Alaysha's Reunion TG Magic-Sci-Fi

By moc.liamtoh@gnabtac

Published on Aug 24, 2000



If you aren't at least 18 Years old or this is illegal in your area go away!!!

This story contains mature sexual themes between consensual adults that deal with bisexuality, she-males, hermaphroditism, made up religions, fantasy themes and light bondage. If you're not into this type of stuff look somewhere else for your fix. You have been warned. All characters involved are 18 years of age or older (Kim's 6,000 yrs. old so there!). Best viewed in .rtf format.

The author will not be responsible for those who illegally view this information and will ignore responses from those who are offended by it. You have been warned.

Author's note: I'm really not good at this. This story is an experiment to see if I can get out of my writer's block and start writing comics again. "Alaysha's Reunion" is actually just some of the things that happened to my RPG character and I finally got the guts to sit down and see if I could write out what has happened to her. It's, like way down the timeline and one day I'll write out how all this came to be (2 campaigns over 15 years), but I'm too lazy to do it all right away. BTW Most of the sex scenes were taken care of in the RPG by saying "and an hour later." The characters didn't want to just let me say that when I wrote this story. They fought for their sex scenes with me embarrassed the whole time I wrote them and eventually did things that surprised the hell out of me. I found a good stopping point and might continue the story as the game goes on. But, anyway on with the show.

  • CatBang

Alaysha's Reunion

Alaysha looked up to the stage where the band was playing. The five sensual women were playing a sort of techno-folk rock that had a mesmerizing quality. All five women had black foxtails that were swinging from their backsides. The woman in the center of the stage, the lead vocalist, was instantly recognizable to Alaysha: Merrilee, her wife and the only one whose fox tail was real. Her long black hair was still below her knees and was as beautiful as when they first had met. She was dressed in a leather skin-tight bodysuit that barely held her 35-D breasts in and ended in spiked heels. Typically dominant Merrilee.

The other five were dressed in various outfits that all seemed to fit them. The keyboardist was short, about Alaysha's height (5'2") and was cute as a mouse in her frilly multi-colored dress that just barely kept in her c-cup breasts. She had a small round face that was framed by a halo of soft bob-cut brown hair that surrounded large brown eyes and a slightly upturned nose. The woman on bass next to her was decidedly more macho. She was tall, around six and a half feet, looked Hispanic with her bronze skin and long dark hair surrounding her square-jawed face with a long aquiline nose and full lips. Large muscles could be seen moving underneath her red T-shirt and faded blue jeans as she slowly strummed the instrument to the music. The bass player's breasts strained her T-shirt to the limit. The drummer was an average looking girl with a curly mass of brown hair that bounced and jiggled with her every move. Alaysha could see her deep blue eyes even from where she sat on the grass. She was wearing a small pink half-shirt that didn't quite show off the bottom of her breasts. The blonde-haired green- eyed Guitar player was dressed in a semi-cowboy outfit with a flannel shirt that was open at the top and tied at the bottom giving all that cared to watch a good look at most of her tits.

Merry Lee and the Vixens had been a local sensation at the clubs and the parks of San Fran for about a month. About the same time Alaysha figured that Alaysha and her wife Merrilee had been thrown through the astral tunnel to land on Earth. She grouched inwardly. Here Merrilee was playing up the audience like the bard she was for a month while Alaysha had been in a mental ward being told that she was crazy. If the Goddess Kim hadn't intervened, Alaysha probably would've let the "Good Doctor Chapman" cure her.

Alaysha lay back on the grass and smelled the interesting mix of beer, hot dogs and grass that wafted over the area. Denise "Frost" (so recently Dennis "Chiller") sat next to Alaysha slowly stroking her new mistress' stomach. Miriam (Gypsy), her other thrall, lay on Alaysha's other side and listened to the music while holding her hand.

The music slowly stopped as another song came to an end. The crowd cheered in admiration for the twenty-something band's talent. Alaysha also clapped lightly. Her wife had always been a crowd-pleaser in Sigil, she would be one here in San Fran.

"I'll take requests now," Merry Lee said in her feminine-sultry voice that had always made Alaysha quiver even when they had first met so many years ago in the plane of Arborea. Alaysha thought of playing her flute to get Merrilee's attention, but thought better of it. Alaysha thought of another way to call Merrilee, a more personal way.

Could you play 'The Three Goddesses are My Lovers'? Alaysha telepathed to Merrilee.

Merrilee looked shocked for a second and then looked directly at Alaysha with a slight smile. "Girls, we'll play something new," she said looking behind her to her band. Merrilee walked slowly to the rear of the stage, her hips swaying and her ass being brushed by her long hair. She bent over to open one of the trunks that the band had piled at the back of the stage.

Alaysha couldn't stand it. Merrilee just looked too sexy and dignified. She manipulated her fingers in a crooked weave and began mumbling under her breath.

There was a loud flatulent noise as Merrilee stood up, blowing her long hair up off of her curvaceous bottom. She turned around holding a small brass harp, her face a little red. "Oh, Excuse me, " she said musically. "I had a big lunch." The crowd laughed, appreciative that their Idol did human things like them. Merrilee looked at Alaysha with a raised eyebrow and a smile that meant trouble.

Merrilee sat down and began to play the religious hymn that Alaysha had requested. The band looked a little confused, but soon the girls began to play along. Alaysha saw another slight smile come from Merrilee before she felt the magic hit her. She tried to resist, but Merrilee had caught her unaware. The feeling of soft hands caressing her breasts and vagina lips began to manifest. She wiggled a little in the grass to try and stop the feeling. Then the feeling of warm lips on her mouth and a tongue on her belly became softly, sweetly noticeable. Alaysha began to breathe harder and looked up at the stage where Merrilee was smiling happily, playing the harp and singing.

Alaysha felt her penis rising out of the sheath slightly above her vagina where it was most of the time. She struggled to keep it down and managed - barely. Her body shook as the final energies of the spell touched in the special spot that Merrilee knew so well from years of experience with Alaysha in her bed. Alaysha blushed as she looked at the spreading mess in her crotch. She unbuttoned the top of her jeans and slowly lowered the zipper. Miriam saw what she was doing and put her mouth over the mess and licked it clean for her. Alaysha sighed and pet Miriam on the mass of dark tight curl of her hair. Alaysha wiggled a little and stopped Miriam when she caught a few people staring at, what was to them Lesbian outdoor sex. She zipped up her pants and kissed Miriam on her lips tasting the salty-spicy tang of her own spunk on her lover's lips. Alaysha then began to form a wicked thought. She stood up to leave as a new song began to play. She remembered this one she and Merrilee had written it together at the Greenfox.

