After the Race

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on May 1, 2007



This story contains sex between males so if you don't enjoy this or you are under age or it is illegal where you reside to read such material please leave now.

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After the Race, by justjames17.

The big race of the V8 touring car championships arrived and my mate, Brett and I were heading for Bathurst, a town in country New South Wales where the cars raced up and down Mount Panorama. This was by far the greatest of all the courses and tested cars and drivers to the absolute max. We were driving up from Melbourne a long day's drive and we would take turns behind the wheel on the trip up and back.

My name is Evan, I've just turned 18 and passed my driver's licence test, the ink was hardly dry on it. Brett was 19 and had been driving for 12 months so he had a lot of experience and was there to help me as I drove which was cool even though I felt I knew everything there was having aced my test. I'm a Ford Falcon fanatic while Brett is a Holden Commodore fan, an Aussie car made by General Motors Holden. The competition between the two creates a lot of the fun as the crowds cheer on their favourites.

Brett is a total rev head and a real spunky bloke, we've been mates for years, we lived next door to each other and messed about doing what boys do, played footy, cricket, went swimming and we fished in my dad's boat when ever we could. I had the hots for Brett but being in the closet I didn't dare talk to him about it, I just watched him longingly and hid my boners from sight. This weekend was going to be molten special, as we would be sleeping together in the little two-man tent in the boot of Brett's Commode as I called it. The weather was warm so we probably wouldn't need our sleeping bags and could flake out on top just in our underwear, cool thought eh?

We set off heading north towards the Murray River the border between Victoria and New South Wales; we were heading for Tocumwal where we would cross over the river onto the Newell Highway. Brett started off driving and I sat back surveying the scenery as it whizzed past with occasional glances at his crotch and the bulge visible in his tight denims. Brett always looked like he had a semi hard on, he had a humungous horn hidden in there, I'd seen it often enough when we went swimming and changed into our boardies or when we were in the swim team at school into our tiny tight Speedos. The sight of Brett in Speedos was totally phat, he looked monstrous, much bigger than any other guy on the team and I suspected a few guys desired to get their eager hands on his tool because I saw many boners spring up as they dived into the pool to hide their erections.

Brett seemed oblivious to the excitement his almost nude body caused he just carried on swimming laps or doing the exercises the coach required. My dick was nearly always hard or semi when I was around Brett and when we messed about wrestling and stuff I was stiff as a board, how he missed my stiffy I don't know or maybe he just ignored it. My wanking fantasies always had Brett in them; I pictured him posing in his tiny silky Speedos with that huge cock stretching them out till it looked like his boner would split the flimsy Lycra; I thought of him nude, erect and me kissing him and sucking that awesome penis cramming it into my mouth as I choked and gagged on it and sucking his rich sperm into my stomach.

We drove along each commenting on passing sights and we crossed the old wooden bridge hearing the timber planks rattle as the car drove across, the sight of the brown wide river below drew our attention to the old paddle steamer as it chugged down river puffing black smoke and its paddle wheels frothing the muddy water as she moved along her deck filled with tourists cameras flashing as they photographed the old bridge and the huge old river gums along the steep banks. A plume of white steam spurted from her whistle as she hooted at us we honked the horn and I waved to the skipper standing on her bridge tugging on the whistle's lanyard.

The river behind us and we were driving fast up the Newell towards Jerilderie where we planned to have a lunch break and I'd take over the driving. We pulled into the small country town and parked outside the small cafe, locked the car and walked inside where we ordered our dinner and sat idly talking while we waited, I needed a piss so I excused myself and headed to the toilet after asking where it was and laughing as it was outside in the back yard. I had my piss and was intrigued by the old wooden toilet with its spider webs adorning the walls and roof.

I walked back inside grinning and laughed as I told Brett about the primitive country dunny, he laughed and said, "I'll check it out before we leave as I don't want to stop again till we hit Bathurst, we'll top up the petrol here too." Lunch demolished were both hungry as Tassie Devils and we paid the bill and Brett went to piss while I went out and unlocked the car sitting behind the wheel waiting for him and watching the pedestrians walking along the footpath. People in the country seemed much more relaxed than us city dwellers; their pace was slow and relaxed as the wandered along greeting one another and stopping to chat. Brett came out and climbed in as I started the engine and put the car in gear we pulled away from the kerb and drove up the highway stopping at the service station and filling up the car.

We set off and Brett settled into the passenger seat after he relaxed finding my driving wasn't life threatening, after a while I looked across to see he was asleep his head resting against the door pillar. I smiled feeling he trusted my driving and I glanced down admiring the full mound of his genitals in the tight denims. I dreamed of unzipping him and pulling that superb stalk out then licking and sucking on it till he blew his load into my salivating mouth. My own cock was incredibly hard and aching in my briefs, pre cum oozing damply as I drove up the highway.

I felt I would burst if I didn't pull over somewhere and relieve the burning pressure and spotting a sign for a rest area ahead I drove off the highway into the parking area hidden by trees from the busy highway. No cars or trucks were in the area so I made my way into the toilet block and entered a cubical, dropped my daks and began stroking my achingly stiff dick. As I sat there wanking I was reading the graffiti on the cubical walls and door along with the crude drawings of guys sex, I soon spewed my cum out catching it in my hand and licked every drop up hungrily imagining it was Brett's.

I left the bog and climbed back into the car, Brett stirred opened one eye and said, "Got caught short huh Evan?"

