After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Nov 16, 2006


This story is totally fiction, although it features the characters from my previous story "Caribbean Cruise', located in the Gay Male/Encounters Section. It is my first attempt at a story with a bisexual theme, although there is still plenty of guy/guy sex, various combinations of threesomes, and even some lesbian scenes. I hope it continues to entertain you. Some of the sex scenes do not portray safe sex, but it IS fiction. Just remember...ALWAYS practice safe sex in REAL life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Fifteen

The disappointing news that Greg had been called away and wouldn't be able to participate in Saturday's fun with Charlie and Beth did have ONE upside. Beth had reminded me that...Without Greg, She and I would be able to make love in the mix.

Then, I got a call from Randy...Wanting me to meet him under the pier at the arcade tonight. He sure was appropriately named. He was becoming addicted to sex...Not that I was complaining...I loved to suck his teen-aged dick and fuck his sweet ass. He had become quite proficient at GIVING blow jobs too.

I had slept for three hours, when the alarm jarred me awake. I had a little over an hour, before I was due to meet Randy, so I hopped in the shower to make sure I was nice and clean...Just in case. So far, Randy had indicated he was a total bottom and didn't care to be the top, but I wanted to be prepared.

When I finished drying off, I slipped into a pair of shorts...Commando and pulled on a tee shirt and sneakers. I took the bottle of little blue pills down from the medicine cabinet and read the directions.

Hmmmm...'Take one pill approximately thirty minutes to one hour before sexual activity. Side effects MAY include flushed feeling and dizziness'. I read on further, 'CAUTION if erection lasts more than FOUR hours, contact a doctor immediately'!

A FOUR HOUR ERECTION? 'Ha!' I thought to myself, 'More likely you would think of calling the Guinness Book of Records.'

"Well...Why NOT!" I asked my reflection in the mirror. It didn't object, so I popped a pill in my mouth and went to have a small snack.

After I finished I looked at my watch and thought, "I don't feel anything...Maybe it's not gonna work." Then I stood up and was shocked to see my cock was as hard as a rock. WOW! I felt ready to take on the entire chorus line of The Rockettes! I resisted the impulse to beat my chest and let out a primal roar!

As ten o'clock approached, I strolled down the beach until I saw the dark outline of the Arcade pier. I had brought a large beach towel not sure what the situation would be.

I didn't see Randy as I walked under the pilings. The noise from the arcade above was loud. "No worries about loud groans being heard over THAT," I said.

"Psst! Jordan...Is that YOU?" A familiar voice made me turn and squint to see the figure of Randy motioning to me. He was standing behind a series on huge concrete bases that supported the pilings of the pier. They formed a small, secluded pocket, not visible unless you were practically IN it.

I walked over to him and he grabbed me in a bear hug. "I wasn't sure you got my message," He mumbled as his lips searched for mine.

I didn't answer, since my mouth was occupied with more pleasant things for the next few moments. His hard boy cock was pressed against my groin, and he moaned as he felt my own hardness.

We broke apart and he clutched frantically at the zipper and fastenings of my shorts, pushing them down and grasping my dick in trembling hands.

"Ohhhhhh," He gasped, "I've been SO hot for this cock all day!" He dropped onto his knees and swallowed my boner, fondling my balls with his hand. I hurried to pull my tee shirt over my head.

"Mmmmmm...Take it easy Babe," I groaned. My cock was still a little tender from the action earlier today. I ran my hands through his hair and caressed his cheeks as his mouth worked on my dick. He was making wet slurping sounds as he bobbed back and forth.

He stopped sucking long enough to say, "Don't cum yet. Tell me when you get close...I want you to fuck me!"

The thought of his tight little ass squeezing my cock made me warn him to slow down.

"Stand up here and let me have a taste of YOU," I groaned.

As he rose, I kissed him passionately and loosened the snap on his shorts. When they fell to his feet, his young cock bounced up into my waiting hand. I stroked him slowly as I waited for him to pull his tee shirt off. Now we were BOTH naked.

