After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Nov 13, 2006


This story is totally fictional, although it uses the characters from my previous story 'Caribbean Cruise', located in the Gay Male/Encounters Section. It is my first story with a bisexual theme..But...Since I like women also, I wanted to try it out. The story will have it's share of guy sex also, as well as even a few straight guy/girl scenes. I hope you will enjoy the continuing adventures of Jordan Bentley. Many of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just remember...ALWAYS practice safe sex in REAL life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Fourteen

Today was Thursday. I was still feeling the effects of last night's sex with Spencer and the voracious Katrina. I felt like I had been run through the ringer.

I was tired, but not sleepy. I was considering what I wanted to do when the telephone rang. It was my friend Travis Singletary...The owner of the charter boat service. It had been his boat that Gerald, Betty and I had borrowed to go fishing.

"Hey Buddy," His disgustingly cheerful voice echoed in my ear, "How would you like to get in a little fishing today? I got a couple of beginners who want to try for some Marlin."

"Why ME?" I asked, "Where's Luke?" Luke was his partner and first to speak, who usually accompanied him on trips.

"He's out of town on business. C'mon, Guy...I could use your help."

"OK...OK," I agreed, "Shall I meet you at the boat?"

"Actually, I'm just a couple of blocks away. Had to pick up some supplies. I'll swing by and pick you up...Say, twenty minutes?"

I hung up and quickly donned a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I slipped on a comfortable pair of sneakers and grabbed a baseball cap, just as the doorbell rang.

As Travis and I were driving to the marina, I asked him who his passengers were.

"Some rich dude and his young girlfriend," He said, "From New York. He's some kind of corporate big wig...Something to do with banking. He's down here with his pretty little play toy, while the wife is on a separate trip to Europe. She's some kind of buyer in the fashion industry.

"Have EITHER one of them ever been fishing?" I asked.

"Nope...That's why I need your help. I can't steer the boat and wet nurse them at the same time."

"Wonderful," I grumbled, "Just what I need...A pansy-assed 'executive' and his spoiled rotten mistress!"

"Cheer up," Travis said laughing. "He seems like a fairly likable guy...For such a wealthy Dude. If nothing else, you'll enjoy staring at the 'eye candy' he's brought with him.

When we arrived at the marina, Travis parked his truck and we quickly unloaded the supplies.

"Ungh," I groaned as I struggled with one of the cartons, "What the Hell's IN these anyway...Lead?"

"Would you believe six bottles of champagne and five dozen oysters on ice?"

"You're kidding," I replied in astonishment.

"For real," He laughed, "Our extremely well-paying customer says he ONLY goes First Class. He's paying me DOUBLE the normal rate for a little 'extra' service.

We loaded everything on board, stowing the champagne and oysters in the large refrigerator in the main lounge.

Just as we finished Travis elbowed me and pointed, "Here come our passengers."

I looked up and saw a fiftyish guy and what looked like something right out of Veronica's Secret.

The girl walking beside the man had a pair of legs that started just under her armpits and ended in a pair of stiletto heels at least five inches high. A pair of ample tits were bouncing around in the bikini top like two pigs fighting in a tow sack! Her shorts looked like they were painted on her.

The guy looked fit enough and his tanned legs looked fairly toned. His chest and abs looked ripped in a tight fitting knit shirt and he wore a floppy golf hat with some country club name across the front.

He hopped on board, ignoring his companion, who looked a little unstable on the stilts masquerading as shoes on her feet. I quickly offered my hand, which she gratefully accepted. She smiled at me and, I thought...Squeezed my hand a little tighter and longer than necessary.

"Thank you Kind Sir," She said in a sexy voice that would have melted a block of ice.

"Will you show them below to the master cabin, while I get us under way?" Travis asked.

The powerful engines roared to life and we were moving before the two guests reached the bottom of the stairs leading from the spacious deck lounge to the sleeping quarters below..

The woman fell back as the boat's acceleration caught her off guard. I managed to catch her under the arms as her body crashed into mine. I got an unexpected handful of those tits and couldn't help but squeeze, feeling their firmness.

