
By John Doe

Published on Jan 4, 2002


This story is a work of fiction based characters in the television series "Days Of Our Lives." It is not meant to imply the true sexual behavior of the actors playing these characters, or the characters themselves. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

"Days of Our Lives: Aftershock, Part One"

by Peter on Jan. 3, 2002

Salem, U.S.A.-a town filled with families, friends, love...and lies. Bo Brady's wife Hope and best friends John and Marlena Black had been lying to him for over a year now. John and Hope, under the control of Stefano DiMera, had made love during John and Marlena's Hawaiian honeymoon over two years ago. Hope had later given birth to John's son. Only Hope, John, and Marlena knew the secret, and they agreed to keep it a secret from Bo and the rest of Salem. The plan had gone smoothly...until now. The truth had been revealed to Bo, and as a result, all hell was sure to break loose.

Bo eventually sorted through his anger at his wife and friends, but knew that he would now have to explain to his 17 year-old son Shawn that he shared a brother with his girlfriend, John and Marlena's daughter Belle.

Shawn Brady had brown hair; a smooth, muscular body; a perfect tan; and he was chewing on his eraser in psychology class. The clock ticked by at about half the usual speed during this period. Then the school receptionist bellowed over the intercom "Shawn Brady, please report to the front office with your books." Shawn heaved a sigh of relief and hurried out of the room. His father, Bo, was waiting for him out front in his old pickup truck.

"Dad, what's up?" Shawn asked.

"We need to talk, son," Bo said gravely.

"Sure Dad. Is anything wrong?"

"Actually Shawn, yes. Everything's wrong. I don't even know where to begin."

Half an hour later, the door to Bo and Hope's house was flung open, and Shawn came running out. Tears were streaming down his face as he crossed the lawn. His father called after him from the doorway, but he ignored him. How could this be happening? he thought. My mom slept with Belle's dad? Oh God. He wiped at his face and noticed that the keys were in the ignition of his dad's truck. He hopped in, slammed the door, and sped off, ignoring Bo's yelling.

Where was he going? He thought of going to Belle's, but he couldn't face her or her parents without being reminded of what he had found out. In the distance he could see a sign reading 'Salem Place: If you can't find it here, you won't find it.' He decided to stop in at the local mall to get a coffee at the Java Cafe.

As he sat drinking his cappuccino, Shawn realized just how angry he was. He had never felt this way before. He wanted to hurt his family. He wanted his parents to be in just as much pain as he was, and he wanted to inflict it. The question was what would hurt his perfect straight-laced American family the most? Just as he was pondering this, he noticed his friend Philip Kiriakis sitting at a table across the cafe sipping an iced mocha. A grin spread across his face as an idea popped into his head.

Philip Kiriakis was a blonde heartthrob with perfect dimples and a body similar to Shawn's only more tanned. Lately he had been very frustrated. He was frustrated that his parents, Kate and Victor, refused to even attempt to work out their marriage; he was frustrated that his father was letting the trampy Nicole Roberts into his home and bed; and most of all, he was frustrated that his alleged girlfriend, Chloe Lane, was totally ignoring him in favor of Brady Black and hadn't agreed to have sex with him once since the beginning of their relationship. He thought he'd die if he didn't get off soon.

He noticed Shawn Brady sipping a cappuccino across the Java Cafe. Shawn was so cute...his innocent puppy-dog eyes and messy brown hair...oh man, was he really that horny? Was Philip so desperate for sex that he would resort to homosexuality? No time to ponder, Shawn was heading straight for his table.

"Hey Phil," Shawn said, "Mind if I join you?"

"Uh...yeah...I mean, no. Have a seat, man."

Shawn couldn't help but grin. By the way Philip was acting, you'd almost think he was pondering the same things as Shawn. "'s life?"

Philip grimaced. "Sucky, man. Everything's screwed up My parents are being assholes, my girlfriend's being all weird, and I'm going to lose my mind if I don't get..." Philip had lost his head and almost gone too far.

"What is it you need to get, Phil?" Shawn asked, although he had an idea of what it was.

Philip decided to come clean with Shawn about his sexual frustrations. "Shawn, we've been friends since...well, since forever, so I feel like I can just be totally honest with you. I haven't had sex since Chloe and I have been going out. I've had offers, but I've always remained faithful toward Chloe. Besides you, my best friend has been my right hand and a bottle of baby oil. I just don't know how much longer I can live a life of celibacy without losing it, man."

"Hey, I know exactly how you feel. Belle and I haven't done anything more than making out. I know the feeling of desperation as well as anyone. Hell, I'm feeling it right now. I'm almost to the point of looking toward other species for satisfaction." Shawn knew he was slowly reeling Philip in.

Philip decided that if Shawn was desperate enough to do an animal, he would surely be willing to help out a friend. "Uh...Shawn, you know, some monkeys will pick the bugs off their friends if their friends will in turn do the same for them." Phil grimaced at the analogy.

Shawn knew what Philip was getting at, but he wanted to hear the words come out of that dimpled little mouth. "Um...yeah, I've heard that was true."

"What I'm trying to say, Shawn, is that we're both desperate, so maybe we could help each other out. You know, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

Shawn pretended to think about the idea, and then replied "Ok Phil, I see what you mean. I'll help you out, if you'll do the same for me."

