
Published on Oct 29, 2000


Alcazar 11

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at or

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

I was in the steam room with Clyde and Ali when the door opened again.

"Who's there?" Clyde asked.

"Herb. Can I join you?"

"Sure. Make yourself at home." Clyde said. "This was like old times at Uncle Jake's house, wasn't it?" Herb sat next to us.

"It brought back memories." Herb said. "Ali, did you ever meet Uncle Jake?"

"Was he the old friend you had in the mountains?" Ali asked.

"That's him. Clyde and Wilbur spent a summer with him, and Jake taught them all his skills." Herb said. "It didn't take much training. Clyde is a born cock sucker." Clyde looked up from Ali's cock, said "Thanks for the testimonial." And he went back to work. Ali laughed.

"I can testify to that!" He said. "He's just a bit over zealous. I want him to cock it, not shoot it!"

"He's the wrong boy for that." Herb said. "He a cum hound. You'd better let him come over to me. I'd like to be cocked and have him pull the trigger."

"Do you mind?" Ali asked.

"Shit no." Clyde said. "Herb has the first cock I ever sucked that wasn't hanging from a relative's crotch." Clyde transferred his attentions. Ali looked at me and smiled.

"Are you a wrestling fan?" He asked.

"Afraid not. It was fun to watch, but I never got involved." I said. "I'm afraid I hadn't heard of you before today." Ali leaned over and whispered to me.

"I'd like to have some quiet time with someone tonight." He said. "Manny's been fucked too many times tonight to want to play. Would you mind?"

"Wouldn't mind at all." I said. "I'm a bottom, I hope that isn't a problem?" He looked at me with an odd look, then smiled.

"You're joking, right?" I smiled back. He motioned for me to go to the other side of the room, away from Clyde and Herb. I sat back on the marble bench of the steam room and Ali engulfed my cock. He was a good cock sucker. Surprisingly tender, his tongue lightly and delicately probed every inch of my cock. He then moved to my balls and eventually ass. He rose, picked me up and put me down on the bench.

His cock was at my spit lubricated hole and poked in. It was an odd feeling. He didn't fuck me. He just shoved his cock in my ass. I felt a tremendously warm feeling as his huge member occupied my entire chute.

"Damn that's good!" Ali said. "Smooth as silk, hot and tight. You took that well. You're not an ass virgin?" I laughed.

"Afraid not."

"I like an experienced man. You can get down to business without the preliminaries. Do you mind if I just take it slow?" He asked. "I can fuck hard if you want, but it's so good in there. I want it to last a while." I shivered a bit as my ass became accustomed to the rock hard shaft.

When I said he didn't fuck me, that feeling didn't last for long. I shivered and twitched as the magnitude of his meat became clearer. There wasn't enough room for my prostate and his cock, it was squeezed and I had a strong sense that his cock was in direct contact with mine. He pumped slowly and that was as much as I could take.

He tried out different positions to see which worked better for him and me. Doggy style was too intense. I was ready to shoot when he realized and pulled out. "We can do that later if you want." He said. "I want a long session." He sat down and sat me on his pole. I was facing him with my legs on the steam room's marble bench. He held me in place so I didn't fall backwards. I'm a good 200 pounds and he lifted me like a baby. It was almost as if he were jerking himself off, using my ass rather than his hand.

I was twitching and contracting my chute. "That's it, baby." He said. "You're doing it just right. You've got a great ass." Ali was enjoying himself, but he was interested in me. When I was firmly skewered on his dick he would feel my head and make sure I was still hard and oozing.

After about twenty minutes I was worn out, I didn't think I could take it any more. My ass was stretched wide and tender. He put my legs on his shoulders and stood up. He held my arms, but my main support was his cock in my ass. I was afraid he might drop me, but he lowered me on the bench.

He immediately pulled out, flipped me over, and did me doggy style a second time. It was as if there was a sex bomb detonated in my ass. I exploded in sexual pleasure. I spurted cum all over the room and could barely breathe. I must have passed out for a while. When I came back to earth, Ali was still pumping away. I squeezed my ass.

