
By John Doe

Published on Mar 5, 2002


This story is a work of fiction based characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives." It is not meant to imply the true sexual behavior of the actors playing these characters, or the characters themselves. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

"Days of Our Lives: Aftershock, Part Four"

by Peter

Previously in "Aftershock," Bo Brady revealed to his teenage son Shawn that he shares a brother with his girlfriend, Belle Black, because his mother conceived John Black's (Belle's father) child. Out for revenge, Shawn slept with his best friend, Philip Kiriakis, and realized that he was gay. Brandon Walker found the boys in a compromising position and took a picture. While having copies made of the photo, Brandon ran into Brady Black, who found the picture and blackmailed Shawn into having sex with him in the back of his father's SUV in the forest. Brandon showed up, but Brady had to get home to be with his sister when his father and stepmother revealed to her the truth about the baby's paternity. He found his father, John Black, in the shower, and the two had an awkward moment as they made eye contact. Shawn spent the night with his grandparents at the Brady Pub. The next morning, Brandon received oral service from Craig Wesley, Chief of Staff of University Hospital. Now, the aftershock continues...

Philip Kiriakis wiped his mouth and excused himself from the breakfast table. His father and Nicole left for an early meeting in Chicago, so he had dined alone. Henderson, the butler, began to clear the table. Since yesterday, Philip had thought of nothing except the taste of his friend Shawn's cock in his mouth. Philip had been desperate for relief since his girlfriend Chloe had been avoiding him, and agreed to fool around with Shawn. Philip had never thought of guys in a sexual way until recently. He simply wanted a little fun, but now that he had tried the drug of gay sex, he couldn't wait for his next taste.

Brady Black rolled out of bed. He looked at the alarm clock beside his bed. 8:30 AM. He slipped into his robe and walked out into the hallway. "Belle? Dad? Marlena?" he called. There was no answer. He remembered that Marlena had a meeting at the hospital in a little while, and Belle was probably at her best friend Mimi's house, being that she always went there on Saturdays. Brady grabbed a glass of orange juice in the kitchen, and headed back up to his room. His coat was hanging on his doorknob. With a smile, he reached into the pocket to take a look at the photograph he had acquired of Shawn Brady and Philip Kiriakis fooling around. The pocket was empty. Brady panicked, and turned it inside-out. The picture was gone.

Dr. Marlena Evans was driving down Riverview Street on her way to her office at University Hospital. It had been a rough night, since she and her husband, John Black, had told their daughter Belle that John had conceived a child with Hope Brady, the mother of her boyfriend, Shawn. She looked in the rearview mirror to wipe a smudge of lipstick from her chin. She was a very beautiful woman, despite the many trials and tribulations she had faced in her life. She had the best reputation in town, despite the fact that she had tried to kill several of her closest friends and relatives when she was possessed by the devil.

Marlena and Belle had always had a very close relationship, and the same was true with Brady until a few years ago. When Brady learned that Marlena wasn't his biological mother, their relationship fell apart. Recently, however, things seemed to be improving between them.

Marlena was in her husband's SUV this morning, because John was driving her Mercedes to have it serviced. She had a faculty meeting at nine. Just as she was about to put the mirror back into position, she noticed a square of paper lying in the back of the truck.

After driving into the parking garage to her spot, she got out and went around to the back of the vehicle. She opened the door and grabbed the paper, which actually appeared to be a photograph.

"Oh my God..." she murmured aloud.

Hope Brady was sipping a mug of coffee on the sofa in her living room. Her eyes were bloodshot. She had gotten very little sleep last night. Between worrying about Shawn and realizing that he didn't even want to hear her voice, she had little time for anything else. When the front door swung open and Shawn stepped into the house, Hope nearly dropped her coffee. She set it down and ran to him, throwing her arms around him.

"Shawn, oh my baby. Are you all right?" Shawn responded with a blank stare. "Shawn, talk to me. Please."

Shawn pushed his mother away. "Mom, I need some time. I love you, and you know that, but I need time to process everything that has happened."

Hope smiled, wiping her tears. "Of course you do. Shawn, I...I don't know what to say, but I need for you to know that it wasn't me who...had sex with John." Shawn cringed. "It was someone else inside me. It was Gina." Gina was Hope's evil alter ego who had been wreaking havoc on Hope as well as the rest of Salem for years now.

"Look, Mom, I know you would never do anything like this, but still, it''s hard."

"I know."

"Well, I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower. I'll...I'll talk to you later, Mom."