Phil nearly jumped out of his seat. "Great! You have your dad's truck?"


"Ok, well I've got the Cruiser, so why don't you meet me at my house," suggested Phil.

"Alrighty. I'll see you in a couple of minutes."

"Great. See ya."

Both boys got up and rushed off to their vehicles.

Back in the truck, Shawn smiled to himself. If anything would hurt his parents, finding out their perfect son was a queer would do the trick. However, Shawn himself was a little surprised that he was actually excited over the idea of a sexual encounter with his best friend.

Fifteen minutes later, Shawn and Philip entered Philip's bedroom. The house was empty. Philip closed and locked the door (not realizing that although the door was locked, it wasn't closed all the way), and quickly removed his coat and threw it over his desk chair. Shawn followed suit. Philip sat on the foot of his bed, Shawn sitting beside him.

"So, what exactly are we going to do?" Philip asked.

"I thought maybe we could just blow each other."

"Great. Sounds great." Phil could feel his cock rising at the sight of Shawn Brady saying the words 'blow each other.'

"Well, I guess we should get our clothes off," said Shawn. He was getting a little nervous and trying to avoid eye contact with Philip.

Philip sensed his nervousness. "Look, Shawn, if you don't want to do this, it's fine. I mean, I can always go back to my right hand," he said, smiling.

Shawn couldn't help but chuckle. "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm a little nervous. I've never done anything like this before."

"So am I, man. I've never been with a guy either. But I think we both need some relief right now, and maybe this is the best way to get it."

"You're right. It is. Let's get to it." By now, both of the young boys cocks were at full mast from all the anticipation. Shawn pulled his sweater off to reveal a tight white t-shirt which outlined his firm pecs and abs. Phil did the same, only he was wearing a tank top underneath. Then they pulled their undershirts off to reveal their smooth, toned chests and abs. They both just sat and stared at one another for a minute, then Philip pulled his boots off and his pants down. Shawn did the same. Just as Philip began to pull his boxers off, Shawn stopped him.

"Let me get those for you, Phil," he said. Philip smiled and just laid back as Shawn pulled his boxers down, revealing a trail of dark blonde hair leading to his bush just above his hard, seven inch cut cock. "Mmmmm Phil, this is nice," Shawn said, breathing in the aroma of Philip's manhood.

"Suck it, Shawn. Take my cock in your mouth, man." Shawn, without hesitation, engulfed the head of his best friend's cock and began to suck it like a blowpop with all his might. "Ohhh yeah, man," Philip moaned. "That's right. Keep sucking that baby." Phil's dirty talk was getting Shawn even hotter, so he slipped his boxers down as he continued to suck on Philip. He began to stroke his cock roughly. "Shawn, don't do that," Philip said. "I want that in my mouth." Shawn smiled and moved up onto Philip so they could turn around to 69, but before he turned, Philip shocked him by reaching for the back of his head and forcing his face down onto his. His lips parted as Philip's tongue forced entry into his mouth. He was loving this. He couldn't believe how much seeing and tasting Philip's cock and sharing his mouth could be suck a turn on, but he had never been hornier in his life. He pushed his mouth against Philip's with all his might, grinding their bodies and cocks together. Then he pulled away and kissed Philip's neck as he moaned in ecstasy. "Shawn," Philip moaned. "Stop it before I cum. I want your cock in my mouth." Shawn pulled off and swung his pelvis around onto Phil's face and returned to engulfing his friend's dick.

Shawn had a rather thick black trail of hair running to his cock, with a big bush. His cock was about the same length and width as Philip's, but his balls were huge, and covered with a light sprinkling of that same dark hair. Phil licked Shawn's balls, and then took one into his mouth and rolled it around. It was so big he could barely fit it all the way into his mouth.

Shawn pulled off of Phil's dick long enough to say "Ohhh Phil, that's right, man. Suck my balls. Take those big hairy monsters into your mouth." Phil could take it no longer, he impaled his face onto Shawn's cock, sucking and slurping his way to the base. He licked up and down the shaft, the whole time feeling Shawn's hard ass and kneading it like dough.

Finally, Philip yelled "Oh God, Shawn, I'm cumming! I'm cumming, man!" He thought Shawn would quickly pull off his cock and begin to jack him off, but instead, he took his stick further into his throat, and let each drop of Philip's cum slide into his waiting mouth. Philip was belated, but he quickly continued to suck Shawn's cock with all his might. He wanted to make him cum, to cause him as much pleasure as he could.

After only a few seconds, Shawn, who was laying his head on Phil's lower abs and playing with his pubic hair, arched his back and shrieked "Oh yeah, Phil, it's coming! I'm gonna blow!" Before the word 'blow' was out of his mouth, shot after shot of hot semen was flying into the back of Philip's throat. He loved it. He had never tasted anything like it before. He knew he would again though.

The two boys raised up off the bed and collapsed in one another's arms, kissing and rubbing their hands along their chests. Little did they know, someone had come into the house and noticed Philip's door slightly ajar and had greatly enjoyed a free sex show. He would certainly be taking advantage of the information he had on the two boys...and soon.

...To be continued? Depends on amount of response.

Next: Chapter 2

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