After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 30, 2006


This story is totally fictional, although I have used the characters for my previous story 'Caribbean Cruise', located in the Gay Male/Encounters section. Some of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just be sure to practice safe sex in REAL life. I hope you all enjoy the continuing exploits of Jordan Bentley.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Four

Gerald, Betty and I enjoyed a leisurely day on the beach. We avoided any sexual play, wanting to save ourselves for the evening, when Adrian and Mary would join us for what promised to be an exciting time.

Gerald said he had told them to bring swimsuits, but hinted that 'clothing optional' would be the preferred dress for the evening. "I think they are looking forward to it as much as we are. They told me they hadn't been able to enjoy their passion for bisexual encounters much, since they live deep in the heart of the 'Bible Belt'."

I had picked up some more beer and had restocked my liquor cabinet. Gerald had gone with me and suggested we stop by one of the many adult video rental stores and pick up a couple of bisexual tapes. "Great for setting the mood," He said.

Adrian and Mary arrived just before 7 o'clock and Betty met them warmly at the door. They were both dressed casually...Adrian wore a pair of blue shorts and a white knit shirt. His legs and arm were firm and covered with a light sprinkling of hair. Mary wore a pair of tight white shorts that showed off her nice legs and a halter top that revealed a generous amount of cleavage. I watched as the two women sized each other up. From what I could tell, they liked what they saw.

Gerald introduced me to Adrian who greeted me with a handshake that lingered just long enough to let me know he also approved of what he saw. We all sat down in the Great Room and I served drinks all around. The conversation was light and friendly. We watched one of the tapes Gerald and I had rented and it was pretty hot. Finally I broached the subject we all were thinking about.

"So, Adrian...I understand your neighbors in Georgia don't exactly approve of your preferences for fun! It must be difficult to enjoy your...choices."

"That's an understatement," He replied, "People back home are SO uptight about ANYTHING that doesn't fit their idea of 'Normal' behavior. Mary and I couldn't think of playing near home. We had a few contacts from ads that we had answered and were able to find a few others who felt the same as us."

The girls were seated together on the smaller sofa, and Mary added, "Adrian and I are relatively newbies to this lifestyle. Both of us had had a few same-sex affairs before we were married, but it took almost a year before we finally opened up to each other and discovered our similar interests."

Betty placed a hand on Mary's bare leg that was curled under her just above the knee. Mary glanced at the hand, but showed no indication that it bothered her. "People can be so judgemental," Betty said. "If they would just mind their own business, as long as no one is being hurt, the whole world would be better off."

That brought a round of agreement for everyone. I excused myself saying, "I'd better see to the meal. I've got the Mahi Mahi fillets on the grill and they should be ready soon." I grabbed my beer and headed out onto the patio by the pool. The lights were on, illuminating the area in a soft glow.

I had just made sure the foil wrapped fish were cooking properly, when I heard the sliding glass door open and Adrian stepped out. "Nice place you have here Jordan. Thanks for inviting us over."

"My pleasure," I said. "Just feel free to make yourself comfortable."

"I'll take you at your word for that," He said as he moved closer and leaned in to plant a smoldering kiss on my lips. His hand groped my covered dick as his tongue entered my open mouth. The kiss lasted and my cock responded to his hand.

"Mmmmm...He whispered, "That feels nice. I'm looking forward to tasting it."

"I think we are in for a great evening," I answered. Just as I started to return his advances, the sliding door opened again and we moved apart as Gerald joined us.

"I felt kinda out of place in there," He said, then seeing the slightly glazed look in my eyes, grinned. "Did I interrupt something? Don't stop on MY account."

"As a matter of fact," Adrian said, "Jordan and I were just getting...'Acquainted'." His hand returned to fondle my rapidly hardening cock.

"Well, I'm all for getting 'acquainted'," Gerald answered and moved in to feel for Adrian's hardness. "Ahhh...Our friend feels like he's ready for some fun!"

"Hey...Hey," I struggled to free my cock from Adrian's grasping fingers. "No messing with the chef until after dinner! Gerald why don't you and Adrian go fix the salad."

The two of them started for the door, but stopped short. Gerald hissed and motioned for me to come over. They were staring intently through the glass door.

Betty and Mary were locked in a smokin' hot kiss. Betty had one of Mary's tits exposed and her fingers were playing with the huge nipple.

We stood there watching for a few minutes, until we felt we'd better not let things get too far out of hand yet. Gerald subtly rattled the sliding glass door and the girls quickly broke apart, Mary struggling to get her breast covered.

We entered with the delicious smell of the fish following and tried to look innocent as the girls tried not to look guilty. Finally we all broke out in laughter.

