After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Nov 22, 2006


Thia story is totally fictional, although it uses the characters from my previous story 'Caribbean Cruise', located in the Gay Male/Encounters Section. It is my first story with a bisexual theme, but it STILL contains almost every combination of sex partners. I hope readers will enjoy the continuing adventures of Jordan Bentley. Some of the sex scenes do not portray safe sex, but this is fiction. Just remember...ALWAYS practice safe sex in REAL life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Sixteen.

FINALLY...Friday arrived! I hit the beach early and had a chance to talk to Beth alone for a few minutes.

"Well..Tomorrow's the big day," I said. "Have you made arrangements for the kids?"

"Yes, She answered, "Misty is spending the day with her friends and Randy met another boy at the arcade the other night. He has been invited to spend the day with him and his family on their houseboat."

I wondered if this was the kid, Randy had mentioned who showed him the secret place under the pier. I wondered what he looked like.

Beth went on, saying, "I had a little trouble with Peter. I finally found an ad for a 'Kid's Outing'. It's a supervised all-day bus trip to the Everglades."

"Wonderful," I replied. "You seemed to have taken care of everything. I am REALLY looking forward to tasting you again. I wish I could take that bikini off of you and go down on you right here and NOW!"

"Mmmmmmm," Beth sighed, "Don't get me started! I'm so horny I can't stand it. Between the thrill of having YOU eat me out and fucking me...AND the thought of making love to Charlie...My pussy has been dripping. I've had to use my vibrator so much the last couple of days, I've had to change the batteries. I can't WAIT to feel the real thing."

She noticed the lump in my trunks and grinned. "Looks like YOU'RE UP for it too! I'm glad I'M not the ONLY one who's anxious."

We had to straighten up and behave, as the kids came up then. Randy smiled and sat down beside me. He saw my boner and licked his lips, thinking it was for HIM. If I didn't get my mind off sex pretty soon, I was going to put on a display for everybody.

Misty didn't help matters either. She was wearing a bikini that left little to the imagination. Her young breasts pushed at the tiny top and her pubic mound was barely covered by the bottom. Her young body was ripe and ready. I wondered if she had delved into the world of sex yet.

She noticed my attention and blushed, glancing at my crotch which I still had not quite managed to get under control. When she glanced back into my eyes, her pouty lips formed an "O". She quickly turned away.

When lunch time came around, I excused myself and headed back to my place. I ate a light meal, then swam a few laps in my pool. Relaxing in a lounge chair, I was surprised to hear a voice from the back gate. I looked and it was Misty, standing at the open gate.

"Hi Jordan," She said, "You left your sun block on the beach. I thought I'd bring it to you."

"Thanks Honey," I said as she handed the bottle to me. She stood there as if she wanted to say something.

"Was there something else," I asked.

"Well...Kind of, " She said in a funny voice. "I..I'm not sure how to say it...But...I couldn't help but notice your...That you were..."

"I'm sorry Misty," I said, "These things happen sometimes. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Oh...Oh NO," She answered quickly, "You didn't embarrass me. Actually, it was just the opposite!

"What do you mean Sweetheart," I asked, wondering if she meant what I THOUGHT she was getting at.

"I...KNOW you were...That you had an...Erection. I'm sure Mom had something to do with it too. I've seen the looks you and she have been exchanging."

"Misty...I...Ah," I stuttered.

"I'm NOT a virgin, you know," She said, startling me. My boyfriend Jerry is the back up quarterback on Randy's football team. We've been having sex for over a month!"

I wondered where this was heading. "Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing," I replied, "But that's none of my business. Just be careful."

"Oh, We're careful," She said, "He always uses a rubber."

"Good,"I mumbled, "That's good."

"The thing IS," She said, "Jerry is kinda...Inexperienced. He doesn't know how to...Make ME...You know...Enjoy it. He just sticks it in me and pumps a few times and he's finished."

"Misty," I said, "Why are you telling ME all this?"

She reached behind her back and, before I knew it, she removed her top, baring her young, but perky breasts.

"MISTY!" I exclaimed, "What are you doing? What if your Mother or Randy were to suddenly come looking for you?"

"They've all gone back to the condo," She said, "I KNOW Mom and Dad BOTH play around and I have a strong suspicion that YOU have been with Mom. I want you to show me how it's SUPPOSED to feel!"

"Honey I...Err...I don't think...Oh my God!" She had just stepped out of her tiny bottoms and stood there totally naked. Her pussy was almost bare, with just a light dusting of blonde hair, trimmed into a small line.

Her long legs were toned and shapely, her waist was tiny and her breasts were small, but firm. She had the same pink areolas as Beth.

"Don't you like me?" She teased, "Am I pretty?"

"Misty," I gulped, "Of COURSE you're pretty...You're GORGEOUS! But you shouldn't do this. I'm older than your Father!"

