
Published on Jul 14, 2000


Alcazar 3

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at or

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

By ten, most of the work was done. By ten thirty I got the letter finished and faxed to the building inspector. I got a case of beer for the crew at a local 7-11. When I returned to the building my electric key worked perfectly and the place looked spectacular. Jeff was polishing the marble reception desk.

"Jack, Templeton and Henry are here, along with a few friends" Jeff said. "As soon as I finish here, I will join you in the pool. They're in the lounge." I went to the lounge and found everyone in a jovial mood.

"I congratulate you!" Jack said. "I didn't think you could get it done in time. I may need to steal away from you some of your men. I can't get anyone to meet a dead line." Jack's florid speaking style was off- putting, but I knew about his problem with dead lines and guessed he was genuine. "Let me introduce you to some friends. This is Willy, Butch and Catfish, some friends from Southside."

"Max, Max MacAfee" I said, "Welcome to the Alcazar." I recognized Willy as a high-ranking official with the correction's department. I was shocked to see the other men. I first thought the other men were troopers, but realize that they must have been guards. "We've not been raided already?" I asked trying to sound casual.

"Sorry." Willy said. "I should have given you a heads up. We're all members of the fraternity. No need to worry about anyone letting out the secret handshake." He smiled and I relaxed. Butch introduced himself as did the guy called Catfish.

"This place is fucking beautiful!" Catfish said. I guessed that my construction crew would not be the only ones in the club who was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. "Did you design it?"

I explained the history of the building and he was interested and seemed to know quite bit about renovation. He looked crude, but could carry on a sensible conversation. Jeff and Bill emerged from the locker rooms, wearing only a towel.

"Guys! Let's christen this place! The pool is waiting." Bill said.

"I don't have a suit!" Catfish cried.

"A birthday suit and a smile are all you need!" Jeff said. We undressed in the locker room and went to the pool. The room was as beautiful as it had been before, but I thought the addition of more naked men made it look better. It reminded me of some of those 19th-century paintings of harems. Beautiful rooms filled with nude and languid odalisques, all waiting to be the sultan's choice for the night. A finger on the breast or hiding the genitalia suggested that if they didn't feel the sultan's cock that night, they did have an alternative sexual outlet.

I wondered if some Sultana ever maintained a stable of studs for here use. Someone who liked her men masculine and hung.

We were more relaxed and comfortable that I would have thought. Most of us were dead tired, but the beer and pizza were relaxing. Some played in the water, I reclined on the cushioned bench that surrounded the pool. I closed my eyes and almost dozed off listening to the sounds of the room. It seemed as if the room was getting darker.

I opened my eyes and the room was darker. The gold mosaics in an alcove glowed in the dim room, illuminated by concealed lights, and the stars had come out. The gold ceiling twinkled with the outlines of the constellations.

"Bubba!" I called.

"We wondered when you would notice it." Bubba said, sitting almost next to me. "Spectacular, isn't it?"

"Beautiful! Where did it come from?"

"It's the decorative lighting from the 1920s. We found it three weeks ago, in perfect working order except for burned out light bulbs." Bubba said. "We thought you'd like it."

"Unbelievable what it does to the pool!" I said. The tile, mosaic and water all shimmered and glittered in the extraordinary light. "They must have copied it from Loew's Theater." Loew's was a spectacular 1920s movie palace in downtown, restored as a concert hall.

"Bill and Vince wanted to surprise you." Mike, the other electrician, said. "No one seemed to know it was here." Jack came over and congratulated the electricians on the effect. Vince walked up to me. He hadn't been in the room earlier.

"Max. I'd like you to meet Magnus and Eduardo. Two friends of the Alcazar." He said. We shook hands. Magnus was an older man, perhaps 70-75. He was tall, distinguished and in good condition for a man his age. In the dim light I couldn't tell, but I though he was the owner of a local commuter airline. Eduardo was shorter, and downright fat, easily 300 pounds. They both congratulated me on the work. In the back of my mind there was some association between Eduardo and a software company.

