Aggressive Young Black Master

By Jim Walker

Published on Jul 7, 2022


Interracial and authoritarian

Another scene for Musa and me. Starting to include a few ideas from other people so if you enjoyed this story then tell me at You can even give me ideas for future scenes. But more importantly for this to be published Nifty has to keep going. You can make a donation to Nifty at

Master Musa had arranged a strange session for me. He had some guy who was prepared to pay just see me used. He would pay enough that, for once, I didn't have to pay myself. That was good. I had no money. My credit cards were maxed out, I owed my parents, I hadn't paid last months rent yet. A free session, even if it sounded odd, would be good.

I arrived, as instructed, at exactly 7pm and as I got to the door it opened. Musa was stood there looking different. He had taken the gold beads out of his hair and it was in short dreadlocks. He had white top on -- what English people call a vest and Americans, at least the ones I know, call a wife beater. He had on grey tracksuit bottoms -- Adidas with the stripes down them. And Adidas trainers too. He looked really good.

I walked in and there was an older guy, probably 55 or 60, stood, dressed in shirt and jeans with his arms folded. He looked right through me like I wasn't there. I started to go down the stairs to the dungeon room when Musa called me back. "Go into the toilet. Der is a dildo on de seat. Get up your arse and put your jeans back on. I feeling kind so der is lube in der too". I went into the toilet at the top of the stairs and there on the toilet lid was a long black dildo with a huge fat base -- the sort that you can sucker onto a wall. I got it up but putting my jeans on was tough cos it was so long that it just stuck out.

I went outside and Musa said "Hands behind your back" and handcuffed my hands upwards so they were up by my shoulder blades. "Legs together" and he produced some thick tape and went round and round my ankles until my legs and feet were firmly bound together. "OK lets go to de dungeon fag boy".

I looked down the steep stairs, concrete and fairly narrow. 34 steps. How on earth was I going to get down. "You can jump a step at a time but slip and you will break your faggy neck, my advice is to sit down and drop a step at a time on your butt". I started to sit but the dildo up my arse made it really hurt -- it was being pushed so far up. "You got 2 minutes to get down der or I will simply let him push you down -- dats what he is wanting me to do". I looked at the man. He looked right through me. It was quite creepy.

I lay sideways and tried to drop a step, I couldn't. I was going to have to sit on my backside and drop a step at a time. I sat and the pain was bad. I wasn't sure what to do when Musa said "Poppers?" Well that would dull the pain a bit so I nodded and he produced a small bottle and gave me a few snorts. "Now git" he said kicking me. I used my legs to shimmy to the edge of the step and dropped. "Argh" I yelled as the dildo was rammed up my arse by the weight of my body. "Keep going faggot. You like your arse fucked so dis is just doing it properly".

I dropped step by step, very carefully and very slowly. Each time gave me a slam of the dildo up my arse. Half way down the guy pushed past me and went and stood, arms folded at the bottom. He then watched myself repeatedly fuck myself really hard all the way down the stairs. The two minutes had long passed but Musa didn't seem to care he was enjoying my discomfort.

I eventually got to the bottom but felt as if I had taken a really rough fucking. The guy just walked into the dungeon and when Musa cut the tape off my legs I followed him in -- though I was conscious that I must have walked as if I had been riding a horse.

"Strip off, but don't let the dildo out your asshole -- dat can stay der for a bit, open you up for later". I felt as if I had been fucked more than enough already so the thought of later did not appeal. The same roll of tape that had gone round my legs was now used to stick the dildo in place -- a taped X on my arse with the centre right were the dildo was.

"OK we gonna do some ball torture now" said Musa. He produced a ball crusher -- I guess that is what it is called. The first part was like the back plate. It went round the top of my ball sack and separated my balls from my dick. Then the top part came down - and by tightening wing nuts I got crushed nuts. The top part was perspex so you could see my balls gettings squeezed. Musa screwed it down and adjusted all 4 wing nuts so that my balls were really being squeezed. As he adjusted the wing nuts I was very clear with him that this was hurting. "Show him" he said pointing to the guy. I walked over and the guy looked me up and down, examined my balls in the crusher and said "tighten it down more -- I want to see them looking like fried eggs"

"Well I don't want him castrated you evil bastard" said Musa.