"But you AREN'T my Father," She smiled, " You're a handsome, sexy man and I want you to make love to me."

I tried to protest, but she walked over to me and reached for my dick, which was belying my attempts to defuse the situation.

Instead I groaned as she stroked me through my trunks. "Ahhhh...M...Misty, Stop...You shouldn't...WE shouldn't...I shouldn't let you do this!" Meanwhile, she was untying the string at the waist of my trunks.

Her sweet little mouth covered my own, and her tongue sent chills down my spine. My hands automatically reached for one of her succulent breast and felt the nipple harden into a rigid pebble.

She tugged at my trunks and I raised my hips, allowing her to pull them off my legs. Her hands immediately grasped my turgid manhood and stroked it.

"Ohhhhh...You're so BIG," She gasped. "I thought Jerry had a big one, but yours is much more!"

I pulled her close and took one of her breasts in my mouth, covering the entire globe completely. I ran my tongue over the nipple and nibbled on it gently.

"Ohhhhh...Oooooo...That's so nice. Jerry doesn't take time to get me excited. He just climbs on top and shoves it in. Oh Please...Keep doing that!"

I switched to the other little globe and lathed it thoroughly. Her legs were shaking, so I pulled her down beside me on the lounge. She continued to stroke my rigid cock.

My hand moved over her belly and into the sparse hair around her cunt. She groaned loudly and raised her hips as my finger delved into her wet slit.

When I started stroking her clit, her hips jerked uncontrollably and she gushed, covering my hand with her juices.

"Ohhhhhhhh...You made me CUM," She gasped, almost as if surprised.

When I raised my hand that was coated with her sweet nectar and licked it clean, she groaned and stroked my dick faster.

"Easy, Sweetheart," I cautioned, "You're about to make ME cum, and I have 'other' things to do before that."

"Like WHAT?" She whispered, breathlessly.

"Well,: I replied as I rolled over to lie between her legs, "Like THIS, for ONE!" I buried my face in her dripping cunt and plunged my tongue into her hole as far as I could.

Misty's hips almost bucked me off as she screamed in pleasure and flooded my mouth with her creamy juices.

"Ohhhhh...Oh God...Oh God...Oh..Oh!" She groaned as she wiggled her hips, rubbing her mound over my face. I concentrated on her little clitoris that was swollen with blood and begging to be sucked.

"Ahhhh...Yesssss...Yesssss...Oooooo...Right THERE...Right THERE...Yes...Yes...Oh,Yessss...I'm cumming again," She moaned.

When her convulsions ended, Misty collapsed into a heap. I thought she might have fainted, until she weakly raised a hand to stroke the side of my face.

"Oh, Jordan," She whispered, "I've NEVER felt such a thrill. No WONDER Mom has been smiling when you're around!"

"You're TERRIBLE, you know that?" I chuckled, "You've got a dirty mind!"

"Oh YEAH?" She giggled, "TELL me I'm wrong...That you and Mom haven't...You know!"

Instead, I pulled her body closer, so that her hips were at the edge of the lounge chair. I moved my hips forward and my rock hard cock rubbed against her pussy. I slid it up and down the slick channel, making her draw in her breath and bite her lip.

She watched, wide-eyed as I slipped a condom over my rigid pole and smeared lube generously over it.

"Ohhhh...Oh, put it in Jordan...PLEASE...Put it IN me...I Want it...Oh Yessss...I WANT it!"

I used one hand to spread her puffy outer lips and the other hand to place the tip of my dick at her entrance. Misty put her legs around my waist and raised her hips.

I eased my dick into her waiting cunt and felt the lips spread to accept the wide head. As soon as the crown entered, her tight walls clamped on it, bringing a groan from me.

"Ohhhh, Honey," I groaned, "Your little pussy feels SO good. I'm gonna slide in you very slowly. Tell me if it starts to hurt."

"Mmmmmm...It feels WONDERFUL, Jordan," She moaned, "Don't stop...Keep going...I can take it!"

She was right. Her pussy sucked my dick in like it had been getting it forever. Her heels were against my butt, urging me to give her more.

"Is it ALL in yet?" She groaned, "IT feels so...BIG...I'm so full!"

"Almost," I whispered, "Just a little more...THERE! You've got ALL of it Baby...It's in you."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...Yessssssssss," She hissed, "I can feel ALL of you! It's EVERYTHING I've dreamed of! NOW...Show me how it feels to get really FUCKED!"

I started a slow in and out movement, shuddering at the tightness of her sweet young pussy as it clasped every inch of my hardness in velvety softness. My hands kneaded her breasts and tweaked her nipples.

Misty moved her hips in a circular motion as I withdrew and then plunged back in. She grunted as my hips slapped against her mound. Her hands covered mine over her breasts and mashed.

"Oooooo...Oooooo...Oooooo," She groaned as we set a steady rhythm for the next fifteen minutes. Her pussy was producing it's own lube and my dick was sliding in and out with ease. I leaned in close and our mouths fused together in a long, passionate, tongue battle.

