After Game Night

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Jan 20, 2022


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Somehow Nick and I got it together, and were able to actually drag everything into the cabin... starting with the food, so we didn't all end up with a weekend of food poisoning.

When we were done, we made ourselves a couple of Dagwood sandwiches and plopped down on the couch to refuel. Throw in a couple of beers, and we were in excellent shape. As we chowed down, I remarked, "This is a great place. I can't believe you were able to get it... especially on Labor Day weekend!"

Nick smiled smugly. "Truth is, I've had this in the bag for a while. It's my uncle's. My cousin and his wife just had a baby, and I knew everyone was going out to Seattle this weekend. I checked with my uncle and he's fine with me using it--we do family stuff here all the time. But my mom hates camping, so I knew they wouldn't be staying." Nick paused, and looked around wistfully. "They totally redid the place like 5 years ago, and it's a hell of a lot nicer. Lots of good memories here."

"I dunno... I have some fond memories here and I've only been here a couple hours."

Nick's grin broadened considerably. "That's been the plan! It was a calculated bet that I could bring Game Night here, and work it so we could get some time alone. Again, in a pinch, no one would have to bunk with anyone else, but...."

"No, I get it," I responded. "I love that devious mind of yours. That dirty, devious mind!"

Nick gave me a shit-eating grin that lit up the room. Shit. I swear I could feel a tingle in my crotch as he did so. The man had gotten me good.

I could tell something else... by the look in his eye, I had gotten him good, too. He looked down briefly, then caught my gaze again. "Buck, I don't suppose...."

I assumed where he was going, and impatient to get there myself. "Nick, I'm so fucking horny for you right now I can't take it. You're making my balls ache."

Nick's eyes, already bright, lit up like sparklers. "C'mon!"

I had to chuckle... male-male seduction at its finest!

It was still hours before anyone else was supposed to show up, but on the off chance someone got an early start unexpectedly, we very deliberately went into the bedroom and shut the door. And then, the pair of us grinning like Cheshire cats, we lunged at each other and made out.

Fuuuuuuck. That kiss.

It was funny; despite my initial squeamishness, I had really grown to love kissing Nick. We had started kissing only in the throes of passion, but this was... deeper. The desperate edge of sexual need we had earlier had burned off slightly; enough so we could take our time in sharing this arousing, intimate gesture.

It was so different from kissing a woman. Harder, deeper, rougher, and a hell of a lot sloppier. We didn't feel like we had to be on our best behavior, or be "civilized" or anything. His stubble hit me in ways I had never imagined. His hands came up, and soon he was holding my face with both hands. His mouth was warm, insistent. And his tongue danced with mine, sharing and teasing. I could feel my excitement rise.

And standing close like that, I could definitely feel his excitement rising... and poking me. God.

No matter how many loads of spunk that man got out of me, there was always another load building. Our bodies reacted; sexual energy flowing through us. My hands started roaming everywhere across him, rubbing hard against his back, shooting up his spine and giving me a chance to drag my fingers through his hair. Still our lips were locked, as we leaned into each other, mouthing each other and groaning at the sensation. Our breaths started coming in explosive gasps as we mouth-mauled each other.

Nick was the first to break our kiss, sliding to work his mouth along my neck, up to my ear. Fuuuuuuck. The scour of his scruff was softened by the wet track of saliva he left behind. I let loose a rattling blast of gasps as my skin fucking came alive, and my head rolled limply as he worked his magic. Fuck. That man knew all my spots.

I was fucking on. With a mighty push, I swept Nick backwards and threw him onto the bed, then got on top of him and fucking went after him. My mouth on his neck, licking and suckling him hungrily.

There, my nose pressed in close behind his ear, I got a full breath of Nick's scent. A scent I knew unconsciously--all guys have a scent, and if you hang around them long enough you start to pick it up. Not BO, not sweat, not even his ball-musk, just... his scent. It was... personal. Intimate. And fucking masculine as hell.

And breathing it in shot me all the way to 11.

Still straddling him, I sat up, and with a quick movement pulled my T-shirt over my head. Nick eyed my chest greedily, and from his prone position did the same. And I pounced. That naked, hairy chest did a number on me and I had to have it. I leaned back down and started working his skin with my mouth, dragging my scraggly chin across him and lapping at him with my tongue. I loved suckling at his hairy nipples, and I knew from his growls he appreciated the attention. He playfully ran his fingers through my hair. From there I worked my way up to his hairy pit, rich with his masculine scent. My tongue went into overdrive, and I could feel his body unconsciously respond. He breathed out a heavy, "Fuck yeah man....mmmmngh...." He arched his neck back and growled "Gawd DAMN you play me like a fiddle!"

