After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Nov 9, 2006


This story is totally fictional, although it uses the characters from 'Caribbean Cruise', located in the Gay Male/Encounters Section. It is my first story containing a bisexual theme, but...Since I DO like women also...I wanted to give it a try. I hope the readers who followed the previous story, enjoy the continuing adventures of Jordan Bentley. Some of the sexual themes do not portray safe sex, but this IS fiction. Just remember...ALWAYS practice safe sex in REAL life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Thirteen

Three days after Beth's 'visit', I was laying on my towel on the beach when Greg, Beth and the kids also arrived. Beth gave me a smoldering look which I returned. I wanted her to know I was remembering our passionate lovemaking.

Greg also winked at me, bringing back some pleasant memories of HIS naked body. We had been able to sneak in a 'quickie' a couple of nights ago.

Randy had not been able to get back for a repeat, although he had said he wanted to. He smiled at me when no one was looking and subtly groped his package for me.

Misty and Peter were the only two members of this family I had NOT had sex with. Now Peter was DEFINITELY not in my age range of interest. I felt guilty enough about shagging the teenagers on the private beach, owned by the cruise line, as well as having been with Randy, but I was NOT into eleven year old who had not even gone through puberty yet.

Now Misty...She was a different story. At sixteen, she had her Mom's looks and her body was filling out nicely. Her breasts were just starting to bud, but her legs had the same long and shapely look as Beth's. All in all a delicious looking girl. My loins stirred as I thought of what it would be like to...Ah! Jordan! Get your mind out of the gutter. There was NO reason to believe Misty was anything but the innocent young girl she appeared to be.

We had been chatting for a couple of hours when Randy announced he needed to use the restroom. I knew for a fact that they were located quite a ways down the beach, so I offered to let him use the bathroom at MY place.

"Thanks Jordan," He said, "Would you mind showing me where it is?" His statement sounded innocent enough, but the look on his face that only I could see said something different.

"Uhh...SURE Randy," I said, "I need to get some more beer anyway. Let's go."

We hopped up and headed up the steps to my patio. Randy was smiling as he whispered, "I was hoping you would get the hint. Could we maybe have another go at it?"

"We won;t have much time," I whispered back, "It will have to be a 'quickie'."

"I just need to get off," He groaned, tugging on his cock. "I've jacked off a dozen times, remembering how good it felt when you fucked me. I want to suck you again."

My dick was fully erect by the time we got into the house. Randy wasted no time in dropping to his knees in front of me and pulling my trunks down over my raging boner. He licked the head to get the precum and then swallowed my rod.

"Ahhhhhh...Damn the feels good," I groaned, "You are really good at this." I pumped my hips into his sucking mouth while he played with my balls. I was so turned on by the spontanuity of the act, that I was about to cum already.

"Ohhhh, Randy...I'm about to cum!" I groaned, "Do you want it?"

"Um huh," He murmured around my cock and sucked faster. His hands were on my ass urging me to fuck his mouth.

My cum spurted powerful jets into his waiting throat and he swallowed rapidly.

When my climax had wained, I pulled him up and kissed him...sucking on his tongue.

I pushed him into the nearest chair and grasped his trunks at the waist, pulling them down. Randy raised his hips to let me pull them off his legs. His young cock slapped up against his belly, then stood straight up.

"God you've got a beautiful cock Randy," I said as I stroked it with my hand. "I love the way it tastes and feels in my mouth. I leaned forward to suck on the head and run my tongue all around it.

"Mmmmmm...Oh Yeah," The teen groaned, "Suck it for me Jordan, " Your mouth feels SO good on it! I'm gonna cum fast too...Ahhhh...Yeah...Yeah...Oh Jeez...On Man...Yesssss."

I felt his dick swell in my hand, so I swallowed it and bobbed up and down as fast as I could. I wanted to taste his sweet spunk again.

It didn't take long. Randy's body convulsed and his hips came off the chair. He grabbed the back of my head as his cum blasted into my sucking mouth. He must have been storing it up for a while. I almost couldn't swallow fast enough.