"You need to thank the men in this room for the project." I said. "I'm the planner. They're the doers." I went back to the bench, Magnus came with me, Eduardo went to the next bench already occupied by Catfish.

"May I join you?" Eduardo asked.

"Sure, take a seat." Catfish said with his gravely, Southside Virginia accent. "I'm just sitting back enjoying the scenery."

"It a beautiful room." Eduardo said.

"The room is nice, real nice." Catfish said. "Somehow, it seems that I am focusing on the cock. There's a lot of prime, grade A meat in the room."

"Did you see Vince?" Eduardo said under his breath.

"Is that the guy with the fire hose hanging from between his legs?" Catfish answered. Eduardo nodded. "Can't say that I did." Catfish said, laughing. Eduardo told Catfish that Vince was called Fire Hose DeSoto when he was in the fire department. Both men laughed. "They call me Catfish."

Eduardo looked into the other man's crotch and they laughed again. I hadn't seen Catfish up close, but I could guess. "Some men like meat, but other like fish." Catfish said. Eduardo needed no more invitation. He was on his knees, with his head buried in Catfish's crotch. Catfish might not have the most sophisticated approach to getting a blow job, but it worked.

I leaned back on the bench and brushed against Magnus, who almost jumped out of the seat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I said.

He relaxed. "No problem, I'm just a bit on edge." He said. He was also well on the way to being erect. He was impressive, the cock was good, but he sported a huge set of bull balls.

"Nice set of baby makers there." I said. "Do you mind if I feel them?" I was taking a page from Catfish's book of refined come-ons.

"I'm afraid my baby making days are over." He chuckled. He didn't object to my fondling them.

"They still have recreational potential." I said. I took his cock in hand and pulled the foreskin back to expose his head. It was an all day sucker and drenched in precum. "Your juices are still flowing!"

"So they are!" He sounded surprised. "I've been through a dry spell lately." He paused. "My mind is telling me that I'm uncomfortable and should go home, but my gut says I'm excited and should stay." He whispered. "I've never been anywhere like this before. I've never done anything like this. Nothing even close!"

"What's going to win? Your mind or your cock?" I asked. He said nothing. "Don't answer now." I bent over and took his cock into my mouth. All the tension drained from his body. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and he relaxed. I sucked him gently for a few minutes and got up.

"You like that don't you?" I asked.

"Unbelievable." Magnus said, whispering. "I've had maybe five or six blow jobs in my life. They were great, but not like this. This is wonderful." He was silent a while. "I've never tasted a cock."

"You are ready tonight, aren't you?" I asked. He nodded and slowly bent over and licked my cock head. He got up again.

"It's sweet." He said. "Precum?"

"Yes. The taste goes right to my brain. precum turns me on." I said. He nodded. "When did you last shoot off?"

"Six months, maybe a year."

"Sixty-nine this time? Ready?" Magnus was ready. He wasn't a natural born sucker, but he was enthusiastic, and willing to learn. After a few minutes, he shot a spectacular load that I took and he ended up taking mine.

"Sorry Magnus. I was so preoccupied with yours, I forgot to warn you about mine." I said. "Didn't mean to cum without warning."

"It's only fair." He said. "Never thought I'd do that."

"Did it bother you?"

"Shooting a year's worth of cum down your throat was worth it!" Magnus said, as he licked the last drop for my piss slit. "I've got to go." He rose to leave.

"Will you be back?" I asked.

"I think so. I really think so." He said as he left for the dressing room and showers.

I looked around the room and felt relieved that the place was ready to open. I suddenly was overwhelmed with exhaustion. I went home.

I was out of town for the next few days and wasn't able to get back to the Alcazar until the next Sunday. Bill had been there for the opening day, and said it was a success. Henry called and said that Magnus had raised his contribution so that needy men could be members. I assumed he meant the construction workers and prison guards. I was amused to find out that he included me in that group. I thought of myself as a prosperous business man, but at Magnus' economic level, I was needy!