I shut him up with a heavy kiss, our tongues playing fast and hard together in his mouth.

But this was the warm up. I pulled back, then mouthed my way down his body straight to his cock. Fucking-God-Damn. It never ceased to amaze me how much I loved sucking him... and how sucking him sent my senses into overdrive. The heady musk of his balls. The tang-taste. The way his dick filled my mouth. The skin-on-skin feel as his hands freely roamed my head and shoulders. The sound of the appreciative growls my bud made as I worked him over. It was fucking heaven.

And most of all, that... weird sense of pride I felt that we were sharing the core of his masculinity. That he trusted me, and knew I could give him the ride of his life. There was a fucking connection between us, that no woman could ever have or understand.

I fucking went to town on his cock like it was the end of world. I sucked down hard on his cockhead, giving rapid up-and-down bobs to get his attention. The pressure of my lips sliding hard on the edge of his cockhead sparked Nick to give up and explosive gasp. He grabbed my head and tried to drive in deeper, and I started mouth-fucking him hard, sliding as far down his shaft as I could go.

I could feel him reaching the back of my throat, and I decided to try something I had been thinking about for a while now. I wanted to swallow him down to the base. I wanted his entire cock... the Entire. Fucking. Thing. And so, after working him over for a good long while, I shifted positions and straddled him like we were 69ing, my ass towards his face. But before he could take advantage of me, I went down on him fast. Deep. When he got as far down as he could go, I steeled myself, said a mental prayer... and swallowed.

Oh. Holy. Fuck.

It felt totally surreal, and for a minute, terrifying. It worked, and his dick was now sliding further into my throat than anything ever had before. It was a Fucking. Surreal. Rush. I couldn't believe it, my nose was crammed against his hairy balls, my lips at the root of his dick. I held there, unable to believe it... and unable to breathe. A million things were ripping through my mind...

...and I realized Nick was howling and thrashing as if he was being torn about by wild boars. I could barely make out human words among the animal screams, but I think he was having a religious moment: "OHGODGODGODGOD-GAAAAAAAAAAWWWWD-UUUUUNGH!!!"

It only lasted a moment, and I had to rather explosively disengage... throwing myself off and trying to somehow cough and gag at the same time. Nick rolled over and grabbed my shoulders, saying, "You ok man?" I nodded, and coughed one more time. Nick broke out into the biggest, goofiest grin and said, "Holy fucking shit! You fucking did it! You deepthroated me! Oh my fucking God that was amazing. Sit back man... I owe you!"

Then as I got my bearing back, Nick unleashed the biggest, most glorious assault of oral extravaganza I had ever experienced. Driven by insane lust, he fucking mauled my chest, shifting between gnawing, teething, sucking, and souring me. Rapid-fire, hard, and sweeping. In seconds I was drenched in his spit, and my own sweat.

He fucking manhandled my balls, sucking them hard into his mouth, rolling them, grinding hem hard with his hands, just this side of pain.

He went after my dick so hard I thought he was going to rip it off, sucking me so hard I was sure my cockhead had a hickey.

He lifted and threw back my hips, and then fucking raped my ass with his tongue. His mouth was everywhere, sucking my pucker hard, giving hard laps up and down my crack. To my shock, he hauled off and slapped my exposed ass check, then went after the spot with his mouth, soothing the red hand-print with his suckling mouth, and rubbing it raw with his stubble.

All of this was happening so hard I had no time to adjust, no time to think, no time... for anything but howling like a banshee as my body bucked wildly against him, my back arching off the bed.

When I couldn't take any more, he once again took on my cock, sending me into the stratosphere. The intensity continued, as he sucked me down hard, and mouth-fucked me fast. Then he grabbed my shaft, and stroked m deep and in synch with his mouth. It was too much, too fast, and I could feel my balls clench as I approached blast-off... but suddenly Nick pulled off. So fast that my primed-and-ready dick slapped against my stomach.

As I felt the rush die away, I blurted out, "What the fuck dude, I was ready to shoot!"

