
By John Doe

Published on Jan 23, 2002


This story is a work of fiction based characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives." It is not meant to imply the true sexual behavior of the actors playing these characters, or the characters themselves. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

"Days of Our Lives: Aftershock, Part Three"

by Peter on Jan. 11, 2002

Previously in "Aftershock," Bo Brady revealed to his teenage son Shawn that he shares a brother with his girlfriend, Belle Black, because his mother conceived John Black's (Belle's father) child. Out for revenge, Shawn slept with his best friend, Philip Kiriakis, and realized that he was gay. Brandon Walker found the boys in a compromising position and took a picture. While having copies made of the photo, Brandon ran into Brady Black, who found the picture and blackmailed Shawn into having sex with him in the back of his father's SUV in the forest. The two fell asleep and were awakened by tapping on the window and a bright light.

Shawn gasped as the flashlight shone directly into his eyes. Brady grabbed his coat and threw it over his privates, tossing Shawn his coat to do the same. Then, the flashlight went off and the boys could make out Brandon Walker tapping on the window. In his state of shock and terror, Shawn didn't notice the small grin formed on Brady's mouth.

Brady opened the back door to the truck, and Brandon climbed in. He pulled the door shut behind him.

"You stole my picture, didn't you, you little shit?" Brandon asked, his eyebrows forming a V on his forehead.

"I sure did, Mr. Walker," said Brady sarcastically.

Shawn's look of fear turned into one of shock and anger. "You took the pic of me and Philip? You pervert!"

Brandon chuckled. "Based on what's going on here, I wouldn't think you'd be so upset."

Shawn blushed and looked away. "How did you find us? I mean, where were you?"

"Your buddy Philip left his door open. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy the show. I waited until you fell asleep and then I took the picture. Simple, really."

Brady threw off his coat, revealing his flaccid yet long penis. "Bravo, Mr. Walker."

Brandon's eyes widened as he stared at Brady's cock. Then Brady grabbed Shawn's cover and flung it away as well.

Shawn reached to cover his privates. "What the hell are you doing, Brady?"

Brandon licked his lips at the sight of Shawn's hairy balls and dick. "Very nice, Shawn. Of course, I already knew that."

"So, how'd you find us, anyway?" Brady asked.

"When I got to the print shop and reached into my pocket for the picture, it was gone. So, I retraced my steps, and realized that the last time I saw it was right before I talked to you, Brady. So, I hopped in my car and drove around town looking for your car. Finally, I drove by Marlena's penthouse, and I saw that your car was in the garage, but your dad's SUV and Marlena's car were missing. I went upstairs, but no one was home, so I decided you must be in your dad's truck. I decided to drive by the Kiriakis house to see if you had gone to confront Phil and Shawn, but on the way, I saw Shawn in his dad's truck...and you weren't far behind. So I followed you, keeping a few blocks behind, but then I lost you. I rode up and down that road looking for you for over an hour, then finally noticed the little trail cutting into the woods. And...well, this is what I found," Brandon said with a smirk.

Shawn was extremely flustered, still slightly shocked. "Um...what time is it, anyway?" he asked.

Brandon glanced down at his watch. "It's a little after midnight."

"Oh shit," Shawn exclaimed. "My dad's probably got every cop on the Salem P.D. out here looking for me. Hey Brandon, do you have your phone with you?"

"Yeah, here you go," Brandon said as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

Shawn dialed his parents' number as Brady and Brandon just looked at each other grinning.

"Bo, calm down, ok? Getting hysterical isn't going to solve anything," Hope Brady said to her husband, who was pacing the living room of their house, swearing under his breath.

"Yeah, well what the hell do you want me to do, Hope?"

"I don't know." Bo was still very angry with Hope, although not as angry as he had been when he had first learned that she conceived his best friend John Black's child, even if Stefano DiMera was ultimately responsible. "He's hurting, Bo."

"No shit, Sherlock!" Bo yelled at the top of his voice. "So am I! You, John, and Marlena, my wife and my two closest friends, have been lying to me for over a year! If you had just told the truth, if you had just been honest..."

"Bo," Hope interrupted, "I know you're still angry. I know Shawn will be angry. But as a family, we can get through this...together." The couple's eyes met, and they just stared at each other, not having to say anything more.

