
Published on Mar 21, 2001


Alcazar the last Event Part 1

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

Will called me and asked me to meet him at the Alcazar at noon. I knew that something as afoot since his normal time to visit was at the end of the day. When I got there, Will and many of the investors were in the dining area. I was the last to arrive.

"Gentlemen." Will said. "You may have heard of the city's newest efforts to revitalize downtown. Last month I spoke with the Manager and the focus of their efforts will be in this area. He went over the proposed plans with me and the Alcazar is right smack in the middle."

"The track record for redevelopment schemes isn't very good." Magnus said. "Is this something about which we really need to be concerned?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Will continued. "A developer is ready to go, complete with financing and two major tenants. This club is dependant on a certain amount of anonymity, and it's going to be next to some new, up scale shopping areas. This is in the most intensely developed area of the development. They plan to make the architectural style of the complex relate to the Alcazar."

"Shit" Eduardo exclaimed. "I love this place."

"I've given you the bad news first. The good news is that they want to buy the place and we will realize a healthy profit."

"Profit isn't the same as a good blow job!" Magnus said. I realized he had come a long way since he had been so uneasy several years before when he first came to the Alcazar. Will named the figure. The group was stunned. It was generous in the extreme. Everyone here was well of or unbelievably well off, but the businessmen's instincts took over. It was irresistible.

"How much time do we have before we sell?" Eduardo asked.

"About a month. Let me be frank about this. My company will be the general contractor for the project, so I'm deeply involved. The official announcement of the project will be made next month and the construction is to start within a week." Will said. "I was going to ask Max to head a committee to find a new home for our club. There is no way it could be ready to open before we need to close, but we could get something within a year, I would guess." There was a lot of murmuring but Will's plan was adopted. Magnus, Will, Jack, the decorator and Bob, the assistant city manager were to join me on the search committee.

"Might I suggest another member?" I asked. "We have always had a socially and economically mixed membership. Should we have someone like Skeeter or Bubba join us. They may have a different view." Skeeter's interest in cock sucking was well known and he had personal experiences with just about everyone in the room. Bubba was a good electrician and had endeared himself to most members by helping out in emergencies and being an aggressive but exciting top. Everyone liked my suggestion.

Ken, the caterer, spoke up. "We need to have one hell of a party to close the place!" he said. "If it will be a year or so before we get a new place, we need a great party."

"Maybe something a bit uninhibited!" Roger said. Roger was one of the original investors and was a Kenny Rogers look alike. There was laughter.

"Everything has been so elegant, restrained and refined here." Magnus said. "I can't imagine anything more uninhibited that we are now!"

"Well I can!" Roger said. "So many cocks, so little time!" There was more laughter.

"As of now, the last day will be three weeks from now." Will said. "Ken, why don't you get together with Roger and plan something. I think we can guarantee good attendance at the final bash." The group broke up. I started to run through places that might be suitable for the club, but I knew it wouldn't be easy.

The party was much easier to plan. Roger had retired so he had time to spare and he contacted most of the members and guests personally. The prison guards were all eager to attend, the wrestlers also wanted to make a return engagement. We had Sarge and Greg the governor. Ed Elias, the doctor was surprisingly interested. It would be a full house.

In keeping with Roger's interest in an uninhibited bash, it was to be an all nighter and nude. The locker room and pool had been increasingly nude as were got accustomed to the place. This was the first time the club was officially nude. Bill and I got to the event at about seven and it was in full swing already.

We went to the locker room and stripped. We went toward the pool and were stopped by Mandelbaum and Ali Baba, the professional wrestlers. "It's time for a lube break!" Ali said. "We're in charge of making sure there are no tight asses. Bend over." I wasn't very enthusiastic about that, but when a 300-pound gorilla tells you to do something, you obey.

I bent over and the wrestler's thick finger probed my ass and immediately went for my prostate. I loved it and my annoyance disappeared. He was a great finger fucker and seemed to know his way around inside my ass. I went from being soft to a full erection in seconds.

"We can play later." Ali whispered in my ear. "I remember my last time in your ass. For now go look for Greg. He has bet Sarge that he can get fucked by half the men here tonight. Give him a poke!" Bill and I entered the pool with well-lubricated chutes.