"Not quite yet," Nick smirked. He slid his body up toward my head, grabbed my face, and fed me his rock-hard cock.

Too dazed to do anything else, I swallowed as much of him as I could, and resumed blowing him. Even in my frustration, I loved what I was doing, noting the strange slick-sweet taste of his precum as I worked his head. I grabbed his hips with both hands and sucked him down, again and again. Overwhelmed with the sensations, he pitched forward, so that he was supporting his weight on his hands against the headboard as he throat-fucked me. My fingers dug deep into his ass cheeks. Fuck it was hot.

He changed things up again, sliding forward so that as I laid there he was essentially sitting on my face, grinding his hairy ass back and forth, forcing me to eat him out. I fucking loved it, feeling him rub his butt all over me, my tongue reaching up desperately to connect. His scent filling my nose.

My dick was hard enough to cut diamonds... throbbing, screaming for attention.

Fortunately, Nick had plans for that.

He pushed back from my face, and with a cat-like movement grabbed the nearby lube. He squirted a glob into his hands, and then reached behind him and started smearing it on my cock. The pressure of his grip, and the slickness of the lube created an amazing feel--a preview of getting deep inside him. We started at each other, each seeing how much the other needed this.

Then Nick sat back and impaled himself on my cock.


That first penetration always did a number on me, as that velvet grip made every nerve ending in my cock sing with joy. It also did a number on Nick; I could see his whole body shudder and his eyes roll back. He grabbed his head, his fingers raking his hair, his hairy pit flashing open. He let out stream of vulgarities.

And we fucked. And fucked. And FUCKED. He bounced hard against me, bucking up and down trying to get my cock inside deeper. I pushed up with everything I had. The fucking tightness. The wet, fucking tightness. I reached up and clawed at his hairy chest... God, he felt so FUCKING GOOD.

Nick changed it up, switching to a rocking motion that ground those hairy ass cheeks against me as he moved forward and back, forward and back. The change opened new pressure points against my dick, milking it at making my skin ripple with electricity. Best of all, he started rhythmically squeezing his ass, tightening the pressure. Then back to bouncing, and bouncing hard. Oh GOD there was nothing but my dick and his ass. The friction... the fucking FRICTION. He was setting me off all over again, and I could feel my balls reading to fire....

And then GOD DAMN IT he pulled off me. I snarled in desperation as the rage-fire building inside me died down again. I was too far gone to say anything... I could only slam my head back down against the bed in frustration.

But then I felt what Nick had in mind.

Barely aware of anything, I suddenly felt him shift up my hips, and in a second he plowed his hard cock into me, balls deep. His pubes grinding against my stretched-out hole. All I could do was howl.

Then the fucker started fucking the shit out of me. Barking out animal sounds with each thrust.

I mean, he fucking plowed me, maximum drive, maximum depth. Immediately my body responded. Coming alive. After a second my pucker relaxed and made out to welcome the invader. My ears started roaring and I could feel my entire body ignite like a Roman candle into white, shimmering light. He bent down and started kissing me savagely, and I responded in kind. Purely on instinct. He was relentless, and with each thrust I swear I felt his flared mushroom head hitting my prostate like it was striking a gong. Electric energy and a wave of superhuman pleasure rolled through me.

And all too soon it was over. I could feel Nick's body start to shudder, and his sounds grew into a single unmistakable wail. With a final scream, he exploded inside me, flooding my guts with a wash of cum.

But we weren't done. Not by a long shot.

In my own hormonal rage, I threw Nick off me, rolled him onto his belly and hoisted him up so he was on his hands and knees... ready to be breed like a rabid dog.

And that's what I did. No technique, no comfort, no friendship... just fucking him from behind. I loved it--I could go as deep as I wanted. And I fucked him. Fucked him hard enough to rub my dick raw. Still coming down from blowing his load, Nick had nothing more to give, but in my hunger I took it anyway. I slammed him again and again and AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. The headboard smacked against the wall. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. Nick screamed his fucking lungs out. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. And then I fucking came.

I shot so hard into him I think my spunk came blasting out his mouth.

All the frustration of pent-up energy exploded, in one of the biggest loads I've ever shot. It was a nuclear explosion of a cum shot, that left every muscle in my body drained. I swear, I almost felt like tears had run down the corner of my eyes.

Nick and I collapsed, not even trying to untangle our bodies. And when I could, I kissed him so hard, so gratefully that I think I had tears in my eyes again.

