After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Oct 22, 2006


This story is totally fictional, but it uses the characters from my previous story 'Caribbean Cruise' in the Gay Male/Encounters Section. It is my first attempt at writing a story with a bisexual theme, but...Since I DO like women as well as guys, I know what it feels like to eat and fuck a nice wet pussy as well as a hard cock. Some sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just remember...ALWAYS practice safe sex in REAL life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Nine

Wow! What a weekend! It took me three days to regain my strength and be able to walk straight after Charlie and Marcie worked me over.

Feeling pretty frisky, I decided to spend a few hours on the beach and see if anything was available. I had turned into a sex hound after the week on the cruise with Gerald and his wife Betty, and Mike and his wife Julie. Now, it seemed I had sex on the brain.

In case you're wondering how a 47 year old guy would have so much time, I was retired...That's right, RETIRED! My wife and I had started a small electronics business right after we graduated from Florida State. We struggled through a few lean years, before landing some fruitful contracts with big firms. The business grew until it was a multi-national giant, servicing not only US firms, but even supplying a few foreign countries.

For many years, the business had been our baby. When my wife died...hit by a drunken driver, I lost interest in the company. I sold it and am able to live quite comfortably off the interest from the estate my lawyer friend Quentin Tolliver had set up and managed for me.

Anyway, THAT"S why I was now lying on my towel on the sun-baked, sandy beach that my house borders. I had a cooler of beer and my portable CD player playing in my earphones and was thoroughly relaxed.

I had been there about a half hour, when a family of five strolled up and spread out their towels and beach umbrella fairly close to me. Slightly irritated at the sudden noise, I turned to look at the source.

The man was worth a second glance, tall...Maybe 6'2", 185 pounds, dark wavy hair and a nice toned body. He looked to be in his mid to late forties. He was wearing small black brief type trunks that displayed a nice package. He was accompanied by his wife and three kids, two boys and a girl.

His wife was a looker, a tall, willowy brunette, who's body was covered by a wrap that still couldn't hide a nice pair of tits that pushed the top of the wrap out noticeably.

Two of the kids looked to be in their teens, the oldest boy about 18. He looked hot in his board shorts. He had a nicely developed chest and legs that looked like a track man maybe. Long blondish hair fell over his eyes and covered his ears. It was very curly where it stopped just above his shoulders.

The middle child was the girl and looked about fifteen. She took after her mother and was wearing a bikini that showed off her developing body well. Her legs were long and shapely. Her young breasts weren't much yet, but still looked nice in the skimpy top. She was going to break a lot of hearts one day.

The third child MAY have been about ten or eleven, and was a smaller version of his older brother.

They noticed me and waived, saying hello. I returned their greeting and continued to look them over.

The wife, having finally gotten things arranged, unbelted her wrap and removed it. Her tanned body made me lick my dry lips. She had on a very skimpy bikini that showed off her gorgeous tits and legs. She pulled her hair back and pinned it into a pony tail that made her look like a very sexy teenager. WOW!

Over the next hour, we all sat enjoying the warmth of the Florida sun. Finally, I decided I would take a dip to cool off. Just as I reached the water, I noticed the family get up and head my way, the three kids laughing and racing to see who could get there first. The oldest boy had discarded his board shorts and was now wearing a small Speedo. His young pakage was nicely displayed.

I dove in and swam out about fifty yards, where there was a sandbar. The water was only about three feet deep there, so I could reach the bottom comfortably if desired. I floated on my back and enjoyed the feeling of the cooling waves.

Hearing noises, I dropped my feet to stand on the bottom and saw that the family had also managed to find the shallow bottom. The kids were playing together. and the man and woman were standing near me watching them. They smiled and spoke, "Hey there, beautiful day. I hope we're not bothering you. The kids have been cooped up in the car for two days and are happy to be loose."

"No problem at all." I moved over and offered my hand. "I'm Jordan Bentley and I live right there," I said, pointing to my house. "Just decided I'd enjoy the beach today instead of my pool. I was in the mood for a little company today anyway."

