
Published on Jul 8, 2000


Alcazar Part 2

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

The meeting with Henry and Jack was an unqualified success. It must have been a trial run, since Will called me the next day and said the project would proceed at full speed ahead. He had expected to wait to line up all the investors, but Roger and Jack had said they would underwrite the initial expenses to get the ball rolling.

Vince and Jeff were to be the front men for the operation. I provided the architectural input, Jack the interior design and my partner Bill would do the construction management. Bill had just returned after being away for a month at his sister's helping her recuperate after an operation. His background as a construction superintendent was ideal for the Alcazar.

There was remarkably little work to be done. The health club had spared no expense on the renovation of the 1970s. The place had only been open for two years when it went bankrupt, so much of the building was all but new.

Bill recruited some of his old crew, Skeeter, Ronnie and John-Boy, for the work. Bubba and Mike, more old friends, did the electrical improvements. These men were perfect for the project. They were masters of all trades, and good workmen. They could handle all of the multitude of little problems that are part and parcel of a renovation project.

I would visit the project several times a week after work. Will visited the site often, usually bringing a friend and potential investor. I recognized many of them as prominent business or professional men. One night I visited there at six thirty. The construction crew was gone, except for Bill and Jeff who let me in the locked building. Will and a local banker, Carl, and a lawyer named Sydney were visiting and were talking in the lobby area when Wally, an old playmate and the organist of one of the most important city churches, knocked at the door. Bill let him in. Wally was with Franklin Montague, the head of the finest choral group in the city. Franklin was also one of the most talented and successful black men in Richmond.

Will looked taken aback. The conversation continued on normally, but Will motioned me to the side and we went into another room.

"Franklin is gay?" He asked. "I had no idea!"

"I don't know if he is gay, but I know he likes dicks." I said. "And he has a good one himself. A really good one" Will looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. "You've never been with a black man, have you?" I asked. Will looked relieved.

"No, I haven't." He said. "Never been close."

"All cum is white." I said. Then I smiled. "You've been too long in the locker rooms of the Country Club and the Commonwealth club. You lack breadth of experience!" They were two exclusive local Clubs that shared most of the good and all of the bad characteristics of private clubs.

"It takes a little getting used to." Will said. "But your right. I work with every variety of human beings every day at work and never have a problem."

"It seems to me that some of the varieties of human being you meet on a construction site, are near the lower limit of the classification Homo Sapiens." I joked.

"You never know about roofers, do you!" He laughed.

"And you don't want to know about floor refinishers!" I added.

"I'm sorry." He said. "You must think I am a bigoted idiot. I was caught off guard."

"Let's get back to the group." I said. They were looking at the pool. The room had just been refurbished and was sparkling clean. The Moorish style tile work in blue, white and gold arabesques shimmered and the 1920s style lighting cast a dim but evocative light on the place. The pool had been filled the night before. Bill had checked the water level and was trying to find out if the level had dropped over the last 20 hours and if there were any leaks.

"This is beautiful!" Carl, the banker said. He leaned down and touched the water. "Is it heated already?" He asked.

"It's mid summer in Richmond. The tap water is 82 degrees!" Bill laughed. "Say what you will about city water. It is crystal clear." Bill had friends in the city Utility Department, so he knew a lot about the quality of city water.

"No leaks?" I asked.

"None that I can find."Bill said. "The equipment was correctly drained so there seems to be no corrosion. I was going to offer the construction crew a chance to swim at lunchtime tomorrow."

"Are the showers working?" Wally asked.

"Yep. We got it all operating yesterday. Even the hot water is functioning." Bill said. "The sauna and the steam room have some burned out heating elements, but everything else seems to be in tip top shape."

"No air conditioning though?" Sydney noted. The building was warm.

"It's fine." Bill said. "I'm waiting for most of the dust to get out of the building before we get it going. We've cleaned the ducts and don't want to get construction crud into it."

"That's why it is so hot in here." Sydney said. It did not take a degree in psychology to know where the conversation was heading. The conversation paused. "I'm cooking. A dip sounds great."Sydney added.

"Well let's all jump in and inaugurate the pool!" Wally said.

"Everyone game?" Will asked. He looked at the group, and clearly didn't know what to do next. That was an unusual situation for the decisive man.

"Shit yes!" Carl the banker said. I had guessed that Carl would be the most conservative of the men there. I was wrong. He was out of his grey pinstriped suit in record time, naked, then in the water. We all followed. The water was refreshing and after a few minutes of getting wet and swimming a few laps, I got a chance to see the group naked.

Bill was talking to Sydney. Bill had white hair with a matching, neatly trimmed beard. Bill's body is muscular and solid, pink, covered in white hair. Syd was olive skinned, beefy, with coal black hair and mustache and was covered in black curly hair. He was Jewish, but almost looked Assyrian, like one of the ancient bas-reliefs. He and Bill had opposite skin tones, but were both big, good-looking men. It seemed that they were attracted to each other.

