After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Oct 5, 2006


This story is totally fictional, although it uses the characters from 'Caribbean Cruise', found in Gay Male/Encounters Section. It is my first attempt at writing a bisexual theme. I hope you enjoy it. Many of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just remember to practice safe sex in REAL life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Six

Several days had passed since the wonderful session with Charlie. Gerald, Betty, and I had managed to play a couple more times, and Betty had come to my bed one more time last night. She had been warm and passionate, and I thoroughly enjoyed the feel of her hot mouth and the warmth of her slick pussy as it encompassed my cock.

Now, the time had come for them to head back to Michigan. As we waited at he airport for their flight to board, we were reluctant to part.

"Gonna miss you, big guy," Gerald said wistfully, "I'll be thinking about all our times together."

"Me too," I said, "I will miss you two every day...AND at night too. I want to thank you for all you did for me. I feel like you gave me a new life."

Just then, the call came for their flight to board. Gerald and I shook hands, then hugged and patted each other on the back. "Take care Jordan," He said as he turned to pick up his bag.

Betty had a tear in the corner of her eye. "I'll miss you Jordan...I'll think about how you made ME feel...In BED especially," She whispered into my ear. Her arms were around my neck and she moved her pretty face to place a tender kiss on my lips.

"I'm already counting the days until Christmas," I said shakily. Mike and Julie have promised to come also. It'll be like a family reunion."

I sadly watched my two close friends walk down the tunnel leading to their plane. I returned their waive and then, they were gone.

My beach house seemed empty and lonely when I returned. I hated the reminded me of how I felt for so long after my wife died.

I fixed myself a sandwich for lunch and sat at the poolside table to eat. My mind wandered back to the first night after returning from the cruise. Gerald , Betty, and I had a very enjoyable time and I finally got to see Betty naked...something I had been fantasizing about...and first felt the excitement of having her suck me off.

That memory was topped ONLY by the totally awesome feeling when Gerald made himself scarce, so Betty and I could experience a wonderful fuck together. I could still taste her pussy and feel its wetness and warmth at the exact moment I first slid my dick into her.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. When I answered, I was immediately uplifted when Charlie's voice spoke, "Hi lover...Miss me?"

"Only every moment of every day, since the second you left the other night!" I replied poetically.

"Oooooo...You're giving me goosebumps," She giggled. "I haven't stopped thinking about that cock of yours and how good it felt."

"Careful," I teased, "That could get you...ANYTHING you want!"

"Oh, I think you KNOW what I want," She laughed. "However...the reason I called was to see if you're still interested in maybe taking on a second helping."

"Baby, I've been DREAMING about getting another taste of your pussy!"

"You are SUCH a Dirty Old Man, Jordan," Charlie giggled, "But I was talking about having a 'friend' of mine come along too."

My cock shot up to full hardness when I realized she had been serious the other night when she asked if I would like to make out with two women. I thought she was kidding. It took a couple of tries to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Her name is Marcie," Charlie continued, "She works with me at the office."

I realized I didn't even know where Charlie worked, but I figured I would soon learn everything about her. I knew I wanted to keep seeing...and enjoying her sexual charms.

"Wow!' I gulped, "That...That sounds...Err...I think I would like that very much. I hope I'm up to the challenge."

"You sure didn't have any problem getting 'Up' to the challenge the other night," She teased. "I think Marcie and I can 'handle' it alright."

We made plans for Friday night. The girls would come over after work. We would have dinner and they would spend the night. I figured I was going to need ALL my strength to get through this alive. This somehow seemed different than the threesomes I had enjoyed with Gerald and Mike, and even with Gerald and Betty. THIS time I would have to more or less make sure that BOTH women were satisfied. I had forgotten to ask Charlie if she and Marcie were MORE than co-workers.

Talking with Charlie had gotten me horny. Damn...Friday was four days away and all I could think about was getting into Charlie's pussy again. I wondered what Marcie looked like and if she was as wild in bed as Charlie.

I watched TV for a while, but soon grew bored and turned it off. It was only just after 1 o'clock and I was thinking about about taking a walk down the beach, when the phone rang. When I answered, a voice said "Jordan?"

I didn't recognise the voice but answered "Yes...Yes it is."

The voice continued, "Hi, This is Jack...Jack Carter."

The name still didn't connect, until he added, "We met at the golf course a few days ago. You and your friend Gerald whipped up on me and my partner Simon...Remember?"

"Oh," I said, embarrassed that I had basically forgotten them in lieu of the excitement of the past few days. "Right, I remember now, sorry."

"No problem," Jack said. "Say. I was just wondering...Were you serious about inviting Simon and me over?"

