AJ's Exposure


Published on Apr 11, 2002



Cliche Stuff: Alright...this is a completely true story. It's also my first attempt, so I hope that you enjoy it thoroughly Evil grin.

AJ's Exposure

I was a freshman in highschool when I had my first real experience with a man. I'd gotten blown before by girls, and I enjoyed it a lot. What I secretly craved, however, was the feeling of pulsing manmeat in my mouth. I was mortified at the prospect of someone finding this out, however, so I kept it entirely to myself.

Getting back to the story at hand...I was walking to my friend's house from school one day. My brother was a junior, so he was my designated driver to and from school until I got my license. We parked the car at my friend's house because my brother arrived too late on orientation day to receive a parking pass, we both refused to take the school bus, and our home was several miles from the school. My friend, conveniently, was just across the street. I got to the car before he did, and I leaned against the hood, shielding my eyes from the blinding Florida sun. As I did, I caught a glimpse of a tanned God, walking down the street towards my friend's house. Every step he took oozed sex appeal, and his good looks would be enough to make Brad Pitt blush. He had short black hair on top of his magnificent face. His sideburns were long, and he had a neatly trimmed goatee (One of my big turn-ons in men). He was very slim, and he was wearing jeans and an Abercrombie "muscle" (tight-fit) shirt. I was drooling on the inside as he strode past me and took a seat on my friend's driveway, obviously waiting for somebody. I was about to ask him what he was doing, but just as the words reached the tip of my tongue, my brother appeared out of nowhere, said, "hey" to him, and told me to get in the car. I took one last longing look at the Deity incarnate and clambered into my brother's Blazer. I was so horny on the ride home that I had to lay sideways on the reclined seat so that my brother wouldn't notice my enormous erection.

The next day rolled around, and I had almost forgotten about the encounter with that kid at my friend's house. Even though he was just about the hottest guy I'd ever seen, I pushed it to the back of my mind. I thought that if I dwelled on it, I would just be torturing myself. I was still horny during school, though. Horny enough that I went to the bathroom between every class just so I could relieve my sex drive by peeping at the guys in the urinals.

After what seemed like an eternity, the dismissal bell rang, and I darted out of the school building, eager to get home. I met my brother in the parking lot and we walked to the car together. When we reached the car, a note was taped onto the door, evidently from my friend. He told us to come inside, because he had taken the day off from school. I walked over to his Garage door, entered the code, and stepped into the garage. My friend was sitting there smoking a cigarette, and we both took a seat. After some chatting, I excused myself to the bathroom and took a long piss. I came out, and there were 3 more people than had been previously out there. My brother and my friend were still sitting there, but so were two other people- My friend's friend, a kid I didn't recognize, and the hunk from the day before. I almost jizzed in my boxers when I saw him. I tried to keep myself from shaking as I walked back to my seat and lit up a cigarette, stealing glances at the kid who had now revealed himself as "AJ" to me. After I finished my cigarette, I suggested that we all take a dip in my friend's pool. A few people seemed pleased with the idea, including AJ. So we trekked around to the back of the house and stripped down to our boxers. I took one look at AJ in his skimpies and immediately turned away, knowing that if I looked again, I would bust all over the place. A lot of people say things like that, but I mean it. I almost jizzed all over the place. I jumped in and so did my brother, my friend, and AJ. We just swam around for a while and splashed the two who were sitting on the deck.

Eventually, we got tired of swimming, and climbed out of the pool. Being in our boxers, our "peerless parts" were basically on display for everyone to see. I stole a glance at AJ and my heart skipped a beat. His boxers were plastered tightly against his skin, his manmeat was clearly defined, and it hung low, as if strapped to his leg. I quickly jumped back into the water, to hide my erection, and to keep them from seeing my cum burst everywhere inside my boxers. I waded around a bit so that it didn't stick to my boxers, and when I was finally through, I climbed out, still a bit apprehensive about my semi-hard dick.