"I'm Greg Mason and this is my wife Beth," He said. Beth also shook my hand and said, "I envy right on the beach. Must be nice."

"Most of the time," I answered. "You might not think so when the hurricanes come through."

"Ooooo," She replied, "I guess NOT. It must get pretty scary."

"Well," I said, "My place is built with storms in mind. It has extra reinforced ceiling beams and the latest hurricane shutters. It also has a generator, so I don't have to worry if the power goes out."

"Sounds like you've got it covered pretty well," Greg said. "Have you gone through any storms since you've been in it"

"One," I said. "I've only been living in it for a little over a year. We had one pretty bad hurricane right after I moved in. As long as it's not a CAT Four or Five storm...AND it's not projected to hit Lauderdale directly, I feel perfectly safe."

The three kids came over and Greg introduced them, "Kids, this is Mr. Jordan Bentley. Jordan, this is our oldest, Randy." The kid stuck out his hand and said "Hi, Nice to meet you Mr. Bentley." His grip was firm and I was reluctant to let go. I held on until it started to become awkward, but I saw him grin.

"Just Jordan...PLEASE," I said grinning, "MR. Bentley was my Father."

Greg continued, "Our daughter Misty." Like her parents and her brother, she also shook hands and said "Hello Mr., I mean...Jordan." She had a beautiful smile, just like her Mom.

"Last, but not least, this is Knothead," Greg said, pointing to the youngest.

"Aww...Daaadd!" He said blushing as he took his turn at shaking my hand.

"That's not REALLY my name," He whispered," Dad just does that to piss me off! My real name is Peter."

"Hi Pete," I said returning his shake. "Glad ta meecha!" He grinned at the familiarity. I whispered back, "Us guys have got to stick together. MY father used to call ME 'Stumpy' 'cause I was so short when I was young. Used to piss ME off somethin' terrible."

Greg and Beth both looked away to hide their grins as they overheard our 'secret' conversation.

When we got out of the water, Greg and Beth asked me to join them which I was happy to do. I liked this family and was enjoying the company.

I picked up my cooler and towel and set them down next to my new friends. I offered Greg and Beth a beer and they both accepted. The kids grabbed sodas from their cooler.

Greg and his family were from Little Rock, Arkansas, where he worked in an advertising firm. Beth was manager of an orthopaedic rehab center that worked with athlete's sports injuries.

I found out, Randy was going to be a senior in high school and was quite the athlete himself. "He's a two-sport jock," Greg said proudly. "Wide receiver on the football team and runs track. His coaches expect him to make All Conference this year, maybe even All State!"

Misty had turned sixteen and would be a freshman at Randy's high school. As you would probably expect, she had already tried out and made the cheerleader squad.

Peter...Pete as he decided he wanted to be called now...was eleven and would be in sixth grade.

We chatted and laughed and were thoroughly enjoying the afternoon.

After a while, the kids wanted to get back in the water, so Beth got up and went with them. She was quite easy on the eyes and I watched her ass as she walked.

Greg saw my look and reached over to nudge me. "Quite a sight isn't she? Watching her wiggle that cute ass always gives me a woody."

I looked over quickly, ready to apologize, when I saw he was rubbing the growing mound in his trunks.

"Damn, she makes me horny! Trouble with having the kids along is trying to find time for a little...Adult Relaxation...know what I mean?"

"That's for sure," I replied trying to control my own cock. "Don't you have any privacy where you're staying?"

"We're actually in a Condo, just across the street from the beach," He replied. "It belongs to my ad firm and it even has three bedrooms, but it STILL is a problem."

He leaned over closer to add, "Even though Beth and I have our own room, the walls are pretty thin, and Beth is very...Vocal. We've been here three days and I haven't been able to get it in her yet. We tried to make love last night. I was munching on her pussy and she was just starting to suck on my dick, when the kids knocked on the door. We just BARELY got decent when Knothead opened the door."

I grinned and asked, "Why don't you lock the door?"

"Because then, Randy and Misty would never let us hear the end of it. They know very WELL what's going on and would bang on the door deliberately to harass us. Kids!" He said, grinning.

