After Work Relaxation

By David Longoria

Published on Sep 26, 2019


As He walks through the front door after a hard day on the job, I greet Sir wearing only my uniform. Per His requirements, anytime I am serving Him in His household, I am ordered to wear my "uniform" which consists of being naked except for a simple jockstrap. Thus ensuring that my pathetically small penis is covered and not seen and my ass open, ready for anytime He feels the need to rut and dominate a fag. Compared to His thick 9" cock, my tiny 4" hard nub definitely doesn't qualify as a penis. Sir is more than twice my length and He enjoys telling me that only His dick matters and my useless little clit needs to be hidden away when in the presence of a real Man. He loves to tell me that I should be grateful that I get to know what real Man's dick feels like when He allows me to worship Him. I am always thankful when Sir is kind enough to let me worship his body and He is completely correct on all counts of course!

I grab His sports coat & bag and escort Him to His Throne'. After Sir sits down, I immediately rush to the kitchen and pour Him a fresh glass of His favorite beer and quickly return to serve it to Him, Only He ever sits on the Throne', a dark mahogany wood chair with rich leather and matching ottoman. Faggots like myself are never allowed to sit on or touch the Throne as I am His inferior and to sit upon it would be an unforgivable sign of disrespect to Him. The only time I may ever touch the `Throne' is when I have to clean it as part of my weekly fag duties when I am serving in Sir's household.

As He sits upon His Throne, I help raise Sir's feet on the ottoman, remove His shoes & socks and proceed to give Him a 15 min foot massage. I apply scented lotion to His feet and do my best to ease any stress that Sir may have built up from a challenging work day. He reaches for the remote control on the end table and turns on the HDTV to His favorite channel, ESPN. I humbly and quietly ask "how was Your day Sir?" He simply grunts and sips His beer staring at His flatscreen TV. That was a simple but clear instruction telling me to focus on my fag duties and not to concern myself with any problems that a real man might be experiencing. I instantly realize that I overstepped my boundaries and continue massaging his manly feet and muscular hairy legs.

SportsCenter plays softly in the background as I swiftly move to from His feet and give Him a neck and shoulder massage. As I am about to begin, I notice that He is almost finished with His beer. I don't hesitate to quickly go to the kitchen and pour another frosty beer for Him. Returning with perfect timing as He swallows the last of His beer, I replace the empty glass with a full glass and Sir simply says, "Good bitch..." My heart flutters at the acknowledgement that I am doing a good job serving a Superior Alpha Male.

Before I begin Sir's shoulder massage, He leans forward and I help Him remove His tie and dress shirt. I lovingly and caringly fold his dress shirt and tie and place them on a nearby chair so they very respectfully taken care of. I begin massaging His strong shoulders and massive pectoral muscles. Sir closes His eyes and give a deep sigh of relief as He experiences the pleasure that a good shoulder massage brings. As I'm massaging Sir's strong shoulders, I start to catch a whiff of His dominant Alpha pheromones along with a bit of his lingering cologne from the morning. The mix of both His Alpha pheromones and cologne is VERY intoxicating and I begin to feel extremely submissive to Him.

After a few minutes of the shoulder massage, He orders me back on my knees to continue with the foot massage. After inhaling His Alpha pheromones earlier, I am positive that He can sense my complete and total submission to Him. As I resume massaging Sir's feet, I glance up at Him and notice that He is just staring at me with the look' in His eye. The look' I have come to know too well... The look' of a dominant Alpha's desire. The look' of a Man wanting to force His massive superior cock deep inside a warm hole. The look' that tells me all that I need to know... that I am going to be used as a real Man's human fleshlight and personal cum rag this Friday evening. Occasionally, Sir only requires a simple massage, dinner and beers to relax after work, but not tonight. Tonight the look' of desire is strong and I can tell that He means to unleash his instinctual primal need to completely dominate and use a faggot's pussy tonight and `work out' any stress from His long work week. My only thought is if He will use my boipussy or my mouth for His pleasure, but it really doesn't matter in all honesty, i'm simply a worthless fag. A worthless fag to be used by an Alpha Male as He sees fit to use me.

Still massaging His feet, I begin to notice the huge bulge growing in His dress pants. Sir orders me back into the kitchen to grab Him two beers because He doesn't want to be "interrupted" when I am servicing Him. I do not hesitate to do as ordered and quickly fetch Him two beers like a good obedient fag and place them neatly on the end table near Him.

"Take off my pants fag..." He commands in a very direct manner.

"Yes Sir," I obediently respond.

I resume the natural position that any faggot would assume when serving a superior Alpha: on its knees in between His Alpha's spread legs. I slowly unbuckle Sir's belt and unzip His dress slacks and remove them. His massive cock already poking through His boxers.