We all sat out on the patio for a little while longer, after we had gone upstairs and changed. My brother, being the genius that he is, decided it would be funny to pour water on my crotch. I jumped up and threw my lit cigarette at him. He narrowly dodged it and it hit the screen, burning a hole right through it. After this, it took a good 10 minutes to shut my friend up. He complained about the hole in the screen for what seemed like forever. Did I say my brother was a genius? I meant super-genius. He didn't learn his lesson the first time, and so he poured water on a crotch again, this time AJ's. AJ didn't seem phased, though. He just got up and pulled off his jeans, still in his wet boxers. My cock strained against my shorts, making a tent out of them. Not willing to let up, my prankster of a brother went a step further, and immediately ripped AJ's boxers down to his ankles, leaving him in his birthday suit. I couldn't stop staring. My mouth was wide open and my eyes were goggling. It was absolutely amazing. Earlier that day I was thinking I would never see this stud again, and here he was, exposed to me in all of his glory. His pubes were thick and dark, with a small happy trail up to his bellybutton. His luscious cock was 5 inches long while hanging limp, and cradled beneath it were two perfectly shaped, large balls, one hanging lower than the other. Time must have gone in slow motion, because I still have the exact image in my brain, 5 years later. He was cut, and he was beautiful. After time decided to unfreeze itself, AJ quickly pulled up his boxers, turned around, and threw a bottle of water at my brother. I could still see his cock, turned toward me, like a voice from heaven. It was amazing.

As if I hadn't had enough excitement for the day, fate decided to throw me yet another curveball. Certainly not a straight fastball, if you catch my drift. We were gearing up to leave. I was walking upstairs to grab the rest of my clothes, and my brother was downstairs, chatting with my friend and the kid I didn't recognize. I opened the door to the guest bedroom, and AJ was standing there, stark naked, jerking on his dick, and moaning. He was startled out of his rapture by me, opening the door. He yelled and quickly pulled up his pants. I said, "Oh my God", and quickly closed the door. I was about to kick myself for getting out of the room for so long when I heard him call from inside the room. I turned, not sure if I should go back in or not. My penis ruled over my brain that day, though, and I went back through the door, wondering what I would see. AJ had not dressed, he was sitting on the bed. I opened the door and said, "...yeah?" He looked around nervously, and somehow managed to speak.

"Actually, never mind...Lemme be alone, dude"

"What is it, AJ?"

"Nothing, man...just get out, alright?"

I had gotten this far, and so I wasn't about to back out at the last minute.

"Tell me or I'll tell the guys you were jacking off in the guest bedroom"

"I saw you staring at my dick when your bro pulled down my pants... did--did you...like...what you saw?", He whimpered

I must have been hearing things. This couldn't be true. Was he coming on to me? How could he be? There's no way this is happening. That's basically exactly what was running through my mind just then. I couldn't even think straight, but I didn't have to. I didn't say anything, but I took a few strides toward him. I looked at him carefully, and I shot my hand out and grabbed his cock. He looked me in the eyes, and his eyes were aflame. He whispered, "I want you so bad", and that was all I needed to hear. I practically tackled him onto the bed, and immediately started kissing him, probing his mouth with my tongue. I felt all over his body with my hands. From his nipples to his balls to his feet to his hair, I took in all of AJ. I practically ripped my clothes off, and in a second, I was standing stark naked in front of him. He smiled viciously and threw his head at my healthy 7 inch, circumcised cock. He immediately swallowed the entire thing, and he started bobbing on my dick, his tongue circling around my cock and under it to that perfect, sensitive spot. I moaned loudly, and as if to silence me, he probed my asshole with his fingers. I ran my fingers through his hair as he probed and sucked at the same time, and I was in ecstasy. I felt myself almost ready to burst, and I stopped him. He seemed to know what was going on, and he laid down on the bed. I got on top of him and took his juicy meat into my mouth, tonguing it for all I was worth. I had a field day with this stud's cock, licking and sucking and slurping all over his god-sent organ. I wasn't an expert cocksucker, but that day I think I was pretty damn good at it. He moaned in ecstasy and started writhing on the bed, ready to cum. I felt his cock swell even more and like a geyser, he erupted. Jet after jet of manjuice sprayed the back of my throat. I swallowed it all, loving the taste of his cum in my mouth. While the goo was still pooling in my mouth, I kissed him deeply, letting him taste his own cum. We were getting so into the kiss that we started grinding our bodies together, my dick getting harder on the slick sweat of his body.