The electric stars were on and the room shimmered. Wally and the quartet, Templeton, Franklin, Larry and Bob were singing off color versions of well-known songs in a corner. "You're the tops, you're the Mons of Venus. You're the top, your King Kong penis. . ."

Sarge was in a lounge chair with Greg in his arms. Actually he was he was holding the former governor's legs open do that Ram, the horse hung psychiatrist from the prison could fuck him. The quartet reached the King Kong penis line again and Ram's dark monster vanished in the white and pink ass. Sarge looked on with approval.

"Did his eyes bug out?" Sarge asked.

"That they did." Ram said as he slowly pumped.

"That a good sign. Greg only does that when he's out of control." Sarge said. Greg was squirming, but Sarge held him tight. "Shoot a load in there. Greg needs some more lubricant." Ram continued his slow fucking.

"I'm going to take my time, if you don't mind." Ram said. "He's nice and tight and I want to make sure he remembers my cock." I noticed that Greg was attended to by all of the state employees, and many of the city people too. As Governor he had specialized in balancing the budget with their salaries and I guess they wanted something in return.

Bubba, the electrician, Clyde and Wilbur and Ed Elias, the doctor, were in deep conversation with Tom, Charlie, Magnus and Sam. Ed and Tom were soon 69ing on the floor. Tom was a state senator. Charlie was his brother and was nursing Bubba's cock. Sam was the choir director for Magnus' church and I hadn't seen him since his only visit. They were just watching and feeling each other out. Sam was rock hard. We wandered off through the pool to the exercise room.

The lights were down and the room was illuminated by candles. Jack the decorator, Henry, his friend, were with Eduardo, Clyde, Wilbur, Mike and Butch. I was sure the elegant decorator had never played with construction workers and prison guards before the Alcazar, but all were having a good time. Skeeter was on his knees in the middle of the group licking and trying to coax cum from the ring of cocks.

I was sure the candles were part of Jack's decorative scheme. Ken set up food to the side of the exercise room and Chucky and Bruce were serving. Chucky nodded to Ken to take over when he saw Bill with me.

"I think you're a cock magnet." I whispered to him as Chucky came our way. Bill laughed.

"Some people have it and some don't." He said. Chucky's attachment to Bill was like my attachment to Catfish. We were friends with a strong sexual compatibility. It wasn't love but it was lots of fun, enjoyable and very intense some times. It was one of those rare times when a physical attraction is matched by a perfect anatomical harmony of penis and asshole.

"Don't have what?" Chucky asked.

"A red-haired fur ball who likes to ride cock." Bill said.

"You think I'm hairy?" Chucky asked in mock surprise. "Some puppy down maybe."

"Shit. You must clog the shower drains every time you come here." Bill said. "And I know you like a ride." Catfish entered the room, saw us and came our way.

"I think you're a cock magnet." Bill whispered to me. I hadn't realized he understood my relationship with Catfish as well as he did.

"I've got a question for you guys." Catfish said. He fondled my balls and Chucky's too. "There are so many guys here, do I hunt for new meat or go for a proven winner?"

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Bill said.

"It's balls in hand. At a time like this I need a third hand." Catfish said.

"Four cocks, four mouths, four ass holes." I said. "It seems perfect to me."

"When you look at it that way, it does seem mighty fine." Catfish said. He dropped to his knees and started to suck me. Bill did the same for Chucky. Bill and Catfish were usually a bit reserved. They always joined in but rarely initiated action so I knew they were really ready for the night.

Catfish worked a finger in my ass. "I see Ali got you too." He said. "Lie back and let's get in some quality time!" I got down. The floor was covered with mats and was comfortable. There were four large floral arrangements on pillars in the room. I hadn't looked closely but they contained bottles of lubricant and poppers, cleverly worked into the design. Catfish coated his cock and popped open a bottle of amyl.

I took a snort and discovered it was the real stuff. Someone had been to Europe. The amyl and Catfish's cock head hit me together. Sarge had once said that things were good, damn good and fucking good. This was a genuine damn fucking good. It was spectacular. Suddenly Chucky's cock was in my mouth and we were 69ing. I opened my eyes and saw Bill's cock vanish in Chucky's ass a few inches from were I was sucking Chucky's cock.

