Alan, "Dark Highway

By or tcns

Published on Jan 18, 2002



All the usual warnings apply. This is a work of total fiction, any similarity is entirely coincidence or the product of an overactive imagination. If the idea of gay men being together is offensive to you, then do not read this and why the hell are you at this site anyways?


Alan - Chapter One

Dark Highway

"God I miss my truck," I thought to myself as I drove down the dark freeway. I used to have a nice Toyota 4 Wheel Drive pickup truck, but almost a year ago, I totaled it in an accident. Not my fault, insurance paid the whole lot, but I ended up with having to buy a car with no down and no trade in. Unfortunately, the Nissan I ended up with was a lemon. It had tons of little problems.

On this particular day, I was driving home to Tacoma from Vancouver BC where I had spent time with my cousins and gone out to the bars. Still about two hours north of Tacoma, I noticed that the lights on my dash were getting very dim. Thinking this was weird, I decided to pull off and check my battery and stuff. I needed a stretch anyways. So I pulled off I-5 and got out to look under the hood. Everything seemed ok. Connections were tight and solid.

"Ahh well," I said to no one in particular. I got back in my car and went to start it. Click

"Ummmm this is not good."

I tried to start the car and it never even turned over. Unbelievable. Stuck out in the middle of no where. I rechecked the connections but they all seemed fine. I sat in my car, keeping warm and trying to figure out what to do and what was close. I must have sat there for an hour before I looked at my watch.

"Holy geez it's 9pm." Just as I decided to walk south, I could not have been more than 10 feet from my car when I saw headlights behind me. I turned to see a big black truck pull up behind my car. Feeling relieved and nervous at the same time, I turned back towards my car.

A tall man in his 40s jumped out and asked if I needed help.

"Well it won't start," I said and proceeded to tell him what all had been happening lately.

"Hmmm," he paused, thinking. "Can I have a look under the hood?"

"Sure," I said, noticing movement in the truck out of the corner of my eye. "My name is Troy, by the way."

"Hiya I am Frank," he said, not even taking his head out from under the hood. He poked and looked around, trying to find the problem. I paced for a while then walked to the back of my car and stood there feeling frustrated. I nearly jumped out of my skin with fright when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"WHOA!! Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

I turned to look and saw a young man about my age, then did a double take. He was GORGEOUS!! Maybe 6'1", nice solid body, dark hair and a goatee that just looked incredible. As I stammered to reply, he stuck out his hand.

"Hi I am Alan."

"Troy," I said shaking his hand. He had a very strong solid handshake. Wow there is no WAY this guy could be anything other than straight. We stood there and chatted for a bit, I told him what I had been doing, and carefully avoided naming any of the gay bars I had frequented in BC. He talked as much as me and I watched every expression on his face. He was 22 years old and was thinking about going to college, even though he had not wanted to when he graduated high school. Suddenly, I saw a weird puzzled look on his face. I followed his glance and saw that he had spotted my small pride sticker in my back window. Judging from his reaction, he knew what it meant.

I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I thought about this situation, aware suddenly, that there was again movement in the truck. OK here is a dad, his son and maybe more people out here in the dark in the middle of no where and now this guy knows I am gay. We stood there in awkward silence while I prayed nothing would happen to me. I was scared shitless.

Not that I am a small guy, but let's face it. There were at least 3 of them and one of me. Just then, Frank called to his son and Alan walked up to the front of the car. They exchanged words I could not hear, then Alan came back to me.

"Come on, let's hop in the truck," he said.

This did not make me feel any better, but I really felt I had no choice. He walked over to the driver's side, gesturing me to the passenger side. Now this was no small truck. It was a full size Dodge with one of those third doors on the passenger side. As I opened the door and climbed in, I saw that both rear seats were occupied. What I saw gave me more mixed feelings. Two more boys, younger looking than Alan sat back there. Both just as hot as Alan. Now I felt excited and even more scared at the same time. Now it was four of them and one of me.