The guy never looked back, but disappeared into the cabin, leaving me with a delightful handful of mammaries.

I tried to apologize and disengage out bodies, but she seemed to press against my hands. She glanced over her shoulder and gave me a smoldering look...Smiling, as I helped her to her feet.

"I...Err...Sorry...I didn't mean to...Ah" I stuttered.

"Don't worry about it," She whispered, "I just didn't expect to get 'acquainted'...So quickly. Anyway, thank you again...but I think you can let go of my boobs now!"

I jerked my hands away, blushing and stuttering, "Oh...I...Uh...I didn't realize..." Damn! I seem to have developed a penchant for sounding like a babbling idiot around attractive women.

She laughed merrily as she walked to the cabin door...Glancing back over her shoulder and winking.

I hurried back up on deck to try and regain SOME semblance of sanity. Travis was at the controls on the bridge and gave me a strange look.

"What's with YOU?" He asked, "You look like you just won the lottery!"

"Maybe I just DID!" I answered.

"'d better get that thing under control before Mr. Big-shot sees you!" He said, nodding toward the tent in my shorts.

"Fuck you asshole," I chided him, "You're just jealous!"

"Jealous!" He laughed, "Of WHAT? I don't sweat the 'SMALL' things!"

I threw a bait fish at him.

When our two passengers reappeared, the guy had changed into a more casual pair of shorts and shirt. The woman had just removed her shorts to reveal a very brief bikini bottom. Thankfully, she had changed out of the ridiculous heels into a sensible pair of sneakers.

"Folks...This is my good friend Jordan Bentley," Travis said, "He agreed to come along today to help out."

"Yes," The woman remarked, "He's already shown his ability to...'Help'." The tip of her tongue appeared and ran across her parted lips.

The man reached his hand out and introduced himself, "Garland Anderson here...And this is my...Ah...'Assistant'...Beverly."

I shook his hand and said, "Glad to have you aboard. I hope we can show you an enjoyable day."

He nodded, then moved to stand beside Travis and peer out at the scenery.

Beverly extended her hand and said in her sultry voice, "I think it could be a VERY enjoyable day...It sure has STARTED out that way."

I gulped as she scrapped a fingernail across my palm and said in a slightly shaky voice, "If..If There's anything you need, just let me know." As soon as the words left my mouth, I KNEW I had just stuck my foot in it again.

"She grinned and said, "I'm sure I'll be able to find SOMETHING you can help me with." She was still holding my hand. Finally, she released me and went to sit in one of the deck chairs.

We reached the area Travis had chosen and I took over the controlls. I set up a trolling pattern, steering the boat in a rectangular sweep over the area.

Travis helped Garland get set up and showed him how to use the fighting chair. Hooks were baited and lines cast overboard. One of the bottles of champagne was beside the chair. A second was with Beverly.

She had spread her matt out on the forward deck and was laying on her stomach getting some sun. Her top lay beside her. She was situated where I could see her through the large window at the front of the bridge. I noticed that she was also watching ME.

For the next hour, we trolled lazily back and forth. Garland hooked one Marlin, but his inexperience allowed the fish to snap the line and escape.

Beverly had been glancing at me on and off for the entire time. Now, she raised up, giving me a look at her pendulous breasts. They were capped by small very light pink areolas, and slightly darker nipples, which were standing up rigidly.

She smiled at me and ran a hand over one of the globes, pausing to tweak her nipple. She licked her lips as she showed no embarrassment at the show she was putting on. She turned directly toward me and leaned back on her elbows, thrusting those gorgeous tits forward.

Finally, Travis came forward. Beverly quickly turned back onto her stomach. "Keep your mind on business," He chuckled.

"Oh, It's DEFINITELY on business alright," I laughed. "Whats up with the Old Man and The Sea?"

"We've decided the Marlin aren't running," He said, "So I suggested we head for some prime fishing grounds and do a little stationary bottom fishing. I'll take over...See if you can keep your dick under control long enough to ask if Beverly...Whatever her name is, needs anything...And I DON'T mean what you're thinking!"