I guided him to one of the huge concrete blocks and spread out the towel. "Lay down Babe," I whispered, let me get at that boy cock of yours.

He leaned back against the base of the piling and watched as I leaned down and took his steel hard cock in my mouth.

"Ohhhhhh...Oh Geez...Oh FUCK...That feels NICE Jordan, "He croaked, "Mmmmmm...I LOVE the way you suck me."

I worked on him slowly, stopping several times when I felt him getting close. He was getting desperate to cum and his body thrashed around, trying to get me to finish him.

"Make me cum Jordan," He pleaded, "Please...I can't stand it...You're driving me NUTS!"

I started deep throating him, licking his balls while my mouth was fastened snugly around the base of his throbbing cock. I slipped a finger into his tight ass hole and he grunted as it sank into him. The little rascal must have prelubed himself while he was waiting, since I put two, then three fingers in him with ease.

Finger fucking him rapidly, I kept rubbing his prostate, making his gasp and clench his ass around my fingers. My mouth was sucking his cock from base to tip.

"Oh...Oh...Oh...Fuck...Fuck...Oh Yeah...Yeah...Yeah," He grunted. "Mmmmm...Ooooo...I'm getting close...REAL close...OH I'm... I'm Cumming Jordan...I'm cumming." His hips were frozen in mid-air...His cock jerked several times, swelling, then...His sweet nectar blasted into my mouth coating my tongue and making me swallow several times.

His body just sorta collapsed as his climax ebbed. He let out a huge breath.

My fingers were still in his ass, and I was still milking his deflating cock.

"Mmmmm...Ooooo...Easy Jordan," He groaned, " You've got my dick so sensitive, I can't take it. I'm ready for you to fuck me now...Please?"

I guided him off the block and turned him around, "Bend over the block from your waist," I said hoarsely, "Lay your head flat on the towel. My cock is so hard it hurts! I can't WAIT to slide it in you!"

Randy bent over and his ass was at just the right height and angle to allow me to slip my seven inches into him and bottom out against his sweet little ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh...I've been waiting to feel that...Ohhhh...Mmmm...Mmmm...God you fuck me good Jordan,"He sighed. "I wish we could do this all night!"

"Me too, Baby,"I replied, "Mmmm...Mmmm...I love to fuck you...Your tight little ass makes my cock feel so good...You're really getting good at milking it with your muscles."

I was fucking Randy with a nice slow steady rhythm. I was enjoying the sound my cock was making as it moved in and out of him. He was wiggling and rotating his ass, feeling my dick rubbing against his prostate.

"Mmmmm...Your cock is sliding in and out of my ass real easy now," He groaned. "I really like this feeling...Geez...I'm hard again...Don't stop...Keep fucking me...Oooo...Just...Unnnggh...Just like...Ahhh...Like THAT...Yesssss!"

I pulled his hips toward me, so that I could reach around his hips and stroke his throbbing cock while I kept up the steady fucking rhythm.

We had been going at it for almost thirty minutes and my dick felt like a steel rod. Randy's ass was nice and slick and it was making slurping sounds when my cock pulled back.

Finally, my climax wouldn't be denied. "Babe, I'm getting close," I said. "I'm gonna cum in you soon...Do you want my cum?"

"Oh Yesss, Jordan...Please cum in me. It really turns me on to know that MY ass...My teen ass can make an adult shoot his load."

"You KNOW you make me hot, Babe," I groaned as I felt my cum churning in my balls. "You are SO sexy...Ahhhh...OK...I'm gonna cum...Gonna cum in you...Here it is...Oh Yesss...You're making me cum...Unnnggh...Yesss...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Oh I love it...Unnnggh!"

I must have spurted six or seven huge shots in his clenching ass. He really was milking my dick, getting every drop.

When I finally stopped flooding his ass, I hugged him close, resting my chest on his back as I tried to stay buried in him. His cock was still hard, so I knew he hadn't cum.