I blushed and nodded as I drove off and Brett slipped back to sleep, he wriggled in the seat turned his legs towards me, the right one bent at the knee rested against the centre console his left knee against the glove box so that his crotch was wide open to my gaze. I couldn't stop glancing across at his bulging denims and after a while I rested my left hand on the console almost touching his sexy knee, so close I felt the warmth of his leg. I was trembling with desire to touch that muscular limb, to rub my hand up that firm thigh to feel his gorgeous genitals. I spoke softly to him, no reaction, I spoke louder still no sign of him hearing me, Brett was dead to the world. My urge to feel him increased until my cock was boned my nuts aching; I was feeling hot my breathing heavy my whole body tingled with desire. Did I dare touch him?

My shaking hand crept onto his knee feeling the solid bone and muscles, no reaction from Brett, I took a deep breath after realising I wasn't breathing in my anxiety. My hand just rested on his knee I was happy just touching my sleeping mate, but after a few minutes I moved it lightly up his thigh, hardly daring to touch him as I closed in on that bulge. Was it getting larger? I took my eyes off the road to stare at Brett's bulge, yes it was pulsing I was certain. The sound of gravel hitting the car drew my eyes back to the windscreen as I put both hands back on the wheel and pulled the car back onto the paved surface, I'd let the car wander while not concentrating. I was annoyed with myself for risking an accident and vowed to drive properly till we reached our destination.

The long drive was tiring me when finally we drove into Bathurst, I woke Brett up and asked where to go and he gave me directions to the race tack with its surrounding camping areas. We drove in after paying the fees and located a good spot to pitch the tent not too far from the ablution block and toilets. We parked the car and unloaded the tent setting it up then we checked the portable fridge and made sure it was working ok; it wasn't efficient if not level. We wandered around the area chatting to other campers and rev heads, then made our way to the nearest take away food vendor as we couldn't be bothered cooking after the trip.

A couple of hamburgers later and a few beers we felt at peace with the world and sat on the folding chairs outside the tent chatting to our neighbours. The nearest tent had four guys about our age who were all well away on beer, they were pretty sexy guys and came from up near the Queensland border. They were definite country lads by their speech and all four were only wearing cut offs and thongs (flip flops) their well tanned torsos gleamed in the late afternoon sun and they all displayed interesting bulges in their well worn old denim cut offs. My eyes were everywhere enjoying the molten eye candy, especially on one neighbour a blond stud by the name of Tim. He was a total stunner and sported an ear ring in the lobe of each ear, a white shell necklace bright against his mahogany tan, he sat legs apart giving me a tantalising view up the leg of his tiny cut offs where I could easily see the smooth white bulge of his underpants.

I couldn't stop looking at him and he opened wider and put his hand inside his pants seemingly to adjust himself, I looked up at his face and he was watching me with a smirk on his sexy face. I was caught perving big time and prayed he wasn't going to out me, he just sat there hand in his cut offs smirking silently. I looked away as the maniacal laughter of a kookaburra shattered the air, I looked up into a nearby gum tree and there it sat cackling like a lunatic as if laughing at my being caught perving on Tim. After a few cans my bladder let me know I needed a piss and my head was buzzing from the alcohol, I got to my feet a little unsteadily and headed for the bogs.

I didn't see Tim get up and follow a distance behind me, I entered the toilet block and headed for the urinal unzipping my fly and hoisting out my half aroused tool, with a sigh of relief I started pissing when I heard another guy come in and stand next to me. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Tim there undoing his fly he looked down at my dick and grinned, "I knew you were getting a hard on looking up my leg mate, you are Evan right?"

I nodded speechless as my eyes dropped down to see his tool appear clutched in his fingers, thick and long from his open fly, my eyes widened and he said, "You like what you see eh?"

I nodded speechless my mouth had gone dry and my cock hung, no longer pissing, as he reached out and touched it gently running his finger tips down my shaft and onto my hooded knob. He sighed softly and said, "Nice one Evan. Do you and your mate mess around much?"

I shook my head and said, "No not at all Tim, Brett's as straight as the light pole."

He grasped my dick in his hand and wanked me getting me hard as he asked, "Well whom do you mess with then?"

My cock was on fire I wanted to cum so quickly just from his touch I was quivering with tension and gasped out, "No one I've never messed with anyone before this."

He grinned widely and said, "You are a virgin then?"

I gulped closing my eyes and thinking of anything but the feeling in my cack and balls tried to control my reactions to Tim's stroking, I nodded and blushed saying, "Yes ok! I'm a virgin don't laugh at me."

Tim slowed his hand to stop my exploding and said very quietly, "No mate I wouldn't laugh at you being a virgin, would you like to have sexy fun with me then?"

I gasped out, "Oh geez! Sexy fun with you would be unreal coz I think you are molten hot."

Tim moved closer and put his lips on my ear whispering, "Tonight after its dark you and I are going for a walk ok?"

I nodded speechless my cock throbbing like a V8 in his fingers, his wet tongue licked my ear and I squawked like a chook as he sank the tip into my sensitive ear hole, my knees buckled and Tim grabbed me holding me upright. The mood and tension was shattered by the sound of voices approaching the block, Tim pulled away tucking his monster back inside his cut offs as I put mine away and flushed the urinal. Two guys wandered in and said, "G'day guys."

We answered as we washed our hands and left the toilets to make our way back through the rapidly filling camp area, we rejoined our group and Brett said, "You were a fair while Evan?"

I nodded blushed saying, "Yeah Tim and I were talking and getting to know each other."

Brett looked at me sharply then grinned and said, "That's cool as long as you weren't getting into trouble mate, there can be some right yobbos here for the race."