Bill and I got to the Alcazar at one in the afternoon, and the place was almost empty. Bill spoke with Vince and I went to the dressing room to change. Deciding to make an effort to control my spreading figure, I went to the exercise room. There was only one guy there. Ken, the caterer. He was naked on an exercise bike reading the New York Times. I hadn't visualized the Alcazar as a nude club, but it was beginning to look that way.

"Do you mind if I join you?"I asked as I began to remove my shorts.

"Not at all." Ken said. "You don't need to strip. I was by myself and decided to give myself some air. I don't know if there is a dress code."

Ken, the Caterer, was a local institution. He was imaginative, clever and competent and thus was in constant demand by hostesses in need. He was 6'-2", 220 pounds and not really fat, but not toned either. He looked well equipped in his relaxed state.

"A little air seems good to me." I said as I draped my towel over the bike seat and mounted it. "Are you busy as usual?"

"Today is my only day of rest." Ken said in his high voice. "Receptions, cocktail parties and weddings rarely grace the day of rest! It's a blessing for me. Chucky and I have a whole day off." I didn't know who Chucky was, but a short, red haired, bearded man entered the room. "Chucky, meet my old friend Max."

Chucky introduced himself. I vaguely remembered seeing him in the background of one of Ken's affairs. Chucky was no more than 5'-3" and had a deep bass voice. As if to make up for his small size, he seemed to have double the number of masculine characteristics. There was red hair sprouting from the edges of his shirt and shorts, and there was an impressive bulge. He took off his clothes and joined us on a third bike. He was well tanned with no tell tale tan line.

Chucky ran the personnel part of the catering business. "Given his druthers, Ken would pick pretty boy sex partners with no skills other than cock sucking." Chucky said.

"That's unkind!" Ken complained. "True, but unkind. I seemed to have had a knack for finding lazy, good for nothing cock suckers."

"And I have a knack for finding workaholic, driven, cock suckers!" Chucky said laughing.

"Have I picked out a common theme in your employee search?" I asked.

"I never sample the staff!" Ken said. We were facing a mirrored wall and I saw Chucky roll his eyes. "Well, hardly ever." Chucky rolled his eyes again. "Any more, I mean. Don't you dare roll your eyes one more time!" Ken protested.

"Ken does have a warm spot for oral play." Chucky said. "He says he would mind being fucked, but has never found a cock small enough to be comfortable." Bill came in the room and Ken relinquished his bike and went off to the pool. I went to the exercise machines. We had our conversation about Ken's cock sucking interests without any response from our cocks. When Bill stripped and got on the bike next to Chucky, the caterer firmed up. Not an erection, just an enlargement.

Bill introduced himself. The conversation flowed easily. Chucky explained his arrangement with Ken. Ken was the creative and imaginative part of the operation. Chucky made it work. He was the organizer, scheduler and slave driver behind the scenes.

"Does anyone know you are there?" Bill asked.

"Never." Chucky laughed. "Ken is the star. I'm the drone."

"Does that drive you crazy?"

"No, I have shit for imagination." Chucky said. "I have no trouble doing the work and figuring out how to do it, but I'd be a district manager for a fast food chain without Ken." He paused. "We are the prefect partners. It's really fun work."

"Construction is like that. Everyone gives Max the credit and the work is done by other guys." Bill said.

"Have I ever failed to give credit where credit is due?" I protested.

"Max, you are the exception, not the rule!" Bill laughed. "I've worked with some architects who wouldn't shake hands with a man on the job! And Max, you are the only architect I have ever fucked!"

"Physically, not metaphorically!" I said. Looking at Chucky I could see that his cock was rising.

"You guys are lovers?" Chucky asked.

"Best friends who fuck, suck and blow." Bill said. "It turns out that we are compatible all the way across the board. Friends and playmates."

"Ken is a Johnny One- Note sexually." Chucky said. "He knows what he likes and does it over and over again. He's good at that."

"His menu planning imaginativeness doesn't extend to the bedroom?" I asked.