I shot him an innocent and hurt look, but he was right...My cock was becoming a problem.

Beverly looked up as I approached. "Hi Handsome," She said, "Did you like what you saw?"

"You KNOW I did," I replied, "I not dead...Just old!"

"You don't look 'Old' to ME," She cooed, "I'm sure there's still plenty of fire left in the boiler."

Glancing at my crotch, she grinned and said, "As a matter of fact, I'm SURE about that."

Looking down, I was horrified to see the very prominent lump on display.

"You're quite a tease, aren't you?" I stammered as I tried to cover the embarrassing display.

"I NEVER tease," She whispered demurely.

"Hmmmm," I mumbled, "I just came by to see if there was anything you needed." Ooops! I knew I had done it again.

"That depends," Beverly teased, still staring at my boner, "What exactly did you have in mind?" MAN, I was suffering from a terminal case of Foot-In-Mouth disease for SURE.

I shook my head, bringing on a deep throaty laugh from her.

"Well, since I can't have what I REALLY want...For NOW...Could you bring me some of Garland's precious oysters? I feel I need to keep my...'Strength' up!"

By the time I had brought her a platter of the oysters and refreshed her drink, we had arrived at Travis' spot and dropped anchor.

Garland was relaxing in the chair, enjoying his own meal of the oysters and champagne. He offered some to Travis and me, which surprised me.

"Thanks, but I'm driving," Travis said. "The Coast Guard doesn't take kindly to BUI's."

Garland's eyebrows perked up, "BUI's?" He repeated.

"BOATING Under The Influence," Travis explained. "I could face a heavy fine and possibly loose my license. Thanks for offering though."

"Whatever you say," Garland replied, "How 'bout YOU, Jordan?"

"Thanks," I said, waiving my bottle, "I'll stay with my beer...But I'll take you up on the oysters."

"Help yourself," He said, "Plenty for everybody."

I enjoyed a quick snack, then headed below to use the head in the smaller of the three cabins.

Just as I finished my business, I was washing my hands, when I heard the door open. "How are our guest?" I asked, thinking it was Travis, "Do they need something?"

"Well," A soft female voice purred, "I can think of ONE thing I need! Think you can help with it?"

I spun around to see Beverly standing there smiling.

"Oh...I Err...I thought it was Travis," I said. I gulped as I watched her lean against the door and heard the lock snap closed.

She slowly closed the space between us, until her tits contacted my chest. She was looking dreamily up into my eyes, her lips parted slightly.

'Dammit...She wants to be kissed,' I thought, 'Well...I AM here to serve'. I took her in my arms and mashed my lips to hers.

Beverly groaned deep in her throat and her arms circled my neck...Her tongue insistent. She ground her pelvis against my cock which had regained it's full dimensions.

I tore my mouth away long enough to gasp, "What would Garland do if he caught us?"

"Not as much as he would do if he caught us in the next few minutes," She whispered hoarsely as she groped my hardness. "Anyway, stop worrying...Garland likes GUYS!"

Seeing the look on my face, she went on to explain, "Garland keeps me around for image. There's NOTHING sexual between us."

"But...But...He's MARRIED," I stammered as I responded to her touch. My hand found one of her breasts. I untied her top and it fell to the floor.

"Mmmmmm...Nice," She groaned as my fingers rolled her nipple, "It's a marriage in name ONLY. Judy Anderson is a flaming DYKE! She has a ready stable of women at her beck and call."

"Including YOU?" I asked.

"No," She replied, " But NOT because she hasn't TRIED! Now...Shut up and take care of me...We don't have much time!" Her bikini bottom was held together by a string tied on each hip. She quickly removed it and stood naked.

She had my shorts undone and around my ankles in a flash...My underwear followed.

"Ahhhh...Just what I needed," She moaned as she dropped to her knees and swallowed my dick. Her lips slid up and down the length of my pole and caused me to stifle a groan. Trying to keep quiet while I was experiencing such pleasure took all my willpower.

I let her have her fun for a while, then reached under her arms and raised her up. "MY turn," I gasped.