My dripping cock slipped out of him and I turned him around. I put my hands on his waist and boosted him up so he was sitting on the concrete block, with his legs still spread. His boy cock was throbbing and bouncing in time with his rapid heartbeat.

I leaned over and mashed my lips against his open mouth, ramming my tongue inside. Randy sucked on it and hugged me close. I slowly stroked his dick, as our kiss continued. We were both moaning.

"Would you like to cum again Baby Boy?" I gasped as I moved my mouth from his. "Would you like for me to suck your sweet little dick and make you cum?"

"Yes, PLEASE," He groaned, "Suck my cock and make me cum Jordan...Please!"

I went down on him an inch at a time, savoring the taste of his honey sweet juice. The head of his cock looked dark in the dim light, filtering down from the arcade above. I fondled his balls while I sucked firmly on the entire shaft of his cock. I ran my tongue over the underside of his length.

Randy began to breath raggedly and his hips were jerking as he rushed toward his climax.

"Ahhhhh...Her it comes Jordan...Keep sucking me...I'm gonna cum...Don't stop...Ahhhhh...Yesss," Now...NOW...Uggggghhh...NOW, NOW, NOW!"

I moved up and down rapidly on his dick as his cum flooded my mouth. I swallowed his delicious seed and pumped his cock for every drop.

His cock was very sensitive now, after cumming for the second time. He lay against the steel piling and sighed.

"That was the best so far, Jordan," He said with a tired grin on his face.

"It WAS...Wasn't it?" I replied, "How did you find out about this place?"

"I met a guy in the arcade the other night," He said. "He was my age and lives nearby. We got to talking about...Things. One thing led to another and he asked me if I would like to see a place we could go and have some fun. He brought me here and...after a while, we started fooling around. I sucked him off, then he went down on ME."

"Did he make you cum?" I asked.

"Well...Yeah," Randy said, "FINALLY...After he sucked me for a long time. I enjoyed cumming, but he didn't make me feel as good as YOU do. He was rough and just didn't seem to know much about it."

"Well," I teased, "There's an old saying...'The WORST blow job I ever got was WONDERFUL'."

Randy laughed, "Yeah, I guess...But YOU always seem to know just what makes me go crazy. When YOU make me cum, it's like...Like...Fireworks going off..Like the Fourth of July!"

"I'm glad you like how I do you Baby," I said. "You make me want to do everything I can to make you feel good!"

I looked at my watch and saw we had been going at each other for over an hour.

"C'mon Babe," I said, "Let's get dressed and I'll walk you home. I've kept you out past your curfew, so we'll tell your Mom that I ran into you at the arcade and we got involved in a game and lost track of the time."

"That's Cool," He replied as he slipped into his clothes. "How soon can we do it again?"

"Hey," I laughed, "I'm an OLD man here...You want to KILL me?"

"Maybe just put you in a coma," He retorted. Damn...Had I found the spawn of Gerald?

I grabbed him and gave him a 'nuggie". He giggled and struggled, finally promising to be good.

"We already KNOW you're 'Good'," I teased, "But we'd better keep WHAT you're good at just between us!" There...Take THAT wise ass!"

When we arrived at Randy's condo, Beth opened the door. Her face showed surprise at seeing me, but lit up with a warm smile. I gave her the excuse we had contrived and she seemed satisfied.

She shooed Randy on to his room to shower and get ready for bed. We had a few moments to ourselves and Beth pulled me into the privacy of the entrance hallway.

"I wish you could stay," She whispered. "I'd love to have you take me to bed." She looked around before quickly pressing her lips to mine.

"Saturday can't get here FAST enough! I want to feel you inside me again."

"I can't wait for that either," I replied. "Now...Let me get out of here, before I embarrass us both."

I kissed her quickly and she let me out the door.

When I got home, I showered and retired to the Great Room for a nightcap and thought about Saturday.

End Of Part Fifteen. Part Sixteen to follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 16

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