"Damn! That did it!" He said. I could feel him bucking as he shot his load. When he was done, he laid next to me still. "Can I just leave it there until it gets soft?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. "It still feels great." I could sense him relaxing as the last of his juice oozed from his cock into my ass. I had no idea how long we had been at it, but Ali must have been into marathons. He finally pulled out and we went to the shower room to clean up. Ali and I went to my room. Bobby and Bubba had left so we got in bed and fell asleep. I woke when the sun came up, dressed and went home. I didn't wake Ali. He was dead to the world. I got to work and immediately became immersed in the day to day problems of a modern architectural practice. The wrestling evening at the Alcazar vanished from my mind.

Bill returned home Thursday night. The situation with his sister was deteriorating. She had stopped responding to therapy. He didn't have much confidence in her doctors. I said I would make some calls to a medical friend and see if there was any specialist in Richmond who could help. Richmond has a major medical center, but I was never sick and didn't do medical buildings or hospitals, so I was out of the loop.

I called Eduardo the next day and he said he would get the information I wanted. He called back that night. My association with doctors was rare, and I had thought that long stints in a waiting room were part of the routine. It turns out that if you are a generous multimillionaire, such as Eduardo, there was no waiting at all. Bill was to call, Eduardo's friend, Ed Elias, that night at home.

Bill and Dr. Elias were on the phone for an hour. I could see Bill relaxing as he described the situation to the doctor and the doctor responded with the right questions.

"That man knows it all." Bill said after he got off the phone. He was obviously relieved.

"It's time for Helen to get to Richmond." I said. Bill called Helen and she arrived Sunday night. I had never met her before, Bill had warned me that she looked terrible. She had been attractive, and was ravaged by illness, but was cheerful and pleasant. You never know if unorthodox living arrangements will offend someone, but she seemed to know that we were friends and left it at that. Like her brother she didn't want to be a bother and insisted that, after the first day of examinations and tests, he go to work and let her deal with the doctors.

She had a full day at the medical center on Monday. Dr. Elias immediately had rapport with Helen and Bill and it developed into a comfortable relationship. Elias was brilliant, and associated with doctors of the same sort.

They returned to the house that night and told me of the day's activities. They felt good about it. A neighbor who had heard of Helen's situation came by and said she could check in on Helen when we were at work. Margot Potter was an overactive club woman of the old sort. She had married well, had never worked, and had a cook and a gardener. Her children were gone and her husband was retired and played golf. She had time on her hands. Much to my surprise, Margot and Helen became best friends, almost over night.

Bill and Helen had a meeting with doctors on Friday. The prognosis was poor. The disease was well advanced and the conventional treatments had not worked. They had an experiential treatment that was both radical and difficult. It was available only in Richmond.

I had expected that Helen would be despondent about this, but she seemed fine.

"I'm not a fool. I knew things weren't going well, and this is definite at least." She said. "I don't know if I am willing to go through their experimental treatment." The door bell rang. It was Margot.

"I know this is a family meeting. But I can't sit home." Margot said, genuinely apologetic. Bill gave her the rundown.

"Less than a 50 percent chance of it working doesn't seem like that good of odds to me." Helen said.

"It's better than no chance." Bill said.

"I know Elias and Bachman." Margot said. "If they mentioned the treatment, they have a strong feeling that it will work. They aren't wild and crazy guys. They would never raise your hopes if they thought it was in vain."

"Do you think so?" Helen asked. "It seems so long. Six months of outpatient treatment, sick most of the time." She paused. "But, I guess I'm sick all of the time now." She smiled.

"You're fifty now. You've got twenty or thirty good years ahead of you." Bill said.

"I can't impose on you all." Helen said. At that point everyone cut her off. She started therapy on Monday. We all knew how difficult the next few month would be, but Helen was as easy to deal with as a person with a near fatal disease could be. Margot turned out to be a Godsend. She seemed to have boundless energy and an unending supply of friends who were willing to help.

They taught Helen how to play bridge, arrange flowers and not fall asleep at ladies club meetings. Margot seemed to know when Helen needed to rest and when she needed a boost. While Helen didn't impose, having Margot or other friends in the house transformed my social life. Bill and I had gone to the Alcazar every week or two before Helen's arrival. I found myself dropping in with much greater regularity.

