greedily.

"What are you doing here?" Frank asked again.

"Well, after I retired, I joined a private security operation and got assigned to the Gov as a body guard." Sarge said. "I've been trying to train that boy ever since." Ellis was sucking him now. "Thanks Ellis, you always were a thoughtful guy. I finally got Greg so he could meet guys in a, let's say, . . . social situation."

Butch introduced me, Catfish and Templeton to Sarge. "Sarge was the man who introduced us all to the joys of man sex." Frank explained. "He was our trainer, and the master seargeant at the academy."

"Never picked on a guy who didn't need it. These guys thought that cocks were made for pissing. to get better aim!" Sarge said. "I can recognize a guy a mile away who needs develop his sexual repertoire." He looked over Catfish with a practiced eye. "Too short for the Academy. We'd need to use the 2/3rds exemption."

"What in hell is that?" Randy asked.

"Any one who has more than two-thirds of a foot of cock gets in!" He laughed.

"Shit, is that how Shorty got in?"

"Sure is!" Why do you think I watched your physical exams?" Sarge said. "The doctor said I had a knack for identifying potential." He looked at the two short men again. "You boys got some real potential." He looked at Greg and called him over. Sarge introduced him to everyone.

"Greg has been my project for the last few years. I knew he had potential, but he didn't know it." Sarge said. "It's been a rigorous training program."

"Shit, Sarge." Greg said. "I never had more fun in my life."

"The boy here has never been out in company before. I've been keeping him for myself.. When Charlie told me about this group, I thought it might be good for him." Sarge said "I wasn't sure that he was ready, but he was so eager. I decided to give it a try. He's never had any cock but mine up his ass, but he's ripe and willing."

Randy reached over and stroked Greg's cock. A large bead of pre cum emerged and dripped to the tile floor. Randy dropped down and began to suck it.

"Really nice Randy!" Sarge said. "But remember he's here to be used, not amused." Greg may have been a born-again prick as governor, but it seemed to me that he had been born again again. And this time as a cum hound. Clyde and Wilbur walked by and caught Sarge's attention. "Am I seeing double?" He asked.

Sarge all but pranced off in pursuit of the twins, and I looked around the pool. I saw one other man I didn't know. I set off to explore but was ambushed by Wally, Bill and Catfish.

"Max! We need you!" Bill called. I went over to him. "Catfish here wants to fuck me. I told him he needs a reference and he gave me your name." Catfish was sucking him vigorously.

"Truthfully Max, Catfish said he wanted to fuck someone, and Bill volunteered" Wally said. "As a mater of fact he said he wanted to fuck anyone. Or any thing. I think he even mentioned a lamp."

"I hate to tell you this, but Catfish is good. The combination of half man and half cock is a good one!" I said. " He's small but he puts his heart behind his hard. It's a good ride." Bill was on the floor and Catfish had moved from his cock to his balls. I guessed he would be rimming shortly. It took no guess work to know that Bill was excited.

"Horny dwarfs are a turn-on for me." Wally said. "But I have always wondered if they can take what they give."By this time Catfish had moved to Bill's ass and was rimming enthusiastically. He had rolled Bill's ass in the air to better get at the hole and was on his hands and knees. Wally got on the tile floor and scooted under Catfish so he could suck the small man's big dick. Charlie joined the group, sucking Wally.

It turned into a daisy chain with every other member on his hands and knees linked cock to cock. I sucked Charlie and Larry sucked me. It was a spontaneous and informal ring and only lasted a few minutes until it broke up into smaller or individual clusters. For the first time that night it got everyone in the room erect and sexually active at the same time.

Charlie's cock sheltered in the shade of his gut, but was larger than I had thought. He was a moaner-leaker. He was appreciative. "Get me nice and wet so I can get in this boy's ass!" He instructed between twitches. I always try to be helpful. In a short while he reared up and entered Wally. I sat up but Larry continued to suck me. His ass was way in the air and Magnus was gently screwing him. Larry sounded as if he were purring as Magnus slowly penetrated his hole.

Clyde and Willard had Sarge in a twin sandwich. Sarge was sucking one while being fucked by the other. Sarge's cock must have been ten or twelve inches long. it was fully free of the foreskin. It wasn't very thick and as if it were brittle and might break. The top, I think it was Clyde, rolled Sarge so he was sitting on the twin's dong, and the other twin got up and sat on Sarge. The long shaft slid in easily and Wilbur sniffed and moaned as it hit a good spot.

Sarge was enjoying himself and the trio rolled again. Sarge topped Wilbur, while Clyde topped him. This arrangement gave both tops more thrusting power, and both used it. I have noticed that men have different rates of stroking or thrusting that work best to stimulate their cocks. In the few group fucks I had been in, they break down because each fucker tries to go at the rhythm that simulates him the most.

Sarge and the twins were on the same wave length. It looked like a continuous movement from Clyde's thrust into Sarge's ass carried through Sarge's cock and ended in Wilbur's willing hole. Sarge got Wilbur's legs and held them wide so there would be no resistance. He spread his own ass wide. All three men were sexually experienced so they knew who to get the maximus pleasure of their bodies, and those of their partners. The coordination was perfect. They formed a single fucking mass.

Next: Chapter 7

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