"Neither do I" said the man "but he is still standing and walking -- that means you can do much more"

Musa looked at his handiwork and at me

"Well it will cost you" he said to the guy. "Each half turn of each wing nut £5". The guy just shrugged and said "see how far you will go". Musa took the crusher in his hand and as he turned each nut half a turn he shouted £5, £10, £15, £20." I was definitely in pain and wondered if this was doing real damage. "More" shouted the guy. "£25, £30, £35, £40" shouted Musa. I was now really hurting and yelling and begging to stop. The guy just stared at my balls and said "More". Musa hestitated and said "this is real damage territory the price just went up to £20 each half turn. "Do it" said the guy.

"Dis guy paying me lots for your nuts to be crushed -- dis good money" and he started to turn each one. "£60, £80" I was sweating and shaking and as he started tightening the 3rd one I was yelling "enough enough stop stop stop" "Stop whining faggot, this is getting me £120 just take it" And Musa completed the turning. I was in absolute agony and begging him to release my balls.

"Well done fag you just earned me £120" and he produced a marker pen from his pocket and wrote £120 on my chest. "He does need it taking off now" said Musa. The guy shrugged and said "£100 if you leave it like that 5 minutes"

Musa said that was agreed. I couldn't believe it. 5 minutes and I would need medical attention so I said "£150 to take it off right now".

"Oh an auction" said the guy, that was never part of the deal but fuck it, £400 but you leave it 6 minutes".

Musa looked at me and said "you might need that money later -- just take the pain"

I started to shake and cry. It was unbelievable. But instead of doing anything to help, Musa wrote £400 on me and watched as I came the closest I ever have to passing out with pain. After what seemed like an eternity he said "OK they can be released now".

"£500 for another 5 minutes" said the guy "his sobbing is making me horny". I looked at Musa with pleading and he said "I want to be able to use him again so I need dese balls -- its coming off". He released my balls and then took the handcuffs off. I cradled my balls. The sac was bright red and my balls were misshapen and flat. I wasn't sure they would ever recover. "Stop whining" said Musa, I just gave up 500 notes so you could stay attached to your eggs so be grateful. Sit down on this stool and be glad you not a fucking eunuch." I sat down and immediately remembered that there was still a long dildo up my arse -- sitting was decidedly uncomfortable.

"You still doing a bit of boxing" said the man. Musa explained that he hadn't for a while but had occasionally used the punch bag at the gym to work out. "Would you work out on him" said the guy. "I really want to see how long he could be your punch bag for"

"Sure" said Musa shrugging.

He threw me some ankle cuffs and I put them on. He then walked me into the middle of the room and I realised there was a winch above me. He winched me up by my ankles so I was upside down. My head was a few inches from the ground. He pushed me so I swung about and went off to put on some boxing gloves.

Musa approached me, flexed his shoulders and gave me a few jabs in the stomach. He then adjusted the height, lifting me up a little higher. And then he went to work. He wasn't punching that hard most of the time but it was relentless. He worked my body over completely. The blood to my head was horrid but the constant beating was worse. Boxing gloves soften the blow a little but it was a tough session. Musa did a 10 minute work out. He was sweating and I could smell him a little. His black body shone with sweat around his vest but most interestingly, I could see the outline of his cock in his grey tracksuit. It was poking so hard I could see that it was long and uncut even through the material. I remembered how veiny it was and how it shined when he skinned it back. It was a truly masterful big black cock. And though I hated how much he hit me and beat me it was a price worth paying to get my hands, my mouth and anything else on it.

"Show him your kick boxing moves" said the man. "I want to see him kicked as well as punched"

"I am sure you do" said Musa "How much?"

"Kick him on his body I guess £5 a kick. Kick him in the face £10 but if you make his nose bleed from a kick I will give you £50".

"Gonna be expensive" said Musa and I just knew he was going to try and make my nose bleed. But what could I do. He stepped away and spun round and kicked me, on the chest, then twisted and caught my cheek, then back to my chest and then he paused. He looked at me and said "its only a nose bleed".

