Airport Fantasy

By Kent's Friend

Published on Oct 30, 2000


Airport Fantasy 2 - Brett

It was already over. I could hardly believe how fast the months had gone. Now I was sitting in the airport at half past nothing, waiting for the trip home.

Being a co-op student is great. My school is on quarters, so I chose to spend summer and fall working in California. Winter and spring would be back at school in Texas. I was a free man for the summer. And I had not taken advantage of it like I should have.

Sure, I had a blast with the other co-ops. Three of us shared an apartment on the company. I even had a private room for the first time since before my brother flunked out and came back home. But did I get laid? No. There's still cum on the walls in that room, I'm sure, but nobody else got to see it fly. I'd fix that little issue as soon as possible.

For now, though, I was sitting in the airport lounge. There were some characters here, that's for sure. The burly cop must think I'm up to something the way he keeps his eye on me. A steroid case and his girlfriend sized me up good before going off on their way. I could handle that three-way. Then there's my favorite of the morning, a blond guy off to my right. He's checking me out big time.

Sure, he's cool about it. No stares. He'd scan the scene, pause on me, and move on. He was good at this. He had a small bag with him that was about to burst. Exhibit A: business traveler. I made a quick call home and settled in to play eye games. Flirting with other guys was always fun. I looked way more than I would dare actually do, but last I heard looking was still free. It feels good to be cruised too, so I sometimes invite it.

Memories of high school always come back when I am playing like this. Some of my buddies and I ran track and field. We didn't win very many meets, but we did have a good time. Halfway through junior year we started making bets on our races. I bet a hand job with the anchor man in our relay, Derek. I won, and he paid up. Then I gave him the same treatment. He was my best friend, and still is. Why it took us so long to take care of each other is a mystery.

During the summer we progressed into blowjobs. It was my idea first, but we kept each other happy. When the track season started up again, we had settled on the ultimate bet. Deep down I know I threw the race, but Derek still thinks he won fairly. I just wanted to try it, and I needed an excuse. I also thought that this would go like our blowjobs. I'd do it for him first, and get some in return later.

It didn't happen that way at all. He seemed to like doing it, but afterwards wouldn't talk about it and got all weird on me. Finally I cornered him. Once I told him that I wanted to do it again, with him still on top, he just about fell over. Derek was, and still is, terrified of getting fucked in the ass. Meanwhile, I have overcome the initial problems and really get off on it now. I'll see him back home.

Although Derek is the only guy who has ever actually penetrated me, I look around a lot. With my reminiscences having pumped my dick out of its morning stupor, I was starting to enjoy the attention of my neighbor down the row. One more good cruise and I'd be popping a bone big time.

I went for it. I shifted in my seat to give him a view of the action. New jeans can do wonders for a guy. I especially like the way they frame my ass. I think even straight guys see it, never mind guys who would actually appreciate it.

Derek and I have pretty good dicks. There are plenty of guys bigger than we are, but in the heat of it I am often glad Derek isn't like them. When I am not getting fucked, though, I fantasize about getting fucked by a big one. Maybe Brett was big. I decided his name was Brett. His build made it reasonable to think that he might be packing some big meat. His large hands, and the self assured way he looked at me fueled my assumptions about him. If his shameless cruising were the product of experience, he would be able to show his skill in bed as well. Brett had probably fucked plenty of guys.

I flipped open my book but did not do any reading. I focused far beyond the page, and imagined him boarding my flight. He was sitting two rows behind me. During the flight I felt his gaze, but never caught him when I looked back. I counted the minutes until we landed. I had to at least talk to him.

I took my time gathering my things, so that everyone else around me got out ahead of me. I moved into the aisle just as I saw him get up from his seat. He let me step out in front of him.

"Thanks," I said. There, I had at least said something.

"My pleasure," Brett said, and I think it really was true. I felt his gaze, hotter than ever, burning up and down my back and into my hair. It had been a while since I had gotten this level of interest. It had been too long.

I turned to him as we left the plane and found a complete lack of words. He took advantage of the gap.

"I need to catch the shuttle to the Hyatt. Can you help me find it?" he asked. The question trailed off into a smile. His was the sort of smile that wanted me to take my shirt off. He could as well have said "Nice, but show me more." I liked the smile.

"Yeah, the hotel shuttles are right near where I catch my bus," I said.

