
Published on Dec 19, 2000


This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

Wally went to see Ed the next day. I didn't hear from him for a week. I figured that was more than enough time to get test reports back so I called his house and got only the answering machine. I called the church and they said he had been sick and hadn't come in. That evening Bill and I drove to Wally's house and knocked on the door.

No one answered so I was rude and continued to knock while Bill went around to the back. The door opened and Wally let me in, Bill had found him on the rear terrace overlooking the river.

"Tell us what's up!" I asked. I had never wanted to be a doctor, and my bedside manner was poor.

"Prostate problems." Wally said.


"Yes." Wally said. "Big problems." He paused. "I thought something was wrong. I shouldn't have ignored it. I was stupid." Bill interjected himself. He had a better approach to illness than I.

"No use talking about anything in the past. It's over and done with. My sister smoked. I'm 90% sure that's what caused the cancer, but that's over and done. What's next?"

"I'm not sure. Dr. Elias gave me several options." Wally said. "My mother died of cancer. It was awful." I am not prone to depression, and am congenitally cheerful, but I recognized Wally's problem. He was scared and alone. He had friends, and lots of them, but no immediate family left at all. I didn't really know him that well, he was always cheerful and full of fun, but I had no idea what went on in his head.

"Well you're lucky." Bill said. "Max and I have been dealing with cancer for a year now, and we know a lot about it. Tell us what Ed said and let's work this out." Bill always was a leader of men. He expected men to obey him and most men did what he told then to do. Wally was no exception.

"Max, you get us all a drink and Wally can talk." I went to the house and made three stiff bourbons and waters and returned. Wally had visibly relaxed. He needed to get it off his chest. A half hour later it was clear that surgery was all but required and radiation would be needed. The disease was well advanced and might have spread. From Wally's description the tumor was growing quickly, not taking the leisurely approach that was typical of prostate cancer.

"I don't know. I may be impotent and incontinent. What will be left of me after the operation? Your sister's been through hell." Wally said.

"Elias is one of the best doctors in the city and he has a vested interest in your cock!" I said. "What will be will be, but you're young and strong, you should have a good chance. Whatever happens won't effect your music."

"I don't mind a soft cock." Bill said laughing. "We can figure out something to do with it. You were never a good bottom. Now you'll have a good excuse." We continued talking and got him more directed. He agreed to tell the church and let them know what was going on. He called the minister.

Ten minutes later the minister arrived at the front door. Dr. Randall had always seemed distant and abstract. This night, he was comforting, knowledgeable and in control. Bill and I left, feeling that Wally was in good hands.

When we got home, we told Helen about Wally. She had been sick as a dog for month, but felt better now and was confident about the treatment. She wanted to help if she could.

Wally was in the hospital a day later and Ed Elias operated. The operation was a success, but it would be months before the impact of the operation and the treatment would be known. Our friends helped, but the members of Central Church were great. He had been organist for ten years and was a part of the church family. I was a little worried that they wouldn't mix well with some of his friends from the Alcazar. There was no problem. Wally's sexual preferences were water under the bridge. They all knew, and wanted him recovered and to get well again.

Bill and I were mostly occupied by work and Helen's recovery so I couldn't figure out how to work Wally into the schedule. Food, cleaning and laundry are difficult for a single man in his position. The church took care of that. When I visited him, he told me to look in the kitchen freezer. It was filled with enough covered dishes to handle a church night dinner. The choir and the ladies of the church took care of most day to day things. We would drop in several times a week to see how he was doing.

He became good friends with Helen. She had been through so much she had become a treasure trove of helpful hints and useful advice. She had definitely begun to improve and showed increasing signs of good health. She wanted to get back to her own home as soon as possible. She was just as independent as Bill and the doctors said that this willingness to fight and be her own person was at the heart of her survival.

About six months later Ed Elias gave me a call at home. He told me that Wally was negative for any signs that the cancer had spread. He was out of the woods.

"That great! I sounded like it was really serious when it was discovered." I said.

"Well it was every bit as serious as it seemed." Ed said. "Thank God for modern therapies."

"Thank God for gifted doctors!" I said. "Let's not be falsely modest."

"I bask in the inward glow!" Ed said laughing. "But there is one aspect of his recovery that is lagging. " He paused. "I think you could help him with it."

"Being able to screw every man at the Alcazar at will?" I jokingly said.

"That's it!" Ed said. "I don't want to sound like it am a perfectionist, but I took the prostate out, and I am sure I reconnected everything that needed to be reattached. Now, I know that the smallest slip up can screw things up. Wally hasn't returned to his old self."

"No erection?" I asked.

"No, nothing." Ed said. "I think he's too scared to try. I'd bet my last dollar that it isn't physical. That's not impossible, I admit, but I don't think it's the problem here. I think it's the trauma of the operation and the mental baggage that accompany it."