The small bunk was only a few feet away, so I backed her up until she was leaning against the edge. I sucked on her nipples until they were as hard as nails. Beverly bit her lip to keep from crying out.

I didn't take as much time as I would have liked to, under the circumstances. I dropped to my knees and plunged my face into her pussy. A deep groan rumbled in her throat, but she managed not to scream.

Her juices were flowing and I lapped them up. I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and tortured it with my tongue and teeth.

"Urrrggh...Oh Yesssssss," Beverly whispered in a husky whisper," Eat me Jordan...Oh Yesss!"

Her hips jerked and twisted as I kept up my tactics. I was rewarded with her sharp intake of breath. Her body shuddered as she orgasmed.

As soon as the convulsions ended, she turned her back to me and bent over the bed. "Hurry Lover," She moaned, "I want your cock inside me."

I moved behind her and guided my dick to her dripping portal. When she felt it penetrate her outer lips, she hissed and pushed back against me. I wanted to enjoy the feel of her molten tunnel, but we could be interrupted at any moment. The danger of discovery seemed to spur us on and I began to fuck her in earnest. My hips slapped against her ass, and she grunted with each thrust.

Her steamy cunt sucked my cock and squeezed it in a velvety glove. I was trying to hold off until I made her cum again.

"Mmpph...Unnnggh...Unnnggh," She groaned, "Oh Yess...I'm close...Just keep on...Ohhhh...I'm there, Jordan...I'm cumming!"

I felt her pussy contract, then began rapidly clenching as her orgasm swept over her.

My own climax joined her and my cum erupted into her depths.

We both were struggling not to scream out loud, but it was impossible to keep totally silent in the midst of our bliss. We both groaned and thrashed as our pleasures slowly subsided.

Beverly turned into my arms and we kissed passionately.

When we broke apart, we were both breathing raggedly. Looking at each other, we couldn't help but laugh at the suddenness of our passion.

Beverly bent and retrieved the two small pieces of her bikini, quickly slipping into them, as I slipped back into my own clothes.

"That was...MARVELOUS," She whispered as she raised up on tiptoe to kiss me again, "I NEEDED that more than you can imagine!"

Feeling pretty cocky, I teased, "My job is to serve Ma'am...Glad I could be of assistance!"

Beverly looked up in shock, then...Seeing the big grin on my face, grabbed a pillow and threw it at me.

I charged her and took her in my arms again. "Beverly...What we just shared was...VERY special to me...You are quite a lady...And ALL woman!" I kissed her soft mouth gently.

"We'd better get back on deck," She whispered...Her voice still thick and husky, "Before I decide to throw you down and ravish you again!"

"Promises...Promises," I said and slapped her on her cute ass as she turned to unlock the door.

"Ouch...Brute," She giggled.

She went to stand beside Garland, while I tinkered with gear on the bridge. Travis looked up at me and shook his head.

"Jordan...You are something ELSE!" He whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"It's a damn good thing it was ME who decided to see where you had gotten off to. The sounds you two were making were loud enough to scare the fish! I can't BELIEVE you were boffing Garland's 'assistant', right under his nose!"

He was right, of course...I let my smaller head do my thinking. It would have been very...Embarrassing if it HAD been Garland.

The afternoon passed without further incident. Garland managed to catch a couple of Grouper and had caused some excitement when he landed a five foot shark. His face was still flushed from the rush of adrenaline.

We decided to head back for shore. The trip would take a couple of hours, so Garland announced he was going to his cabin to shower and freshen up. Beverly returned to the front deck to sun some more, but this time kept her bikini top on.

Travis was piloting the boat, when the intercom beside him buzzed. Garland's voice came over, asking if one of us would bring another bottle of champagne to his cabin.

I grabbed one from the refrigerator and headed below decks. I knocked on the door and his voice said to come it.

When I stepped in, I was greeted by the sight of Garland naked, drying off with a towel.

"Oh...I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to intrude."

"Don't worry," He quipped, throwing the towel over his shoulder, " I'm sure you've seen a naked guy before."