I was terrified and just said "please Master, be gentle. I let you do what you want but I trust you to not go too far".

"I want a £100 to make his nose bleed cos he is gonna be such a mess".

"OK" said the man -- but do it properly.

Musa stepped away and then he went for me -- except it wasn't on my face at all. He kicked my body -- my stomach, my chest, and then back to my stomach. He stepped away and said "I reckon the fag will pay £100 not to break his nose so lets just see what you owe. I make it £35 -- lets round it up to £50 and he kicked my head on the side and landed a kick on my chest."

He lowered the winch until I was lying on the ground. And before undoing my feet wrote £50 on me with the marker. He leaned forward and he whispered "you owe me £100 for saving your face -- not gonna be a free week after all".

"While you have the winch let's do the thing we talked about with the hook" said the guy.

Musa looked at me and smiled "I actually think you may enjoy this one fag boy, I will set it up".

The first thing he did was put a piece of wood on the floor -- about 2 foot square, and maybe 2" thick. He positioned it under the winch and said "stand on that -- towards the edge" He then went away and returned with a pair of nipple clamps -- the sort that have a chain and tighten when you pull the chain. Unusually they also had a screw fitting. So you could decide how tight they go on. He also had a chrome metal anal hook -- but instead of a single ball on the end it had three balls from medium, to big, to `oh my god'.

"Crap out de dildo that is up your ass and get the hook up as far as you can" I reached round and removed the tape and the dildo came out. "Now get de hook up -- you stretched your pussy already so you won't need lube".

With some poppers and a lot of effort I got the first small ball and then the middle ball up. Musa then attached the anal hook to the winch and slowly lifted it up. Eventually we reached the point where to lift it any higher would have forced the large ball on the hook right into my arsehole. There was no way that would go up without really wrecking my ass.

Then Musa said "lets put dem nipple clamps on and for sure you need poppers". He gave me those and then: "OK fag boy, I am gonna lift the winch a little -- time to get on your tip toes" I felt the hook pulling up into my ass and it was definitely not going up my ass so I got on my tiptoes.

"Take it higher now" said the guy and Musa turned to him and said "shut the fuck up and watch -- you chose what we do but I told you when I doing the stuff you chose you stay silent. For dat I am fining you £30" and he wrote 30 on me in black marker pen.

"I guess you worked out what happens next fag boy?"

"You going to winch me up and rip my arse apart?" I said it resignedly cos it was so obvious that was his plan.

"Oh no batty, you gonna do things yourself that put it up your hole -- I not touching dat winch again until we finished and I lower you down. But I am sure it will end up right up your ass and dat you will have made it go up all by yourself".

I was sure that wouldn't happen. Now that I was accommodating the hook it was actually quite horny. Being fucked like this was not something I had ever thought about but tottering a little on my tip toes I was fucking myself with the hook and quite enjoying it.

He picked up the chain on the nipple clamps and said "how tight are dese -- do I need to adjust the screw?" "Very tight master" I said. "OK boy, but let me tell you if I pull dem off you will scream like a pussy and den I will be putting dem on tighter. You probably want dem tight as they will go right now".

I still hadn't worked out what he planned to do.

He stood in front of me and stretched his hand out and started to slowly but firmly pull on the chain. My nipples started to stretch out and he simply said "I am not moving my feet from here so when it gets too much on your nipples all you have to do is take a step towards me". And then I realised the predicament. I was standing on the edge of a board, already on my tip toes, and the board was at least a couple of inches high. The only way I could stop him pulling my nipples was to step towards him -- but that meant stepping off the board which would drop me those couple of inches and force the last, large ball on the anal hook right up my arse.

He pulled a little more and then released slightly, then pulled more and then released. Each pull was stretching my nipples further out and, because of the design of the clamp, squeezing them tighter. "Dem titties hurting yet?" Musa asked and I just nodded. He pulled a little more and one of them sprung off. It made me squeal and Musa said "see de way I got the piggy squealing". He positioned it over my nipple and let go so the clamp sprung on hard. He then said "if dem clamps are loose enough to come off den lets tighten them". He adjusted the spring on both sides and started to pull again. The pain was intense and I must have whimpered out loud.