Catfish and Bill alternated ramming me and Chucky and I tasted Chuck's precum every time Bill hit the red-haired man's prostate. As far as I could tell, that was every thrust. The tops were topping, the bottoms were bottoming and the suckers were sucking. We all merged into a quivering mass of sexually charged men. I have no idea who shot off first. It was spectacular for all of us.

Apparently it was good for those who were watching us. I think I heard applause and Wally and the quartet had entered to room and were singing a peculiar version of "Love is a many Splendored thing." I didn't care at all. Eventually we untangled and lay on the floor resting. Bruce brought me a drink and I get up again. Bill and Ed wandered off.

Mandelbaum and Ali came over and thanked us for the show. "I was a lot better for us doing it than it was to watch." I said. Ali laughed.

"We could tell that!" He said. Mandelbaum got down to suck Catfish.

"I'm still dripping." Catfish said. "If you wait another half hour, I can give you a full load."

"Don't worry. Lately Manny has been interested in sloppy seconds." Ali said. "He likes for someone else to shoot and he will lick off the spent powder. He seemed to like man scum ten to fifteen minutes old."

"How in hell can you acquire a taste like that?" Wally asked. The quartet had broken up and Wally had joined us. Manny was sucking Catfish vigorously now.

"I didn't know. Maybe he likes the gravy after someone else has made it." Ali said. The remainder of the quartet joined us. Bob and Franklin had been at the wresting match, but Templeton and Wally hadn't and they were clearly fascinated by the huge wrestlers. I left them and returned to the pool.

Butch was fucking Greg now. Charlie was in line. I was sure that Charlie as a prison warden was not a friend of the former governor. Butch popped and Charlie replaced him. Greg looked unhappy. I think that anonymous sex is easier than sex with someone you know, especially if you are being gang banged by guys you once outranked.

Charlie wasn't very attractive but had a good set of balls hanging below his gut. The cock was good too. Sarge held Greg's legs up so that the ass was opened wide. I looked to me as if Charlie's cock had grown. It was much more impressive that I had remembered it. The warden's cock slid in effortlessly. Greg's whole body twitched.

"Holy shit!" Sarge said. "You just hit the magic spot! Greg's done for now!"

I had never seen anything like it before. Greg was twitching with every one of Charlie's thrusts. Greg's eyes were rolled back and his tongue was hanging out. He was trying to get away from the forceful ramming so he could catch his breath, but neither Sarge nor Charlie show any signs of wanting Greg to get his breath. The ex-governor's cock looked like it was ready to explode.

I was behind Sarge when Greg popped. At six feet way I was hit by three or four shots of Greg's warm load. Skeeter was next to me and immediately began licking it off. How that boy sensed that cum was on the way I don't know. But Skeeter was there. I had heard of gaydar, but Skeeter had cumdar.

Greg was crying and that seemed to trigger Charlie who pulled out and literally coated Greg with his cum. Greg looked like a glazed apple, if sperm could be made into a glaze. Clyde, the other cum hound in the group came up and shared the jiz banquet on Greg's torso.

I went over to Ed Elias and Tom who were still talking. I hate to say it, but I had a feeling that I was encountering true love. They were two very distinguished men, and I realized that they could associate together without any comment. Ram and Franklin joined us. Franklin was an important Banker and leader of the black community.

"I hate to see this place go." Tom said. "I can't get here that often but it's been great every time."

"I feel than same." Franklin said. "Outside of here I seem to get hustlers trying to make their way up in the world, or white boys who want to know if everything they say about black cock is true."

"Are they cute?" Ed asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Not cute enough." Franklin said.

"I'm happy with anyone who doesn't have home made tattoos." Ram said. "I think it's time to get out of the prison system. It's giving me a poor sense of values." Tom had reached out and cupped Franklin's massive balls in his hand. A second later Ed did the same with Ram. I could see the preview of coming attractions and I moved on. I hadn't rebounded from my time with Catfish and needed some more rest.

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