
Published on Aug 13, 2000


Alcazar 5

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

Sam was more than ready when I returned to the room. I slicked some lubricant on his cock and sat on it. He glowed as I took the whole thing and began to grind my ass. Ron played with the hair on my chest.

I didn't have time to get into it before Sam shot off in my ass. Sam pulled me over to kiss me and his cock popped out of my hole. It was thick but not long. Something probed my rear. Suddenly there was a long shaft buried in my ass. Ron had shoved his thin meat into the hilt.

It was a new sensation. The mushroom head sat on a long thin tube so he could hit different places every time he thrust. He was pumping fast so I told him to slow down.

"We have time. There's no need to rush." I said. He slowed, bent over me with his cock deeply in my chute. I was wedged between Ron and Sam. Both men were exited, sweating with their hearts beating at double speed. I felt enveloped is sex-crazed men. Ron began making small movements with his hips that shifted his cock an inch or so back and forth in my ass.

His cock head was big, but the shaft didn't stretch my ass at all. I felt like the head was a detached object probing my ass. I had a brief fantasy that it was a small sex animal that was alive and exploring my chute. I couldn't decide if the thought was exciting or disturbing when my prostate opted for exciting. The sexual rush started in my ass and spread. I was as excited as my two fuck mates.

It was hot, physically and sexually. I began to shoot, but the orgasm merged with the overall feelings I had, as if all of me was climaxing. Ron felt me ejaculating and shot off too. There couldn't have been more than a minute between Sam's climax and Ron's but it was a damn good minute. Ron didn't pull out. He let his cock go soft in my ass. The three of us just stayed still, intertwined until we cooled down.

"Holy shit!" Ron said. "That was incredible! I didn't know you could feel that much."

"Beautiful." Sam said. " Just beautiful." I felt the same way. We broke apart. Magnus had rejoined the group and brought Wally, Larry and Charles back from the showers. Sam seemed to have known them all and looked worried until he saw their semi erect cocks. Bruce got off of Mel and went swimming again. In a minute we were all in the pool again.

The water was refreshing and cool and I was surprised to find that I was just as excited as I had been before my climax. After the swim we all got out of the pool and sat on the sides. As I looked around, I realized that I wasn't the only member of the group to maintain his erection.

"I thought that you might be a member of the fraternity." Sam said to Wally as he played with Wally's meat. Wally reciprocated. "Damn! You're a big boy."

"You know about organists and big organs." Wally said. "I have always suspected choir directors of organ envy." Wally put his hand on Sam's shoulder and directed him down. Wally was relaxed, so Sam began sucking Wally's cock without knowing how big it would get. As soon as Bruce got out of the water, he went over to Larry like iron filing to a magnet. Larry was tall, thin and hairy and close to Bruce's age. Bruce forgot the formalities and began sucking Larry's meat. Mel came up, positioned himself behind Bruce and shoved his cock into the hole. Bruce moaned and deep throated Larry. Mel must have understood exactly what Bruce wanted.

"I can't believe that I am seventy and watching the best sex of my life!" Magnus said, as he sat next to me. "This is unbelievable!"

"You don't need to watch. You can join in." I said. "Is this all new to you?"

"Shit yes!" Magnus said. "I've never seen guys fucking before. It's all new to me. I guess I knew that guys did this sort of thing. I just didn't realize that it would be so exciting." He began to feel me out, and I had a good ideal what he wanted.

Wally was looking at me from the corner of his eye, and I suspected that Magnus had told him that he wanted to top. Knowing Wally, he might have suggested that I had the prefect starter ass. Ron was next to me on the other side and was sucking Charley. Charley was an extremely responsive partner and I began to feel the excitement as the two men got hotter and hotter. Magnus got a finger at my ass hole and I rolled back and let him in.

Magnus was a gentle fuck. It was as if he was afraid he would hurt me. He eased in slowly and carefully and then began to undulate slowly. He was well equipped, but rock hard. I wondered if Viagra played a role in his erection. Magnus looked pleased.

"This is wonderful!" He said. "Are you all right? I've never done this before." I said sure. "I could do this for hours. It's unbelievable." He said. Whatever he had taken, it seemed to have given him incredible stamina. He never speeded up, he never slowed down, he kept on trucking. His cock never completely left my hole.

I was enjoyable when we started but after fifteen minutes my ass began to get raw. He added some lube and it felt great. It was leisurely and comfortable. Most of us had cum shortly before so we could take out time without the drive to shoot. It seemed odd to be fucking and talking normally. Magnus told me about his life, a life that seemed to be filled with work and achievement, but not much joy.