That was pretty much it for us. We dragged our asses up to make sure the place was presentable, cleaned ourselves up and then re-crashed on the bed... trying to catch a quick nap before the guys showed up. I was spent, and I know Nick felt the same. Don't get me wrong, I never felt so alive in my life, but after the fucking we put ourselves through, I barely had enough strength to twiddle my thumbs. We went down into a deep, dreamless sleep. I mentally kicked myself as I drifted off--this was my first chance to sleep with Nick, but even so I didn't have the strength to cuddle.

The rest of the guys showed up pretty much on time in the late afternoon. We got them squared away, then opened up the adult beverages. Nick and I stuck to beer, but Greg, Rick and Dave started doing some serious damage to a bottle of scotch I had brought for the occasion. Nick impressed us by throwing some steaks on the grill--ribeye, no less!--and Greg set up the evening's game.

All in all, it was a great time. A really great time. The guys were fully relaxed, and knowing there were no job obligations, no wife obligations, no kid obligations, there was a charge to the overall atmosphere. We were fucking living loud. The snark flew fast, the humor sunk low, and we were fully in our element.

The masculinity on display was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I knew this was the norm among the crew on some level, but seeing it all play out that night was like a revelation. The room was a study in bravado... fierce competitiveness that only slightly masked a far deeper well of bedrock camaraderie. And it wasn't just the interpersonal dynamics. Their movements were a study of manliness in action. Even the guys' gestures reeked of manly bearing--alternately crisp and tight, and vast and sprawling, they... filled the room. Hell, in everything we did we filled the room. We claimed our space, and you could just fucking deal with it. We were... uninhibited. Unshackled. Guys ready to take on the world, and leave our mark on it.

Most of all, I couldn't keep my eyes off Nick. He especially was in rare form... in a league of his own. But there was more to it. Standing there in his rustled hair, his day-old stubble, he was so... strong. So self-assured. So fucking masculine. Like masculine poetry given human form. I loved the way his muscled body filled out his T-shirt. The way his guffaws fucking filled the room, not giving a shit about propriety. It was stunning to watch his essential cockiness, but seeing it layered over a broad, sweeping hugeness of soul. He personally filled the room. He radiated a fundamental strength and vitality, as if he could hoist the entire world on his shoulders. The world was built by guys like him.

He was King of the World.

At one point, he flashed me an absolutely unbounded smile, and my heart fucking danced.

Thank God Nick and I had been able to burn off some testosterone earlier... as it was, I was in a hormonal daze just thinking about him. I can't imagine how hard it would have been to keep my cool if I hadn't already shot all those loads.

In the end, we didn't get through an entire game that night. The game Greg had chosen was supposed to take 2-3 hours of game play, but the creators didn't think about how five guys somewhat schnookered from gallons of booze would respond. Realizing that we were having too many bouts of alcohol-induced "analysis paralysis," we finally decided to call it a night.

I didn't mind in the least. In fact, Nick and I had quietly nursed our drinks so that we were still very much alert. This was the first chance I had to sleep all night with the guy. And I wanted to savor it.

He felt the same.

The party broke up and we all went to our respective rooms, with a few passing shots warning me to not let Nick get to handsy. I laughed--I knew it was more than his hands I needed to watch out for.

We got into our room, and decided to be daring. We made no pretense about what was to come, with both of us stripping down and sliding naked between the sheets. We were quiet as church mice as we listened for the guys to settle down and go to sleep. Fortunately, both the master suite's bathroom and the main bathroom were between our bedroom and the other sleeping quarters, so as long as we kept things moderately quiet, we would be fine.

But the way Nick consistently made me howl, I knew it was still going to be a tall order.

As we laid there waiting for things to quiet down, Nick reached out and rubbed his open palm against my stubbled jaw. "Jesus fucking Christ. You're one hot motherfucker. You know that?"

I smirked. "You only say that `cause I know how to fuck the cum out of you."

"Fuck you. You don't even know how to cum unless my dick shows you the way."

I gently reached down and started massaging his balls. "I never thought I'd say it, but being around the pack of idiots all night actually got me hotter for you."

Nick gave me a cheeky grin. "We all must be giving off pheromones or something."

"We're giving off something, that's for sure. Jesus. Thank God we didn't have beans for dinner."

