After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 21, 2006


This story parallels the series 'Caribbean Cruise' in the Gay Male/Encounters section. It is my first attempt at writing a bisexual theme. I DO know what it feels like to make love to women, so I hope it comes across as the real thing. THIS story...OR stories, will be entirely fictional, even though it refers to some of the characters from the previous series. The story will portray sexual scenes between guys, men and women, and even possibly some lesbian references. Some acts will not be considered safe sex. Just remember to practice safe sex in real life.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part One

After we docked back in Miami, the time had come to part. Gerald and Betty were remaining for at least another week and had agreed to stay with me at my beach house. Mike and Julie had to return to Fort Worth immediately and so were not able to join us. However, they promised to keep in touch and said they would definitely visit sometime soon. The five of us agreed to take another cruise this same time period next year.

We bid them a fond farewell as they got into the chartered limo that would whisk them away to the airport, where a private plane owned by Mike's Father's ranch was waiting.

Since I was the only one who had driven my own car to the port, Gerald and Betty joined me for the short trip to my place. My regular home had been on the mainland, but I now owned a smaller beach house on one of the more secluded residential areas, just north of downtown Fort Lauderdale.

After my wife had been lost to a drunken driver, I couldn't stand to live in the house where so many memories remained. I had sold the house and had the smaller beach house built a little over a year ago. I say smaller...the beach house still had over 1800 square feet. It had two master suites, each with a private patio and a third bedroom that was smaller and didn't have it's own bathroom. A huge Great Room, and a nice pool and sauna combo completed the setup. The pool area was completely hidden from prying eyes.

I had contracted to have the place custom built with Florida's weather in mind. It sat over twenty feet higher than the level of the beach to protect it from storm surges. After all, Florida DOES get it's share of nasty hurricanes.

Gerald and Betty were impressed with the beauty of the surrounding area and commented on how much they liked the house. We unloaded and dropped their bags off in their room and all settled in on the main patio by the pool. I served some refreshing rum drinks and we sat reminiscing about the past week.

Before we knew it, darkness was approaching. The pool and patio area lights were on a timer and came on, illuminating the area in soft lights. We decided to go for a swim and, since it was so private...AND there was little we hadn't seen of each other, Gerald and I simply dropped our shorts and dove in completely naked.

Betty hesitated a moment, then shrugged, saying "What the Hell...Gerald has already seen me naked, and Jordan soon WILL, soooo...." Her shorts and halter top joined the pile of clothes and she stood there a moment to let us...ME, get a good look. At LAST...My fantasies were answered and I took in the sight.

Her tits were beautiful, like two hand-fulls of delight, standing firm and proud and tipped with light pink nipples and surrounded by large and slightly darker areolas. Her trim waist set off her breasts and her hips were nice and rounded. There was a small but thick bush of dark curly hair at the juncture of her thighs, neatly trimmed in a bikini cut and the lips of her cunt were visible, swollen from sexual excitement.

I was taking in the sight as she smiled and then plunged into the water to surface next to us. "Pull in your tongue, Jordan," She laughed, "You look like Garfield's pal Odie. You'll get your chance soon enough!"

I hadn't realized that my mouth had been hanging open and I quickly closed it, turning red. "Sorry Betty, " I mumbled. "I confess I have been fantasizing about what you would look like naked. I must say, the real thing is a hundred times better than my imagination."

"Oh, Wow!", She cooed. "Careful...flattery will get you everywhere!" Betty splashed water at me and took off in a smooth motion to swim the length of the pool.

Gerald and I watched Betty as she lapped the pool. He elbowed me and said, "Quite a gal isn't she?"

"She sure is. You are one lucky guy." Then I could help but ask, "Gerald...are you SURE you are all right with Betty's plans?" I mean...I don't know if I could stand for it in your place."

"Jordan," Gerald replied, "I know it may sound funny, but I don't feel threatened by you. Betty and I are very much into each other. What she has in mind is just sex...just pleasure...pleasure between two people who are friends. It's not the same as with her and me...Does that make any sense to you?"

"Well, I guess it does, when you put it like that. I'm sure flattered by the attention. I owe the two of you an awful lot. Before this cruise, I was basically just going through the motions day after day, without any real feelings. You and Betty...AND certainly Mike and Julie too...have shown me a reason to enjoy life again."