I looked at Tim who was laughing at a joke his mate was telling, I just sat quietly listening to the guys bullshitting each other and arguing about Ford and Holden and who was going to win the race. The sun dropped below the horizon and we lit our Tilley lamps Brett boiled the billy and we all had a cup of tea with a few biscuits for supper, everyone was saying how tired they were after the long trip here. Brett and I headed for the showers, bathed and refreshed we returned and Tim and his mates set off to shower. Brett was yawning and stretching as he said, "Well Evan I'm turning in are you coming mate?"

I said, "Not yet Brett I'd better keep an eye on things till the guys come back in case some arsehole nicks their gear."

Brett nodded yawning and disappeared into the tent, I sat staring sightlessly into the night my mind racing thinking about Tim and how sexy his hand felt on my cock and what his tongue did to my ear, my cock was rock hard in my pants. That incredible wet warm tongue drilling into my ear seemed directly connected to my excited dick, the electricity charged from my ear hole to my penis like a bolt of lightning. It was totally molten and awesome and I nearly spewed sperm on the spot. I heard the guys coming back through the night the various campsites' lights gleaming in the gloom like a miniature city. The guys chatted to me for a few minutes then the other three turned in leaving Tim and I sitting talking quietly together, the sounds of movement in their tent stilled and Tim stood up beckoning to me and we set off towards a wooded area nearby.

We left the camping ground and made our way into the scrub and trees soon out of sight to anyone who may see anything in the darkness. Tim took me in his strong arms and pulled me to his body, I was hyperventilating and shaking as his wet warm lips met mine silencing my gasps as he kissed me hard his tongue stroking wetly, sensuously across my lips to gain entry to my mouth. I opened up and his moist muscle slid into my mouth touching and lifting mine like a sinuous snake. I sucked on it tasting him, the fresh mint of his toothpaste as our breaths intermingled; I took his exhaling air into my lungs my head spinning in a blur of lust.

Tim's hands seemed everywhere as he pulled off my t-shirt, undid my shorts and soon had me trembling hot and naked under the trees, the night air raised goose bumps on my hot bare flesh as we kissed and caressed each other feverishly. His hands slid down my back to my buttocks, clutching and kneading my full fleshy arse cheeks as our mouths ground together tongues whipping about each other in a salivary frenzy, muffled moans and grunts under the stars. My whole being seemed on fire, my straining prick harder than I ever remember fenced with Tim's mighty bludgeon.

He took me down onto the lush long grass under the trees covering my body with his own as he humped his pole against mine, pre cum flowed like water as we stimulated each other to a mindless morass of sexual delight. Tim ground against me then moved bringing his dong back prodding under my tight balls rubbing on my perineum his legs between mine pushing and spreading my thighs apart. I felt vulnerable as his fat knob rubbed on my ring I clenched my anal muscles, Tim moaned and pleaded, "Come on Evan relax, let me in you'll love my cock up your tight virgin arse, I won't hurt you I'll be so gentle mate."

I groaned as he kissed me again then he licked my neck and ear I squirmed under him moaning and squeaking deliriously my body was his and he knew I was losing it. His persistent prodding was exciting my ring as he slobbered in my sensitive ear I relaxed my sphincter and he took me thrusting hard into my tightness, I screamed eyes bugging out of my head as the monster pressed up into my rectum, Tim put his mouth over mine muffling my cries of pain as he slid deeper into my clinging tightness. I was rigid in his grasp as he humped and drilled up my rectum filling me as I'd never felt before, I was near passing out with pain and fear when he stopped his pubes squashed to my balls, my once stiff dick now tiny and so soft.

Tim sighed and broke his lip lock, he moaned, "Ooh Evan you are amazing mate, I've never felt such tightness before. Your arse is incredible, now I'm all the way in are you feeling better?"

I groaned feeling like I needed desperately to crap, Tim flexed his fucker in my body and I felt a tingling deep in my innards, maybe the pain would subside and something better would happen. He sort of squirmed a little and that pole stirred inside me, ooh yeah that feels unreal I was getting excited my cock stiffened, stir and Mmmm. Tim knew I was beginning to enjoy his cock pulled back a little and restuffed it, I thought, "Oh yeah that's unreal."

Tim began fucking me gently and the pain eased as pleasure took over, I was pushing back into him as he plunged that pole into my bum, again and again in and out, harder, slower. Varying speed and depth stimulated everything inside my innards until I was moaning deliriously in his grasp; my dick spurted cum all over us again and again until my balls were drained dry. Sweat poured from the rutting Tim, we were wet with both our perspiration and my sperm as he rammed my wanton arse like a madman. I had dreamed of being fucked now it was happening it was way beyond my wildest dreams, I loved the feel of that big bolt slamming in and out I couldn't believe it my cock was still hard as steel and my balls wanted to discharge a second time. Aaargh I groaned my fingers tight in his blond hair as I nearly tore it out in my frenzy, I spermed again this time Tim joined in the blast and I felt his cock swell even more then the dam burst and he flooded me. His pounding tool driving his cum deep into my bowels hot and heavy he blew and spurted, every pulse of his cock sent mine into a duet, watery scalding juice sprayed out all over us. The frenzy faded as we slowed, gasping for air Tim slumped on my twitching torso, his cock still spasming in my arse.

We lay in a sweat soggy embrace till his cock slipped out leaving me deserted and leaking onto the grass, he rolled onto his side head cocked on a hand as looked down at me a smile faint in the gloom. His other hand trailed through the cum on my throat and licked his fingers tasting me, then bent close licking the discharge hungrily working his way up onto my cheek then to my lips kissing me and letting me taste my succulent sperm. I was now no longer an innocent virgin desperately searching for a sexual adventure, I was fucked soundly and incredibly, my aching arse dribbling with Tim's love juice, if this was gay sex I wanted more no desperately needed more.