I was ready to go all the way, though. I asked him about it and he seemed anxious and eager at the same time. I asked him if he had any condoms, and he told me he only had one. I suggested that we could share it and he seemed pleased with the idea, so he pulled the condom out of his wallet. I slipped the condom over my rock-hard cock and looked at him with hunger. It was both of our first times, and I thought it might be easier if I laid down and he rode my cock instead of me pounding into his hot ass. That way, he could pull off if it hurt him too bad. He liked that idea, too, so I laid back down on the bed, and put my arms behind my head, my cock standing at full attention. He sat on my stomach first and smiled at me. My GOD was he fucking HOT! He rubbed my nipples and bent down to kiss me. I could still taste the cum from before. I moaned and he moved himself back, perching his virgin pucker on top of my thick cock. He slowly lowered himself down. It took some wiggling to get the head of my dick to pop into his virgin hole, but after a bit, it went in with a pop. I moaned, and so did he. After the initial entrance, it was smooth sailing. He let himself drop onto my cock, and I groaned with pleasure. He seemed slightly uncomfortable, but started riding my cock all the same. He got really into it, throwing his head back and screaming in ecstasy. I had never felt anything like it. He would lift himself up and then fall back down, his dick slapping against my abs every time. He gyrated his hips and gave my cock a working. The room was full of testosterone. I was getting mad sweaty, and he was too. We became one mass of twisting man-flesh. My cock seemed like it was a key fitting into his asshole, the key hole. My cock was meant to be in his ass. It just seemed natural. He rode me for about 5 minutes, and I just couldn't hold myself back any more. I exploded into him, burst after of burst of cum simply erupting from my rigid cock into the condom. He laid down next to me, very tired from his working out on top of my cock. I told him I'd make it up to him right there and right then, and so I did.

I slipped the condom off of my dick, being careful to preserve my cum. I handed him the condom. He drank the cum inside of it, and smiled, savoring the taste. Then, he slipped the condom onto his own cock, shivering as he did. I could tell I wouldn't need to ride him for long. He laid back as I had done, and I nuzzled his 6 pack with my face, tonguing his bellybutton. I licked from his stomach down to his bush, and eventually to his balls. He giggled a bit and told me that it tickled. I laughed and licked the pre-cum from his cock. I had experimented with different things up my ass at home before, so I was more used to the feeling of something reaming my ass than he had been. I lowered myself slowly, just in case (he was rather large). I felt his dickhead pop into my ass, and I slammed my butt down on his cock, making him shiver and moan loudly. I rode his cock with a vengeance, gyrating my hips and moving quickly. He didn't stop moaning and groaning the whole time his cock was in my ass. His dickhead kept on hitting my prostate, sending ripples of pleasure through my whole body. My body finally seemed complete with his organ inside of me like it was. It just seemed completely natural. I had only been riding him for about 2 minutes when I felt his cock surge. "Oh shit, man...I'm cu-cu-cumming!! OH MY GOD!!!", he screamed, and he exploded into the condom. I felt the condom tear inside my ass, but I didn't care. jet after jet of his sweet, sweet manjuice pelted my prostate, eventually sending me into my 4th orgasm of the day. I couldn't stop cumming. My orgasm seemed to last forever, as wave and wave of cum jumped from my cock onto his stomach. I couldn't handle it any more, and I passed out, falling onto his rock-hard stomach as his cock popped out of my ass. I fell asleep on top of my first.

When I awoke, it was dark. AJ was asleep beside me, leaning against me. We were both naked, and my first feeling was fright. I remembered clearly what had gone on, but was scared that someone might have seen us like this. I lifted his arm from my chest and kissed him while he was asleep. He stirred slightly. I checked the lock on the door, and it was as it had been--locked. I felt better. I looked at a clock, and it said 8:30. I had been sleeping for 3 hours with AJ. I walked back over to the bed, and looked at AJ. He was beautiful when he slept. His hardened stomach rising and falling very slowly. I laid down beside him, and gently woke him up. He woke up, and immediately kissed me. We kissed for a long time on the bed, passionately. After being joined at the lips for about 5 minutes, I suggested that we should get up and see exactly what happened. He agreed, and we both climbed out of bed and began dressing ourselves. We decided that we should walk out of the room at different times, so as to not draw attention to ourselves. He walked out first, and I followed about 5 minutes later. I trudged downstairs, still a bit groggy from my nap. My brother had left a good 2 and a half hours ago. They wondered where me and AJ had been, and searched the house. When they saw the door to the guest bedroom was locked, they guessed someone we must have just taken a nap, one person to each bed. I grabbed AJ's ass discreetly at this time, and he laughed. Me and AJ both called our parents, and asked if we could sleep at my friend's house. My parents gave in after a good 5 minutes of arguing, but AJ's parents said "fine" instantly. I was jumping for joy at the thought of a night together with AJ, but I kept my elation inside. I couldn't wait for tonight.

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