They were interrupted by the phone. Bo jumped over the couch and picked it up on the first ring. "Hello? Shawn?"

"Yeah Dad, it's me."

"Thank God. Where the hell are you?"

"Bo..." Hope began, but was cut off.

"We've been worried sick, Shawn. Where are you? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Dad. I just needed some time to think. I'm...uh...I'm at the park."

"Ok, well, why don't you come on home, Shawn? We need to talk," Bo said, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Um...Dad, I don't think that's such a good idea. I think I'm gonna head over to the pub and spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa, ok?"

Bo hesitated. "Oh...ok. I'll call them and tell them you're coming over. Oh and Shawn, I love you."

"I love you too, Dad."

Hope put her hand on Bo's shoulder. "Let me talk to him."

"Sailor Man, your mom wants to talk to you, ok?"

There was silence. "Um...I don't think so. Not right now. Tell her I love her, and that I'll see her tomorrow. And tell J.T. that I love him, ok?"

"Sure thing, son. Goodnight."

Hope turned and looked at J.T.'s crib, her eyes filling with tears.

Shawn pressed "end" and handed the phone back to Brandon. There were tears in his eyes.

"You ok, man?" Brady asked, placing his hand on Shawn's shoulder.

"Yeah," Shawn said as he wiped his eyes dry. "I'm fine."

"I guess your parents told you the truth."

"Yeah. Does Belle know?"

Brady's eyes widened. "Oh shit! Dad and Marlena were planning on telling her tonight! I wanted to be there for her! Hey, I gotta go. Shawn, I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?"


"And Brandon, we're not finished," Brady said with a grin.

Brandon smiled. Shawn pulled on his clothes and he and Brandon climbed out of the truck. Brady pulled the door shut and sped off down the path.

"What were you guys talking about, anyway?" Brandon asked. "About you finding out the truth and all?"

" don't think I should tell you, but you'll find out eventually. Everyone will find out eventually."

"Sounds serious."

"Yeah, it is. Well, I'd better go. My grandparents are expecting me at the pub. So, I guess I'll see you around?"

"Count on it," said Brandon.

Shawn climbed back into his dad's truck and disappeared into the darkness. Brandon got into his car and shut the door, and followed the path out of the forest.

The door to the Black penthouse swung open and Brady rushed in. Marlena Black, Brady's stepmom, was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. She was a very well-known psychiatrist and had been married to John Black, Brady's father, long before Brady was born, but she went missing and later returned shortly after Brady's birth. Brady and Marlena had had a very close relationship when he was growing up, but when Brady found out Marlena wasn't his real mother, things changed. They had grown distant and had struggled very hard to get their relationship back on track.

"Hey sweetie, where've you been?" she asked, folding her newspaper.

"I just went for a drive to think things over a little. Have you guys talked to Belle?"

"No," she said. "I wanted to wait for you to get home. This is going to be very hard on her, Brady, and you've gotta be her rock, as always."

Brady smiled. "Where's Dad?"

"He's upstairs showering. Belle had to run to the store to get a backboard for her science fair project." As Marlena said this, a tear formed in her eye and rolled down her cheek. "She's so young, Brady. She's just a little little girl."

Brady stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Marlena, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "It's ok, Marlena. She's strong, just like her mother."

Marlena looked up into Brady's eyes, her own filled with tears. "You are so wonderful, you know that?" Brady smiled. "I don't know what we'd do without you. Now, why don't you go upstairs and get your father. Belle should be back any time now."

Brady smiled at Marlena and headed up the staircase and down the hall to John and Marlena's room. The bathroom door was open, and steam was pouring from the room. Brady stepped into the room, fanning the steam out of his face. He could see his father through the glass door of the shower. He was tall and muscular, with a build similar to Brady's. His body was covered with black hair. His back was facing Brady, so his white ass was visible. It was sprinkled with a much lighter coating of the hair, which became thicker at the base of his butt where his legs began. His legs and torso were very tan, which made it look like he was wearing a white bikini.

Brady found himself imagining what it was like when John was making love to Marlena...or even what it would be like to make love to John. Brady couldn't believe he was having these thoughts, and quickly banished them from his mind. Just then, John turned around, his eyes closed, his hands roaming his soapy body. His dick was long, even while soft. It hung a good five inches over his big hairy horse balls. Brady felt his dick beginning to swell.