He came from a modest background, had been a truck driver, developed that into a trucking company, and then moved to express delivery and ended up with an airline. I knew that he had sold several of these enterprises for millions. His wife was a former debutante, and, reading between the lines, had married him to save her family's declining economic situation. I had done a sun room for her sister years before. She too had married wealth, but regarded him as her social inferior.

Magnus obviously enjoyed his first fucking experience. It struck me that this might well have been his best sexual experience. Magnus was pleasant, but not the love of my life, and I thought about hooking him up with someone who would enjoy him. No one jumped to mind, but there must have been someone out there. While I was planning Magnus' love life, my prostate made a sneak attack on me.

He had pumped for a half hour when every cell in my body suddenly focused on his cock head as it rubbed against my prostate. He was regular as a clock and something clicked. My ass contacted and tried to grab his clock. My cock expanded like a balloon, and I began to orgiastically convulse. I shot cum everywhere in an explosive climax. He shot off too. I felt him twitch as he filled my ass, then he pulled out and sprayed me.

Standing ridged with his cock shooting and eyes closed, Magnus was happy. Our event seemed to precipitate a general round of orgasms in the room. I have always felt that sperm attracts sperm, and that was the case here. Everyone was shooting. The night was over for me. Everyone left the Alcazar satisfied.

Magnus called me the next day and thanked me. I told him that thanks were not necessary. We both enjoyed it. He wanted to get together again, but I was going to be out of town for several days and he would be out for the later part of the week, so we agreed to get together next week end.

By this time I had come to the conclusion that I really liked sex with men. Yet it always amazed me that, given my interests, it is difficult to arrange a schedule to work some sex in. Work, meetings and other obligations always seem to get in the way, and sex always come up short.

I called Bill and talked to his sister. She seemed cheerful and said the chemo wasn't that bad, one or two bad spells, but otherwise she was doing well. When I talked to Bill, he said he had to stay longer with his sister. When she left the room and couldn't overhear the conversation, he said that the doctors said she had a good chance to live, but that she reacted badly to the treatment and she was sick as a dog and violently ill most of the time. I told him to stay as long as he needed.

I had to cover for Bill so I spent more time in North Carolina on the resort project than I had expected. It was Wednesday, two weeks later before I got back to the Alcazar. Jeff asked me to stop by the desk on the way out. There weren't many guys there and most were either heavily into exercise or already paired so I just exercised, steamed and showered.

"How are things going?" I asked Jeff at the desk.

"It would be hard to do better." He said. "It's quiet now but will pick up later tonight." It was about eight. "Vince is in the office, can you talk with him for a minute or two?" I said sure, entered the office and Vince closed the door.

"We have a policy question coming up." Vince said. "Do you remember those guys from the Corrections Department?"

"I remember the guy named Catfish real well!" I said laughing.

"Well there are other members of that group." Vince said. "It seems that they are a little, and very secret, part of the state bureaucracy for . . . alternate lifestyles."

"The state does that?" I asked.

"Well, let's say it's not in the official rules and regulations. It a little effort to solve some problems and take advantage of some under used resources." Vince said. "Several of them are going to be here this weekend for some R & R."

"That sounds great to me." I said. "Is this to be a private party like Magnus' affair? Is there a problem?"

"Not private, they all are open to new experiences and seem to fit well. Catfish seems to be typical of the group, laid back and friendly." Vince said. "But they have some other friends. Members of the club, so to speak, but very high ranking. Members in good standing, but very closeted."

I assumed that he meant politicos or high-ranking state functionaries. "You are worried about publicity?" I asked.

"That and complete discretion. " Vince said. "I'm torn. I remember working for the city and living in fear that my sexual interests would become known. What I would have given to have had a place to relax and shoot off with like-minded friends. But it's risky if there was a reporter or political enemy on the prowl."

"Have you talked to Will about it?" I asked. "He's the best judge of the risks."

"He thinks it's what the place is for. To help distinguished men get their rocks off safely." Vince said. "Are there any guys you aren't sure of here?"

"No one that I am uncomfortable with." I said. "What about guys like Bruce and Chucky?" These were the caterers for the club.

"Ken is careful, but Chucky is a really good judge of character. Bruce is solid as a rock. That boy can take a cock!" Vince said. "He's assigned here regularly now." Vince had trouble finding men who could take his donkey dong. Bruce must have passed the test.