"Where you goin' honey?" Miriam asked looking up at Alaysha.

Alaysha covered her crotch and hopped around like a little girl. "I drank too much beer, now I gotta go pee," she said a little quickly.

Denise smiled in a lecherous way, her teeth shining pearly white in her dark pretty face. "Do you need any help?" she asked hopefully.

"Nah," Alaysha replied. "Though later, I do want to be up your ass."

Denise blushed, remembering how Alaysha had turned her into a new-half two nights earlier. "Um... that would feel nice, Mistress," she said in hopefulness, her fawn's seeming becoming more pronounced at the very mention of sex.

Alaysha hopped past the two during the middle of the song. "Well, I'll be back in a bit," she said happily, but then became exasperated. "And don't call me 'Mistress.' It gives me the creeps, kay?"

"Yes Miss Alaysha," they both chimed with mischievous smiles on their faces.

Alaysha ran towards the port-o-pottie that the concert's organizer's had thoughtfully provided. After a five-minute wait she went in and was confronted with a nasty sight. Yellow liquid covered all surfaces of the inside of the port-o-potty. Disgustedly, Alaysha reached into her T-shirt and under her bra to touch her holy symbol, a nipple ring of white jade and prayed to her goddess. "O My Lady Kim, who is most cool and wonderfully clean, please give me the strength to banish this horror before me, Amen," she said, feeling the power of Kim, the creator-goddess of the Valarians, fill her. She pointed her now glowing finger at the inside of the toilet and it became clean and dry enough for her to use.

A few minutes later, Alaysha had left the now immaculate port-o-potty to sneak through the light woods behind the stage where Merry Lee was still taking requests. She saw a really nice trailer and RV combo and a few very large roadies that were supposedly guarding the back of the stage, but were drinking instead. She began to prepare for her trick to annoy Merrilee by putting her hand up her T-shirt and playing with her holy symbol again. A warm tickling feeling filled her breast as she played with the ring anchored there. "Lady Kim, who loves all plants and trees, who is our creator mother and our lover, I beg of you to give this ground life and have it block my enemies from my path, Amen," she prayed. Then waved her free hand at the back of the stage where The Vixens were playing their final sets.

Slowly, timidly, a few shoots of grass began to grow in a large area behind the stage. Their reaching shoots glinted in the light of the half-moon and were soon joined by the upward climbing of wildflowers, thistles and saplings. It soon became a bramble that reached above the rear of the stage and was so tight that a rabbit couldn't have hoped to squeeze through. Alaysha smiled to herself. Merrilee would have a tough time reaching her trailer after the concert.

A hand touched her on her buttocks breaking her out of her revelry and she jumped. Alaysha turned around and was confronted by the naked very pleasing green form of the Dryad of the park. Alaysha felt warmth on her face and bosom as she looked at the unashamed nature spirit.

"So, ye are a druidess," the dryad said in admiration. "A strange one with yur bonny lass' body and hidden man's tool, but ye looks nice enough to live in my tree fer awhile."

"Um, not I'm not a druidess," Alaysha said looking at the Dryad's flowing green hair made up of grass and creepers with strings of flowers set like braids. "I'm a priestess of Kim Ishtar Kao my creator, but she does love plants."

The dryad looked at her sideways, as if she was trying to see something within Alaysha. "Ye must be part plant at least. Fer yur pistol and stamen are both there. Ye also have such an affinity with plants, like me," she said eyes glinting and reached over brushing Alaysha's face with one of her hands. "Ye do want ta spend time with me in my tree, don't ye?" she said softly, seductively.

Alaysha felt a warmness brush her consciousness and a tingle in her crotch, but resisted the spell. "I would love to," she said, watching the Dryad's black eyes light up in triumph. "But, I have other, more pressing matters to attend to for my Lady." The dryad's face fell a little when she realized that her spell had failed. "Maybe after everything sorts itself out I might let you seduce me," Alaysha said smiling.

"Ye cannot blame a girl for trying," the dryad said, shrugging. "After years of just havin' street bums who're drunkards ta see a real live priestess with a penis, ye can unnerstand my excitement." The dryad shrugged good-naturedly. "Ah've got somethin' of a serious nature ta tell ye," the dryad said gesturing for Alaysha to lean in closer. "Ah've seen a bunch of those hooligans, the Smoking Jaguars, hangin' around my park recently. Ah hear that they're going ta have a rumble with some of the unseelie changelings in the park in a few days," she said, the leaves on her shoulder's trembling slightly without wind. "Could you get them out of my park? I don't want that shadow cat sneaking around the park huntin' me."

"Sure. I think that Kim would approve of my helping to convert or kill such a disgusting creature's servants," Alaysha said.

The Dryad melted slowly into a tree, the bark turning into wrinkles on her skin. "Thank ye," she said. "Oh, there's someone coming behind you," she whispered as she faded from sight.

Alaysha whirled around and grabbed her dagger from its belt scabbard to face a man in a nondescript dark blue suit reaching into his jacket with his right hand. He looked slightly surprised. "I'm Agent of the Paranormal Investigation Unit, it's nice to meet you, miss... ?" he said trailing off in a question.

"Why are you following me?" Alaysha said, pointing the dagger at his throat.

The man nonchalantly pulled his hand out of his coat pocket to reveal a leather badge holder emblazoned with the crest of the city of San Francisco. "I've got just a few questions for you. If you'll be so kind as to answer them I'd be happy."

"Ask them," she said, still uncertain as to this man's motives. Was he here to take her back to the Sanitarium or worse?

The man put his badge back into his jacket and pulled out a picture of a shadowy black catlike figure dripping blood from its fangs. "Do you know this creature?" he asked.

Alaysha looked at the picture. "Yeah, that's smoking Jaguar. If you want to keep your heart where it is I'd suggest you leave him alone," she said seriously. He put the picture away and stared at the knife that Alaysha was still holding at him. "I haven't seen that design before," he said, nodding towards the knife. "Where did you get it?"

"It's none of your business," Alaysha said staring at him with menace. "Are you done?"

"No," he said. "I was wondering if you've had any knowledge of two dead bodies found in a dumpster three days ago. They were severely mutilated."

"No," Alaysha lied. She remembered that Dennis had beat up the two rival gang members severely before throwing them into a dumpster. Alaysha had tried to save them, but the Smoking Jaguar's avatar had found them first and taken their hearts.

"A pity. Have you seen this man?" he pulled out a picture of Dennis before his transformation. "You and him were seen in the area when the murders occurred."

"No," Alaysha lied again. "I haven't seen him for a few days. I don't think he will becoming back."

