
Published on Jan 19, 2001


Alcazar 14

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

During the time that Helen and Wally were sick, that, combined with the normal stresses of work made it hard to think about sex. It was difficult to work a trip to the Alcazar into our schedule. The male sex drive is a strange and erratic thing, and it tended to pop up. Lust can be a stress reducer and it seemed to work that way for me. I was at work when Sarge called me.

"Max, the governor and I were planning a little get together on Friday." He said. "We were hoping that you and Bill could join us."

"I'm not sure we're up to it." I said. "It's been a bad couple of months."

"I know. I heard about Bill's sister and that organist fellow. You boys need some time off." Sarge said. "Two of our guests requested your attendance."

"And who are they?" I asked.

"Our wrestling friends, Mandelbaum and Ali, as well as Frank and Ellis." He said. They were the high-ranking policemen who had been at one of the affairs at the Alcazar. "It will be a small group. Just one or two others." I had enjoyed Ali and Frank, so my cock did my thinking for me so I agreed to come.

Friday was a slow day of the week for the Alcazar. Many members had out of town commitments or trips to the river, shore or mountains planned. Jeff, the former fireman bear manned the main desk and there was a new guy at the bar. He introduced himself as Donny. He was short, stocky and pleasant. He sported a droopy mustache; I guessed he was 25, but he would make a great old man. Chucky usually had good sense in his assignment of men to the Alcazar and Donny was no exception. He was courteous and fast. He also had the most spectacular south west Virginia accent I had ever heard.

Bill and I sat down, and were joined by Ellis, the suburban police chief and Frank, who was in charge of the State troopers' academy. Ellis was a red bear, Frank was black bear, Bill a Polar bear and I was a brown bear.

"You guys look like a bear sampler!" Donny said. "Do you want a sandwich or raw meat?" We laughed.

"What goes well with tube steak?" Ellis asked.

"New potatoes in a cream sauce!" Donny said. "But if I were you, I'd opt for the roast beef sandwich. I'd save the cream sauce until later. It's going to be a long night." He brought us sandwiches piled high with roast beef in a horseradish sauce. I never figured out what Kenny's did to ordinary food to make it taste so good, but he was a wonder in the kitchen. Ali and Mandlebaum entered the room.

"Party tonight!" Ali bellowed. He looked bigger than I remembered him. I introduce the two wrestlers to Bill, Ellis and Frank. Donny was drooling at the bar, so I introduced him too. Mandlebaum and Ali were acting normally, not in their wrestling persona, so we had a good conversation. Donny produced more sandwiches and we all got acquainted.

We were there at Sarge's invitation, but he hadn't shown up yet.

"What's on tonight's menu? Ali asked.

"Looks like bear to me!" Frank said. "Sarge was not as forth right as he might have been. Are you in line for another wrestling match? They told me your last visit here was a trip."

"I don't know. Offered to pay our way here, we had to cancel a match to be here." Mandelbaum said. "I told him we wrestle for cash, but we don't fuck for it. I assume wrestling is part of the deal."

"We don't need to get paid to screw." Ali said. "That's on the house if we like the . . . atmosphere."

"And do you like it?" Bill asked.

"I sure do." Ali said. "But it seems to me that we are all over dressed. If our host can't get here on time, let's get the ball rolling. Manson and I don't mind improvising and setting up our own card."

It must have been the testosterone in the air, but that seemed to be a good idea, and we went to the locker room to change. We were all naked and were checking out the cocks we hadn't seen before when Sarge arrived with Greg, the former governor and two other guys. Both were preppie looking, young, and very well dressed.

Sarge introduced them as Armstead and Temple. Virginians have a tradition of giving children pretentious names, and I was sure they had a number after their names. We were all nude so the newcomers stripped immediately. They were pretending they weren't looking at the meat in the room, but every time you looked at one, they would avert their gaze from the object of their curiosity.

Sarge had been shaved the first time I saw him. The hair on his chest, gut and back had regrown and he was looking like a shaggy goat. Armstead was of middle height with brown hair and a breast plate of hair connected by a trail to his thick bush. He was pale but pink. Cut, his cock peaked out of the pubic forest. Temple was tall, tanned and chubby, with short black hair dusting his chest. He had no tan line so I assumed he went to a tanning salon. He had three golf ball genitals, with his uncut head resting on matching balls.

Greg was handsome and boyish as ever. He had a perfect tan and personal trainer body. He was already erect. He was talking with Armstead and Temple and they emerged from the conversation at half staff. Sarge was whispering with Ali and Mandelbaum apparently setting things up.