"Guess we ALL are getting acquainted," I said with a straight face. "If you gals would be so kind as to put the silverware on the table outside, we'll get the salad and drinks and be right out."

We enjoyed a tasty meal and joked about our premature activity. It was getting time for the evening to move to the next level. We quickly cleared the table and all went back into the Great Room. After a short discussion, we decided that we would start with the girls taking one bedroom, and the three guys would take the other. Later, we would just let nature take it's course.

Adrian, Gerald and I hurried to my room and started undressing. Gerald and I ganged up on Adrian and helped strip him. I handled the upper body, Gerald the lower. I pulled his shirt up over his head, exposing his chest that was nice and smooth, with no hair. I took one of his rather large nipples into my mouth and sucked, while my other hand toyed with the opposite nipple.

Gerald set a record in getting him out of his shorts and briefs. Adrian's cock bounced up against his belly, then dropped to stand straight out from a thick bush of hair. Gerald swooped down on it, but I got a quick look and saw he had about 7 ME and was also circumcised.

"Mmmmm...Oh, God," Adrian groaned, "It's been SO long...Ohhh...Yesss...Yes, guys...Don't stop!" His hands found the waist of my shorts and quickly unsnapped and unzipped them, pushing them down, where I kicked them off. My cock was tenting my briefs to the maximum and he fondled the head through the wet cloth.

I moaned my enjoyment around the nipple in my mouth, then felt him reach inside my briefs to grasp my bare cock and smear the precum over the sensitive head. He moved his hand down and cupped my balls, rolling them gently in his fingers.

I left his rigid nipples to kiss him and sucked his tongue into my mouth. We swapped tongues for a while, as he pulled my briefs down over my balls. I finished removing them and now Gerald was the only one still dressed.

Adrian and I stopped pleasuring each other to reach down and pull Gerald off his play toy, dumped him on the bed and began stripping him. Again, I took the upper body. I wanted to let Adrian discover the cock waiting for him, since I was already very familiar with it. I got Gerald's shirt off and he pulled me close and went down on my cock.

I groaned as his mouth expertly worked the head and underside of my cock. Gerald played with my balls as he bobbed on my dick.

I watched Adrian pull Gerald's shorts off and stop to gaze at the huge tent in his briefs. "My GOD...Is that ALL him?" He wondered out loud. His hand covered the throbbing pole and stroked it through the covering cloth.

"See for yourself," I said in a husky voice, trying to keep from cumming too quickly.

Adrian mouthed Gerald's dick through the briefs until they were saturated. Not wanting to wait any longer, he quickly pulled the briefs off, exposing the object of his desire. "Damn!" He exclaimed, "THAT is one mouthful." He grabbed the base of the rod in one hand and started licking the tip, tasting the precum leaking out.

"Mmmppf...Mmmppf," Gerald groaned around my cock. Adrian's tongue was sending shocks through his entire cock and balls.

"Now, Now, Gerald," I teased, "It's not nice to talk with your mouth full." Then I winced and yelled "Ouch" as Gerald bit down on my cock with his teeth. "OK...OK...I give...I give!" Thank goodness, he returned to sucking me.

Adrian in the meantime had managed to deep throat Gerald's entire cock and was rubbing his nose in the thick bush. He was fondling Gerald's balls as he started slowly coming off his cock until he just had the head in his mouth. He started running his tongue around the sensitive head, making Gerald moan and suck MY dick faster.

I wanted some of Adrian's cock, so I urged him to move onto the bed. He understood and moved without losing contact with Gerald's dick. Now his nicely shaped cock was close enough for me to reach and I went down on it. We were arranged in a triangle, each with a cock in our mouth. The room echoed with our moans and groans.

During a short period of silence, we became aware of noises, coming from the other bedroom. Muffled moans drifted to our ears, "Ohhhh...Ohhhh...Yesss...Yesss...Just like that...Mmmm!" We realised that Betty and Mary were deeply involved too and it served to turn us on even MORE.

"Why don't we take this into the other bedroom," Gerald suggested. "I think we might enjoy watching the gals get it on."

The three of us headed for the other bedroom, our hard cocks bobbing as we hurried to see what was going on. The sight that greeted us was beautiful as only two women engaged in hot sex could be.

Betty had Mary stretched out on the bed and was lying between her open legs.

Mary's legs were bent at the knees and she was grasping Betty's hair as she squirmed under the onslaught of the tongue ravishing her cunt. Betty's hands were squeezing Mary's large breasts, twirling her rigid nipples between her thumb and forefinger.

