Airline Life

By MW Mans Mind

Published on Jun 17, 2018


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The series of chapters are completely true and are the result of the author's life. Any resemblance to any real person(s) is well, true! The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex and protected sex practices are the way to go if you plan to be around for years to come.

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It is late august, temps in the lower 100's, and high humidity. Matt brings up a weapon bag while I look at him and his skin is bright red and dry. I can tell he is close to that point of having a heat stroke. I motion him into the office and he isn't sweating anymore, "You need to go and sit in the back room and cool down for a little time." He grumbles his agreement and passes me, and I catch a whiff of his hard work in the heat on him. He collapses in the chair in the back office and puts his dirty boots up on the desk, crossing his ankles, leans back with his hands behind his head. His boots land on a report that I'd been working on and I reach down and grab his crossed ankles to move them, feeling the moist socks that lead into his heavy boots. After I move them he uncrosses his legs and spreads them apart with his boots still on the desk.

Looking at his body, I know that he is strong, but not overly muscular, even at his waist there is a small version of a beer belly albeit tiny, but his upper chest is small but taunt. His biceps themselves are large, but not body-builder large. Reaching down I feel his forehead, causing his eyes to open and his light blue eyes stare at me a look of confusion, his forehead is very hot and totally dry. "You are in the first stages of heat stroke, you are gonna have to sit here for a while and relax. How long has it been since you went inside to cool down and get something to drink?"

"We are too busy, I haven't had time. Too many flights at once." Matt says, somewhat embarrassed, and obviously exhausted.

"Well I will call down and let them know that you're in need of taking a quick break, and you will return in a bit, besides we don't have another flight for an hour." I say as I leave the back office and call down on the phone to let the ramp lead know. I head back in to the back office and sit on the edge of the desk. I was bored, and I really wanted to look him over. Looking at his legs, and trace with my eyes the hair pattern on them, I could see where he'd been sweating quite a bit, and the hair was matted down with dried sweat and salt. That was the only way to really see his quite hairy legs because of his light hair color. While looking at his legs, I realize the leg of his uniform shorts are gaping wide open with his boots spread out. There's just enough light coming in the left side of his shorts, I could see he had a ball stuck to the inside of his leg. My eyes track up his body and I can see the salt marks on his shirt on his side and can see some of his pit hair poking out of his shirt, it seemed almost ethereally clear. I look at his face and his blue eyes are open and are looking at me staring at his body. "So where was the last place you went to on a weekender vacation?" I asked, trying to just make chit chat.

"I went to Vegas with a couple of other ramp agents and we had a good time, how about you?" He says now closing his eyes and tilting his head back into his hands, exposing his scruff on his neck. It is almost hard to see since he is so blond even his unshaven neck his hair is near the color of a yellow-clear.

"Oh, I went to DC a couple months ago, and San Antonio, but I do need to get out of this city again." I say, trying to cover my growing hard-on.

"I would love to just go camping, you know just wake up in the woods, and not have to shave, not have to do anything I wouldn't have to, other than just kick back, Vegas was fun, but I would like to just be in the middle of nowhere and just sit or walk, know what I mean?" He said while he started stretching, flexing his stomach, and thighs. It was easy to see his musculature as his shirt was plastered and dried to his skin.

"I love camping, I know what you mean, wake up when you want, go and sit in a chair, no itinerary, no alarm-clocks, and no technology." I say, enjoying our chitchat.

"So, you know of any places that are far enough out in the woods, or far enough away from civilization, that clothes are even an option." Matt says, eyes still closed.

Shocked I say, "I do know of a place just like that, it's in southern Missouri, like a 6-hour drive from here. If ya want to go, let me know and we can go" I say eagerly, but reserved since I was testing waters.

"Sure! What days off do you have? I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday." Matt's head pops up and those eyes open wide.

"I have the weekends off, but I can see if I can get my shift covered on Friday next week, when were you thinking?" Eagerness coursing through my every cell.

"How about a week from tomorrow?" He asks, happily smiling, showing those perfectly white teeth.