"Glad we could help," He answered, putting his arm around my shoulder. "But you know...WE got a lot of enjoyment out of it least Mike and I did. Now Betty wants to get a little of that enjoyment. I think you just MIGHT like it too!"

In spite of the cool water, my cock sprang to attention. Gerald noticed it through the crystal clear water and reached to grasp it softly and stroke it. "Looks like you're starting to get the picture."

He guided me to the edge of the shallow end of the pool, and sat me on the edge of the pool. Holding my cock in one hand, he licked the tip a few times, then went down slowly on the shaft.

Betty saw what was going on and moved closer to watch her husband suck me. "My, My," She whispered, "I can see what Gerald was talking about. Mmmmm...Take care of him Baby...that looks so nice."

I was too far gone to object to being the center of attention. I couldn't believe I was sitting there, being sucked by Gerald while Betty watched fascinated. "Ooooo...Ahhhhh...Mmmmm...That feels so good Gerald," I croaked.

After a few more minutes, Gerald pulled off my cock and looked at Betty. "Want some Honey?" He asked. Betty moved in closer, eyes locked on the glistening piece of hard meat between my legs.

I watched speechless as she moved between my legs and grasped my dick in her small, soft hands. "Mmmm...I've been thinking about this since the first time Gerald told me about you and him. She lowered her head and took the head of my cock between her pouty lips, swirling her tongue around the sensitive surface.

"Ghaaaa...Oh," I hissed. "God Betty...Oh...Oh...Please...Don't...Don't stop!" My head fell back on my shoulders as I surrendered to the unbelievable pleasure.

Gerald moved in behind his beautiful wife and began running his hard cock back and forth between her legs. "Oh Yeah Baby," He grunted. "Show him what you can do."

Betty moaned around my dick as Gerald's cock began searching for the sweet slick lips of her cunt. Her mouth took my cock all the way and her nose was buried in my bush. At the same time Gerald slid his dick into her completely, and he began lustily fucking her while she started bobbing on my cock.

"Mmmmmppphh...Mmmm...Ooffff...Unnngggh," Betty groaned as the cock in her pussy plowed her sweet spot.

"Ahhhh....Yesss, Baby...Yesss...Take my cock in your sweet pussy," Gerald murmured, "Squeeze my that...Ahhhh...Your little pussy is so tight and hot...Jordon's gonna LOVE being in it!"

"Ohhhhh...Betty, Babe," I moaned, "You're driving me crazy with your mouth. Please don't're gonna make me cum sweet Baby...I'm gonna cum...Unnggghh...Unnggghh...Yeah!"

Betty's moans grew louder as Gerald's cock was bringing her to climax also. I could see Gerald's face and knew he wasn't going to last much longer either.

I was the first to give it up, exploding into Betty's mouth. She tightened her lips around the shaft and sucked harder, milking me for every last drop.

When I was done, she pulled off my cock to scream, "Oooooo...BABY...I'm there...I'm cumming...Give me your big cock...NOW, Baby...NOW...NOW...NOW!" Her head went back and she bit her bottom lip as I watched her butt wiggle rapidly.

""Unnnh...Unnnh...Yess, Baby," Gerald cried out, "Take it...You're making me cum...Cumming...Cumming in your sweet pussy...Urrrgh...Urrrgh!" His hips jerked rapidly, then froze as cum boiled out of his nuts and shot from the tip of his cock, filling Betty's pussy to overflowing.

He gave a few more jerks, then collapsed against Betty's back. She lay her head in my lap, holding on to my softening cock and kissing the sensitive tip.

Finally, the three of us dragged ourselves out of the pool and flopped naked into the chairs around the patio table. As soon as I felt my legs would support me, I dragged myself over to the bar and fixed us all a strong shot of rum. We relaxed, trying to regain our breath as we sipped the smooth Cayman Rum.

"Wow!" Betty said, letting out a deep breath.

"Wow is RIGHT1" Gerald seconded.

"I don't think 'Wow' quite covers it guys," I replied. "That was...UN-Fuckin' BELIEVABLE!"

The three of us laughed at that and the rest of the evening passed quickly. We enjoyed a light meal as the lights danced on the surface of the pool. Somewhere around midnight, the three of us headed for our respective rooms. I don't know about Gerald and Betty, but I fell asleep exhausted, with a hell of a grin on my face.

End Of Part One. Part Two to follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 2

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