Age Is Just a Number

By Vex Garnet

Published on Apr 2, 2010


Chapter Two: Guardians

"Are you going to school now?" my mom asked me with my hand on the door knob.

"Yes, I'm going now. I'm already ten minutes late. Did I really have to wait this long just to go to school?" I asked opening the door.

I walked out the door and closed it behind me. I gave a sharp exhale and I heard a laugh.

"Took you long enough. For a minute there, I thought you weren't going to school," Kevin said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked hesitantly.

"Waiting for you. I was thinking that I could give you a tour around school but since we're already ten minutes late, I don't think that's going to happen."

"I don't need a tour around school. I can get around just fine."

I walked down my steps and began walking to school.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get in my car!" Kevin said yelling from my porch.

"Walking is just fine for me."

"Okay, but you're kinda walking in the wrong direction. I mean you can get to school that way but it'll take you twice the time even more on foot."

"So? What's your point?"

"Quit being such an ass and get your skinny ass over here."

Stopping in my tracks, I looked at the dark blue sky and wondered why the hell I was getting so easily persuaded by some all-star punk. Sure I was nice to him and his mom yesterday but those are my rules. Day one: be nice. Days after: be yourself.

"Get in," Kevin said as he pulled the car to me.

"You know, I could've just easily walked to your car."

"Yeah, but you were taking forever. We got school to attend."

"Why so anxious to go to school? Don't tell me. You're a nerd too?" I said getting into the car.

Kevin stepped on the accelerator and quickly sped out of our neighborhood. Great, another speed racer. Why am I always befriending these kind of people? It took us five minutes to get to school, but that was because Kevin was speeding at 90 mph. I'm surprised there weren't any cops. Maybe they were off getting donuts at the gas station, I can't imagine anything else cops could do in a town like this one.

Well the school day went by slow. All the kids in my classes were struggling with such simple subjects like American Lit., Trigonometry, Statistics, Microbiology, AP Latin, and American History. It was such a shame. Well I can't really say anything since I'm older than them by several centuries. As I yawned through the final seconds of American History, the bell rang. Finally, saved by the bell or so I thought. I looked at my schedule and I noticed Physical Education was my last class. Stuffing the piece of paper back into my pocket, I walked through the several hallways and ended up in the gymnasium where I saw all these guys ranging from freshman to seniors in basketball shorts sitting on the bleachers. On those bleachers, there was Kevin. He saw me enter the gym and he was waving his arms like some baboon signaling me to come sit next to him. I sighed yet again, walked up the bleachers, and sat next to him.

"Next time, don't act like some uncivilized primate. It's embarrassing," I said not looking at him.

"What's with you today? You sleep on the wrong side of the bed?"

"No, yesterday I was just being nice. Today I'm being myself."

"Oh, well if you ask me, I liked you better when you were that sweet and almost innocent Asian from last night."

"Are you trying to hit on me?" I asked turning to him.

"What if I am?" Kevin smiled.

"Don't. You'll only get hurt."

"You're a heartbreaker?"

"Yes, and you're not my type."

"I'm everyone's type," Kevin said rubbing my thigh.

I grabbed his hand and tossed him down the bleachers. I watched his body tumble down the steps and everyone around me was watching with their mouths open. Kevin reached the bottom and he had a few prominent cuts on his arms and face. I walked down the steps and turned him on his back with my left foot.

"What the fuck, Ve?" Kevin asked opening his eyes.

"Touch me like that again and I'll do far worse than that? You got me?"

Suddenly, I felt a strong grip on my shoulder. I immediately grabbed whoever's arm and threw him down onto the wooden floor.

"Coach!" yelled one of my classmates.

Great. Assaulting a teacher on my first day. Does anyone else smell expulsion?

The coach quickly got up and looked at me, then at Kevin, then back to me. He walked around me with his arms crossed while I stood there scratching my head.

"That was quite some force you got there. What's your name?"

"It's Ve, sir."

"Ve? Well Ve, you seem to have taken out one of my best MMA fighters here and me as well. Welcome to the team!"

"Excuse me? There's no way in hell I'm going to join your prissy little MMA team."

"It's either this or I report you to the principal and you're more than likely to get an expulsion and more."

Great, join the team or get expelled. I choose expulsion but if I get expelled here my parents will kill me. Dammit! I hate this.

"Fine, count me in."

Well after the whole initiation, school ended. I looked around the gym and Kevin was nowhere to be found. Well time to cross him off my list of friends. I have how many friends now? Oh that's right, zero. Grabbing my things, I walked out the school and started my long journey home. Closing my eyes, I calculated the longest route from the school to my house. Once I got a lock on the directions in my head, I headed in that direction. I few minutes passed and I noticed Kevin speed past me with some big breasted chick in between his legs.

"Well that's defiantly a safe way to drive," I said sarcastically.

I walked a few more miles and the wind began to pick up. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. There were two Caucasian males standing behind me. One was dressed like Elvis with the slicked back hair and the other was more rocker-ish with the fitted clothes and the leather jacket. They looked the same age as Kevin.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked.

"We're Watchers," said the rocker.

"I like the term Guardians more, it sounds a lot more pleasant," said the Elvis dresser.

"The Elders sent me Watchers? Why?"

"Because you have fucking up a lot lately plus your parents aren't very parental-like so we're replacing them. I'm sure that's a lot of weight off their shoulders for such a raging bull like you," the rocker explained.

"Charles, don't be such a douche bag," The Elvis dresser said. He walked closer to me with a black comb in his hand, combing through his hair like Travolta in Grease. "My name's Alex. Nice to meet you, Ve."

"Great, more introductions. Look can we just get on with it and just go home? This whole Watchers thing is getting suspicious. Tell me why you're really here."

Charles and Alex looked at each other then looked at me.


"Nothing," Alex said.

"You two are useless."

"Not as useless as you if you get yourself killed in the next few days," Charles said.


"Don't pay much attention to him, Ve. He tends to mention things he shouldn't," Alex said glaring at Charles.

"Tell me what you know or I'll blow your brains out. Shouldn't be too hard, you're just humans after all."

"You really did it this time, Charles."

"Will you quit calling me Charles? It's Charlie."

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