Bill sat on the edge of the tile pool and exposed his cock. Bill's was relaxed, with his foreskin covering the head. Syd looked at it curiously. Bill peeled the skin back to expose his mushroom, and Syd went down on it. Syd later told me he had never sucked an uncut cock before.

Carl was attracted to Franklin like a magnet to the North Pole. Carl was average height, slightly stocky, with a hairy chest and a good tan. He was a southern boy from North Carolina with a pronounced drawl. He was very well groomed. Every hair was in place, Southern Baptist style. Franklin was tall and distinguished, muscular with a donkey dong. They were in the water and Franklin's cock was in Carl's hand.

"Everything they say about Black meat is true." Carl said. "You have a real mutha fucker."

"Are you on of those white boys who dream of black cock?" Franklin said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I sure as hell am!" Carl said laughing. Carl was extremely proper in his role as a banker, but certainly seemed to get uninhibited when he was naked. "What's it like hard?" He asked.

"Some things are better experienced than explained." Franklin said. Carl needed no more invitation. Carl dropped to suck the black man's meat. "No. Let's sixty-nine." Franklin said. He got out of the water onto the side of the pool and went at it with enthusiasm.

Wally and Will swam over to me and Jeff. "Will and I have discovered that we are both tops." Wally said. "Somehow, we both though of you."

"You got to stop making those kinds of assumptions, Wally." I said. "I don't bend over and spread my cheeks for anyone who asks." I thought I sounded firm and slightly offended.

"Now let's think hard now. I'm trying to remember if you have ever said no." Wally said. He was not convinced by my protestations of virtue. "Somehow I don't seem to recall any negative responses in the past."

"That's not fair!" I protested. "You've only seen me in social situations. I was at my most accommodating." Wally was cupping my balls and tweaking my tit with his other hand. Jeff had never met Wally and seemed to like what he could see enlarging under the water. Will was briefly left out and took the opportunity to go over to Carl and Franklin who were making out on the side of the pool.

Jeff got out of the pool and stood with his cock at Wally's mouth height.

"Is there a cock in that tangled mass of hair?" Wally asked. "Damn, that's a lot of hair."

"You've got a tongue, buddy." Jeff replied. "Lick your way to the prize." Wally went at it with gusto. I went behind Wally and rubbed my erect member on his crack, and he began to open up. Jeff watched this, so he dropped to his knees. Wally kept on sucking so when he followed Jeff's cock down opening his ass wider. I fingered the hole and realized he had already lubricated the chute. The boy was ready.

My dick head was dripping with pre cum by this time so it slipped inside the sphincter easily. I didn't stop. I leaned over his back and took him in a bear hug, with my fingers tweaking his tits. His chute was lubricated but my cock wasn't, except for natural juices, so there was much more resistance as I rammed him than ususal. The movement was smooth but not effortless.

Wally was more a good sport bottom than a bottom slut. He took dicks and seemed to enjoy them, but without the gusto he had when he was shooting his load deep in a guy's rectum. It was different this time. Wally shivered as my dong went deep and he was much more responsive. I didn't know if it was the increased friction of my cock or Jeff. My one experience with Jeff had been great. He responded to every movement and his enthusiasm enhanced my own sensations. Jeff's excitement and obvious pleasure spread. By this time, I guessed that Wally's tongue was bathed in Jeff's pre cum. Wally was into the swing of things.

I could see that Will and Carl were sharing Franklin's donkey dong. It was big enough for two. Carl was 69ing, so Will concentrated on Franklin's balls. Carl sat up, apparently Franklin was rimming him, and Will got to work on the huge dong. He hesitated briefly before talking the oozing cock head, then he deep throated it. That was an achievement. I heard Frank moan, so he must have appreciated it. Will deep throated it several times and then returned to the balls.

Franklin began to shoot ribbons of sperm over his hairy chest and on Carl. As soon as Carl realized what was happening, he sucked the spewing cock. Franklin was moaning and the two men worked on his cock and balls.

Bill and Syd came over to us. Both men were fully erect. Bill's beer can cock was dripping a thin filament of precum. Syd's cock was a little longer and not as thick, but was so hard it curved up and almost touched his navel.

I was slowly pumping Wally's ass and feeling very good, as were Wally and Jeff. We had reached a plateau when we were intensely excited, but not going to shoot immediately. It was a balancing act, but worth the effort.

"I've never seen guys fucking before." Syd said. "Do you mind if I watch?"

"Not at all." I said. "I'm afraid I am a bit of an exhibitionist."

Bill laughed. "We all seem to be a lot more open than we were three or four years ago. Most of us are old friends."

"I can't believe I'm here!" Syd said. "It seems strange. Exciting, but strange."

Bill cupped Syd's big ball sack. "But it seems you like it?" Bill stroked the man's erection and produced a glob of pre cum that he spread over the head. Syd shivered.