"Mmmmmm...Ohhhh...Yesss, Baby...That's so nice...God, your tongue is driving me crazy...Ooooo...I'm cumming again...Ahhh...Ahhh...Ahhh...Oh, Yessssss!" Mary's hips lifted off the bed as she climaxed, flooding Betty's mouth with her sweet juices.

Adrian, Gerald, and I stood transfixed, stroking our throbbing cocks as the women separated momentarily. They noticed us, but did not stop what they were doing.

"Well...Look what just arrived," Betty whispered, "I wondered how long it would be before we had an audience. Do you mind if we put on a show for them Mary?"

"Mmmmm...Nope!" She murmured, "The more the merrier...It makes me hot to have a guy watch me in action. Now swing that pussy of yours around here and give me a taste."

When Betty moved to lay beside the sexy strawberry blond, Mary leaned over to kiss her and took a breast in each hand. Betty returned the kiss enthusiastically and reached a hand between Mary's legs and slipped a finger into her wet cunt. Both gals were moaning loudly.

Adrian took the opportunity to kneel down and swallow my cock, making me groan. The ladies looked over and smiled at the sight, then leaned on their elbows to watch us for a moment. I was stroking Gerald's dick as we kissed deeply, and Adrian was deep throating me.

"Mmmmm," Mary moaned, "Oh, yeah Baby...Suck that cock...Oh, Yeah that looks so hot. Damn Gerald, you have a Hell of a big cock. Adrian, Honey...Don't ignore him!"

Adrian moved to take Gerald deep while he stroked my cock. This caused Betty to reach between her legs and slip a couple of fingers inside as she watched her husband getting sucked. "Oh Gerald...that looks so good. You look so sexy with your big cock in Adrian's mouth."

"My guy looks pretty hot too," Mary added, "Honey...why don't you three show us some fucking? I know how much you like a hard cock in your ass."

Adrian didn't stop sucking Gerald, but he used his hand on my cock to urge me to move behind him. He got on his hands and knees, pulling Gerald down to lay on the floor as he continued to suck him.

Betty reached for a tube of KY on the bedside table and tossed it to me. "Show us how it's done Jordan...I KNOW how good that cock of yours feels in my pussy. Tell me if his ass feels as tight."

I quickly lubed my cock and smeared a large portion around Adrian's hole, then slipped two fingers inside. I dropped to my knees and guided my dick to his entrance.

Adrian grunted as my pole opened him up and slid all the way in. He raised his butt and rotated it to get as much of me in him as he could.

He came off Gerald's cock to look at Mary and groaned, "Ahhhh...Oh Baby...He's really filling me up. You should feel his cock in your pussy...You'd love it just like I do!" He then went back to sucking Gerald, while I began plowing his ass.

I watched the women staring intently as I fucked Adrian. They were both breathing hard and fingering each other. Betty groaned as she orgasimed from the stimulation.

I was really pounding Adrian, when Gerald spoke up saying, "How 'bout letting Me get some of that ass? I'm about to pop my nuts and I'd like to get off in him."

I pulled out with a pop and let Gerald move into position. I took his cock in my hand and lubed him up, stroking him gently. Then I put that big rod against Adrian's hole and slapped him on the ass. I couldn't help but say, "Hi-YO SILVER...AWAY!"

Mary groaned as Betty brought her to another climax. Their fingers were still buried in each other's pussy.

I stepped into the bathroom and showered off quickly. After drying off, I went back in to watch the action. The girls noticed my cock was still hard and motioned me to join them on the bed. They parted and patted the space between them. As soon as I lay down, I had two gorgeous ladies all over me.

Mary leaned over and planted her mouth against mine, her tongue seeking entrance which I happily granted. Her hands were busy pinching my nipples, making them grow rigid. Betty took my cock in her mouth and lathed the head with her tongue before swallowing it to the base.

I used my hands on Mary's hips to guide her to sit on my chest, then put them behind her ass and pulled her to me so I could taste her pussy. I licked the outer lips, then opened her with my tongue. "Ohhh...Ohhh...Jordan!" She gasped, "Yesss...Eat me...Eat my pussy...Oh...I love your tongue...Yesss...Oh...Oh...I'm cumming!"

I felt her cunt spasm and her legs tightened against my sides as her orgasm swept over her. Her juices flooded my mouth and tasted like honey, though distinctly different from how Betty's had. I moved my mouth from side to side and rammed my tongue as deeply into her as I could.

Mary's hands were pulling my hair, begging me to stop before she fainted. Finally, she stopped cumming and slide off to one side limply.

Betty had not stopped sucking my throbbing cock and she felt it start pulsing. Knowing I was about to lose it, she stopped and lay on the other side of me.