The inspector raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't think I need to bother you any further, young lady," he said and turned around to walk towards the crown.

Alaysha felt drained physically. Who the hell is keeping tabs on me? she thought. She sheathed her dagger, or rather, the tried to sheath her dagger. It had gone as soft as taffy. What the hell? she thought in surprise as she walked towards the place where she had been sitting with her two thralls.

"Well, that was a long piss," Denise said smiling.

"What took so long, Miss Alaysha," Miriam chimed in, worried.

Alaysha sat down next to her two lovers. "I ran into your friend, Denise," she said.

"'Friend?'" she questioned.

"The beautiful green lady of the woods," Alaysha said, smiling and kissing Denise on her lips and rubbing one of her breasts with her hand.

Denise blushed, pulling back from Alaysha. "The dryad?" she smiled. "Oh, I wonder what she would think of me now?" Denise pushed both of her two-day-old breasts together to make them look bigger.

Alaysha laughed. "She's probably invite you into her tree until she found out you were a satyr. Oh, sorry, a fawn now," Alaysha said. "I think she'd really like this," she said, rubbing the growing bulge in the new-half's pants. She backed out of Denise's quick grab and fell into Miriam's arms. Denise looked like she would jump Alaysha if there wasn't a crowd around.

"Well, Miriam," Alaysha said kissing Miriam's cheek and rubbing her back into the woman's breasts as she cupped Alaysha's ample bosom in return. "I also met a man from the Paranormal Investigation Unit." Miriam raised her eyebrow. "Really creepy guy. He kept asking me questions about Smoking Jaguar and Dennis." Denise started at this news. "Don't worry, honeybunch, I won't give away one my flock to any Hardhead. I told him that Dennis had left town and that he wouldn't be returning. Which was true since you're no longer a man, but my tall, dark, beautiful, big-titted, hard-cocked girl." Denise blushed and smiled at this and blew Alaysha a kiss. The music slowly wound down and the crowd began to filter away except for the few hardcore fans that moved towards the back of the stage. Alaysha popped up, surprising her two companions. "Yea! Merry Lee!" Alaysha yelled and grabbed her large backpack that carried all of her clothes - including the ones recently acquired from the hotel - her spellbooks and her weapons. Then she was running pell-mell behind the crowd of autograph seekers. Denise and Miriam followed her a little slower. A large throng of concert goers that waved books for Merrilee's autograph held back by a line of tough- looking roadies greeted Alaysha. One of who looked like a blue-skinned changeling Troll. Alaysha was in the back hopping around like mad and excitedly yelling Merry Lee's name. She watched in anticipation for the band to be confounded by the thicket that she had grown there, but saw, with dismay that the roadies had cut it down and Merrilee was walking through it like a queen.

"I wonder how this got here so fast," Merrilee said musically and smiled knowingly. She and the other Vixens stopped and signed autographs for a little bit, but begged to be let go so they could rest before Alaysha reached the front. Merrilee whispered to the keyboardist as she climbed into her trailer and the short woman went back towards the stage.

Oh, really?!? Ignore me and leave me outside to rot because I played a few tricks? Why you... Alaysha thought, peeved. She turned around in a huff towards the woods. "Denise. Miriam. We're going," she said, shouldering her heavy load, turning around and walking between the two tall women. The top of her hair brushed Denise's breasts.

"But, we just got here," Denise said turning around to look at Alaysha walking into the woods on the side of the clearing looking like a medieval merchant carrying his wares. Miriam looked questioningly at Denise. She shrugged. "Who knows?" she said and followed her priestess. Miriam followed Denise. Could be a story in it, she thought.

Alaysha pushed a branch out off the way. "I'll turn her hair into feathers and give her continuous farting for a week," she grumbled under her breath. "I'll make it that she can't get it up..." She bumped into someone in front of her. "Oh, I'm so sorry," Alaysha said, backing up.

"It's all right. It was completely my fault," a soft feminine voice said.

Alaysha looked up into the smiling face of the Vixen's keyboardist. Her brown eyes glittered with mischieviousness. She could see why the girl looked as cute as a mouse earlier. She had slightly buckteeth, large, soft brown-furred ears and a long tail that was hairless except for a tuft of hair that was tied by a pink ribbon and had a little brass bell hanging from it. The girl was a mouse pooka and she melted Alaysha's heart. "Ooooh, you're gorgeous," Alaysha said breathlessly.

"Oh stop..." she tittered. The girl smiled at Alaysha. "I'm Merrilee's slave, Sammi," she said happily. "I've been sent to collect you and your companions, Mistress Alaysha." Sammi curtseyed flawlessly in the current fashion of Sigil. Her right hand lifting the hem of her dress and her left covering her heart. "Call me Slave Sammi," she said with a smile.

"Pretty Sailor Sammi?" Alaysha said, jokingly.

"I do have an outfit like that if you want me to dress like that, Mistress," Sammi said, happily. "I'm here to serve you."

Alaysha looked at Sammi with a raised eyebrow. O-Kay, Merrilee's got herself a Real submissive one this time, she thought. "No, no, no. That's quite alright," Alaysha said.

"Is she for real?" Denise asked.

"Yeah, slavery ended over two hundred years ago and wasn't for white people," Miriam quipped.

"We're all slaves of the three Vixens," Sammi said, chirpily.

Alaysha coughed. "Yes, well spiritually if not physically," she said in her priestess' voice that she used when talking religion. "Though, some can give all their decision making abilities to someone within the faith if they so choose."

"Like me!" Sammi said enthusiastically.

Alaysha grunted. "Um.. can we go? This load is getting heavy," Alaysha said, sweating a little.

"Oh, let me take some of your burden, Mistress," Sammi said moving towards Alaysha.

Alaysha moved back from her. "No, I want to carry this and don't call me 'Mistress'."

"Yeah, she won't let us carry what she wants to or what she thinks is an unfair burden," Miriam said.

"Plus, she's got that cold-iron pot in there," Denise said. "Not good for us Fae, you know."

Sammi moved back a little from Alaysha's backpack. "Well, let's get back to the camper. Mistress..." Alaysha glared at her. "I mean, Miss Alaysha," Sammi changed her words quickly. Alaysha nodded. "Mistress Merrilee is so happy that she's finally found you. We looked for weeks, but you were nowhere to be found." She pushed aside a bush and let Alaysha and the others through. "You really are as cute as she said, Miss Alaysha, I can see why she married you in the first place."

Alaysha reached out, grabbed and then hugged Sammi to her, kissing the girl on the cheek. The girl gave out a little oof of air then squealed with delight. "Oh, miss Alaysha, do you want me now in the grass?"