"Dad!" he yelled over the sound of the shower.

John opened his eyes. "Yeah, son?"

"Marlena said to come down, that Belle should be here any minute!"

"Ok! Tell her I'll be down in just a second!"

Brady was walking out the door, but turned back to take one more look at his dad in all his glory. When he did, he found John staring right at him. Their eyes met in a very uncomfortable stare, and Brady turned and left.

Belle returned five minutes later, and she, Brady, John, and Marlena congregated in the living room. John and Marlena explained to Belle what had happened, and she was, as expected, devastated. After many tears, hugs, and a lot of talking, she accepted what had happened, and agreed that the only thing they could do was keep faith, be strong, and concentrate on the future, rather than the past.

The sun rose over the mountains to the east, bathing Green Mountain in a golden warmth. The light traveled over the mountain peak and began its descent into the valley below. Then it ran along Green Mountain Road until it came to Salem, U.S.A. It shimmered on the lake, and brightened Smith Island. It followed the course of the river to the docks. It shone into John and Marlena's penthouse in the sky, dropped to Brandon Walker's loft in a nearby building, then swooped down to the Brady Pub, where it pried open Shawn Brady's sleepy eyes. He found himself lying on the couch in his grandparents' apartment over the restaurant.

"Breakfast?" Caroline Brady asked cheerily.

"Morning, Grandma," said Shawn, wiping his eyes. "I don't think so. I should really get going. I've got a lot to do...a lot to think about."

"Shawn," Caroline asked, sitting in the armchair beside the sofa, "what's wrong?"

"A lot of things, actually. But I'm really not the right person to tell you. I'm sure Dad will come by later and fill you in on what's happening. Where's Grandpa Shawn?"

"He's still asleep, the old poop," she said jokingly. "Are you sure you don't want breakfast?"

"Yeah, I've really gotta go." Shawn kissed his grandmother lovingly on the cheek. "Bye Grandma. I love you."

Dr. Craig Wesley, Chief of Staff at Salem's University Medical Center, was pouring himself a cup of coffee. Craig was middle-aged, but years of working out and eating healthy had paid off. He was average height, very slim and trim, and he had dark brown hair and a clean-shaven face with beautiful teeth and dimples. Behind him, the elevator door opened, and out stepped Brandon Walker, who worked as one of the hospital's pediatric counselors. Brandon sure is great with the children, Craig thought. He smiled. Of course, I'm sure he's good at a lot of things.

"Morning, Dr. Wesley," Brandon said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He was rather chipper and upbeat this morning.

"Hey Brandon," Craig said. "You're in a good mood today. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing really, it's just a beautiful day and I'm happy to be alive. Well, I'd better get over to the pediatric wing to check on my patients."

"Right," Craig said as Brandon walked away. There was obviously more to this sudden cheerfulness than Brandon would admit.

"Alrighty Sam, you keep up your spirits and push forward in your therapy and this leg will be good as new in no time," Brandon said as he left the room of one of his young patients. That's it, he thought. Done with my morning rounds, time for a little break. He stepped into his modest office and shut the door behind him.

Brandon settled into his chair and opened his desk drawer. He pulled out his small bottle of baby oil and squirted a glob on his hand, undoing his pants. He dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles, and admired his long, flaccid cock. It was very tan, being that Brandon was naturally dark-skinned, and uncut. The head was swollen and pink, the shaft was veiny, and the base was surrounded by a dark, curly bush of pubic hair. Brandon wiped the oil onto his cock, and began to run his hand up and down the shaft, moaning softly.

He imagined that Shawn Brady was sucking his cock, taking it all the way into his mouth. Brandon could feel the back of Shawn's throat as his cock delved deeper into him. Brandon imagined running his fingers through Shawn's thick black hair. Shawn would massage Brandon's balls as he bobbed up and down on his hard cock, and he would then take each of them into his mouth, swirling his tongue around them and sucking them with all his might. Then he would...

"Mr. Walker? Brandon? Hello?" Craig was standing there, right in front of Brandon's desk watching him jack off.

"Oh my God, Craig! What the fuck are you doing here?" Brandon quickly reached for his pants and pulled them up. "Don't you knock?"

"Actually, I did knock. Seven times to be exact, but there was no answer. So I opened the door to see if you were here, and look what I found." Craig had his impish little smirk on his face.