"You've talked to him about it?"

"Yes." Ed answered. "All my conversations have a clinical aspect. The patient-doctor relationship is not often the best way to talk about sex. He needs to get away from the hospital and doctors office environment and into one that naturally is more open."

"The Alcazar." I suggested.

"Exactly." Ed said. "But he looks different and I think he is uncomfortable with the men he doesn't know well. He doesn't feel like he's the same man he was before."

"I can ask him over." I said. "That's easy enough."

"I tried that." Ed said. "I think he needs an event that would force him to go back. A party or something he would feel obligated to attend."

"Bill's birthday is coming up." I said. "Bill has been a good friend, and will be going to take his sister back home. He'll be gone for several months. I've been thinking about a birthday bash. That might be enough to get Wally out of his shell."

"It's worth a try." Ed said. I talked to Bill who was game. He suggested that we get the men who spent the 4th of July weekend together with him years before. They were old friends and playmates. Wally was comfortable with them.

I made a few calls and everyone was game, so a week later we had an impromptu pool party at the Alcazar. As I had guessed, Wally was too polite to refuse. Bill had been so helpful during his illness that Wally had few options. The pool was nude, so that also got us closer to our objective. Bill described that as therapeutic lust.

As men arrived, I noticed that everyone was getting older, but that this hadn't changed their appeal. If you are a beach bunny, smooth, tanned and toned, middle age can be a curse. The natural ageing process, getting thicker and more solid, more grey or balding, is a problem. I noticed Mike, our electrician friend, was now in his mid forties, was a bit heavier, hairier, with a white patch of hair in the middle of his chest and a slight trace of a double chin. He wasn't boyish anymore, but he was more masculine.

That was true of everyone. Age just made them more manly. Larry was balding, Templeton was turning grey. Bob's thick coat of hair was all pepper and salt now. Clyde and Wilbur looked exactly the same. I mentioned that to them and Clyde said they hadn't changed much since they were twenty. "We got all our ageing done between twenty and twenty-five." He said. "We finally look our age. Skeeter and Ronnie were little changed, except for more white in their hair.

Wally was greatly changed. He had lost 30 pounds, his hair was growing back after the treatment so he was covered with a short coat of dark hair. He almost looked like a greyhound. His cock looked as if it had grown. It had remained constant while he lost weight and appeared bigger. He was soft, but the weight of the balls and cock gave him low hangers.

The focus of the party was Bill, so Wally was on the opposite side of the pool, which suited our purposes well. Bill was sitting on the side of the pool receiving a birthday suck from the guests. In the corner, away from the birthday boy Skeeter attached himself to Wally's cock and had a good time.

I sat next to them. "Has Skeeter lost any of his skills?" I asked Wally.

"Not that I can tell," Wally said. He was smiling. "I told him it was a dry well." Skeeter looked up.

"A guy has to do what a guy has to do!" He said in his thick Virginia drawl. He returned to the cock immediately. Templeton joined us. I got in the water and began sucking him.

"I had almost forgotten how friendly this group is." Wally said. I could see that his cock was beginning to fill. I concentrated on Templeton. His cock was big in proportion to his body. His time with Bill had gotten him well on his way. Bob swam up behind me and nudged his cock at my ass hole. He lifted me up and slid his cock into my ass without effort.

For all practical purposes I was supported by cock. Templeton's in my mouth and Bob's in my ass. My feet weren't touching the bottom of the pool. Bob was usually a hard fucker, but the water slowed up his normal speed so it became a slow motion screw. Bob typically was mechanical, a pile driver. But he was varying his pattern this time and I had a hard time catching my breath.

I was winded by the unexpected blows to my prostate. I moaned when Bob rammed me hard and Templeton filled my mouth with his cum. We were all comfortable with each other by this time and Templeton let everyone in the room know he was having an orgasm. Bob held my torso and lifted me off of Templeton's spewing cock and then lowered me onto Wally's meat. Skeeter took care of clean up on Templeton.

Wally had been at half staff when Skeeter finished with him. My cum filled mouth was just what the doctor ordered. Wally was genuinely excited and became fully erect. Bob shot off next, giving my prostate a cum bath. Wally was twitching. He had a dry orgasm, no cum, but lots of feeling. Wally was back.

The party became downright festive at this point. Wally had been out of commission for six months and had a lot of makeup work. The orgasm he had with me didn't even begin to make up his deficit. He quickly went over to Bill and gave his a birthday suck then moved on to Mike and Ronnie, renewing old relationships.

"Feeling better?" I asked Wally.

"Shit! I didn't know if it would still work!" Wally said. "Everything but the cream dispenser is working well!"