Alaysha let the girl go after kissing her on the cheek one more time. "Not now, definitely later," Alaysha said. Oh, she was jealous of Merrilee. Sammi was too cute to leave her hands off of her.

They reached the ring of roadies around the RV and trailer in another minute. One of the roadies came up to stop them, but moved aside when he saw Sammi. "O, sorry, miss," he said. "Thought you were some fans."

"No problem, Dylan," Sammi said, patting him on the cheek. He smiled appreciatively at her and looked at Alaysha, Denise and Miriam with a smile.

The four walked up to the large RV, a huge converted bus with slide out sections that gave it more room on the inside. Sammi knocked on the door three times. She waited a few seconds, then knocked twice more. The large Hispanic girl that Alaysha had seen playing bass earlier opened the door and looked at them. She had the large pointed ears of a Sidhe, an elf-changeling.

"Hi, my name's Carla," she said huskily. "You must be Mistress Alaysha. Let me help you with your bags." She came out of the RV and opened one of the panels on the side of the RV for Alaysha. Alaysha let Carla lift the bags off of her back and she helped her stow them except for a few items like her spellbooks, weapons and a few changes of clothing.

"Nice to meet you, Carla," Alaysha said.

"Thank you, Mistress Alaysha," Carla said, putting away Denise's gear.

Alaysha put her finger on Carla's lips and Carla stopped. "Please, don't call me 'Mistress'," she said with a smile. "I'm just Alaysha or Miss Alaysha if you insist."

"Yes, Miss Alaysha," Carla said bowing her head and looking at the ground. Sammi nodded approvingly to Carla. "Good girl," she said in a more dominant voice. "Get back in the RV when you're done." "Yes, Sammi," Carla said, submissively.

Alaysha climbed into the RV and immediately saw the other two members of the band. Both of them wore soft, white bathrobes "I'm Mandy," said the brunette, bowing low. "Ah'm Dixie," said the blonde in a southern drawl. "We're here to serve you Mistress Alaysha," They said in unison.

Alaysha sighed to herself. Merrilee knew that Alaysha didn't like to called Mistress. This must be a joke of hers. "Please, please, just call me Alaysha or Miss Alaysha," she said as they took her clothing, books and weapons and placed them in a closet. "Yes, Miss Alaysha," they both said.

Alaysha felt the RV shift as the other four girls came into the RV and she heard the door shut. Mandy and Dixie took off their robes revealing the crisscross black lined of the leather harnesses that all adherents of the religion wore. The buckles on their collars and around their waists shone brightly silver. Alaysha looked over the two women with approval. Mandy had a beautiful set of breasts that hung pendulum-like in her harness. The nipple rings in her breasts were green jade foxes that were pleasuring each other. Dixie wore a similar outfit, but she had a small chain around her neck that a small golden cowboy hat hung from. Like all Kaoist worshipers their bodies were completely hairless except of their eyebrows and head hair. The two girl kissed each other. "Thank the three Vixens that we can get out of those clothes finally," Mandy said to Alaysha.

Alaysha heard a rustle from behind her and she saw Carla taking off her T-shirt to reveal large pierced breasts and the Kaoist harness. Denise and Miriam looked at Alaysha, hopeful. "You can if you want to," she said lightly and saw that both of her thralls were stripping. She looked at Carla and saw what she had suspected already, that she was a new-half. A huge cock swung between Carla's legs - it was at least eight inches long and was rising quickly. She felt someone gently take her arm.

"Miss Alaysha," Sammi said softly in her ear. Alaysha heard and felt the bell Sammi wore on her collar against her own neck. "Mistress Merrilee is in the room beyond the curtain."

Alaysha turned to thank Sammi and saw something that surprised her. Sammi was a new-half as well. She was even larger than Carla was when she was flaccid. "Oh, My Lady!" Alaysha said. She reached down and held Sammi's cock in her hands. It was so warm and starting to get hard. "Girl, how do you hide such a magnificent piece of meat?" Alaysha asked in awe.

Sammi blushed and leaned into Alaysha, letting her breasts and her nipple rings brush Alaysha's. "I always wear long dresses and try not to get too excited," she said and kissed Alaysha on the lips.

Alaysha kissed back, letting her tongue slide inside this girl with a cock and balls' mouth. Their tongues battled briefly, but Alaysha felt Sammi give in. They pulled apart after a few seconds. She heard a cheer from behind her and Alaysha stopped raising her hand in a victory symbol. She looked into Sammi's eyes and she could swear that she saw hearts in them. "I'll finish this later," Alaysha said lustily, flipping her very real red and white fox tail into the air. "Well, I can't keep my wife waiting," she said, turning towards the small door that separated the two compartments.

"Miss Alaysha, aren't you going to get undressed?" Sammi asked. "Mistress Merrilee won't allow us in her presence with our clothes on."

"No," she replied, smiling. "She'll just have to get over it." She pushed the flimsy wooden door open and walked into the larger area of the RV. There were a few large fold out beds that took up most of the room and a small table that had a pair of chairs hooked up to it. Merrilee sat with her legs crossed reading some papers up in the large driver's chair that overlooked the whole room like a queen surveying her kingdom. Alaysha saw that she was wearing some sort of leather bodice that only covered the mid-section of her body, high leather boots that ended in spiked heels and her Kaoist harness.

Merrilee looked up from her papers with her deep blue eyes at Alaysha and smiled as she almost ran over to Alaysha with supple grace. She scooped up Alaysha in her arms and hugged the smaller hermaphrodite to her, crushing Alaysha's face in her breasts with their ornate nipple rings of the purest white jade. "Oh, Honey! How I've missed you!" she exclaimed, looking into Alaysha's light green eyes.

Alaysha blushed, feeling Merrilee's cock leave it's sheath and press against her stomach in warm wetness. She felt her pussy become wet and her cock slide out of it's sheath as well, to rub against the inside of her cotton panties. "I love you," Alaysha said and kissed Merrilee deeply, letting her tongue slide around in her wife's mouth. Alaysha gripped Merrilee's ass with both of her hands and Merrilee put her hand in-between them both to feel up Alaysha's breasts.

They came up for air after a minute or so. Merrilee was smiling broadly at Alaysha. "Mmmmm, I liked that," Merrilee said. She turned towards the bed and pulled Alaysha towards the beds. "Come, my love. Have a seat." Alaysha pulled away for a second. "No, you sit first," she said coyishly. Merrilee raised an eyebrow and gingerly sat down on the bed with her legs crossed. Her nine-inch cock was a pole out of her crotch, the natural lubricant that it secreted making it glisten in the light. Alaysha sat on Merrilee's lap letting her pants rub Merrilee's member. Alaysha leaned into Merrilee's encircling arms. "Ooooh, my Alaysha," Merrilee cooed nuzzling her short wife's red plaited hair and started kissing her forehead.