"Alright, Sweetie. I love you." Shawn walked up the stairs toward his bedroom. As he passed his parents' room, he noticed their door slightly open. He decided to peek in at his dad, who he realized was just as shocked and hurt as he was. Bo was lying on the bed naked. He was on his stomach, so Shawn could see his muscled, tanned back. He had a tattoo of a sword on his shoulder. His butt was lighter than his back, and covered with a sprinkling of dark brown hair. His legs were coated with the same hair, only thicker and curlier. He shifted his body, causing the muscles in his back and legs to contract, and his cheeks to spread apart. Shawn found himself with a hard-on. Deeply ashamed, he rushed into his bedroom to take what would have to be a very cold shower.

The University Hospital faculty meeting had just been adjourned, and Marlena Evans was pouring herself a cup of coffee. How could Shawn do this? How could he lead Belle on like this? She is so in love with him, and he's off sleeping with Philip Kiriakis... "Damn!" she shouted, as she poured the piping hot coffee onto her hand. Brandon Walker rushed up and handed her a paper towel. "Thanks, Brandon. I guess I was a little caught up in my thoughts."

Brandon smiled. "No problem, Marlena. Is anything wrong?"

Marlena stopped wiping. "Actually, yes. At least, I think so. I don't know. I probably shouldn't talk about least until I find out what's really going on."

"Sometimes talking things through helps you come up with a solution to your problems. You're a psychiatrist, you know that. Why don't you come to my office. We can talk."

Marlena hesitated. "Well, I guess so. Let me run and tell my secretary to hold my calls."

"Sure. I'll be waiting," Brandon said as he walked toward the pediatric wing.

Brady Black was in the parking garage of his building. He knew that he must have left the photo of Shawn and Philip in his dad's SUV. He was just hoping that his dad had gone with Marlena in her car.

"Shit," he muttered as he saw that his car was the only one left. Then he remembered that John was taking Marlena's car to be serviced, so Marlena must've taken the SUV to work. I hope she didn't find that picture. If she did...oh God, I don't want to even think about the consequences.

Marlena Evans closed the door behind her as she stepped into Brandon Walker's office.

"Have a seat," Brandon said.

Marlena smiled. "Kind of strange being on the other side of the desk. I'm usually the one telling my patients to have a seat." She pulled up a chair and sat down.

"So...what's wrong, Marlena?"

Marlena sighed. "So many things, Brandon. Just as I was starting to heal from one situation, another one pops up."

"What popped up?" Brandon asked.

Marlena hesitated. "Brandon, you're a counselor, so I know that you keep up doctor/patient confidentiality. I know I'm not a patient, so I guess I was kind of hoping we could keep up a doctor/doctor confidentiality here."

"Marlena, I swear to you that anything said in this room stays in this room."

"Alrighty. Well, Brandon, here's what I'm upset about." With that, Marlena pulled the photo from her purse, and laid it on Brandon's desk.

"My picture!" Brandon blurted out.

Marlena stood up, her eyes wide. "What did you say?"

Brandon kicked himself. "Marlena, I..."

"You said 'My picture'. What the hell did you mean?" Brandon started to explain. "Wait, scratch that. I don't even want to know what you meant. Oh God, Brandon...Oh God." Marlena grabbed the picture and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Brandon sat down and cupped his face in his hands. He felt as if his world were crashing down on him. It's over. It's all over.

Brady Black stepped out of the elevator at University Hospital. He had found his dad's SUV in the parking garage, and knew that the picture of Shawn and Philip must have been in the back of it. He had looked through the windows, but there was no sign of the photo. He just hoped Marlena hadn't found it. As the elevator closed behind him, he saw Marlena coming down the corridor in a hurry. She was holding her hand to her forehead and there were tears in her eyes. Before she could see him, Brady ducked behind a plant and watched her enter the elevator. After the door closed behind her, he stepped from his hiding place. Something was wrong. He just hoped it wasn't about the photo.

Just then, Brandon Walker walked over to the refreshment counter and poured himself a cup of coffee. Brady walked over.

"Hey Brandon, do you know what's wrong with Marlena?"

Brandon stopped pouring, and slowly turned around. "She found the picture, Brady. I don't know how she found it, but she did."

Brady was in shock. "Oh my God," he muttered. "I left the pic in the back of dad's truck, and she must've found it there."

"Brady!" Brandon shouted. Lowering his voice, he said "How could you be so careless? You may have very well ended my career! Thanks a lot!" He started to walk off, but Brady grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around.

"Don't you dare try to pin this on me, Brandon. You were the one who took the picture in the first place. If anyone has ended your career, it was you."

Brandon grabbed Brady by his shirt collar and pulled him to him until their noses were touching. "You listen to me, you little punk," he whispered, "I don't know who you think you are, but don't you EVER talk to me like that." After the look of shock faded, Brady grinned, and pushed his lips against Brandon's. Brandon quickly pulled away, glancing around him. To his relief, they were alone in the corridor.

