Aged Beef

By william michael

Published on Jun 16, 2008


The following is the first installment in a series that will tell the tale of a man in his latter years exploring new elements of his sexuality to include masturbation, mutual masturbation, man to man, group activities, exhibitionism and whatever else might come his way. If you are not interested in these activities or are not of legal age, please move on. For all others, please enjoy and I look forward to your comments.

Aged Beef

Nelson Merriweather had arrived at an unexpected place in his life. At the age of sixty he was a widower of two years, semi retired from his profession structural engineer and recently arrived in a mid priced neighborhood in a town in the sunny southwest. Prudent financial management had provided a substantial retirement nest egg, but he chose to make moderate choices. He felt one never knew what the future would hold. He couldn't have been more correct but for reasons he had never considered. His wife's short illness and subsequent death had left him shell shocked for over a year but he was finally resigned to what fate had bestowed and he was working hard to get his life back on track. He took the occasional consulting job to keep his mind occupied and spent a great deal of time in his new garage tinkering with pair of classic English sports cars that he had acquired some years ago but never had the time to play with.

Something else that had begun to occupy his time in the last year was a renewed interest in something he had not spent much time doing for many years which was masturbating. His sex life with his wife had been satisfying and his busy work schedule had left time for much else. Being alone and with time on his hands and changed all that. What began as a simple relief valve was now becoming a more involved and pleasurable activity in its own right. That he was well equipped for this endeavor was evident whenever he looked in the full length mirror just outside his bathroom. He still stood a straight six feet tall, weighing in at a trim one hundred seventy pounds. His blue eyes were clear, his gray hair thinning and cut short. His body hair, of which there was a fair amount was mostly gray as well. Of particular interest to you, dear reader, is the object of his masturbatory activities. His cock was thick, veiny, and circumcised. When fully erect it stood out some nine inches from his crotch, underslung by a pair of sizable balls. The head was smooth but did not `mushroom' out past the boundaries of his massive shaft, giving the illusion of a target arrow as opposed to a broadhead hunting type. He had taken to shaving the hair from his ball sack and shaft to reduce the pain caused by hairs tugged during his sessions. Plus he enjoyed the activity of shaving for its own sake.

The venues for these pleasure trips varied. Laying on his bed was a favorite, as was on the couch in the den or in the shower. He would even take to laying naked on a chaise lounge on his deck in the dark on warm nights, reveling in the risque' freedom it afforded him. It was not uncommon for him to jerk himself off two or three times a day. He quantity and distance of his ejaculations were not what they once were but the feeling was just as exquisite and satisfying. Lately, however, he was realizing how much he missed having another pair of hands to caress and coax his cock to spew it's load.

One thing that he had the chance to observe spending as much time as he did home and in his garage was that there were a number of other single, older men in the neighborhood. While not expressly a `retirement' or senior community, it apparently attracted older folks due to the pleasant climate and reduced expenses of property taxes and utilities.

A case in point was his neighbor from across the street. Fred Anderson was a man in his early sixties, stocky, swarthy and single. He was currently pursuing his third career having been a twenty year navy veteran, a security consultant and now an author working on his second novel, the first having been a moderate success in the techno thriller genre'.

At least once a week Fred would stroll across the street to chat with Nelson as he worked on one or other of the cars. The conversations ranged from topics for future novels, sport scores to possible vacation plans. On the day this story really gets started, Fred arrived looking somber, much at odds with his usual cheerful manner.

"Hello, Nelson, how you doing this morning?"

"I'm find, Fred. You don't sound so good, though."

"Damn writers block. I haven't put a decent word on paper in over a week."

"Stuck on something technical or story line."

"Kind of both. I had this really great idea for a story about nuclear arms smuggling but I'm having trouble tying in some details I think are important but I can't seem to concentrate."

"Something got you distracted?"

Fred took a sudden interest in the tips of his running shoes. When he looked up he wouldn't meet Nelson's eyes.

"Um, it's sort of embarrassing."

"Well, it's up to you, Fred. I'm glad to help but I won't pry."

"Well, it's just that I haven't had much of a social life in the last year and not much, well you know."

"You mean your horny, sexually frustrated and can't focus on anything, right?" asked Nelson.

"Exactly. No matter how I start out with a thought it always turns itself into something sexual and it just makes things worse. I'm ready to explode."

"I know what you mean. As I started to get over the shock of my wife dying I had the same problem. My solution was pretty simple. An old friend came to the rescue."

"An old girlfriend?"

"No, my good friend, Lefty." Nelson held up his left hand.

"You mean, masturbating?"

"Yup, at first it was just to take the edge off without the hassle of looking for a date or whatever. Then it became something to do for it's own sake, for the pleasure of it."

Fred frowned and then looked kind off thoughtful.

"It's an idea I guess. Funny thing is I never really did much of it when I was younger. Al that `going blind' stuff. Although there were a few times in high school, with a few buddies on sleep overs, ya know, kidstuff. And my second wife used to like to do some of that as foreplay but doing it by myself? I guess there's plenty of inspirational material on the internet."

"That's one way for sure. But if you think you need some company, I'd be glad to join you." Nelson was surprised he was offering but as Fred laid out his dilemma the idea had popped into his head. Fred was a good looking guy and he too had had some group fun when he was a teen and the thought suddenly had a great deal of appeal. Fred looked a little taken aback but he rallied quickly and said,

"What the hell, I'm so horny at this point I'd do just about anything."

"Come on inside then. I have just the spot. Just gotta get washed up."