"Oh, so you are local traffic. I had you pegged as a California boy," Brett said.

"Maybe when I graduate; that would be good," I replied. My lips were moving and doing a fine job. I had no idea what I said as we walked to baggage claim, and out to the street. He didn't have any bags, other than his carry-on and now me. "Looks like this is the Hyatt stop," Brett said and snapped me out of whatever I was chatting about. "Want to come over for a drink?"

I should have been more ready for the question. My stomach was against it, my balls were already there, and my head was just confused.

"Uh, I'm just twenty. If they card I guess I'll have a Coke." I said. I made the decision by blunder more than anything.

"Screw that," he said. There is a mini-bar in the room.

When we got there, I asked him for a screwdriver. I felt my face redden as I said it. I could have asked for a sex on the beach and gotten right to the point, I suppose.

"I can fix you one of those, and make you a drink too," Brett replied as he put two glasses on the table and pulled off his coat. He gave me the "lose the shirt" smile again.

Not one to be outdone, I started to climb out of my sweatshirt. "Mind if I take this off?" I asked.

"Actually, I would rather do that for you," Brett replied. The drink came my way.

As his hands gripped my sides and started rolling up my shirt, I was glad for every sit-up, every mile, and every rep I'd done to make my scrawny body less so. I imagine that he was too.

It felt good to have a guy's hands on me, making their way over my ribs, my stomach, and my chest. As my sweatshirt bunched up, I lifted my arms. He took the chance to start massaging my pecs. Derek would have to learn these moves.

He freed the sweatshirt from my head by guiding it carefully past my ears. His thumbs wandered through the short hairs on the back of my head. As he put my sweatshirt aside, he folded it up instead of just throwing it onto the chair like I always do. I felt his chest against my back. My heart was racing, and he could probably feel it right through my bones.

As I reached for my drink, he reached for my crotch. Still clad in my new jeans, my meat was packed in with nowhere to move. If there was any doubt that I was enjoying every moment of this, it evaporated when he placed his hand over my dick. I pushed my hips into his hand. With them rode the offer to be my second guy, and my first man.

In a moment, my shoes were by the side of the bed. I undid my belt, and he helped me out of my jeans. I was lying before him in my boxers as I watched him undress. I wanted to grab my cock in the worst way, but I just let it enjoy its new freedom.

As his clothes peeled away, I liked what I saw. He had just a trace of hair on his chest, blond sparkles against a light tan. His arms were more muscular than his loose shirt let on. As his pants slipped away, I saw that he was a briefs man. Crisp, white Jockeys sheathed a pouch like I wouldn't mind having. I'd dreamed about a big guy. Now came the test.

He was firm, but not yet fully hard. As for me, I was tenting my boxers like the circus was about to start. I wanted to make him get as hard as I was, so hard that it hurt.

"What makes you get really hard?" I asked. Any answer would be right. Instead he just lay down on top of me. His crotch pressed into mine, forcing my erection to fold to the left into my lap. He ground himself against me, briefs against boxers. Next he rolled his midsection against me. Our waists and stomachs pressed together. Just a few inches separated our chests and faces, as his eyes stared into mine.

"Being on top turns me on," he answered. "I want to be all over you, on top of your chest, on your face, and..." he stopped right there to kiss my neck, continuing to grind into me.

I wanted to suck the rest of the sentence right out of his mouth. We both knew how to end it.

"Can I get those briefs out of the way now?" I asked.

"You may, but if you let my dick see your face then you'll also have to show it the back of your throat." Brett replied.

Just to make matters clear, I hooked my hands into the elastic of his briefs and started pushing them down. He raised himself up, but then came back down on top of me.

"You sure you want my dick down your throat?" he asked. I pushed down again, and he let me peel them off.

As he climbed up to align his member with my face, I realized why he asked. He had a great, thick cock. I was going to gag on it, for sure. Not that there was any question about me trying it, of course. Not only had I just about promised him I'd suck it, but after one look it would take something powerful to stop me.

As it hung there, pretty well hard but promising more, I admired it. I'd be bragging about this. I felt him looking down at me, so I looked up. As our eyes met, I nearly boiled over. Here was this stud, looking down at me, sticking his dick in my face. I was moments away from tasting some serious dick. My mouth would be home to this manfucking dick. I saw myself lined up with his other guys, all ready to serve, and I could take it no longer.

