Agreement With Larry

By Jack Santoro

Published on Oct 28, 2006



Agreement with Larry


Larry's prick felt hot in my hand, and I studied it because it was different from mine. His warm fingers were wrapped around mine, and the excitement was electric. We were doing something supremely arousing, and really enjoying it. Larry was my age, mid-30s, and we'd known each other for years. In fact, we and our wives had often had dinner together, eating out or at one of our homes. The irony came that both marriages broke apart, and our final divorce decrees took place on the same day. Luckily, we'd had no children.

I'd taken a small apartment when my wife and I split, and so had Larry. As usual in divorce settlements our wives had gotten the houses, and Larry and I were commiserating in my apartment, over a six-pack of beer.

"I'm glad to be free," Larry said. "Despite all the shit you hear on these TV psych-doctor shows, divorce wasn't a trauma for me. It was a release from the hell my marriage had become." I understood exactly what he meant because I felt the same way.

"My marriage was horrible too at the end," I said. We should never have gotten married in the first place. My feeling was that I'd rather be alone the rest of my life than continue with her. It was that bad." Larry looked at me and shook his head.

"Well, I feel good because I've got my freedom," he concluded. "Now I can do things I'd only thought of when I was married. I'm really better off now."

"You're right," I agreed. "I feel the same way."

"Now I can experiment. I can try things I'd just been dreaming about since I was a teen-ager."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like sex with a man," Larry answered. "Does that shock you? I'd been wondering what it would be like to jack another guy's cock while he was jacking mine. There, I've said it. What do you think now? Do you want me just to get the fuck out of here?" I was surprised, not so much by what he'd admitted was his dream, but that he thought I might reject him for it.

"No, Larry, no, not at all," I reassured him. "To tell you the truth, I'd been thinking that way myself. Even as a teen-ager, I'd wondered about that, but was afraid to try it because others would have called me a queer. Anyway, I was afraid to ask anyone, even friends, because I didn't know what they'd think."

"I was afraid of the same thing," he said. "I thought there might be at least one other guy who wanted to try it, but who? I didn't know who to ask. Oh, I could have gone to a gay bar in another city, maybe, but I'd heard some bad things about those places. I might catch a disease, or run into someone really unpleasant, maybe even get raped."

"That was the same with me," I said. "I can't imagine enjoying having some guy's prick up my ass, and if I ran into someone who wanted that, what could I do?"

"Well, I'm glad we cleared the air, Jack. I guess you're a real friend, someone I can trust." I was reassured by his expression of trust, and I felt this conversation had brought us really close.

"Look, let's not just talk about it," I urged. "Let's try it. Let's get naked and at least satisfy our curiosity. We might like it or might not, but at least we'll know." I stood and he did the same, tacitly agreeing. We were both about six feet, medium builds, but my hair was brown and he was blond. My eyes were brown, contrasting with his green eyes. His face was thinner than mine, and I had a square jaw. I went into the bedroom, and he followed. We began to strip down. When we dropped our pants I saw we were both wearing boxers. When we lowered our boxers, our eyes were fixed avidly on each other's crotches. "You've got a nice head on yours," I commented. Larry indeed had a large and beautifully shaped helmet type glans, pinkish-purple. "Yeah but yours has skin over it," he said. Larry's helmet dangled at the end of his prick below a thick circular scar ring, where he'd been cut. Mine had a long tapered foreskin that bulged over the head and then tapered to a ling pendulous nipple. "How old were you when that happened?" I asked, pointing to his penis. "They did it to me when I was a baby. Lots of guys got clipped. How did you escape getting the chop?" "My parents didn't believe in it," I replied. "The doctor tried to sell them on it, but my father wasn't cut and they saw no reason why I should be." By this time we were both naked and our pricks had begun to swell from the excitement of the conversation. We sat on the edge of my queen-size bed next to each other as his eyes stared hungrily at my crotch. "Go ahead, you can touch it," I breathed softly. He reached out and clasped the nipple of my foreskin between thumb and index finger, pulling upward on it slightly. An electric thrill ran through me as his fingers contacted my penis. "I've always regretted not having one of these," he said as I began to squeeze his glans between two fingers. "Even as a kid, when I saw guys who still had their skins I wondered what mine would have been like if I hadn't been cut." "Lots of guys are cut," I said to try to reassure hm, but my words sounded hollow even to me. "That's no consolation. That's like saying if I were blind that others are blind too. Tell me what it's like," he asked. "What's it like having skin over the tip?"