I knew I couldn't last much longer, so I started alternating our rhythm. I would give her a few quick, hard, deep strokes, then pull back and let her feel just a couple of inches with rapid strokes, finally sliding slowly...Oh so slowly, back in and out.

Misty was going wild...Her feet were pounding my butt and her hands were beating against my back.

"Ohhhhh...Ohhhhh...Oh God...Oh God...Jordan...Jordan...Yesss...Yesss...Yessssssss...Oh, You're driving me crazy...I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna...Oh Yes...I'm cumming...PLEASE...Cum with me...Ohhh...Yes, Now...Now...NOW!"

Her hips were a blur and I felt her pussy gush as her orgasm exploded. Her walls rippled with convulsions and carried me over the edge.

"Mmmmmm...I'm Cumming too Baby," I groaned, "I'm cumming too...Yess...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!"

I felt my cum blast into the condom, swelling it to bursting from the volume. I plunged into her as fast as I could, until my climax finally subsided.

I kept my weight on my hands and knees as her body continued to twitch from several more, weaker orgasms.

When we were both finished, I rolled off and lay beside her. We were both still breathing raggedly, but I was suddenly overcome with guilt. HOW could I have EVER done such a thing...A sweet sixteen year old, and I had just fucked her!

Misty saw the look on my face and quickly kissed me, first on both eyes, then tenderly pressing her soft, swollen lips against my own.

"Jordan...What's the matter?? She asked, "Didn't you...Didn't you enjoy it? Did I do something WRONG?"

"Not YOU Baby, "I replied, "I should NEVER have given in to my weakness. I should have sent you on your way...I...I"

"No WAY!" She said loudly. "It wasn't wrong! I wanted it...YOU wanted it...I wanted to feel what making love was SUPPOSED to feel like...And you SHOWED me! It was WONDERFUL...Don't ruin it by feeling that it was wrong!" She put her head on my chest and was sobbing.

"Shhhhh...OK, Little One," I whispered, "You're right...It WAS wonderful! And YOU were wonderful. You made me feel SO good. That was the MOST wonderful thing I've ever experienced!"

She looked up and whispered, "Really? You're not just saying that? Did I really make you feel good?"

"Really Misty," I replied, "You were so sweet and your little pussy gave me ALL I could handle...And THEN some!"

She watched as I rolled the bulging condom off my dick and tied it off, tossing it into the trash can.

She giggled and snuggled against me saying, "I'm so glad I brought that sunblock over."

"By the way, "I asked, "WHERE did you get that bottle? I didn't forget mine...It's right there on the table!"

Misty blushed and grinned. "It was MINE...I just made up an excuse so Mom wouldn't get suspicious."

I laughed and swatted her on her cute little butt. "Why you little Sneak you! You planned this all along! I didn't have a chance in Hell."

She smiled mischievously and said "Guilty as charged! Are you disappointed?"

"After what I just enjoyed?" I laughed, "What do YOU think?"

"I think I LOVED how your big cock felt inside me. You didn't rush me...You ate my pussy first and kissed me and played with my boobs and...and even made me cum first. You made sure that I enjoyed it too."

We lay there a while longer, before I reminded her that Beth would be starting to wonder. Misty groaned, but got up and started to dress.

I watched her gorgeous young body as she slipped into the bottoms, then turned to let me tie her top in back. I reached around and cupped her breasts one more time.

"You are really going to bust plenty of balls, young lady...You are a living wet dream."

Misty giggled and pressed my hands onto her breasts, before allowing me to secure her top.

Fully clothed now, she turned in my arms and pulled me down to her lips. Her tongue slid around my lips and she pressed her mouth to mine furiously for a moment, then broke away.

I walked her to the gate and watched her cute little ass bounce as she headed back to her condo. It suddenly hit me that I had had sex with EVERYONE in Greg's family, except for Peter. THAT, I knew would NOT happen. A sixteen...ALMOST seventeen year old was ONE thing...But I had absolutely NO desires for a child who hadn't even gone through puberty yet!

It was about two o'clock now and I got busy straightening up the patio area and checked to make sure I had everything I needed for tomorrow.

Charlie was due to arrive around six. She would be coming directly from work and would have an overnight bag with her. I looked forward to actually having the opportunity to SLEEP with her...To feel her warm body next to mine...To wake up next to her and make love in the early morning hour.

I figured she would be ready for a quick tumble as soon as she arrived, since it had been over a week since we last made love.

"Maybe we could go out to eat...AFTERWARDS," I said out loud. I called and made a reservation for two at a resturant I knew Charlie liked, allowing enought time for a 'Quickie'!

Finally, six o'clock arrived and the dorbell rang...Right on time!

End Of Part Sixteen. Part Seventeen to follow soon.

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