"It's the feelings that count." I said. "Th juice is just an added attraction. Most guys won't take it. You remember the three great lies; the check is in the mail, sure, I will respect you in the morning, and of course I won't cum in your mouth?" Wally laughed.

"I never thought much of sperm until I stopped shooting it." Wally said. "I didn't believe how turned on I was when I realized your mouth was filled with Templeton's cum." He touched my cock that was still dripping some, and took some of the white ooze and spread it on his cock head. His cock twitched. Clyde and Wilbur joined in our conversation.

"Lubricant seems to work best when it looks like cum, I think." Clyde said. "Cum is the best lube produced, but it's hard to get enough to replace the store-bought stuff."

"Have you ever tried it for fucking?"Wally asked, obviously intrigued.

"Only once. I won the lottery." Wilbur said. I noticed that Clyde and Wilbur didn't always differentiate between each other in conversation. You could ask Clyde a question and Wilbur would answer, and both seemed to think that Clyde had responded.

"Is this something new? I missed getting my tickets from the 7-11?" Bill asked. He had been listening to our conversation. "I thought we had only family men Governors?"

"Like Greg?" I asked. Greg was the former Governor who had become a regular at the Alcazar. He was what I had described as a born again, right-wing cum hound.

"It was an informal lottery." Clyde said laughingly. "I've told you about our Uncle Jake?"

"In great and arousing detail!" Wally said.

"Well, we went back for Christmas several years after our summer there."Wilbur said. "Jake had some friends who like to get together like us here. We had almost the same conversation, about the quality of cum as a lubricant. There were eight or nine of us so we decided to pool our resources do an experiment."

"A sperm bank?" I asked.

"That's it. We were there for the weekend before Christmas and we saved all the cum from the first night for use on the second." Clyde continued. "We used a baggy in the refrigerator as a holder. We had a pharmacist in the group who was really up on sperm preservation. I mean. Really up. It must have been an interest of his."

"Then we drew lots." Wilbur said. "Clyde won. He got to fuck using the man juice lubricant."

"Who did you fuck?" Wally asked. "Did you keep it in the family?"

"You guys must be mind readers." Clyde said. "Uncle Jake was the recipient. And everything I had suspected about cum was right. It was great. Smooth as silk, slippery and stimulating."

"Did anyone else get to try it?" I asked. I had heard some of the Uncle Jake stories before and knew that Clyde had a special affinity for his Uncle's ass. He could have used kitty litter as a lubricant and Clyde would have liked it.

"We dumped what was left into some eggnog and shared it." Wilbur said.

"Hot damn!" Skeeter exclaimed. "I should have been there. I'd be in heaven."

"You never tried fucking with sperm again?" Wally asked.

"The logistics are complicated." Clyde replied. "We did a more informal experiment later. Just Wilbur, me, Jake and Mike. Wilbur and Mike shot onto Jake's cock. He smeared over his cock and he screwed me. It was good too."

"Better than before?" I asked.

"Well it was still warm from the balls, so it was fresh. The other had been in the refrigerator and was only at room temperature. But, there were only two loads, and Jake was big. I think another load or two and it would have been perfect." Clyde talked about it as if it were a scientific experiment and he was trying to figure out the errors in the experiment's design.

"Am I the only one here turned on?" Wally asked. The whole group burst into laughter. "I'll volunteer to top if anyone would like to bottom?"

"It's my birthday!" Bill said with a smile.

"I'll clean up anything that drips!" Skeeter said.

We gathered around Wally and helped each other shoot. Ronnie hadn't cum yet and he shot first. It was a prize winner and Wally's cock turned rock hard as the white ooze spurted over it. Mike and Larry also popped and soon Wally's tree trunk looked like it had been frosted. I guessed that Templeton, Bob and I would be minor contributors after our earlier orgasms.

I hadn't figured on Skeeter working a finger into my ass and Bill pinching my tits. I shot high, just below Wally's navel and it dripped down to his cock. By this time Wally's cock and balls were coated.

"Lube me up too!" Bill said. HE got on his back and held up his legs exposing his pink pucker. Templeton and Bob made bulls eye shoots at this target. Everyone but Wally and Bill had shot off and I expected for the mood to calm down. But we were all still turned on.

Wally approached Bill and toyed with the hole with is cock head. He would catch dribbles of cum as they dripped with his head and smear them up to the hole and poke them in.

Bill was rock hard. "Stop playing with the head!" He ordered. "Get the trunk in!" This Wally did.

I will swear I have never seen a smoother entry. Clyde's smooth as silk, slippery and stimulating comment jumped to mind. After a dozen thrusts Bill popped and Skeeter made a remarkable mid air interception. Templeton was next to me, playing with my cock and I had a third orgasm.

The night was a success.

Next: Chapter 14

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