
Published on Oct 1, 2000


Alcazar 10

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at or

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident who is not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

It was hard to figure out what they could do that would top the earlier match. It had been a spectacular display. Catfish and the other wrestlers returned to the ring, showered and cleaned up. The only change was the silver ring on Catfish's cock.

After the break we were treated to a real wrestling match between Bobby and Bubba. Bobby was the trooper who was a friend of Sarge and Bubba was the electrician. Both men were well built and in shape. Bubba was taller and bigger, but Bobby was more muscular and must have spent a lot of time in the gym. Both men had been dealt a double dose of testosterone at birth, they dripped macho, and both were proud of their bodies.

Neither man was willing to give in to the other, and they fought to win. It wasn't play. After a few minutes they were dripping in sweat and they glistened in the harsh light. I knew that, by the end of the night, the winner would be in the ass of the looser. I was sure that the looser wouldn't regret that one minute, but neither was willing to give up. It was a good match.

Bobby won. He finally pinned Bubba. Both men seemed to have enjoyed the match. Unlike Ali's performance their cocks were only at half staff by the end of the fight. The urge to compete must have over come the men's sexual urges. Bubba was a good friend and I knew that his lusts would return. He liked to top, but I was sure he'd have no problem giving Bobby his due.

Mandelbaum came out to announce the next event, a tag team match. They would change partners each round of the match so that as many men who wanted to play with them would have a chance. Syd was paired with Ali and Will, my contractor friend, with Mandelbaum. Syd and Will were both beefy and muscular men, and had apparently wrestled in college. The match started conventionally with Will and Syd. Syd quickly traded with Ali and Will was overmatched. Mandelbaum came in and he and Ali put on a display of wrestling moves that were impressive. Herb rang a bell and the match paused.

It was a pleasant and friendly match. I didn't know how much of this event had been pre arranged, but Syd and Will looked awfully good for guys who hadn't wrestled in twenty years. They seemed a lot friendlier than they had been in the past. I wondered if their practice sessions had involved more than wrestling. The four men embraced at the end, and all four were aroused. This was the normal state for us by this time, so it didn't cause a stir at all. The light caught a glint of the pre cum oozing from Will's cock. He had been a bit shy when we developed the Alcazar. Here was, in front of thirty men, unworried that they all could see just how aroused he was.

Frank and Ram were the next two wrestlers. The black man and Indian were spectactularly horse hung and hairy. Ali did a double take when he saw them. They all huddled together in the middle of the ring and apparently made up some rules. They also used this time to feel out their partner's equipment, and all four men seemed to like what they found.

"For this match I will take Mandingo for my partner!"Mandelbaum said. "And Ali Baba will take Gunga Din!" The room roared with laughter.

Frank, now christened Mandingo, was a very proper and successful banker, but evidently enjoyed the play acting. "Mandelbaum was kind enough to ask me if I had much wrestling experience." Frank said. "I told him I had none. Gunga Din here said he had less than none. Then he asked me what kind of experience I did have." He paused for effect. "I said fucking white boys!" The crowd roared again.

"And I told him that I was a friendly kinda guy!" Mandelbaum said. "I like to fuck as much as any other guy. But he'd better not get his heart set on winning! Is he man enough to loose?"

"I've never lost." Frank said. "But I play fair and can take whatever comes my way."

"Men!" Ali said, addressing the crowd. "We have changed the rules for our horse hung partners. I won't explain it to you, but I bet you'll get the drift when we get going." There was general applause. Ali produced a bottle of lubricant. I thought it was going to be a replay of the earlier match, but Ram only lubricated Ali's cock, balls and ass hole. Mandelbaum and Frank did the same but put on a greater display of enjoying it.

The match was a romp, comic and sexy. Each man tried to maintain genital contact with his opponent. Sarge created a scoring system with a mouth to cock connection equaling one point, cock to hole, two and actual penetration three. The point count rose quickly. Frank and Ram were grossly overmatched by the huge wrestlers, but the men were mutually attracted to each other so everyone got to play.

In the first round there was a lot of sucking and ass hole nudging but Ali was the only one to fuck. He popped into Frank's hole, gave him a few thrusts and then pulled out. Frank didn't seem to mind at all. Ali and Ram won the first round, and they switched partners for the second. It was clear that Mandelbaum wanted to feel Frank's cock and that Ali and Ram had hit it off. I wondered if the wrestlers were willing to take the huge horse dicks in front of the audience or if they would wait for later.

It was a bit like watching a hot porn movie with friends. I didn't want to take my eyes off the match, which was getting more and more exciting, but I was just as excited as the wrestlers. I wanted to play and watch.

"Let's do it doggie style!" Ed said, as he sat next to me. That was the solution for my problem. I got on my hands and knees and Ed slid his cock in effortlessly. He was good sized and my cock and prostate felt like they received a shot of cock vitamins.

