
Published on Jun 21, 2000


Alcazar Part 1

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments, please send them to me at

I was sitting with my old friend, Vince DeSoto, discussing our sex lives. He had visited a gay bar in downtown Richmond and had not been impressed.

"I don't see anything wrong with meaningless sex."He said. "Just plain, old sex, no strings, no ropes no leather accessories."

"Everyone there either wanted a long term commitment or to be spanked?" I asked.

"You got it." Vince replied. "I've been married and don't want to do it again, and I don't like leather. Too much stuff to take off to get to the cock!"

"You are a romantic!" I said. And we laughed. The third member of our group joined us. Jeff was a recently retired fireman like Vince.

"What are you laughing about?" Jeff asked. "Did I miss anything?"I explained Vince's complaint. He was in general agreement. "Plain, old sex is great. I don't want to play daddy to a thirty-year-old guy. And I don't want to play cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians with a guy to give him an erection!"

"Where are the old perverts of yesteryear?" I asked. "The guys who were happy with a blow job or a deep fuck?" We all laughed again.

"Actually I may have a solution for the problem." Vince said. "A friend of mine has asked me to become the manager of a new health club in downtown. He was looking for a market segment to focus on. I suggested older men." Vince had been a fireman for thirty years. He joined at 18, so after two years of retirement he was only fifty. A second job with full retirement could generate a good income

"You suggested a gay health club?" Jeff asked.

"Frankly he was interested in a gay club, for a personal, not a business point of view. But the twenty year olds can't generate enough cash to make it worthwhile." Vince said. "Older businessmen are the ticket. It has to work as an investment well as an entertainment."

"Is this the old club in the Alcazar Hotel?" I asked.

"Yes. Beautiful building, a bit run down now."Vince said. "Would you like to see it? I have a key." We were interested so fifteen minutes we were going through the dusty doors of the Alcazar Hotel. It was a Moorish style structure of the 1920's, renovated in the 1970s to be a health club. The club was memorably poorly operated and closed after a year, and the building had been vacant since.

The building was in good condition, just dirty and needing cleaning and painting. The exotic decoration of the 1920s remained with new plumbing fixtures. The tile work was spectacular and murals covered many of the walls. The pool was small, about fifteen by twenty-five feet but beautiful, framed by horseshoe arches in blue, white and terra cotta tile. The showers were all Mexican onyx, with new shower heads. The locker rooms alone showed the odd Playboy Pad preferences of the 1970s.

We were joined by the building's owner. I was shocked to find it was Will Banks, one of the largest contractors in the city, and an old professional friend of mine. I am an architect, Max MacAfee. We had known each other for years and I had no idea he was gay. He looked surprised to see me, but after a minute of uncomfortableness, we got down to business.

"My friends see this as a good project." Vince said. "There must be a number of men who would be interested. The Y and the other clubs are so up tight that they are uncomfortable for men with our interests."

"We need to keep it very private and discrete for it to work." Will said. "But it sure would be nice to go to a place where you can be comfortable. I can't ever seem to relax. I bought the building for the property as a potential building site, but that seems to be a way off in the future, so if I can fix it up economially, I can at least make some profit on it."

"Well if any once can get a good price, you can." I said. Will was noted for his bidding prowess.

"I don't think I want to run this through the company, Max." Will said. "I keep my private investments strictly separate. I don't think I want my crews to ask for a membership! This thing needs to be strictly word of mouth, with only carefully screened members."

Jeff started to sneeze from the dust so we decided to return to my house to discuss it further and have a drink. Will had several investors interested in the project. He moved in elevated circles and for some of them $100,000.00 was a good price for relaxation. He lived in terror of blackmail, so he had no connections in the less financially endowed world.

I had these connections. For the last few years I had been getting together with friends for sexually play and I could be sure of the reliability of these men. While they were not financially endowed, they were well hung and more than willing to enjoy themselves. We had only gotten together three times, but each event had been spectacular. There were no attitudes and no game playing. We were a good group.