"I can see why you're frustrated," I said. "Beth is a Hell of a gorgeous woman. So...what have you two done to...Relieve the pressure?"

"We've resorted to a quick hand job for me," he admitted, "And Beth has used her vibrator a couple of times."

Greg's trunks were bulging, and he was openly squeezing his dick as we talked. He noticed My own problem and commented, "I see out talk has YOU a little boned up too. Looks like a pretty good piece of meat there. Are you into guys at all?"

"Yes I am," I said in a shaky voice. I went on to tell him the short version of my adventures the last two weeks. "I have really enjoyed my newly discovered lifestyle."

"Mmmmm," Greg murmured. "I like to get it on with another guy occasionally.

In my business, I'm forced to take a lot of trips to make presentations to some of our clients. It gets lonely, but I don't want to cheat on Beth with another woman. I discovered the...'alternative' on a trip last year. A junior Exec at one of our clients in Pittsburgh was assigned to entertain me while I was there. BOY...did he EVER 'entertain' me. He must have sucked me off four times over the two days I was there. Now, I look for male companionship, whenever I'm horny."

His cock was at full erection and I could see it outlined clearly in his tight trunks...Enough to tell he was neatly circumcised and had a nice helmet shaped head and fairly thick shaft. It was almost peeking out the top of his trunks. It looked to be about 7 to 8 inches.

"Mmmmmmm...I like the looks of that," I said, rubbing my own hardness. "I'd be happy to take care of your little problem for you. Think you can get away from Beth and the kids for an hour or two?"

"I think I just MIGHT!" He said in a husky voice. Beth would understand if I told her you and I were gonna hit the local bar for a drink. How about, say 9 o'clock tonight?"

"Fine," I said. I gave him my phone number and address and told him to just come in from the beach side. I said I would meet him on my poolside patio.

"Great," He said, "I'm already leaking, thinking about it. I will DEFINITELY be there."

He quickly managed to cover his hard on with a wadded up towel as Beth and the kids arrived back. Randy noticed his Father acting rather funny and glanced over at me. I saw his glance drop to my crotch and from the look in his eye, I could tell he had an idea what was going on. The corner of his mouth turned up in a subtle smile and his eyes met mine.

The tip of his tongue appeared and slowly made a circle around his mouth. Only I could see this and my cock jerked...A jerk that he also observed.

He looked at his parents, but Greg and Beth were talking and Misty and Pete were bent over the cooler. Looking back at me, Randy very subtly groped his dick and let me see him squeeze it. What the HELL?

I hurried back down to the water to cool off, and try to get my cock soft. What in the WORLD was I thinking...An eighteen year old BOY is coming on to me?

"I'm not stupid you know." The voice startled me. I turned to discover Randy standing close to me and smiling. I quickly glanced back at the shore, but Greg and the rest of his family were still sitting under their umbrella.

"Wha...Randy...What do you think you're saying?" I sputtered.

"I mean I can see you've got a hard on in your trunks...And Dad's cock was hard too."

The shock must have shown on my face. Randy laughed and said, "Stop worrying. I've been playing with guys since I was fourteen!"

"I...I...But...But", I tried to say something, but Randy moved closer in the chest deep water and I felt his hand grope my dick.

"Ummm...Nice one," He said as he stroked me through my trunks. "I've never felt an adult cock before. Wish I could suck it, but I'll just have to be satisfied with a quick jack-off. Don't you want to feel mine? I've got a woody too."

To prove his point, he took my hand and put it against the front of his trunks. I could feel that he was INDEED hard. His cock felt about 5 inches long and was not what you would call thick, but certainly not thin.

He let go of my hand, but I couldn't seem to make it let go of the throbbing boy cock.

Randy pulled the leg opening of his trunks aside and his cock and balls were now totally bare. He put my hand on the shaft and urged me to stroke it.

When I began to follow his urging, he reached for the bottom of MY trunks and pulled my cock out, stroking it firmly.