"Mistress?" Sammi said quietly from the doorway. Merrilee looked up from her wife to the kowtowing new-half in the doorway.

"Yes, Slave Sammi?" she said in carefully measured authoritative tones.

"May we, your humble love-slaves, join you in your festivities?" Sammi asked without raising her head from the ground.

"Of course, my slave," Merrilee said softly. "My wife has returned and we shall have an orgy to celebrate. Rise, and bring the other girls with you."

"Oooh, all serious like," Alaysha said and licked Merrilee on the nose.

Merrilee coughed and pulled back before laughing and putting her hand under Alaysha's shirt and pulling it over Alaysha's head. She laughed in surprise, "You! Wearing a bra!"

Alaysha giggled and turned to watch Sammi usher in the three women and two other new-halfs to the bedroom. She winked at Miriam and Denise to reassure them that everything was fine. They both smiled in acknowledgement and Alaysha noticed that Denise's fae horns were very pronounced as was her raging seven-inch hard-on. She felt Merrilee expertly unhook the bra and free her breasts. Alaysha's nipples were as hard as little stones now and Merrilee began to lick them. Alaysha felt the warm soft tickles that came from her chest and moaned softly.

There was a pulling on her waist and she felt someone unbutton her pants and pull them off. Small soft hands then pulled her panties off as well, freeing her cock. Alaysha now felt the warmth of Merrilee's cock against her and she wanted it inside of her. Merrilee stopped sucking Alaysha's breasts and opened her legs.

"Pleasure her like you pleasure me, slave," Merrilee said in a soft, yet commanding voice. Alaysha felt someone take her cock into their mouth and began to gently suck it, rubbing their tongue on the underside and over the rim of it's head. Alaysha moaned and leaned into the sensation. Fingers began to slide into her pussy and slowly stroke the sides and then the inner parts making her feel oh so nice. The dual sensations continued and expanded. The tongue becoming more skillful and wrapping around the shaft of her cock as the fingers probed deeper into her pussy. Alaysha grabbed Merrilee's cock and began to pump it with one hand while she gripped her own breast with the other. Everything became a blur for a second, then Alaysha felt the warmth spread in her crotch to touch her fingertips and a surging pleasure from her cock was there as well. The sucking continued until Alaysha stopped cumming.

"Did Mistress like that?" Sammi asked, laying next to Alaysha and slowly licking Alaysha's cum off her lips.

Alaysha gasped in pleasure, "Yes." She felt her cock stiffen again as Merrilee began to stroke it. Praise Kim for allowing her to cum all night if need be. "Sammi, that was wonderful," Alaysha said and stroked Sammi's side gently.

Sammi blushed in pride. "Thank you, Miss Alaysha," she said. Sammi lifted herself up, her cock and balls bouncing, and pulled Alaysha fully onto the bed.

"What? OH!" Alaysha said as she felt Merrilee slide her cock into Alaysha's pussy. She looked up and saw Merrilee smiling at her. Her wife's breasts swinging with each thrust and brushing against her own. Alaysha pushed back in time with her wife, her cock slapping against Merrilee's belly in little explosions of pleasure.

"Oh Alaysha, I love you," Merrilee said between breaths.

Alaysha reached up and began artfully kneading Merrilee's breasts, skillfully manipulating Merrilee's nipples with her thumbs. "I love you too, Merrilee," Alaysha said. She noticed that the others in the room were getting into pairs as well. Sammi was balling Carla from behind and the large Sidhe new-half was moaning as Sammi slapped her behind with a riding crop. Miriam was getting acquainted with Mandy and a double dildo and Dixie was using a strap-on to fuck Denise's ass-pussy.

"Oh, what a nice scene," came a melodious voice from Merrilee's lips. "It's times like these that I really can enjoy being a Goddess."

Alaysha looked up at Merrilee in a bit of surprise. Merrilee was getting larger and turning into a four-breasted, four-armed, black-furred fox-woman: the avatar of Su-Chen, one of the three Vixen sisters. Her new lover was more measured with her thrusts. Alaysha felt a mental knocking on the door of her mind. Yes? she asked mentally.

HI!!! IT'S ME!!!! the voice of her goddess, Kim resounded in her mind, bouncy and happy. Can I take over for a bit, my little proxy? she said, mentally licking Alaysha's ear.

Yea!! Lady Kim's back! I Love you! Take me! Alaysha mentally shouted in religious fervor. She felt herself being pushed to the back of her own mind and felt Kim Ishtar Kao take over her body. The feeling of ecstasy was unlike any other. She was burning, she was cumming, and she was in complete love. Alaysha started to do mental backflips for her goddess and shout religious proclamations of love and obedience. She was sure Merrilee was doing the same with Su-Chen at the helm.

Alaysha's body became another four-armed four-breasted fox woman with golden fur with red highlights, much like her own golden skin. Two more tails sprouted from the base of her spine and began to wrap around Su-Chen's legs. "Hey, love," Kim said from Alaysha's lips. Kim opened the tips of her tails and pushed out the penises within. One snaked out to go inside Sammi's ass. The other two went into Mandy's and Dixie's mouths. All three writhed in ecstasy.

Su-Chen raised an eyebrow and put her three tail penises into Carla, Denise and Miriam. She smiled at Kim and bent down to lick and tease her left nipple. "Mmmm... This is fun, but shouldn't we tell these two our plans?" Su-Chen asked Kim.

"Sure!" Kim shouted and began fondling Su-Chen's breasts. "OK. Alaysha, honeybunch, we're having a small change in plans." She kissed Su-Chen deeply and their tongues fought for supremacy. They pulled apart, never having resolved the tongue fight. "Suey here, thinks we need to focus on growing the religion here on Earth before we begin to try and bring the magic back. I think that she's probably right, but too methodical as usual."

Su-Chen pulled out of Kim's pussy with a soft pop. "I am not too methodical!" she said haughtily and climbed on top of Kim. She opened her legs and sat upon Kim's cock with a sigh of happiness. "You're too reckless. If we tried to bring all the magic back at once without any help our poor little proxies would be hunted down and killed." She turned herself around with her ass towards Kim's breasts and pushed her cock into Kim's pussy with out letting Kim's cock leave her pussy. Her tails stretched over her back and throbbed with motion sliding in and out of her three worshipers.