He must have felt my cock jump, as just before I could lunge for him he pulled back. He sat on my tent, forcing it down again, and grasped his meat.

"Ever sucked a guy in broad daylight before?" he asked. "Seems like you really want it bad." He knew that I did. After what seemed like a minute he said, "Cocksucking doesn't really do it for me though. It's just a warm up." He raised himself up again. "I'll let you suck me off, but then you're getting it up the ass. You like that?"

If words alone could have triggered an orgasm, it would have happened right there. "Yeah," I answered. "I want it both ways."

He smiled a little differently now, a little broader but less warm, and pushed forward. I let his cockhead part my lips and ease the way for his meat to cross my tongue. He filled my mouth almost perfectly. I could suck this man all day.

After ten or fifteen minutes of probing my mouth, he invited me to finish my drink and get up. He wandered over to the sliding glass door and motioned for me to follow.

"I want you to suck me right here," he said. He moved his feet apart a bit and motioned to his dick. "And flip your dick out of your fly. Let it take a look."

What a sight it was. The sunlight poured in around him. The sun made the fine mesh of hair all over his body glow. I noticed for the first time that his balls were neatly shaved, and told myself to eat them too. I liked his approach a lot. Brett was calling the shots, but still he was more seductive than demanding. He let me know how to do it right.

My hometown dropped behind the wall on the balcony as I dropped down before him. The smell of man meat came to me as I eased forward. Derek always washed it for me, but this time I'd be eating it raw. I asked if I could start with his balls.

As I took his jewels into my mouth, I felt good. This stud was letting me enjoy him as much as he was enjoying me. I rolled them in my mouth, closing my lips around him as his dick brushed my nose and forehead. He pushed his meat down onto my face.

"Yeah, that's it. You suck me good," he said. I responded with a little more suction as he held me at the back of my head. He was pushing me into his crotch. The hot talk and physical encouragement was incredible. I moaned my agreement.

"You like having a fat dick in your face, don't you?" Brett asked. I was startled by what he did next, bouncing his hard dick off my face a few times. "You look like the kind of guy that likes to be dick whipped." I struggled to keep my gentle caress on his nuts as he pounded on me with his hard cock. When I couldn't hold back any more, I spat out his balls.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me! Fuck my mouth, you stud!" I begged for it. I didn't care what I was saying. I was horny when I woke up, and I was about to explode now.

"If that's what you want, here it is!" He said as he grabbed me and thrust me onto his hard cock. The meat that had been all over my face was now rediscovering my mouth, but this wasn't the same kind of sucking. Before I was giving him a blowjob, this was giving head. You understand the phrase very well when another man is ramming your mouth by controlling your whole head.

I let him have me. I dropped my arms and grasped my own wrists behind me. I adjusted my knees to line my mouth up perfectly with his fuckpole. Derek had been all over me before, but this was different. I was loving it and burning for more. I craved the juice from his balls.

When he pulled free of my mouth. He looked down at me across his chest, now starting to shine with sweat. His dick was in front of my face, taunting me.

"Come in my mouth," I begged. "I want it."

"Can't wait, huh?" Brett said as he gave himself a few strokes. I looked at his meat, shining in the sunlight with my spit. "Can't hold out until I shoot my load in your guts, can you?"

I shook my head a little in reply. I didn't want to wait another minute. My own meat was as hard as ever, and I knew that I was starting to drip.

"Okay, but your ass is still mine. Promise me your ass and I will give you a load to savor while I fuck you," he said. He stopped pumping himself to make the point. No promise, no cumshot. Here was my fantasy dick, an inch from my face, and all I had to do was say yes.

"You got it, Brett! Come in my mouth and you can fuck me until you come again!" I said. I reached down to handle my balls. Promising this guy he could ream me wide with his big tool was making my balls pull close to my body.

"That's my buddy," he said, and went back to pumping his shaft. "Now open up."

He really did like the talk. So did I. After all, I was on my knees before him, face still wet from my prick massage, promising my ass, and waiting for a load with my lips parted. I was loving every minute of it, too.

The first jet of his sweet cum flew between my lips and doused my tongue. I took no chances with the second, sealing my lips around his head as he let loose with another volley of spermjuice.

"Don't swallow it. I am going to fill your mouth, dude." Brett nearly whispered it.