He wasn't the least bit shy as he walked over to me to take the bottle from my hands. His athletic body was still damp from the shower and his cock was not completely flaccid. It hung from a thick bush over a pair of hairless balls and swayed as he moved.

He noticed the direction of my stare and grinned. "Guess the excitement of catching that shark got me a little turned on."

"So I see," I mumbled, "I...I'd better go."

I turned toward the door but Garland quickly said, "Wait...Don't...Don't go...Please...Stay!"

His voice had a hint of urgency. When I turned, I saw his cock was a little larger than before.

"Please," He repeated, "I'd love some company. Won't you join me in a drink?"

"I guess I don't have to get back right away," I said with a slight catch in MY voice. Even though it had barely been three hours since my frantic coupling with Beverly, I felt my cock start to swell. For the first time, I took a good look at the New Yorker.

Garland stood a little over 6 feet. His hair was wet from the shower, but was thick and dark brown. He had very little body hair, except for his lower arms and legs...And of course the thick bush surrounding his cock.

There was a small sofa in the cabin, which I took as I accepted the glass of champagne he poured. Our eyes met for a moment, before he glanced away. He sat on the edge of the bed and we sipped our drinks.

"Sorry I haven't had much of a chance to talk to you," He said, "Travis pretty much kept me busy."

"I understand," I replied. I shifted in my seat, trying to adjust my cock that was almost fully hard now. Garland's cock was hidden by the angle at which he was sitting, and I wondered if he was also hiding a boner.

"So," He said, "Do you do this for a living?"

"No," I answered, "I'm retired and live alone. I just help Travis out occasionally."

"Well," He said, somewhat thickly, "I...I'm glad you came along today."

"Oh...Why's THAT?" I asked.

"Err...Well...It's just that...Travis is so...So business oriented, while YOU seem to be more...Uhh...Open minded."

"Open Minded," I asked confused, "What do you mean?"

He was obviously struggling to say something. Finally, he turned toward me and I could see he was...Indeed...Fully hard. His cock was about 6 to 7 inches and cut, with a nice mushroom head and a straight, smooth shaft. He was leaking pre cum.

"I...I can see you seem to be...Ah...'Interested'," He said softly, nodding at my obvious erection. "If I'm wrong...If I've offended you, I apologize and would understand if you wanted to punch me."

"I'm NOT offended," I replied, "And you're NOT wrong. I like what I see between your legs."

"Would you like to...Ahh..." He said hesitatingly.

"Yes...I WOULD," I said and rose from the sofa to walk over to him. I reached for his cock and pressed my lips to his.

His eyes opened wide in surprise, but closed quickly and his lips opened to accept my tongue.

I laid him back on the bed and moved to take his cock in my mouth. I swabbed the head with my tongue as my hand slowly stroked his shaft.

"Ohhhhhhh," He gasped, "Yesssss...Mmmmm...Oh Yesssss...That feels SO good...Suck me!"

I swallowed his cock completely, letting my nose nuzzle his bush and my tongue dance over the underside of his shaft.

"Oh GOD," He groaned, "You do that so well...Your mouth feels so nice." His hips pumped his dick into my mouth as his head was rolling from side to side.

I managed to drop my shorts and briefs while I continued to suck him. I had to pull off to get my shirt over my head. Garland stared at my cock as I stood there naked.

"Mmmmmm...Come up here beside me," He whispered, "Let me suck YOU too."

We moved into a 69 and sucked each other. My hands were on his ass pulling him deeper into my mouth.

We were groaning so loud, I was afraid Travis might hear us. He did not know about my recent discovery of gay sex and I'm not sure he would accept it. However, there wasn't much chance of hiim interrupting us, since he was busy piloting the boat.

Garland put a hand on my ass and ran his fingers over and into my crack. When he found my wrinkled pucker, he teased the rosebud.

I groaned louder, and pushed against his finger, feeling my hole open and accept the intrusion. He began to finger fuck me while he sucked my cock.

He must have realized I enjoyed ass play, so he moved his mouth down over my balls, licking my preineum, then pushing his tongue into my crack.