"Well, you're finding out right now," I stated flatly. "Go ahead, see how it peels down when you push on my foreskin." Larry's prick was not fully hard, like mine, and the rim of his glans flared beautifully, standing out above the neck of his shaft. I kept gently squeezing the head.

"Each time you squeeze my tip I get a thrill deep inside," he said as he began to drag my foreskin downward. The nipple had expanded over the front of my helmet and had stretched to a dime-sized opening. "Man, your hole is just like mine." I looked at the front dome of his glans and saw that the lips of his slit had pouted the same way mine had.

"We've both got teardrop shaped holes," I commented. "I think when you pull my hood all the way down you'll find that our heads are the same shape."

"Your head's as big as mine," he said as he continued to drag my foreskin down. "It's more purple, and it's wet and shiny. Mine is dry and leathery." Now I closed my fingers around his shaft, still gently squeezing the tip with my thumb and forefinger.

"Our pricks are about the same size, six inches, and a bit on the thick size," I said.

"We've both got nice heads," he said as his warm fingers pulled my foreskin over the rim, and it snapped into the deep groove behind it. "Women like to feel a big head going in. Several women told me that."

"That's been my experience too," I agreed. "One woman told me that she'd had sex with a guy who had a small head on his prick, and it didn't feel as good as my big helmet stretching her." Now Larry leaned down, closer to my crotch, and inhaled deeply.

"I love that smell," he said. "I wish mine smelled that way. It's really masculine."

"I like the smell too," I admitted. "I make sure to rinse inside my foreskin every day when I shower though. If I don't, it can get pretty rancid."

"Hell, if I don't shower every day I don't smell good either, cock, balls, or armpits. I don't like smelling bad." I was glad he'd said that. I wasn't into dirty bodies either. Now his fingers were pulling down on my stretched-back foreskin, testing its flexibility.

"Anyway, most women smell worse than I ever did," I said.

"You're right about that," he added. "My wife wasn't too careful about keeping herself clean. At times she really smelled like a pig."

"You've got a very nice prick," I said sincerely. "It's straight, and it looks well-proportioned. Best of all, it feels good when someone's handling it doesn't it?" He looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, it feels really good. I like feeling your hand on my dick. I'm glad we decided to do this." His words gave me a warm feeling, and I was grateful for his full acceptance.

"I'm glad you said that," I told him. "It makes me feel very close to you." I lifted his chin with my other hand and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"I've never been kissed by a man before," he whispered wonderingly. I kissed him again before saying:

"Neither have I, Larry. It's something new for both of us and I really like it."

"I like it because it's you," he said fervently. Overcome by emotion, I let go of his prick and hugged him to me, pulling him down on the bed as my lips sought his again.

"You're really my friend," he said, and I saw tears come to his eyes. He climbed on top of me, and I felt our pricks pressed together between our bodies as he kissed me again and again, passionately and without hesitation. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him very close to me. Now my eyes were tearing too.

"This feels so good, and we haven't really done anything yet," I murmured into his ear. The delicate scent of his body was very pleasing to me.

"Yeah, but we're going to do a lot," he told me. "If it's so great at the start, what will it be like when we really get going?"

"I can imagine a couple of things," I suggested. "I'll watch you as I stroke your prick, watch you getting excited, and then watch you shoot your load. I know my prick throbs hard when I come, and now I'll get to feel yours throbbing between my fingers as I make you shoot."