I held his juice in my mouth, moaning with pleasure as each new pulse. He gyrated his hips slightly, making his dick swim in its own fluid. I stayed on my knees and he probed around my cum filled mouth, feeling the warmth of his wad. I struggled to hold it all in and not swallow as he eased partially into me.

"Can you hold it while I fuck you?" he asked. I nodded, and sealed my lips as he drew his dick out of my mouth. "Lean back so you can answer me."

I tilted my head back and managed to gurgle an OK through the thick, stringy load in my mouth. I stood up as he watched my mouth, knowing that his cum was inside.

"Not on the bed," he said. My look must have delighted him. "Oh no, cum boy, nothing so vanilla today. We're going to go out onto the balcony and do it there. Nobody will see us."

I looked at him in a near panic. Getting fucked was one thing, but getting fucked outside?

Brett pushed open the sliding door and stepped outside, waving his majestic erection with every step. "We're on the top floor, and you'll be beneath the wall. Don't worry." He turned to look out over the landscape. His confidence won me over.

As I settled face down into the lounge chair, he brought me a pair of pillows. One went under my face, the other at my crotch. I knew enough to hike my ass up into the air. I saw the condom packet blow past me and escape in the gap between the floor and the wall. Next I heard the plastic click from the cap of a small bottle, recognizing it instantly. Here I was, in position, about to get it in front of the whole town if it weren't for the balcony wall.

"You can swallow a little if you have to," Brett said. There was no way I would. My mouth had been watering all the time but I wanted to hold out. I was getting a fingering like I'd never had. More lube made it better, but it had been too long. I could take a single finger easily, but two was stretching me. His efforts to plant a third were not going well. I was just too tight.

"Okay, we'll do it the hard way," Brett said. He grasped my hips and moved closer. I felt his heat, his fat boy, pressing between my cheeks. He stopped at my back door and adjusted his aim. Next I felt that familiar burn. My ass opened to take him in as he used his weight to push ahead. I could tell already that this was more, far more, than I was accustomed to taking.

As Brett pushed forward, forcing himself into me, I panicked for a moment. I swallowed the load in my mouth and let out sort of a whimper, but louder. I tightened my grip on the chair. That only encouraged him. Brett began to feed his muscle deeper into my ass.

"Give it up," he said to me. "You're getting deep fucked by my fat dick, so just ride it." He moved his hands from my waist to my shoulders and piled into me until his legs were pressed against mine. With my face buried in the pillow, I let loose some low moans and whimpers. I needed time to adjust to this wide prick, and I wasn't getting it.

"What's the problem, bottom boy? Your fantasy fuck too much for your tight ass, college boy? That's just too bad, huh? It's a little late to think of that." Brett had taken on a new tone as he started pulling out and plunging back forward. His words fired my fantasies again.

"No, man, go for it," I mustered the courage to say. "I can take your fat dick. Make it fit me. Fuck my ass." I was talking like a porn movie, and I didn't care. This was my fat dick afternoon fuck, and I wasn't going to wimp out.

At my invitation, he pulled clean out and reentered my tender ass. I couldn't squelch the moan.

"I see you finally swallowed my load," he said. "Feel good to have my cum in your belly?" I couldn't answer. The sensations radiating out from my stretched hole had my full attention. "Yeah, you like it." Brett answered for me. He knew the score.

"Roll over so I can watch your face while I fuck you," Brett demanded. I flipped right over and braced my feet against him. He leaned forward, rolling me up onto my back.

I'd never seen myself penetrated. Watching him lower himself into me was beyond hot. By now, I was loosened enough to start really enjoying the ride. I offered encouragements, and started using my hands to gain a better sense of the man on top of me. He brought me to the edge several times, and then backed off. I was glad I'd taken a load out of him already so that he could keep riding me without losing it too fast.

Next I closed my eyes and imagined telling Derek every detail, and how he would react. It would drive him crazy with lust. I'd whip him up into frenzy, and then tell him this was the night he would lose his cherry.

"As we begin our descent into the Dallas Fort Worth area, please return any carry on bags to the overhead bins or under the seat ahead of you. Turn off any electronic devices, and make sure your seat belt is fastened securely about you." The announcement broke my concentration.

Derek would be meeting me at the airport. I'd show him first thing that I still had his bracelet on my wrist. Then we'd go home to fuck, and I was as ready as I could be.

Thanks, Brett. Hope you had a good trip.

Next: Chapter 3

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