"Mmmmmm...Oh Yeah," He groaned, "That's it...Stroke it for me...I want to cum...I haven't got off for three days." His hips pumped his cock in my hand. His eyes were closed and he was biting his bottom lip as the pleasure washed over him.

I had a hard time believing what was happening...Here I was jacking off an eighteen year old kid, while his parents, sister and younger brother were sitting on the beach only a few yards away.

I could feel now that his cock was a little Over 5 inches long...Closer to 6 inches, and was circumcised. The head was larger than the shaft and I caressed the sensitive glans and rubbed my thumb over the slit at the tip. Randy was breathing faster now.

"Ooooo...Mmmmmm...I like what you're doing," He groaned. "Do you like my cock? Your hand feels good on it."

"Yes Randy," I gulped, "I like the feel of your boy-cock. I wish I could suck it for you too. I'd love to taste your cum." My hand was stroking him from tip to base, and I was playing with his balls with my free hand. The wrinkled little sac was drawing up tight as he was getting close.

He was doing a pretty good job on MY cock too. He fondled my balls as he stroked my dick, stopping every so often to rub the head and thumb the narrow slit at the tip.

"Ahh...Keep doing that Babe and you'll make me cum soon. You sure know what you're doing."

"I want to make you cum Jordan," He said, "Your cock is big and the first grown-up one I've ever felt. I've only played with few of my friends back home before. Please let me make you cum."

"Ohhhh...That isn't gonna be a problem Buddy," I gasped, "Just keep stroking me like you're doing. I want you to cum too."

"I'm close," He groaned hoarsely, "I can't hold off...Ohhhh...Yesss...Fuck! Ahhh...Man...You're doing it...I'm cumming Jordan...I'm CUMMING!"

I felt his cock jerk several times. It seemed to swell and I felt his balls draw up into his groin. He pumped MY dick furiously, wanting to make me cum with him.

"Here I cum Jordan...I'm...I'm THERE...Now...NOW...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!" His cock throbbed repeatedly and I could feel his cum spew out over my hand as I kept stroking him.

I couldn't hold off any longer either...even if I had WANTED to. "Oh Randy," I groaned...You little devil...You're making ME cum too...Ahhh, GOD that's so good...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!"

Our bodies moved closer together as we kept milking our exploding cocks. I could feel Randy's cum hit my own cock, before the current washed it away. My own cum brushed against his dick as it continued to spurt.

We both glanced down and could see the milky sperm boil up between us in the water, before being carried away.

Randy and I were reluctant to release each other's cock and gently squeezed them. My cock deflated much faster than his and I kept squeezing his shaft and milking it, causing him to moan and his hips jerked as the intense pleasure continued.

Finally he put his hand on mine and said, "God Jordan...Stop...You've made me so sensitive I can't stand it." Reluctantly I released it.

We stayed there coming down from the sexual high, tucking our spent cocks back into our trunks. Neither of us seemed ready to go back to the beach yet.

I looked at him, feeling a sense of guilt for what I had allowed to happen. "Randy we...I...I should never...Never..." I struggled for words.

"Hey...HEY Jordon," He said, placing his hand on my chest. "Please don't tell me you wish we hadn't done it. I wanted it...wanted it BAD!"

"Yeah, but," I started to say, but Randy interrupted me.

"No 'Buts'...I got turned on when I saw you had a hard on in your trunks, and I knew whatever you and Dad were talking about had HIM hard too. I KNOW that he likes guys too."

That shocked me. "Randy...Are you saying you have...THOSE kind of feelings for your DAD?"

"Oh, no...HELL no!" He quickly replied. "I heard him and Mom talking one night after he had been away for a few days. He has to go and make presentations to clients in other cities sometimes."

"Yes," I said, "He told me about that."

"Well, I guess it was the first time it happened and he felt real guilty. Mom listened to him and then told him she kinda understood. She knew how lonesome it can get being in a strange city and everything. She said she was glad it wasn't another woman at least, and that she figured if that kept him satisfied, then she could live with it."

"So your Mom is aware of his feelings toward men. Do they still...Uhh...Are they still..."