Nick snickered, then got all philosophical. "It's weird that for so many years I ran away from anything 'masculine' in bed. If a woman had hairy pits, hairy legs... fuck, I would never have been able to get it up. If she shaved her pussy, she couldn't keep me away. If she was too loud, it just seemed fake. But all that is what I love about fucking around with you. All that shit. And yes... even your rank, nose-burning smell. Fucking pig."

I looked at him. Really looked at him. "Yeah. I don't get it either. But it's real. You've opened my mind. And for every idiot guy out there who thinks butt sex is nasty, that guy sex is somehow less than nothing, I wanna say 'just fucking do it!' Let yourself go! I mean, straight sex is awesome; but if they try the dark side, they will never go back!"

Nick had a.... peculiar look on his face as he responded: "Well, I never want to go back." His hand slid between my legs and stroked me. Not gently... purposefully. I leaned in to kiss him.

As absolute silence finally fell on the cabin, we... well, we fucking connected. Lying close, we started making out, our hands drifting lazily around each other. Our rock-hard cocks entwined like dueling swords, poking through each other's bushes.

I just... well, not to sound all high and mighty, but I fucking reveled in his touch. We had all the time in the world, and just lazily drank each other in. No sound but the wet noises of our kiss. I was alive with the touch of his skin and the rough brush of his hair. We had held back on getting shitfaced because we wanted to feel this, but we had drunk enough to still feel a warm buzz that washed over us like tropical waterfall. Between the booze and the hormones, everything had a... well, a kind of glow.

I have no idea how long we were at it, or all the ways we explored each other. Time dragged in our hormonal haze. The next thing I knew, I was on my side. He lifted my leg slightly, and then he was inside me. Filling me. Setting my guts on fire. His mouth pressed wetly against my neck. His rock-hard dick massaging me from the inside and making my body sing.

His dick inside me set off electricity throughout my body; his full-on naked kiss set off a... a heat. A powerful, glorious heat. If it wasn't such a blow to my male ego, I'd swear I melted.

He fucked me slowly. It was sensual. Yet it was still driven, relentless... his thrusts were deep, as deep as he'd ever gone. But what stayed with me was the electricity of his touch... his touch everywhere. I could feel Nick's hairy chest locked tight against my back, gliding against me with the slickness of our shared sweat. The feel of his hairy legs wrenching mine apart as he split me open. The pressure of his mouth as he ranged freely against my neck. The warmth of his tongue as lapped against my ears, then lifted my arm and slurred it as best he could through my hairy pit. The steel of his hands as they wrapped around me and roamed freely through the wiry hair of my chest, massaging my nipples. All the while, his dick fucking filled me, setting off fireworks.

Then, he slowly brought his hand to my mouth and I sucked desperately on his fingers. When they were good and wet from my spit, he then brought them down, dragging through the hair on my belly on the way to meeting my own hard cock, which he jacked gently in time with his thrusts.

And all the time, the insistent, sucking feel of his dick as it pistoned inside me. Each thrust setting off a new round of fireworks.

I have no idea how long we fucked. He wasn't pile driving me, but the intensity was still there... this was nothing less than an All-Male Fuck-A-Thon. The slow steady friction of it all had the hair on my arms and neck standing on edge; and as wave after wave of shattering light sloshed through me, I completely surrendered to him. Some hidden muscle must have relaxed, because I swear I felt him go further inside me. Further than I thought possible.

The light inside me continued to build and I bit down hard on the pillow to muffle any sounds. Nick's breathing shifted to outright panting right next to my ear, and I knew he was close. The light was blinding me from the inside; the fireworks were going off all at once, wiping out everything else. I could barely breathe, and my whole body started shaking. Nick tensed, clamping his mouth shut so hard he could only make a desperate gurgle-noise... and a new wetness filled me. Thinking about his cum splashing inside me put me over the edge; and as he bottomed out, I fucking blasted cum everywhere.

It felt like my whole body had just been turned inside out. Like I had just jumped off a cliff. The white light inside me went dark, and I drifted off hard into the deepest sleep I can ever remember.

I didn't dream... at least any dreams that I could remember. I remember at some point waking and drowsily wondering where I was. Nick's breathing, not quite a full-blown snore, caught my attention, and I gave a huge inward smile. Nick was still wrapped around me, his arms instinctively holding me tight. He was both protecting me and claiming me at the same time... I'm sure I'd done the same with my wife. No doubt, he'd done the same with his. I chuckled: yep, he was still 100% man.