"Well, if Will thinks it's ok, let's go for it!" I said. "We can give it a trial run at least. If it's too much hassle, we can write it off as an unsuccessful experiment."

"We're all in agreement then." Vince said."I'll let you know what's up. Just mark your calendar for a week from this Monday." I went home. I was intrigued but the prospect and a bit curious about the men involved, but all hell broke loose at my office the next day.

As part of the states long term commitment to saving pennies while spending dollars, the state tended to postpone maintenance as long as possible to insure that a building suffered maximum damage and would eventually require a massive and expensive renovation project to make the building usable again. We had been preparing preliminary plans for renovating one of the older buildings at UVA. When I got up at six, the local televison news headlined, "Historical College Structure Burns". It was our building. Sixty year old wiring did it in. I called my engineer, project manager and drove to Charlottesville and inspected the damaged building. Only the walls survived and were salvageable.

Our drawings for the renovation were almost complete but hadn't gone through the state review process and, of course, assumed the structure was intact. Emergency appropriations were needed, special dispensations required. There was to be a major conference at the university in a year, and the president didn't want a set of ruins in the center of the historical core.

Bill came back with the news of the fire. His sister was doing a bit better and had insisted that he return for the emergency. He oversaw the stabilization of the ruins and the shoring of the building. Even with Bill, it was 16 hour days for me and most of my office for the next week.

I got home from the office at six on Sunday night and read the paper. There was a law enforcement conference starting at the Jefferson Hotel on Tuesday with the kick off event Monday night. The Jefferson is a block from the Alcazar. Jeff called and asked us over for dinner, so Bill and I drove into the Alcazar.

It was officially closed and wouldn't reopen until Tuesday. Jeff let us in and we went to the dining area. Bruce was serving, and there was Catfish and several men there I didn't know.

"Max. Let me introduce you to some friends of mine, Wardens Willy and Charlie." Catfish said. A third man rose and introduced himself as Randy. It turned out that he was a state trooper. No one used last names. I had seen the wardens' photographs in the paper and knew they were high up in the correction's department.

We all sat down for dinner. This was the planning committee for the visit. Willy seemed to have a stable of gay men who had escaped the hawk eyes of the born-again cock-police. From his descriptions it seemed similar to the group of men I had known since my trip over Afton mountain years ago. It was a mixture of working and professional men, all of whom liked other masculine men.

Dinner was good, as was the wine, so we all relaxed and felt comfortable quickly. The conference was to start the next day with a banquet and a keynote speech given by the Governor. The administration had media receptions afterwards so it could disseminate the official line. This was to be a massive effort to state their case before the conference. The conference was expected to be negative and critical of the current policies. Everyone outside the administration was free for the night, and free of media coverage.

"Who exactly is going to be here?" Bill asked. "I'm sorry guys, but I've been out of the loop."

"There will be several men from my prison." Willy said. "Catfish, Butch, the head guard, Ram, the staff psychiatrist and Paul, my education man."

"I have a few old friends joining me." Randy said. "Some have done really well. All cops and troopers, but good men."

"Bob, Clyde and Willard will be here, and Wally, Templeton and Larry said they could make it." Vince said. "Of course Jeff and I will be here, and Will said he would bring a friend or two. And, of course, we were hoping that you and Max could make it. Oh, and Chucky will be serving."

"I'll be here with my brother Tom and two of his colleagues." Charlie said.

"Are there any innocents in the group?" I asked. "Inexperienced men? Any guys we need to watch out for?"

Willy and Catfish laughed. "Not in our group!"

"You know our friends as well as I do." Vince said. "Will is always careful, he would never bring anyone who is not with the program."

"My friends weren't too innocent fifteen years ago." Randy said. "I can't believe they've become more so since!"

"I just wouldn't worry about that too much." Charlie said. "It seems to me that these are the guys who are hot to trot."

I was dead tired. I apologized and told them that I needed to save up my strength for tomorrow. Bill and I left.

"You know. I'm not sure I've ever been to an orgy before." Bill said as we drove home.

"I think your standards for what constitutes an orgy must be really high." I said laughing. "We had a lot of naked men in a room, if my memory serves me well."

"I mean a one shot affair!" Bill said. "This seems calculated, too well planned."

"You don't want to go?" I asked.