"Oh, MAN!" He gasped, " That was AWESOME. I thought my nuts were going to come out the tip of my dick. That was great!"

"Anytime stud!" I said, kissing the tip of his cock. "Now, we'd better get back to your folks."

I grabbed a six pack out of the fridge and we headed back to the family. Greg and Beth accepted a beer and we settled down to enjoy the sun. I was still tingling from the taste of Randy's cum and wished there had been enough time to have fucked his tight little ass again. Oh Well...You take what you can get and I wasn't complaining.

The three kids decided to take a dip and ran for the water. Greg turned to me and said, "Beth and I are looking forward to tomorrow night. I can't wait to meet this Charlie of yours. I think Beth is anxious to meet her too...Right Honey?"

"She sounds exciting," Beth replied, looking at ME. "I've never been with a black lady before...I think it will be a lot of fun." She winked at me behind Greg.

The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly and we separated to wander back to our respective places. I enjoyed a light dinner and decided I wanted to try out a new lounge at one of the large hotels along the main drag.

It was about 9 o'clock when I arrived at the Blue Marlin Lounge. There was a band just getting started and the crowd was rapidly growing.

I sat at the bar and ordered a drink, then turned around to watch as several couples began to dance to the music. It was a mixed crowd, as you would expect in a tourist area. Ages ranged from barely legal to barely able to still walk.

There were several couples around my age or older that preferred the slow dances, but one or two tried their hand at the faster selections.

After about an hour, I was nursing my second drink, when one of the older guys stepped up beside me to order. "Pardon me," He said, as it was rather crowded at the bar. He gave his order and nodded at me when the bartender turned away to mix it.

"Nice crowd," He said, "You staying here?"

"No, I live nearby," I answered, "Just felt like getting out for a while. The walls were closing in."

"Yeah," He replied, "Know what you mean. My wife and I just got here yesterday. I'm Spencer, by the way...Spencer Van Olsen."

I shook the offered hand and introduced myself. His grip was firm and warm. Spencer looked to be...Late fifties...Early sixties. He was about my height and weight, and had a nice full head of hair, mostly grey, with a matching neatly trimmed moustache.

"Nice to meet you Jordan, " He said. "That's my wife Katrina," He said, pointing and waiving to an attractive woman in her fifties. She smiled and waived back. "You married?"

"My wife...Passed away about a year ago," I replied. "I live alone now."

"Oh...I'm very sorry to hear it," He said and put his hand on my arm.

His drinks arrived then. "Nice talking to you Jordan," He said. "Maybe we'll see you around.

I nodded and watched him return to his table. His wife seemed to say something to him, then glanced over at me and smiled. I tipped my glass to her.

A coupe of songs later, the band played a slow selection and I noticed Spencer and Katrina move to the floor. They danced well together and held each other close. Katrina was nicely proportioned and was dressed in a skirt that stopped just above her knees. Her lower legs looked trim and shapely in the high heels she wore. Even then, her head only reached Spencer's shoulders.

A nice pair of breasts filled out the simple silk blouse she wore. Her hair was a beautiful silver and curled just over her ears and the collar of her blouse. It was styled to accentuate her high cheekbones. She wore very little makeup, which had always appealed to me.

I watched a few more dances and had just about finished my drink. The band took a break and it was getting toward 11 o'clock. I was just about to head for home, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning, I saw it was Spencer.

"Katrina sent me over to ask if you would like to join us for a drink. I hope you will accept. We would enjoy the company."

I thought about it, then replied, "Thanks Spencer, I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense," He laughed, "Katrina would like to meet you. She asked me who the good looking guy was sitting all alone at the bar, looking lost."

I let myself be led to their table, where Katrina smiled and extended her hand. "I'm so glad you accepted our invitation." Her hand was warm and her fingers trailed slowly across my palm.

After I was seated, Spencer ordered a round of drinks. I changed to Club Soda, not wanting to get too tipsy to drive.