Mary had recovered enough to kiss me again, tasting her juices. Betty stroked my cock slowly, keeping the furnace stoked and ready.

I was in heaven as I writhed under the intense pleasure I was receiving. I reached my hands down over two smooth bellys and ran my fingers through two delightfully soft pubic bushes, until I found wetness. Both gals groaned and opened their legs to allow my fingers to slip in.

Meanwhile Gerald was fucking Adrian deeply. Both were enjoying themselves, but were also watching the action between me and their wives. "Go on Honey," Adrian grunted, "Let me see you ride that cock. He gasped as Gerald's cock began rubbing against his prostate. "Ooooo...Yesss...Right there Man...You found the spot."

Mary and Betty changed places. Betty moved up to kiss me and give me her tongue, then slid down to suck on my nipples. "Mmmm...Oh yeah Baby," I groaned, "That's nice!"

I wanted to taste Betty again, so I pulled her over my mouth and she lowered her wet pussy onto my waiting mouth. My tongue drove deeply into her, bringing a gasp from her. I licked her puffy outer lips and then latched onto her clit, causing her to scream and cum.

Mary sucked my cock, and I could almost feel my toes curl. Damn! This gal could suck a tennis ball through a garden hose. I felt my balls draw up. So did she, so she stopped her oral ministrations.

She stroked my wet cock and smiled up at me whispering, "Oh No you don't stud! I've got OTHER plans for this cock!" I had my mouth full of Betty's cunt, so I could only moan.

She straddled my hips and my cock nestled between her ass cheeks. Mary reached back and stroked me a few times. She raised up and aimed my dick at her portals. Her eyes closed as she slowly sank down, enveloping my cock in the warm, wet folds of her sweet pussy.

Ooooo...So nice! You were right Honey," She said to Adrian, who was now on his back, with his legs over Gerald's shoulders and panting with the deep penetration from the cock pounding his ass. "Unnnggh...I...Unnnggh...Told...Unnnggh...You you'd...Unnnggh...Like it...Ahhh...You should...Unnnggh...get some of...Unnnggh...THIS cock too!"

Mary was bouncing on my dick now, aided by my hands under her sweet little ass. "Yesss...Yesss...I'm cumming again...Oh, GOD...YESSSSS!" Her pussy clamped down on my dick and I had to concentrate very hard not to cum.

"Damn!" She groaned, "Gimme a few minutes to regain SOME strength. Then I want some of YOU, Big Boy," meaning Gerald. "Besides, I think my hubby would like some of Betty's sweet pussy."

Betty had finally dragged her pussy away from my mouth and was lying beside me. She had been resting her head on my chest, but raised up, hearing Mary's suggestion.

Gerald pulled out of Adrian's ass with a pop, leaving him disappointed until Betty curled a finger at him inviting him to come over.

While Gerald went into the bathroom to clean up, Adrian crawled over to the edge of the bed and moved between Betty's legs. He went straight to the juncture of her legs and placed both hands on her mound.

"Mmmmmm," Betty sighed, "A man of action...Go for it Baby!"

I slid off the bed and sat in a nearby chair to watch and to give them some room.

Adrian used his thumbs to open Betty's pussy and dove in, burying his face in her fragrant folds. His tongue lapped up the juices flowing freely and then he took her swollen clit in his lips and sucked while running the tip of his tongue around the hard nub.

Betty sucked in a deep breath and her hips jerked up as her mouth fell open.

She had been propped up on her elbows, watching Adrian eat her, but the sudden jolt of electricity made her lay back and grab his head with both hands.

"God...Oh, GOD!" she wailed, "Yesss...Yesss...Oh my GOD...Yesss...Cumming...Cumming." The first of several orgasm racked her body as Adrian sucked her clit. His head was rapidly moving from side to side, increasing the pleasure.

Gerald came out and fell into Mary's arms, fusing their mouths together as he searched out her gorgeous tits. Mary moaned as her nipples turned into hard peaks under Gerald's attack. She grasped his hard cock and frantically stroked him as he moved from one firm globe to the other, finally squeezing them together and licking both hard nipples as Mary's moans became a frantic gasp.

Adrian had moved up Betty's body, taking time to suck on both of Her tits too, until she begged him to fuck her. He raised her hips and she guided his prick into her depths, hissing as he slid fully into her. They began an age old ritual of sex, moving together in sync while kissing passionately.

I was enjoying just watching the action. I stroked my cock as I waited...I hoped to get into Betty's sweet pussy again.

Gerald had mounted Mary and his thick cock was plowing her willing cunt in powerful thrusts. Her hips raised up to match his frenzy and they raced toward oblivion.