My hungry mouth rained frantic kisses on Tim's sexy face licking the salt of his sweat and loving it, Tim too seemed enamoured with me, my dream boy Brett's image had faded slightly into the background after all these years of yearning at last a sexy guy had plucked my cherry. I hugged the blond stud to my still excited body as I ground my stiff cock against his soft manhood, Tim giggled softly saying, "He he, geez mate you are a horny bugger aren't you? Your still desperate for more sex."

I moaned into his ear kissing it and my tongue licked into his ear hole, I felt Tim shudder and gasp his whole body twitching I moaned and humped up grinding against his weight, "Ooooh Tim do you take dick up your sexy bum?"

He looked down at me smiling and asked, "Why Evan you feeling like a stud? You want to dip your wick?"

I nodded red faced and whispered, "If you'd let me."

Tim sniggered and kissed the tip of my nose then nipped it playfully, "Evan I thought you'd never ask mate, I'd love to be your first bottom boy. I'd love to have that sweet virgin cock cum up my arse."

I was nearly going insane with lust and excitement, this sexy stud wanted me to fuck his beautiful bum, my cock was raging hard and dribbling like a starving dog looking in a butchers shop window. Tim rolled off me and got on his hands and knees looking over his shoulder at me in the gloom as the stars and young moon looked down through the tree above. He wagged his hindquarters grinning at me, "Come on spunky one do it now, I want to feel that stiff spike stuffed inside me."

I pushed up onto my knees and quickly got into position my hands wandered over those wondrous mounds of flesh and muscle, feeling his warm silken skin and brushing off the odd stray piece of grass and dirt. The feel of his firm flesh was magical and Tim moaned shivering, I kissed his butt cheeks, he moaned louder, I licked his crack, he pushed back moaning, "Oooh yeah! Lick my arse Evan lick me good and deep."

I looked at those glorious smooth white mounds almost glowing with an inner light in the dark, I bent in licking up and down then Tim bent down resting his head on the grass bringing his hands up taking his firm buttocks in his hands and opening himself to me. I looked into his lightly haired crevice and could just see the pink pursed lips of his anus, they puckered and twitched inviting me in and I hesitated thinking no it is dirty he craps from that hole. I struggled mentally but the constant flexing and twitching seemed to beg me to kiss it back so I did. I briefly kissed his hole and then pulled away. It wasn't stinky or nasty, just a little sweaty and salty, I bent in again pressed my lips to his twitching twat. Tim almost screamed as he bit his lip trying to stop himself howling to the moon.

I licked his pursed pucker now I was excited; I knew soon my cock would be embedded deep inside his tiny quivering quim and it would be tightly gripping my shaft as I sawed away in his innards. Tim was pulling his buttocks wider begging me to lick him so I did, lick, slobber, kiss, poke and prod my tongue went berserk as my fever pitch of pleasure built to a crescendo. I had to get my dick deep before I blew my load; I lined my throbber up with that perfect love hole and shoved hard. Tim flinched and gasped as my prick punched through his entrance, the incredible tightness and silky smouldering heat of Tim's rectum drew me in till I was pressed straining against his warm arse. I rested there enjoying his cloying palpitating insides as his bowel muscles fluttered on my buried bone; I was hyperventilating gasping for oxygen, body rigid, boner throbbing on the brink, balls tight and achingly urgent. I knew if I moved it was all over red rover, I would explode into Tim. I tried not to move but the urge to ram his arse was overpowering, I groaned frustrated but my body reacted automatically, I pulled back sliding his tight clinging flesh on my raging rod, my flared uncovered glans stimulated beyond belief. It was excruciatingly mind blowing, my tingling nerve ends screamed to my brain, my balls drew achingly tight then exploded like a bomb.

Fireworks inside my brain, explosions of blinding light, my balls erupted spewing sperm, I ejaculated again and again maybe most the spasms were dry but I couldn't tell it felt totally awesome as I clutched Tim's hips and lay humping on his broad sweaty back drool dribbling from my grimacing gob. My exquisite climax eased leaving me weak and limp clinging to Tim as he slowly eased down onto the green sward beneath him. We lay there together totally satiated and exhausted, until my limp cock slipped wetly from his arse, I rolled off him onto my side tears of pleasure and something else coursing down my flushed cheeks. Tim turned and took my wet face in his hands and licked my salty tears then kissed me, he whispered, "Don't cry Evan, what's wrong little buddy?"

I sobbed into his arms, "I was no good I cummed as soon as I got inside you Tim I'm so sorry."

Tim smoothed my damp hair from my forehead saying, "You were fantastic. It was your first time so don't worry, the feel of a guy's innards caressing your cock is a mind-blowing event. Its normal that you will get so excited and blow your load."

I took a deep breath and nodded, he smiled and kissed me saying, "Are you ok now bubs? I think its time we headed back before the guys miss us huh?"

I sighed and said, "Yeah Tim but I wish we were sleeping together."

He nodded agreement saying, "Yeah but we can't mate, sadly I don't think our mates would understand do you?"

We climbed to our feet brushed the grass and detritus off our sweat damp flesh then pulled on our clothes, I had my arse clenched tight because I felt I needed to crap badly, my bowels felt as if I had diarrhoea, full and squishy. We headed back to the tents but I told Tim I needed to visit the loo and left him there as he unzipped the tent flap and disappeared inside. I waddled to the bog and sat down to evacuate, a resounding fart shattered the night air as I splattered the bowl with Tim's huge load of juice. Boy what a mess he'd made inside me I felt as if my innards were pouring out. I cleaned myself up and flushed the toilet then washed my hands and face before heading to our tent.