"You can stop the pain on dem any time you like" he said.

"But my ass hole will split" I said, genuinely terrified it might happen

"I doubt that will split it -- and anyway I got plans to stretch it further so you just preparing it for later. Come on, come to Musa".

I was determined not to give in but the problem was I was on tip toe and you cannot stand like that for long. I was starting to totter more and each step was pushing the hook just a tiny bit further up my ass. The poppers had made me horny and I was definitely hard but Musa was still pulling relentlessly and then I realised -- I was just putting off the inevitable. I would eventually have to put my feet flat. I would eventually have to step off the board. I would eventually have to have my hole wrecked. And waiting was just that ....waiting.

"OK lets do it" I said.

"Wreck that ass!" said Musa triumphantly yanking on the nipple clamps. I stepped off the board onto the floor and put my feet flat. Oh my God I could not have imagined a worse pain. It shot up my whole body. My arsehole must have been stretched beyond belief and while that initial stretch of the hole was now over and the ball was in, the pain continued. At least Musa stopped pulling on my nipples and was just watching and listening as I yelled and screamed and begged for mercy.

"Fuck yourself with the ball, bounce up and down. I want to see you fuck your own arse" said Musa. I just looked at him. "Do it!" he said. I shook my head. What could he do worse. If he lifted the winch any higher he would land me in casualty and while he was a nasty bastard I knew he wouldn't do that. So I just stood and tried to soak up the pain.

"If he won't bounce then take the winch up" said the guy. "Dat's another £30 you owe me" said Musa and wrote 30 on me. "Then flog him and he will bounce around anyway" said the guy. Musa stepped away from me and went over to the man. "I am really pissed wid you now. De deal was you could tell me what you wanted before and you could watch while I had a session with my boy but you remained silent. I planned to flog him if he didn't bounce but now you can pay for it - £5 for every stroke. You gonna wish you shut the fuck up. Oh and 50 for speaking". He wrote 50 on me.

He came back to me and said "I don't take shit from him or from you. You as bad as he is. I am your master and you don't pick and choose what I do. So now you gonna make Musa £500 and trust me you gonna wish dat you had just bounced." He picked up a thick leather flogger and said to the guy "you always speaking, so you can keep count -- he gonna be yelling too much to speak".

"Poppers please" I begged. Musa handed me the bottle and I took several deep sniffs. My head started to swim and the pain in my arse became a little less intense.

Musa proceeded to flog me with an intensity and a variation that I could never have imagined. He flogged my front and the strands caught the nipple clamps and intensified the pain until eventually the clamps sprang off -- which was agony, compounded with the fact he then flogged my nipples until they were raw. When he flogged my ass he couldn't avoid the ass hook which moved around and was like bouncing on it anyway. When he flogged my back the cable from the winch got jerked and the hook would go a little deeper up my ass every time

By the time we got to the end of the flogging I was a mess -- just shaking and sobbing. He took the pen and wrote 500 on me. And then lowered the winch. "You want me to get dat ass hook out or will you do it?" he asked "Musa is a kind master, so I will simply pull it out in one go -- bad but quick. You is a wimp and a pussy and will take so long doing it the pain will be ten times worse".

He had a point and I said "please master, you do it". He stepped forward and said "squat just a little and when I grab it you try and shit it out as I pull -- trust me will be better". He grabbed, I squatted and with a scream that must have been heard across London it came out. Musa leaned in towards me and whispered "I proud of you for dat -- 500 is a lot just for a flogging and you took it well. You my boy"

I couldn't believe it. I actually felt good. That I had made Musa proud was a real achievement. He was young, he was strong, he was amazingly handsome, he was intelligent, he had a body to die for and he was proud of me. Sure my arse hurt like hell and my nipples would be sensitive all week but he was proud of me. I was his boy.

"OK you can take a break for 10 minutes cos den we working your ass again with a new thing. In the meantime, what you earned me? Let's see". He started adding up the money and said "Wow I earned £1180 already from him -- and £100 from you." The guy said "I also paid £500 just for this session". "Oh dats true" said Musa "and you gonna give me a lot more yet aren't you?" The man smiled and said "If you continue to make him suffer then I will continue to pay -- not happy you gave him 10 minutes break".