Vince was a member of the group, Jeff wanted to join. I described them to Will and he was obviously interested. The conversation continued and we developed the outlines of a plan quickly. It would be an investor, members and associate members arrangement, each paying at a different rate. This would allow the mixture of men we wanted.

"Well guys. This has been a productive meeting. "Vince said. "But I came here for sex! Would you like to join us Will?" Will looked uncomfortable.

"I don't want to intrude." He mumbled. "I've only done one on one."

"Try it. You'll like it." Vince said. "If you don't like, it don't do it! We are an affable and tolerant group." We adjourned to the bedroom and stripped. Vince and I were old friends. I had been the first guy to enjoy being fucked by his monster cock. I had met Jeff several times but had no sexual experience with him. And I knew Will well, but not in this situation. The uneasiness of the men in the room added an edge, and I was excited.

Often when men are uneasy about sex, I attribute it to cock anxieties. Is it big enough? Will I be embarrassed? Will had nothing to worry about in that division. He was a goo 6-2 and a solid 230 pounds, and seven inches of real man meat, soft. He was very pale. He never got in the sun, but muscular in the 19th century wrestler's way. He had little body hair.

Jeff was five ten, and 200 pounds, with a thick coat of brown hair from head to toe. Uncut, his compact cock and balls were hard to see in the forest of hair. We got in a tight cluster and seemed to be at a loss to get things underway.

"I'm thirsty" Jeff said as he dropped to his knees and engulfed Will cock. Jeff's bushy beard nestled in Wills pubic hair as the cock vanished in Jeff's mouth.

"Shit that's good!" Will said. Vince pinched Wills tit and Will moaned. Will's tits were very small and hard. I did the same and Will moaned again. He was a happy man. Vince knew him well enough to have discovered his hot spots and Will was no longer uncomfortable.

Will was one of those hard driving aggressive men who melted when sexually excited. I could easily understand why he didn't want anyone in his company to see him sexually excited. I could also understand why he wanted the club. He needed the release. He loved sex with men, but was too inhibited and closeted to be comfortable. He wanted a place where he could be comfortable.

"Slow down or I'll pop!" He moaned. Jeff stopped, turned slightly and sucked me. I could see Will's cock. It was rock hard and seven inches, thicker but no longer than it had been soft. It was what a friend of mine referred to as a still life. Good, but not monumental, like Vince's meat.

Jeff was a great cock sucker. Vigorous but tender. My balls were ticked by his beard and his tongue thoroughly explored every part of my dick. He had a finger at my hole too. Vince must have told him about my sexual preferences. Will and Vince were on the floor 69ing. That seemed like a good idea to me so Jeff and I rearranged ourselves. Jeff's cock emerged from the hair bush and was long and thin, with a big pink head, almost bisected by the piss slit. It was an all day sucker. I flicked my tongue on the slit and opened it up then licked deeper into the cum tunnel.

I guessed right and Jeff was oozing pre cum and trying to inhale my cock. Every time I licked deep in his slit there was a bucket of pre cum waiting for me. Jeff was great. I rotated, straddled Jeff's gut and sat back on his cock. It slid in effortlessly. The head rammed my prostate and stopped. I just sat there and undulated, manipulating Jeff's huge head trying to hit every good place. I had one of those odd thoughts you get when excited that my prostate was being caressed by his open piss slit.

The frenzied sex was over and replaced with a warm sexual glow. It started at our cocks and asses but spread to envelop us. If you can relax while in sexual ecstasy, we did it.

I looked over to Vince and Will. Will had Vince's legs on his shoulders and was pounding Vince's ass. Will slowed down and I watched as he turned pink. They had reached the same state. Will was relaxed and looked like he was comfortable. Vince didn't usually bottom, but looked more than content.

"Feeling better now?" I asked of Will.

"Better ain't the word for it!" Will said. "This is incredible. I can't believe I haven't shot yet. I feel like I could do this for hours."

"If your going to screw all night, you need to get in another fucking ass!" Vince said. "I'm near my limit." We all laughed. "Max, are you game?"