"Sure thing," I answered, "As a matter of fact, my friends just left this morning and I was starting to feel sorry for myself. Would you two like to drop over?"

"If you're sure we won't be a nuisance," He said. "Simon and I have been thinking about calling you. The story Gerald told us about how you two met...and how you've found out you like guys, really turns us on. We were wondering if you might like to..."

His message was quite clear, and my cock responded. "I would LOVE to," I laughed, How soon can you get here?

I gave Jack directions and told them to bring swim trunks...although I was HOPING they wouldn't be needed, then hurried to shower and be sure I was nice and clean. I wanted to be ready for whatever might happen.

It was about 3 o'clock when the doorbell rang. I opened it and Jack and Simon smiled as we shook hands. They were both dressed comfortably in shorts, polo shirts and sandals and were carrying a small bag.

Jack was about 5'11", and looked to weigh about 190 pounds, carried on a nice frame. His thick hair was dark, streaked with grey. His arms legs were hairy and tanned and showed the efforts he took to stay in shape.

Simon, being ten years younger, was slim and had nicely toned arms and legs.

Being blond, his dark tan made the little body hair show up more. His hair was worn a little long and covered his ears and reached the neck of his shirt. He reminded me a little of a slightly older Mike.

I ushered them into the Great Room and brought out some cold beers. They asked about Gerald and Betty and I spent a little time describing the events of the cruise.

"Wow!" Simon remarked, "That sounds like the kind of cruise I'D like to go on...With YOU of course Babe," quickly adding for Jack's sake. "Jack and I have been in a couple of threesomes...we really get off on seeing each other sucking cock or fucking...Or GETTING fucked!"

Both Jack and Simon were sprouting pretty good wood that tented the front of their shorts. They both moved to adjust their package to a more comfortable position. They noticed MY reaction as my own shorts were bulging also.

"Mmmmm, That looks nice," Jack said. "I'd like to see what you're hiding under there...Mind?"

"Help yourself," I answered thickly, spreading my legs and groping my erection, "As long as I get the same in return."

Jack stood up and moved over to my chair, kneeling between my splayed legs. His hands moved to feel the lump in my pants, judging the length and thickness. I leaned back and scooted my butt forward, allowing him free access to my jewels.

"Oh, MAN," He whistled, "Wait'll YOU get a feel of this guys package Simon. Feels like just the size you like!" His hands were stroking me through the cloth of my shorts.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned...That feels nice. I was about to jack off to relieve the frustration of my friends leaving. I'm glad you called when you did."

"So am I," Jack said as he unzipped my shorts. "Be a shame to waste this." His hand reached inside to feel my bare cock...I hadn't bothered with underwear...and pulled it out."

"Ooooo...That's a NICE one," Simon observed as he came over to watch Jack stroke my dick.

Jack leaned down and licked the drop of precum that was leaking out of the tip of my throbbing pole. He squeezed the shaft and stroked it, bringing more clear juice out.

"Ahhhh," I groaned, "Yesss...Yesss...Good...So good...Mmmmmm!"

Simon began undressing as Jack worked me into a frenzy. I tore my eyes away from Jack's mouth tending to my cock to watch Simon's strip show.

He had already kicked off his sandals and now he slowly pulled his shirt up and over his head. His chest was bare and smooth and his pectorals were nicely developed and stood out from his rippled abs.

Jack, in the meantime had swallowed my hard cock and his mouth was buried inside the open fly of my shorts. He held me deep in his mouth and I felt his tongue dance around the underside of the shaft. I could keep my hips still as his mouth sent pleasurable shocks through my body.

While watching me intently, Simon undid the catch at the waist of his shorts and slowly lowered his zipper. He ran his tongue around the outside of his mouth as he saw I was staring at his crotch.

I raised my hips as I felt Jack pull on my shorts. He quickly yanked them down, raising up in order to let me close my legs enough to allow him to pull them over my knees and down to my ankles. I kicked them off my feet and again spread my legs for Jack, who had maintained contact with my throbbing dick.

Simon's shorts were being slowly lowered and I watched as the top of his small black bikini briefs came into view. He smiled as I looked up into his eyes and licked my lips, then returned to his groin.

Jack began bobbing on my cock and played with my balls as I gasped and pumped my hips. "God, that feels SO good Jack...I like what you're doing there."

Simon had discarded his shorts now and his cock was outlined in the thin cloth of his briefs. I could see the circumcised head perfectly. It was almost sticking out the top of his underwear. He stroked it as he watched my reaction.

"Like what you see, Jordan?" He asked, "Want to see MORE? Want to see my cock?"

"Yesss, " I croaked, "Yesss...Show me...Let me see it...I want it!"