"Like I give a fuck what you happy about" said Musa laughing. "You one sick fuck and I don't think anyone but me would do half de things you want. My boy here is a mess and we still got lots of things to do to him -- so basically shut the fuck up"

"OK boy, we gonna work your ass some more". I must have looked horrified because my hole was a mess -- I was sure it was swollen, bruised, misshapen and stretched beyond anything healthy. "You a batty boy, you love it. And if you don't dat really not my problem"

He strapped me down to a fuck bench so I was in a kneeling position, with my arse in the air. And when I say "strapped me down" I mean I could move my head and that was it. I heard some movement and Musa asked "you can see his ass now?" and the man confirmed he could. He had obviously moved his chair so he could see my poor arse hole.

Musa then said to me "chopsticks -- nothing better for gently stretching the hole you can take this easily" and indeed in his hand was a long thin chopstick. I felt it go up my ass and I really couldn't see what the point was. Then I felt another go in, and another, and another. And when he had around 10 in there my ass was completely full. He was only pushing them in about 5 inches but each one was stretching my hole slightly and now it felt it was stretched out.

"We know dat's filled his ass cos I no longer need to hold dem -- dey just staying in place".

"So put more in, I want to see him really gaping" said the man.

"Quit playing wid your junk, and quit givin me orders -- you want more in you got to pay and it doubles in price each time -- one more is £20 den de next £40, you can go from there"

"Just keep going til I say stop" said the man and Musa laughed "You never will say stop you would jack off as his arse burst and his guts hit the ground. You a sick mutha but I can stretch dis ass with one or two more"

I felt another one going in and to be honest it was such a slight increase it didn't feel too bad -- though I did feel stretched more. Musa wrote something on me which I guess was 20. He then started to push the next in, this was, as he had said, around my limit, and it hurt to go in. He wrote on me again. I guessed 40. Once in however the pain lessened and I just felt really stretched

"We heading into big money" said Musa and started to slide another stick in. It was clearly tight and didn't go in as easily as the others -- the jerkiness of pushing it in stretched my hole and I was sure I could feel my arse hole splitting. He took his time, wrote on me again and then said -- the next one will almost certainly be the last.

It was awful, I have never been really stretched before. The dildo and the ass hook were nothing compared to this. I really yelled and I was convinced he had done me damage. All he said having really struggled to slide it in was "dat got me 160 ...surely you can tolerate another for 320." I begged and pleaded with him but I could tell he planned to do it. And indeed he started to -- but then suddenly he stopped. "Look at the amount der now, dis hole is wrecked already, we don't need any more. You sick fuckas are into fisting -- geez he could take my leg now".

"It looks great" said the guy "but I want to see him really stretched more"

"It not worth it man, he will be in hospital. Dis hole earned me 300 already. Let me ask my boy `you want Musa to earn another £320 -- make me really happy?" I started to cry. I felt I couldn't say "no" because he was my master but I really didn't want anymore. It was simply too much to take. I just sobbed quietly but I didn't answer, I was determined not to say "no".

Musa came round to me and started to stroke my head. He massaged my shoulders a little and then he reached down and pulled his cock out of the top of his grey tracksuit bottoms. I had never seen it looking so big. "All dis money turning Musa on big time, you deserve a reward" and he pushed his cock into my mouth. He pushed hard and it slid down my throat, then, just the way he liked, he just left it there filling my throat. I coughed and choked and he eased back. He slid it back slowly and when I gagged eased out. I started to relax and enjoy it. Then he started to fuck my throat faster and faster. He was ramming it in and out like crazy. Then he leaned over me and with a great effort shoved the last chopstick home. The amazing thing was as he pushed it in I felt him shooting his load down my throat. I couldn't believe he was that turned on. I guess my scream might have turned him on too.