"Shit, that was easy!" Ed said. "Were you lubed up already?" I told him the BJ had popped in there earlier. "Damn, it must have been a good one. My cock's floating on a sea of cum. Is it ok for you?" Ed was a sensible and experienced man. He was having fun and wanted me to enjoy it too. It wasn't love. It was just play for him and me. Ed was an undulator not a plugger. He had one arm around my chest, and the other on my cock so we were in full body contact. He rolled and undulated with his cock fully imbedded in my ass. We settled down for a nice long session.

It didn't take long for several other guys to see that Ed and I had found the prefect way to watch and play. Soon there was a ring of men watching the match with a cock pounding at their ass. Skeeter and Ken were oral holdouts, but many of the rest resolved into fucking couples. On the other side of the room, Greg was mounted by Roger. I had a funny sense that Greg was fund raising for his next campaign. Next to them Eduardo was being plugged by Catfish, and he looked very happy. Catfish's cock ramming his prostate was Eduardo's reward for losing weight.

Syd and Will were going at it on my left and Bobby and Bubba on my right. We formed a sextette on the edge of the mat. As we fucked we inched forward and we were soon getting close to the action in the ring.

Mandelbaum and Ali played cat and mouse with Ram and Frank. They could do just about whatever they wanted. Frank sucked Ali's meat and the two men got into a hot sixty-nine. They must have forgotten the match, and just resigned themselves to enjoying cock. Ram and Mandelbaum followed suit and the wrestling aspect of the match was neglected.

While no one who knew me would ever guess it, but I am interested in cock. I like all cocks, but confess to having a special interest in size, so the battle between the donkey donged studs had my attention. I don't think I was the only guy in the room who felt this way. Vince told me that many men's interest in size was visual. They liked to look at his monster, but that few wanted to experience it. I was willing to experience.

I had been liking the bottom more and more ever since the snow storm on Afton Mountain. Later Wally had introduced me to the joys of monster cocks, and Frank and Vince had been even larger. I had thought that Vince was as big as I could take. I had been really uncomfortable with his cock. But after three years of periodic encounters with Vince, I was increasingly enjoying it.

I never have figured out the attraction. It might have been the pressure of the monster cock on my prostate and the way my cock reacted to stimulation from inside my ass. I like men and it could have been the desire to please a man who was so male. Vince was as grateful as a guy could get, and the pleasure he felt was infectious.

Ram was a monster, but there was no small meat in the ring. I wondered if big dicked men like Mandelbaum and Ali felt the same attraction that I did and if they were willing to act on it. I realized I was slipping into stereotyped images of gay men as effeminate. I watched as Ali deep throated Frank's cock. It was a mouthful. It took Manny three or four times before he got all of Ram's meat. He soon came up for air.

"Shit! That's a mouthful!" He said, as he dived in for more. Ram seemed to have more trouble getting Manny's meat. Sometimes that anatomy just isn't right. Ram was giving it the college try but the cock wouldn't fit. He pulled off and concentrated on the cock head. Manny gave a shiver when Ram found just the right place.

Ed began to moan. He had cum. He shuddered ten or twelve times and relaxed. I felt the energy drain out of his cock. He pulled out and I felt cheated. I wasn't ready to shoot yet, but my ass was empty. I wanted to watch Mandelbaum and Ram and I didn't want to get up and recruit another partner.

Suddenly, Mandelbaum was flipped and on his back with Ram poised to enter his ass. I was shocked at the speed of the maneuver. At the same time my entire rectum was occupied by a throbbing cock.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist it!" Templeton said. "I was hoping you'd have a vacancy." He knocked me forward fo I was eye to dick with Manny so I took the wrestlers cock and began sucking.

"Balls! My favorite!" Many said. I realized that his face was at the level of my balls and since Templeton was deeply embedded, his balls and mine dangled in his mouth. Manny was rock had and oozing so the taste was inspirational. I looked up and saw Ram's bloated cock head poking Manny's ass. The head looked like a candied apple the precum was so thick and shiny.

Ram eased his cock in. The head disappeared in the hairy hole then came out again. Manny's brown hair stuck to Ram's dick. The brown hair showed up well against the dark cock shaft. Ram shoved it in again, a bit deeper this time shoving all the hair in the hole. Mandelbaum shuddered every time Ram went deeper. He never lost his erection and he spurted some pre cum with each thrust, so it couldn't have been too bad. I was sucking on Manny's head so I had direct knowledge of his secretions.

I remembered when Vince fucked me the first time. It hurt and was uncomfortable but I was shocked to realize how much pre cum I oozed. I might have been uncomfortable but my prostate had the time of its life. Ram shoved to the hilt. I deep throated Manny and I found my nose in Ram's bush. The smell and taste and feel of man was everywhere.

Manny had been alternating sucking Templeton and my balls and was working on Templeton's when he began to twitch and fill my ass with its third load of the night. I began to ejaculate and Manny filled my mouth with his cum. The three of us were twitching. I took his entire load and released his cock. Then Ram pulled out, shot a few spurts then shoved it in again. He did this several times.

The white, creamy cum showed off beautifully against Ram's dark cock. I guessed that he liked to watch it shoot, but then used his cock to shove the seed into Manny's ass. He saw me watching and shot a few volleys into my mouth. We all collapsed on the mat exhausted. I came close to passing out. The transition between being in the ultimate state of sexual excitement to total relaxation and release was too fast.