Kim sighed in pleasure. "Yeah, I would love Alaysha to be my little H'siencubus, but dying is painful and I'd rather her live to a very old age and have lots of children before then," she said to Alaysha's delight. "And so, we're going to try to bolster our numbers here." She moved her hips faster, fucking and being fucked by Su-Chen simultaneously. "We're going to do this by tapping a contact Merrilee has made while Alaysha was um... detained."

"Let's tell them both what happened to each other so they can feel better about meeting, dear," Su-Chen said pulling Sammi closer with two of her arms. She started to tease the nipples on Sammi's chest to the new-half's delight.

Kim grabbed Su-Chen's butt and squeezed it to help with her thrusts into Su- Chen's pussy while using her second pair of arms to play with her own breasts. "Me! Me! Me first!" Kim said excitedly.

Su-Chen nibbled at Sammi's ear, the new-half moaning in happiness. "By all means, my hyperactive little elf," she said.

Kim pinched Su-Chen's butt getting a little yelp of pleasure from her sister- goddess. "Well, little proxy Merrilee, your lover (my proxy) Alaysha has had a bit of a hard time getting to you," she said.

"After plummeting through the astral conduit into Mr. Metalmoustache's fortress you both jumped into another conduit. Mr. Metalmoustache was unhappy and sent a really big bomb to get you two. KaBoom!" she made a little illusion of an explosion above her and Su-Chen's bodies in motion. "Well, little Alaysha was lying there in a big pool of her own blood and Merrilee was blown far from the opening of the astral conduit. This attracted those men in blue, the police. They picked up my little proxy and all her stuff and took her to a hospital where they tried to put her back together. Thankfully her regeneration power that I granted her upon becoming my proxy saved her from death.

"When the doctors got her they were confused about her physiology. They'd never seen one of our natural hermaphrodites before and they called in some "specialists" who whisked her away. They experimented on my poor little girl and lobotomized her!" she said in anger. "Alaysha, I give you permission to kill those men if you ever see them." Alaysha mentally nodded in acknowledgment of her goddess' order.

"Then they sent her to the good Dr. Chapman's mental hospital. However, they didn't know she would regenerate her brain over a period of a few weeks and come out of the coma they put her into. The mists that surround this world had clouded her mind and made her forget who she was. Dr. Chapman told her her name was Alice Markley and that she was found wandering in a park in San Francisco, wounded and delusional. He did tell her that she was an unusual young lady, that she was a hermy, but she was really mentally disturbed and thought that she was someone called Zena. She even believed him for a while and agreed to let him help her.

"She started to see weird things like donuts turning into spikes in her hands and making her bleed gold-colored blood and then skittering around the floor trying to bite her. There was also a thing that scratched at her window and tried to get her when she slept, These were the chimera of the mental hospital that had been generated by all the changelings that were imprisoned there over the years. They're ignored by humans with no imagination, the banal ones, but are very real to those who have magic in their blood. Which is how Alaysha met the other changelings in the hospital," she smiled at Miriam and Denise.

"Miriam (Gypsy) and Denise (Frost), Dennis (Chiller) then, were two of the five changelings in the hospital at the time. There were also two adorable children (kitten?) and (troll) that helped to bring Alaysha back by their little tricks and help. They all thought that Alaysha was a golden skinned fox-pooka who had a sidhe's ears," she smiled again. "My Valarians look a lot like really short golden skinned elves, and I've modified my lovely little proxy to look more like a fox, so I can see their confusion, but I digress.

"They all rescued a little boy (name?) who was under some sort of spell, and still is, poor thing. They had to fight a demon in the guise of one of the orderlies and escape into the night with the poor boy carried like a sack of potatoes," Kim licked her own nipples and moved her tails faster to the delight of the three worshipers they were in. "They hid out in Gypsy's apartment for one night and Alaysha bedded both Gypsy and Chiller without the children knowing what was going on upstairs. They all met Erick the Reeve the next day and that lovely fox-pooka told them they could hide from the police and the cuckoo patrol in a place called the Toybox, a freehold or place of magic.

"The boggin, Fizzlewig, let them stay in the basement of the coffee house for a few days. Alaysha studied her books, wrote in her journal and worked as a waitress. She did meet a few other fairies like a sluagh named (?) who she let copy her journal with a photocopier," she said with a little reproachment. Alaysha mentally hung her head. "A female Sidhe named Countess (?) took the three children under her care before the next thing happened.

Two changelings, a Satyr named Malachai, and a redcap named Sleek, stole an artifact called The Toybox. Yes, the coffee house is named after it," she said authoritatively. "Fizzlewig sent Alaysha, Chiller and Gypsy after it. Unfortunately a whole bunch of toys escaped it and they had to find them all and then find the toybox to put them back to it. While hunting for the toys they ran afoul of the Solar Princess, a lovely, lovely girl dressed in a golden half-magician's outfit, top hat and mask. Alaysha let herself be defeated by the girl who insisted that she was an evil Hu H'sien come to eat all the men of the city. Alaysha seduced the girl by playing up her bisexual tendencies," Kim smiled happily. "Too bad Amaterasu would fry Alaysha if she'd done more than let Solar Princess give her a blowjob and be fucked in her ass."

"Anyway all four of them got into a fight with Malachai, Sleek, and some Troll with a snarling axe that had teeth. Malachai managed to get away, but Sleek and the Troll were captured and handed over the Sidhe Duke's men led by Erick," Kim blushed thinking of the handsome fox-pooka. "He let Alaysha, Chiller and Gypsy stay in a room that he had rented at a hotel. The Solar Princess was picked by her auntie after our three had left," she filled in for Alaysha's benefit. "I possessed Alaysha that night and turned Chiller into Frost, my buxom, gorgeous new-half. I also converted Gypsy into one of my worshipers and got rid of some of those wrinkles, not all. Some of them are cute. I also gave her larger breasts.

"The next day, today, Alaysha managed to seduce Erick, but did it without any charm magic or revealing that she was a hermy. She also got a bunch of pretty dresses and her hairstyled so she can look good for the Duchess' ball tomorrow night. I do hope that you go back for that hairdresser, Alaysha, he'd look as good as Sammi when we turned him into a new-half, a little taller though. All in all, you've been a very good girl, Alaysha," Kim mentally petted her on the head. Alaysha purred and wagged her foxtail mentally.

Su-Chen pulled out of Kim and lay next to her letting Kim put her penis into her pussy. She pushed her breasts up against Kim's and kissed her while rubbing her penis on Kim's stomach and grinding her pussy on Kim's penis. All the while both of them kept their tail-penises in the six worshipers lying on beds around them. "Now, my dear lovely sister, it is my turn to tell Alaysha what my little slave, Merrilee, has been up to," she said softly.