"That sounds wonderful," he said. "I'm already getting to play with an uncut cock, and it's so nice." He rolled off me and grasped my prick again. "Does the skin go back up or is it stuck here?" My foreskin was fully retracted, forming a thick fleshy collar behind my flaring corona.

"It locks behind the rim when you pull it all the way back," I answered. "Here, let me show you how to get it forward again." I wrapped the fingers of my other hand around my shaft behind the bunched foreskin and pulled upward, rolling the thick hood over the corona and compressing it, to bring it fully over my helmet.

"I like that," he said. "Your skin goes all the way up and covers the head. Are all guys that way?" I squeezed his shaft as I replied:

"No, foreskins vary just like pricks do. Some guys have longer pricks than others. Some guys have foreskins that barely cover the rim when they're soft, and when they get hard they look like they've been circumcised. Some cover the head half-way. Others are longer, and some are as long as mine."

"Well, I like yours, Jack. I'm glad you have a nice long skin. It gives me more to play with."

"It really does," I said. "I can take long strokes when masturbating. You can try it now, pulling it all the way down and then all the way up."

"Yeah but your cock looks pretty sensitive," he said.

"Try it, Larry," I urged. "I'll tell you if you're hurting me or making me sore." Larry wrapped his fist around my prick ad began stroking my foreskin slowly, testing its elasticity, bringing it back behind the flaring corona. Then he urged it up, compressing my flaring rim and bringing it sliding down the taper of my wet glans until it formed a pucker at the end.

"That's really nice, Jack. I noticed you're getting some lube, like I am. That makes the skin slide easier, doesn't it?

"Yes it does," I answered. "If I didn't have lube, it would get sore."

"I always need lube to masturbate," he told me. "I don't have your skin and I have to rub the head with my fist. I don't secrete enough lube for that, so I usually use some sort of oil or lotion."

"I've got some cooking oil in the kitchen," I said. "Want me to get it now?" Larry's fingers tightened on my prick, and I felt him stroking my foreskin faster.

"No, just stay where you are, Jack. Now that I've got the hang of it I want to make you come. It shouldn't take long because I've heard that uncut guys are more sensitive."

"That's true," I said. "Okay, I'll have you make me come. Just take some of those tissues ready to wipe me off." I felt Larry's fingers working my foreskin in the long and sensual strokes that I love, covering and uncovering the swollen helmet.

"Okay, Jack, I'll make you come now. Okay if I just have you shoot on your stomach? I'll wipe it off after."

"No, go ahead, Larry. Man, you're really getting me hot." I was starting to get a tickle in my rim as the foreskin rode over it, the combined friction and compression exciting my nerve endings.

"Your balls are already tight," he observed. "Hell, mine are too, just from doing this to you and feeling your hand on me." I still held Larry's prick in my left hand and continued to squeeze the head.

"It'll be nice when I come, knowing that you're doing it to me. This is much better than doing myself," I told him.

"Oh, I know," he said. "Feeling your fingers on my dick is a lot better than feeling my fingers. It feels better than any woman who ever touched me."

"Most women don't know how to give a hand job," I said. "Anyway, most are interested only in themselves. They don't give a shit about the guy they're with."

"You can say that again," he riposted. "Anyway, I noticed your head's getting darker, and that means you're close." His fingers accelerated as he continued to stroke my foreskin.

"You're right, Larry. I'm getting a tickling feeling all over the head."

"Want me to keep stroking you hard all the way through?" he asked.

"No, I'm glad you mentioned that," I replied. "My prick gets very sensitive when I come. If you keep on stroking hard the way you're doing now it would get very uncomfortable. When you see me shoot about three time, just pull my foreskin all the way down and hold it there." The tickling was intense now, and I felt myself withdrawing from the outside world as my body filled with sensation. The sensation heightened and the tickle changed to a hot tingle that traveled down my shaft and triggered the first spasm deep inside me as my eyes closed.