I could hear some moans and cries, so I knew we weren't the only ones to have hit the jackpot. I was too wasted to even open my eyes. I don't know how long we stayed on the mat.

"No more planned events for tonight." Someone announced. I think it might have been Herb.

"No one needs to go home. The club will stay open for the rest of the night." I think it was Jeff who said this. Some men were moving. I thought it was around 11:00 and some guys probably needed to go home. I wasn't one of them. I got up, took a shower and went to my room above. I got on the bed, but left the door open and fell asleep. I guessed that I would have some companionship before the night was over.

I woke at one, needing to take a piss and horny as hell. Two hours earlier I thought I had enough sex for the rest of the year, and here I was rearing to go. I went down stairs to the locker room. I found Eduardo on a bench with his legs up and Catfish screwing him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I said.

"Not at all." Catfish said. "Come on in and let's chat. We'd kind of appreciate it if you could hold Eduardo up so he can watch me screw." I came in, straddled the bench and held Eduardo's head in my lap.

"Have you been fucking all night?" I asked.

"Most of it."Eduardo said. "I can't seem to get enough of our fishy friend. It's been wonderful." Catfish pulled his cock out of the ass, and pulled the skin over the head and laid in on Eduardo's cock.

"You like my one-eyed friend?" Catfish asked in his strong mountain accent. He stroked it several times and several drips of fluid emerged.

"Don't tease me!" Eduardo said. "Shove it in again." Catfish pulled the skin to cover the entire cock then violently rammed it in the hole. Eduardo moaned and rolled his eyes back.

"I told you that if you lost some weight I could get a lot deeper. Didn't I?" Catfish said. "I told you that it would be good." He stroked Eduardo's cock. "I don't mind fat guys, but it's a problem if the fats in the way of the prize." He looked at me. "Eduardo didn't want to be fucked the first time we met, but I know a bottom when I see him. I knew exactly what he wanted and needed. He likes them big too."

"Don't fuck him raw!" I said, half jokingly.

"Don't say anything to discourage him!" Eduardo said in mock horror. The door to the steam room opened and Vince came out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." He said. We laughed.

"This seems to be a marathon. Visitors are welcome." I said. There was a mirror on the other wall of the room and I saw Eduardo's face light up when he saw Vince and the fire hose hanging between his legs.

"I'm on my way back up stairs." I said. "Would you mind helping Eduardo out? He likes to watch Catfish."

Catfish and Vince must have caught the look on Eduardo's face. Catfish pulled out and replaced me at Eduardo's head. Vince gave himself a few strokes and got hard.

"Got any lubricant?" He asked.

"Don't worry." Ed is fully loaded. Vince shoved his huge member into the hilt. Vince is usually very careful about fucking, but he must have sensed Eduardo's needs. He was weeping in ecstasy.

"Fuck him hard!" Catfish instructed. "He likes it." He then whispered to Eduardo. "Don't worry. I'll fuck you again later. I'll fuck as long as you want it." I left to room for the pool.

Bobby was sitting on the edge with his arm around Bubba. "Max come over!" Bubba called. I jumped in the water and swam over to them.

"I've been trying to get in this boy's ass all night." Bubba said. "But he's been resisting my fabled charms."

"Don't look at me." I said laughing. "I've never resisted!"

"Bubba says you're the best bottom he's ever known." Bobby said.

"Thanks for the testimonial, Bubba." I said. "Bubba is a great top too."

"I'm sure he is." Bobby said. "It's just that it's so . . . Open here. I'm not used to it."

"Do you want to use my room?" I asked. They didn't need to answer. My room was just what they wanted. "Number seven. It's unlocked." They got up and left. I was being helpful to everyone I was meeting, but not gaining on my own problem. I went back to the locker room. Eduardo and his friends were gone so I went in the stream room. If I couldn't get my rocks off, I could at least relax.

It was very steamy, but not very hot. "Who's there?" Someone asked.


"It's Clyde here, with Ali." I went to the back of the room and sat next to them. As I would have guessed, Clyde was sucking Ali, who looked very relaxed. Ali had his legs drawn up on the seat so only his balls hung low. He had a hand on Clyde's head controlling his movements.

"That was a fine show you guys put on." I said. "You need to make it into a movie."

"Thanks." Ali said. "But it's better when it's pure enjoyment. It was a lot of fun. I'm afraid we got carried away." He directed his attention to Clyde. "Now you do what I told you! I'll let you suck me as long as I don't cum. You understand?" Clyde slowed his sucking pace. "We're priming the pump, not going for the gold!"

"I'm trying to save some cum for a good fuck." Ali said. "I've bottomed more today than I usually do in a year."

"You're not normally the bottom?" I asked.

"Nope." He answered. " I don't mind it, but it just isn't much of a thrill. Manny says that my prostate is in the wrong place. Hard to reach. He should know. He's looked for it enough." Apparently my fame as a bottom had not spread to the steam room.

Next: Chapter 11

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