"I wouldn't mind some cock my self, but Max's innards are so warm and cozy, I'd hate to move." Jeff said. "You guys don't waste any time. The last time I fucked someone it took three house of talk before I got in. And he didn't like it."

"We tend to be direct." I said. " No need to hide anything here. I think we need to shower and change partners." This we did.

Will was in my ass as soon as he could manage. "I've never fucked an architect before." He said. "But I could get to like it."

"Well, until you loose your erection, I will assume you like it!" I said. "It's hard to hide a hard cock in a guy's ass and tell him you don't know where it is." Will laughed and gave me several strong thrusts. He was enjoying himself. He was an old-fashioned fucker, graceless but enthusiastic. I asked him to fuck me doggy style. He obliged and the relationship between my prostate and his cock became downright intimate.

"Shit this is good!" Will said as he picked up his pace. Vince and Jeff played with his tits again. "I can't hold it much longer!" He cried.

"That's why we are here." Jeff said. Will began to twitch and he pulled out of my ass in time to spray us all with sperm. "Damn it Will, you must have been saving for a week. Poor Max will need to wash the sheets!" Will was shooting a spectacular load. As he finished spurting, he looked deflated and embarrassed.

"That was beautiful Will." Vince said. "Just beautiful. We all like to watch a good climax. Do you think you could get used to this?" Vince had replaced Will behind me and started working his monster into my ass. Will turned away.

"I'll leave you to yourselves." Will said.

"No need to go Will." Vince said. "Max likes to be watched."

"Can you take that whole thing? Does it fit?" Will asked incredulously.

"Just watch and find out?" I said. Vince had been fucking me periodically for years. His cock took a lot of getting used to, but we had done it. He worked the head in and out over and over again going slightly deeper with each thrust. Jeff was playing with my balls. Will got on his knees to get a better view. He felt my cock.

"Shit, you're still hard!" Will said to me. "I don't believe that! Look at he fucker work its way in!" Vince was half way in and he gave a sudden thrust and went deep.

"Hot damn!" Will cried. I was winded, Jeff shot his load. Vince began to twitch s he rear loaded me.I reared up, shot and Jeff was nice enough to take my juice.

"It looks like Jeff is sucking it out as fast an Vince shoots it in!" Will said, with some awe in his voice. "Hot scene!" We all rested for a while then everyone had to get home, so I had a quiet night. I did sleep very well.

I got a call from Will several days later and he asked me to meet him at the Alcazar again. He was all business this time, worried about the details of the project. We had never worked together before since his firm did large industrial and commercial projects and I was custom residential and institutional. We eventually got along well. He was one of those people who needs to test a guy before he can accept him. We were in the showers, looking at the plumbing to see ir it could be salvaged When we spoke about the events at my house.

"I can't believe I did that." Will said. He was almost whispering. " I've never even come close to doing anything like that before."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"I really don't know. I was shocked at the intensity and the openness." Will said. "That hasn't been my style. I've never been with anyone who admits that they like it. It has all been secret and hidden."

"Why are you here then?" I asked.

He laughed. "The best sex I ever had in my life!" He said. "I may have been uncomfortable as hell, but my cock was telling me something else. Big time! I was disgusted with my self when I left and desperate to do it again a half hour later. "

"Post orgasm morality." I said. "That happens to me some times. Everything is so ordinary after the high, after you've shot off, it just can't be right. As soon as your balls begin making sperm again, you are alright and ready to go again."

"Are you joking about that?" Will asked.

"Not at all. I think most men feel that some time or another." I said. "Do you ever feel that way after being with your wife.?"

"Now that I think of it, only when the sex was good. "Will said. "And that wasn't very often." We heard someone else in the building and went to investigate. Will had told me that several of his "investors" might drop by.

"Henry! Roger! We're over here!" Will called. Two men came over and we introduced ourselves. Henry was a small, well built man with dark hair and a five o'clock shadow. We was well dressed and I recognized him as a partner in a large accounting firm. Roger was a big man, white haired and beefy. He was crumpled looking but the suit was expensive. He had a closely cropped white beard. We showed them the building, and they seemed interested. Will explained that the renovation of the structure would be a clean-up paint- up fix-up effort rather than a full scale renovation.