Adrian and Betty were still in the missionary position, but he suddenly pulled out long enought to turn her over. I watched in amazement as he bent down and buried his face in her ass. Betty's eyes flew open and she gasped at the unexpected thrill.

"Ooooo...What...What are you DOING to me," She gasped and tried to look over her shoulder, but was overcome by the new sensations. "Oh, Yess...Mmmmm...Yesss."

Adrian reached for the KY and stood up, lubing his cock. When he inserted two fingers in Betty's ass, she moaned and bit her lip. When he had loosened her up enough, Adrian put his cock against her pucker and started pushing. His cock popped in and Betty's mouth dropped open as she sucked in her breath.

My cock was about to burst as I watched Adrian start to fuck Betty's sweet little ass. His hips were slamming against her butt making it quiver each time.

Gerald and Mary saw what was happening and stopped for a moment. Gerald looked into Mary's eyes, silently asking the question. When she nodded yes, he pulled out and reached for the liube. While he was getting his cock ready, Mary started to turn over, but Gerald stopped her. "I want you like this, so we can look at each other."

He moved between her legs and raised her hips, putting a pillow under them. With a hand under each of her knees he moved his cock to her entrance. Mary grasped the slick cock and put it against her hole. When Gerald pushed, Mary's mouth opened in a silent scream. The big 8 inch cock slid into her ass and his hips slammed into her buttcheeks.

Betty was going wild as Adrian fucked her faster. "Oh...Oh...Yesss," She moaned. Her eyes locked on me as I was stroking my cock. She motioned for me to kneel in front of her on the bed.

Once I was settled, Betty went down on my cock and sucked me frantically. I groaned at the wonderful blowjob I was getting. "Oh Yesss Betty Baby...Suck me...Ooooo...Don't make me cum yet...I want to fuck you before you make me cum...I want in your sweet pussy again."

"Mmmm...Mmmm," Betty mumbled around my cock. She was looking directly into my eyes as she sucked me.

Adrian slammed his cock into her ass a few more times then shouted, "Oh Yeah...I'm gonna cum...Gonna cum in your ass Baby...Here it comes...Ohhhh...NOW!" His cock began unloading in Betty's ass and she wiggled her little buns to milk his cock dry.

When Adrian fell away, exhausted, Betty pushed me on my back and slid up my legs until she was over my rod. I could feel Adrian's cum leaking out of her as she impaled herself on my stiff cock until she was sitting on my hips. She rotated her hips in a circle, then forward and backward, keeping my dick buried in her cunt.

"Oh Jordan...I'm already cumming...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Oh Yess...You're making me cum." Her hands were on my chest and she leaned down to offer her sexy pouty lips. I tried to devour them as her orgasm made her cunt clench on my dick.

I couldn't last any longer and I blasted my cum into her pussy. She felt the spurts burning her inner walls and went into another long orgasm.

Betty collapsed onto my chest, breathing hard. She whispered in my ear, "I can't believe how easily you can make me cum, lover. I will always give it to you, anytime you want it...It's YOURS!"

"I would like to make love to you every day, Baby. If you weren't married, I'd be after you and IN you every hour."

She laughed and said, "You'd KILL me...But what a WONDERFUL way to go!"

Gerald and Mary were the last to finish. He had turned her over and was now fucking her doggie style. Adrian, Betty , and I all watched closely as his massive cock stretched her ass. Mary had her head lying on her crossed arms and moaned with each stroke. She was fingering her cunt as she rotated her hips.

Gerald began to fuck her even faster and finally started to feel his climax starting at the base of his balls. "Get ready Baby," He shouted...I'm gonna fill your ass in a few seconds."

Mary sped up her fingering and raised her head up to look at Gerald over her shoulder. "OK you big stud...GIVE it to me...Fill me up...I'm ready to cum again...Oh, Yesss...That's it...Now...Now...Oh, Yes NOW...NOW...NOW!"

Her ass started spasming with her climax and Gerald lost it. "Here it comes Baby...Take it...Take it all...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Cumming...Cumming!"

We watched as the two bodies lurched in final orgasm. When it was over, Gerald pulled out and fell beside Mary, hugging her to him as they came down.

We all utilized the separate bathrooms to clean up and after a shower met at the pool...still naked, and enjoyed a playful splashing frollic. Drinks followed at the poolside table and we chatted about the evening's events.

We invited Adrian and Mary to stay overnight, but they begged off, saying they had an early wake up for a scheduled tour. They promised to stay in touch and hopefully we might get together again before Gerald and Betty had to return to Michigan.

After our guests had left, we three headed for our separate rooms and fell into a deep sleep.

End Of Part Four; Part Five will follow soon. Comments are welcome at

Next: Chapter 5

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