"Spencer told me that you live here," Katrina said. "I was so sorry to hear about you wife. You look like you miss her very much."

"Yes, especially at times like this. We used to enjoy an evening of dancing."

Just then, the band started up again, playing a nice slow tune. "Well, I love to dance too," Katrina said, "Would you like to dance with me Jordan?"

"It would be my pleasure," I said taking her hand and leading her onto the floor. She came easily into my arms and molded her slim body to mine. I could feel the heat of her body radiating through the layers of clothes between us.

As we danced, Katrina kept moving in closer as she adjusted to my steps. Her breasts were snugly mashed against my chest. I was started to get an erection and attempted to move away, but Katrina smiled and held me in tightly.

"Mmmmmm...I enjoy knowing I can still get a man's 'attention', at my age, especially a handsome young man like you." She began to subtly grind her mound against my growing hardness.

I swallowed and whispered hoarsely, "You are a very attractive woman Katrina. ANY man would be foolish to not see that. I certainly can see...And FEEL that."

She laughed deep in her throat and put her head on my shoulder. "Ohhh...You feel GOOD Jordan. I haven't had a Man...A young VIRILE man say sweet things like that for too long."

"Spencer doesn't tell you things like that?" I asked.

"Spencer is a dear," Katrina replied, "But he IS sixty three. We still enjoy being together, but I'm afraid he doesn't totally fulfill me now...IF you know what I mean." Her hips gave a small push, rubbing her mound over my cock.

I gently kissed her cheek and whispered, "That's too bad...A sexy lady like you SHOULD get everything a man can give her."

"Mmmmmmm...Could YOU give that to me Jordan?" She whispered in my ear. "You've got me wet."

"What about Spencer," I asked.

"Spencer likes to watch," She replied. "Sometimes he even joins in. I'd better warn you though...He sometimes will...Err...Not discriminate between WHO he plays with. Would that...Bother you?"

"As long as I could have the pleasure of playing with YOU, I believe I could M...Manage it OK." I answered.

"How would you like to join us in our room?" Katrina murmured, "We're staying here in the hotel."

"I would like that very much Katrina. You've got me hot and bothered." I leaned in close to let here feel my hard cock and whispered, "I want to get you naked and eat your sweet pussy!"

"Oooooooo...You say such NAUGHTY things," She gasped as my hips ground into her mound. "Let's get off this dance floor before I attack you right here."

We headed back to the table. I followed close behind her to hide my bulging pants. Spencer, however, noticed my condition and smiled.

"Well...Has Katrina been seducing you on the dance floor...I hope?"

"Jordan has agreed to a little fun Darling," She said. "Shall we go?"

"By all means," He replied. "I was hoping you would fall into her charms, Jordan. I think you're in for an enjoyable evening."

He paid the check and the three of us headed for the elevator. Their room was on the twelfth floor. As soon as the elevator door closed, Katrina pulled me in and fastened her lips to mine. Her tongue danced around my lips and met my tongue in a sexy duel.

I felt a hand squeeze my ass. Since both of Katrina's were around my neck, it had to be Spencer. His free hand reached between Katrina and me to feel my hard cock.

"Mmmmmm," He sighed, "Darling, I think maybe it's YOU who is about to enjoy the evening."

Thank goodness the hallway was deserted as we left the elevator and walked to their room. My cock was tenting my pants obscenely. Katrina reached back and groped it, smiling at Spencer.

"I think you're right Dear," She gasped, "I can't WAIT to see this in the open!"

Once we were inside, Spencer locked the door, and motioned for me to sit on the large sofa.

Katrina said, "If you gentlemen will excuse me, I think I'll freshen up and slip into something more comfortable."

When she had disappeared into the bedroom. Spencer put his hand on my knee and said in a low voice, "You will enjoy Katrina, I'm sure. She is quite...'vocal' in bed."