Without a word, Alan started the truck and pulled around to the front of my car. Trying to not look or sound nervous, I licked my dry lips and asked a question.

"What's going on?"

"Dad's gonna tow your car into Tacoma for you. We live there too and so we can at least get you home."

"Oh wow," I said, surprised. "Thanks."

Alan got out and helped his dad hook my car up to the back of the truck with a tow cable. I sat uncomfortably in the seat. Finally one of the boys in the back spoke up.

"So, you are Troy, huh?" Same sexy voice as Alan, must be brothers.

"Uhh yeah that's me."

"Well, I am Andrew and this is my brother Austin."

"Hi," I said shortly. Somehow the general friendliness they had all showed me still was not making me feel any better. Just then I heard a sound and turned to see Alan at my door. I opened it.

"Come on we're gonna ride in the back of the truck."

I thought for a second, then realized someone had to, because five guys in that truck cab would have been tight. So I jumped out and followed Alan to the back, he opened the canopy and climbed in. Despite the bad feelings I still had, I could not help but check out his ass. Amazing. I climbed in and he shut the canopy. Before I knew it, we were off.

Alan and I rode in silence for a few moments before I finally could not stand it.

"Listen, I really appreciate what you and your dad are doing for me."

"Yeah no problem," he replied shortly. He laid down on what I now noticed was a mattress pad cover for the truck bed. He closed his eyes and I tried not to stare at his face, but he was so riveting. I could not help but check out this exceedingly handsome straight boy. Since he had removed his black leather jacket, my eyes moved down his chest, nicely muscled, and down to a rather fascinating bulge in his jeans. After staring for a second, I felt weird and looked up to see Andrew looking back through the window. When he saw me, he smiled and turned back around.

"Shit!!" I thought to myself. "Did he see me? Damn I am SO uncomfortable right now."

I was so wrapped in my thoughts that I nearly jumped out of my skin for a second time that night when Alan spoke.

"So can I ask you a question?" he said.

"Uhh sure," I replied, having a pretty good idea what it was.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes I-" I started before realizing what he asked. "Oh ummm.... no I don't."

"Oh ok." He laid there silently for a bit, then reached up and turned off the canopy light, plunging us into mostly darkness. "Too damn bright in here.... Anyway, you know, you can lay down. We got two hours ahead of us and it must be uncomfortable hunching over like that."

Wordlessly, I laid down beside him, but made sure I was several feet away. Trying to relax, I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and tried to think positively. We laid there for a while. I was hyper aware of every little move he made, the sounds of the fabric rustling, his breathing. Every time he moved I wanted to open my eyes and stare at him more, but I was trying not to think about him, all the while thinking constantly about him. He moved again, and as I again fought the urge to look, I suddenly became aware of a hand. His hand was.... gingerly touching my crotch. I did not know what to do. I felt aroused and trapped at the same time. Before I really could think about it, I sat up and moved so I was sitting Indian style facing him.

"Wha-? Whuh..." I tried to spit something, anything out.

"I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?" he asked, suddenly looking very scared and worried in the pale light. "I mean, I saw the sticker.... the rainbow sticker on your car and I thought.... I mean I figured that you were.... ya know, gay."

I was so completely side swiped by this that I still could not get any thoughts to un-jumble, let alone say anything. Alan looked so panicked that I finally managed to say something.

"Alan, whoa...." I paused. "Yes I am gay. I was pretty fuckin scared that you and your dad and brothers might have a problem with that."

"Well, I dunno.... prolly not," he said. "I just.... oh what the hell, no one can hear me back here anyways. Look I know I am gay too. I have been all my life. I never have done anything.... well- that's not true, but.... I mean when I saw your sticker I thought maybe we could be friends or something."

"Well, I think you are cool, but I barely know you. I mean, the back of a truck is hardly the place to make friends."

"Look, I am sorry I felt your, you know, your jeans. I just could not even think, my mind was racing so fast. All I wanted to do was touch you. From the moment we jumped back here. Please do not be mad at me."

"Look Alan, I did not say that I didn't want you to touch me. You just caught me way off guard."