He led Fred into the house through the garage door, through the kitchen and into the den. He gestured to Fred to make himself comfortable on the couch and then went to the half bath of the corridor to wash up. He grabbed a bottle of gel that he kept available for impromptu sessions and walked back in. Fred sat on the couch looking a bit apprehensive but eager.

"I have something that might help make it easier for you, Fred. He hit a few keys on his computer, turned on the big screen monitor on the wall and in a few moments had a video clip of a fortyish guy sitting on a chair, naked, stroking a sizeable, semi erect cock. Fred perked up and settled back into the couch. Nelson sat down as well, leaving plenty of room so as not to make Fred uneasy. As they watched the screen the actors cock began to stiffen and grow, winding up at a thick seven or eight inches with a moderate pair of balls resting between muscled thighs. His head was resting on the back of the chair. Nelson was massaging his cock through his pants and he could see out of the corner of his eye that Fred was doing the same. Looking to break the ice Nelson said,

"Clothes just get in the way at this point, hope you don't mind."

He unzipped his pants, kicked off his shoes and slid both pants and shorts down and off followed by his tshirt. His semi rigid cock was laying along his left thigh. Fred slowly began to undress and shortly was sitting naked on Nelson's couch. His compact body was still in reasonable shape although his chest muscles showed the signs of age, sagging down a bit. His swarthy complected skin was covered by heavy black hair from just below his neck down to his ankles. His cock was hard as a rock, stretching a respectable six thick inches over a nicely sized pair of balls. He leaned back and began to stroke his cock, his eyes half closed. Nelson was glad to see his neighbor and friend was getting over his anxiety and he adopted a similar pose, head back, his left hand massaging renewed life into his massive member. The clip he had running was a compilation of several different models, all in their forties or so, in basic poses stroking nice sized cocks to spurting cum shots. Somewhere around the third scene, Fred began to make low moaning sounds as he squeezed and milked his fat shaft. At some point his other hand had found it's way to his balls and he was cupping and fondling them as he stroked his dick. Nelson would occasionally bring his second hand into play by playing with his balls or rubbing a hard nipple. Right now he had it added to his left and was giving his big cock a thorough two handed ride. By actor number five, Fred was nearing the point of no return, his hips bucking involuntarily until final he let out a low guttural cry and cum began to flow heavily from his cock tip, a heavy white lava flow over his hand and down to his balls. The flow surged three or four times as his body convulsed in orgasm.

Spurred on by the sight and sound of his friend's intense cumming, Nelson's cock let loose with a heavy flow of it's own, each spurt send a small jet up a fraction of an inch from his tip, all of it flowing onto his stomach as he had his cock pointed back towards his body.

Nelson looked sideways at Fred, who's hand was still moving in a slow rhythm up and down his slowly deflating shaft rubbing cum into the skin. His breathing began to even out and his eyes opened. He tilted his head to the side and looked at Nelson.

"Wow, I can't remember cumming that hard in a long long time. Guess I was way overdo."

"Yeah, I remember how that was. And the nice thing is that there are a lot more there to be had. Come with me into the bathroom so you can clean up."

Holding his hands close to his crotch so as not to drip, Fred got up gingerly and followed Nelson into the hall bathroom. A handful of tissues and a warm wet wash cloth made short work of all the man cream that had been produced. The added attention of the clean up had Fred back at half staff and he looked a little sheepishly back at Nelson.

"Guess I've got more stored up then I thought."

"No, problem. Let's go back for round two."

Fred smiled and Nelson led the way back to the den. He punched up a new clip and as they settled back on the couch a new scene came into focus with three men of varying ages and builds sitting on the edge of a indoor whirlpool bath. Their naked bodies were covered with an oily sheen and it was obvious their cocks had been oiled as well. Their blissful expressions were testament to their state of arousal. Nelson noticed that their wasn't quite as much space between himself and Fred now. He offered Fred the lube gel and Fred nodded but instead of offer to take the bottle he just pointed his cock in Nelson's direction. Nelson upended the bottle and squeezed some of the thick slippery gel onto the head of Fred's cock. As Fred rubbed it in he let out a long slow sigh. Nelson applied a generous dollop to his own cockhead and began a slow, circular motion to coat the thick shaft and large head. As he revived his cock he kept a closer on Fred and noticed that he spent as much time watching Nelson's cock as those on the screen. Ideas began to flow through Nelson's brain and he suppressed a smile. Part way through the scene the three men stood up in the bubbling water and stood much closer together. Hands began to switch places and soon cocks were in the hands of someone else and grunts and groans were coming from the speakers. Nelson noted that Fred's hands got busier as one hand moved faster up and down his shaft and the other worked hard on his balls. They both let their legs spread out to free up access to their balls and they inadvertently touched knees. Neither flinched or moved but simply continued their single minded assault on their collective horniness. On screen things were building to a climax, literally, and then one after another began to release his cum. The one older fellow could only manage to pour his not inconsiderable steam directly into the churning water. The two younger men were able to do better with the youngest actually firing across the intervening space and splattering his load on the older guys stomach. This time Nelson was the first to lose his load and he began to pump another respectable volume of cum out of his pisshole and have it flow down the shaft towards his ball sack. Fred was not far behind and he pushed more of his thick cream out over his cockhead and over his slippery fingers.

"Damn, I forgot how much fun this is. Thanks for reminding me."

"My pleasure, neighbor. And thanks for reminding me how much fun it is to share. Your welcome anytime."

"That's great, thanks. Maybe next time we can do it at my place."

"I think I'd like that. Guess we better clean up. Back to the bathroom."

Fred laughed and followed along. He was felling decidedly better and by the time he was heading back across the street to his house ideas were falling into place for the crucial elements of his novel. More then one dam had been breached tody.

To be Continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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