"I can see." I say, "I have a small tent, do you have anything? Like a large tent or sleeping bags, etc."

"No, I live in a house with 5 other guys, I don't have much at all, but they are not that expensive, are they?" Matt is now staring at me with all his attention.

"I have two sleeping bags," I say while noticing that his blush has reduced and sweat started to form on his arms, legs, and forehead. "You're starting to sweat, so you are getting better, though you do need to get downstairs and drink a lot of water, better yet, get some Gatorade in you. I will call a favor in and get the day off."

He stands and starts to walk out, and reaches down and gives me a hug, my face buried in his neck. "Thanks." He says as his grip on me releases and he heads out of the office, his heavy scent now in my nose. I was so hard my uniform slacks were going to tear right off me. That scent of his was so intoxicating it was the longest shift I ever had.

It has been a week, I ran into him as he is heading into work, and I am heading home. "I got my shift covered, when you head home, make sure you set your alarm and be up early, so we can get on the road." I say to him in passing.

"Uh, I don't have an alarm clock." He says showing embarrassment.

"Well put your phone by your bed tonight and I will call ya." I offer.

"Um, I don't wake to the phone, too deep of a sleeper, how about I come over after work, but I do not know how to get to your place." Matt says torn between our conversation and the need to clock in.

"How about I just come up tonight and pick you up, and you can leave your car in the lot, and I'll drive you by when we get home." I say while standing in the door of the employee lot bus.

"OK, I'll call you when I am about to get off work. I just brought a small bag with some sneakers and a change of clothes, so I can get it from my car on my break." He yells, moving up the walkway to the terminal level.

"OK, I'll wait for your call or do you just want me to come up at midnight?"

"I'll give you a call, who knows when I'll get out of here." He says as the bus doors close.

It's 11:00 pm, I got the sleeping bags and the tent from the attic, and gassed up the truck, the phone rings and he tells me that he's off at Midnight, and he will be waiting in front of the ticket counter. Midnight rolls around, and I drive down the terminal and see him sitting down on the bench and when I drive up he jumps up and jogs to the truck. I have the windows down but can tell it was a hot evening out on the ramp; his pleasing scent fills the cab. I drive away, and he starts tenting his shirt to try to cool down. "If you are hot, take your shirt off." I say and without hesitation he pulls it off with one hand. With the cool night air rolling across his wet chest, his very pale pink wide nipples form a little knot.

We reach my house; go inside, I tell him to take off his boots near the door, since they're filthy. He steps out of his boots and walks over and plops down on the couch. "I'm going to go upstairs and get the rest of my stuff ready, if you want to shower, it's upstairs." He jumps up and heads up the stairs in front of me, I follow him enjoying the look of his calves' flex as he takes each step, two at a time. I head into my room and hear him pissing in the toilet; I take a glance around the edge of the door and see him with his cock in hand and emptying his bladder with the door wide open. After he finishes, he comes into the bedroom with his elbow resting on the edge of the door jamb, I can see his armpit, and now know why I saw his armpit hair peeking out from underneath his shirt, his pits are really bushy.

"You said I could take a shower?" He asked

"Oh hell I forgot, let me get you a towel" I say walking up to him, but he delays as he realizes again that I am looking at him, his hair pattern on his chest has just a few sprigs of hair around each nipple, and his belly button is shielded with a hand-sized circle of long straight blondish hair, leading down into the waistband of his work shorts. He moves only when I am about a foot away from him, and I get into the closet, get him a towel, and he steps from behind me, getting close to me and takes the towel. He takes the three steps into the bathroom, sits on the toilet and pulls off his socks, stands back facing me and drops his shorts. I stand there and see that the hair on the back of his thighs form a line up to his ass which by the light of the bathroom shows fuzzy, small and tight. He bends over to turn on the shower faucet, and I can see his balls hanging low between his legs. I shake it off and head downstairs, sit on the couch and light a smoke. In a few minutes the shower stops, and a moment or two later, I hear him coming down the steps. He appears from behind the wall near the steps into the light naked, with his hair still wet, I get a glimpse of his full body then, His stomach hair does widen out to a triangle above his cock. His cock is not noticeably long, but enough, and uncut, and his balls are not large and hang low, in a hairless scrotum. He walks over in front of me and sits next to me.