"I seem to be doing that a lot tonight," he said smiling.

I laughed. "Yes you have."

He smiled, and god what a smile, then he got serious again. "Can I?"

I looked at him for a second, then looked towards the truck cab.

"They can't see anything when the light is off," he smiled. "That's why I turned it off."

"Ahh I see," I said, lying back down, much closer to him this time. This time I watched as his hand timidly moved closer and closer finally resting on what was quickly becoming fully hard. He put his hand gently on my crotch again, rested it there for a second, then began slowly rubbing. He smiled and looked at me.

"It feels big," he said grinning.

"Well yours doesn't exactly look small," I said, pointing to the obvious bulge in his jeans.

I reached my hand down and began to feel his dick. He sighed and began working to undo my jeans. Before I knew it, he had my 7 inch dick out and was giving me a handjob. It felt good. I had not been with anyone for months, having a relationship fizzle out and end a while back. It began to feel great when he stopped suddenly. I looked at him to see what was going on. He was undoing his own jeans and pulled them down to his knees.

My god what a beautiful cock. It was at least 7 inches, if not 8, and was long, straight and cut, slightly thicker at the base. I eagerly reached back down and started to jerk that hot piece of meat. We stayed like that for a while, then he suddenly stopped again, moved down and before I knew it, he wrapped his lips around my dick. I was so surprised. Here I was in the back of this gorgeous hunk's Dad's truck getting a blowjob from him. And not just any blowjob. Alan was great!

He started with the head, tonguing all around and down the shaft, then came back up and took it inch by inch into his hot mouth. Each time Alan tongued his way back up to the tip of my cock, he took a bit more in until he was taking all seven inches down his throat. It took everything I had not to start moaning loudly at the sensations coursing through my body. This guy really knew what he was doing. Every so often he would take my cock from his mouth and seductively lick up and down the sides, sometimes tonguing my balls too. Then he would look up at me and grin his captivating grin and go back to his suck job.

After few more minutes, I began to realize how close I was to cumming. I tried to warn him, but he shushed me and continued his oral attack on my tool. Before long I could not hold back anymore. With one soft moan, and a LOT of heavy breathing I shot my load in Alan's mouth, as he swallowed what I gave him. As the glow of my sexual peak ebbed and I was able to think again, I looked down in time to see him push himself up until he was face to face with me.

I looked into his eyes. He looked back at me. Then slowly, as if pressed on by the same invisible hands, we moved in together, closed our eyes together as our lips met in a kiss. Timid and platonic to begin with, this first kiss grew more loving and passionate. Our tongues met, dancing and mingling together. Alan broke the kiss and smiled at me. My stomach jumped with glee. His look and smile seemed to look right into my heart, I had never felt anything like this before, and felt a bit out of sorts. But in a good way.

"Mmmm, Troy. I really liked that."

"Yeah me too," I smiled.

"No I mean, that was way different than the other times I have done anything."

"How so?"

"Well, I dunno it was.... like more fun. Better. I actually wanted to do that more than anything." he paused. "I mean, and when we were done, all I wanted to do was kiss you. I have never kissed a guy like that before."

"Wow really?"

"Yeah really," he said quietly. "Hey listen, we better stop and buckle up and stuff."

He pointed out the windows and I saw we were getting close to Seattle. I smiled and did up my jeans as I watched him tuck his gorgeous dick away in his pants.

"Save that for later, I want it," I smiled.

He laughed and punched me in the arm. Alan and I chatted and talked all the rest of the way. He asked if I was doing anything when I got home. I said no and he asked if I would like him to hang out with me.

"Sure," I replied with a grin.

We sat leaning against opposite sides of the truck bed idly talking and watching the city go by, when the windows between the cab and canopy slid open.

"OK, I need directions to your place, Troy," Alan's dad called from the front. I sat up and looked through the window, giving him directions and watching us drive. Before long we were pulling up at my apartment. Alan, his dad and I hopped out, unhooked my car and pushed it into a parking space. Alan told his dad that he was going to stick around for a while here with me.

