
Published on Nov 26, 2000


Alcazar 12

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at or

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

Roger pulled his cock out and re-entered my ass. It took me a second to realize that it wasn't Roger's cock. Some on else was fucking me. Since I had Larry's meat in my mouth and he was sucking me I couldn't see who screwing me now.

"Damn, I'd forgotten how good this was!" I heard Bill say. He was the mystery fucker. I sucked Larry's precum as and I enjoyed Bill's beer can cock pumping my ass. Larry began to shoot. He must have enjoyed his front row view of Bill's fucking technique. He got up and Bill was smiling at me as he rhythmically thrust into my ass. "I figured, why should I let Roger get your ass so I helped my self!" Bill said laughing. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all!" I said. "It seems to me that we may have done this a few times before." We hadn't had sex together in a while and it was comfortable to get back into the groove.

Chucky, Wally, Catfish and Ed Elias entered the pool area and were watching. I hadn't seen Dr. Ed Elias at the club before. He was every inch a doctor every time I had met him before. He wasn't a handsome man, in his suit and tie he looked a bit shaggy and poorly groomed, always in need of a shave. He seemed gangly, tall and thin.

Naked he was hairy and gangly, more muscular that I would have guessed, with a disorderly covering of hair and a long cock and dangling balls hanging from a dense pubic bush. His body was greyhound like, muscular, but coated in shaggy dog hair.

"Nice technique you have there, Bill!" Dr. Elias said. "I had heard that you boys had practiced at this some."

"Max is good at this" Bill said smiling. "It's a lot of work, but when the fuckee is as appreciative as Max, somehow the time flies." He paused. "If you'd like to spell me a while, I'm sure Max wouldn't mind."

"I don't usually play with guys I have a professional relationship with." Ed said. "It sure looks like fun! Thanks for the offer."

"Don't worry about that." I said. "This place is for getting your rocks off, no strings attached. No one at my office knows that Bill and I do this. We've never had a problem maintaining our professional relationship." The good doctor didn't need too much convincing. Bill pulled out and Elias stepped up to bat. He stoked his cock, covering it with lubricant and then worked a finger into my hole. His interest in my prostate was professional as well as sexual.

"Enlarged?" He asked. "Do you have trouble urinating?" I laughed.

"Not at all!" I said. "I've had the same doctor for 20 years. It's always been big. He gets worried every year, checks it out and decides it's just naturally big. I've wondered if that is why I like to be screwed so much." Ed laughed.

"There doesn't seem to be any scientific literature on the subject. And nothing on the role of the asshole in sexual pleasure. You have a pronounced rosebud." He flicked the rosebud then nudged his cock head in the puckered hole. "I've also wondered if there is an affinity between the skin of the lining of the ass and the cock head." He popped his cock head in through the sphincter. "It certainly seems that way to me." He shoved into the hilt. "Damn that's good!" His eyes rolled back and he looked relieved. Ed was usually hyperactive and tense.

Bill watched. "Ed, there is something about the way you look right now, that makes me think you need to spend more time here! Think of it as therapy!" Elias slowly withdrew until only the head remained in, then he thrust in again. He soon found a comfortable rate of thrusting. His cock was long, with a flared mushroom head and he soon began to slow as the head passed my prostate and caressed it with the rim of his head. He looked both relaxed and sexually stimulated.

"This place is wonderful!" He said as he continued to pump. "You get so used to hiding your sexual interests and trying to get whatever contact you do get done before someone catches you. I can't believe that I've got all the time in the world and no one minds me fucking a guy on the side of the pool."

I laughed. "I know the feeling." I said. "Every guy here likes men and sex with men. And we all seem to like cock too! At least that's the way it seems to me. This is the only place I've ever been where it's perfectly fine to like cock. You can look as much as you want, feel as much as you want or suck it if the urge takes you."

"I've got to pull out or I will shoot." He said.

"No problem here!" I said. "Go ahead! Don't be afraid to come back. " I was getting ripe. He pulled out all the way.

"I have until 11:00 before I am due at the hospital. I want to play a bit longer before I pop." Ed said. "Do you mind?" I laughed.

"I give rain checks!" I said. Chucky was on his knees sucking Bill, and Roger had gone to the shower room so my ass was empty. I was primed and ready to shoot. I would have liked it if Ed had screwed me into a climax, but he looked so happy, I wanted him to enjoy the night. All the other men were occupied. I was a bit annoyed with myself for being so desperate for a cock.

Catfish appeared as if in answer to my prayers. Our eyes met and he knew exactly what I wanted. "I've got a catfish looking for a home." He said, and he shoved his donkey dong into my ass without any preliminaries. It wasn't lubricated, but there was enough lubricant from Roger, Bill and Ed to make it effortless.

"It's hard to believe that all fits in your ass, Max." Bill said who was watching from the side with Chucky nursing his cock like a baby at a breast.

"Now you see it." Catfish said as he pulled all the way out. "Now you don't!" He rammed it in. "I'd like a long ride, Max. If you don't mind." He said. "So let me know when you get close and I slow down and we can make it last."

"That sounds good to me." I said. Catfish was a fucker not a lover and his technique was crude but his big cock and obvious enjoyment made it fun. The lubricant was getting thin, so my chute was really beginnings to feel the cock. It wasn't raw yet but it was getting dryer. We played for five or six minutes and I ejaculated, spurting cum on the tile wall behind us. Catfish pulled out and shot cum in the exact same place.

"Damn. It's like Robin hood splitting the arrow down the middle in the bull's eye!" Bill said. "Good shot Catfish" I went to the shower to cool down.