"Not at all." Chucky said. He was close to a full erection now. The seven-inch tube emerging from the copper bush was impressive. I decided to go to the pool and join Ken.I had a sense that Bill would like to be alone with Chucky. Ken was swimming laps alone.

I jumped in and swam for a while then we rested at the side of the pool. "You've left your friend alone with Chucky? He's sex crazed!" Ken said mock seriously.

"Bill's a big boy. He can take care of himself." I said. "I told him not to do anything that I wouldn't do."

"I've heard that you are. . . Open to the possibilities?" Ken said. "Chucky really likes that."

"Which is it he likes, the openness or the possibilities?" I asked.

"Openness." Ken said. He then whispered. "I kind of have a thing about ass holes. You touch mine or his and I lose it, erection and desire. It's like you flip a switch and the lights turn off. Chucky doesn't feel that way at all."

"Are you recruiting for him?" I asked.

"Not really. Scouting maybe." He said. "But I wouldn't mind if he found a safe playmate."Roger entered the room.

One of the investors, He had been with Henry and Will at a visit before the project started. He had a slightly Kenny Rogers look to him, without the careful grooming. There were about thirty additional pounds too. He jumped in the pool making a big splash and swam over.

"Ken, Max good to see you!" He said. He was in the water and we were sitting on the edge so he had a good view. Ken put on leg on the edge and the other in the water to increase the visibility. Our conversation had given him a touch of an erection and he was well displayed. I got up to rejoin Bill and Chucky. When I looked back from the pool door, Roger had Ken's cock in his mouth.

Bill was gone. Vince had called him to help with a jammed door, but Templeton and Catfish had joined the group.

"Welcome Giant!" Templeton said. All three of the men were short but exceptionally well hung. At six feet I was much bigger than the diminutive men.

"Is this the land of the hairball, donkey donged dwarfs?" I replied.

"I'm not a donkey donged dwarf!" Catfish said. "I'm a fucking donkey dong dwarf. And I do mean fucking! I feel like I could screw someone till their teeth get loose!"

"I hate to tell you this Max, but we all want to screw." Templeton said. "Boy are we glad to see you! The boys and I were discussing our needs and Chucky hit the nail on the head when he said that we needed a good bottom. You walked in the door at just the right time."

"Lucky me!" I said "Do I have a choice in the matter?" Templeton and I had known each other for years, but the other men were almost strangers. I always think that I should avoid this situation, but the more I get annoyed, the more turned on I get. After I complain for a while I would be happy if they could fuck me with a replica of the Empire State Building.

Chucky helped me make up my mind by dropping to his knees and sucking me. Magnus a few days earlier hadn't been a natural sucker. Chuck was. His years with Ken had paid off. Catfish began sucking Templeton, and then they traded places and Catfish replaced Chucky on my cock. Catfish was no virgin. He was good.

"I'm getting too close, give me some breathing space." Catfish and Chucky both stood up and I dropped to suck them. I hadn't seen Catfish close up and I liked what I saw. I don't know if a cock can be rustic or rough hewn, but Catfish had it. It was thick, blunt headed and enveloped in veiny skin. His head poked half out of the skin and his slit was wide and glistening with precum. His slit actually looked like a fish's mouth. It was open. His balls hung low in their hair-covered sack. I took the head then deep throated him. Usually it's hard to take a cock his size, but it was a perfect fit and he was lubricating my tonsils with precum.

He guided my head to make sure I did what he wanted.

"Oh baby this is great!" He said. "If your ass is half as good as your mouth, I'm in love." I felt the same way. Templeton was sucking Chucky. Chucky was moaning in pleasure. Catfish pushed me off his cock and we moved to a workout bench. He went to a cabinet and took out some lubricant, and generously coated himself and my rock hard meat. I lay back on the bench and Catfish straddled it held my legs open. He nosed his cock in my hole.

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at

"Ready baby?" he asked. I said yes and he was in. "Shit that's good!" He said. "It's a perfect fit!" That was exactly the way I felt.

Next: Chapter 4

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