I felt him urge me to roll over onto my stomach. He quickly spread my legs and my body jerked as I felt his tongue run the length of my crack, then circle the hole.

"Mmmmm...I like that Garland," I hissed, "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Oh Yessss," He whispered, " I'd love to get in your ass. Let me get some lube."

He reached for his bag beside the bed and rumaged around for a moment. He brought out a bottle of liquid KY and squeezed a few drops into my crack, coating the rosebud.

His fingers slid easily into my tunnel, and I humped my ass against them.

When he had my ass relaxed, he coated his dick with the slick liquid. I could hear the wet sounds his fist made as he smeared the length of his spear with it.

I put a pillow under my hips so my butt was sticking up nicely. I looked over my shoulder and said, "Fuck me!" Garland moved between my spread legs and I felt him put the tip of his cock against my entrance.

When he pushed, I raised up on my elbows and moved my head back. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," I groaned as I felt his entire length slowly slide into my tunnel. I clenched my ass around his cock as he held still, enjoying the warn tightness.

His cock was a good size...Big enough for me to feel stuffed, but small enough to be able to suck easily. I milked him with my inner muscles.

"Ohhhhh...Yessss...Your ass is squeezing my dick...Oooooooo...That's NIIICEEE!"

"Mmmmmmm," I groaned, "It IS... Now take me for a ride."

Garland began a slow rhythmatic movement, pulling almost out, then slowly pushing back in. I could feel EVERY inch as he fed it to me so slowly. I rotated my hips and clenced on him. making him shudder. He kept the maddening slow pace going until I thought I would never get him to cum.

"Faster...Fuck me faster," I groaned.

"I don't want to cum too quickly," He gasped, "I love being inside you and I want it to last."

"Mmmmmmm...You're driving me nuts," I told him. "I want to feel you plow my ass. Give it to me...Cum in me...Please...FUCK me HARD!"

His thrusts sped up, spurred on by my words. "Oh Yeah," He groaned, "Gonna fuck you hard...Gonna fuck your ass...Oh MAN, Jordan...You've got one sweet ass!"

"Ahhhhhhhh...Yessssss," I hissed through clenched teeth, "Take it...My ass is all yours...Cum in me!"

"Yeah...Oh Yeah," He grunted as his cock began jerking. "Quick...get up on your hands and knees."

I did as he requested. As an afterthought, I grabbed the towel he had been using to dry off and placed it under my groin. I was about to cum and I didn't want to have to explain to Travis how cum stains got on his sheets.

Garland was standing at the edge of the bed now. His hands were holding my hips as he started long dicking me. I grunted every time his hips slapped against my ass. He moved one hand around to grasp my dick and jack it as he fucked my ass.

After a few minutes of non-stop frantic fucking, he groaned and whispered, "Ohhhhh...Man...I'm gonna cum...Are you ready?"

"I'm ready," I moaned, "I'm cumming...NOW...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!" My cum boiled out the tip of my cock, saturating the towel. I was surprised at the volume, since I had cum so much in Beverly.

Garland slammed into me one last time and froze. I felt his cock spurt and his white hot cum coated the insides of my chute.

He stayed in me until his cock softened and plopped wetly out. I felt cum running down the inside of my legs, so I used the towell to wipe them clean.

Garland moved to sit on the sofa. "Wow!" He exclaimed, "I hadn't cum in over a week. I sure had a load stored up."

"Boy...I'll SAY," I laughed. "Feels like my teeth are floating. I need to get to the the bathroom and empty my tank."

Garland also laughed and said, "Help yourself. I'll hop in the shower while you're doing that."

When we had cleaned up and dressed, he took a moment to say,"Thank you Jordan...For EVERYTHING. I really enjoyed that."

"No more than I did," I replied. I wish we could have taken more time with the preliminaries...I wouldn't mind having more time to suck that cock of yours."

He walked to the door, unlocking it and kissing me again before opening it. "Thanks again," He whispered.

As I walked up the stairs, Beverly was just coming down. She smiled and brushed her body against mine as we passed.