"The capital outlay should not be too substantial." Will said. "If we can keep the cost down we can afford to be more selective in our membership." He explained our ideas about membership, with less expensive memberships.

"That sound good to me!" Roger said. "As long as we all share a. . ." He paused. " common interest. Discretion is the key. Will and I have been friends for many years, but I wouldn't mind expanding our range of . . . friends." As the conversation continued, it was clear that money was no problem if discretion was maintained.

We talked for a while and Will and Roger had to leave. Henry said he was walking home to his house in the Fan, so I offered him a lift. He accepted without hesitation. He actually lived in the deepest West end of Richmond, in the solidly Republican suburbs, where the air is too thin to support intelligent life. It was a long drive and the traffic was awful. He invited me in for a drink. I didn't need a drink, but I did need to piss so I went in.

His house was beautifully furnished, but every item was decorator selected. There was no sign of personality in the place. I went to the toilet and returned to find him making drinks. Henry had been quiet at the Alcazar, but he became talkative. He was a small town boy from south side Virginia who had a knack for numbers and an ability to please wealthy men. Roger was his client.

"I am running the numbers for the place." He said. "It looks a lot better than I thought it would. "

"Is making money that important? I asked.

"Not at all, but not losing lots of money is." Henry explained. "It needs to look credible to the IRS. And be a safe haven for Roger and his friends."

"Do you know all the friends?" I asked.

"Only a few. Will is the spark plug in the group. Roger has poor taste in men, so Will wants him to be able to be safe and get his rocks off. That, Max, is your role."

"What do you mean?"

"Will discovered your playgroups, and was intrigued." Henry said. "You, have a wide range of friends of differing ages and backgrounds, and have avoided con artists and hustlers. Sex without danger to wealthy men of alternate lifestyle preferences."

"How did he find that out?" I asked.

"Let's just say that he has musical interests."

"Wally!" I said.

"Actually I sing in the choir." Henry said. "Templeton is a friend."

The back door of the house opened and slammed And another man walked into the room. "Max, this is Jack Smith, who shares this house with me." Henry introduced me. Jack was one of the best known interior decorators in Richmond. That explained the house. I knew of him , and he of me, so it was not as uncomfortable as it might have been. "Max is working on the Alcazar project." Henry explained.

Jack warned up. "I remember that place when it was a heath club. Great interior, shitty management. I have never been to a more attractive , poorly rum place."

Jack was tall and thin, well put together but not muscular. He was, what a friend of mine described as a chandelier queen. Effete and elegant. I was not attracted to him and I began to make my excuses. Jack went off to change, and Henry went with me to the door.

"Is something wrong? He asked.

"Nothing at all." I said. I need to get home." He looked at me with disappointment. "I'm am not my much into Queens." I said. He took my hand and placed it on his basket.

"Even if they are hung like horses?" He asked. I hesitated. He smiled. "Jack looks better the less he wares." He said. " A lot better." I figured it would be a long while before I saw Jack Smith naked. I was wrong about that.

Jack returned to the room that minute. He wasn't naked, but every sexual asset he had was exposed to view in his tight fitting pants. An they were assets. My friend Bill always told me not to take up poker playing as a hobby. I wasn't good about hiding my feelings. "Stay for another drink." Jack asked. I did.

Jack was very interested in the Alcazar. Henry had told him of my experiences with Will a few days earlier and the weekends with Templeton on the island in the James and at White Tail lodge.

"I've not exactly been a virgin for the last 49 years." Jack said. "But it has always been one on one or quickies in a shower room. Henry told me Templeton's stories, and I first I was shocked. But it seems I have been thinking more and more about it." He was siting next to Henry and began to unbutton his lovers shirt.

"Are you interested, Henry?" I asked. Henry had a heavily starched white shirt. As Jack unbuttoned it the mass of black chest hair began to show. Henry was so dapper and fastidiously dressed, the contrast with his animal like body was exciting.