"OK, fine with me. See you when you get home."

"Listen, Mr. .... uhh.... Frank, thanks a lot for all your help. I really appreciate it."

"Oh no problem, glad to help."

Frank jumped back into his truck, started it up and drove off leaving Alan and me standing in the parking lot. I turned to him and told him to follow me. We walked up to the third floor where my apartment is. I turned on the lights and checked my voice mail, gesturing to Alan to have a seat on the couch. I put on some music so he did not get completely bored while I listened to the messages that stacked up while I was gone. I stood leaning on the counter looking into my kitchen, my back to Alan. Suddenly I felt arms around me from behind and his head on my shoulder. OK the messages can wait.

Alan kissed my neck sensually, his touch sending chills down my back. I turned around enveloping him in my arms and kissed him deeply. Realizing that I did not know if my roommate was even home or that he might come home, I broke the kiss, despite not wanting it to end. I grabbed Alan by the hand and walked him to my room. I closed my bedroom door, turned back to him and smiled. He smiled back as I grabbed his black leather jacket and slowly removed it. He broke into a huge smile as I turned away and walked coyly over to my walk in closet to hang up the coat.

As I placed his coat on a hanger, I heard a loud sound and turned to see that Alan had flopped down on my bed. He laid there with his hands behind his head grinning cutely at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, why?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what? Like you are beautiful to watch and your ass is an amazing piece of art?" he grinned.

I burst out laughing. I had no idea why, but just him being funny made me giddy and happy. I walked back out and pounced suddenly on top of him, pinning him to my bed. He struggled and pushed me off him. Before I could do anything, he leaned down and kissed me again. Before long we were embraced side by side, softly kissing, playfully this time. Then he flipped over so his back was facing me and we cuddled. I could not believe it. He likes cuddling. This is way too cool. We laid there in silence for a while. I listened to his breathing. He even breathed happy. Just when I thought he might have fallen asleep he spoke.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah, are you?" I asked.

"Yes I am." He paused. "It's weird."

"Weird? Why is it weird?"

"Well cuz, I told you in the truck that this stuff feels different with you.... and that I have never kissed a guy like that until now."

"Yeah, well there's a big difference between fooling around sexually and being attracted to someone and being affectionate with them."

He turned and looked at me.

"I just.... I was not all the way sure I was gay before. I mean, I have fooled around with guys and stuff since I was in High School. But it was usually just horny sex. I didn't really think much about it. But when I was standing there by your car talking to you, I wanted to spend more time with you and talk to you more. And that was more of a turn on than anything else. And NOT turn on in like a sexual way.... like.... I dunno what I mean."

"You were attracted to me."

"Umm yeah I guess I was, uhhh, am." He smiled. "And I know that I am gay. But I guess I have been, I just never really thought about it."

"That's kinda how it goes for a lot of guys."

Alan pushed me on my back and cuddled up to my side, draping his arm across my chest and laying his head cutely on my shoulder. I could not believe that I was laying here with this guy who was so cute and muscular, but that he seemed to be intelligent, fun and sensitive too.

"Alan," I said. "We do not have to finish what we started in the truck, ok?"

"Oh. OK." he paused. "That's fine, cuz this part is way better."

"OK then, it's a deal," I smiled, rubbing his back with my left hand. We laid like that for hours, chatting and talking. Finally I asked him if he would like to spend the night and he said yes. He called his dad and told him. He had to do a little reassuring that things were ok, but his Dad was fine with it. We changed out of our clothes, he went modestly into my bathroom to put on the sweats and t-shirt I found for him.

I locked the front door, put on some soft piano music, turned off the lights and crawled under the covers where he was waiting for me. He instantly cuddled up to the side of me like before and we drifted off to sleep together.

********************** To Be Continued ************************

Strangely enough, this story or rather the first part of it, came almost intact out of a rather strange, uncomfortable yet exciting dream I had a week or so ago. More elements from the dream will be used down the road. As usual, any constructive input on the story is welcome.

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