
By John Doe

Published on Jan 7, 2002


This story is a work of fiction based characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives." It is not meant to imply the true sexual behavior of the actors playing these characters, or the characters themselves. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

"Days of Our Lives: Aftershock, Part Two"

by Peter on Jan. 6, 2002

In part one of "Aftershock," Bo Brady revealed to his 17 year-old son Shawn that his mother, Hope, had slept with Shawn's girlfriend's father, John Black, and conceived a child with him. Shawn was devastated, and to get revenge on his family, he decided to shed his perfect reputation and sleep with his best friend, Philip Kiriakis. Philip, who was frustrated with his non-existent sex life, agreed to meet Shawn in his (Philip's) bedroom for a little fun. And boy did they have fun. However, unbeknownst to the two boys, someone else was also having fun. Someone had discovered Philip's open bedroom door and watched the whole thing, and enjoyed it immensely. He knew he would find this information very useful.

Brandon Walker zipped up his pants, which had been down around his ankles as he watched Philip Kiriakis and Shawn Brady playing around in Philip's bedroom. He had come to the Kiriakis house to visit his sister, Nicole Roberts, who was living there with Victor. When he arrived at the front stoop, he noticed a note taped to the door. In Nicole's handwriting, it read

Brandon, had to run to Titan to pick up a file. Come in, make yourself at home. Be back shortly.

Love Nikki.

Brandon had torn the note off the door and entered the house. Henderson, the butler, brought him a coke and just as he was about to sit down and turn on the television, he heard a low moan and a giggle coming from upstairs. He climbed the staircase and crept down the hall, only to find Master Philip and Shawn Brady rolling around naked in Phil's bedroom. Brandon was half Puerto Rican half Caucasian, and had a dark olive complexion. He had big, deep eyes and lips that were full and round and seemed to be in a constant pout. He was a former boxer, and had the body to prove it, with totally ripped abs and pecs. Brandon knew he could have his choice of Salem's women, but there had always been a side of himself that loved the male physique. Perhaps his appreciation for hard bodies came from his first-hand knowledge of the work that went into them. As he saw Shawn and Phil's young, buff bodies intertwining, he felt a stirring in his khakis, and unzipped his pants to allow his 9 inch monster to breathe. When he saw the boys kiss, his body shuddered and he began to jerk his pole. Now here he was, zipping his pants up, a puddle of semen at his feet. Phil and Shawn appeared to be fast asleep in each others' arms. Brandon ran to Nikki's room to get her Polaroid. This was perfect. He snapped the photo, pulled out and fanned it to help it dry faster. The pic was beautiful, as well as useful. Shawn and Philip lying in their glorious nakedness, their legs intertwined, Phil's hand resting on Shawn's left pectoral. Both boys shimmering with sweat, and had happy, content looks on their dimpled faces. Brandon returned the camera to his sister's room.

"Brandon?" he heard from downstairs. Nikki was home. He shoved the picture into his coat pocket and ran down to greet her. "Brandon," she said, removing her gloves and hugging him, "what were you doing upstairs?"

"Oh, sorry Nikki, just had to take a piss." His sister looked at him disapprovingly. She hated the word 'piss'. She felt that there were so many better ways to say what it meant. Nikki was, as usual, in a tight business dress. She looked good in business suits. She had a great body, shoulder-length blonde hair, the same deep eyes as her brother, as well as the same full lips.

"Anyway, I'm glad you're here. I need to talk to you about Dad." She stared at the floor as she said 'dad.' Their father was scum. He had beaten them when they were younger, and had recently nearly killed Nicole. Brandon knew there was something more to Nicole's hatred of her father, but couldn't figure it out. Nicole had recently watched as her dad fell to the floor in convulsions and died, willing him with all her strength to do so.

"What about Dad?" I thought that monster was out of our lives for good this time.

"He is, but his will came in the mail yesterday. He left everything to you, Mom, and me." Brandon grimaced at the thought of owning that bastard's possessions.

"Look, Nicole, I don't want any of Dad's junk. You can give my share to the Salvation Army or something."

"I said the same thing," said Nicole. "Mom, however, wants anything she can get her grubby little hands on. She said that if you didn't want your share, she would take it." Nicole's hatred for her mother, waitress Faye, was even greater than that for her father. She felt that she had allowed their father to hurt them the way he did.

"Well, Nikki, cut Mom some slack, ok? She's mourning Dad's death, for reasons unknown, and she's really hurting right now."

"Yeah Brandon, I know. I hate her even more for caring so much about that bastard." Brandon couldn't remember the last time he had had a conversation with his sister that didn't turn into a Faye bashing.

"Look, Nikki, I'd love to hang around and be miserable with you, but I'm due at the hospital in half an hour. I've got the late shift today."

Nicole smiled. She looked tired. "Brandon, I'm sorry. I love you."