"Actually Jack is just being polite." Jack said. "I am the one who is interested in getting together with other men. He is trying to humor me." By this time they were nearly naked and obviously turned on.

"Is this a trial run?" I asked.

"Don't be shy!" Jack said. "Henry, help our guest get comfortable." I was undressing and Henry dropped to his knees to suck me. He tentatively took a lick of my cock head. "For heavens sake Henry, put some feeling into it." Jack said. "If we are going to do this, do it right." Henry swallowed my cock. He lost his shyness quickly.

Jack was much more masculine naked than dressed. With his clothes he also seem to shed some of his affected manner. He was over six feet tall, thin and more muscular than I had thought. He must have worked out. His hair was blond, aided by Grecian formula, but his chest hair was natural blond, short but evenly distributed. His cock was long, thick and cut.

Henry was a smaller version of Jack, but covered in black, curly hair. His cock was long and thin and uncut. The extra skin hung an inch below his cock head. Jack embraced me, and Henry began alternating sucking both of our cocks with vigor and skill.

"Max. Henry likes to fuck, but I am a pure top." Jack whispered to me. "I was hoping you could help him out." I realized that Templeton must have clued them in on my sexual interests. I was briefly annoyed. I had visions of the Times Dispatch listing me as "Max MacAfee, noted Architect and Bottom" in my obituary. Everyone in Richmond must have known by this time.

Henry, however was a good sucker, and Jack had joined him on his knees and they both were sucking me. Jack worked a finger into my ass and I couldn't stay annoyed. My penis forgot to be annoyed. Henry rose and we began to kiss.

"God! I love cock honey!" Jack murmured as He sucked us both, licking the two cock heads. I felt Henry stiffen as Jack got one finger in, and then twitch when the second. He had a finger on each side of my prostate and was gently squeezing it. He must have been doing the same to Henry who was moaning. He was rock hard and I really wanted it in my ass.

I had met Henry two hours before and Jack fifteen minutes earlier. Now we were naked, erect and experiencing extreme sexual intimacy. Three very proper businessmen were going at it like cats in heat. I wondered if I felt disgust. Analysis of one's feelings is difficult when a guy is sucking your cock and massaging your prostate, but I felt a sense of brother hood with Jack and Henry. We had been strangers, we were playmates and, I guessed, we soon would be friends. Our guards were down, the most intimate parts of our bodies were open and exposed and available for pleasure.

I realized that no gay man has ever purposely hurt me. There had been accidents and some big cocks. Vince had stretched me to the limit, but I wanted it, and the problems were related to his size. The objective was pleasure. Given the exposed and location of male genitals and the delicacy of the balls no one had ever hit or hurt them. I was enjoying my self as Henry got on the floor.

His cock was straight up in the air so I straddled him and sat on it. I normally like bigger cocks, but Jack must have ripened my prostate up, because it was a great feeling. Thin and long there was room for it to explore my ass. It was swishing around my chute and we both were loving it. Jack fed me his cock, and I ate his honey. I shot off, squirting Jack's ass as I sucked him and the rest of the load raining on Henry's chest. I got off the cock and lay down on the floor, winded.

"It your turn now, Henry!" Jack said as he lifted his legs and rammed his cock in Henry's ass to the hilt. I looked and saw a bucket full of my cum siting on Henry's hair covered chest. Jack was rubbing it in as he fucked. Jack had spread Henry's legs as wide as he could and rammed him hard. As he continued he slowed down and eventually was going as a snails pace, obviously enjoying every inch of penetration and withdrawal. Henry was rock hard. I always take that as a good sign.

"Has this been a successful experiment? "I asked. The two men said yes in unison.

"Well I don't know." Jack said laughing. "I might need to try a few more meetings like this to make up my mind." At that moment Henry shot off. His cum merged with mine on his hairy chest. Damn! That was a big load!" Jack said as he pulled out and added his cum to the mix. He fell across Henry and began licking him clean. I leaned over and cleaned up some of the white gobs. I fed a few globs to Henry.

Next: Chapter 2

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