I cried out as the first charge of hot sperm shot up my prick, burning its way up the delicate mucous membrane of my urethra. Larry's fingers were just stroking my foreskin upward, and I felt the juice tickling the inside of my pucker as it shot forth. Now his hand pulled my hood down all the way and as my foreskin snapped down into the groove my second convulsion occurred deep in the root of my prick.

The second torrent squirted into my urethra and gushed upward, erupting from my naked glans to spill all over my abdomen as I cried out again. I was helpless in his hands, as this was the first time a man had stroked me this way and the sensations were immeasurably more intense than when I did myself.

Larry brought my foreskin up again and I felt the pressure of his fingers compress my rim through the thick fleshy covering as it slid over my slippery tip. Another spasm shook me and I felt my hips bucking as I thrust my prick up reflexively, shooting my juice wildly. Now he skinned me down hard, and I shot again, the hot torrent distending my urethra and making me cry out again. He held my hood down tightly as my prick throbbed again, shooting another jet from the lips of my slit.

Several lesser spasms followed, and my jets diminished to a dribble. I was out of this world, breathless from the novel sensation of being jacked by another guy, and I lay there inert as the sensations gradually faded and my body began to relax. I opened my eyes and said:

"That was hot, Larry. It's so different from when I stroke myself. Your hand made it so more exciting and intense."

"I'm glad it was so good for you," he said. "I felt your dick throb with every shot, and the jizz shot from your big tip really hard."

"When I was a kid I dreamed about this," I confessed. "You made it real for me." I reached down to slip my foreskin forward over my softening helmet.

"I sometimes used my left hand to jack myself," he admitted. "I just closed my eyes and imagined it was another guy's hand."

"I did the same thing, Larry. "Using my left hand made the sensations unfamiliar and it was easy to imagine someone else was doing it to me." Larry's prick was rock-hard, the result of my touching him and the excitement of making me shoot as he watched. Before he could wipe up my juice I reached for some of the sperm I'd spilled on my stomach to lubricate my fingers and wrapped my right fist around his prick to massage it.

"That's hot," he said. "Using your jizz to lube me makes it even more exciting." I began working my fist up and down his staff as he rolled to lie flat on his back.

"I don't think we'll need any oil," I said as I continued to stroke his prick in long strokes from the base to over the bulging head. I cupped his tight scrotum with my left hand, my fingertips pressing into the tender flesh behind his balls.

"You'll have to squeeze me tighter than I did you because my tip's not as sensitive," he advised. I tightened my grip and stepped up the pace because I sensed that he really needed quick relief.

"The head's getting darker," I observed. "You're close."

"Your tip got darker too," he replied. "It got harder, too. I felt that through the skin." Now I was pumping his prick, using long strokes and twisting my fist around the glans at the top.

"I can feel your helmet's harder now," I said. "I'm going to keep twisting my fingers around your head because I know this gives you extra sensations."

"Man, it does! It does! I'm getting a hard tickle right in the rim now." His breathing had become more shallow and rapid with his rising excitement.

"Okay, Larry, enjoy the ride. Just relax because I'm doing the work. I want to see you shoot and feel your prick throb, like you did me."

"Oh, man, my head's tingling all over," he said as he turned his head to look down his body to where I was jacking his rigid prick.

"Let it happen, darling," I coached as my flist flew over the stiff shaft and engorged helmet, bringing him to the peak. His jaw tightened and his legs began trembling as the sensations flooded into his body.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he grunted loudly as my fingertips behind his balls felt his urethra pulse. His shaft throbbed hard and a long stream of viscous white juice erupted from the distended lips of his slit to fall back on his stomach. My fist was at the top of the stroke now, and I felt his engorged helmet throb as another torrent gushed from it. Larry was grunting and his hips bucked, thrusting his engorged prick deeper into my tight fist as the frenzy of his orgasm gripped him.

I stroked downward, feeling his shaft throb again as a third rope of cream shot from his naked helmet, joining the others on his stomach. Larry keened loudly as another heavy gush poured from his distended slit, this time falling back directly on the glans and my trembling encircling fingers. I twisted my fist, squeezing hard to give him another spasm that wracked his body.