"Merrilee landed in a small copse of trees and bushes. She was unconscious, but hidden from the eyes of the police. When she awoke the mists had clouded her mind and she forgot who she was. She did remember that her spellbooks, musical instruments and weapons were important and protected them from thieves," Su-Chen explained. "She was a homeless beggar eating out of garbage cans. Several times men assaulted her to try and rape her, but she defeated them all.

"Merrilee was drawn to the music coming from the parks because her bard's gift was reasserting itself. She kept coming back to a small band named The Four Beats and listening to their music. It sounded somehow familiar to her and she could remember a little each time she listened to it. A young male mouse pooka that played in the band named Sam noticed her and took her into his home. His lover, a mean Sidhe that used to beat him, named Carlos didn't want the competition. Merrilee slowly awoke to her true nature during her time with the two. She then convinced Sam to assert himself more to Carlos. Under her influence the two switched roles and became thralls.

"When I turned them both into new-halfs I made the new Carla very, very submissive to little Sammi. I left Merrilee at that point and let her become their new Mistress. She later enthralled the other members of the band, Mandy and Dixie, who mistook my power for that of an aspect of their Wiccan goddess," she sighed a little. "They'll come around now that Alaysha, a true priestess is around to train them."

She blushed as little. "Now, my slave, I know you did your best," she said to herself/Merrilee. "Though you are my proxy and know the religion by heart, Alaysha has training as a priestess that you lack as a bard. She can train these two women as Our priestesses and turn them into hermaphrodites when they complete their training. It is her special gift as a priestess. Your special gift is your ability to sway the opinions of large crowds and gather worshipers to the Three Vixens." She paused and smiled. "I love you too, my slave. Now, I shall finish your tale before We reveal Our plans. "With Merrilee dominating the band in every way they became the Merry Sue Lee and The Vixens and began to slowly gain in popularity. They attracted the attention of a Red Charlotte, a changeling fawn, who loves music and wanted to be their patron. Scarlet also runs an exclusive escort service. Merrilee managed to enthrall Red Charlotte, but kept it low key to keep others from suspecting as Red Charlotte is a very influential person. She has many influential clients and keeps files on each of them. We need those files as a recruiting list. We also need to convert as many of her escorts as possible. This needs to be done very discretely," Su-Chen kissed Kim/Alaysha softly. "That's where you come in, Alaysha.

"Now, Charlotte has only part of the code which she has already given Merrilee. She has a secretary that is secretly in love with her named Clairise who has the other half of the code. Clairise is a very prim and proper Sidhe, she has feelings for Charlotte, but is too scared and embarrassed to acknowledge them. Charlotte likes Clairise as well, but knows that Clairise will die of embarrassment if she makes any moves on her. She is also very jealous of Merrilee, who she views as her rival and she won't help Merrilee at all," Su-Chen said.

"I've promised Charlotte power and Clairise's love," Su-Chen said. "To make this happen we need you, Alaysha, to seduce and enthrall Clairise. Then convince her that it's alright to love another woman and be with Charlotte."

"Right, Then get the files. We convert all the little hookers in Charlotte's employ and then her clients. Charlotte becomes even more powerful as a priestess and then we have a base to work from to bring the magic back," Kim said. "But, that's making it sound easy isn't it?"

Alaysha rolled her eyes mentally. Yeah, it's easy for a couple of goddesses to get hundreds of worshipers in a few weeks. How the heck am I going to do it? she thought. Kim bopped Alaysha on her head in mild retribution. I'll do my best! she thought back.

"Good Alaysha. I know you will," her goddess said. "Now it's time for us to go, we'll be with you in spirit, our loves," Kim said pulling her tail penis out of Sammi's ass, but kept the others in. The two goddesses came simultaneously inside each other and five of their worshipers. Sammi had cum sprayed on her back instead. Alaysha and Merrilee shrank back to themselves their three tails turning back to one each.

"Whew! That was fun!" Alaysha said and sat up to grab Merrilee to her. "I think that tomorrow will be the beginning of a lot of work."

Merrilee leaned back into the smaller hermaphrodite's arms. "Yes, but well worth it. We can play tonight before we're too busy later."

"Play?" Alaysha asked a little coyly. Ah, Merrilee wanted to tie her up and do all those naughty bondage things that she liked so well. "Well I guess I could pull out my dice," she said smiling.

"Sure Alaysha, let's play dice," Merrilee said snuggling into Alaysha's breasts.

Gonna make me ask for it, huh? Alaysha thought. Sigh. She started rubbing Merrilee's nipple rings with her fingers and Merrilee cooed. "Merrilee?"

"Yes, Alaysha," Merrilee said.

"Could we, you know..." Alaysha trailed off.

"Could we... what?" Merrilee asked, interested. She wiggled her ass on Alaysha's crotch.

Alaysha felt her cock rise and her pussy get wet again. "Could you tie me up and be my Mistress tonight? I really, really missed you. Um... I don't really like other people to do that to me, but ..."

Merrilee turned around in Alaysha's arms and looked at her, her eyes sparkling. "Shhh... my wife. I know you secretly like it," Merrilee said "Everyone is passed out from the Goddesses' power except for Sammi. No one here will know how you enjoy being my submissive when no one is looking."

"But, Sammi?" Alaysha protested as the new-half got up from the bed where she and Carla lay and walked over to the couple.

Merrilee put her right index finger to Alaysha's lips stopping her from speaking. "Sammi won't tell. Kim pulled out of her because she knew that you wanted her to be in on this. Didn't you?"

Alaysha looked away from her wife's eyes. "Yes," she said softly.

"Good," Merrilee said in triumph. "Now, Slave Sammi, get the strong leather corset, the extra strong belts, a mouth ring and the velvet lined leather manacles. Alaysha is quite strong for such a pretty little thing and I don't want her hurting either of us when she struggles." She began stroking Alaysha's chin and the redhead blushed a deep shade of copper on her golden skin. "You know how much it turns me on when you struggle, Alaysha. I know it's an act because you love putting the stuff on for me."

Alaysha felt her nipples get very hard. "It's pretty, that's all," she protested. She heard a tinkling from the bells around Sammi's neck and mouse tail when the new-half walked up with a pillow covered with everything her Mistress had asked for. Alaysha could see that Sammi's cock was getting very large in excitement.

"Here they are, Mistress Merrilee," Sammi said, eyes bright, offering up the pillow and lowering her head in submission.

Merrilee's black tail began to wag in happiness and her eyes sparkled. "Oh, my love we're going to have such fun tonight!" she said choosing a pair of manacles from the pillow.