I unzipped the flap and slid inside to find Brett asleep sprawled out on his back wearing just his tight whities; I had little room and gently lifted his right arm and leg placing them on his side of the tent. The feel of his warm muscled limbs in my hands made my dick spring erect; I gently caressed his leg, feeling the fine golden hairs on my hand. Brett didn't move, he just lay inert and breathing softly, I felt it was safe to feel him some more so I gently cupped his big bulge with my hand, I couldn't cover all his genitals but I felt his thick meaty cock and the humid heat emanating through the soft form fitting cotton. Brett mumbled in his sleep and stirred, I pulled away as if his pouch had suddenly burst into flame and sat trembling with fear that he had felt my invasion.

Brett settled back still deeply asleep as I lay there watching his white bulge in the gloom of the tent, my body shivered with lust I wanted to get at that hidden treasure, I wanted to feel that mighty meat in my hand and to stroke it till it spat out his seed. I desired to taste him; I needed to feel his big cock inside me either in my salivating mouth or up my no longer virginal arse but preferably both. I lay there stroking my aching cock as I perved on my sleeping mate's body, in no time at all my right hand was resting again on his flaccid cock as I wanked furiously with my left. My body bucked as I vented cum, it shot high in the air to spatter down onto my torso like burning hot larva while my body convulsed spastically, my hand on Brett grasped his manhood tightly in my frenzy and thank goodness Brett was a deep sleeper he didn't awaken, but his pole had grown some from my contact.

I calmed down and panting I used my fingers to clean up the scattered little puddles of creamy cum licking my fingers clean enjoying my tasty juice. Brett's pole had erected in his underpants and it lay across his hip pointing at me like a hidden howitzer. Oh gees how I craved to uncover him and taste that wonderful wand, suck him to a deluging climax as I drank his beaut ball batter, being a coward I didn't dare go further with my dream so I rolled on my side facing away to the tent wall. I tossed and turned to excited by Brett to sleep, during the night I felt Brett move his body rolled to mine, one arm flopped across my body as he nestled up close pressing against me.

Instant boner time, his pole still hard rubbed on my arse as he snuggled up to me his face almost on my neck and his sweet breath huffing on my ear as he slept. I lay there trapped but in paradise I wriggled my arse on that big boner enjoying its heat and hardness pressed to my crack, I pulled out my dick and took Brett's hand and wrapped his fingers round my raging cock as I began humping into his hand in front and onto his pole behind. In no time I climaxed again catching the discharge in my cupped hand and eating it, damn I loved eating cum, if only I could eat my Brett's tasty juice. I dropped off to sleep, with Brett holding my dick and his bone pressed to my crack.

Next morning the bird life woke me, I was tired out but I opened my eyes and looked down to see Brett's hand still holding my erection, crikey had he not moved all night, his hot horn was still hard and throbbing against my bum. He stirred and his hand squeezed my dick as he pressed harder to my back, suddenly he dropped my dick like a hot poker and rolled away, I lay inert feeling sad and desperate. Brett moved around carefully making sure he didn't touch me and unzipped the entrance climbing out and I heard him pick up his shorts and then he headed off to the toilet block. I lay there feeling depressed and empty, I wished he had gone on and wanked me at least but then reason set in and I thought why would he? Brett is as straight as an arrow.

I got up and dressed before heading to the showers the early morning air raised goose bumps on my flesh as I trotted through the dewy damp grass. The campers were beginning to stir in their tents as I entered the shower block finding it empty I moved into a cubical and stripped off I could smell the aroma of sex still evident and I wondered if Brett had noticed it. I began washing when I heard him whistling as he entered and moved into the shower beside mine, I knew it was Brett as it was his favourite song on the hit parade.

I finished showering as he began and I quietly stood on the bench peering over the dividing partition, there was Brett starkers eyes closed under the spray as he soaped his taut muscular bronzed body, I watched his fat cock flop about as he moved and when he began lathering his crotch he wanked on that monster muscle tugging it sliding the thick loose foreskin back and forth. I watched mesmerised as the meat thickened and grew stiffening and sticking up and out at 45degrees, I could see the crimson cock head poking out as the hood moved wetly back and forth. My mouth salivated at the sight and I desperately wanted to join him, throw myself on my knees at his feet and suck on his beaut boner.

I hopped back down before Brett saw me and dried myself off then went to the basins where the mirrors were to shave and comb my hair, while I was there Tim and his mates arrived to shower and Tim made a beeline to me and asked have u showered already Evan? I nodded his grin faded as he said, "Damn mate I was hoping you could wash my back for me hehehe."

I grinned at him and said, "I'd have loved to but your mates and Brett might have been a bit puzzled don't you think?"

Tim laughed and swatted me on the arse as he headed to the showers, I took my time shaving and Brett came out wearing only his shorts, his freshly washed skin glistening in the morning sunlight as he passed the doorway. He joined me at the basins and began to shave his light beard, I watched as he moved his bulging biceps stretching his tanned skin as he lathered his face and shaved. I watched his taut pectorals and those large soft nipples, his moulded abs and the sexy outie navel with its little cluster of honey blond pubes. I so wanted to lick that smooth satiny tantalising flesh and to make Brett moan and writhe till his sexual lust demanded he get off and use me.

My daydream continued until Brett said, "You ok Evan? You look weird mate why are you staring at me like that?"

I shook my head and blushed totally, I stammered and tried to think of a reply but was tongue tied so I just grabbed my gear and ran out of the block towards our tent, Brett watched me go a quizzical expression on his face. I flung myself onto the sleeping bags, tears running down my face as I clutched Brett's bag to my face inhaling his musky odour. Some time passed and I heard Brett come back with Tim and his mates, I rolled onto my side of the cramped tent facing the wall. Brett stood outside talking to the guys and Tim squatted down reached in and tickled my bare foot, I squirmed and kicked at his hand as he laughed saying, "Come on lazybones its time we had some food, the warm up trials will start soon and we don't want to miss any action."