He asks, "So, where am I to crash tonight?"

"Well you can stay on the couch, or you can stay with me in my bed upstairs. Makes no difference, other than we need to get to sleep." I say, this time it was me who was exhausted, and boned up.

"Since we're going to be sleeping on the ground, if it's ok I would like to stay up in the bed. But I am tired, so let's go." He says standing up. He leads the way upstairs; as I hit the lights downstairs I watch his tight little bubble butt bounce as he walks up the stairs.

We enter my bedroom, and he asks which side of the bed, as I tell him he pulls back the covers, and lays on the bed on his back, with his hands behind his head, and stares at me. "Why're you staring at me?" I say timidly.

"You've been checking out my body, and have been studying me with your eyes, so I am just going to return the favor. Besides I always wanted to know." He said awaiting me taking off my clothes. I slip off my shirt, and toss it into the hamper, "You have something that all of my brothers had, but I never got, a full chest of hair." I blushed and dropped my shorts and took off my socks. I get into bed and he stares at me again, I lean over to turn off the light and feel his hand on my back. "Damn you are hairy, you even have back hair, mine is smooth, and I wish I had more body hair." I turn off the light and relax into a comfortable position. He waits for a bit, then he starts running his hand down my back, feeling the soft hair on my cheeks. Since I was in a jack-knife position, he leaned back and felt in-between my legs and rubbed my balls. "Damn, I wish I told you before about my hidden side." He whispered, just barely enough for me to hear, though I'd remained still. He put his head back on the pillow and scooted up to spoon me. It was an interesting feeling as he was a furnace, and his head was nuzzled in the back of my neck.

I woke up in the middle of the night with Matt comfortably snoring next to me. It was my turn, he was on his back, with his right arm above his head. I leaned my nose over and put in his pit. The almost clear hair tickled my nose, as I inhaled deeply, his pure essence filled my nose. Immediately, my cock was rigid. Knowing he was a heavy sleeper, I let my lips touch his nipple. The hairs around it tickling my lips. I stuck my tongue out and gave the wide faint pink nipple a lick, then pulled back ever so much and blew lightly on it. I watched as his nipple wrinkled up into a tight pink bud. His snoring changed a little as he took a deeper breath at the same time. I let my hand rest on his tight chest, and slowly moved it down to his navel. The hair there was ever so soft, and straight as an arrow.

My hand went less than half of an inch south, and was met with a very hard, oozing cockhead. I touched the clear liquid that was leaking out and brought the sweet liquid to my mouth. I returned my hand back to his cock and felt the veins that were in his tight, wide, fore-skin. I was cut, but I have always loved fore-skin. Matt's cock wasn't a foot long, but a good 7 incher with the girth of a Coors Light can, grabbing hold of it as my thumb went into his nest of strangely straight pubes, and as my fingers barely met on the other side, his heartbeat was easily measured, he was definitely in deep sleep. I let my hand go further south and had to reach far to get his balls in my hand. His furry thighs were spread just a little, and as I brought his balls up and felt them, his breathing changed once again. They were completely smooth, not in a man- scaping way, but just smooth and the skin was so soft. I let them rest and felt one of his muscular thighs which again felt like a shag forest of leg hair.

After feeling his body, I laid on my left side and put my head on his chest, and his arm came down and held me. He told me that he was a heavy sleeper, but I was leery about blowing his while he was asleep. So, I nodded off my head resting on my norse god, I might call him Thor.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Remember that sprayed semen does not work really well with electronics, so be careful reading my stories that you don't ruin a keyboard, phone, tablet or another vulnerable device.

Email me anytime, as I respond to all emails that are legitimate. Keep tuned. If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter, email me and let me know.


MW Man

Next: Chapter 3: Matt 2

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