The things I do for her, Alaysha thought as Merrilee put the manacles on her wrists and ankles buckling them on tight. She was very excited and found herself breathing rapidly and her heart beating faster.

Merrilee pulled chains out from hidden recesses in the bed's corners and hooked them to the restraints on Alaysha's wrists and ankles. Sammi tightened them, pinning Alaysha to the bed. Merrilee traced her fingers all over Alaysha's body bringing goosebumps to her skin.

"Alaysha, open you mouth," Merrilee said, gripping Alaysha's jaw firmly, but gently. When Alaysha opened her mouth Merrilee put in a ring that held her teeth apart, just wide enough for a very large cock to enter. Merrilee put the straps of the mouth ring behind Alaysha's head and tightened the buckle so Alaysha couldn't get her mouth free.

Merrilee put her fingers in Alaysha's pussy and began slipping them in and out to Alaysha's delight, but stopped making her ache for more. Alaysha looked up to see that Merrilee had picked up the corset and felt her put it under Alaysha's body. It buckled in front pushing up her breasts and flattening her tummy. Merrilee then picked up a light silver chain and hooked each of it's ends to Alaysha's nipple rings.

"Oh, Mistress Merrilee," Sammi cooed. "She's beautiful."

Alaysha, saw Merrilee smile and cock her head to the left. "Oh, yes, my Slave, she is." Merrilee reached out and selected a small whip from the pillow Sammi was holding again. She stretched it between her hands then let it's three tips fall between her fingers. "Do you want to be whipped, my love?"

Alaysha shook her head, no.

"I think you need some cleansing from your guilt, worrying about me," Merrilee said and pulled back. "It's not you fault that you couldn't find me." Crack! The whip hit Alaysha's left inner thigh.

Alaysha jumped and let a moan of pleasure out. Drat that goddess Su-Chen why did she have to rewire my pleasure centers to make love play like this feel so good, she thought.

"I love you and I won't ever leave you, Alaysha, shame on you for thinking that," Crack! Merrilee put the whip across Alaysha's arm and she writhed, pulling on the chain.

The whipping continued for half an hour, with Merrilee telling Alaysha how much she cared for her throughout the session. Alaysha's body was covered in little crisscrosses of shiny golden marks where the whip had hit her and on her wrists and ankles where she had struggled to get away. She had cum several times, but Sammi had licked her clean every time.

Alaysha was sweating and shaking a little when Sammi and Merrilee unhooked her from her chains. They turned her around and put a bar with two straps on it between her knees to keep them apart and put another one on the hooks of the manacles on her wrists. She was feeling good, but a little embarrassed that she was enjoying this so much. This was a little more than what she was used to, but Merrilee deserved something nice like this since they had been apart for so long.

"Slave Sammi, why don't you give my wife something to eat," Merrilee said.

Sammi giggled and her bells tinkled. "Oh yes, Mistress Merrilee," she said and crawled in front of Alaysha.

Alaysha saw Sammi's monster cock come into view. Sammi gently lifted Alaysha's head and slowly slid her cock into the ring that held her mouth open. Alaysha began sucking Sammi's cock feeling it in her throat and licking all around the shaft as it moved in and out of her lips.

She felt Merrilee lift her foxtail and grab her butt with both hands, penetrating her ass with a warm tingling. The warmth of Merrilee's cock in her sliding in and out with steady strokes gave her goosebumps. Thank the Vixens that the process of enthrallment modified all of their worshipers rectums to be as pliant and have the same feeling as vaginas. No Kaoist would ever have a leaky butt and anal sex for new-halfs was as pleasant as vaginal sex was for a woman.

Merrilee smacked Alaysha's ass with a riding crop and she bucked a little and bit down on the ring in her mouth. "Oh, my little Alaysha," she said as she moved her cock in little circles as she fucked her lover in the ass. "I have missed you so much." She smacked the riding crop against Alaysha's right nipple and bent to kiss Sammi and play with the new-half's tits as Sammi fucked Alaysha's mouth. Merrilee hooked the riding crop under the silver chain hooking Alaysha's nipple rings together. She pulled on it in time with her cock sliding in and out of her wife and Alaysha bucked in pleasure.

"You are so responsive, my love," Merrilee said and reached under Alaysha to stroke the hermaphrodite's cock.

Alaysha was in almost pure pleasure and she felt Merrilee's love as she teased Alaysha to heights then let her fall, but caught her and brought her back up again. Merrilee was going to need a really good gift in return for this night.

Alaysha was brought back to reality when Sammi's cock began pulsing in her mouth. She sucked and swallowed all the sweet, spicy cum that the little new-half could pump into her. Sammi sighed and leaned onto Alaysha's back, her cock getting soft in Alaysha's mouth.

"Mistress Merrilee?" she asked.

Merrilee looked up from her concentration on stroking Alaysha's cock and playing with her nipples. She french-kissed the panting new-half, "Of course you may rest, my Slave. Alaysha is too much girl for anyone except another proxy of the Vixens to handle." She gestured at the disappearing marks on Alaysha's legs and arms. "See, this is why I can be rougher with her than you. You won't heal as fast as either Alaysha or I can."

Sammi put her hands together and prayed, "All praise to the Vixens who have made me the woman I am today and give us eternal pleasure, Amen." She pulled out of Alaysha's mouth and stroked the redhead's face lovingly. "Thank you, Mistress Alaysha."

"Kake ouk ge ring, krease," Alaysha asked.

Sammi looked at Merrilee, who nodded in approval while moving in rhythm with Alaysha. Sammi unbuckled the straps and gingerly pulled the ring out of her mouth.

Alaysha worked her jaw and licked her lips. "You're welcome, Sammi. Can I have you in the morning?" Alaysha asked.

Merrilee pumped harder and chewed on the tip of Alaysha's tail. "Oh, you wicked little fox. I have you now and you want my little mouse in the morning," she said, but nodded to Sammi, who smiled tiredly and lay down on the bed in front of the pair of hermaphrodites.

"Let me out of this contraption and I'll make you forget her," Alaysha squeezed the muscles in her ass and made Merrilee loose her rhythm.

The black haired vixen pumped faster and came in Alaysha's ass. It was so warm. When she was done she pulled out and began unbuckling the bars on Alaysha's wrists and ankles. When she was free Alaysha grabbed Merrilee and began kissing her furiously then pushed her wife onto the bed and began sucking her pussy and cock in intervals. Merrilee cried out as she came again. Alaysha mover her body until Merrilee had access to her genitalia and the two sixty-nined each other for an hour until they fell asleep in their arms.

Continued.... If time permits.

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