I sniffed and wiped my eyes on the back of my hand then sat up and pulled on a t-shirt before climbing out of the tent, Tim and I lit the gas stove and began getting a meal ready for Brett and the other two guys Mike and Robbie, who were arguing the pros and cons of the cars and drivers. We all ate and then made our way to the fence as we heard the roar of a V8 growling up the mountain, the red and white Commodore roared past to the cheers of the Holden fans and the boos of the Ford supporters. The track soon filled up as the competitors all joined in the warm up laps, the air filled with the smell of burnt fuel and hot rubber as the cars tore around the winding mountain course, straining engines growled and crackled, sheets of flame exploding from the exhausts as the cars changed gears to round the bend in front of us.

Tim was right beside me his arm touching mine as we leant on the fence watching the flying cars, every now and then his leg would rest against mine and press to me, my dick twitched with every contact. Tim had me hot and bothered, I was lusting for the feel of his body against mine, the incredible stretching, the filling of his beautiful prick opening my arse last night was first and foremost in my mind. The memory of his hard on filling me, rubbing sexily on that gland deep in my arse sending bolts of fire through my body and brain, that feeling was so fresh in my brain my arse was twitching as my dick pulsed.

The day wore on with the battle for supremacy tight, there were high speed crashes one of which occurred on the bend right in front of us when a Falcon was clipped by a HDT Commodore spinning the car into the hard granite cliff, fibre glass pieces flew through the air as the car ground into the cliff face, water spurted steaming onto the roadway as the car ground to a halt, the driver quickly climbed from the smoking wreck and scrambled for safety before the next roaring machine howled around the bend. The flag marshals and safety car were immediately out on the track as a tow truck was despatched and rolled up to winch the wreck onto its tray, as it was in a very dangerous position around a bend and in a slight dip on the track.

The rest of the day went well and the crowd around us were well oiled with beer by the finish, we sauntered back to the tents Tim beside me urging me to come with him after dark for a second sexy time under the trees. I agreed being totally and moltenly wrapped in being with him and having sex under the stars, although I still wished it were Brett who was doing the deed. We sat about the campfire reminiscing about the day's excitement and sipping beers, I not being a big drinker soon was in a happy state and started giggling at anything and everything, Tim sat cross legged next to me and kept his knee in contact with mine as darkness fell and we were illuminated by the flickering flames of our merry little fire.

As the night progressed the other guys got more and more mellow and started to nod off as they sprawled on the grass in a circle around the fire, the pile of empty beer cans grew. Tim bent across and whispered to me, "Evan are you ready for our little tryst mate? I'm feeling really horny and can't wait to get it on with you again."

I nodded and we quietly left the dozing drunks and soon were hidden from view in the trees where Tim stripped me quickly almost tearing off my gear in his feverish rush, he bore me to the grass and gripped my ankles tipping me back and bringing my arse upwards so he could rim me. I was mewing as his wet lathering tongue swabbed my crack up and down then his pointed muscle delved at my excitedly pulsating arse lips until it succeeded in penetrating into my rectum. My bucking body begged for more as I wheezed and whimpered, Tim was raising my urges rapidly and soon I was begging him to root me deep.

Tim centred his hot oozing knob on my male pussy and I bit my lip as he pressed his pole home with a strangled gurgling gasp I took him, my burning muscle opened to his pressure and the fat knob popped into my tight ring. Oh the initial pain was just as bad as last night's, I thought maybe it would be easier the next time around but no it hurt and of course I tensed increasing the fiery ache as my tight little anus stretched to accommodate Tim's tool. He paused on entry and began nibbling on my ear lobe this eased my pain as I became more excited He wriggled and pressed himself deeper till he was stuffed completely in my body.

I was sweating big time, but my desires were raging as I humped up hissing, "Sheeeiiiit Tim! You stud fuck me deep and hard."

Tim ground his crotch against my hot buttocks, his scratchy pubes tickling my bare flesh, his sexy body began humping me his stiff member massaging my innards as he pulled out and pushed back building speed and ferocity as his lust took control. His hips slammed into my arse pounding as his tool sluiced up and down my hot humid tunnel, I felt his steamy breath huffing on my ear and throat as he grunted like an animal driving me against the grass. My own gasps and moans reached a crescendo as my cock erupted spewing sperm under my belly where it soaked into the ground fertilizing the grass, Tim rammed me hard and strained against me as I felt his cock grow even more and then pulse after pulse massaged my innards before his hot juices flooded out filling me.

We lay pressed together gulping air and shaking from the incredible intensity of our climaxes; Tim's body pressed mine to the sticky mess under my belly where my cum coated the grass. My senses returned to the annoying hum of a mosquito buzzing about my ear, I shuddered under Tim's body and groaned he murmured, "Shit bubs that was a wicked hot fuck, did you enjoy it as much as I did?"

I turned my head and kissed his warm cheek then whispered, "Oh yeah Tim you were awesome I spewed a huge load when I spoofed, but we'd better get moving the mossies are about."

Tim rolled off me tearing his still semi hard dick from my sloppy hole and lay beside me one hand feeling my hot arse cheek, he said, "Man Evan you have the sexiest bum in Oz mate, I so wish we lived near each other I think we would be molten mates don't you?"