"Do they still fuck? Randy read my mind. "Yes...ALL the time when Dad's home."

While my mind was processing all that, he lowered his voice and said "Know something else? I came home one time and Mom was there with one of our neighbors...a WOMAN! They were sitting together on the sofa. They jumped apart when I came in, but not before I saw them kissing! Mom's blouse was open and I saw her bra on the floor. She tried to cover up and said she had something in her eye and Lisa...That's our neighbor...Was just trying to remove it...Yeah...Right!"

"Does your Dad know about it?" I asked, curious now.

"I don't think he knew about it then, but I'M pretty sure he does NOW. Every so often, Mom And Dad have Lisa and her husband over. They say it's just for dinner and poker, but they always have me and Misty make arrangements to be away. Lisa and her husband use Peter to babysit their kid...he's about seven."

"What makes you think anything besides dinner and poker is going on?" I asked.

"Peter tells us that sometimes, he has to babysit all night...And he told us he can hear lots of laughter coming from our house."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean..."

"Maybe...But Peter says the lights in the downstairs are turned off early and then the lights in Mom and Dad's bedroom go on...and stay on all night."

"Hmmmm...That DOES sound strange," I replied. "So...How are YOU with it...IF what you think is going on really IS?"

"I'm cool," Randy answered, "Really...I don't mind...More power to them." He looked at me and grinned, "Besides...How do you think I learned about guy sex? I usually spent those nights with two of my friends...Jessie and Rusty...They're in my grade at school. Jessie introduced me to jacking and sucking and told me that he and Rusty even fucked each other!"

"Well," I don't quite know what to say Randy," I replied. "Sounds like you are well adjusted to the facts of life...And you certainly showed ME you know what you're doing. That was...Awesome young fella!"

His face lit up as he grinned. "For me too! Can we do it again...I mean somewhere besides in the ocean...and MORE than a quick jack off?"

"Gee, I...I'm not sure," I stammered. "Believe me, I sure would LIKE to get that sweet cock of yours in my mouth, but HOW? Would your parents let you out alone at night?"

He didn't hesitate saying, "Oh, I've been allowed to go down to the pier and play video games in the arcade. I could just tell them that's where I was going. As long as I'm home by 11, they're cool."

"Do you think you'd like to slip over to MY place one evening? We could have some fun and not have to worry about being interrupted."

"Hey...COOL!" Randy said excitedly, "Man...That would be GREAT! We could do...EVERYTHING...Wow...I've always wanted to have real sex with an adult who really knows what he's doing!"

"OK then, " I said excitement in my OWN voice. I'm buisy tonight (Little did he know), but how about tomorrow night?"

"Cool!, He said, then glancing at the beach, "Oh...Mom and Dad are waiving at us...probably time to get back to our condo...Guess I'd better go. I can hardly wait 'til tomorrow night. Are you REALLY gonna suck my dick?"

"That...and MUCH more Babe," I promised.

We headed back to his family, where Greg and Beth were gathering their things. Randy and the kids picked up the cooler and headed down the beach, waiving goodby.

Beth turned and said, "So nice to meet you Jordan. I hope we have a chance to get together often while we're here. You seem to have made quite an impression on Randy...And Knothead seems to have taken to you also."

Boy! She wasn't far off about Randy, except HE had made quite an impression on ME too.

"We'll see each other on the beach often, I'm sure," I replied. "I'll have to have all of you over for dinner at my place."

"Wonderful," Beth answered, "And we will be sure to return the pleasure. See you soon?"

"You bet," I said. Greg looked at me with a twinkle and mouthed the words 'Nine O'Clock'?

I nodded and watched them head for the ramp leading to the street. I watched Beth's ass bounce and her hips sway seductively in her tiny bikini and wondered just how much she and Greg were into.

I had enough sun...and certainly enough excitement for now, so I grabbed my stuff and walked back to shower and eat...AND get rested for tonight and Greg. I was anxious to see if it would be a case of 'Like SON, like FATHER'.

End Of Part Nine; Part Ten to follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 10

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