I kept stroking him until the spasms died, knowing that this wouldn't irritate his circumcised glans. Now his teardrop shaped orifice was just seeping, not even dribbling, and I knew it was over for him except for the afterglow. I let him lie there until he'd recovered.

"That was as good for me as I think it was for you," he finally said. "Knowing it was your hand on my dick and your other hand around my balls really did it for me. Thanks, Jack."

"Thank you," I countered as I lay beside him and rolled his body to face me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, pressing him against me.

"It's so nice, so intimate," he said.

"It s for me too," I added. "I feel really close to you, closer than I ever did to my wife or any woman."

"I think we've really got something going," he told me, staring directly into my eyes. I kissed him on the lips, and then the cheeks, and finally his neck as his hands ran up and down my back, caressing me lovingly and tenderly. Our soft pricks were squeezed between our bodies, warm sticky fluids making them slippery.

"Your prick's really beautiful," I said. "I never thought I'd say that to a man. I really enjoyed stroking it and feeling it throb when you let go."

"Yours is terrific, Jack. I always wanted to play with a dick with skin, see how it works, and now I did. When I watched uncut guys jack off years ago, I wanted to touch them, but I always was afraid."

"There's no reason to be afraid now," I reassured him. "My prick loves attention."

I'll give your cock all the attention it wants," Larry said seductively. I smiled as he continued:

"Maybe we ought to take a shower before that jizz dries on us. It's really hard to get rid of once it dries in the hairs."

"That would be nice," I responded. "Let's go." I stood and held out my hand to Larry. He got up and we went into the bathroom.

"Not much got on the bed but it's all over us," he said as we stood under the warm water. I handed him a sponge and the squirt bottle of liquid soap. He squirted some on the sponge and began to scrub me, especially on my stomach and thighs. Then we switched places and I did him. After replacing the sponge and soap bottle on the shelf I hugged him to me and we kissed again under the warm spray.

"It's nice to feel you against me," I said, hugging him tightly.

"That hot water running over my dick makes me want to pee," he confessed, slightly embarrassed.

"Go right ahead," I urged. "It's only liquid, all water-soluble, and it'll all rinse off. He relaxed visibly and now I saw a thick yellow stream draining from the end of his helmet to swirl down the drain. When he'd finished I spoke again:

"I guess you've seen uncut boys pee in school, right?"

"A few times," he admitted. "Do you pull your skin back when you do it? Some boys did. Some just peed through their skins, and sometimes it got sloppy because it splattered."

`Normally I skin back because my long foreskin will make it splatter. Here in the shower I don't have to. I'll show you something else I do." I pinched the end of my foreskin's nipple and let go. Larry watched, fascinated, as my foreskin distended with urine, obscuring the shape of my helmet and making a bulge bigger than a golf ball.

"Hey, that's cool," he said as I released my foreskin and a thick yellow stream gushed out between us.

"Here, try it," I urged, grasping his right hand and placing his thumb and forefinger around the end of my nozzle. "Just remember to release it when it swells up to what you saw just now." Larry pinched the end of my nipple carefully, shutting off most of the flow, and we watched my foreskin swell again. Now he released it and it gushed strongly, splashing over our legs. He quickly pinched it again when it was fully deflated and my foreskin expanded with the liquid discharge.

"That is so cool," he said joyfully as he released my nozzle and let the accumulated fluid pour out. "How do you clean it? Want me to soap it up for you?"

"No, I never use soap on my penis, especially inside the foreskin. It doesn't get that dirty, and anyway soap's an irritant. I knew a couple of guys who soaped up their pricks and didn't rinse carefully. Their pricks were really sore after a few hours. I just skin back and let the water flow do it. I make sure it's thoroughly rinsed off before I pull the foreskin forward again. Here, you do it for me." Larry grasped my shaft with two fingers of his left hand to steady it and put his thumb and forefinger on both sides of the foreskin covering my glans. He gently eased it back until it snapped down into the groove behind my rim. He held my penis up into the path of the shower spray and turned it somewhat so spray all sides.