His hand traveled up my leg until it was resting over my erection. He squeezed it saying, "From what I feel here, she's going to enjoy YOU." He rubbed the outline of my cock, causing me to moan. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his hand.

"Katrina and I occasionally like to invite a third party into our bed...Usually another man. My...Err...My Stamina isn't what it used to be. I have a tendency to cum faster than I would like to and that pretty well finishes me for the evening. Katrina has a need for...More than one climax to satisfy her."

I could see a fairly nice looking bulge in Spencer's trousers now, and I was curious to see it. I hoped to get a taste of it too.

"Since you don't seem to mind my groping you, maybe you will let me...Ah...'indulge' myself a little?" He asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all," I replied. My hips were starting to move under his hand.

Spencer unzipped my fly and reached in to remove my straining cock from the confines of my briefs.

"Ah...How nice," He whispered, "Mind if I have a quick taste?"

Seeing no resistance from me, he moved down to slurp the head of my dick into his mouth and began slowly working his way down the shaft, licking the underside with his tongue. He was very talented at sucking cock and I responded with a long sigh.

"Mmmmmm...That feels good," I groaned. I was leaking precum and he was swallowing every drop.

"My, My," Katrina said as she appeared. "I'm glad Spencer has kept you...'entertained'. Save some for me Darling."

She was wearing a short, almost transparent short gown that came to mid thigh. Her nipples were visible through the thin garment, and the dark triangle between her legs was visible through the matching panties.

She was standing in a very seductive pose, hands on her hips and one leg slightly crooked at the knee. Her legs were still firm and shapely and tapered down into small delicate ankles and feet. She had a sexy smile on her face as she watched my cock disappear into her husband's mouth.

Spencer pulled off my wet cock and gazed at his lovely wife. "Ah, my Dear," He said,"You look absolutely Ravishing."

"Thank you Darling," She cooed, "Now...If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow Jordan for a while." She started walking...Actually more like slinking...Toward us.

"He's all yours...For NOW," He replied as he arose. "I'll just take a quick shower and then I'll join you two."

Katrina moved to take his place beside me and took my rigid cock in her hand. "Mmmmmm...It looks and good as I thought it would. Now to see if it TASTES as good as it looks.

Her mouth encompassed the head and I groaned as her tongue teased the tiny slit, and circled the sensitive head. Her small hand grasped it at the base and stroked me as she tortured the head.

"Ahhhhh...Oh Yeah Baby, " I moaned, "That's nice...Ooooo...Your tongue feels wonderful."

She worked at bringing me to the brink several times, stopping just as I was about to go screaming over the edge.

"Ohhh...Ohhh...Oh Yes...Mmmmm!" I groaned as I reluctantly pushed her off me throbbing dick. "I think it's about time I got a taste of YOU."

Katrina stood up and gazed down at me for a moment. With a smile on her puffy lips, she slowly pulled the gown open, baring her breasts and let it slide to the floor. She was now naked, except for the thin panties.

Her tits had just the slightest sag, but still stood out proudly. Her large areolas were a dark pink...Almost red, and they were capped by a rigid nipple set in the exact center of each globe.

Her stomach was still flat and her hips a little wide, but tapering into beautifully firm thighs. Her pubic mound was covered with dark hair, showing some grey and was neatly trimmed. She was wet and her triangle glistened with her juices.

Once again she posed, whispering, "Like what you see Jordan?"

"Oh Yes," I hissed, "I like very MUCH!"

"Then SHOW me," She said in a husky voice. "Show me!"

I stood up and took her into me arms. My lips mashed hers in a hot open mouthed kiss and my hands cupped her ass, pulling her mound against my cock.

Katrina's arms went around my neck and her tongue invaded my mouth. She moaned throatily as she sucked on my tongue and ground her pussy against my crotch.

Pulling away, she unbuckled my belt and shoved my trousers down to my ankles. She almost tore my shirt off and she hastily undressed me. I was now as naked as she...Clad only in my briefs...My raging boner sticking out one of the leg openings.