"To the exercise room!" Sarge ordered. We all trooped to the room and spent the next few minutes moving the equipment and setting up mats in the middle of the room. Jeff was there helping to set up. He told me he had locked up for the night and he would join us. Jeff looked like a fire plug but served as a sexual sparkplug. He liked sex a lot and didn't mind serving as a spare. If we needed an extra cock or asshole he always was ready and willing.

Apparently Greg and his friends were there to watch. I didn't like this much. The men at the Alcazar were all participants, and we were spectators only between orgasms.

Sarge got up.

"Gentlemen!" He said. "We're here for a night of wresting and fun. It's a pro-am competition and Greg here has offered to be the prize." Greg got up and he had a gold medal tied to his cock. Everyone laughed. First, Ali and Manny put on a conventional match of college type wrestling. Manny won, but it was a hard-fought match. Both men were sweating and sexually aroused by the end.

Then Frank and Ellis joined in with a tag team match. It was red- brown bears verses black bears. This was much more playful and the men obviously enjoyed themselves. Temple and Armstead were very excited, but seemed to be afraid to do anything.

Jeff was watching the match, looked at the two new men, winked at me and then sat next to them. Greg was watching the match in wrapped attention, but Sarge moved next to Temple and began playing with the young man's cock. I had a feeling that Sarge was in charge of these men, and while Temple looked uncomfortable, he sure didn't object.

Armstead looked at Jeff, clearly unsure what to do. He was all but drooling, but was afraid to make a move. Jeff solved the problem.

"If you want to feel it, or touch it or lick it, it's fine with me." Jeff whispered. I was right behind them leaning on a piece of equipment.

"I couldn't do that." Armstead said, under his voice. "Everyone is watching."

"Sex is what this place is for. That's why we're here." Jeff said. "If you don't do it here you'll never do it. No one will mind, no one will think any thing of it."

Armstead sank to the floor and started sucking Jeff. Armstead made a good choice for his first playmate of the evening. Jeff was always appreciative. He always made his partners feel good. It was never, you are the love of my life and I want to have your babies sex, but it was nice, friendly and comfortable.

Temple followed Armstead's lead and began to suck Sarge. Sarge tended to expect guys to want his cock and thought it was his due. I remembered having a heated discussion about politics with him in the steam room one night. A guy came in who began to suck him and eventually made him shoot. Sarge liked it but he didn't even pause in the conversation while he was ejaculating. After a minute or two Sarge brushed off Temple and made an announcement.

"I told the new guys here what the rules were in our wresting matches." Sarge said. " The looser gets fucked. The boys wanted to watch, but I told them that this isn't a watching kind of place. They objected some, but they want to be here and are willing to pay the entranced fee. They know they won't be virgins at the end of the night. The boys aren't the ruff and tumble sort but they know the rules. I want everyone to be ready whether they loose or win, so let's have a lube break. Be prepared is our motto."

He carried a bag with him and from it produced a big bottle of lubricant. "This is my toy bag. If anyone wants to try one on for size, feel free to take one." Sarge continued. "I have volunteered to be the lube master. It's a hard job but someone needs to do it." There was a titter of laughter. "Who wants to be first?" He looked at Temple and Armstead. They were obviously embarrassed and afraid to be a spectacle.

"I'm Ready!" Ali bellowed. He came up bent over touching the floor with his hands and presented his ass to Sarge. He made a big show of flexing his ass. Sarge squeezed out a large glob of lubricant and worked it into the hole. Ali was remarkably limber for such a big man. Suddenly you saw Sarge tense up.

"Shit!" Sarge screamed. "My finger's caught!" Everyone burst out laughing. That broke the ice. Frank was next and everyone followed in due course. Sarge wanted an anal evening and that was fine with me. He lubricated me and he whispered that he wanted my ass for later. That too, was good for me.

Everyone was lubricated except Sarge. Mandelbaum walked up to him, picked him up, then up ended him. Ali squeezed the remainder of the lubricant into Sarge's ass. He shoved it in deep with his thick fingers. Sarge like to run things, but he took it well. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." He said.

Donny came in with wine and served everyone. He was still dressed and Sarge had a little conversation with him Donny stripped and joined the group. He was a surprise. Pudgy guys often have modest equipment. Donny had all the accessories with a generous uncut cock and a ball sack containing two good sized potatoes.

Sarge proposed an unorthodox tag team. Greg and Temple were on one team; Sarge joined Armstead on the other. Ali and Manny fought alone. There was not a lot of skill displayed in this match. Sarge thought that the two non professionals would always be pitted against Ali or Mandelbaum and that would even things up a bit. They didn't even come close, but the processionals were good sports and made it seem like a match.