"I didn't say that!" Bill laughed. "I'm just saying it's different." When we got home, he called his sister, and I went to bed. Monday was an all day meeting with the engineering and building's department of the state. The department prided itself on its glacial pace of approvals and the amount of useless detail it could put into a project review. They were pissed off that the rebuilding project was being fast tracked and wanted to delay it.

Fortunately my project manager for the project was every bit as detail oriented as they, and had a mind for obscure regulations, exceptions and special dispensations, so the meeting was a success from my point of view. She blew them from the water, anticipating each of their objections. They were just plain out foxed. We got the approvals we needed. Returning to the office we had a little celebration and closed up at five, a rarity for the last week.

Bill had already returned from Charlottesville, and we went out for dinner. He had the ruins well stabilized by then, so we were in a good mood. We got to the Alcazar at about eight. Vince let us in.

"Is anyone here yet?" I asked.

"The usual suspects." Vince said. "Plus Catfish and some of his friends. They are in the exercise room. Jeff is in the locker room too." We went to the locker room, changed. Skeeter came in and joined us.

"I didn't know you were going to be joining us?" Bill said.

"I'm a late minute addition." Skeeter laughed. "They seem to be afraid there might not be enough cock suckers here! I need to take a shower before I meet the public. It's been one of those days when you need to hose off before you take a shower and clog the drains."

Bill laughed. "I did the same at home. Fires are damn greasy! Are we off to the exercise room or the pool?"

"Pool for me!" Skeeter said. "Max will you tell Templeton that I'm here."

I pulled on some shorts and went to the exercise room, while Bill and Skeeter went to the pool. The exercise room was busy. Everyone was in gym shorts and shirtless. The twins, Clyde and Wilbur seemed to be getting along well with the group from the prison. Clyde and Wilbur were tall, dirty blond and hairy with matching hang dog mustaches and three-day growth of beard. I was introduced to all. Butch was the head guard and was as butch as a guy could get. Ram was an impressive Indian in a turban, and Paul was a short bear. Paul looked like a smaller version of Bob. Bob was an assistant city manager in Richmond.

Wally was talking with Ram and Templeton with Paul and Bob. It looked as if there would be no problem getting along. We talked for a while and Randy joined us with two new men. Butch came over immediately and introduced me to Ellis and Frank. Ellis was my height, a bit stocky with a red mustache and short red hair covering everything not covered by his shorts. I recognized him as the police chief of a suburban county.

Frank must have been six four or five, 250-300 pounds of no flab, with a close cropped, almost shaved head. He had a bushy black mustache, a breast plate of chest hair and an inch or pubic hair showing above the elastic band of his shorts. He wasn't showing it off. The shorts provided by the club just weren't adequate to fit the huge man. From the conversation it was clear that he had something to so with the State Police.

I said that I was going to join the group in the pool. Frank said he would join me. We retraced our steps through the locker room.

"Do you like what you see?" Frank asked.

"I sure do. Was it that obvious?" I said, feeling embarrassed. I thought my glances had been undetected.

"Relax. It isn't a problem." Frank said. "Shit I'm so horny I almost tried to suck some cum out of a carrot they served at dinner. Will told me about this get together a week ago. I've never been so turned-on in my life. Is everyone here with the program?" He slipped his hand into my shorts and cupped my cock and balls. "Nice set!" He said with the air of a connoisseur.

I smiled. "Thanks. You have just fallen into cock suckers, ass fuckers heaven. Are you open minded?" I felt him out. He was cut and covered in pre cum already.

"Damn it I'm ripe!" He said. "The last time I did something like this it was graduation night at the academy. My old Sargent made it a night for us all to remember. Haven't learned any new tricks since then , but I'm ready." We reached the pool, striped and jumped into the water. Only some ornamental lights and the constellation lights in the ceiling were on so the room was dim and romantic.

The water was warm and comfortable and as I got out and sat on the edge of the pool Frank swam up and deep throated me. I looked at him a second time to make sure it wasn't Skeeter. They had the same technique. Frank nursed my cock. This huge man was a true cock hound. I made a bet with my self that he also was a bottom. Bill swam up and sat next to me, and I made Frank switch. As long as there was a cock in his mouth Frank was happy.

As my eyes became accustomed to the dim light, the room became more beautiful. The twinkle lights, shimmering water, colored tiles and nude men created a sexually charged atmosphere. Others had joined us from the exercise room. The Indian doctor Ram stood next to me. His cock rivaled Fire hose's in size and was at mouth level, so I sucked it.

Next: Chapter 6

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