Age Is Just a Number

By Vex Garnet

Published on Mar 17, 2010


So here I am trying something different for my first story, Dork (I'm still in the works of writing "Dork" just got really distracted and bored with the entire storyline.) It is still a high school story, except this time I'm adding more of a mystery kind of sense to it. I just finished watching an entire marathon of supernatural shows and I wanted to try making a story that didn't have the same vibe as all the other stories on here for the high school section. In this particular story, there will not be any sex in it. The reason for not putting sex into this story is because I think it'll draw a lot of the actual potential in this story and I do not think sex makes a story likable. So if you want a story that has sex in it, this is not the story for you. But this will be a story about a lead homosexual in high school and his life in the 21st century. So hopefully there are some of you readers out there that will appreciate this writing if not then at least I tried.

Age Is Just A Number

Chapter One: A Not so Normal Family

"Welcome to your new home, Ve (pronounced "VEE")," my mom said.

"Why'd we have to move? The last city was fine and all my friends are there," I said.

"You know exactly why we had to move; if it wasn't for your naivety and stupidity, we wouldn't have to move," my dad added lugging around heavy boxes into our new house.

With my camera bag at my side, I decided to lean again our new mailbox and snap pictures of cars passing by, our new neighbors, our house, etc. I looked at the deep blue sky and tears crisscrossed on my face. I quickly wiped them away as trashy, beat up red truck sped by me.

"Asshole, slow down!" I yelled. "Great, we move into a town with assholes."

"This town isn't that bad, it's small, but not bad," an unknown male voice said to me.

I turned around and notice a guy around the age of sixteen and seventeen in a plain white tee, overly ripped jeans (by that I can see his boxers, frontal and rear), and brown flip flops. He hands me a glass a what looks like red wine, cranberry juice, or blood kool-aid.

"It's black cherry kool-aid.," he said.


I take a sip and right as the drink passes my lips and touches my tongue, I cringe. I look at him and he's purposely looking away from me. I look at his glass of kool-aid and I notice that he's dumping all of the contents into flood drain. I do the same.

"Note to self, never accept drinks from neighbors."

"I'm sorry, I knew I forgot something."

"How do you forget sugar?"

"Well we didn't have any left at my place so I thought it'd be fine without it."

"Well obviously you were wrong."

He turns around and grabs my necklace.

"Whoa! You know you can ask before you do something like that," I said swatting his hand.

"Sorry, but this is cool. This is a weird combination though, a bullet and a thunder--."

"It's a lightning bolt."

"Same thing."

"No, a thunder bolt is loud and slow. A lightning bolt is silent and quick. Big difference."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were on your period," he laughs. "My name is Kevin."

"Ve, V-E."

"Ve? That's a unique name or it's really Asian."

"It's not my real name but it's a lot better than my birth name."

"What's your real name?"

"Too long and too difficult for your mind to comprehend or pronounce."

At the corner of my peripheral vision, I see a middle aged woman walk out of their front door. She walked over to us and held out her hand.

"Hi, my name's Tammy."

"Ve, V-E."

"Oh well isn't that a nice and unique name. Well I'm sure Kevin here probably forgot but we would to have you and your family over for dinner."

"Thank you, we'd be glad to."

"Okay well dinner will be ready at eight. See you soon!" she said as she walked back into her house.

"Well I guess I'll see you tonight?" Kevin asked.

"Yup, I guess so."

"We're going where?!" my dad yelled.

"Look you said it yourself, you want us to be a normal family. Doing this would help us be normal in my book."

"You're just doing this to go look at that guy again, aren't you?"

"He's too young for me. It wouldn't work anyways. I'm only allowed to stay with our own kind, you said it yourself."

"Exactly, good thing you remember."

"So are we ready to be a normal family?"

"Tammy, this is delicious. What is this white stuff?" my mom asked.

"Oh, you like? It's my signature mash potatoes. I can give you the recipe if you give me something in return."

My mom and dad look at each other than at me.

"We came from China and decided to move here because of how bad we wanted to be in the melting pot," I lied.