I slipped my hands under the back of her panties and squeezed her ass, letting my fingers separate her cheeks.

"Quick," She moaned, freeing her mouth, "The bedroom!" She dragged me by the hand into the spacious room and guided me to the bed.

I could hear the shower running and figured Spencer would be joining us soon.

I wanted some of Katrina's pussy before he arrived, so I pushed her gently onto the bed. She raised her hips as I tugged at her panties, pulling them down and off her lovely legs. Her pussy invited me to explore...Her puffy lips shining with her juices...Her clit swollen and begging for attention.

Skipping any further preliminaries, I stretched out between her thighs and buried my mouth in her dripping cunt.

"Ayiieee...Ohhhh," She screamed and her first orgasm ripped through her. My mouth and chin felt the gush of her sweet juices, and I lapped them up.

"Oh...Oh God Jordan...Eat me...Oh Yessss...Eat me," She hissed as her hands covered my ears and held me there. She hunched her hips, rubbing her wet pussy over my face. I pointed my tongue and drove it as deep as I could into her steaming cauldron. My nose was mashed against her throbbing clit and I slewed my face from side to side, rubbing the little man in the boat. My lips and tongue were torturing her inner tunnel, bringing on more of her sweet nectar.

Katrina was babbling incoherently and thrashing her head from side to side. Her hands left my face to grab handfuls of the bed sheet and her hips were rotating frantically and I felt her cum again, washing my face with more of her juices.

My cock was so hard, it hurt...I couldn't stand it any longer. I scooted up on my knees and put my hands under her ass, raising her pussy up. She raised up on an elbow and grasped my cock, placing it at her dripping entrance.

Looking me directly in the eyes, she groaned, "Give it to me Jordan...NOW...ALL of it!"

I slammed into her with all my might. Her eyes rolled up and her head fell back...Her mouth open.

Finally, she let out a long groan and locked her legs around my waist.

"Yessss...Oh Yesssss...Fuck me...Fuck me Jordan...Shove your big hard cock in me and FUCK ME!"

Our bodies found a rhythm quickly and we humped frantically. Katrina screamed as a third orgasm overtook her. Her eyes locked onto mine and she stared into them, an almost unbelieving look on her face.

"Damn," She groaned, "You've made me cum THREE times already and you're still hard! What kind of a diet are you ON?"

"A diet of sweet pussy...YOUR'S Baby!" I managed to get out between grunts as I plowed her cunt. "You've got me so hot and your pussy feel SO good, I just may fuck you ALL NIGHT!" I emphasized my point with another powerful thrust.

"Unnnggh...Oh My GOD...Unnnggh...You would KILL me...Ohhhhhh...I'll die smiing though...Oooofff"

Spencer came into the room just then and Katrina waived him over. His cock was hard, about 6 inches and cut. It was veiny and stood out from a thick mat of grey hair that covered his balls too. His chest had a thick matt of the same grey hair and a treasure trail ran down his stomach to his cock. He had just a small paunch, but still looked in good shape. His legs were also covered in hair and very firm. Both he and Katrina must spend a lot of time working out.

Katrina reached for his dick and pulled him by it until she could get it in her mouth. He groaned and pumped his hips, fucking her mouth.

The sight was so erotic, that I almost blew my load. I managed to hold off...Just barely and resumed a steady succession of long smooth strokes. My cock was making very loud wet sounds as it slid into her slick pussy. Every time I hit bottom, I would rotate my hips, giving Katrina a different sensation..

After the three of us were getting close, Katrina let the cock slip out of her mouth and said, "Darling, let me see you suck Jordan. You can taste ME on his dick!"

Spencer looked at me and I just shrugged. I hated to leave the wonderful warmth of Katrina's pussy, but I WAS their guest.

When my dick slid out, it was dripping with her juices. Spencer licked up and down the shaft, cleaning every drop of her sweet cum off me, then he swallowed my cock and began bobbing rapidly on it.