I nodded and watched him in the gloom, studying that sexy taut body with the beaut defined musculature and that wondrous weapon resting between his thighs, then the picture of Brett lying beside me flashed in my brain and I knew that sexy as Tim was, and that was plenty, Brett was the bloke I really desired. I pushed myself up and sat looking down at Tim then bent over him and kissed his full pouty lips before saying, "Come on Tim I'm getting bitten to bits by these blood sucking mini vampires."

We climbed to our feet and dressed quickly after dusting off the grass and dirt, I had top use some tissues to wipe off the dirt and cum from my belly. We headed back to the campsite to find all the guys flaked out asleep around the fire, mossies hovered and feasting on their blood but they didn't notice in their semi drunken stupors. I grabbed a towel and headed to the toilet and showers while Tim woke the blokes up and they stripped to their underwear then went into their tents. I crapped and then showered dried off and headed back to find Brett out like a light mouth open and drooling as he snored softly. His boxers were rucked up showing his big bulge and the fly was gaping open exposing his honey blond pubes, I knelt there gawping at his beauty then I put my hand on his lightly hairy thigh as I said, "You awake Brett?"

He reaction at all he was dead to the world and my cock was achingly hard dripping in my briefs, I gently slipped my hand up his thigh to slide under the edge of his boxers, I moved up the silky skin of his inner thigh till I found his furry balls. I hesitated watching him in the gloom ascertaining he was still asleep, I gently rearranged his boxers and lifted the hem of the leg up exposing his amazing cock and balls. I was salivating like a dog watching a juicy bone, my whole body was trembling with suppressed excitement, I bent down and inhaled his muskiness, that unique aroma that was Brett. I couldn't stop myself I had to lick that pinkish purple knob my tongue extended I briefly licked the piss slit and sat back watching Brett sleep as I relished the taste on my tongue.

I gently lifted that sweet slack muscle in my fingers holding it up vertical to his crotch then I sank my open mouth down covering it before I began sucking and licking that warm tube. Brett squirmed and sighed in his sleep as his tool throbbed and swelled in my warm wet mouth, it was soon knocking on my gullet as I swallowed him to the pubes. I had all of my mates hot horn embedded inside me as I bobbed and sucked on it happily casting caution to the wind as I pleasured Brett's boner.

Brett was asleep but excited; his pole pulsed in my orifice as it began dribbling sweet pre cum, I sucked it like a straw as I watched his big furry balls draw up to swell his groin, his cock jerked in my mouth then I felt him stiffen, muscles taut and a huge spurt of ball juice filled my throat, again and again Brett flooded my mouth with his delicious deluge until he was drained and I felt him slump back, his cock drooled its last sperm as I syphoned his cock out with my tight lips. I sat back revelling in Brett's tangy taste then I rearranged his boxers to cover him once again and I lay down rolling the last vestiges of his cum in my mouth.

Next morning Brett awoke first and sat up, he looked at Evan lying there looking so cute as he slept, his briefs bulged with a piss hard on. Brett admired his mate's slim but svelte build, his very smooth body and his eyes hovered on the huge distortion in Evan's straining briefs. He was tempted to touch, but being a straight guy he was scared of the results if he gave in to the urge, it was so gay to feel up another guy, but still Evan was his best mate and he had always wondered if he was gay, as he never had a real girl friend. He had chummed around with various sheilas and they had double dated heaps of times but the girls never lasted long enough to get serious.

As he watched Evan sleep his mate rolled onto his back exposing his hard on fully as it strained and stretched across his flat lower abdomen. Brett hesitated and then gave in to his urge he lightly touched Evan's dick, he felt its heat, he felt its rigidity, he felt it pulsing gently, his fingers closed around that warm wand but quickly withdrew as Evan moaned softly. Brett was confused he had flash backs to a dream he had last night, a dream where he imagined Evan was sucking his cock until he climaxed. It seemed so real and exciting he remembered the wicked sensation of warm wet flesh on his cock and the amazing climactic feeling as he blew his load. Was it a dream it was so vivid he wondered, had Evan given him head and if so it was ten times better than any he'd experienced from his girl friends.

Evan stretched as he awoke his hand automatically groped that full woody, Brett watched hungrily as he saw Evan grab his hard meat, he so wanted to do the same thing and his own cock was straining achingly in his boxers. Brett turned away and pushed himself out of the tent as Evan awoke fully and watched his mate through slitted eyes. He ogled Brett's wide muscled shoulders his tapered torso and narrow hips while the full mounded buttocks were to die for, Evan's woody throbbed hard a wet spot appeared in the red cotton. He picked up his shorts and wriggled into them before joining Brett outside.

They grabbed their toilet bags and headed together to shower and prepare for the day, people were stirring all around the ground some eating others going to or from the toilets or ablution blocks, guys were chatting about the days event the main race was to start at 10am and excitement was high. The competition was close with the top ten places evenly divided between Ford and Holden, the arguments were hot and heavy amongst some guys whose hang overs increased their agro levels. Brett and Evan ran into Tim and his mates in the showers as they were leaving, they chatted for a few minutes then walked in to have their showers.

Showered, shaved and dressed they had breakfast, a quick visit to the greasy spoon set up in the campground, bacon and egg sangers the order of the day with a hot cup of tea to wash it down they made their way back to their position on the fence above the corner where they had watched from yesterday. Tim and his mates were there already keeping space for Brett and Evan, they joined the others and watched the warm up laps as the cars warmed their tyres in preparation to the main event.

The day progressed with the race running its course filling the air with testosterone causing scents of tortured rubber and petrol fumes, some arguments developed into full blown fights in the crowd, not an uncommon event with half drunk yobbos in the diversified people who loved car racing. The weather was threatening as heavy dark clouds built in the blue sky, the heat and humidity increased and soon thunder was heard in the distance. This could make things even more exciting if it rained the track would be slick as ice as it hadn't rained for weeks.