"You're not used to being with men who admit they like men, are you?" Jeff said.

"Every thing in my life has been either really quick and really secret." Syd said. "Everything gay, that is." Bill dropped to his knees and began sucking Sydney vigorously.

"I bet you've never had an orgasm with an audience before?" Jeff said, laughing. "Don't answer that questions. It's purely rhetorical. " By this time, Syd was shaking and on the edge of a climax. I was watching Syd and felt the cum rising in my chute. I shot three or four volleys into Wally's rectum, pulled out and sprayed Jeff and Wally's back with cream.

Wally reared up and sprayed Jeff and Bill with an explosion of cum. The twenty minutes of rubbing my cock on his prostate had paid off. He had built up a spectacular load. Jeff's dick was almost relaxed. I saw a bead of cum emerging from it and drip into his thick bush. Wally turned to me and we kissed. I was at the last few spurts when I realized his mouth was filled with Jeff's sperm. My cock ejaculated several more times in response. Bill joined us and shared Syd's load.

We all got back in the water and cooled down. Sydney said he had to leave but Will told him to wait. Most of us had cum, but Both Will and Carl were still erect. I guessed that they had been so attentive to Franklin's climax that they forgot to relieve themselves.

"You've got a good boner there." Jeff said to Carl. "Have you been up since this session started?" Carl was uncut, long and meaty. The skin was stretched tightly over the ridged member.

"You noticed! I have a confession to make." Carl laughed. "It' really hard for me to shoot. I can stay hard and play for hours, without cumming."

"That sounds like a positively attractive characteristic to me." I said. "Have you had much chance to make use of it?"

"Only once or twice." Carl said. "I picked up a young guy at a convention once. A pure, 100% sucker. He spent the night. By three in the morning he was crying for me to feed him a load. He was good at it too. A great cock sucker."

"Did you feed him?" Jeff asked.

"Sure did." Carl said. "I am always polite. He came back the next night with a friend."

"Another sucker?" Jeff asked.

"Fuck slut!" Carl said. "Said he could go all night."

"And?" I asked.

"His eyes were bigger than his ass."Carl laughed. "After an hour he said his hole was too raw. His sucking companion came to the rescue. As soon as I pulled out of the ass, that boy deep throated me. He seemed to like the taste of my cock. We alternated through the night. An hour of sucking followed by an hour of fucking. Never saw either again. But it was a great two days."

"I have had a sheltered life!" Sydney said. "Getting a blow job in a book store in Atlanta was the high point of my gay life."

"It was only one incident, damn it!" Carl complained. "But I sure am ready to do it again if the chance arises."

"So you want to work on your stamina here?" Bill asked. "You need to meet my fiend Skeeter." Skeeter loved to suck and liked a challenge.

"That is my hope. I want to hone my skills." Carl said. "Some nice, relaxing time on the wild side is what I am interested in. No banking, no finance, no bean counting."

"All cock, all ass? No spreadsheet programs?" I said.

"You got it!" Carl said.

I thought that the group was moving in the direction of a second play period, but we went to the showers instead. Bill had found the towels of the old health club and they were back from the laundry. We went home for the night.

The missing equipment for the steam room arrived that week and the entire building was ready for operation within two weeks. There was to be no grand opening, since the objective of the place was to be private.

Richmond's building inspector worked their magic on the day before it opened, producing a number of small insignificant and irritation changes that had to be done before the club opened. The electricians had a number of exit lights that had to be relocated to less logical positions so that the inspector could prove he was a man. There were several downright bizarre interpretations of the ADA regulations.

Bill was serious about deadlines and there would be a long night of work by the crew before the building would be ready for operation the next day. I called him at 5:30 and all was in hand, and he figured they would be done by ten or eleven. The inspector in an unusual fit of being helpful, said that I could certify that the work was done, and that a second inspection was not required. I offered to bring dinner over for the crew. When the work was done, I could go to the office, write a letter and fax it to the inspection office in the morning.

I got there about 6:30 and Bubba and Mike, the electricians, were hard at work relocating lights. Skeeter and John-Boy were following them, repairing and repainting the walls and ceilings that were disrupted. Bill had drafted the twins, Wilbur and Clyde to help out in general clean up.

I got food from a small takeout place down the street that would be catering the club. The owners were willing to join. It was an all gay operation. They suppressed their natural Nouvelle Cuisine tenancies and produced good burgers. They also produced good potato salad. The only trace of their normal fare was bean sprouts scattered on the top.

"Looks like green pubic hair!" Skeeter complained.

"Skeeter!" Bill said. "I don't recall that pubic hair of any color has bothered you one bit! I would think you would like some variety."

"I don't mind blond, black, brown or red." Skeeter said. He took a look at Bill's white beard. "And, I have a positive hankering for white. I just not sure about green. Maybe if it was served with a hot dog?"

"Let's save the hot dog for after we're done." Bill said. "Work then play."

Next: Chapter 3

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