"Well that's nice. But why here? This place is so small and there's nothing here."

"Compared to our hometown, this is better. We've lived off far worse," I lied again.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean--."

"No it's fine. We're here now and that's all that matters."

I look at my mom and dad and they slightly nod their heads. We eat and chat for a while talking about how Kevin is the all-star sports player at school, how every school in the nation wants him, the basic things a normal parent would talk about their kids. I look at Kevin and he looks a bit embarrassed as his mom kept talking about him.

"Mom, I think that's enough talking about me. Plus, everyone seems to be done. Should I get the dessert?" Kevin asked.

"Oh yes, the dessert! I almost forgot. You guys have to try my blue strawberry pie."

Kevin stands up from his seat and walks into the kitchen. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. When I open them, I see Kevin holding this miniature blue pies. He was walking really slow though as if he was injured or something. I scanned his body and noticed that he was limping with his left foot. He kept limping and as I was about to get up to help him, he tripped over his own foot. I reacted quickly by grabbing a clean plate from the table and catching all the pies then I jumped back stopping Kevin from hitting his head on the edge of the wooden rectangular dinner table. His chin rested on my right shoulder, he looked at me in a amazement and I just looked away.

"Wow that was amazing, Ve! How'd you do that?" Tammy asked?

"Yeah how did you do that?" Kevin asked still resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Go ahead Ve, tell them how you did that," my dad said glaring at me.

I lay the plate on the table and walk back to my seat. Kevin walks back to his, directly across from me, seat.

"You know how I said I came from China? Well since I was three, I've been training with the Shaolin monks. So that's why I can do what I just did," I lied once again.

"That's awesome. I'm impressed. Just by looking at you, I thought you were just a photographer, but you're a fighter. You should join our MMA team."

"I don't fight anymore, I haven't for sixty years."

"Sixty years?" Kevin asked.


I looked at my parents, especially my dad, and they were glaring at me. Shit, I'm screwing our lives over again. Fuck my life.

"Bro, I think you mean six years," Kevin laughed.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. I sometimes mix my words together, I get in trouble a lot for it."

"No problem," Kevin said with a grin.

"Thank you for nice dinner but we have to go," my mom said standing up.

"Yes, we have to go to work early tomorrow," my dad added.

"Oh where do you two work?" Tammy asked.

My parents looked at me.

"They work for the govern--."

My dad pointed at my right arm and I felt a strong stinging pain.

"I mean, they work for a nuclear power plant."

"But the only one near here is a thousand miles away all the way in--." Tammy was interrupted.

"That's exactly where they work."

"But wouldn't that leave you home alone?"

"I'm fully capable of taking care of myself."

"Well if you ever want to come over for dinner, you're always welcome."

"Thank you."

"You almost blew our cover!" my dad said closing the door.

"I'm sorry, dad. It won't happen again."

"It better not, I'm sick of erasing ourselves from the world and starting over."

"But aren't we supposed to leave a city every hundred years so no one gets suspicious?"

"Yes, but by that time all the people we know will be gone. So when we leave we don't lose anything."

"Easy for you to say. You're a cold ass dick."

"Don't talk to your father like that!" my dad said pointing at my heart.

I felt a sharp stinging pain at my heart. I looked at him and he was lifted into the air. I looked at the china cabinet and he crashed right into it. He quickly got up and pointed at my neck. My airway passages were slowly closing and I fell to my knees. I closed my eyes and scanned the house. A drawer in the kitchen pulled out and all the knives hovered to my side. I made my right hand into a gun and shot at my dad. The knives flew directly in my dad's direction and pierced through his flesh and out onto the freshly painted wall behind him. My dad brought his hands to his side and walked to his room. I stood up and watched my mom follow my dad. I walked into my room and lied on my bed.

"For a normal family, this seems to be working out just fine. Well minus the flying knives and walking away from a bunch of knives piercing through one's flesh. High school starts tomorrow. Great, this will be my two hundredth time going into high school."

Next: Chapter 2

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