"I love you too, Nicole." They hugged. "I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Alright. Bye." Brandon left the house. He had to pull out his photo to make sure what he saw was real. It was. They were as beautiful as ever. He decided to go to the Salem Place Print Shop and get copies made.

Brady Black was in Ballistix, a women's clothing store in Salem Place. He felt weird and out-of-place, but he had to get his sister, Belle, something she'd really like. His parents, John and Marlena, were planning on telling her that John was the father of Hope Brady's baby tonight at dinner. This would mean Belle shared a brother with her boyfriend, Shawn. Brady knew that he would be crushed, and thought maybe he would get her a gift to show that he was there for her always. He was looking at a rack of purses when he noticed Brandon Walker walking by the window. Brandon Walker...what a man, Brady thought. He had the most perfect lips, dimples, body, everything. Brady was openly dating Chloe Lane, but he knew he was bi, and wasn't ashamed (although he didn't want it to become public information). He put the purse down and walked out of the store toward Brandon.

"Hey Brandon, what's up?" Brady asked when he had finally caught the stud. He didn't know Brandon well, but he was hoping to change that soon.

"Not much, man. I'm just headed toward the print shop. Gotta get some copies...for the hospital," Brandon said. Brady Black...wish I could've caught him in the act as well, thought Brandon. That blonde hair, those piercing blue eyes, that swimmer's's got it all. Little did he know, Brady was thinking the same thing about him.

"'s work?" Brady asked, not knowing what else to say.

"It's great. In fact, I've gotta get these copies and get to the hospital within twenty minutes, so I'd better go."

"Oh ok," Brady said. "Talk to you later, man."

"Oh Brady," Brandon said, turning around, "tell your mom, I, that there's going to be a faculty meeting at the hospital tomorrow at eleven."

"Sure, Brandon. I'll give her the message." As Brandon turned to leave, something fluttered from his coat pocket. Brady raced to get it and give it back, but stopped in his tracks when he realized what the object was. "Well, well, well, what have we here?" Brady asked aloud. "Shawn Brady and Philip Kiriakis, huh? I think this could be very useful to me," he said, a grin spreading across his face.

Shawn was in his truck driving away from Philip's house, the look of afterglow still on his face. His little scheme had taken an unexpected turn...he was in love with Philip Kiriakis, his best friend. The sun was beginning to set, so he flipped his lights on. He glanced at his watch. It was 5:30 PM. In just a short four hours his life had changed for the worse, as well as for the better. Lost in his own thoughts, and not really knowing where he was going, he had failed to notice the headlights in his rearview mirror.

He decided that, since he had taken his dad's truck, he had to let his parents know he was ok, and that the truck was ok. Maybe he would just ride over to the pub and spend the night with his grandparents. Bo's mother, Caroline Brady, and his stepfather, Shawn Brady (Shawn's namesake), lived in a cabin over the famous Brady Pub on the riverfront. As Shawn began to trace the very strange and complicated family lineage, he realized he had just given his uncle a blowjob. Phil was Bo's half brother. He laughed at the thought of that.

Just then, he noticed the headlights. They were right on his ass. He turned at the next corner. The vehicle did the same. He turned left at the intersection, as did the following car. Finally, he pulled over. The car followed suit. He stepped out, clutching the revolver Bo always kept in the glove compartment. He realized he had chosen a bad area to stop. There were no houses around. It was a wooded area near Pine Mountain Road heading into the mountains north of Salem. The other car, which was now obviously an SUV of some sort, remained still and quiet. No one came out. Shawn held the revolver up and pointed at the driver's side window. Just then, the window rolled down. It was Belle's brother, Brady.

Shawn put the gun on the hood of the vehicle. "Brady, what the hell are you doing here? You've been following me for miles."

"Yes, Shawn, I have. I have a proposition for you, Shawn," Brady said, eyes glittering in the moonlight. He was obviously up to something.

"What is it, Brady? You scared the shit out of me."

"I think I have something else that will scare the shit out of you as well, Shawn. Take a look at this." With that, Brady pulled out the photo and shoved it into Shawn's face. Shawn turned red and his eyes nearly popped from their sockets.

"Brady, where did you get this?"

"That's not important, Shawn. What's important is that you do what I say so that I don't have to expose your secret to all of Salem." To begin with, Shawn had slept with Philip just to hurt his parents. He had planned to expose it to them and the world, as a punishment to them. But now, since he had realized his true feelings about Phil and guys in general, he didn't want it exposed. Especially not this way. "Ok, Brady, what is it? What do you want? Money? My sterio? What?"

"Gee, Shawn, I don't want any of that. Not that they aren't very good offers. I'm just looking for a little fun. You catch my drift?"

Shawn did catch his drift. His dick caught the drift too, as it began to rise, causing a tent in his pants.