Finally, with his cock still buried in my throat, he pulled out half the chopsticks and my arse was so loose the rest just tumbled out. I started to gag and cough as he stepped away from me. He crouched down and gently whispered in my ear "you throw up on my new tracksuit and the entre fucking packet of chopsticks will be going up your arse. Now clean my cock off" and he held it in front of me to lick clean. With the sticks out of my arse I was feeling slightly more comfortable, though still sure I was wrecked. But I enjoyed licking his beautiful cock and I managed to suck on the end, run my tongue round the mushroom head and clean it all the way to his balls.

The last thing Musa did before he untied me was take a photo of my ass hole with his camera. He showed it me. Amazingly it wasn't bleeding. But it was gaping open like it might never close again. The lips were swollen like a ring donut. But there was a lot more hole than donut that was for sure. My ass had always been tight and now I suspected it was always going to be like the inner tube of a tractor tyre. "Going to send this to Dion, show him how I getting my boy prepared for the dick of death. Trust me you would prefer another session with the chopsticks cos he is hung like a donkey, and can go for a very very long time. Very few people ask him to fuck them a second time".

I assumed the chopsticks was the final thing and wondered whether I was going be allowed to cum. Despite the soreness of my nipples and the emptiness in my arse I still wanted to shoot. I was about to ask when the guy said "you will planning on my favourite thing?"

Surely to god there wasn't more.

"I think not" said Musa "I think I just let him jack off and fuck off".

The man looked really disappointed and said "I would have shot my load when you were doing that had I known -- you got to do it so I can get off". They proceeded to have an argument about whether the guy bringing himself off while I was being done over was part of the deal. The guy clearly didn't worry about money cos he said "do what we talked about, I will jack off, and you can get another £500"

Musa agreed to that and wrote 500 on me -- I was covered in numbers. "Please Musa" I said and indicated I wanted to whisper in his ear. "Given how well I done -- make him pay the £100 I owe you". His face lit up "great idea batty boy, I will still get it off you next week". He told the man he was paying my £100 and marked it up on me. "Lets do the payment now" he said "600 for this, 620 for the chopsticks and 1180 you already ran up £2,400 in total -- on top of the £500 that is a good days work"

"For another £100 you can have dis photo of his arsehole completely wrecked and ruined" and the man agreed. A quick fiddle with the phones and Musa gave him a thumbs up. "I gonna be one rich nigger soon - £3,000 for dis session and its already in my bank".

"Right, get over on dat St Andrews cross" he said to me and within a few moments I was secured arms and legs. The man, moved the seat he was sat on to be close to it and, this was not a pretty sight, dropped his pants and starting fiddling with his cock.

Musa lit a cigarette which was odd as I had never seen him smoke before and said "lets do dem chest hairs first". He then stepped towards me and said "stay dead still and dis will be fine, move around and I guarantee you will get burned"

"No, oh no, no, no that is not happening, you are not stubbing out a cigarette on me"

"I have no plan to do dat, though it's not a bad idea if you fuck around. Just don't move". He dragged on the cigarette so it was red hot on the tip and carefully touched one of my chest hairs. It smouldered and simply burned to nothing. "We gonna make you smooth all over batty boy" and he went to work. A few times the chest hairs caught fire and he would let them flare up taking other hairs with them before he used his hand to slap out the flames. I hated that because that burned me. But most times they just fizzled to nothing. When my chest was done he turned to the man and said "where next?"

The man looked at me and said "Well I wanted to do armpits but this is so horny I really think go for his balls -- I will want to come soon."

The problem with my balls was Musa refused to touch them. And whereas I was able to stand stock still when he was doing my chest the slightest attempt to move away from the heat when he got too close with his cigarette made my balls move and if they swung away from the cigarette then the next moment they swung closer to the red hot tip than I wanted. He burned me so many times it was absolute agony. And each time I said "ow" or "that burned" or, as happened a few times, yelled out loud, the creepy guy on the seat jacked off even harder.