"You only ordered me to remove Your pants Sir, may I remove Your boxers?"

"No fag, start sucking. I will let you know when you can remove the rest of my clothing."

"Yes Sir..."

My mouth hungrily devours His rock hard throbbing dick. I barely get halfway down His long shaft before I let out a slight gag and choke a little.

Sir leans back, laughs and says "Is that the best you can do faggot before you gag?"

Without ever removing my mouth, or `cockhole' as Sir calls it, from His dick, I mumble "uh-uh..."

Sir's rules are such that only His pleasure matters and for a faggot to remove it's cockhole without permission from a Superior Man's dick (whether His dick or another Alpha He chooses to share me with... another story for later) would be a serious breach of protocol and worthy of punishment.

"I don't believe you fag, I guess I'm going to have to help you," and with that He places His strong hand on the back of my head and forces my mouth down on the rest of His pulsating dick. I do my best not to gag and take the tremendous length and girth down the back of my throat. After a bit of a struggle with His size (and some help from His hand on my head) I finally work my way into a rhythm that pleases Him. I work the shaft with my tongue and finally hear what I always want to hear when servicing His Alpha cock,

"Damn fag! You got some serious cocksucking skills! This feels fucking amazing!" my heart flutters again from the compliment and confirmation that I am doing an excellent job servicing a real Man's cock.

He then pushes my face off of His dick, stands up and pulls His boxers down for His favorite dominant play. He grabs my hair, pulls my head back very roughly and places His enormous ball sack on my chin and slaps my entire face with the whole length of His dick... several times!

"How does it feel serving an Alpha with a Man's sized cock faggot?" he says VERY assertively. As if my whole existence depended on my next answer... which it does!

"I feel lucky and honored serve a real Man Sir! Lucky that I am able to pleasure You as You wish..." I reply as His jumbo egg sized balls rest on my mouth muffling my response a bit. While His dick is still dwarfing my entire face, I deeply inhale His crotch musk packed with Alpha pheromones that overpower me and make me even more submissive to His will.

"That's right fag, consider yourself very, very lucky! There are fifty other fags I could call upon to serve me at a moment's notice to suck my dick so make sure you do a good job! You are nothing special... just my cum dump for the evening. I only keep you around because you do a good job at cleaning up my apartment."

"Thank You Sir! I appreciate the..."

"I didn't say you could speak faggot! Just stay silent and be an obedient little girl like you are supposed to be," He said interrupting me. I simply nod my head in agreement while Sir continues to stand over me, balls and dick resting on my face, dominating me while He chugs His beer.

"Kiss and worship my balls fag. I want to hear you give me thanks for the superior Alpha seed that I am going to bestow upon you." I run my tongue at the bottom of His shaft and give each ball, a sincere kiss and swirl my tongue around each nut. Alpha semen is THE most precious substance in the world to a faggot like me.

"Thank You Sir for your generous gift of Your superior Alpha seed."

"You are welcome faggot..."

I swirl my tongue around His left testicle again. I hungrily suck His left ball in my mouth and gently give it a good licking. I move on and do the same to His right testicle. Lovingly kissing each ball again thankful for the gift I am about to receive, I jerk His dick with my hand as I work my mouth back up the long shaft to the mushroom tip and continue deep throating Sir's massive dick. He places both of His strong massive hands upon the back of my head and holds me stationary for what seems like an eternity as He thrusts His dick back and forth inside my gaping mouth while his balls slam against my chin. After a few minutes, I feel Him tense up and His dick swell even larger than before as He pulls out and unleashes a torrent of protein packed Alpha seed all over my face then plunges His dick back deep down inside my mouth and shoots the rest inside my throat. I feel His body relax as Sir sits back down and orders me to lick His cock clean of any remaining Alpha cum. I obediently stay on my knees to get closer to Him as I lick and suck every last drop out of His huge balls.

"Don't forget to clean your face faggot... I don't want any of my seed wasted! My sperm is only meant to make babies and to feed fags."

"Yes, Sir..." as I use my finger to wipe my face clean and deposit ALL traces of Alpha sperm in my mouth. "Will there be anything else that You need Sir?"

"Yes I'm hungry for dinner."

"Not a problem Sir I'll have what I have cooking out for You in a moment."

As I get up and walk away to plate His dinner, He hungrily eyes my ass in the jockstrap and yells out...

"That BJ was just an appetizer fag, I'm going to fuck your faggot pussy ass as soon as I'm hard again. Probably after I eat though... HAHA! Also there's no need for you to eat since I already gave you My `protein shake'!"

I walk back to the kitchen, knowing it's going to be a long night for me tonight, happy though that I am able to please a dominant superior Man with ANY service He desires...

Next: Chapter 2

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