"Wow Shawn, I guess you do catch my drift," Brady said, looking at the bulge in his pants.

"Ok Brady, you want fun? Let's get to it. Where should we go?"

"Why do you think I borrowed my dad's SUV? I thought we could drive down that dirt path right over there and do it right in here." Shawn was hesitant. "Ok, but let me drive the truck back there first." Shawn hopped in the truck and pulled it down a small, bumpy dirt drive that went into the forest. It stopped at a clearing beside a pond. Shawn had left the gun on Brady's hood, so he reached around and threw it into the glove compartment. He then followed Shawn into the forest. Once they were parked, Brady turned on the heater and Shawn hopped into the passenger's seat.

"Well," Brady said, "let's get to it." He reached over and rubbed Shawn's chest through his shirt, and went down and fondled his now very hard dick through his jeans. The two climbed into the very spacious back of the truck, and Brady laid Shawn on his back. He climbed on top of him and kissed him deeply, letting his tongue slide down into Shawn's mouth, sliding it over his teeth and tongue. Shawn wrapped his arms around Brady and began to explore with his own tongue. Brady was wearing Brut aftershave. The slight stubble on Brady's face tickled Shawn's.

Finally, Brady pulled up, panting, and took off his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt. Shawn once again pulled off his coat, sweater, and T-shirt. Brady rubbed Shawn's smooth, tan pecs, squeezing the nipples until they were raw. Shawn closed his eyes and moaned softly. Brady then pulled off his undershirt, revealing the most beautiful chest and six pack Shawn had ever seen. The nipples were the size of quarters, and the pecs were huge and hard as rocks. His abs were shaped into a perfect six pack. Shawn rubbed his fingers along his bulging muscles. Brady just stared into his eyes. Brady had the most honest eyes. They looked weary, but happy and content. He lowered himself back onto Shawn, their naked torsos pressing together as they kissed again.

"I want you, Shawn," Brady whispered close to Shawn's ear. "I want you more than I've ever wanted anything or anyone in my life."

"Oh God, Brady, I want you too. So much." Shawn grabbed Brady's face and shoved his mouth to his own. They began to grind their bodies together as they explored each others' mouths. Brady began to fumble with his pants, and slid them down to reveal a rather stretched pair of tighty whities. His legs were dusted with blonde hair, which ended at his feet. Shawn grabbed the bulge in Brady's underwear, causing him to moan loudly. Brady then feverishly jerked Shawn's pants down, fondling his rock hard member through his boxers. Shawn reached around and slipped his hands into the back of Brady's underwear, massaging his rock hard, slightly hairy ass.

"Oh yeah, Shawn. Oh man you're so hot." Brady jerked Shawn's underwear down, as well as his own. When their dicks touched, Shawn gasped for air.

"Take me, Brady. I want you inside me." Brady caught the hint, and roughly turned Shawn onto his stomach. "This is new to me, so be easy, ok?"

"Ok Shawn. I want you to enjoy this as much as me." Brady licked his finger, and slowly inserted into Shawn's pink hole. "Ohhhh shit!" Shawn screamed. Brady quickly pulled out. "No, Brady, please don't stop. Don't stop, Brady." Brady spit onto his hand and lubricated his rock hard eight inches. Then he spit into Shawn's hole and worked it around with his fingers. He rubbed his cock up and down Shawn's firm ass, which was sprinkled with black hair. Then he slowly pushed his dick into the young boy's puckered hole. Shawn let out a low moan, and reached behind him, rubbing Brady's abs. Brady slowly plunged deeper, and Shawn squeezed his left nipple. Finally, he was all the way in.

Shawn had never felt anything like this before. He felt so content, so full of happiness. When Brady slowly pulled out, leaving only the head of his dick inside, Shawn felt empty.

"Fuck me, Brady. I want you to fuck me like your bitch. Let me be your bitch, Brady. Fuck me." Brady smiled broadly and plunged into his young lover's ass. Shawn screamed in ecstasy, but continued to urge Brady on by clenching his ass together. Brady gasped. He began to slide in and out of Shawn's hole rapidly, reaching around to massage Shawn's pecs. Shawn began to jerk his own painfully erect cock in time to Brady's rhythm.

Finally, Brady shouted "Shawn, I'm gonna cum! Do you want me to pull out?"

Shawn moaned a no, and begged Brady to shoot into his ass. With one final thrust, Brady shot is huge load into Shawn's willing hole. Shawn blew his load onto the floor of the truck and massaged it onto his abdomen. Without pulling out, Brady pressed into Shawn's back and the duo lied together, sweat streaming from every pore. Brady kissed the back of Shawn's neck, as Shawn reached around and rubbed Brady's sweat-drenched ass. They fell asleep in this position.

They awoke to the sound of tapping on the window and a bright light in their eyes.

...To be continued? Once again, depends on response.

Next: Chapter 3

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