"Now pull my foreskin back farther so that it's clear of the groove," I instructed. "There's probably a little urine or sperm at the bottom of the groove and I'd like to rinse that out too." He followed my instructions, and now my helmet was standing out proudly at the end of my prick, unobstructed by any folds of foreskin, and the flowing water rinsed it thoroughly. "Okay, now pull it all the way down," I finished, and Larry slid my foreskin down over my glans.

"Do you always pull the skin forward after you wash?" he asked.

"Always," I answered. "Otherwise it would feel uncomfortable with my glans rubbing against my underwear. Anyway, it's supposed to be inside the foreskin to keep it moist and sensitive."

"You don't want your tip to dry out and lose sensitivity like mine, then," he said.

"That's right, Larry. Now let's get dried off." We stepped out of the shower and dried each other with my towel. It added to the intimacy that we died each others' bodies, exploring the depressions and crevices.

"I really like the way your dick looks, with that nozzle dangling right at the end," he said. "That looks so cute."

"Yours really isn't bad," I said. "You've got a nice head on it, and it's something to be proud of."

"All that's missing is the skin," Larry complained. "I could do so much if my dick had skin like yours."

"I know you'd enjoy it," I said. "You really got a charge playing with mine this evening. You liked the way it slides up and down."

"There's more than that," he said. "I was on the Internet looking at some of the sex sites the last few days. I saw a couple that showed docking."

"What's that?" I asked.

"That's taking the other guy's dick-tip inside your skin," he informed me. "They even showed pictures of it. You've got to have enough skin to make room for your tip and the other guy's with both of you hard."

"That sounds interesting," I said, suddenly excited by the prospect. "That would be really intimate. I felt your prick throbbing between my fingers when you came before, and with this I'd feel your helmet throbbing inside my foreskin."

"I'd love that," Larry confirmed. "You'd be just right for docking. You said some guys don't have enough skin, maybe enough to cover part of the head when they're soft, but when they get hard it all goes back behind the rim."

"Yeah, I've seen that a few times," I agreed. "When they're hard they could pass for circumcised."

"You've got more than enough to cover the head when you're hard. You might even be able to stretch it a little to cover mine."

"I'd sure like to try," I said. "What about in the morning when we're fresh? I'm a little sleepy now, and I guess you are too." I hugged him to me.

"Morning would be fine," he agreed. "I'd sure love to feel your tip throbbing against mine when you come. Meanwhile, it's going to feel good sleeping with you."

"That's for sure," I answered. "We'll cuddle up and share our body warmth." We climbed into bed and pulled the covers around us.

`Your body feels nice against mine," Larry said. "You feel better than my wife ever did."

"You feel good to me," I said. "That's because I like you more than I ever did my wife."

"I know what you mean," he expounded. "My wife was my wife, but I couldn't tell her things, couldn't confide in her the way I can with you. You understand." He kissed me lightly on the lips and then I kissed Larry's neck. Our arms were around each other as we descended into blissful unconsciousness.

Larry's body was pressed against mine when I awoke. He'd awakened before I had, and he was pressing his morning wood against mine. I felt a pleasant tingle where our pricks made contact, and the slight movement of his hips slid my foreskin gently over my swollen helmet.

"We're both hard," he said. "We could dock now, before we go to pee." I pulled away from him and threw back the covers. Our erections were at 45 degrees to our bodies, and I pushed mine down to point at his groin. He pushed his down so that his swollen purple helmet kissed the end of my foreskin. Now he grasped my hood with two fingers and began sliding it in short strokes to excite me further.

"I feel a drop of lube crawling up my prick," I said.

"That's good, Jack. We need lube for my tip to go inside your skin." His strokes brought my foreskin back far enough to expose the front dome of my helmet and he pushed his hot glans against it, sending a thrill down my prick.

