
By moc.loa@7RGyeldarB

Published on Aug 2, 2001



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This is a work of fiction envolving people of legal age intended for people of legal age. If you are offended by read no further, you have obviously lost you way. Otherwise, enjoy ;-)


After The Concert

by bradleyGR7

Well, when I sat down at my computer, I was planning on writing a little something about the awesome concert I just saw (James Taylor), but I just kept thinking back to past concerts that I had gone to, one in particular, that, I guess I never bothered to write about, but here goes... Last summer I drove into my old stomping grounds (Chicago) to see Jimmy Page play with the Black Crowes. As an added bonus the Kenny Wayne Shephard Band was opening for them. So there I was, in the seventh row at the World, experiencing four hours of the best the rock and roll and blues has to offer. Upon leaving this blissful evening, I was grinning from ear to ear and full of energy. I headed back to my car, cranked up the radio and drank a beer waiting for the parking lot to empty out a little bit. As I was about to leave, these two guys who looked to be about 19 walked up to me and asked me if I was headed into Chicago. They had gotten a cab from the train station downtown and didn't think about the fact that there wouldn't be any cabs there at the end of the concert. So I introduced myself to John and Kevin (my name's James by the by), and I cleared out some room for them in the back seat of my car. I asked them when their train leaves, and Kevin said, "The next train to Indianapolis doesn't leave till tomorrow afternoon, so we got a hotel room lined up downtown for tonight." Now, you, the reader have found this little ditty in the gay section of the nifty archives, so as you can well imagine, I am a gay man. That said, the thought of these two attractive young men sharing a hotel room seven hours away from home got me a little intrigued, so I decided to test the waters (so to speak). I said, "well, I was planning on heading into the city to do some club hopping if you two are interested, it sounds like you are stuck in the city nothing better to do and nothing to stop you." John gave me a reluctant "umm..." but Kevin elbowed him in the ribs and said, "Sounds great!" So we hit the highway and headed downtown. Having grown up in Chicago, and just recently moved to Michigan to go to college, I could navigate the city without any problems, so I was driving on auto-pilot. That afforded me time to nonchalantly (yeah right ;-) check out the two guys in my back seat. Because of the massive amounts of crap I carry around in the car with me, they were sort of scrunched together towards the passenger's side of the car, but they didn't seem to mind. Kevin had put his arm up on the back shelf to give John a little more shoulder room and after about ten minutes of smooth driving on the expressway, John had started to nod off a little bit and was resting his head on Kevin's chest. Kev's arm dropped down and rapped around John's body, holding tight onto this hunk. Oh yeah, as for the checking out: these two guys could have been identical twins if it weren't for their differing hair and eye colors. They were both about 5'-9" tall, slim and trim, and looked like they were farmers' kids, because they were both well toned and had that undeniable farmer's tan. They also had hands that had seen a lot of manual labor for as young as they were, and that look of patience in the eyes that you only see in someone who has worked the fields all their life can have. At one point, Kevin, who had been unconsciously caressing John upper arm and staring out the window, looked forward and caught me looking at them in the rearview mirror. He shot me a crooked smile, and I had no choice but to turn my head, look him in the eyes and shoot him and ear-to-ear smile. Not a dirty, kind of smile mind you, but a smile that says, `its all good dude.' After that exchange, I (obviously) kept driving towards my favorite neighborhood in Chicago, but Kevin wanted to feel me out, and see what was going on in my head. He took his hand off the door armrest where it had been and gingerly cupped it under John's chin and gave him a little kiss on the top of the head. This caused John to, in the midst of this slumber, curl up closer to Kevin and sleepily purse his lips. Kevin then slowly ran his fingers down John's neck, down to his T-shirt clad chest. He outline his nipples, ran a couple circles around them. Then he just kept moving his hand further down. He got to John's navel, and that was the extent of my view from the review mirror. Conveniently, all I had to do was flip down the little lever on the rearview and I was back in the voyeuristic business (and you thought those things were just for keeping the glare from headlights out of your eyes...). By the time I had the mirror flipped down, Kevin had pushed John's shirt up to expose a perfect six pack and a nice blond happy trail that vanished into the waistline of his 501's. Kevin lingered there at his friends waist for a moment and I thought that maybe that was then end, but just as my jeans began to feel a little less cramped, he unbuttoned the jeans and slowly ran the zipper down to its lower limit. Now the first thing that I noticed was that John was not wearing any underwear, which is a big turn on for me, but before I could really process that information, Kev reached into this boys jeans and pulled out John's cock and balls, big round bulbous balls and a long thick flaccid tool. Kevin finally broke the silence between us, and asked me, "Isn't this a thing of beauty?" What was I to do but agree; I said, "it most certainly is." So he wrapped his hands around John's soft cock and started to stroke and stretch it out. Then he said, "I could just sit here all night long and play with this thing, I don't think I will ever get over you wanna give it a try James?" Now, you may call me a wimp, but not knowing these two from Adam, I was in a relatively cautious state of mind, so I said, "Well, I would rather not do that to someone who is asleep..." Before I had a chance to say anything further, Kevin gave John a gentle shake and said, "wake up babe." With that, John opened his eyes, and sat up straight, looked at me, looked at Kevin, looked at his exposed member and looked back at Kevin and whispered, "what are you doing?" To which Kevin replied, "it's ok babe, James is cool, but I offered him a few strokes of your monster and he is apparently a gentleman enough to require you to be conscious at the time." John said, "Oh, OK, that's cool, as Kevin probably told you, I love to be played with." I was about to stammer out a reply when I noticed John arching his back and yanking his jeans down round his ankles and then I felt Kevin grab my right arm and guide it back between the front seats and my hand found its way to John's massive cock. I ran my fingers across it momentarily and then cupped his balls to see just how big they were (somewhere between golf balls and tangerines), and then I wrapped my fingers around his silky-smooth cock and began to slowly stroke him. I could feel the blood rush in as that 4 inches of soft suppleness was transforming into 7 inches of hot hard muscle. Pretty soon, I felt something else, I could feel a tongue licking the same spot where my hand was, and pretty soon a set of lips was pressing down on John's cock, pushing my hand out of the way. I took that opportunity to explore John's cum-filled balls a little bit more. As I was doing this, he spread his legs as wide as he could in the cramped space so that his balls dropped down between his smooth thighs. So, in the midst of stretching and cupping his balls, my middle finger brushed across his hole, and John let out a deep moan. hearing this, and seeing where my hand was, Kev released John's hard member long enough to grab my hand and suck on my fingers, making them nice and wet. Then he let go and went back to sucking cock. With freshly lubed fingers, I returned directly to John's fuckhole and started rubbing round it and pressing it opened. Pretty soon, I had three fingers inside him and was massaging his prostate, while Kevin continued to give him and expert blowjob. Within minutes, John was screaming, and I could feel the familiar pulsation that told me he was giving Kevin a protein shake. After six or seven pulses, I could feel this boy's juices dribbling all over the place and collecting on my hand. He let out one last moan and then slumped down into the back seat of the car. Slowly, I removed my finger from him, and carefully brought my hand to my mouth so I could lick up his sweet cum. Now, at this point, I was thinking that was the end of it, but before I had a chance to regain my senses, Kevin leaned forward and ran his hand down my chest to my swollen tool. As he gently carressed the strained denim holding back my rock solid cock, he wispered in my ear, "your next James." P.S. I had just merged onto Lake Shore Drive... In the words of Johnny Carson: "more to come" ~bradley

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