Bill did the same. At first he tried to stay with his sister all the time, but they both got on each other's nerves. After three weeks there were small indications that the treatment was working, and he could relax. Bill and I would go to the Alcazar for a couple of hours every few nights giving her some time to be alone, and us some time to be together. It was a good arrangement.

Wednesday nights were the best nights for us to get out. It also turned out to be a good night for a number of guys. Wally had decided to have choir practice at 5:30 in the afternoon so that the choir could meet at the downtown church before going ho me from work. Practice was over by 7:30. It was also Catfish's day off at the prison, so he and some of his friends would often drive to Richmond for an evenings relaxation. It was a big night for the little restaurant, so Chucky and Ken were usually there. Eduardo, Roger and Magnus were also regulars.

Some of this was not by accident. Where Catfish was, you would usually find Eduardo, and I noticed that Chucky seemed to appear when Bill was there. Eduardo's weight loss and exercised programs continued to work. He would never be thin, but he had turned beefy rather than flabby. Roger was also looking better. He was beginning to look like a fifteen-year older version of Bill. Both were Kenny Rodgers types.

We got there at six, after work. Margot was taking Helen out to dinner. Bruce was serving dinner, but Chucky showed up fifteen minutes later. He sat down with us.

"Good to see you back." Chucky said. "How goes things with your sister?"

"Looking better than last month." Bill said. "Is this your night off?"

"My good day!" Chucky said. "This is the weekend from hell coming up. Two weddings, an alumni banquet and a coming out party. All with demanding clients. Ken is downright frazzled."

"Have you employed every out-of-work actor in the city?" I asked.

"Damn close." Chucky laughed. "We can't do temp staff. Our clients are too demanding. And a play is opening. It's a nightmare."

"A one man show, I hope?" I asked.

"Fucking South Pacific!" Chucky growled. "There must be 45 people in the chorus alone!" We all laughed. Roger came over.

"Can I join you?" He asked. We motion for him to sit. "This has been a day. All meetings, no work. I need a drink." At that moment Bruce arrived at the table with a bottle of wine and four glasses. He served it.

"Cheers! And no shop talk!" Roger offered a toast.

"Cheers! And lots of sex!" Bill responded. "I've been a monk for too long."

"I'd be glad to help you with that." Chucky said.

"We call all help you with that!" A voice boomed out. It was Wally along with Templeton and Larry returning from the choir practice. They sat at the next table and we had a good dinner with pleasant conversation. Afterward we broke up with some going to the exercise room and others to the pool.

I went to the pool and swam laps for a while. Roger and Larry were there. Roger was a very competitive man, so we ended up in an informal race to see who could complete 40 laps first. Larry won, but he was 40 pounds lighter and fifteen years younger than I so I didn't feel too bad about it. I hadn't been with Larry in several years, but I realized that he and Roger were friends.

Larry was a very proper young businessman on his way up. Will told me that Roger had poor taste in men. Larry was a perfect match for him. He wasn't after his money. He was socially acceptable and good company. I remembered that Larry and Magnus had gotten along well too. Larry must have been a millionaire magnet.

I was a bit surprised when Roger sat next to me after the informal race and began playing with my equipment. Larry remained in the pool.

"A nice, quiet, relaxed night, isn't it?" Roger said.

"Yes, but it looks like you're trying to make it less quiet." I said smiling. He was getting hard.

"Is that a problem?" Roger asked. "I've been getting interested in topping, been a bottom too long. Larry said you might be game."

"What brought on this change?"

"Would you believe Viagra?" He said. "I feel a little sheepish about it, but Viagra seems to turn me into a top."

"When did you take it?" I asked. "An hour ago?"

"Bingo!" Roger said laughing. "You must be a mind reader."

"No. Cock watcher! I'm a confirmed observer of cock phenomena." I said. He was fully hard now and looking much more impressive than I had ever seen him before. He moved, lifted my legs and began rimming. I'm not usually interested in rimming, but Roger was good. Wether it was his tongue of his bushy beard that excited me, I don't know, but I liked it. A few minutes his cock followed the tongue.

It was pleasant and enjoyable and got more so when Larry joined us. He sixty-nined me, and thus got a front row seat of Roger's cock in my ass. It was a going to be a good night.

Next: Chapter 12

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