Sure enough a few big heavy drops splashed onto the area as the thunder got louder, soon it was bucketing down as the fans ran for their tents to get wet weather gear. The deluge shut down the fisticuffs and slowed the cars as they slipped and slid on the slippery surface, they began pulling into the pits to do tyre changes and returned with wet weather rubber. The storm flooded the place, dirt turned to glutinous mud then the rain moved on and the sun reappeared, steam wisped wraith like from the saturated soil and the humidity increased till everyone was sweating. The race drew to an end with Commodore taking the chequered flag and Falcon in second and third.

Everyone was happy after a good day and the guys made their way back to the tent to cook dinner, they sat around on folding chairs due to the still sodden ground while they discussed the day's events and ate the spaghetti and meatballs they had cooked. Evan and Brett seemed a little distracted but the other guys, except Tim, ignored their behaviour, Tim was watching the two lads closely. He detected a faint alteration in their relationship but couldn't nail it down, he saw that Brett was looking at Evan more frequently and there was a subtle change in how the two were conversing. He guessed something had happened and was desperate to get Evan alone so he could suss out what had occurred.

Evan finally said, "I'm going for a piss guys be back in a few."

Tim nodded saying, "Yop mate I need one too, I'll walk with you if you don't mind."

They set off towards the toilets and Tim asked, "What has happened between you and Brett mate?"

Evan blushed and said, "I sucked him off last night when he was asleep and I feel so bad about taking advantage of him."

Tim said, "Its more than that bubs, Brett has changed haven't you noticed? Are you sure he was asleep?"

Evan nodded and said, "Yop I'm sure he was asleep, you can't hide if your awake and you climax. I have a weird feeling though that Brett was watching me with my morning stiffy when I awoke I also had the sensation he had felt me up but I'm not certain."

Tim laughed replied, "I think you two closet cases have both taken advantage of each other so don't be silly and worry about what you did mate, I hope things progress further, seeing we'll soon be far apart, because you two would make a perfect couple."

Evan looked at Tim and whispered in awe, "You really think I'm right, Brett did feel me up?"

Tim nodded, "Yop mate I'm sure he did that or similar, he looks at you in a totally new way today than he did last night and he blushes when he does. I've noticed his eyes often go to your crotch too, my mates are too straight to see it but me being gay I notice these things mate."

They pissed then walked back through the darkening evening Tim saying that they would be pulling out in the morning and Evan nodded glumly saying he and Brett would be too and how he would miss Tim and thanking him for initiating him into gay sex. Tim asked Evan if he wanted to go to the scrub and have sex again but Evan decided that he was not up to it after the long tiring day and he just wanted to get his head down and sleep. Tim understood as he too was feeling more than slightly tired they arrived back at their tents and everyone was yawning. Tim doused the fire and climbed into the tent for the night.

Evan looked at Brett and asked if he'd like to go for a stroll before they went to sleep, Brett nodded he was desperately trying to control himself and thought maybe a walk before retiring might help curb his desires. The two set off side by side through the camping area the far side of the area they found an old wooden shed used for storing hay for the farm where the racetrack was. The two lads entered the old building the scent of hay filled their nostrils it was a warm and pleasant aroma and the two sat upon a hay bale and chatted quietly bodies close together, arms and thighs touching. Brett slipped an arm around Evan in a friendly hug and Evan melted against his mate resting his head on Brett's broad muscular shoulder. They sat companionably together silently their hormones racing and cocks hard and throbbing.

Even whispered, "Brett let's lie down over there on that pile of loose hay." Brett agreed and they moved across to flop close together, Evan lay there beside Brett in the gloom his cock hard as steel, he rolled on his side facing his mate with his erection almost touching Brett's bare arm. The tension in the barn was almost palpable as the two lads lay rigid and struggling to come to grips with the emotions surging in their bodies. Evan cleared his throat and said, "It has been a great weekend Brett, thanks heaps for asking me to come, I really enjoyed our time together here."

Brett moved his arm a little so it grazed against Evan's pointy pants, the touch like a feather but still it sent a huge jolt through both lads, Evan pushed his hips forward so his erection rested just touching Brett's forearm. Brett felt the hot knob on his goose bumped flesh, his own cock jumped in his boxers, he tried to speak but his mouth was dry as a dead dingo's donger. He cleared his throat and moistened his mouth with saliva and said, "Yop Evan me too, I loved having you here with me like this."

Evan whispered, "Yeah mate I am so excited being here almost nude alongside you, my cock is as hard as a spike."

Brett giggled nervously and replied, "Yop I can feel it poking my arm, do you want to do stuff with me mate?"

Evan gasped, "Oh struth yeah I've always longed to do stuff with you Brett."

Evan reached out and felt Brett's raging rock hard rod, Brett gasped and jerked at his touch then relaxed sighing softly as Evan stroked his bulging manhood through his shorts. Both lads stripped off and pressed together hands roaming over their warm flesh, both located the other's erections and that was it, pants pulled down the two lads lay wanking each other moaning feverishly. They neared climax again and again slowed and rested then rekindled the fires, Evan was amazed as Brett moved down suddenly taking his cock in his hand and began sucking his stiffy.

Evan groaned out, "Wow mate watch out I'm about to cum."

Brett sucked eagerly bringing him to a huge explosion as his cock went crazy spurting his nut juice into his best mates hot hungry mouth. Brett drained his aching nuts drinking every succulent drop leaving Evan a quivering panting wreck on the hay as he sat up grinning and wiping his moist lips.

So the romance between these two lads began, I hope you enjoyed this little tale.

The End.

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