"I wish we could do it again," She whispered, "I'm all wet."

If only she KNEW! Thank goodness Travis yelled down that we were entering the channel, leading to the marina.

We docked and were just finishing tying off to the pier, when Garland and Beverly appeared. Garland gave Travis a generous tip.

"I hope you two enjoyed your trip," Travis said, "We'd enjoy having you again."

"It was a wonderful day," Garland said, glancing at me.

"It certainly WAS," Beverly chimed in..ALSO glancing at me, "I can't remember WHEN I've had so much fun!" I blushed...Travis coughed.

She shook my hand as I helped her step onto the pier. I caught her wink as she let go of my hand.

Garland offered his hand, and when I took it, he pressed a small piece of paper and some money into my palm. I quickly transfered the money to my shirt pocket. The paper contained his address and phone number.

"If you ever get to New York, give me a call," He said, "I'll be happy to show you...'Around'."

I got the double meaning and nodded I understood.

As we watched them depart, I pulled the greenbacks out of my pocket. I was astonished to see two one hundred dollar bills! I almost dropped them. I quickly transfered them to my bag.

"Well," Travis muttered as he came to stand beside me. "I guess YOU sure enjoyed the day!"

"Oh...It had it's moments. Can I help it if I'm irresistable?" I said smugly.

Suddenly, Travis gave me a shove and I went tumbling ass over teakettle...Over the stern of the boat and splashed very ungainly into the water.

I came up spitting out water and sputtered, "What the HELL was THAT for?"

Travis was laughing as he said, "I felt you were getting to big for your britches. You were acting like you thought you were some kind of a god...SOOOO, I thought I'd see if you could walk on water...Guess NOT!"

He reached his hand down to help me climb back on board. When I got my feet anchored on the small platform used for recovering scuba divers, I yanked hard and Travis yelped as HE went tumbling into the water.

When he surfaced, I said, "That will teach you to mess with a god!"

Luckily, we had a dry change of clothes in our bags. After we dressed, Travis drove me back to my place, promising to get back at me for the dunking.

"You needed a bath anyway," I quipped. "Even if it AIN'T Saturday yet!"

As he drove away, he shot me a bird. Travis ALWAYS had to get in the last word...Or gesture.

I laughed as I unlocked my door and walked in.

My answering machine had several messages. I punched the button to listen.

"Hi Lover," (Charlie's voice), "I can't Wait until tomorrow evening. I've got a lot of (Her voice lowered to a whisper) A LOT of pussy for you to take care of. You can get me warmed up for Saturday!"

Oh LORD! I hadn't had as much sex in my entire LIFE as I had experienced in the last six weeks or so. It didn't appear that anything was about to change either. I just hoped my 47 year old body could survive!

The second message..."Hello Jordan,"(Beth's voice), "Sorry to have to tell you this...But Greg got an emergency call from his office. He had to fly back to Little Rock this morning. The kids and I will stay here for another two weeks. He's not sure how long he'll be gone, or if he will even be able to get back. Anyway...I hope you don't mind...But I'd still like to come over Saturday and meet Charlie."

I was disappointed that I wouldn't get to sample Greg's cock again, but Beth's next words sent a thrill up my spine.

"One more thing...Since Greg won't be there...There's no reason why you and I can't...You know. See you Saturday...(Her voice also dropped to a whisper)...I'm all wet, thinking about it!"

The third message..."Hey Jordan!" (Randy's voice), "Dad had to fly home. Mom and the rest of us will be here two more weeks. I want to get with you again as many times as we can. Could you meet me beneath the pier at the arcade tonight...around ten? I've got a hard on and you sure know how to take care of it...Bye!" That kid was turning into a sex machine.

I wondered if I had any of those little blue pills left. My doctor had prescribed them after my wife died, hoping they would make me want to get back into the swing of things.

"Something tells me I'm gonna NEED at least ONE of those magic bullets if I'm going to tangle with Randy tonight," I muttered, "Also, I'd better get some rest!"

End Of Part Fourteen. Part Fifteen to follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 15

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