"Have you lost your mind?" Brandon asked, flustered.

Brady grinned, licking his lips. "Maybe I have, Mr. Walker."

Brandon paused, then grinned back at Brady. "I think we need to have a little talk, Mr. Black. My office, now."

Philip Kiriakis was standing on the front porch of the Brady house. He needed to see Shawn, to feel him, to taste his lips again. He rang the doorbell. After a moment, the door swung open. Shawn's father, Bo, was standing there in a loosely-wrapped silk bathrobe.

"Hey, Philip," he said. "What can I do for you?"

Philip looked Bo up and down, noticing his large testicles were partially exposed through the opening in his robe. "Um...I just stopped by to see Shawn, Mr. Brady," he stammered.

Bo followed Phil's eye to the exposed skin. He began to cover it up, but then grinned, thinking this could be fun. With all that had been going on, he and Hope hadn't had any sort of intimacy in ages. He thought that just maybe this was what he needed to raise his spirits a little. Besides, Hope had gone to visit her grandmother, and probably wouldn't be back for hours. "Phil, I think Shawn just stepped into the shower, but you're more than welcome to come in and wait for him."

Phil hesitated, then agreed. He walked into the house, Bo closing the door behind him. Philip sat on the sofa, trying to avoid looking at Bo. Just then, Bo walked right up to Philip until his crotch was directly at Phil's face. Philip couldn't help but see Bo's hairy balls protruding from the fabric.

"You don't mind if I keep you company until Shawn is available, do you, Phil?" Bo asked.

Philip nearly choked. "Um...of course not, Mr. Brady," he managed.

Bo grinned and sat next to Philip on the sofa. When he sat down, the fabric rode up even further, revealing both testicles and the base of his cock. Phil could see the bottom of Bo's ass where it met the base of his balls as well. Phil's dick immediately inflated to its full size, noticeable tenting the front of his jogging pants. Bo looked at the lump, licking his lips.

"Woah buddy, looks like you've got a little problem, there. You should take care of that as soon as possible." Phil blushed, and avoided eye contact with Shawn's dad. "I've always found that the best way to take care of that kind of problem is to use a hands-on method." With that, Bo pulled the belt of his robe loose, letting it fall off his body. He gripped his stiff manhood and began to make slow pumping motions with his fist. Philip was in awe. Shawn was beautiful, but his father was stunning. Seeing a real man's nakedness was incredible. His pecs were rock hard, and coated with a generous dusting of black hair. His abs were firm and defined, and they too were sprinkled with fuzz. The trail from Bo's naval to the base of his cock was much more concentrated and thick, and he had wild, untamed pubic hair in wisps around his tool. His legs were firm and tan, and his balls were huge. The crowning glory of the masterpiece was Bo's uncut 8 1/2 inch dick, standing completely erect and touching his stomach. All Philip could do was stare. Bo noticed, and put his free hand on Phil's shoulder.

"What's the matter, Phil, never seen a man's cock before?" Phil muttered a no, supposing it was at least half way true since Shawn was still just a teenage boy. Bo smiled. He was even newer at this than Philip. The farthest Bo had ever gone with a guy was mutual jack off sessions with his older brother, Roman. They were just teenagers then, but Bo had always wondered what it would be like to go farther. Bo decided to pick up the pace. "You wanna touch it, don't you? Go ahead, I don't mind. Touch it."

Phil hesitated, but finally reached out and softly touched the head of Bo's swollen monster. Bo moaned, as shivers ran up his body. Phil's dick was straining against the light fabric of his pants. Bo took Phil's hand in his own, and began to rub it up and down the shaft of his cock. A low moan escaped Bo's lips, as he let go of Philip's hand, which continued to jack Bo's cock on its own. Bo reached over to Philip's crotch and grabbed his bulge, causing Phil to moan loudly and increase the speed at which he was stroking Bo's stick. Bo leaned over to unbutton Philip's pants, and brushed his lips across Phil's neck in the process. He slid the blue jogging pants down, revealing Philip's seven-inch cock, surrounded by a dark blonde bush of pubic hair. Bo gripped Phil's rod and began to stroke, while his lips caressed the silky skin on Phil's cheek. He slowly worked his way to the young boy's lips, letting his rough, stubbly face brush against Philip's. He nibbled on Philip's lower lip, then pushed his tongue into the boy's waiting mouth. The two kissed passionately as they fondled each other.

Then, to Philip's dismay, Bo released his dick and pulled away from his lips. He stood up. "How about we go upstairs to my bedroom, where we can have a little more privacy?" Phil breathed a sigh of relief. He buttoned his pants and followed Bo up the stairs. be continued? If you want to find out exactly what happens in Bo's bedroom and in Brandon's office, and what goes on among the other men of Salem, write me at and let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 5

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