"Your helmet feels good against mine, the way it's rubbing and sliding," I said. I realized that I was letting him set the pace, as he had seen pictures of the docking procedure and I hadn't. His tip pressed harder, compressing the front of my helmet slightly, and now he began pulling my foreskin forward over his glans. Drops of lube seeped from my distended teardrop orifice, easing the insertion.

"I'm slipping it in," he said as he held the edges of my foreskin spread with his fingers and pressed his helmet deeper into the channel.

"This is the first time I've had someone else's tip inside my foreskin," I told him. "It feels really good."

"This is the first time my tip's been inside anybody's skin, except when I was born before they cut mine off." I reached down to cup his scrotum with the fingers of my left hand. My right hand closed around my prick over the glans and pushed my foreskin forward to finish enclosing his swollen helmet. Larry removed his hand and reached farther down. I felt his gentle fingers closing around my balls, and another thrill shot through me.

"I love this, going head to head with you," I told him before I kissed his lips again. He kissed me back passionately and our tongues met as our lips parted. We inhaled each other's exhalations as I began working my foreskin over his helmet, the forward edge of my hood enclosing his rim and the groove right behind it.

"I know I'll feel your tip shooting against mine when you come," he said.

"And you'll be shooting your juice against mine, right into my foreskin," I added. The thought added to our excitement and anticipation, and I tightened my grip on my foreskin, twisting it over his turgid glans.

"Usually I like to wait when I jack off because it's hotter when I come," he said. "This time, I can't wait. I really want to come inside your skin and feel you shooting against me."

"I know your sperm's going to feel hot when it hits my helmet," I said. "Are you getting close?"

"Yeah, Jack, I am. The way you're twisting the skin around my tip is making me very hot." I intensified my twisting, and felt the extra friction against my hard helmet as well.

"I know you're very hot," I told him. "I feel how your helmet's gotten harder through my foreskin."

"Yours is harder too Jack. I feel it when I press my tip against the front of yours. It's not spongy anymore." Larry's thrusting had become more intense as his breathing had become shallow and rapid like mine. I felt the front dome of his hot hard helmet press rhythmically against mine as I worked my foreskin over his swollen corona, stimulating the many nerve endings.

"Larry, Larry," I moaned as I felt my sensations mounting, signaling the approach of orgasm. Now my eyes closed as the hit tingle began in my glans.

"Jack, I'm almost there," he wailed loudly as he neared his peak. I gave his glans a hard squeeze as I twisted my hood again over his rim, and I heard him cry out in agonized ecstasy.

"AAAAHHHHH!" he wailed as I felt the first hard throb of his helmet releasing hot sperm against the front face of mine, triggering my first spasm. I grunted hard as my insides contracted, shooting a torrent of hot cream out of my prick to pour over his helmet. His second discharge penetrated deeply into my foreskin, swirling around my corona and spreading over the contours of my glans.

We grunted and groaned as our bodies strained against each other, hot hard helmets throbbing and coupled inside my hood. We flooded my foreskin with hot cream, mindlessly thrusting against each other, disgorging torrents of juice that had built up during the night.

It was a new experience for both of us, and the novelty made it super-exciting. The closeness of feeling every throb of the other's helmet during orgasm intensified the sensations for us. My glans tingled and throbbed, and I cried out each time another hot jet of sperm slammed through the distended lips of my orifice.

The force of our discharges lessened and soon we'd drained ourselves thoroughly. Our orgasms had faded, but the emotional and physical shock waves had not. Our bodies continued to tremble as our pricks were softening, and we hugged each other fervently, seeking the closeness that made us feel secure.

"This was super, Jack. I never came so hard in my life."

"I think it was the same for me," I agreed. "The only thing that came close was my first orgasm at age 12. I saw stars before my eyes, I cried, and my prick was too sensitive to touch for several minutes."

"I want us to stay together, Jack. I've never felt this close to anyone in my life." He then kissed me again as we hugged tightly. I took a deep breath and said:

"I love you, Larry. I've never said that to any man."

"Likewise," he replied.

The end

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