Brandon stood up, fastening his belt. "Look, Craig, this isn't what it looks like." Craig raised one eyebrow, the grin remaining. "Ok, it is what it looks like. I'm sorry. I's not...uh...professional for me to be doing this at my workplace, and I know that. Please don't fire me, Craig. I promise it'll never happen again."

Craig laid his clipboard on Brandon's desk. "Oh, now we wouldn't want that, would we?"

Brandon was shocked. "What are you saying, Dr. Wesley?"

"Oh, I think you know what I'm saying, Brandon. Drop your pants."

"Yes sir," Brandon said smiling. He quickly undid his belt and let his pants once again drop to his ankles, this time stepping out of them. Craig locked the door and pulled off his jacket and the stethoscope from around his neck. Brandon licked his full lips and began to unbutton his shirt as Craig pulled off his pants. Craig whistled when Brandon removed his shirt and revealed his smooth, hard, bulging pectorals and perfect, rock-hard six pack. Craig removed his shirt to reveal a very toned torso, though not as muscular as Brandon's. He had firm pecs with a light dusting of hair across them and a flat, firm abdomen with no hair except a trail leading from his naval into his briefs.

The two colleagues, Brandon in nothing but his boxers and Craig in his briefs, crossed to each other and locked in a tight embrace, both running their hands along the other's body. Craig forcefully kissed Brandon, nibbling softly on his bottom lip as Brandon's tongue brushed his bottom lip. They pressed their mouths together roughly, moaning openly as their tongues intertwined for an exotic dance. As the steamy kiss continued, Craig ran his hands slowly down Brandon's damp back and into his boxers, firmly squeezing a buttock in each hand.

Brandon broke the liplock to moan "Ohhh Craig." Craig began to kiss Brandon's neck as Brandon moaned in pleasure. He ran his mouth down onto Brandon's collarbone, and onto his hard pecs. He licked each of them and chewed on the nipples, the whole time Brandon was shivering, and running his hands through Craig's hair. Craig licked his way down Brandon's six pack, and ran his tongue around his belly button. Then he followed the only hair on Brandon's torso, the small black trail leading to the pot of gold, until he came to the waistband of his boxers. Craig grinned eagerly as he slid his fingers under the elastic and pulled the shorts down. Brandon's huge hard-on popped out, slapping Craig in the face.

"Oh Brandon, this is...amazing," Dr. Wesley gasped.

"And it's all yours," Brandon said. Craig shoved him backward into his chair, and scooted in between his legs. He licked the swollen head of Brandon's cock, and traced the shaft with his tongue. He did this several times, until Brandon finally moaned and grabbed him by the hair, forcing his cock into Craig's mouth. Craig moaned in delight, and took Brandon's cock in all the way up to the hilt, the tip sliding down his throat. He eased it out, then began to furiously pump the cock in and out of his mouth, sucking it as hard as he could.

Before long, Brandon was whimpering loudly. His body was covered in hot sweat, the chair cushion beneath him was drenched.

"Oh God, Craig, you're so good. Oh yeah, suck that big dick for me, man. Fuck yeah," Brandon said through gritted teeth.

Craig was feverishly pumping his own hard cock at the same time. He nibbled on Brandon's foreskin as his own cut cock was beginning to throb and pulse. Brandon's body bucked, and Craig knew it was almost time. Craig's seven incher was jerking wildly as Craig stroked it. His face was red and sweat was dripping from his chin.

"Ohhhh Craig! Oh God yeah! I'm gonna cum! Fuck!" Brandon yelled, and with that, he busted a huge load into Craig's open mouth and onto his face. Craig came at the same time, drenching his hand and the floor with his hot cum. He stood up and sat in Brandon's lap, their stomachs pressed together and their dicks rubbing together, creating a mixture of their cum. "Oh Craig, that was awesome, man. I've never had a blowjob like that in my life."

"Yeah, well I've never had a cock like that in my life." Brandon began to lick his own cum from Craig's face and mouth, as Craig pinched Brandon's hard nipples.

"Damn, Craig, where did you learn to suck cock like that?"

"Years living in a dorm full of guys at medical school didn't hurt," Craig said, grinning. The two sweaty men embraced, their sweat and cum running together into the fluid of sex.

...To be continued? If you want to see another chapter added to this story, e-mail me and let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 4

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