He hooked his thumbs under the waistband and very slowly started easing them down. A neatly trimmed pubic bush began to blond as the hair on his head. He definitely was a NATURAL blond.

Jack moved his mouth down and lashed my ball sac. His fingers moved to trace the edge of my crack, bringing louder moans from my open mouth. "Mmmmm...Ooooo...Ooooo...Yessss!"

Simon had to pull the waistband out to get it past his raging boner. I watched as the long tube snapped up against his belly. It was about 7 1/2 inches long and not real thick, but just right for sucking and MORE!

He pushed his briefs on down and off his tanned legs and stroked his bare cock a few times.

"Jack," He said softly, "Why don't you let ME have a go at that cock, while YOU get naked too."

Jack pulled off my cock, sucking firmly, so that it made a loud 'POP' as it came out of his mouth.

He stood up and moved to one side, as Simon quickly took his place and pumped my wet cock a few times. "Mmmmmm...Nice," He whispered, "I'm gonna enjoy this." He swallowed me all the way and nuzzled his nose in my pubic hair. His hand toyed with my ball sac, which was starting to draw up in excitement.

"Ohhhh...Yesss...Yesss," I gasped at the sensation of a different mouth on me.

Jack didn't waste time going through the strip tease Simon had, simply getting naked as quickly as possible. He moved over to the side of the chair where I was squirming under Simon's magic mouth.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to stare at his cock which was coming toward my mouth. It was least as long as Gerald's...maybe even longer...and THICK! I was happy to see he was also circumcised, since my tastes ran toward that type.

The head was larger than the shaft, forming a nice helmet. The shaft was straight and perfectly smooth and poked out of a thick forest of pubic hair.

His balls were large and also covered with hair...a different look from the mostly hairless ball sacs I had been seeing lately.

I opened my mouth and Jack eased his stiff cock past my lips. At first, I just sucked on the head, running my tongue around the crown and tickling the underside just behind the ridge of the head.

"Ahhhhh," He sighed, "Suck it Babe...Suck that cock!" He pushed and more of the shaft slid in. I wasn't used to such a big piece of meat, so I grabbed the shaft at the base. There were still at least 6 hard inches protruding past my closed fist. I worked on it slurping for all I was worth.

The three of us continued to service each other. Simon was still going at it on my dick and I was enjoying the taste of Jack's big rod.

"How 'bout letting Simon get a little of your hot mouth Jordan, He said, pulling out. I know he's getting anxious for you to fuck him...He's strictly a bottom and you'll love his tight ass."

Simon got up, letting my cock bob in the sudden emptiness. He stood up and stroked his leaking dick as I leaned forward and grasped his hips. I pulled him to my open mouth and he slid in all the way. He was not as long, OR as thick as Jack, so I was able to take him completely. I played with his balls as I bobbed on his pole.

"Ummmm...Ooooo!" He moaned, "You were right...he IS good! Ahhhh...Yesss...Like that...Like that!"

When he started jerking rapidly, Simon put his hand on my head and gently pushed me away. "Easy...Easy there stud! I don't want to cum just yet. I want to feel that sweet cock of yours up my ass."

I got up and put Simon in the chair I had vacated. He was facing the back, with his knees on the cushion and his arms were over the back. His cute little bubble butt was sticking up invitingly. Jack moved around behind the chair to feed his cock to Simon who sucked it down.

I knelt behind Simon and put both hands on his ass cheeks, pulling them apart and exposing his pink rosebud. I ran my tongue up the length of his crack, and he wiggled his ass and moaned around Jack's dick, "Mmppphh...Mmppphh...Mmmmmm!"

My tongue circled his hole, then slipped inside, as I squeezed his ass cheeks. Simon was pushing back, trying to get more of my tongue. I licked his tunnel until he was good and wet, but picked up the tube of KY to lube my cock for easier entry. I pushed two fingers up his chute as far as I could and rubbed his prostate.

Simon moaned and raised up off Jack to utter, "Ohhhh...Stick your fingers up me...I Love how they feel...Get me good and ready...I want to feel you ram your hard cock in there...Please don't make me wait any longer...I want it NOW!"

I pulled my fingers out and placed my cock at the entrance, holding it there to tease him a little. He kept trying to push back and force my hard pole into him, but I kept pulling away, keeping just enough contact that he knew it was there.

"Ahhhh...Please give it to me," He begged, "Fuck me with that cock...Let me feel it!"