"I got an idea" said the man and if you do it I pay you another "£1000". "Oh god" I thought "Musa will agree to whatever it is for that". "Go on" said Musa. "Pass me your lighter" said the man and Musa handed him a disposable lighter. Most of it was plastic but the top, where you press to get the flame, and where the flame comes out of, was metal. The guy lit the lighter and then held it so the metal heated up. "Push that on his nipple" said the man. "Brand him with the lighter"

Musa said "the one thing we agreed was nothing permanent. That sounds like a permanent mark"

"Yes" said the guy "but the scream will be so loud it will make me shoot more than ever -- watching someone branded is my hottest fantasy"

"But we agreed that you would not ask for anything permanent"

"For fuck's sake" said the guy "He is just some bloke who pays you to hurt him -- hurt him properly. He is nothing. Just a piece of shit to provide entertainment." And I realised that was how he saw me. Literally sub-human. "Brand him -- you will do anything for money and this is £1000."

Musa took the lighter from the guy and lit it. He heated the metal turning it so the flame heated the entire circular top of where the flame came from. The guy was tossing himself off like fury and said "brand the piece of shit". Musa grabbed the guys cock and pushed the top of the lighter onto the tip. The guy's scream was just horrible. And despite the guy flailing and bucking Musa held on and when he let go there was a deep circular mark on the cock. Musa stepped back and kicked him.

"My boy done everything I asked him. He serves me widout complaint. He entertained you all evening, now get out, and don't ever contact me again. Yes you pay well but you are sick beyond belief and you cheated on what we said. Fuck off out and I hope dat burning stops you ever playing with your cock again"

Musa kicked him again and the guy pulled up his trousers and ran up the stairs. Musa turned to me and said "the only person who calls you a piece of shit is me. You are not nothing, you are Master Musa's boy, my cash cow and my piggy bank. You earned me £3000 tonight so no way was I punishing you" He started to undo me of the St Andrews cross. "You did well tonight so providing its something I will do, you can ask for whatever you want to make you cum"

I looked at him and said "would you take all your clothes off for me". Musa looked bewildrered " that's it batty"?" "No Master but I want to admire you and I want to decide what to do when I see you". He stripped off and stood in front of me. I knelt down in front of him and said "you choose Master, shall I suck your cock or lick your arse?"

"You really want me to choose then I want you to lick my arse. But my biggest turn on is seeing if you can cum before I shit on you -- but you hate shit and I said, for once, it was what you want".

I don't know what made me say it but I responded "I have always done what you want -- let me see if I can cum before you dump on me".

"You be licking my arse batty, so when I win I will end up shitting in your mouth"

"Yes master" I said, though in truth I could think of nothing more gross

"See dat rimming seat over there go and get it and get under it"

I lay down with the seat above me and his arse came towards me. It looked perfect. His work in the gym gave him a really perfect set of buttocks. And as he squatted down the hole looked perfect. It was tight and only a few wiry hairs. I got my tongue poised and he farted really loudly and sat on the stool. "I know what you want me to do" he said and started playing with my nipples.

I grabbed my cock and started whacking off. I stuck my tongue in and realised that, as usual, he had not wiped his ass thoroughly. "Clean it up fag" he said. I started running my tongue up and down his crack and then I dug my tongue right in his sweaty hole. "Put your tongue right in and see what you getting for dinner" he said laughing. I ignored him and jacked off furiously. He was tweaking and playing with my nipples just like I liked and I started to get near the point of cumming. I realised from the sensation on my tongue and the way his arsehole was squeezing that he was trying to push out a turd. I stuck my tongue in further and felt it. It was heading in my direction but I was going to cum any moment. I started to jack off as fast as I could. Musa pulled my nipples really hard and twisted them. I felt his arse open slightly and I shot my load. As I did so I pulled my head out from underneath the rimming seat. He exhaled loudly and deposited a huge turd on the floor right where a moment earlier had been my mouth.

"You escaped fag boy, but in your heart you know you dat you is a shit licker. You know de reason you want my nigger ass is cos you want to eat my shit -- trust me before I finished wid you, you will be buying shit off of me just so you can eat it. You will be glad I stretched your ass today. Next week am bringing Dion wid me. He is a big guy. Used to be a champion boxer in Africa. But he got the biggest dick of anyone I know and he likes to fuck. You will need £500 each for us and I need a finders fee of £200 for finding some hot nigger who will go near your nasty white ass. Now clean up my shit and tidy dis place up. So when we next meeting piggy boy?"

"Tuesday 7pm Master" I said and we both looked at each other and smiled.

Next: Chapter 7

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