We were sharing the ultimate gift of time and togetherness, and I was the luckiest bastard in the world. I drifted back to sleep.

The next time I awoke, it was for a very different reason. Somewhere back in the deep reptile-recesses of my brain, I registered something was going on... something amazing. And something I most definitely wanted to be awake for. Oh God.... fantastic feelings flooded me, and my eyes shot open... see I was on my back, and my good friend Nick was giving me a toe-curling blowjob.

I almost groaned out an enthusiastic acknowledgement; but I quickly remembered where we were, caught myself, and made more of an "urlp!" sound.

Nick slowwwwwwwly pulled his mouth back, letting my hard cock slap against my hairy torso. "Good morning, sunshine!" he whispered.

My mind barely back online, I hissed out the only word I could form: "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

Nick grinned. "My buddy is a poet. Let's see you write a sonnet about this." And with that, he went down on me again, sucking hard and slithering his tongue down my shaft as he went. This time, it was more than my toes that curled--my whole fucking body curled. He paused, then sucked his way back up again, holding just my cockhead in his mouth, with his tongue dancing around the tip.

I moaned softly, and finally formed coherent words: "Fuck man, you are so fucking good. What the everlasting fuck did I ever do to deserve this?"

Nick pulled back, and jacked me gently. He smiled and said, "Well, this specifically is for the last time you fucked me... I saw stars. I may have even seen Jesus--and you know when I did, Jesus high-fived me, then told me to get back in there and enjoy myself."

I scoffed, "Man, you are trying to get us thrown to Hell, aren't you?" Nick wagged his outstretched tongue at me, obscenely. I grabbed him, and forcefully hissed out, "Getcher ass over here, fucker. This is a two-person game."

Nick's smile broadened as he flipped his knee over my prone body, his hairy ass in my face. He went back down on my cock... and as his skilled, wet mouth went to work, I leaned in and started having my way with his butt.

Fuck. It was raw, it was sloppy, and neither of us cared one whit. I could fucking eat that hairy ass Every. Single. Day. and never get tired of it. It was so... raunchy, so taboo, so fucking masculine. I couldn't believe how turned on I got making out with his winking rosebud, scouring his tender skin with my scruff. His hole responded, opening for me as I tongue-fucked him as deep as I could. And I could feel how much he was loving it; the only thing that kept him from bellowing loud enough to rattle the windows was that he was gagging on a good seven inches of my cock.

I never wanted to stop, but I knew we didn't have much time. I had no idea how long before the other guys started to stir and wonder where we were. I pulled my face back and snarled, "I'm gonna fuck you."

I waited neither for an answer or consent--primal need had taken over. I rolled him roughly to the side, so he was lying on his back. I reached over to the nightstand to grab the lube, and liberally slathered it on my cock. I hauled up his hips, brushed his legs aside and kneeled between them. With one hard grunt, I speared him deep, causing him to gasp aloud. Before he could have any second thoughts, I grabbed his hips and drove my cock in, right up to my balls.

After bottoming out, I held there, waiting for his body to unclench. Then I remembered something from one of the first times we fucked... I gathered his right leg up, bent it at the knee, and then slowly brought his foot to my face. His eyes flung open as I gave a massive, vulgar lick down the length of it, and slowly started suckling his big toe.

Jesus fucking Christ... Nick just dissolved into putty. His eyes locked with mine, giving me a stare that was almost painful in its intensity. His mouth was making silent babble sounds, as my sucking intensified. I spat violently into my other hand, then reached down and started jacking his rock-hard cock. Despite all the cum we sprayed over the last 24 hours, his dick was gushing precum, which poured down his shaft, adding to the slickness.

And now that I had his complete attention, I started fucking the shit out of him. His right leg hooked over my shoulder, torquing his ass trench. I fucking loved it. And Nick's still-intense stare showed me that he was right there with me. I was in fucking heaven, as his ass muscles bore down on my cock, each thrust inside him a revelation.

Now I was King of the World.

So intent on my power strokes was I--so intent on keeping myself from letting loose a series of roars as I fucked him balls deep--that I didn't hear the steps coming toward the door. Too late, I heard the latch open, and the door open.

I turned in open-mouthed shock to see Greg casually throw the door open, and say:

"Hey guys, are you up yet? We... gotta...




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Next: Chapter 7

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