I figured he had been teased long enough...Besides, I was getting anxious to feel his tunnel close around my boner. I put both hands on his hips and pushed, driving my cock into the soft, warm, tunnel. I watched his hole stretch to accommodate the head of my dick, then close and grip the shaft as it slid effortlessly into his ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...Finally, He sighed. "I've been wanting to feel that all day...Mmmmmm...Yesssss." He rotated his hips to feel my dick massage his pleasure points. His mouth again swallowed Jack's pole and he used one hand to fondle the large balls bumping against his chin.

"Oh, Yes...That's it Babe," Jack hissed, "Suck my cock while Jordan plows you. Show him what you can do with that sweet ass."

Simon started clenching down on my dick when I pulled out, creating a sensuous pressure that was like a glove. He would relax as I started to push back in, letting my hips slam against his ass. Watching his butt cheeks quiver from the force made me pound him even harder.

Jack was fucking Simon's face, while I was fucking his tight ass. When I slammed against his butt, it would force him forward onto Jack's thrusting cock. Conversely, when Jack would slam forward, it pushed Simon back onto my cock.

We were silent except for the sounds our bodies were making as we sped up our efforts. I was looking at my cock as it slid in ad out of Simon. Seeing his tiny hole compress in on my down-stroke, and pucker out when I withdrew, as if trying to desperately hold on to the shaft rutting in his chute, was rapidly bringing me to the edge.

"Mmmmm...Gonna cum soon," I grunted, "I'm close...Oh Yeah...Wiggle that sweet ass for me...Keep doing that...I'm almost there."

Jack was breathing raggedly as he was also getting close. 'Cum in him Jordan," He urged, "Give him your load. I want to finish in his ass too. Ohhh...Easy Babe," He said to Simon, "Don't make me cum yet. You know how much I love to get off in you."

"Unnngh...Oh Yess," I groaned, "I'm cumming...Here it is...Take it...Yess...Yess...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!" My dick blasted shot after powerful shot of hot cum into Simon and his ass started rotating wildly as he used his inner muscles to milk my cock. He let Jack's wet cock slip out of his mouth and shouted, " Ooooo...Yessss...Cum for me...I can feel your cum filling me...Mmmmmm...Mmmmmm!"

When I finally stopped cumming, I pulled out with a loud 'Slurp', my cock shining with cum. Jack moved quickly around and shoved his dick into the sloppy hole that was leaking my cum.

"Agggh...I love to fuck your ass after you just took a load, "He groaned, "Jordan's cum still feel hot and your ass is so slick. Now take my big cock and make ME cum." Jack started fucking Simon with long slow strokes. The wetness of MY cum made a loud noise as Jack's large cock plunged in and out.

Simon was humping back against Jack as hard as he could, begging for him to fuck harder. "Ohhhhh...Go for it...Get it...It's all yours...I want your load too...I'm getting close...You're gonna make me cum!"

Simon had raised up, so that his back was now pressed against Jack's chest. He arched his back and moved his hands behind him to grasp Jack's gyrating hips and force his cock deeper. Simon's pole was bouncing as he moved his hips back and forth.

I leaned over the arm of the chair and took his dick into my mouth. I could feel it pulsating and I bobbed on it as fast and deep as I could. I wanted to taste his cum.

"Ooh...Oh, GOD," He yelled, "Here it comes...I'm cumming...Uuuhhh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!" His cum blasted into my throat and I swallowed as fast as I could.

Simon's release made his ass spasm on Jack's cock, pushing him over the edge. "Ahhh...Yesss...You're making ME cum too Babe...Ooooo...You got it...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh." His hips slammed into Simon's ass violently as his release overtook him.

When they both reached the end of their intense climax, Jack pulled out and staggered back to flop onto the sofa. Simon just collapsed onto the back of the chair, but pulled me close to kiss me deeply, his tongue circling my lips.

"Mmmmm...He moaned as we broke the kiss, "That was GREAT! I loved feeling your cock in me."

"You've got a very fuckable ass," I replied. "I really liked being in it."

We showered then moved out to the pool area, still naked, and jumped into the warm water. We splashed around like kids, fondling and stopping to bestow hot kisses occasionally.

Afterwards, we had a light dinner and sat around the pool, drinking a few cold beers. The night was approaching, so we went into my bedroom for one more round of sucking and fucking. This time I even managed to get Jack's huge dick in my ass. He fucked me for thirty minutes, while I sucked Simon.

Our climax was not as heavy as before, but was just as intense.

Another shower and my two new fuck buddies headed home, promising to stop by again before they left for Illinois...Indiana...Iowa...Idaho...Well anyway...ONE of those states that started with an 'I'.

I went to bed early, drained but relaxed. Now I was ready for Friday to get here. The thought of Charlie's honey sweet pussy and soft lips lulled me to sleep.

End Of Part Six. Part Seven to follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 7

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