Greg wasn't a small man but he looked like deer trying to wrestle with a bear. Temple was heavier, but had no idea what he was doing. Temple tried to get Ali into a legitimate hold when Greg jumped on the black bears back. Ali didn't even seem to notice Greg. He took care of Temple. Then he did a somersault and reversed his position with Greg. Temple crawled to the side and touched Sarge. Sarge and Armstead entered as Temple and Greg left the ring. Both Greg and Temple left with spectacular erections and Temple's cock head was glistening with precum. Ali was replaced by Mandelbaum.

Sarge's wrestling style was irregular. He wanted to get his cock in Manny's ass, and didn't mind sacrificing Armstead's ass to get it. Bill and I were sitting together and Frank joined us. Frank and I had a good time several months before, but Bill hadn't gotten to know him well.

"Max and Skeeter told me you have a special sauce." Bill said. Frank laughed.

"The sauce is free and there is plenty of it." He said. "As long as you don't mind the dispenser." Frank and Bill had matching beer can cocks, except Frank's was a size larger. Bill didn't need any more invitation. It was one of those times when friendship and physical attraction combine and the three of us got into it deeply.

On the mat, Sarge was trying to hump Manny while Manny toyed with Armstead. I think that Mandelbaum was attracted to Armstead and was getting bothered by Sarge's repeated efforts to work his long cock into the wrestler's ass. Mandelbaum, flipped and pinned Sarge. Then he picked up Armstead and turned him over so they could sixty-nine. Mandelbaum stood up and swallowed Armstead's cock hole. Armstead was making a meal out of the wrestler's uncut cock. His legs were sticking up in the air, but his throat was firmly anchored to Manny's cock.

For a man who had been uneasy about getting naked Armstead had made the transition to public performance sex easily. Sarge was flat on the floor recovering from his quick change of fortunes. Everything about him looked defeated and deflated except for his cock. It stood up straight. Mandelbaum saw him there and straddled him. He lowered himself still holding Armstead and sat on Sarge's erect member. It looked for all the world as if Manny had an itch and he wanted something to scratch it. Sarge's cock was the nearest thing available.

Mandelbaum had incredible strength. He undulated his hips trying to get Sarge's meat into just the right position while giving Armstead a good working over, cock, balls, and ass. Armstead's head was resting on Sarge's stomach, and he was trying to take all of the wrestler's cock. He was also trying to sneak a peak of the cock in Manny's ass. It was only a few inches away, but Manny's low hangers hid the view.

The wrestler leaned side ways and let Armstead down. He then flipped Sarge and screwed him doggy style. That looked good to Frank and Bill.

"Get on your knees!" Bill said. I did. Seconds later Frank's cock entered my ass. I hadn't realized how turned on I was. A tidal wave of feeling washed over me. Frank gave me several thrusts then he suddenly tensed up, then he relaxed. I knew that Bill was in the policeman's ass. The nice thing about doggy style was that we could watch the action in the rest of the room.

We were linked cock to prostate and Franks cock missed no hot spot in my ass. After the initial rush I relaxed and enjoyed the stimulation. Frank, Bill and I were on the same wave length, and it seemed as if we could go for a while without shooting.

Ali got in the ring and picked Greg up and lifted him over his head. He had his thumb in Greg's ass and was supporting Greg with this ass clamp, steading him with his other hand. Temple tried to get Greg down with hour success. The pressure on Greg's prostate must have been fierce. He was uncomfortable looking and rock hard. Temple whispered something in Ali's ear.

Mandelbaum lowered Armstead as Ali got Greg back on solid ground. Greg looked relieved. The two professional wrestlers got Temple and Armstead on the mat and lifted their legs and spread them open.

"If anyone wants to see what a virgin ass looks like, come here quick!" Ali bellowed. "They are going to be virgin much longer." Greg and Sarge recovered enough to get close. They wanted to watch. I was too occupied with Frank and Bill to care and Ellis was going hot and heavy with Jeff and Donnie.

If Temple and Armstead were really virgins, the wrestlers' monster cocks would be quite an introduction to the joys of anal sex. It wasn't a problem. I might have been that they weren't as virgin as they said they were, or the pure masculinity of the wrestlers was so compelling that both took it with only a whimper of two.

Manny was an ease-it-in fucker. First just the cock head, then another inch. Ali was a believer in full penetration, followed by a rest period. I suddenly began to shoot, and forgot to watch the men on the mat. My climax precipitated Frank's and Bill's. Afterwards we all rolled on the floor exhausted.

Next: Chapter 15: Alcazar Final 1

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