When I returned to the pool after the shower, Chucky was slow fucking Bill and I must admit, few guys ever look as happy as Chucky did at that moment. Sweat was pouring down, matting his thick pelt of red hair. His hands were caressing Bill's fur-covered chest and toyed with his nipples. Every vein in Chucky's rock hard cock was visible when he withdrew it in his slow pumping motion.

Chucky was sweating from passion and sexual tension rather than physical exertion. I thought Bill was growling, but realized the sound was more like was more like purring. I decided to go to the steam room and leave them alone.

Ed Elias was there with Catfish, Wally and Roger. Roger's was still hard. The viagra was a success.

"I hear that Ed was giving you a rectal exam, Max!" Wally said. "And Roger did the prep."

"It was all in the interest of science." The Doctor said. "I did a classical digital exam then followed with a penis probe, just to make sure there was no blockage. Everything was fine, and I do mean fine!" Everyone laughed. "I haven't worn out the penis though, the battery hasn't run down, I'd be more than willing to check out you guys." Both Roger and Wally volunteered. "Spread them wide and let's get a good look!"

They were sitting next to each other on the top seat of the steam room and they opened their legs for Ed. "This will be the first dual digital exam in Richmond. "Ed said as he worked a finger into each mans ass. Roger moaned as Ed hit the prostate and was obviously playing with it. Wally was uncomfortable, and Ed didn't try to go deeper. I thought something was wrong. Just then Roger shot off in a spectacular climax and attention focused on his spewing cock.

Roger just kept on ejaculating. He had usually shot off in five or six volleys. Tonight it was twenty or thirty. Ed laughed. "I'm going to need to so a paper on this for the AMA Journal! This must be the longest orgasm on record." Roger was panting and I bent over to suck his cock as it continued to drip. Ed stood behind me and eased his cock in my ass for the second time that night.

It was a good ride. I hadn't been screwed from the rear that evening and I got one leg up on the lower bench stretching me wide open. Ed's cock slid in and out of the well-lubricated chute effortlessly. He always hesitated a little when the cock head passed my prostate.

"You do like this don't you?" He asked me. "You've stretched it open to make it tighter."

"You can tell?"

"I sure can." Ed said. "And by raising your leg You've made it easier for me to ram your prostate." I continued to lick the cum from Roger's cock. By now beads of cum were emerging sporadically. Ed leaned over me and whispered in my ear. "Do you mind if I shoot in your ass? I'm uncomfortable shooting in front of everyone."

I said it was ok, so we had a private climax as he quietly filled my ass with his cum. Everyone was still talking about Roger's orgasm, only Catfish noticed. Ed pulled out, and he left the room for the showers with Roger and Wally. I sat beside Catfish.

"A hot scene!" He said. "Almost romantic. How may loads are in your ass now?"

"Two or three."

"Can you wait here a minute?" Catfish asked. "I've got someone I want you to meet." I nodded, I didn't want to meet anyone, but I didn't want to move either. Catfish returned a few minutes later with a short, small blond guy.

"Max, this is Johnny. He's a nurse at the prison." Catfish said. "He has a special interest in assholes, I thought yours was too much to pass up." I was flat on my back on the marble bench in the steam room. Catfish lifted and spread my legs and Johnny buried his face in my hole.

"I told Johnny that there was cum from three guys in there, and he thought that was just fine with him. I only like cum when it is fresh, straight from the cock, but Johnny here likes it stored and heated. So don't worry of you ooze some, anything that dribbles from your ass will be fine with Johnny. And, Max, I do mean anything."

I had little interest in rimming, and none in scat, but Johnny was good and I relaxed. Johnny had a long tongue and had a genuine interest in rimming. Bill and Chucky came in the steam room next and Johnny went after Bill. For a guy who liked cum filled asses this was the night. In the next few months, Johnny became a fixture of the place.

It was getting late so Bill and I showered and decided to call it a night. Bill was quiet on the drive home.

"Anything wrong?" I asked. "You seem quiet."

"Not really." Bill said. "I had a good time. But I kind of lost it with Chucky."

"I did look like you hit it off really well." I said. "In case you didn't notice, Chucky has the hots for you. He seems like a nice guy."

"I like sex, but usually it's just enjoyment, no strings attached." Bill said. "I felt some strings developing with Chuck. He really got me going."

"Don't complain!" I said laughing. "I could tell it was really intense."

"Did it bother you?" He asked.

"Nope." I said. "Do you think I am jealous?"

"I was wondering." Bill said. "I lost control with Chuck, big time. I didn't know if I like that. I like to be more . . ."

"You like to run things!" I said. "You aren't a control freak but you do expect to run things. You've been a construction superintendent for thirty years. You run the job. Chuck was controlling you and he was doing it with his cock in your ass."

"It just didn't seem right." Bill said. "But shit! I couldn't believe how good it was. I mean good!"

"We're friends and playmates but we aren't married." I said. "Don't worry about me, and don't feel embarrassed because you enjoyed yourself. You've been through some rough times, take what you can."

We got home and went to bed. The next day I got a call from Dr. Elias. He wanted to know the name of the guy he had finger fucked.

"Roger?" I said.

"No, the other." Ed said. "A musician maybe?"

"Oh. Wally. He's the organist at Central Church."

"That's him. Do you know him well?" Ed asked. "Well enough to tell him to call me?"

"Sure no problem." I said. "I give him a ring. Is there a problem? I saw you were a bit uneasy in the seam room."

"It may be nothing, but it should be looked at." Ed said. I told Ed I would call Wally. I called him that evening. I'm not sure but I thought that Wally knew exactly what Ed had found. He wasn't surprised. I didn't like the sound of this at all.

Next: Chapter 13

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