Katrina went back to sucking on Spencer's throbbing cock, so I decided to get another taste of her. I bent over and swabbed her bush with my tongue, tasting her juices, then burrowing into her depths. I sought her clitoris and, finding it, covered it with my mouth. I sucked on the swollen little nub and slid a finger up her tunnel.

She let out a muffled scream around Spencer's dick and orgasmed yet again...FOUR! Her hands beat against my head as she tried to get away from my fingers and mouth.

Spencer gasped, "Oh God...I'm cumming...I'm cumming."

I could see his ass cheeks clenching as his cum spurted into Katrina's mouth. She swallowed several times as she got every drop.

When he finished, he pulled his limp dick out with a wet 'POP'...breathing hard.

Katrina looked at my rock hard dick. When I moved back toward her, she backed up giggling. "God...No MORE Jordan...I can't cum any more...You've drained every once out of me. I'm gonna be walking funny for a week."

Seeing the frustration on my face, Spencer said, "I can take care of you Jordan. I want your cock in my ass. Let ME make you cum!" He got up onto his hands and knees and raised his ass. He was facing the side of the bed, so I stood on the floor behind him. He reached back and spread his ass with his hands and whispered hoarsely, "Go ahead, put it IN me!"

"This won't take very long," I warned. I stepped up to him and put the head of my dick against his hole and pushed. I sank into him easily and my hips banged against his butt.

"Ooooo...Damn That feels HUGE in there!" He gasped. "OK Jordan...Fuck me!"

I withdrew, wound up and let him have all 7 inches...'WHAM'. He grunted and backed up begging for MORE. I was not about to try to hold off any longer, so I started long dicking him as hard as I could.

Katrina watched fascinated as my cock plunged in and out of her husband's ass. "Oh yeah...Give it to him Jordan!" She urged. "Does it feel as good as being in my pussy?"

Actually, it felt even better...Tighter, and he really knew how to use his inner muscles to milk my dick. I wasn't about to let HER know that. "You BOTH feel wonderful!" I gasped as I pounded Spencer faster. That was completely true.

My climax wasn't to be denied any longer. "Mmmmmm...I'm gonna cum Spencer...I'm...Oh YEAH!" I started spurting and almost passed out from the intensity. Shot after shot blasted his chute. Cum was starting to leak from his ass as my hips kept slamming against him.

I though for a while I was never going to stop, but it finally slowed and began to dribble a last few drops.

Katrina leaned over to kiss Spencer, then raised up to fasten her succulent lips to mine. The three of us lay in a heap...Katrina sandwitched between us. My soft cock lay between her ass cheeks and she wiggled it against me, making me groan.

I slapped her cute little ass, bringing a surprised yelp. "You're not playing FAIR...I couldn't get it up again right now if my LIFE depended on it. I need at least a couple of hours to recharge.

"Then you'll just have to stay HERE until you DO 'recharge'," Katrina teased. I want some MORE of that cock of yours.

"I'M definitely through, Spencer moaned. "You two will just have to carry on without me."

We showered and then went back to bed, again cuddled together.

During the night, I was awakened by Katrina's insistent hand, jacking my dick and getting it hard. She was lying between Spencer and me, with her back to me. She raised her upper leg and scooted her hips back until she could get my cock in her. For the next thirty minutes, I fucked her slowly, making her cum twice more.

As the dawn broke, She pushed me over onto my back and straddled my hips. She slid down on my almost raw cock and rode me to another mind blowing climax, drawing out one more weak discharge from me.

The three of us had breakfast in the hotel dining room and parted company, but not before exchanging addresses and phone numbers.

"I've never found anyone who could match my appetite for sex Jordan," Katrina whispered as she kissed me goodbye. "You're the FIRST who ever wore ME out!"

"I may NEVER recover myself," I grinned.

Fianlly, I dragged myself back to my place, totally satiated...At least for a while. The weekend was only 36 hours away...Charlie...Beth...Greg...Oh MY!

End Of Part Thirteen. Part Fourteen to follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 14

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